Author - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Cruel Monsters

Locked up from the moment he was born; from the moment his cries deafened the doctor's ears, stripped of all his rights since the day he could walk: His names, his possessions, his very identity, stolen. His existence erased by those sworn to look after him. They sealed him away in the darkest corner of the mansion. The maids, the butlers, the younger children were told the third floor was cursed. No one ever dared to look for him. His cries were known to be the cursed singing of a banshee, the door rattling, labelled the persistent attacks of a vengeful demon. He became labelled a malevolent phantom. Forgotten as the years went by

That was the life of Ares Vaughn-Fallen.

Love. Kindness. Warmth, were feelings experienced only in books. Anger. Hatred. Sadness -- those were the emotions which spilled from the pages of writing, down the bleeding walls, sliding up his body; drowning him in its grasp.

He knew nothing except the feeling of the hard mattress pressing against his back. His eyes knew no colour except the white of the walls around him, a shade darkened by the black curtains that covered the windows, blocking his source of light. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen the sky. Felt the sun's rays blinding him. He remembered falling asleep, smelling his rotting flesh. He didn’t think he would miss the plain walls, the haunting curtains, but as his eyes refused to open, felt his physical body get dragged out with little care, he wished to escape the dark world forced upon him. A cold, unrelenting darkness.

His routine changed.

A scream woke him from his slumber. The darkness had gone. As his eyes locked with those of his saviour, he remembered how bright the sun truly was.

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3 years ago

Steve/Joe x Reader Imagine requests

Heya so feeling like being a writer this week so if y’all have any requests for imagines feel free to DM me I will write almost anything and everything so dont hold back, and be very specific of the plot depending on the outcome you want. Other than that cant wait to hear your requests!!

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5 years ago

This is an answer to a prayer I’ve been to afraid to say

I am a(n):

⚪ Male

⚪ Female

🔘 Writer

Looking for

⚪ Boyfriend

⚪ Girlfriend

🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember

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1 year ago

Too Many Story Ideas

So, I know I need to post on here more, but I need to talk about some stuff. 

What do you do when you have too many story ideas in your brain, but can't keep one long term? Because I started writing my Bianca di Angelo Lives AU again, but I’m also working on a screenplay and now another story idea is developing for a book trilogy.

My current plan is to just work on the fanfic on the side when I have time with my main project being the screenplay because that has the end goal of being a film by 2025 for school. But this book trilogy I know I can’t start writing it because it will just take over, but I want to at least outline it and develop the characters.

And on top of that there’s a one-shot I want to write in The Dragon Prince because I can’t get the idea out of my head and I want to write it, but it’s a one-shot so there's not the worry of not finishing it. 

It’s like I always have a story to tell, but I just keep getting new ideas that I want to work on. Should I just write all the ideas down as ideas in some notebooks to look at another time when I get more ideas for stories? Because maybe I’ll want to write them later in life when I’m not working on something else. 

This isn’t something that is only happening now, it’s been happening for years. I have stories I started writing in notebooks but abandoned because I wasn’t interested anymore. I just want a way to work with the creative flow and actually finish stuff before starting other projects.

Does anyone have any advice?

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6 months ago

What makes a fantasy book good to you?

Yep. I'm trying to get myself into writing a book again. Hopefully I'll actually pull through and write something fuller this time, even if I don't make it to the end.

But I've been thinking. I like to write, and I've always considered myself a good writer-- until lately, when I've actually started to notice some of my flaws. (I'll probably get into that another time, if I continue to make writing posts). And I want to improve-- so I'm asking for advice, to anyone who is a fan of fantasy books, a writer of books, or even a reader of any genre.

What makes a fantasy book enjoyable? What is something you want to see in the genre? What ruins a book? And what makes you want to pick the book up in the first place?

Sorry, that's a few extra questions than what I started with-- feel free to answer one, two, all, skip over and do none, or just comment some general advice :) I'll be happy with any kind of help or support

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11 months ago

reblog with your:

1. current read

2. favourite book

3. favourite author

mine is:

1. FNAF: the twisted ones graphic novel + a bunch of random short stories by lynn painter


3. holly jackson

。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 -nina’s book nook


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1 year ago
Visualising The Characters In My Upcoming Children's Book
Visualising The Characters In My Upcoming Children's Book

Visualising the characters in my upcoming children's book 🙌

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3 years ago

fanfiction blows my mind sometimes, and i’m not specifically talking about the writing, plot, characters, etc but just the work itself as a whole. like those words are a piece of someone. a real person’s thoughts inspired by another real person’s thoughts and so on. time and effort and love were put into these stories, and some are shared with the world. not to mention they’re also not for profit and free to consume.

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1 year ago

“In that moment, she vowed that humiliation would never wrap its greedy hands around her mind again.”

About my Oc from a current WIP

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5 months ago

Get to know me!


Hello there everyone! Welcome to my very first tumblr blog. I figured I'd make an introduction and give some info on what you'll find here as well as some information about me. ☺

For starters, you can call me Ladybug, I'm an aspiring author, writing has always been a huge passion of mine for as long as I can remember.

I'm 22 years old, soon to be 23 😋

I'm still learning the in's and out's of tumblr, thanks to a dear friend of mine, mysticgeekzartz for helping me, be sure to check out her art, she's really good.

