honeyyvore - Honey Vore
Honey Vore

The vore is as sweet as honeyGAY šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

119 posts

Honeyyvore - Honey Vore - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
It Was Good To Have Devoured And Digested Your Little Brother, He Was Very Cute So I Only Bit The First

It was good to have devoured and digested your little brother, he was very cute so I only bit the first time and the second I swallowed it

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8 months ago

Fatty is out of breath.

8 months ago
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So
Cj Clark Is So

Cj Clark is so šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

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8 months ago
There's Nothing Else To Do, I'm Already Digesting Your Little Brother

There's nothing else to do, I'm already digesting your little brother

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8 months ago
As You Can See After This Swimming, I Wanted To Present Your Friend With A Hydromassage, But This One

As you can see after this swimming, I wanted to present your friend with a hydromassage, but this one has no water but stomach acid

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8 months ago
"I Look At You, Adult Men, All Compact In My Stomach And Nothing More Than Serving As My Source To Increase

"I look at you, adult men, all compact in my stomach and nothing more than serving as my source to increase and accumulate all your nutrients and add some to my breasts haha! A destiny that men like you honestly deserve."

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8 months ago

Hello, I'm recruiting new preds who intend to make a career in vore, if you also want to be a pred send a message to me here on Tumblr

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8 months ago
"Why So Devastated? It Was Just Your Family Man, No Biggie. Like Holy Shit Its Nothing You Should Be

"Why so devastated? It was just your family man, no biggie. Like holy shit its nothing you should be worried about, they're just glorified heaps of food that should assimilate and sate my body. Now just sit n watch, and maybe fuck me once I'm mobile."

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8 months ago
I Repeat Again, If You Don't Want To Be Eaten By Preds, Stay Tuned And Look Up. The Prey That Took This

I repeat again, if you don't want to be eaten by preds, stay tuned and look up. The prey that took this photo was digested by this pred.

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8 months ago

This logo will be a great pred

@famevore vore belly request for you!

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8 months ago

@trogdorwasaman22 It's very good to relax after eating my prey, and feel it squirming in my belly

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8 months ago
I Think He Will Call You To Take A Shower In The Bathtub, But It's A Different Bathtub, There's No Soap

I think he will call you to take a shower in the bathtub, but it's a different bathtub, there's no soap and water, but stomach acid, what do you think?

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8 months ago
I Sent This Photo To You Just To Show By My Eyes That I'm Starving, And The Main Course Will Be You!

I sent this photo to you just to show by my eyes that I'm starving, and the main course will be you!

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8 months ago
And This Is The Anatomy Of A Pred Who Has Just Devoured His Prey

And this is the anatomy of a pred who has just devoured his prey

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8 months ago
What Do You Think Happened To My Prey? Yes, I Only Digested My Prey In 5 Minutes. What Falls Inside This

What do you think happened to my prey? Yes, I only digested my prey in 5 minutes. What falls inside this belly already has minutes counted

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8 months ago

I can't stand it, I was with a lot so I ended up devouring my friend, but I think he's having fun in my stomach

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8 months ago

I love to see this prey trying to escape from this guy's stomach

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8 months ago
 I've Been Pretty Lean Most Of My Life, Even Despite My "eating Habits". I Guess Being 20 Years Old That's

I've been pretty lean most of my life, even despite my "eating habits". I guess being 20 years old that's quite normal. But some months ago, I decided to finally change this, so I joined a gym. I didn't see any progress at first, but after making some adjustments, I think now it is finally starting to show.

It took me a few weeks to realize what I was doing wrong. When people start going to the gym because they want to get ripped, it's not enough to just exercise. They also need to eat way more, increase their protein intake, if they really want to see some gains. So I started researching the diets athletes follow and tried to adapt them to my situation.

From that point on, I went to the gym four times a week. Since eating people every day wasn't making me gain not even barely one pound, I needed to have bigger portions for my pre-workout, so I began having 5 to 10 people (depending on how hungry I was) about one hour before every training session. Just enough time to digest my meal. But it was in my understanding that post-workout meals are also very important, so every day once I finished exercising, I would also head to the lockers and eat everyone there for good measure. Like a dozen people are always hanging there, so it was a good post-workout snack.

Of course, this wasn't very sustainable for a gym, even if the gym I used to go to at first was huge. But eventually it just drained from clients. So now I'm at my third gym, the second one has also dried out. And I'm about to change locations again since the few dozen people I can spot won't last me for more than a week. I started snacking more often outside the gym in order to be more full, trying to make this one last longer, but it seems I can't resist myself, all I did was start eating more overall.

