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1165 posts
Honey-bell-aint-well - I'm Trying So Hard To Stay Sane Rn - Tumblr Blog

First Inktobertale haul, I’ll probably do at least one more of these once I catch up lol
also close up for Coffee under the cut :p

Yes!! Everyone dislikes something. Logically that means some people don't like the thing you like, just as you don't like something someone else likes. If you run into people who don't like your thing you can ignore them and they can ignore you. It's not a big deal, and taking that fact to heart will probably make things easier for you.
a weird thing is that we got waves of people going "who cares if its cringe or youre annoying! have fun!" but no one really learned how to accept the fact that some people will find you annoying or think your art or your work or posts or anyrhing sucks and thats ok. rather it just became a weird "if people think youre annoying theyre just morally bad. let people enjoy things!". like no i think this yes man only biome sucks and people are allowed to not like artstyles and shows and media and other things
The bloodied Bride

well, its spooky month, so figure id do something a LITTLE gory. well, kinda lol
you better not let this post flop or im gonna wat a shoe. and all my shoes are heels, so were REALLY done for if that happens.
to note, yes i have a version of the dress saved without the blood, cus the blood covers most of it here, and hides all the detail i put into it. im planning to do a version of this of a human with none of the blood, as an example for my commission work on kofi, so if you see an image in a very similar pose, theres no copying going on, its me lol!
anyway, yeah, enjoy hehe

Bro cannot catch a super natural break now he is being accused of being a vampire 😭 (based on the avg thumbnail below and the comments saying he’s a vampire because of the lack of reflection)

Bonus doodles under the cut!

Sometimes, you just gotta do it yourself
This year's prompt list sucks 😭 so me and my pal @sunny-knight made our own list! If you wanna follow this one, tag me in your posts or use the hashtag #whiteboardfoxtober ! Happy prompting fellas :)

me n my pal @fruitytrip made our own list
DAY 1: NOSTALGIA - bonus song inspo: “Anthem Of A Seventeen Year-Old Girl” by Yeule
DAY 2: HOLLOW - “Birds Birds Birds” by Robinsons Village
DAY 3: GOD(S) - “Neighborhood #2 (Laika)” by Arcade Fire

Some more in depth info on em all if you’re interested too!
There Is Still Time ofc comes from the movie I Saw The TV Glow which is one I… havent… watched yet… IM SCARED OKAY??? Im gender queer and im not ready for that gut punch, thank you VERY much
But this quote still hits me very hard in ways of Nostalgia! There Is Still Time to make memories like the pleasant ones you had before!
This one… ok this one has no real personal emotions attached to it, sometimes the mood just b like that. Hollow. BUT IM STILL REALLY PROUD OF THIS ONE I mainly focus on the artist elements of em cause OH BOY I am in my EXPERIMENTATION ERA and its wonderful (Any constructive criticism is very welcome on all of these! I always am looking to get better and connect with my community :3)
Similar to Hollow… sorta no personal feelings here??? The character depicted is my own OC named Cherish! and her story is very religious based, mainly found in my own perspective of religion as well as seeing it from all perspectives n all that. ITS A FUN TOPIC THAT CAN GET REALLY UNFUN REAL QUICK!
But ya :3 I find it fun that the “hand of god” looks like the devils hand tho-
ok have a nice day, a good spooky season, and an even better SLEEP. GET SLEEP TONIGHT, PLEASE.
Bonus Skelebro/Undertale/Forgettable AU (by Sunsestart) art/wips if you clicked “Keep Reading”

Today was a shitty day so i decided to draw skelebros to calm down (and because i draw them so rarely that it's unforgivable)
I feel like it looks better... Unpolished idk. I just want to leave it as it is
Sans mentioned that they only made the battle body last week. Maybe this is what he wore the rest of the time?
ok so I meant to post this earlier with a comic but then I forgot the comic idea so.
Just have this

I have a HC papyrus has a coat like sans'. He just doesn't wear it because A. It doesn't match and B. He doesn't get cold so he doesn't see the point.
However he does wear it in private when he's sad
(guys I swear I'll have a comic to this i prommy)

Actually screamed when I scrolled and saw more “canon” art of these weirdos/aff
Exactly!!! Create create create! As much as you want, to whatever degree you want! I once saw someone say 'Toby Fox was in the Homestuck fandom, I'm sure he understands' and I'm not sure what that means, but yeah!
Just do whatever makes you happy or gets you out of artblock!
And if anyone doesn't like it and harasses you about it, feel free to block them!

Transcript: Sometimes I feel so bad for the side of the fandom i indulge in bcs its mostly fanon or. my own multiverse which ive put so much hcs into i dont think it even counts as a utmv anymore and i feel. very stupid for this,,,,