hecate-valentine - hobo insomniac
hobo insomniac

in my vincent valentine rebirth era🔮♎||paypal: HecateCrescent||18||Wattpad: golly-george

329 posts

My Mom: Why Are You Crying?

My mom: why are you crying?


My Mom: Why Are You Crying?
My Mom: Why Are You Crying?
My Mom: Why Are You Crying?

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More Posts from Hecate-valentine

3 years ago

Fenris: What has magic touched that it hasn't spoiled?!

My fem Hawke:

My fem Hawke: You.


Fenris: What Has Magic Touched That It Hasn't Spoiled?!

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3 years ago

A Little List of Witchy Ingredients That Are Toxic to Cats

A Little List Of Witchy Ingredients That Are Toxic To Cats

Generally speaking, pet safety is important when it comes to hoarding plants and herbs, and cats in particular have extremely finicky little digestive systems. They’re obligate carnivores, so you should pretty much assume that you should keep them out of your planty stuff just in general. But here’s a list of potential spell ingredients that are particularly hard on our little black cat friends:

garlic, chives, onions, leeks, & scallions 

This is probably the most toxic vegetable group to cats. Even a small amount eaten can make them very sick and affect their red blood cell count.


This can be a confusing one because German chamomile is generally safe for pets but English/Garden/True chamomile can cause a lot of problems for both cats and dogs, even sometimes allergic reactions.

st. john’s wort

This can give cats skin reactions if they rub against it.


It’s pretty well known that chocolate is really toxic to both cats and dogs.


This again depends on the type of lily, but honestly your best bet is to avoid all of them. Easter lilies in particular are extremely dangerous for cats. Even just breathing the pollen can cause kidney failure.

alcohol & raw dough

This is another where you’ll want to take your cat to the vet immediately if they ingest any because even small amounts of alcohol can be deadly. Raw doughs that contain yeast will basically become alcohol in their bellies.

lemongrass, mint, oregano, & tarragon

These ones aren’t as deadly but they will give your cat the shits.


Unfortunately your cat can’t toke, I know, this is a tragedy.

grapes & raisins

Can cause kidney failure.

bay leaf

Yes, our favorite banishing leaf will also banish your cat’s bowels. This is another diarrhea joke.

azaleas, daffodils, cyclamen, kalanchoe, oleander, tulip, hyacinth, & sago palm

These flowers and houseplants can also be deadly to cats. Generally speaking, if you have cats, you should always research a houseplant before bringing it into your home, because these guys will often find a way to munch on them. It’s also helpful to keep houseplants away from curious cat level.

pine needles

Pine needles aren’t really toxic to cats, but they’re dangerous for a cat to eat anyway because, well… they’re sharp and they could poke your cat’s insides if they swallow them. It’s grim to think about, so please be careful.

cloves and allspice

These are bad for your little friend’s liver.

essential oils

PLEASE keep your cat out of your oils. They should not be ingesting any of that. Even strong smells and smoke cleansing can be hard on them, so be careful if you’re burning anything with them in the room.

This is by no means an exhaustive list (I mean it, cats are just notoriously averse to plants), but I tried to cover some of the particularly dangerous and common ones. A good rule of thumb is to 1) always research the plants you have around the house and 2) just straight up try to keep your cat out of herbs and non-meat foods and stuff like that. It’s just better to play it safe with these nosy little beasts!

3 years ago

absolutely no one:

kaidan after getting married: i am a HUSBAND and this is whom i am HUSBAND to 

Absolutely No One:
3 years ago

What I Burn When I Need Help

Burning herbs can be more than just cleansing. It can help banish, invoke, encourage, invite, and much more. A lot of times, when I feel like I'm struggling with a specific issue (with myself or with what is around me), I find myself drawn to burning single herbs to help me get back into the headspace I need to be.

Cinnamon: When I feel like I'm falling behind in my shadow work, I burn a bit of a stick of cinnamon to help encourage healing and mindfulness.

Dried Apple Peel: Apples are symbols of friendship and love. When I feel particularly down on myself or lonely, burning apple peels can help invoke an increased sense of patience towards myself.

