heizenka - my father will hear about this!
my father will hear about this!

❝ IN THE SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM ❞  -  19  -  𝘀𝗵𝗲/𝗵𝗲𝗿 - hazel ♡

48 posts

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

(❛) - request  (✿) - fluff  (✯) - angst 

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

spencer reid

redemption in betrayal - ✯,✿

you're wanted for three murders, and in order to catch you they call in dr. spencer reid. your former partner.

loss of my life - ✯

the team finds you after you'd been abducted by an unsub, but in every scenario spencer had imagined when they found you, this was the one that pulled the floor from beneath him.

derek morgan

coming soon

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.

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More Posts from Heizenka

7 months ago

Reader didn’t know how she got in this situation , to go to her ex boyfriend wedding maybe it was the embarrassment being single or feeling spiteful that she decided to ask her ex boyfriend bully , to be her date and who knows maybe love will bloom in the weird situation that their in (Katsuki x reader angst with a fluffy ending maybe :)

I love this idea🥹🥹 Edit: This has been in my drafts for basically a year, I’m so sorry😭

When the invitation arrived in the mail you thought it must’ve been a mistake. Why would your ex invite you to his wedding? Was it to spite you? To rub it in how happy he was with his soon to be wife? To tell you one last time that he could do better than you?

No. Izuku was never the spiteful type, he’d never go out of his way to hurt anyone. And it’s not like the two of you ended on awful terms. Actually, it was you who ended the relationship. It wasn’t because he cheated on you, or treated you poorly. It was because you could tell it wasn’t the time for him to be in a relationship. He was too caught up in his work to be in love, no matter how much he said he loved you. His job as a hero would always come first. Of course, you understood that and that’s why you decided to let him go. The world needed him more than you did.

Both of you hurt for a long time after that. But it wasn’t a full year later before the tabloids began releasing headlines about Pro Hero Deku and Pro Hero Uravity being the next hero power couple. That really hurt. Somewhere in your heart you hoped that Izuku would come back to you. He would realize how much you mattered to him and would beg you to come back, promising to put you first for once.

Obviously that didn’t happen. You watched like every other member of society as their love for each other grew in the public eye. You knew why things were different for them. She was a hero too, she understood exactly what he was going through and wouldn’t blame him for being distant. She understood him in a way that you never could. And that’s what really hurt you.

So even though you knew of the relationship for the last two years, it still came as a major shock when you found the wedding invitation in your mail box. Because why would he invite you of all people to his special day?

The sight of it caused forgotten pain to surge inside of you. Your eyes stung as you tried to hold in the tears. Your heart ached and it felt like the air had been stolen from your lungs. Such an old wound reopened so quickly.

You allowed yourself a moment to grieve. To mourn the loss of a relationship that you’d officially never have again. This was your last goodbye to the love that once existed between Izuku and you. When that moment ended you slipped the invite back into the envelope it arrived in before tossing it into the junk drawer. You’d never embarrass yourself by attending such an event. Never.

Except, now all your friends are pressuring you to go. It’s very unfortunate that Izuku and you happen to share some of the same friends. You’d think they’d be more understanding about the whole thing, but apparently they think that this is the closure you need. Not that you’re hung up on the relationship still, that’s just what your friends think What do they know?

Mina is the person who wants you to go more than anyone. She thinks that you seeing Izuku happy will allow you to “finally let go”, even though you aren’t holding on to anything. When you tried to use the excuse that you didn’t have anyone to bring with you and you didn’t want to go alone, she told you to leave the date situation up to her. Two days later she set up a “double date” between you, her, her boyfriend Kirishima, and your mystery date.

When you arrived at the restaurant five minutes after the agreed upon time, you quickly find your friend and her boyfriend sitting in a secluded booth. They were facing you, the mystery dates back was towards you. Once you finally approach, pulling a polite smile on your face to greet the supposed stranger, you’re met with a vaguely familiar face.

Bakugo Katsuki. Izuku’s long time rival.

You’d only met him once or twice before. Neither time had you talked to him, he was always too busy arguing with Izuku to pay you any mind. But now his attention was focused on you and his crimson eyes seemed to burn holed through you. You shakily introduce yourself before asking Mina to come to the bathroom with you. She excuses herself before following behind you.

“Mina! That’s Bakugo, the guy who’s basically Izuku’s arch nemesis! Why would you think this is a good idea?” You whisper shout at her, mindful of any other people that might be in the bathroom.

