CARING - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

He’s such a cutie! Well, they all are.

How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?
How Would You Describe Park Jimin?

how would you describe park jimin?

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2 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! 🥧🦃🍂Show love and thanks to family and friends, even though you should do it everyday show them especially on today.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Show Love And Thanks To Family And Friends, Even Though You Should Do It

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2 years ago
Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

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6 months ago


In una relazione penso sia fondamentale sapere i gusti e i limiti dell’altra persona, cosa piace, cosa proprio no, cosa forse.

Il consenso per me è fondamentale, so bene che l’altra persona non è un oggetto per il mio piacere ma un essere umano con paure e fragilità e sogni.

Con questa premessa ci sono alcune domande che stuzzicano la mia fantasia e perversione 🔥

1. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su cugini ?

2. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su fratelli ?

3. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su tuo padre?

4. Fai anal?

5. Ti piace succhiare?

6. Deep-throat?

7. Ingoi?

8. Leccheresti i piedi a un ragazzo?

9. Il culo?

10. Leccheresti il culo, senza usare le mani, per tanto tempo, tipo mezz’ora?

11. Ti piace fare edging? Cioè toccarti, arrivare vicinissima all’orgasmo e poi fermarti?

12. Idem, ma fartelo fare, magari mentre sei legata

13. Faresti Pissing, in faccia?

14. Faresti Pissing, sul corpo?

15. Faresti Pissing, col cazzo duro, piantato in gola, mi libero dentro di te?

16. Ti piace farti chiamare in modo forte, es. troia, puttana, cagna in calore e simile (durante il sesso)?

17. Ti piace quando ti toccano in disco?

18. Hai mai twerkato contro un ragazzo?

19. Idem ma strusciandoti “e basta”

20. Ti piace quando ti toccano sui mezzi?

21. Ti faresti toccare le cosce, e sotto la gonna mentre sei passeggero in macchina?

22. Ti sei mai fatta mettere le mani nel reggiseno in disco?

23. Idem, nelle mutandine

24. Idem, scopata nei cessi

25. Sei rasata?

26. Ti faresti venire nel reggiseno la mattina, così la senti dentro tutto il giorno?

27. Idem, nelle mutandine

28. Sto su una panchina, zip aperta, arrivi ti scosti la gonna e mi cavalchi, da fuori sembriamo una coppia normale, in cui io ti tengo in braccio, in realtà ti sto scopando, la gonna copre tutto. Lo faresti?

29. Al ristorante col lush nelle mutandine, io che ti controllo, te lo faccio vibrare mentre parli col cameriere

30. Ti hanno mai fatta venire senza toccarti, solo con le parole?

31. Ti piace provocare, sui mezzi, in gonna leggera, strusciarti al tuo ragazzo (daddy/dom/…)

32. Lo faresti con un ragazzo che non ti piace?

33. Sputi in bocca?

34. In faccia?

35. Scritte sul corpo?

36. Posizione preferita?

37. Ti faresti legare al letto?

38. Manette?

39. Bendata?

40. Andresti in giro con sperma ancora sul viso, seccato?

41. Ti piace essere sculacciata?

42. Con la cintura?

43. Leccheresti sperma da terra? (Ammesso sia tutto pulito)

44. Idem ma dopo che è stato nel tuo ano

45. Idem ma dopo che è stato nella tua figa

46. Prendi la pillola?

47. Ti faresti venire dentro?

48. Supplicheresti per avere il cazzo dentro?

49. Ti piace strusciarti?

50. Essere tenuta un po’ senza averlo dentro

51. Succhiare le dita

52. Idem, mantenendo il contatto visivo

53. Fare la voce da bimba

54. farti mettere un dito in culo mentre lui ti masturba

55. Farti toccare la figa in pubblico, di nascosto

56. Sveltina con la mano sulla bocca così non urli

57. Leccare le palle

58. Stare a terra, in ginocchio, sul tappeto, con i piedi di Daddy sulla schiena, stile tavolino umano

59. Fartela leccare mentre sei al telefono con qualcuno e non puoi gemere troppo

60. Prendere il cazzo e strusciartelo in faccia

61. Ogni quanto ti tocchi?

62. Ti piace sentire lui che ansima?

63. Andresti in giro con il lush dentro?

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1 year ago

sometimes, caring is loving oranges, and still giving three slices to your friend and eating the remaining two slices.

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2 years ago

I love being a master manifestor, there’s no such thing as ‘limiting beliefs’ it’s just a myth like why do you keep convincing yourself that you do have limiting beliefs?? Stop making people have an impact on you because in the end you are living your life, not them, so stop it.