I write various types of fanfiction for various types of fandoms and genres, this tumblr will be used for updates, sneak peeks and for my followers to make requests.

If you don't have wattpad, no problem, I also have Ao3, I don't post on there much, but I will once I start getting the hang of it. I mostly post on wattpad.

Be sure to stick around for snippets of my work and feel free to let me know what you think.

My fandoms and ships

Genres I write for






● a little bit of angst, nothing too severe though





My story request rules

Sincerely yours, ladybug 🐞

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5 months ago

Be sure to check out my wattpad account!

Ladybug (@Camogirl231018)
I am a 23 year old girl with a passion of reading and writing. I'm in love with a wide variety of fandoms and I really...

No wattpad? No problem! Check me out on AO3 too! I don't post there much, but I do have one story up at the moment.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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5 months ago

To all the RadioDust fans out there, check this out!

RadioDust oneshots
As the name implies, this fan fiction will focus on the pairing between Angel Dust and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. I had...

To all the RadioDust fans out there, check out my RadioDust oneshots!

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5 months ago

Let's talk about writers block

Hello lovelies, I thought I'd get on a topic I've really been struggling with and that is writers block. For any fanfiction writer or any writer in general, you know exactly what I'm talking about and it's extremely frustrating. Not only is it frustrating, it's draining, physically and mentally. I've been struggling on and off with writers block since 2020, it's been extremely hard for me to write, sometimes I can't even write at all. I've had my up's and down's with it. One minute I have an idea and if I blink, it's gone, other times I don't have ideas at all and I'm just staring at a blank screen mentally pulling my hair out because I want to write so bad it hurts, but I can't think of anything to write. It's like there's a brick wall blocking any type of ideas. I've tried just about every method to get past writers block. I unfortunately can't give any advice because I'm still struggling with writers block. The only advice I can give that's genuinely helped me is to brainstorm your ideas with a friend. It really helps get the creative juices flowing. If you can find a way to help get your ideas flowing, it really helps. Of course, different methods work better for others. I just haven't found anything that helps me yet, aside from brainstorming my ideas with a friend, or typing the idea as it flows. That's what I usually do, anytime I get an idea, I write it down and let my thumbs do the work to bring it together. But that doesn't always work. What works flawlessly for me is going back to writing on paper, because that's how I started. I found I could write endlessly on paper, but again, that might not work for everyone, especially if you don't have an endless supply of notebook paper or a notebook in general. If you can't write on paper, find something that works just as well.

Let's Talk About Writers Block

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5 months ago

If you enjoy Black Butler, check out these fanfics of mine!

𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔅𝔲𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔯
This will be my very first time attempting something like this, I've decided to make a remastered version of the Black...

This is a fix it fanfiction I've been working on. It's still currently a work in progress.

SebaClaude Oneshots
As the name implies, this will be a one shot featuring the ship between Claude and Sebastian from Black butler. It will...

This is a oneshot for my favorite black butler ship, SebaClaude, which is Sebastian and Claude. I know not everyone likes Claude, but I absolutely ship them.

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5 months ago

If you enjoy Hetalia, check this out!

Hetalia Mpreg Oneshots
As the name implies, this will be a series of hetalia mpreg oneshots, I will be including all of my favorite hetalia sh...

This is still a work in progress as of right now, but I think I'll have the first story up pretty soon.

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5 months ago

Give me some ideas!

Hey lovelies, ladybug here! Let's talk about writing prompts and ideas for what you want me to write about.

As you probably already know, I've been struggling with writers block, I struggle on what to post on here too.

I need inspiration and ideas for what to write. I was hoping people could help me out.

I haven't been getting much traction on here, unfortunately. But I'm willing to be patient and wait it out.

I posted a poll when I first started my blog and it ends tomorrow, once the results are in, I'll make a post asking what I should write for whatever fandom from my poll won.

I still have a lot of works in progress and more updates on the way, so stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, please give me some ideas for what you want me to write about.

I'm dying for some inspiration, anything really.

My door is always open, just message me if you have a request.

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5 months ago

Writing makes me happy.

Writing makes me happy, there's nothing in this world that I love more than getting lost in my writing, just forgetting the passage of time and allowing myself to dive into a world that I created.

Sometimes if I can't sleep, I'll scroll through my wattpad and read over my past stories or if I have sudden inspiration, I'll add to a work in progress.

A few months ago, I was going through a bit of depression because of a breakup and my friends and family all told me to do things that made me happy and helped me relax.

Reading a great book makes me very happy, but writing is my passion, it's been my biggest passion since I was in the 3rd grade.

But I've been feeling that my writing isn't as passionate as it was when I first started.

I doubt myself and my writing abilities, sometimes I wonder if people still enjoy my writing.

That's been the root of my problems regarding my writing for the past few years.

Ever since I started gaining a lot of attention on wattpad, I started overthinking things, struggling to come up with a story people will enjoy and I feel like I've lost my passion for writing.

I've been trying to regain my passion for my writing by writing things I've been thinking about writing.

A few friends of mine suggested I started posting on here to attract more readers to my wattpad, I'm also hoping that some fresh ideas will help me with my writers block.

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