hellspawnblr - Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr
Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

155 posts

Hey Guys Lets Help This Person And His Grandpa This Guy Needs Help To Buy Medications For His Grandpa

Hey guys lets help this person and his grandpa this guy needs help to buy medications for his grandpa and he is running low on money so lets pitch together to help them out


I hate that it had to come to this but I got completely blindsided and had the rug pulled out from under me.

I live with my grandfather, his daughter and her two children (her daughter is 23, her son is 18). I’ve lived with my grandparents because my grandma’s health kept declining over years and it became clear that I was the only one who could reliably care for them as my aunt was in and out of jail/prison regularly. After my grandmother passed away a few years back, a lot of the financial responsibilities and general house management stuff fell to me with my grandpa choosing to handle a few specific things himself, namely mortgage and part of the utilities.

Over time it became clear that he didn’t want me to handle those because he didn’t want me to know how bad the debt was or how poorly he had handled it and other debts after my grandma’s passing.

At the beginning of this year my grandpa had to go in for open heart surgery and had to spend time recovering in the hospital, and this meant he had no choice but to finally let me handle all of the financial responsibilities.

This is when he finally revealed to me that we were facing foreclosure unless he came up with the FULL 10,000 or so dollars he had fallen behind on payments over the years. The bank stopped accepting a monthly payment or partial payment of the debt, demanding a full payment all at once or foreclosure. We weren’t able to make it, and chose to try selling the house. Long story short, we barely managed to sell the house and walk away breaking completely even.

My grandpa’s 50something year old son had said that we could come stay with him until we get our own place and back on our feet, which would only take a couple months just to find and lease a place. So for months, we’ve been planning and figuring things out with that in mind.

Finally, the house sold and we were told we needed to be out of this house no later than November 14th. At the beginning of november, my grandpa’s son calls him and tells him that, no, he wouldn’t be taking all of us in.

Just my grandpa, that me and my 18 year old cousin were on our own, recommending we join the army and “make something of ourselves”. Also stating he was uncomfortable with having me move in anyway, because he “doesn’t really approve of that lifestyle”, criticizing that I’m 30 and single, that he thinks I might be gay, that he thinks anyone my age who still plays video games “probably isn’t great to have around”, working from home is a sign of instability, etc

Also saying that “an 18 year old can find a job and land on their feet really easy”, saying when HE was 18, he left home, got a job and his own apartment, etc, “no reason AJ can’t!”

So it was dropped on me to find somewhere for my cousin and I. He said that, at least, he’ll give his dad the money to rent a uhaul to drive over.

And then today, his son called to tell him that, he can’t take his dad in either. Now’s not a good time, he’s not sure he has the room after all, he has to go in for surgery, excuses excuses  He wasn’t giving him any money, either.

I’ve been scrambling to find us a place to stay, with only the money to my name because my grandpa spent the money he had and wasted it on using it to pay for the bail to get my other cousin out of jail, some other legal fees that came from having her daughter taken away, and other shit like that. He also didn’t want to tell me at first, but he had been giving his son money to fix some things in his home that he said needed to be fixed in order to accommodate us.

This lead to a series of very bad arguments and discussions where my grandpa finally conceded that he’s bad with handling money and planning these things, and that leaving everything up to people who have been unreliable in the past has left us in this horrible, horrible position. From now on, I’ll be handling all of it.

Once the 1st comes and we collectively get paid, we could afford the deposit and rent for a place to accommodate us no problem, but of course that’s more than two weeks from now.

So, I guess this is where I get to the point.

I am in desperate need of help and am literally facing homelessness.

I only have $200 to my name after paying bills, renting a storage unit and paying for my grandfather’s medication and certain medical supplies and my income relies on me being able to work on my computer, so making money during this transient period will be difficult. I sorry I have to put it so bluntly but I am on my hands and knees begging for help.

Every cent of the money I get will go towards getting a place for us to stay, even if it just has to be in a shitty motel for a couple of weeks until the home we want to rent becomes available and we get paid and have the full amount to pay for it.

Please, help us. My grandpa is a good man who’s just made a few bad steps and his only mistake was believing he could put his full faith and trust in his family. My cousin is a good kid who trusts me and his grandpa, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to either of them.

my paypal is

omgtehmaikeru at hotmail dot com

or one of these links



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More Posts from Hellspawnblr

7 years ago

Help keep net neutrality

Comcast wants to control what you do online. Do you want to let them?
Comment for “no”. Share this for “oh hell no.” Then click through to actually stop it.

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7 years ago

Reblog to help

Click here to support Jaki's Medical Fund organized by Jaclyn Franco
Hi everyone. I'm not entirely sure where to start. There's a lot of details.. I'll be discussing in great detail a lot of medical problems so if that kinda thing makes you uncomfortable please use caution when reading. I will be posting links of MRI pictures and discussing sensitive information...

Hey guys we hit a bit of a snag due to Coffee’s medical situation, if gofundme isn’t your bag then please consider commissioning me, it all goes to the same place and you’d be getting something in return for your help.

If you can’t then a reblog is always appreciated thank you!

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7 years ago

That's so cute

Kanna so kawaii dragon ≥3≤ ≥3≤ ≥3≤

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This is me when lose my remote to my PS4

hellspawnblr - Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

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7 years ago

Spread the word to keep net neutrality UNLESS you want live in a world where people are keeping an eye on the stuff you do on the internet so SPREAD THE WORD FOR KEEP NET NEUTRALITY

The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/


Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.

We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.

We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]

This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?

[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296

[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics

  - Fight For The Future

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