If you lay flat on the ground and let people walk over you they’re still going to complain about how you’re not flat enough, people will people, nothing will ever be to their liking so stop trying to please people.

Please & spoil yourself, you only live once, try to make the most of it since when you die you’ll question yourself “was all the grief, worrying, sadness, hatred, jealousy, etc worth it?” It wasn’t.

Live . Your . Life

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5 years ago

Helping Nikki After his OD

(Reader been besties with Nikki since 1975 and goes to his house after the news of his death)

- once you got into the house you felt his presence but he wasn’t here no more

- you wondered around looking at phots of his from Vince egging him on to do something stupid to you and him when y’all was 14 and 17.

- You wondered from room to room trying to feel something only to have tears go down your face again.

- finally you get to his room and see Nikki laying on the bed with tears in his eyes.

- You are shocked beyond anything on this earth. Your best friend isn’t dead but he looks like he’s been through hell.

- You immediately hug him while he gently hugs back.

- You started to ask questions then realize he wasn’t up for it. You gently got into his arms and he shifted so he’s on top of you and you’re holding him

- it was Christmas Eve the next morning and Nikki still asleep on you. Trying not to wake him up climb out of bed down to the kitchen to make him something.

- you decided Nikki’s favorite breakfast item.

- you took it up to him and the smell of it woke him up. He looked at you like you are Godsend which you are.

- you bring him presents back from your moms house. Your mom got him lots and so did you.

- he loved every gift.

- he kept hugging you over and over with excitement.

- little did you know he would make you his girlfriend next year.

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7 months ago

People who care, act, and refuse to give up may not change THE world, but they can change many individual worlds.

Samantha Power, The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir

People Who Care, Act, And Refuse To Give Up May Not Change THE World, But They Can Change Many Individual

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2 years ago

Maturity is not always about age.

Maturity Is Not Always About Age.

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I know I have to be strong one to hold your heart closer to me than my own, I wish I didn't care so much.

Why do I care about things more deeply than everyone else, is this a curse or a blessing?

I dream of being free, flying through the air, absolutely nothing holding me back but then I look down & I see how the world really works so much emotions, so many unseen battles/lost souls. People say that it's not a big deal but I know for a fact that for those who are battling back with all their might for every second/every minute/hour & EVERY night/day. I see YOU, I see YOU & I acknowledge your existence & YOU matter, the powers that be put you here for a reason we may not know it but YOU matter to someone, even if we are not friends yet I care.

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If I ever date someone and they remind me to take my medications or they check that I have, I will simply marry them. For someone to care about me so much that they are willing to remember what times I have to take my pills is just so unbelievably sweet. Maybe I have low standards but this would make me swoon.

(don't worry, my standards are slightly higher than this XD)

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2 years ago

Let's normalise the expectations of being treated with as much care as we treat others. There are too many caring people out there who do not care for the right people. And by the time they realise their misappropriate actions, they have already burnt a huge part of themselves in lighting others. Let's not be candles. People discard candles when sufficient light starts entering their room.


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7 years ago

Reblog to help

Click here to support Jaki's Medical Fund organized by Jaclyn Franco
Hi everyone. I'm not entirely sure where to start. There's a lot of details.. I'll be discussing in great detail a lot of medical problems so if that kinda thing makes you uncomfortable please use caution when reading. I will be posting links of MRI pictures and discussing sensitive information...

Hey guys we hit a bit of a snag due to Coffee’s medical situation, if gofundme isn’t your bag then please consider commissioning me, it all goes to the same place and you’d be getting something in return for your help.

If you can’t then a reblog is always appreciated thank you!

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7 years ago

Hey guys lets help this person and his grandpa this guy needs help to buy medications for his grandpa and he is running low on money so lets pitch together to help them out


I hate that it had to come to this but I got completely blindsided and had the rug pulled out from under me.

I live with my grandfather, his daughter and her two children (her daughter is 23, her son is 18). I’ve lived with my grandparents because my grandma’s health kept declining over years and it became clear that I was the only one who could reliably care for them as my aunt was in and out of jail/prison regularly. After my grandmother passed away a few years back, a lot of the financial responsibilities and general house management stuff fell to me with my grandpa choosing to handle a few specific things himself, namely mortgage and part of the utilities.

Over time it became clear that he didn’t want me to handle those because he didn’t want me to know how bad the debt was or how poorly he had handled it and other debts after my grandma’s passing.