Now I'm not really buffed but I can certainly notice the progress. Then again, after eating hundreds of people in the last three months, I've barely gained more than 10 pounds of muscle. I'm wondering if maybe I should try bulking, but with the volume of my meals, I would have to actively search for ways to get into parties or big events almost every other day and clean the whole place if I wanted to gain whatever little mass I can. I'm not complaining tho, it definitely sounds enticing. I would be pushing my own limits, but after all, every influencer that I come across promotes that, pushing one's limits. I guess the future will tell.

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8 months ago
Every So Often I Like To Have A "praying Mantis" Day. Everyone Knows Praying Mantises Eat Their Mates,

Every so often I like to have a "praying mantis" day. Everyone knows praying mantises eat their mates, and you gotta admit that sounds quite alluring for a pred to try out.

I've had 3 hook ups come over the day. The first one came after lunch, which for me meant a couple of cyclists that were just passing by my house. Usually I wouldn't bother with the bulge they'd make in my gut, after all they would be completely gone in less than an hour. But since I had someone coming over with certain intentions I needed to get rid of them as soon as possible, so I had to work them off. This is usually the way it goes every "praying mantis" day. Eat, exercise, fuck, repeat.

Fortunately I was done before the first person arrived. We had a great time, well at least up until the end, then I guess I was the only one having a great time. And then I had to quickly get back to it. Training my abdomen as I crushed what was behind it into a soup and absorbed it.

I was still on the floor when I heard my cell phone, my second mate had just arrived. And right on time, maybe my abs weren't as hard as they usually are but they were there so I was almost done. This time it was even better. Being halfway through the day I was extremely horny by the way things were developing. As soon as I came I opened my mouth and engulfed their head. I swallowed quickly in ecstasy and in just 10 seconds they were gone, not even knowing what happened.

I rested for only 10 minutes, enjoying the way my meal struggled, before getting up and back to it, after all I still had someone else coming over. But pretty soon after that I heard a knock at the door. My third date of the day had arrived almost an hour earlier than expected. I wasn't even half way done with digestion, which basically made them think that I was a catfish, which they didn't like. For a moment I doubted whether I should embrace that and try to convince them to stay over either way, confess that I was a pred hoping that it would make them go easy with the judgement or even eating them right then and there.

I must admit I'm a bit prideful, specially when it comes to my body, so I decided to come clean. Or at least half clean, I didn't tell them that I had just eaten someone and they were their replacement, but rather that I had eaten someone the day before and I was still dealing with them. In any case that's much more realistic for an average pred, they didn't need to know I was no average.

I thought that if they refused again I still had the possibility to eat them then but that wasn't necessary. In fact they seemed really interested in getting railed by a pred. Now that they knew its contents they started massaging my gut and enjoying how much it stretched. They kissed it all over before we got down to business. But with all the physical activity my gut was shrinking at a fast pace, and I could see a bit of shock in their eyes. I decided to last until I was back to my regular body and so I did.

"Wow your abs are back and everything! How did you finish digesting so fast?" They said, as they touched my abdomen

"Want a demonstration?", I asked jokingly, while I grabbed them by the shoulders and got them down the hatch.

Since there wasn't as much of a surprise factor they struggled more going in that my other meals of the day. But they were no match. I almost felt a bit guilty eating them seeing how fascinated they were with my abilities, but oh well I'm sure there'll be more people like them

Now I'm training once more, it's almost like there's no end to it. In the pic you can see that I haven't quite finished digesting the last person. The thing is some friends are coming over and we'll go out. My final meal of the day will consist of as many people as I can seduce at the club (after all I've only eaten 5 people throughout the day, I'll need many more for it to be a celebratory ocation); convincing some of them to just climb inside me and making those willing help me catch the more reluctant. So I gotta be fit for that. If anyone is interested but gets away they can be one of the stars of my next "praying mantis" day.

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8 months ago
Some People Think That All Powerful Preds Are Either Extremely Muscular Or Very Chubby. But Look At Me,

Some people think that all powerful preds are either extremely muscular or very chubby. But look at me, still havenā€™t found anyone who can match my appetite and Iā€™m still looking completely lean, you wouldnā€™t guess I ate more than thirty people just today.

It is true that Iā€™m still ripped, but my smaller complexion makes people way too comfortable around me, they donā€™t realize the risks. Thatā€™s how today when I decided to get a good lunch and went to the locker room after football practice my collegeā€™s team didnā€™t know what they were in for. They must have heard rumors about me, after all I did eat almost everyone at that party last week since I finally decided to make my abilities known around my academic social circle, but they must have thought they were just made-up stories. After all who eats that many people, and just two days later I was attending classes like nothing. Jocks are too prideful to think someone else can have that kind of power.