Pine Needles: Burning pine needles welcomes new beginnings and fresh starts. Super helpful for things like breakups, graduation, and repelling negativity.

Rice: A bit tricky to burn! I tend to hold two or three in tweezers ad just roast the ends for a moment or two and waft that little bit of smoke around my space. Burnt rice invites financial gain, and protects you from negative energies.

Rose Petals: Rose petals invoke soft, genuine feelings of love and appreciation.

Rose Thorns: On the other hand, burning rose thorns protects you from people who have terms for their love, and protects you from people who lie about their affections for you.

Rosemary: This herb encourages good health, and is helpful in strengthening memory when burnt. It's also effective as a shower/bath additive!

Tangerine Peel: I use tangerine peels because that's what I have, but orange peels work the same! Burning these citrus peels invites more energy into your space, and can be great for sleepy mornings and early morning college classes.

As always, practice in a cleansed environment and do your research! There are many, many things that can be burnt for great effects. Blessed Be! <3

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

3 years ago

Kaguya Evaluation

Kaguya Evaluation

As a character and the last "antagonist", there was something about her that struck a chord within me and it immediately resulted in me giving respect and admiration for her as a character. Out of all the Naruto villains I have seen, both Kaguya and Madara both stuck out the most, not just because of skill but because of the things they went through that resulted in them activating the Genjutsu, Infinite Tsukuyomi.

In my eyes, there is something about her character that was both eerie and comforting. She is truly hypnotizing to me. You see, she is one of (in my opinion) one of the most human villains in the show. She cried she fought, she loved, and she cared. She had an element that made me feel physically attached to her.

It is her heart. How she cried when seeing Naruto and Sasuke as her two sons. How little emotion she showed until her handmaid, Aino died and how she sought out peace to end the fighting. Being a celestial being, she was more human than the humans she encountered as s consort for Tenji.

And even after she activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi, she continued to care. Through converting the people in the tree to a White Zetsu army, I noticed her motives after many other Otsutsuki was introduced into the show. She wanted to protect Earth from her clan. She had motived that were born from her desire to protect Earth and the people she loved, such as her sons.

And even after she declared to Naruto and Sasuke that she hated Hamura and Hagoromo, she still cried. The feeling of a loving mother never changes, even if the world is against her. In my eyes, Kaguya is a respectful individual who wanted to protect the people of Earth from her clan. Let's get into that.

The Otsutsuki Doctrine dictates that clan members consume the life energy and genetic material of other worlds to continuously evolve, with the ultimate goal of attaining godhood.

For countless eons, the ĹŚtsutsuki clan has been traveling throughout dimensions seeking out worlds to plant Ten-Tail saplings into. Once planted, it grows into a God Tree with its roots spreading across the planet to siphon chakra and genetic material from all its surroundings and inhabitants, resulting in everything dying and it bearing a large fruit for the ĹŚtsutsuki to consume for them to evolve, gaining power and longevity. Once harvested, as they no longer need the planet, they move to another to repeat the process. For the Ten-Tails seeds to bloom into a God Tree, a living ĹŚtsutsuki must be fed to the beast, hence the clan members travel in pairs, with the lower ranking being the sacrifice, while the other one watches over the fruit's cultivation.

And originally, it was Kaguya and Isshiko who were sent to Earth with the intention of Kaguya being the sacrifice since she was the low-ranking member. But Kaguya attacked and left him for dead when she developed an attachment to Earth and was labeled a traitor to her clan.

And even after she activated the Genjutsu, she freed some of the victims to sustain mankind. The part that gets me the most is that even after the loss of Aino, she still fought to protect them. Even more about the relationship between Aino and Kaguya.

I am a firm believer in the fact that there was some love between them. She showed more emotion when Aino was killed than Tenji being captured in the Infinite Tsukoyomi. And even after Aino was killed, Kaguya swore to "rule this world. together with my children." and Aino's last wish was for Kaguya to have a healthy child.

Hagoromo and Hamura are Aino's keepsakes, not Tenji's. And do I even need to mention the shawl scene? Talk about stolen valor.

Kaguya has depth and motives that are formed from feeling loss and betrayal, but she still thought about peace so nothing bad like that ever happened again.

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