“That’s exactly why this is a good idea! Who else to show that you’ve moved on than the person he dislikes most?” She smirks at you, proud of her own pettiness. “Also, you probably don’t know this but Bakugo used to date Uraraka before her and Midoriya got together. He needs this as much as you do.”

Her statement silenced you for a moment. Did Bakugo feel the same way that you did when his invitation arrived? He might be the only person in the world who knows exactly what you’re going through right now. Could this be a sign?

“Just give it a chance. If you can’t tolerate his big personality then we’ll try someone else.” She guides you out of the restroom and back towards the booth. “I have plenty of attractive friends that would make great arm candy.”

She basically shoved you into your seat next to Bakugo before sitting down next to her boyfriend. Mina sends you a sky wink before striking a conversation with Kirishima. You take a breath to calm yourself before slowly turning to Bakugo, only to find him watching you once more. You smile shyly at him, introducing yourself again.

“I know who you are. You’re that shitty loser’s ex.” He says plainly, eyeing you up and down. His heavy stare makes you feel kind of uncomfortable, you feel unsure of what to say. You send Mina a pleading glance over the table.

“Bakugo also needs a date to the wedding.” Mina says bluntly, transitioning the conversation in an unexpected way.

“I don’t need shit. I don’t even want to go to the stupid wedding. You two are the ones that want me to go.” The rise in his volume makes you flinch, shooting to the very edge of the booth to give him space.

“Okay, even if you don’t need it so much, it would be nice to support Uraraka as a fellow hero. It’s shows your maturity, you know?” Hearing Kirishima speak up surprises you, when you’re around he’s usually a man of little words.

“Whatever.” Bakugo’s rage shifts into a quiet one as he crosses his arms and slumps into his seat. He seems different from the last time you’d seen him. His fiery personality seems to be burned out, like a flame that has been doused with water. You can see the walls he’s built up over the years. It reminds you of yourself.

He doesn’t say much else for the duration of dinner and neither do you. The two of you sit next to each other in uncomfortable silence. You can see the disappointment in Mina’s eyes across the table. Kirishima pats her thigh comfortingly out of your sight. Secretly, he wanted Bakugo and you to hit it off just as much as she did.

When the time finally comes to leave, Mina pulls one last trick from her sleeve.

“Hey, Eij and I have to scoot. Bakugo, do you mind waiting with Y/N until her cab arrives? It’s late and you know bad things happen in the dark.” Bakugo rolls his eyes in response but agrees with a grunt. Mina swallows the squeal of hope she wants to let out. She hugs you goodbye, winking at you as she turns and begins walking away. You glare at her even though she can’t see it. Leave it to her to put you in an awkward situation.

“It’s shouldn’t be long. Maybe another 5 or so minutes.” You glance over at him, to find that he’s already looking at you. You look away quickly, feeling too intimidated to maintain eye contact. He only hums in response.

Once again the two of you stand in silence. Each minute that passes feels like an eternity. You regret not having your own car now more than ever. Damn you for wanting to avoid producing more carbon emissions.

Finally your cab pulls up and you’ve never felt more relieved. As you turn to politely say goodbye to Bakugo, you notice his outstretched hand. You stare at him confused, unsure if he wants a high five or a tip for waiting with you.

“Your phone, stupid. Give me your phone.” He provides you an answer, albeit a harsh one. Still confused, you reach to hand him your phone. “Unlock it.” He huffs with an annoyed tone. You do.

He takes your unlocked phone from you and taps a few buttons before typing something in. He hands it back to you after taking a moment to examine your phone case. It’s Allmight themed.

“I put in my number. I can tell you want to go to that wedding about as much as I do. But if they’re gonna force me to go, I’d rather go with someone who will be just as pissed off as I’ll be.” Bakugo finally explains as he helps you into the cab. He holds the door open, watching as your buckle the belt. “If you decide you want to go after all, text me. It’ll be nice to have the company.” He shuts the door, tapping on the roof of the car twice. The driver takes that as a signal to pull off, leaving you to stare at Bakugo as you get farther and farther apart. He watches the car too.

That was the last way you thought that day would end.

Now you sit at your dinning room table. To your left sits the invitation that you’ve just finally had the courage to dig out of the junk drawer. To your right sits your phone with Bakugo’s contact information pulled up. Your gaze bounces from one side to the other as your mind tries to think of what to make of all of this.

You didn’t even want to go to the wedding. You’d rather sit at home, watching movies to take your mind off of it. You’d order some takeout and bask on the couch for hours to drown out everything you’d be feeling. It would be peaceful. It would save you so much embarrassment and suffering.

But that would make you a coward. A scaredy-cat, too afraid to face the truth, the reality of your life. Everyone else is moving on. And you’re still exactly the same.

