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Uwu is good to hear that,thank you.

Can you make more vore arts about you oc Dionisio the centaruor please.

well here we have Dionisio protecting his home from these delicious and little gladidors~

Can You Make More Vore Arts About You Oc Dionisio The Centaruor Please.

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2 years ago
You Ain't Seeing Things! That's Right, You're Looking At The Biggest Ballgut You've Ever Seen! It's A

You ain't seeing things! That's right, you're looking at the biggest ballgut you've ever seen! It's a combined effort though! It took a big pig like me and a delicious three-course meal that used to be my nephews. This huge jug of fat is made of Trevor, Gary and Benji, the tastiest boys an Uncle could ask for.

It all started when I was coming over to visit my brother for once and the bastard wasn't even home. The boys had been left for the weekend to fend for themselves since they were all at least in college and they'd been taking over the house with their musk and odors. As soon as I knocked on the door and the youngest, Benji, let me in, I was sure that I was about to have one last family reunion.

Now, I've always wanted to eat my nephews and their was no chance of them not ending up on my waist, but I couldn't help myself any longer and my brother wasn't here to stop me. Benji was right next to me and his lithe, athletic body didn't have a shirt on and he smelled like he hadn't showered in a while. I couldn't control myself and I pinned him against the wall, licking him up and down the face as I got a taste for my next prey. Benji didn't fight back or freak out, instead he moaned in response and went slack as if he was letting me have him, which worked great for me.

I gave Benji a long kiss and shoved his head past my lips while held his elbows against his side. Benji was just an appetizer, so I didn't take much time with him and swallowed him down my gullet up to his navel. He hadn't struggled much as my prey and it was easy to take his pants off too, then it hit me that Benji wanted to be eaten and I patted my stomach that his head had just entered for the willing meal. Young boys have needs with their precious cocks and I needed to have that extra cum flavor, so when I had Benji's dick on my tongue, I savored and played with him until he blew his creamy load. After that, I gulped the last of my nephew down and he soon entered my gut fully and curled up inside me.

With Benji's addition, my shirt became to tight to keep on and I had to go shirtless now. I rubbed the new mound that was my family, then licked my lips in preparation for the main course and went in search of the middle nephew and ex-lifter, Gary. Gary had been packing on the pounds for a while and had been getting fat too lately, possibly because he learned how to eat people like his dad and me. Either way, he was on the menu today and I don't let my prey get away.

I waddled myself up to the game room, finding Gary laid out on the couch with a bunch of beer bottles and pizza boxes around him. Drool coming out of my lips, I quickly stripped him down naked and took a moment to admire his form, his year of muscle building still framed his body and the new fat layered it softly while pooling in a soft hanging tummy. The only thought in my head was how delicious it's going to be to eat my nephew and how fat I'd get from getting him in my gut. I rubbed young Benji and warned him to make room for his brother and not to fight and get along once he's with us.

Before Gary could stir, I got to his feet and hungrily started feeding him to myself while I savored his taste. This nephew was an outdoorsy type and it showed through the sweat and stiff muscles in his legs, eliciting a voracious moan from me as I swallowed his knees into my mouth. I kept inching down his body, excited to reach his soft potbelly and have it stuffed inside my potbelly. I could feel Benji shifting on my waist when I plopped Gary's butt in my mouth, meaning my stomach had already started claiming my next meal.

While some find eating challenges daunting, I didn't and the prospect of shoving my nephews fat gut in my mouth was exhilarating. When I got to the soft sack, I suckled on Gary as I got all the sides of his pudgy in my maw before I took a deep swallow and gulped him down past his navel toward his moobs. Having all this soft meat in my mouth had me moaning in gluttony, both upsetting Benji and waking up Gary who was pretty groggy. Quickly I took a few more deep gulps and held up Gary's arms until I had him trapped in me up to his neck. I heard him start to question what was going on and I held back from chuckling, deciding that fulfilling my dream feast was more important and pushed his head down into my greedy gullet. I slurped down his muscular arms like thick sausage links until I had his fingers slipping down my throat and into my growing tank.

Gary settled in my belly with a heavy weight and I could tell he was pressing Benji to the sides of our belly, because his outline was perfectly visible. I rubbed the curves of my appetizer and tried to press him back in, forcing Gary to rearrange himself to give his brother space. Then I felt a weird bit of shuffling between them, then they started squirming like crazy like they were fighting over something before I felt a rhythmic movement. I gripped and felt over my gut, but it felt like there was only Gary inside now, unless Benji was somewhere I couldn't feel.

I hadn't lost any food, but it didn't feel the same not having Benji and Gary pressed together in me. I told my meat to play nicely while they digest, then I went back to the kitchen to look for my dessert, Trevor. Trevor was the oldest of my nephews and he was a bodybuilder that trained constantly to build up muscle on his 260+ lb. body, making him the perfect beefcake to have for a treat.

I waddled my way past the living room and found Trevor drinking a protein shake, dropping it upon seeing how good I looked with his brothers in me. He tried to stutter out some kind of question, but I closed the distance between us and pinned him against the wall with our family in my tank. Not caring to wait much longer to finish my feast, I ripped Trevor's clothes off and grabbed the back of his meaty head. He tried pleading with me, but anything stopping me from eating went on deaf ears as I opened my jaws wide to encompass his beefy shoulders.

Trevor was the only struggling prey tonight and unfortunately for him, I had more than enough energy to get my meat. Once he was in the back of my mouth and my esophagus dragged him into my throat, I worked on putting this hefty guy where he belonged. His broad back and meaty pec slabs were disappearing into me quickly while the jock tried to escape, but holding his wrist to his sides were keeping him still enough for me to work on. I pulled Trevor on top of my distended gut and kept gorging on my prey until I got down to his navel, feeling a weird sensation in my stomach that wasn't Trevor settling into his forever home.

I took another gulp and I felt something pull Trevor down after I swallowed, almost like someone else was helping me eat him. Or eating him himself! Fuck, did Gary eat Benji inside me and now he's eating Trevor too? Fattening up a pred by feeding him while he's already been eaten by a more Alpha Pred, how greedy could you be? Fuck it, I'm very fucking greedy! I gave an understanding slap to my gut, cheering on my nephew for turning us into Russian nesting dolls.

Not wanting to stop the greatest act of gluttony I've ever committed, I picked my Trevor and let gravity finish him off. I swallowed him down my throat in tandem with Gary, rubbing my growing belly full of another growing belly like a well-fed pig. Strong thighs, then sculpted calves disappeared slowly into my jaws until I wrapped my lips around his ankles and left only his feet outside of me. I wanted to savor the final swallow before I finished my three-course feast, but Gary had other ideas and he wanted the rest of his brothers enough to forcefully swallow Trevor using me as a conduit. I felt my prey's feet get sucked into my mouth then instinctively swallowed, sealing my nephew to his doom as his brother finished him off.

I had three college boys inside my stomach right now but you could only tell there was one, since he was full of the other two. I gave Gary a jostle as I bounced him around, playing with my soon-to-be ball belly and celebrating another good dinner. I had a gut full of one nephew that was stuffed with two more like a double stuffed burrito.

This level of gluttony was making my cock harder than its ever been and I could in no way reach my crotch, but feeling Gary move around was getting me there. After a few more slaps and squeezing my nephew-prey, I felt my cock bust its load and I finally let out monstrous burp that shook me a bit. Before I could admire my soon-to-be belly fat, I felt a huge rush of air in me and guessed that was Gary belching up his meat's oxygen. I nearly came a second time as I belched up my nephew's belch, giving me a new fetish that would be impossible to replicate.

Now that I'd gotten my food settled in, I went and got a camera to take a picture of my victory dinner. My dream to eat my nephews had finally happened and it went even greater than I could imagine! Now all that's left to do is wait for my brother to come home and give him a warm Family Reunion! I can't wait to eat my bro too and add him to this hungry hog's massive gut!

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3 years ago

Observe the results that the sacrifice of two dozen men create

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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2 years ago

Franklin Grizzlies take a celebratory photo after winning their final game. As per tradition, they are seen here boasting their grand prize, the Bluffton Beavers. Each of the losing side will continue next season in their former position, positioned proudly inside their conqueror’s bellies.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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2 years ago
Kristoff Just Made Succession A Lot Harder. Or.. Maybe Easier? Depending On Which Side Of His Colon You're

Kristoff just made succession a lot harder. Or.. maybe easier? depending on which side of his colon you're viewing the problem from anyway.

(~1 year ago)

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8 months ago
Every So Often I Like To Have A "praying Mantis" Day. Everyone Knows Praying Mantises Eat Their Mates,

Every so often I like to have a "praying mantis" day. Everyone knows praying mantises eat their mates, and you gotta admit that sounds quite alluring for a pred to try out.

I've had 3 hook ups come over the day. The first one came after lunch, which for me meant a couple of cyclists that were just passing by my house. Usually I wouldn't bother with the bulge they'd make in my gut, after all they would be completely gone in less than an hour. But since I had someone coming over with certain intentions I needed to get rid of them as soon as possible, so I had to work them off. This is usually the way it goes every "praying mantis" day. Eat, exercise, fuck, repeat.

Fortunately I was done before the first person arrived. We had a great time, well at least up until the end, then I guess I was the only one having a great time. And then I had to quickly get back to it. Training my abdomen as I crushed what was behind it into a soup and absorbed it.

I was still on the floor when I heard my cell phone, my second mate had just arrived. And right on time, maybe my abs weren't as hard as they usually are but they were there so I was almost done. This time it was even better. Being halfway through the day I was extremely horny by the way things were developing. As soon as I came I opened my mouth and engulfed their head. I swallowed quickly in ecstasy and in just 10 seconds they were gone, not even knowing what happened.

I rested for only 10 minutes, enjoying the way my meal struggled, before getting up and back to it, after all I still had someone else coming over. But pretty soon after that I heard a knock at the door. My third date of the day had arrived almost an hour earlier than expected. I wasn't even half way done with digestion, which basically made them think that I was a catfish, which they didn't like. For a moment I doubted whether I should embrace that and try to convince them to stay over either way, confess that I was a pred hoping that it would make them go easy with the judgement or even eating them right then and there.

I must admit I'm a bit prideful, specially when it comes to my body, so I decided to come clean. Or at least half clean, I didn't tell them that I had just eaten someone and they were their replacement, but rather that I had eaten someone the day before and I was still dealing with them. In any case that's much more realistic for an average pred, they didn't need to know I was no average.

I thought that if they refused again I still had the possibility to eat them then but that wasn't necessary. In fact they seemed really interested in getting railed by a pred. Now that they knew its contents they started massaging my gut and enjoying how much it stretched. They kissed it all over before we got down to business. But with all the physical activity my gut was shrinking at a fast pace, and I could see a bit of shock in their eyes. I decided to last until I was back to my regular body and so I did.

"Wow your abs are back and everything! How did you finish digesting so fast?" They said, as they touched my abdomen

"Want a demonstration?", I asked jokingly, while I grabbed them by the shoulders and got them down the hatch.

Since there wasn't as much of a surprise factor they struggled more going in that my other meals of the day. But they were no match. I almost felt a bit guilty eating them seeing how fascinated they were with my abilities, but oh well I'm sure there'll be more people like them

Now I'm training once more, it's almost like there's no end to it. In the pic you can see that I haven't quite finished digesting the last person. The thing is some friends are coming over and we'll go out. My final meal of the day will consist of as many people as I can seduce at the club (after all I've only eaten 5 people throughout the day, I'll need many more for it to be a celebratory ocation); convincing some of them to just climb inside me and making those willing help me catch the more reluctant. So I gotta be fit for that. If anyone is interested but gets away they can be one of the stars of my next "praying mantis" day.

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8 months ago
 I've Been Pretty Lean Most Of My Life, Even Despite My "eating Habits". I Guess Being 20 Years Old That's

I've been pretty lean most of my life, even despite my "eating habits". I guess being 20 years old that's quite normal. But some months ago, I decided to finally change this, so I joined a gym. I didn't see any progress at first, but after making some adjustments, I think now it is finally starting to show.

It took me a few weeks to realize what I was doing wrong. When people start going to the gym because they want to get ripped, it's not enough to just exercise. They also need to eat way more, increase their protein intake, if they really want to see some gains. So I started researching the diets athletes follow and tried to adapt them to my situation.

From that point on, I went to the gym four times a week. Since eating people every day wasn't making me gain not even barely one pound, I needed to have bigger portions for my pre-workout, so I began having 5 to 10 people (depending on how hungry I was) about one hour before every training session. Just enough time to digest my meal. But it was in my understanding that post-workout meals are also very important, so every day once I finished exercising, I would also head to the lockers and eat everyone there for good measure. Like a dozen people are always hanging there, so it was a good post-workout snack.

Of course, this wasn't very sustainable for a gym, even if the gym I used to go to at first was huge. But eventually it just drained from clients. So now I'm at my third gym, the second one has also dried out. And I'm about to change locations again since the few dozen people I can spot won't last me for more than a week. I started snacking more often outside the gym in order to be more full, trying to make this one last longer, but it seems I can't resist myself, all I did was start eating more overall.

Now I'm not really buffed but I can certainly notice the progress. Then again, after eating hundreds of people in the last three months, I've barely gained more than 10 pounds of muscle. I'm wondering if maybe I should try bulking, but with the volume of my meals, I would have to actively search for ways to get into parties or big events almost every other day and clean the whole place if I wanted to gain whatever little mass I can. I'm not complaining tho, it definitely sounds enticing. I would be pushing my own limits, but after all, every influencer that I come across promotes that, pushing one's limits. I guess the future will tell.

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