An imagines blog for all your favorite fandoms! if one of your obsessions isn't on my list, then feel free to ask! Requests: OPEN
36 posts
Not A S/o Request, But How Do You Think A Fight / Arguement Between Uta And Itori Would Play Out?
Not a s/o request, but how do you think a fight / arguement between Uta and Itori would play out?
I think it would start and end pretty petty. Uta is a relatively reserved person so I feel his comments would be sarcastic and half-hearted depending on who starts it. I don't actually see these two actually engaging in a physical fight, but we know Uta wouldn't be against it. It would be messy, but mainly for anything in the vincinity. Its mainly to Let out anger as they battle, neither really sustaining any major injury. Once they're done they either have a laugh or seriously talk it through.
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More Posts from Hopelessly-devoted-to-shuu
it could’ve been worse. ishida could have forced gay shuu and ace/aro chie to be straight and get married
Could I request maybe just a couple headcanon/ scenario things for ghoul Seidou? Like maybe he opens up about the stuff that happened to him and what he's done and his s/o just... wraps him in a big hug and cries for him? What would he do? And maybe one where s/o is really stuck in their own self deprecating thoughts and are becoming really withdrawn? What would happen? Thanks so much! Love the blog!
The silence in the small apartment only seemed to thicken and become heavy, making it nearly impossible to breathe. Every gory detail displayed in front of Seidou’s s/o that they could practically feel each slice of flesh as if it were their own.
“Seidou...” Tears began to flow down their face freely as they reached up to stroke his cheek to which he leaned into and kissed their palm. After many moments like this, s/o wraps their arms around his torso and breaks out into full sobs. He gasped and drew away slightly with a growl, but upon seeing their tears, he awkwardly enveloped them in return.
“After all this time I tried to find you.. When I slowed down because I couldn’t bear the thought of finding a corpse, you were being tortured.” They gently rubbed the exposed skin of his stomach, leaning on his chest as they examine the scars that marred the surface.
“I should have kept going. I should have done something, went on that mission too I-”
“No!” His shout echoed amoungst the halls. It was guttural and carnal. His hands shook greatly as he slowly moved them to s/o’s waist.
“ Then what would you have done? Turn into a monster like me? Die and be some ghoul’s meal or plant fertilizer?” He chuckled,but it was hollowed of any joy that may once have been within it. S/o looked down, Seidou reaching up to wipe away the remaining tears.
“I’m not the same man I was. Hell, I don’t know what I am or why you still are more crazy about me then I am now, but I do know that my feelings for you never changed.” He smiled slightly, gripping their hand in his and gazed into their eyes.
“I’m happy you stayed behind. If anything happened to you I’d tear myself apart. Literally.” He leans close to their forehead, lips brushing against skin then leans down to their ear.
“When you realize you’re own future’s gone to shit, all you have left is to live for someone else.” With that he tilted their head to face him and he placed a rough kiss to their lips as they embraced.
I have a question, so if I were to request a fluff or an nsfw alphabet for one character what’s the letter limit amount? Like could I request a-z or is that too much, would you rather me do it in smaller batches? Thanks either way, love! Love you’re blog!
Honestly, as long as it's one character than any amount works. When it gets up in characters I suggest keeping the total of letters to 26. I haven't posted on here in forever, but with the quarantine I should get back into it!
Hi there! I love your writing and Shuu so I was wondering if I can request an imagine for a female stressed out student dealing with severe panic attacks and how shuu would comfort them through all of this hell going on in the world?
Thank you 😊
writing under the cut for length! I made it more of a general comfort as I was not in my best head space, but I do hope you enjoy anyways. sorry for the long wait
Shuu walked around the mansion, biting his lip nervously as he opened door after door shouting their name. His pace came to a slow upon hearing muffled sobs coming from one of the studies. Carefully he approached, opening the door only to be greeted with near darkness, the only light source coming from that of the moon spilling into the sheer curtains.
“Amore? Are you in here? Is everything alright?” He grit his teeth, hand shakily feeling for the light, ready to release his kagune at the first sign of trouble, but relaxed slightly with the feeling of terror leaving his body, but replaced with a sinking feeling in his chest as he stared at y/n in one of the corners of the room curled into a ball, desk long abandoned.
“Shuu.” They looked up, voice meek as tears poured down their face and onto their knees. He shut the door and began making his way to them and sat beside them, not making a move closer. He waited there for a few minutes before they slowly made their way into his arms and lay their head on his chest. He lifted his hand to carefully stroke their hair
“Would you like to talk or would you prefer silence?” He lifted their face so their eyes met, wiping away their tears with a soft smile.
“I don’t know what happened. Just one of those days, you know?” They sniffled, wiping their nose on their sleeve and he pulled them closer.
“Say no more. I will stay as long as you need me to. Say the word and it’s yours. Tu est mon cœur.” He placed a kiss on their forehead and began humming a sweet, calming song. He held them tight and wouldn’t let them go for the world.
Hi, I’m trying to start a new Tokyo Ghoul blog and I was wondering if you had any tips for all of us newbies when it comes to this stuff??
Oof okay I missed this blog so much. The best thing I can say is stick with it, interact with your followers, and don't put a lot of stress on yourself. Don't worry about what anyone says. If you feel it's ooc than just try to expand and improve. Try to have consistency, but don't freak out if you miss out. Your followers will understand and interact with them. Give them someone to fall in love with instead of just writings even if it means it's a character. This was all over the place, but I hope this helps!!