As you pick up the phone, you action are fueled by pure vindictiveness. You need to show people that you’re not a loser that’s still hung up on their ex. That you can and are doing bigger and better things.

You begin typing in the text box. You start typing- then stop. Start again then stop again, struggling to find the right words. Ultimately, you decide on:

Let’s do this.


Regret is pooling in your stomach as you stand outside waiting for Bakugo to pick you up. You have no idea what you were thinking when you sent that text, but you’d do anything to take it back now. It feels like one of those nightmares that you desperately want to wake up from, but can’t get yourself awake.

You’re in the process of opening up your phone to text Bakugo that you’ve suddenly fallen ill when a car pulls up in front of you. The window rolls down to reveal the very blonde you were about to text. Damn, there goes that plan.

He reaches across the passenger seat to open the door you, when it swings open you can see him better than before. A black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows and black slacks with a belt adorn his body. You can’t help but stare in shock, you never noticed how attractive he was before. When he’s not glaring or screaming, Bakugo actually is very handsome.

“Are you gonna stand there all day or get in the car?” He yells, causing you jump as you snap back to reality. You spoke too soon. With a small huff you slide into the seat, making sure your dress was fully in the car before you shut the door. As you moved to buckle your seatbelt, you could feel eyes following your movements. Once your belt is clicked into place you look up and meet Bakugo’s gaze, a blank expression on his face. “Your dress looks nice on you.”

Was that a compliment? From Bakugo Katsuki?

“Thank you…” You respond after a moment, turning your head away from him to hide your stunned and slightly flustered face. He simply grunts in response, putting the car in drive and pulling off. The car ride was mostly silent, the only sounds being the low hum of the engine and quiet the chatter of the radio. Your gaze remains on the window at your side. Every once it a while it almost feels like his eyes momentarily drift to you, but you assume those feelings are wrong.

When the navigation system says the venue is only a couple meters away to the left, you can feel the ball of stress and anxiety tightening in your belly. As Bakugo parks the car you can almost feel your lunch coming back up. You swallow deeply in a last ditch attempt to keep it down. Though you desperately try to keep your nerves hidden, the man beside you could see right through you. He eyes you silently before unbuckling and opening his door.

Wordlessly, Bakugo exits the car, shuts his door, and makes his way to your side of the car. He then slowly reaches towards your door, as if not to startle you. He opens the door and extends an open hand towards you, his expression entirely neutral. There’s no anger, no scowl, just a blank face. And yet it feels more welcoming than you would’ve expected.

Again you gulp, unlatching your belt before placing your hand in his, allowing him to assist you out of his car. He shuts the door behind you before looping your arm through his own. You can’t help but be taken aback by his initiation and willingness towards contact.

“Let’s look the part, yeah?” Bakugo mutters to you lowly, eyes scanning around the parking lot where many others have already taken notice of you two. “I hate this kind of shit, but I ain’t gonna let any of these shit rags call me classless.”

You can’t contain the snort that slips out, your feelings momentarily forgotten when Bakugo makes you laugh. You try to cover your mouth to contain the ugly sound but it’s no use. The sound of your laughter makes a small smile cross his face, secretly happy to relieve some of your stress even if it’s just for a moment. He gives you time to let out your laughter while slowly guiding you towards the doors. By the time the two of you reach them you’ve gone silent, any laughter caught in your throat.

With a heart beating so loudly you can barely hear yourself think, you allow Bakugo to lead you into the building. You follow behind the others before you to look at a seating chart that displays where everyone was to sit. Bakugo has been placed at a table with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Denki. There was three open seats left for Sero, Kaminari, and Bakugo to bring their plus ones. You technically don’t have a seat since you didn’t have the courage to RSVP, so you walk arm and arm with Bakugo to the table where his friends are seated.

Mina is the first to see the two of you. Her eyes light up when she notices your arm wrapped around his. She excitedly taps on Kirishima, directing his attention towards the two of you. A large toothy grin spreads across his face before he stands to greet you both.

“BakuBro! Y/N! I’m glad you guys decided to come after all.” He calls cheerfully, clapping his longtime friend on his back and smiling kindly at you. You return the smile bashfully, waving at everyone else at the table as you slide into the open seat next to Mina.

“Shut up! I’d rather be anywhere else than here.” Bakugo barks at Kirishima, dropping into the seat next to you with little grace.

“Don’t lie, Bakugo. We know you’d never miss Midoriya’s special day.” Sero goads from across the table, poking the bear in a way you’d never attempt.

