[she/her 21] RAVEN CYCLE SIDEBLOG IS QUEEN-OF-TORCHES!! No minors on this blog please, ageless bios blocked
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Hit-the-pavemxnt - That's What I Call Entertainment - Tumblr Blog
huge fan of disgusting. massive supporter of gross and nasty
i need to (remembers that suicide jokes only hurt yourself and those around you) fag it up

"The clitoris exists, as for God, I don't know..."
Seen in Ivanjica, Serbia
i think my brain is rotting in places i think my heart is ready to die i think my body is falling in pieces i think my blood is passing me by i think my fate is losing its patience i think the ground is pulling me down i think my life is losing momentum i think my ways are wearing me down BUT IF I GAVE UP ON BEING PRETTY I WOULDN’T KNOW HOW TO BE ALIVE I SHOULD MOVE TO A BRAND NEW CITY AND TEACH MYSELF HOW TO DIE

In the club whimpering like a kicked dog
"why are you lgbt wrong answers only " to be quite honest the girls always made me be the dog when we played house
so did that the vampire get the job

Those Sweet and Painful Memories, Danny Castillones Sillada//Richard Siken
slightly losing my mind over this bookmark

i love when people get up in arms about kink as like a "new perverted phenomenon" bc of their boogeyman obsession with porn. brother gay people have been slapping each other and pretending to be dogs while we fuck since the dawn of time. you're only just finding out now bc your hole is largely unremarkable and your manner unbecoming

Violence. Yeah, that checks out I guess
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die

How you dying 👀
(guy whos scared of everything and feels guilty about everything) sorry i got scared and felt guilty

More Lawrence, cause the brainrot is still rotting
okay humans are born to live 100 years and be actively dying almost the entire time both physically and metaphorically in the sense of dreams and preferences and habits dying off one by one, and in the sense of living in an ongoing conscious negotiation with the inevitable but unknowable hour of their deaths, to fully understand and experience the decline of their physical capacities, sensory organs and cognitive faculties, to wither in a body of ever-narrowing ability and to finally die for real while inescapably conscious of their absolute finitude as temporal beings, but sure go ahead and dunk on hamsters, who don't even know they're alive, for being universally fated to live 6 months and then fall directly into the open mouth of a Labradoodle.
Imagine showing up to work one day and people are like "jesus fucking christ there's a corpse in here", herd you to the back room and everyone who sees you also agrees that there is now a dead body where you are sitting, with the appropriate amount of shock and disgust about it. You figure it's some kind of a prank that they're pulling, but also the people that you know aren't into pranks, or aren't very good actors, are treating you like a corpse. They go weirdly back and forth between talking about you as if you're not there, and politely asking you to stay still while they figure out who you're supposed to call in case of a dead body randomly appearing.
Paramedics show up, study you thoroughly and agree that while they can't see any apparent sign of death, you are, indeed, dead, and ask you to climb aboard the ambulance. You're taken to the temporary corpse storage that hospitals have.
On the way there you ask them whether this kind of shit happens often, and while they won't look at you, the paramedics agree that they've never had a talking corpse before, though they won't question the fact that you're moving on your own.
You're eventually led to a morgue, where you're shown a slab to lay on, and at this point you don't really even question it, you just climb onto the Corpse Shelf and lay down, maybe have a little nap, with no idea what's going to happen next.
Then you wake up to someone walking into the morgue, who has the shit scared out of them when you move, and they're like "dude what the fuck, you're not supposed to be here, this place is for storing dead bodies" and when you're like "aw man sorry I thought I was a dead body" they have no idea whether you're joking and they don't care, you're just chased out of there.
And you just kinda go home and take a shower, show up to work normally the next day and nobody questions it.
And basically that's probably how those ants feel when scientists spray them with the Pheromone That Dead Ants Smell Like, and just hang out at the dead-ant-pile until the smell wears off.
“I am so close to you that I could drink you. My thirst is a naked slave.”
— Paul Valéry, tr. by Hilary Corke, from The Collected Works; “Fragments of the Narcissus,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
Nonconsensual Sexless BDSM (Beating The Shit Out Of You In An Alleyway)