At the beginning of this year my grandpa had to go in for open heart surgery and had to spend time recovering in the hospital, and this meant he had no choice but to finally let me handle all of the financial responsibilities.

This is when he finally revealed to me that we were facing foreclosure unless he came up with the FULL 10,000 or so dollars he had fallen behind on payments over the years. The bank stopped accepting a monthly payment or partial payment of the debt, demanding a full payment all at once or foreclosure. We weren’t able to make it, and chose to try selling the house. Long story short, we barely managed to sell the house and walk away breaking completely even.

My grandpa’s 50something year old son had said that we could come stay with him until we get our own place and back on our feet, which would only take a couple months just to find and lease a place. So for months, we’ve been planning and figuring things out with that in mind.

Finally, the house sold and we were told we needed to be out of this house no later than November 14th. At the beginning of november, my grandpa’s son calls him and tells him that, no, he wouldn’t be taking all of us in.

Just my grandpa, that me and my 18 year old cousin were on our own, recommending we join the army and “make something of ourselves”. Also stating he was uncomfortable with having me move in anyway, because he “doesn’t really approve of that lifestyle”, criticizing that I’m 30 and single, that he thinks I might be gay, that he thinks anyone my age who still plays video games “probably isn’t great to have around”, working from home is a sign of instability, etc

Also saying that “an 18 year old can find a job and land on their feet really easy”, saying when HE was 18, he left home, got a job and his own apartment, etc, “no reason AJ can’t!”

So it was dropped on me to find somewhere for my cousin and I. He said that, at least, he’ll give his dad the money to rent a uhaul to drive over.

And then today, his son called to tell him that, he can’t take his dad in either. Now’s not a good time, he’s not sure he has the room after all, he has to go in for surgery, excuses excuses  He wasn’t giving him any money, either.

I’ve been scrambling to find us a place to stay, with only the money to my name because my grandpa spent the money he had and wasted it on using it to pay for the bail to get my other cousin out of jail, some other legal fees that came from having her daughter taken away, and other shit like that. He also didn’t want to tell me at first, but he had been giving his son money to fix some things in his home that he said needed to be fixed in order to accommodate us.

This lead to a series of very bad arguments and discussions where my grandpa finally conceded that he’s bad with handling money and planning these things, and that leaving everything up to people who have been unreliable in the past has left us in this horrible, horrible position. From now on, I’ll be handling all of it.

Once the 1st comes and we collectively get paid, we could afford the deposit and rent for a place to accommodate us no problem, but of course that’s more than two weeks from now.

So, I guess this is where I get to the point.

I am in desperate need of help and am literally facing homelessness.

I only have $200 to my name after paying bills, renting a storage unit and paying for my grandfather’s medication and certain medical supplies and my income relies on me being able to work on my computer, so making money during this transient period will be difficult. I sorry I have to put it so bluntly but I am on my hands and knees begging for help.

Every cent of the money I get will go towards getting a place for us to stay, even if it just has to be in a shitty motel for a couple of weeks until the home we want to rent becomes available and we get paid and have the full amount to pay for it.

Please, help us. My grandpa is a good man who’s just made a few bad steps and his only mistake was believing he could put his full faith and trust in his family. My cousin is a good kid who trusts me and his grandpa, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to either of them.

my paypal is

omgtehmaikeru at hotmail dot com

or one of these links

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7 years ago

Lets help this girl out guys no one should be alone and homeless on Christmas

It’s Official, I’m Homeless and Disabled

Its Official, ImHomeless And Disabled

My heart is heavy to even say this - I am homeless. I am writing this from inside a local McDonalds because it is freezing outside. My social worker is working on finding me a motel to stay in, but I am scared to be out here with nowhere to call home. The shelters are full tonight, and most of those are not even wheelchair accessible.

My heart is breaking - I have lost everything I once had. I was enrolled in university, living in student residence, and making friends. It all went south on November 14th, 2017 when I tried to end my own life. I was admitted to the psychiatric ward until December 4th, 2017. When I came home, the university said they were concerned for my safety and they could not offer me the resources I needed to be well mentally. I was asked to leave my only wheelchair accessible home.

Tomorrow I am going into the school to appeal their decision to evict me from student residence. No one should be treated badly simply because they have mental health struggles. I am going to therapy and taking all the necessary steps to ensure I do not end up back in the hospital. 

Tonight I will stay in a motel with the money fundraised and see where it goes from here. My mother is still working on making the necessary renovations to our family home but we need your help. Please reblog this and share it everywhere.

If you can, please click here to make a monetary donation to my GoFundMe.

P.s. @taylorswift if you see this, I love you.

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