“Yeah, Bakugo. You can call him your rival all you want, but we know when he calls you come running.” Kaminari adds more fuel to the flames.

“Shut the fuck up! I’ll kill you both!” Your date growls, sparks popping from his hands. You cover your face with your hand, seriously doubting the choices you’ve made to get you to this point. Bakugo takes note of your distress and feels a small wave of guilt wash over him. He takes a deep breath in and out, then settles for glaring at the men across from him silently.

“Y/N, you look gorgeous in that dress.” Mina tries to strike up a new conversation, causing you to smile at her effort.

“Yeah you look great!” Kirishima chimes in to agree with his partner. He looks back at Bakugo before quirking a brow in thought before a big smile blooms on his face. “You guys are matching!”

Blood rushes to both of your faces when you look at each other and realize you unintentionally matched in all black. You guys really did look the part.

“Wow, I didn’t even notice that. Did you guys pick all black because both of your exes are getting married, so it’s like you’re mourning the official death of those relationships?” As the words leave Kaminari’s mouth, you feel an ugly feeling swirl in your stomach.

Is that what this looked like to others? Immense embarrassment washes over you. You begin to heavily consider excusing yourself from the table. You wanted to be somewhere else right now. All eyes turn to Kaminari, who’s looking at the rest of you cluelessly.

“Denki!” Mina hisses, wishing now more than ever she knew what was wrong with her friend. Even Sero shakes his head in disbelief of the sheer amount of social awareness his friend lacked.

“What? I’m just asking a question. They look like they’re attending a funeral rather than a wedding.” Kaminari attempts to defend himself, but only continues to dig himself into a deeper hole.

Bakugo agains starts sparking his quirk, seemingly ready to pounce at any moment. “You wanna talk about a funeral so bad, how about I get you ready for yours?” He growls, but before he can strike the other man, you raise your hand to stop him. Surprisingly, this effectively halts Bakugo.

Even though you’d much rather get up and find somewhere to hide until everyone forgot about you, you’re tired of hiding. It’s time to stand on business and face this head on. You take a breath before plastering a smile on your face, hoping that no one can see right through you.

“It’s actually a coincidence that Bakugo and I are wearing the same color. I guess we both just wanted to be as respectful as possible by avoiding the forbidden color. Black is the exact opposite of white so it makes sense right?” You can feel your heart beating in your throat, but you try to ignore the feeling. “I also just really happen to like the color black. It goes with everything.”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Kaminari hums after a moment. “It’s still funny to see you guys matching. It makes y’all look like a real couple. If you’re finally over Midoriya, Y/N, how about you and me give it a try?” He asks suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows and winking at you.

Your face heats once again and all you can do is look away, wishing that you had a quirk that would make him be quiet. Bakugo on the other hand, reaches his long arm across the table to grab Kaminari by the collar of his shirt.

“You say one more goddamn thing to Y/N and I’ll blow you sky fucking high. Shut your stupid mouth, I don’t want to hear anymore dumb shit spill out.” Kaminari, who’s also a pro hero, gulps loudly before shaking his head and pulling as far away from Bakugo as he can. When your date lets him go, he trembles in his seat silently.

While everyone at the table is no stranger to Bakugo’s aggressive behavior and violent tendencies, everyone is a bit taken aback by how quick he was to defend you. You two were never particularly close in the past, so what’s changed in the small amount of time you’ve spent together.

“Y/N, I’m gonna grab a drink from the bar for Ei and I. Come with me.” Mina says as she stands, grabbing your hand to pull you from the table. You let her pull you from your seat, but you stop before she can lead you away.

“Do you want anything?” You turn to ask Bakugo.

“Just some water. I want to keep my shit together unlike these other losers.” He says, looking up at you from his seat. You nod and turn wordlessly back to Mina. You only make it a few feet away from the table before she grabs you and pulls you close.

“Girl! What the hell was that? I’ve never seen him defend a date like that before!” She whisper yells incredulously, her eyes wide with surprise.

“I don’t know. I guess he feels bad for me or something.” You shrug your shoulders, rubbing the spot on your arm where she grabbed you a bit too hard.

“No way, Bakugo doesn’t do pity. He rarely feels bad for someone else, I don’t think he has enough empathy for that. If he’s standing up for you like that, I think he must like you at least a little.”

Bakugo like you? The thought feels too foreign to even consider. There’s no way.

“I sincerely doubt it, but okay.” You decide to close off that conversation rather than continue to go back and forth with her. The two of you grab the drinks from the bar, then proceed back to the table. From the way people were scrambling to sit down, you had a feeling things would be starting soon.