Once I entered into the change room, I quickly made sure to take note of where everyone was, and went ahead and grabbed the two players closest to me and stuffed their heads in my mouth. They tried to pull off but couldnā€™t get away from my grip. After digesting thousands of people in a few months one does get stronger. Iā€™m used to big meals, honestly this was a low day for me, so I had no problem handling this little crowd. While I swiftly swallowed the first two guys down, sending them to my stomach in a few seconds to become just a part of my meal, I kept sure not to leave an opening to the exit just in case someone tried to make a break for it. It didnā€™t matter that much since everyone in the locker room was still a bit in shock and less than a minute had passed, all the guys stayed put in their places.

No oneā€™s instinct was to run away. It may have been a bit impressive to see someone enter the room so confidently and just gobble up two people like nothing but these guys still thought that was all that I could do and that they could overpower me and try to get their friends back. Three of them came up to me while the rest watched, some in awe some a little pissed. The players thought they were going to give me a bad time when in reality they were making everything easier by coming up to me. As soon as the first of them was on my reach I grabbed him and sent him down, making the other two stop in their place for a second before launching just in time to grab the legs of their partner while they stuck out of my mouth. The only thing that did was that once I had slurped up what was left of his friend, I already had both of each of their arms down my throat too.

By this point I already had five people squirming in my gut. I stopped a second to enjoy a glance at it as it extended far beyond me and almost touched the ground. The shape of the guys inside was perfectly visible as they all tried to push out. I gave it a little pet going over two faces, a torso and a pair of hands before turning my head just in time to see the first person trying to escape. I was right next to the door so I just moved a little and I was already blocking his way. He didnā€™t have time to turn before I grabbed him too. After that in a little over 5 more minutes I made work of the guys left, blocking the entry, grabbing them when they got close or going up to them when they froze in place. I made sure to tell them ā€œLook guys, thereā€™s no other exit. Iā€™m blocking the only door, so itā€™ll just be faster if you come right now. Iā€™m not trying to be mean or anything but a guyā€™s gotta eatā€.

I hope I donā€™t sound too cocky telling all this, Iā€™m just recounting my experience. Iā€™m still a pretty charismatic guy and I never brag to the people I eat about how they are becoming food or tell others how great of a pred I am. Thatā€™s a bit egotistical you know; I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves. Anyway, once I was done, I got out of the locker room, struggling a little through the door, and I started to push my gigantic gut through the hallway. I caught many glances from the few students I came across, if anyone still doubted the rumors about me, they wouldnā€™t anymore. I mean, when you see a guy casually pushing a belly taller and wider than he is, extending a few meters beyond him and full of the imprints of the tens of people inside still moving, you know youā€™ve just witnessed the largest pred youā€™ll ever see. To think that this many people inside of me will be digested to fuel me, some of them were my classmates. But they feel so good in my huge gut as they trash around and make me huge.

Of course, that still doesnā€™t account for all the people I said I ate today. I did snack on a few passersby on the hallway a few hours before that, who I had already fully digested. And through the course of the next 4 hours I digested the football team as I went about my day. Going to my last class of the day (you can imagine the looks as I filled the whole back of the classroom with my movement filled gut), catching up with friends and having a walk. During my class the movements stop, and by the moment class was done my gut had already shrinked to half its original size (once digestion settles in it is always faster at the beginning and then it slowly decreases speed). But after all that it was barely pass 5 and I was back to my flat stomach, so I went to a park thatā€™s close by and gobbled up the couple of people who were exercising there.

Finally, it is time to go to bed, and once again Iā€™m done with my meal. Iā€™ve been holding back a little, usually I like to go to sleep with a full gut as well, but tomorrow Iā€™m going clubbing so itā€™s sure that Iā€™ll eat at least a hundred people in one sitting so thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been taking it easy, so the sudden increase in my meal makes it more pleasurable. The only reasons to deprive myself from a big meal are either so the next meal is even better, to show off my body or to exercise, but even that sometimes I can do with a full stomach.

If you are keeping up with my progress, I think all this eating has finally paid off a little since I think Iā€™m getting better pecs. With my metabolism thatā€™s quite an achievement. But I may have to increase my intake again to see better results, you know what I mean. Iā€™m open to ideas in how to do that and donā€™t be scared to share them just because your idea includes what you think to be too large numbers of prey. My capacity has been ever increasing, Iā€™m sure I can train it to be even bigger if needed. Thatā€™s all for now but Iā€™ll reading you and Iā€™ll come back with more, bigger anecdotes

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8 months ago
American Dream

American dream

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