homoshenanigans - GAY APP SHENANIGANS

This tumblr page is dedicated to giving attention to only the finest of Grindr, Scruff, Jackd, etc. Prepared to be awed by the interactions between the "ladies" and gentlemen of these apps and yours truly. I will also read and post any screenshots that viewers would like to share with the world (only for the sake of immortalizing our refined examples of communication, of course). Some content is not suitable for those under 18 years of age.

94 posts

Pro Tip: Always Remember The Reason They Turned You Down Before.

Pro Tip: Always Remember The Reason They Turned You Down Before.

Pro tip: always remember the reason they turned you down before.

More Posts from Homoshenanigans

11 years ago
Pro Tip: Never Cease To Be Amazed At The Situations People Put Themselves In...

Pro Tip: never cease to be amazed at the situations people put themselves in...

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11 years ago
It's Always Great To See Today's Society Look Past Race And Religion.

It's always great to see today's society look past race and religion.

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11 years ago
His Lack Of A Response Confirms He Got The Point...

His lack of a response confirms he got the point...

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