homoshenanigans - GAY APP SHENANIGANS

This tumblr page is dedicated to giving attention to only the finest of Grindr, Scruff, Jackd, etc. Prepared to be awed by the interactions between the "ladies" and gentlemen of these apps and yours truly. I will also read and post any screenshots that viewers would like to share with the world (only for the sake of immortalizing our refined examples of communication, of course). Some content is not suitable for those under 18 years of age.

94 posts

Fact: You Can Always Judge The Local Economy Of The Cities You Travel By How Much They Offer For Sex.

Fact: You Can Always Judge The Local Economy Of The Cities You Travel By How Much They Offer For Sex.
Fact: You Can Always Judge The Local Economy Of The Cities You Travel By How Much They Offer For Sex.

Fact: you can always judge the local economy of the cities you travel by how much they offer for sex. One of these gentlemen wanted to make me feel extra special...

More Posts from Homoshenanigans

11 years ago
That Deep Connection Only Grindr Can Bring.

That deep connection only grindr can bring.

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11 years ago
Everybody Loves That Initial Barrage Of Questions. Makes Me Hot Every Time...

Everybody loves that initial barrage of questions. Makes me hot every time...

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11 years ago
Selecting The Most Appropriate Greeting Can Really Determine The Success Or Failure Of Any App Interaction.

Selecting the most appropriate greeting can really determine the success or failure of any app interaction. Don't be afraid to switch it up and always remember: you can NEVER overdo persistence.

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