You hand Bakugo his water wordlessly. He nods his head as a thank you before taking a sip. You wonder if his mouth feels as dry with nerves as yours does. You look down at the mixed drink Mina had chosen for you when you asked what you should get. Maybe you should’ve gotten a water like you date.

The room quiets down and the pending entrance of the groom is announced. Without a second thought you down the drink in one go, not even thinking about the others seeing. Suddenly, you didn’t care anymore.

Soft instrumental music fills the air and the double doors at then front of the room open. Out steps the man you once loved, dressed head to toe in white. Of course he’d do white. He was always a bit theatrical in that way.

You feel a pang in your chest as Izuku stands at the head of the room, looking happier than you've seen him in years. Uraraka is radiant as she steps down the aisle, her beautiful white dress flowing behind her. Their eyes only on each other, their smiles lighting up the room. Once she makes her way down the aisle you force yourself to smile along with the crowd, masking the ache in your heart.

Throughout the ceremony, you steal glances at Bakugo, who surprisingly seems to share your discomfort. He shifts in his seat, occasionally muttering something under his breath that you can't quite catch. His presence, though initially abrasive, has become oddly reassuring.

As the vows are exchanged and rings placed, you recall the moment Izuku told you there would come a day both of you would find your happy ending, just with other people. Those words, though painful then, now feel like a closure you didn't fully grasp until this moment. He had found his happy ending.

After the ceremony, during the reception, you find yourself standing alone near the bar. The married couple were glowing, filling the room with joy and cheer. Mina and Kirishima along with many others filled the dance floor, celebrating the newly formed union. You watch silently, taking sips of your drink every so often. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice when someone slipped off the dance floor and began to approach you.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d come tonight.” You jump slightly when you hear the voice you were least expecting. Your eyes meet the green ones that you’d spent countless hours looking into in the past. The man of the hour, Izuku, is standing in front of you with a small smile on his face.

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure either. But here I am.” You try to smile back, but it doesn’t turn out the way you hoped it would.

“I’m glad you did.”

“I don’t understand why though. I’ve been out of your life for years now, Izuku. You didn’t seem to care about me then.” You wish you could stop, but the pained words wouldn’t stop falling.

“Of course I care about you. I wanted all the important people from my life here tonight. Even if we weren’t meant to be, that doesn’t erase the impact we had on each others’ lives. You helped make me into the man I am today. And I can’t thank you enough for that.” You ache inside at this. He genuinely wanted you here because even if it’s just a little, you still mattered to him.

Words escape you. For a moment, all you can do is bite the inside of your cheek while you ponder what he said some more. Across the room Uraraka is laughing joyfully, dancing with friends and family. You watch as she enjoys her night.

“She’s beautiful in her dress. You’re a lucky guy.” It’s all you can think to say.

“I am. She’s everything to me.” You glanced over to see his eyes trained on her, a loving gaze following her every move. While similar to how he once looked at you, you realize his stare his different. Somehow, it’s so much more than when he was yours. He’s truly in love. You’re surprised when you feel his hand grasp yours gently. “Y/N, it wasn’t me for you. But I know someday you’ll have the right person. And you’ll be their everything.”

“Thank you for coming tonight.” He gives your hand a soft squeeze before letting go. It’s time for him and his bride to cut their cake. He smiles at you one more time before walking away. He doesn’t look back.

Once again you’re standing alone, a confused and murky mix of thoughts and feelings swirling inside of you. You weren’t expecting to talk to Izuku or for him to say what he said.

Moments later Bakugo appears beside you, holding a glass. It still looks to be water.

"You alright?" His voice startles you, but you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. He sighs, looking out at the crowd that surrounds the bride and groom. The room watched as Izuku feeds his new wife a bite of cake, smudges of white frosting decorated their noses and lips. "I get it, you know. Seeing them like this—it's rough."

You meet his gaze, surprised by his empathy. "Yeah," is all you manage to say.

Bakugo shifts uncomfortably. "Listen, I know I'm not good at this kind of shit, but... if you need to get out of here, just say the word. I can take you home."

You hesitate, touched by his offer. "Thanks, Bakugo. I appreciate it."

He nods gruffly before stepping away, leaving you to your thoughts. You can’t help but think that maybe there's more to Bakugo than meets the eye—a depth you hadn't expected. A real person behind the persona.

Later, when the music slows and people begin to fade away from dance floor, Bakugo finds you again, this time extending his hand.

"Want to dance?" he asks, his tone surprisingly gentle.

You look at him, searching for any hint of malice or mockery, but find none. Just a genuine offer, from a man who rarely offers anything. There’s a sincerity in his eyes that you never thought you’d see.

You take his hand, and together you step onto the dance floor. As you and Bakugo dance, the music wraps around you like a comforting embrace. The atmosphere is charged with unspoken words, and finally, Bakugo breaks the silence.

"You know, I never expected tonight to go like this," he admits gruffly, his gaze fixed somewhere in the middle distance.

You tilt your head, curious. "What do you mean?"

He pauses, as if choosing his words carefully. "I didn't think I'd be the one comforting you at this damn wedding. If anything, I thought it'd be the other way around."

A small, sad smile tugs at your lips. "Life's funny that way, huh?"

"Yeah," he mutters, a rare vulnerability in his voice. "Guess it is."

There's a lull in the music, and you find yourself caught in his intense gaze. "Thanks, Bakugo. For being here with me tonight."

He shrugs, a gesture that speaks volumes. "Wasn't gonna let you face this shit alone."

Your heart warms at his unexpected sincerity. "I'm glad you're here."

He snorts softly, his hand tightening slightly around yours. "Yeah, well... I'm not great with this sentimental shit."

You chuckle softly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I know. But I appreciate it anyway."

Bakugo's lips twitch into a half-smile, a rare sight that makes your heart skip a beat. "Alright, enough of that mushy shit. Don’t start thinking I’m gonna start being some nice softy wimp now."

You roll your eyes playfully. "Wouldn't dream of it."

As the song comes to an end, you realize that though tonight started rocky you’re glad that you came to the wedding. You actually feel some comfort and a little glimmer of hope. Hope that despite the past and the pain, there's a future where you and Bakugo might explore whatever this connection between you two is.

"Ready to get out of here?" he asks, his voice softer now.

You nod, feeling more at ease than you have all night. "Yeah. Let's go."

Hand in hand, you leave behind the echoes of Izuku's wedding, stepping into a new chapter—one where you're not alone, and where unexpected companionship just might lead to something more.

2 years ago
*multi-fandom Account*

*multi-fandom account*

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*multi-fandom Account*

copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.

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8 months ago
()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

(❛) - request  (✿) - fluff  (✯) - angst 

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

lee (bones & all)

am i making you feel sick - ✯

the trip the both of you were taking into the unknown takes a bloody turn.

shadows of us - ✯

love can be strong, but fear is always proven stronger

more to come

()- Request ()- Fluff ()- Angst

copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.

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8 months ago

consumption; lee

Consumption; Lee
Consumption; Lee
Consumption; Lee

lee x f!reader

warnings: cannibalism (it’s b&a, obviously) - do not read if you’re triggered about this subject and/or sensitive to this content!!! also before anyone says anything, i obvi do not condone cannibalism (i’m only saying this bc there’s a lot of stupid ppl on this app that take things the wrong way!!!!!) this is just a fanfic and i find the ‘cannibalism being a metaphor for love’ thing fascinating.

wc: 1247

a/n: this is short (and my first lee fic!! i love him sm, there needs to be more content for him on here - and everywhere tbh) but this idea has been in my mind since i first watched bones and all (FANTASTIC movie btw)

summary: consumption; the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.


This ringing wouldn’t stop in your ear.

It began in your right, only to circle around and plague your left. You weren’t sure when it had started but you quickly grew agitated with the sound. Increasing in volume as seconds went by, it seemed to follow the rhythm of your heart. You only caught onto that once your body had fallen to the floor.

You felt (and heard) the violent crack as your head collided with the wooden surface… but that ringing was back again. It was the only thing you could focus on.

Louder, louder, louder.. quiet.. louder..

It would fade and then come back full force, almost like it was teasing you. It wanted you to move, to make it stop because it knew that you wouldn’t be able to.

You tried to move your arms, but you couldn’t. You didn’t know why or what was holding them down, but your body knew better than to fight it.


What is that? Your head turns barely until it lets your eyes search the floor beside you. Red. Everything was red; coated, covered. What is that?

Your hands wouldn’t allow you to touch it. Your heart began to quicken. Was it going to burst out of your chest? What’s happening?

Ringing.. louder..

Click. Creak. Click.

“Baby, I’m home!” Lee. Your lee, he was home. How long had it been since he left? An hour? Five? A day? A year?

“Love?” His voice always made you swoon. The way the letters slid off of his tongue makes goosebumps form on your skin no matter how many times he says it. His heavy footsteps sound across the floor as you faintly hear a bag being placed onto the ground.

