Name : Hwan Jaehwa || Multi fandom || Pansexual || Ravenclaw

728 posts

Retro:Flower Shop (Maknae Line)

Retro:Flower Shop (Maknae line)

Summary : Your co-worker got promote into higher position.You wanted to give her a bouquet as a congrat gift.You decided to cross a road to the oposite of coffee house.When you entered the shop,you met 3 graceful boys.Seems like you met another woderful place.

                             “ Welcome to Flora Atlast Flower shop.” 


Park Jimin : Florist / Deliver

- A young fine man who smiled with eyes into cresent shape.He wasn’t tall,well among 3 of them.However he was chraming like the two.Giving you a different kind of vibe.

- He was delicate in his work.Starting from choosing until pack them and finish decorate them.He would ask and listen carefully what customers order.He would even ask in detial like what is her/his favourite colors,His/Her personality something like that.

- Actually that was his habit and yyou wondered why.That was when you got to know that he studied botany along with psychology as his minor.‘You want to be a psychologist?’ ‘No well not sure,I just studied because of my parents.Actually I love nature,flowers and all kind of plants.’

- He was also a deliver guy.It was the survice of this place.You could also order flowers to your house or even for decorations in events.Jimin would take care of those kind of business.


Kim Taehyung : Florist / Owner

- He was the son from farmer family.His parents worked har to send him money. This was the reason he decided to open this shop.He told his parents about it. They,as a pair of supportive parents,sent him tons of different kind of flowers from Daegu.

- He loved his shop like his life.He was really proud since this way help him earn money and reduce his parents work.He worked really hard with the shop and took care as if it was his son.‘Well don’t judge me,I actually felt like it.’

- He was the same year as Jimin but different faculty.He was in economics major and western music minor.With that minor,he would have an artist side influence him a lot of time.

- One of his talent from learning western music was playing saxophone.He was really into jazz music.So if you walk in here and hear the jazz songs,it’s because of his music taste.


Jeon Jungkook : Florist / Partnership

- He became a partnership because he was Taehyung junior.He studied in IT engineer major and Vocal minor.Taehyung then told him about the shop and he joined in.Since this guy wanted to earn some cash so why not.

- He was tall and shy.It was like he was a baby boy type.However he didn’t like to be called that way.Also when you got to know him,he was actually a manly man.The one you would call baby boy would probably be Jimin not Jungkook.

- You came in the shop one day to discover this boy’s talent.He was singing while rearrange the flowers into different zone.His voice sound melodic and you really love it.‘Remember this,everytime I come here,you should sing okay?’ ‘No I didn’t good at...’ ‘Stop it,noona heard you just now so don’t lie to me.’

- He has his own style of arranging flowers.Not like Jimin,he would randomly took flowers from different shelves,arrange them according to thier colors and then decorate.Customers especially teen girls love them.He even gained his own fan clubs out of that.(To be honest,all of them have their own fan clubs.)

Well I’ll end it here.This is the second set for our beloved Maknae line.If you want to read hyung line then,go check the first one.How was it anyway? I hope you love this one and this will be and end of retro set.Hope you love both of them.Don’t forget to check the other work and I’ll see you next time,bye. 

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5 years ago

We need all of them to do acting career.

Wow actor Kim Namjoon. I can’t he’s so attractive & talented. There’s nothing he can’t do. 😢💜

5 years ago

You deserve it.

190513 RM’s Tweet

감사합니다 😂

Thank you😂

Video Translation/Transcription: For being together with us for these two days… These two days have been really different! Two times over at LA and Chicago, I’m so thankful to ARMYs. Also, especially since it rained really hard today and it must have been so tough but thank you so much for staying with us. I’m also thankful to all the ARMYs waiting for us from all around the world. We’ll go to you really soon. I just wanna say thank you to all the LA and Chicago ARMYs that have attended our concert. And y’know today was quite special ‘cause it was like, raining for the whole day, for the whole night. So thank you for bearing the weather, and showing us love.

Trans cr; Denise @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS