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⎯⎯ ᥣᥱt 𝑚𝑒 bᥱ 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 ꮺ

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' (t !!!) || M.J.H

˗ˏˋ 𝝡𝝪ꓴ𝖭𝗚ᒍ𝖠𝗘'𝗦 ᒍ𝝤ꓴ𝙍𝖭𝖠𝗟 (𝗇𝗼t 𝖺 𝖽𝗂𝖺𝙧𝘆!!!) || M.J.H

—0.0: expand your creativity, son

 ' (t !!!) || M.J.H

ᨓ 。bnd myungjae × fem reader ꒰🍭꒱﹕teeth rooting fluff ﹕+2.3k


Jungkook didn't know what to do; he tried everything to tone down his son's energetic behavior after countless teacher's notes, but when he saw how his son loved to write him appreciation letters ever since he learned how to write (and how calm he stayed for more than five minutes), the idea of a diary came to his mind. But he didn't know that his son would love that journal (his son's words) so much to even write about his first love, but also how much she hated that girl with pigtails and a beautiful smile who didn't share some of her crayons with him.

 ' (t !!!) || M.J.H

Jungkook walked to Jaehyun's classroom, smiling fondly at the rest of the parents that were picking up their children when he saw them. Almost all of the parents there were going to turn forty, dressed in their corporate suits or gym clothes, carrying an air of experience and stability. And there he was, a twenty-two-year-old single dad, standing out not just because of his age but because he felt like he was living in a world entirely different from theirs. He had an all black outfit pair with some combat boots of the same color and his leather jacket, and the small smile that reached his lips was more out of habit than ease.

At the fresh age of sixteen, he had won and lost something at the same time: he won the love of his life, his little boy Jaehyun, whose wide eyes and mischievous smile were a mirror image of his own. The first time he saw Jaehyun after his ex gave birth, he cried—because he couldn’t believe something so perfect had come from him and because he knew how much responsibility had landed on his young shoulders. His girlfriend, Jaehyun’s mother, had been quick to back out. The reality of teenage parenthood was too much for her, and after a few months of tearful arguments and sleepless nights, she left without saying much. One day, there was a note on the table, and her things were gone. She didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

Jungkook had been scared—terrified, really. He was barely figuring out who he was at sixteen; how was he supposed to raise a baby? But the moment Jaehyun grabbed his finger with that tiny hand, all the fear was replaced by an overwhelming sense of purpose. He wasn’t just a teenager anymore; he was Jaehyun’s dad.

The first few years had been tough. He had to grow up fast, faster than any of his friends. While they were still figuring out how to sneak into clubs, Jungkook was learning how to change diapers in the middle of the night. He remembered the nights he would stay awake, not because Jaehyun was crying, but because he was worried—worried if he was doing enough, if he could provide the life his son deserved. He dropped out of high school to work odd jobs, from a delivery boy to a part-time barista, doing whatever it took to make ends meet.

But as tough as those early years were, they were also filled with moments of quiet joy—Jaehyun’s first steps, his first word. Dad. The first time he toddled over to Jungkook with a crayon drawing, showing off the crooked lines like it was the most important piece of art in the world. Each of those moments reminded Jungkook that, even though his life had taken a completely unexpected turn, he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Now, at twenty-two, things were a little more stable. He had gotten his GED, was working as a tattoo artist part-time and as a photographer and video editor for a very well-known brand, and while life was still chaotic, they had a rhythm—a bond that was unbreakable. It wasn’t always easy, especially when he saw parents who had their lives neatly organized, with their pristine schedules and picture-perfect families. But every time Jaehyun looked up at him with those same round, sparkling eyes, he knew he was doing okay. More than okay. He was doing his best.

And that was enough.

As Jungkook approached the classroom door, he saw Jaehyun still scribbling away on a piece of paper in the small playground next to the classroom with some of his friends, oblivious to the world around them. His son’s tongue stuck out a little in concentration, and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile.

Just as he was about to call Jaehyun’s name, a voice stopped him.

“Jungkook-ah!” Taehyung’s warm, familiar voice carried across the room. They smiled at each other as he strode over with his signature boxy smile, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Jungkook chuckled. “What’s up, Tae?”

Taehyung motioned toward Jaehyun with a tilt of his head. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your little guy. Let's go inside.” Both of them went into the classroom, with Taehyung taking a seat in his chair and Jungkook at his friend's desk.

Taehyung and Jungkook met each other on their first day of high school and were also the first to know that Jungkook was going to be a father.

Taehyung had been by his side through it all—the late-night talks, the moments when Jungkook didn’t know if he could handle the pressure, and even the small victories like Jaehyun’s first birthday party. After graduating, Taehyung didn't have second thoughts and decided that teaching was his passion, later on becoming a teacher for kids.

He was even the one that recommended to Jungkook to enroll Jaehyun in it. It was only fitting that Taehyung ended up being Jaehyun’s teacher.

“Is everything okay?” Jungkook asked, leaning forward slightly, a trace of concern in his voice.

Taehyung sighed, running a hand through his hair before resting his elbows on the desk. “Jaehyun’s a great kid. You know that. Bright, imaginative, kind.” He paused, giving Jungkook a reassuring smile. “But I’ve noticed he’s having a little trouble sitting still, especially during lessons. It’s nothing we can’t work through, but I just thought it might be good to talk about it.”

Jungkook nodded, though he already knew where this was heading. He had received more than a few notes from Taehyung and other teachers in the past about Jaehyun’s boundless energy. No matter how much they tried to redirect it, Jaehyun seemed to always have an endless well of enthusiasm that couldn’t be contained by a classroom setting.

“I’ve been trying to figure it out, too,” Jungkook admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve tried cutting down on his sugar intake, setting earlier bedtimes, giving him more outside playtime—but nothing seems to work long-term.”

Taehyung smiled sympathetically. “Sometimes, it’s not about toning down the energy, but finding the right outlet for it.”

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“Well,” Taehyung began thoughtfully, “I’ve noticed that whenever we do creative writing or any drawing activity, Jaehyun is one of the few kids who actually sits down and focuses. He really gets into it. He wrote me a story the other day about a superhero who could run faster than the speed of light.” Taehyung chuckled, pulling out a piece of paper from his desk drawer. “We both know that he wrote "Flash," but I have to say. It was pretty impressive the approach he had, to be honest.”

Jungkook’s eyes lit up as he took the paper from Taehyung. He recognized the messy handwriting, grammatical errors, and colorful doodles along the edges. Jaehyun had always been expressive with his drawings, leaving notes for Jungkook all over their apartment, little tokens of appreciation, or just random thoughts. He never realized it was a way to help his son focus.

“That’s actually really cool,” Jungkook said, staring at the paper with a growing sense of pride.

"He has your art and writing skills, JK." Taehyung leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. “Maybe you could encourage him to keep writing. Let him express all that energy. It might not solve everything, but it could help him channel his thoughts and feelings in a more structured way.”

Jungkook thought about it for a moment, his thoughts being interrumped by a gasp.

"Dad!" he saw Jaehyun running to him with another paper in hand and a big smile on his face. “Look what I drew today!” Jaehyun beamed, holding up a crumpled sheet filled with colorful crayon drawings. His energy was contagious, and even though Jungkook had just been discussing his struggles, all he could do was smile.

“Whoa, buddy, this looks amazing!” Jungkook kneeled down to Jaehyun’s level, ruffling his hair as he inspected the picture. It was another one of Jaehyun’s imaginative masterpieces, this time depicting a castle with dragons and knights. “Did you make this all by yourself?”

Jaehyun nodded enthusiastically, his eyes wide with excitement. “Yeah! And Mr. Kim said it was really cool too!”

Taehyung chuckled from behind his desk. “I sure did. I even said he could teach me a thing or two about drawing.”

Jungkook laughed lightly, but his thoughts lingered on what Taehyung had suggested earlier. Writing. Drawing. Maybe Jaehyun didn’t need to be calmed down; maybe he just needed a way to express all those thoughts buzzing around in his little head.

"Okay, Jaehyun. Take your stuff and wait for me outside. I'll go in a minute." Jaehyun gave a soft kiss on his dad's cheek and started running to his table, taking his superhero bagpack and doing as he said. He turned again to his friend. "I think I have an idea and, thankfully, something."

Taehyung grinned, standing up and giving Jungkook a firm pat on the back. “You’re a good dad, Jungkook. You’ve always been. Jaehyun’s lucky to have you.”

Jungkook felt a warmth spread through his chest at the words. He didn’t always feel like he was doing things right—most of the time, he was just winging it—but hearing that from Taehyung, someone who had known him for so long, gave him a small boost of confidence.

“Thanks, Tae,” Jungkook said quietly.

As they walked back outside, Jungkook’s eyes landed on Jaehyun again, now chasing one of his friends around the playground, laughing wildly. His heart swelled with affection, and in that moment, he decided he’d do whatever it took to help his son, no matter how small the steps.

"Let's go, Jae!"

Jungkook watched Jaehyun race across the playground; he knew this was one of those moments. The ones where everything seemed to fall into place, where the love he had for his son overshadowed any doubts or fears he held inside. Jaehyun was a whirlwind of energy, yes, but he was also a whirlwind of joy. That was what mattered most.

On their way home, Jaehyun couldn’t stop talking. About his day, about his friends and activities, and about the new superhero team he was imagining. Jungkook listened, smiling, but his mind was focused on the idea that Taehyung had planted.

Jaehyun is really similar to him, just in his extrovert form. And if he really was similar to him, then he will need something that would allow him to be himself.

Later that evening, after dinner and a bath, Jungkook sat down with Jaehyun. “Hey, buddy, I’ve been thinking,” he started, pulling out a small notebook from behind his back. “How about you write in this every night before bed? You can write stories, draw, or even tell me about your day.”

"Like a secret diary? That's for girls, dad."

Jaehyun’s laugh echoed in the room, but Jungkook caught the hint of uncertainty in his son's eyes. He sat down beside Jaehyun on the bed, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. “You know, buddy,” he began, his tone soft but thoughtful, “there aren’t things that are just for boys or just for girls. Anyone can do what makes them happy.”

Jaehyun tilted his head, still clutching the small notebook. “But my friends at school say diaries are for girls. They don’t have any.”

Jungkook gave a warm smile, leaning in a bit closer. “Well, your friends might not know the whole picture. Some boys don’t talk about the things they write or draw, but that doesn’t mean they don’t do it. Writing in a diary or a journal doesn’t make someone any less of who they are—whether they’re a boy, a girl, or anything else. It just helps them express their feelings, and that’s something anyone can do.”

Jaehyun furrowed his brows, considering his dad’s words. Jungkook continued, choosing his words carefully. “You see, everyone has feelings, right? Sometimes we get happy, sad, frustrated, or excited. Writing them down helps us understand what we’re feeling and why. It’s kind of like when you draw—when you’re in your own world, making up stories about superheroes and castles. That’s for everyone.”

Jaehyun looked at the journal again, his little fingers running over the cover. “So… it’s okay if I have a diary?”

Jungkook smiled warmly and nodded. “Absolutely. It’s more than okay. It’s yours, and you can fill it with whatever you want—your thoughts, your dreams, your drawings. And it doesn’t matter if other people think diaries are for girls, because it’s not about them. It’s about what makes you happy.”

“But Dad,” Jaehyun asked, his voice quieter now, “do other boys really have diaries?”

Jungkook nodded again. “Lots of boys do. I do. And even if they don’t call it a diary, they might write stories or keep track of things they love, like songs, drawings, or goals they want to reach. Everyone has different ways of keeping track of what’s important to them.”

Jaehyun seemed to relax a bit, his fingers flipping the notebook open again. “So I can write whatever I want? No one will laugh.”

“Exactly,” Jungkook reassured him. “And if anyone does laugh, it just means they don’t understand it yet. But that’s okay—they’ll learn. And remember, being kind and respectful is the most important thing, whether someone likes drawing, writing, or even just playing outside. It’s all good as long as it makes them happy.”

Jaehyun nodded, his expression brightening as he held the notebook a little closer to his chest. “Okay, Dad. I’ll write in it. But can it be any time?”

Jungkook chuckled softly. “You can write about anything and anytime, buddy. And when you’re ready, I’d love to hear about it.”

Jaehyun smiled, flipping the notebook open, already scribbling away on the first page. Jungkook watched him for a moment, feeling a sense of pride as he saw his son begin to understand that there were no limits to what he could do, no matter what anyone said.

 ' (t !!!) || M.J.H

𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦: MASTERLIST 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 - 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵

𝘃𝗲𝙧𝘆 𝗂𝗺𝗽𝗼𝙧t𝖺𝗇t 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 (𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵)

@onedoornet @loserlvrss @tkooooop @jvngw0nlvr @hees-love @astrae4 @fae-renjun @nicholasluvbot @txtbrainrot @kwiwin @kkumistars @lynnimini @dalliesque @cherrycolaberry @seokkiez

© hollyoongs, 2024. please do not copy, translate or steal my story

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More Posts from Hollyoongs

6 months ago

should I give spoilers for this after Winter Soldier Sunghoon?

coming 2 you: TWO hoon fics!

6 months ago

Hii first time doing a request, 46 + 57 with Heeseung please


"Cum all over me." + "The camera makes you look even more wet."

Hii First Time Doing A Request, 46 + 57 With Heeseung Please

"The camera makes you look even more wet." you were too focused on how Heeseung attached your small vibrator on your clit as he fucked your brains out to even try to hear something. Your fingers and nails were already leaving scratches on Heeseung's back and arms, and with your head thrown back in delight, Heeseung's hand catched your jaw and made you watch him.

His gaze was deep, feeling his ego boosted at your freaked-out state. You were always looking so pretty for me; he liked it when you rolled your eyes as he continued to hit your sweet spot; he liked it when you told him to not stop; he liked it when you grabbed his hair when he's between your legs, but what he loves the most is how much of a good girl you will always be for him.

"You're so pretty and so mine." You nodded, already feeling that knot in your stomach. He slapped softly your cheek, spitting right into your mouth when you opened yours. You felt the tears in your eyes already running down, the pleasure being too much that you were just a moaning mess, moans getting louder.

"I'm so fucking yours, Hee. Fuck, I'm going to cum!"

"Cum all over me, baby." You just remember your orgasm taking your body so brutally with Heeseung's face hidden on your neck, creating hickeys that he'll make sure you wear them with pride. Heeseung separated from you, stretching himself to catch his phone panting.

"So, Jake. Are you coming to join the fun or not?"

"Fuck, okay. I'm on my way."

Hii First Time Doing A Request, 46 + 57 With Heeseung Please

↷ 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢'𝚜 note: This just popped on the top of my head. Don't judge, I'm ovulating🦋

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5 months ago


DEVIL'S KNIGHTS' PREY (series masterlist)

DEVIL'S KNIGHTS' PREY (series Masterlist)

PREVIEW ✧ Halloween is approaching the next night, and your best friends have been imploring you to join them since they have been invited to an exclusive event that is known as 'The Devils Night,' which is hosted by the fraternity of devil's knights. You know of them, including their corrupt fraternity, and you know better than to involve yourself with the likes of them after hearing unpleasant things from your peers. In fact, from the day you stepped foot into the university, you had been warned to steer clear of any of the devil's knights, specifically the four prominent individuals. So you heeded the warnings and successfully managed to avoid drawing attention that could possibly intrigue the aforementioned individuals, but little did you know that you have long since caught the attention of the devil's knights leaders.

GENRE ✧ semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes, morally grey characters

GENERAL WARNING ✧ mentions of christianity, dramas, profanities, explicit themes, violence, corruption, smuts (smut warning under cut on respective parts)

DISCLAIMER ✧ this fic is inspired by devil's night series written by penelope douglas but with an entirely different plot. all feedbacks and reblogs are very much appreciated!

CREDIT ✧ main top banner by @chaconnenha

TAGLIST ✧ close

DEVIL'S KNIGHTS' PREY (series Masterlist)


DEVIL'S KNIGHTS' PREY (series Masterlist)

✧ PART 1

✧ PART 2 (sim jaeyun)

✧ PART 3.1 , PART 3.2 (park sunghoon)

✧ PART 4 (park jongseong)

✧ PART 5 (lee heeseung)

✧ PART 6.1 , PART 6.2 , PART 6.3

✧ PART 7.1 , PART 7.2 , PART 7.3 (finale)

DEVIL'S KNIGHTS' PREY (series Masterlist)

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6 months ago

it's been a while since I've been kissed. I need to make out with somebody fr

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6 months ago


AJJJJJJJ!!!!!! don't worry we love your fics some ppl just won't be happy with anything 🤷‍♀️ but most of are VERY happy with your fics! keep doing you babes and ignore the haters 🙂‍↕️

thank you baby :(( its really just one bitch that hates me so i pay no mind to it <33