Your eyes fight to stay open as your lover searches for you, only to close once he finds you. “Holy shit,” had you been completely conscious, you would’ve breathed out a laugh at his shocked state. But you were in no place to tease. “Y/N? Hey, hey, Y/N,” you were sure bruises were going to form on his bare knees as he throws himself to the floor to kneel beside you. Always putting your health before his, something you knew would get him into trouble at some point. He always said that it didn’t matter as long as you were okay.

“No, no, Y/N,” Lee’s hand reaches forward and rests on your cheek. “Open your eyes, baby, please,” vulnerability came easy to him when he was with you. He trusted you, he was yours. He had nothing to worry about with you, nothing to hide. So why hide this side of him from the person that matters most to him?

Obeying him as much as you could, your eyelids flutter some before you can get them open. A sigh of relief left his soft lips in response. His opposite hand reached up, but hesitated, noticing the puddle of blood pouring from underneath your head.

“We need to get you up, sweetheart. I need you to sit up for me, okay? I need,” he chokes, swallowing dryly as his eyes take in the devastating sight in front of him: his lover frozen on the floor, barely conscious, bleeding profusely.

“No,” the first word you’ve spoken since he left.

“No? Wha.. what? Y/N, love, you need to sit up.” He argues, desperation quickly filling his voice. “Please.” Lee retracts his hand immediately once he sees you shut your eyes and open your mouth in a silent scream when he ghosts his fingers over the back of your head.

The ringing was back.

Is it in your left ear or right this time? You couldn’t tell.

Your heart was thumping faster than you remember. Boom, boom, boom, boom.. blood in your ears, ringing, ringing, ringing..

“Y/N? Y/N! C’mon, love. I’m right here, come back to me.” Lee pleads and begs as he watches you drift, leaning down and pressing his head against your chest. Endless tears stream from his gorgeous eyes, soaking your shirt through.

“Eat me.”

Lee heard the ringing this time. It was in his left ear before his right, then he felt his heart pounding against his chest, fighting to get out.

“No. No, Y/N,” he moves back up to look at you, shaking his head harshly. “Are you fucking insane? I can’t,” a sob escapes his mouth, cutting himself off. He felt sick, disgusting.

“It was always going to end like this, Lee. You know that.” Your voice was a whisper, but it was just loud enough for your lover to hear. “Eat me, have me, I’m at your disposal,” as you spit out any words you could think of, you barely registered the way Lee was begging you to stop. Sobs raked his body as he leaned against you, skin hot and red. His body shook in despair, his head shaking back and forth, never once contemplating your offer.

“Stop, stop, stop, stop,” it was a mantra falling from his lips, beseeching you to do so. Flinching when he felt a cold hand press against his cheek, he looked up at you to be met with his reflection- tears cascading down your cheeks, the sound of your heart beating sickly fast, and those half-lidded eyes. Those alone he could see your pain in.

“I’m begging you, baby.” He couldn’t help a sob leave his throat at the name, silently cursing himself for thinking- knowing it’ll be the last time he’ll ever hear it. “Eat me, Lee. Please.”

And how could he ever say no to you?

It was foreign, the way his teeth dug into your skin. It wasn’t right, it wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was to come home to you lying on the couch and joining you, playfully annoying you with his kisses and touch. He didn’t want this; he didn’t want you lying on the floor of your shared bedroom, blood pooling underneath your body as he consumed you fully. Utterly. Desperately.

Your screams pierced his ears, that same ringing coming back to haunt him. He knew he was going to be hearing your pain-filled noises when he lies awake at night. Never will he sleep again; he could never without you. He vowed to himself that he would protect you, take care of you… the thought made him feel sick. It was fucking revolting to be doing what he was doing right now. Fucking gross and wrong and vile and fucking disgusting. He thinks with such anger as he devours you, love and utter desperation coursing through his veins.

There was nothing else so intimate than being ingested by your lover, filled with their purity and essence. Lee felt himself become one with you as he holds you, obeying the last order that you had given him.

The moment he feels you grow cold, he stops. He watches the way the light leaves your eyes and the way your expression disappears, like it had never been there in the first place. The last thing you had seen was your lover consuming you, taking you for what you begged to be: his last meal. Because who could continue on without their other half?

Lee lied beside you as his skin broke and peeled, pleading to be set free. He let it take him as his hand took your cold one.

He was yours, and you his. Now you were both truly connected.


1 year ago

… [ MASTER LIST ] ༊*·˚

who i write for ,

Harry Potter - Slytherin gang (fancast too), Golden trio, Tom Riddle, Cedric Diggory

Hunger Games - Cato Hadley + The Careers, President Snow, Peeta, Finnick O'dair

Maze Runner - Minho, Thomas

Percy Jackson - Luke Castellan (<3), Percy Jackson, Clarisse La Rue, Stoll brothers

Miscellaneous - Gilbert Blythe (AWAE), Tristan Dugray (Gilmore Girls)


- Tom Riddle


IN WHICH… Tom Riddle is partnered with a Gryffindor for potions. He expects them to crush every assignment sent their way, but what he doesn’t expect is him falling in love.

- Theodore Nott : most popular !!


IN WHICH… Theodore Nott can’t stand the idea of actually falling in love but he finds himself questioning his choices after a rather comforting conversation with a Hufflepuff.

- Christmas specials featuring,

Tom Riddle,


IN WHICH… Tom can’t fall in love, he shouldn’t fall in love. So why does he love Y/N L/N with her yellow robes, doe eyes, and her obsession with snow so much that he’d kill anyone in his path to get to her?

( last christmas - wham! )

Harry Potter,


IN WHICH… Y/N L/N’s situationship, Matteo Riddle, isn’t the best boyfriend material and when he forgets to buy her a Christmas present, she finally breaks it off. Luckily, she knows someone who’ll do everything Matteo didn’t.

( buy me presents - sabrina carpenter )

Oliver Wood,


IN WHICH… Nothing would make Oliver Wood happier than getting a new broom as his Christmas present. That, or Y/N Malfoy finally noticing him. When the two collide at Hogsmeade, Oliver is overjoyed. Perhaps this Christmas, he’ll get two gifts.

( all i want 4 christmas is u - mariah carey )

Cedric Diggory,


IN WHICH… Y/N L/N helps her crush and longtime best friend, Cedric Diggory, get with another girl. Deep down, she knows she’ll never be the bright and bubbly girl Cedric wants. She’ll always be the cunning snake with a knack for starting fights.

( cindy lou who - sabrina carpenter )

Draco Malfoy,


IN WHICH… Draco Malfoy no longer enjoys Christmas, especially not when he has to stay at Hogwarts while all his friends are gone. But a certain bright-eyed Hufflepuff is glad to keep him company.

( santa, tell me - ariana grande )

˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗


- Cato Hadley


IN WHICH… Clove Kentwell can’t help but compare herself to Cato’s ex. They may have dated a year ago, but she sees the way he still looks at her.

( lacy - olivia rodrigo )


IN WHICH… Y/N L/N grows jealous over Cato and Glimmer’s new bond yet denies any sign of anger despite it being obvious (part of a book)

( jealous girl - lana del rey )


IN WHICH… Cato Hadley and Y/N L/N accept there can only be one winner. The Capitol watches as one falls and the other leaves the arena with a furious heart, not quite moving on.

˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗


- Minho


IN WHICH… Minho firmly believes in the saying ‘if we go down, then we go down together’ especially when his long-time crush, and best friend, gets stuck in the maze.

( paris - the chainsmokers )

˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗


- Luke Castellan


part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4

IN WHICH… Y/N L/N, after spending a decade at Camp Half-Blood, still remains unclaimed. Luckily, Luke is there to keep her company as her good friend. And to, perhaps, provide a bit more.

( chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey )


part 1 / part 2 (in progress)


IN WHICH… Y/N doesn’t want to admit it, but perhaps she and the mischievous son of Hermes have more in common than she originally thought.

( hellfire - the hunchback of notre dame )


IN WHICH… Y/N is tired of being bullied her whole life so she makes a deal with Luke. As long as she does his bidding, he’ll make her popular.

( popular - the weeknd )


IN WHICH… Y/N L/N can’t forgive Luke for his crimes despite loving him more than she loves herself.

( the grudge - olivia rodrigo ) UR MY LOVER

IN WHICH... Camp Half-Blood has its very own band to entertain themselves. Most of the campers aren’t sure where they get their electricity for their instruments but one thing they are certain about is that the substitute lead singer and lead guitarist definitely have a thing for each other.

( lover - taylor swift + shawn mendes ) POISON & TOXIN

IN WHICH... Luke commits the unthinkable and Y/N no longer wants any part in his life. Unfortunately for her, Luke isn’t ready to let her go.

( mad woman - taylor swift ) DRIVING LESSONS

IN WHICH… Luke attempts to teach Percy how to drive and, in the process, almost crashes into Luke’s long time crush. But maybe he can spin it in his favor. ATHENA'S GIRL - trailer

part 1 / part 2 / part 3

( warrior of the mind )

- Connor Stoll