hoshi-is-ult-bbg - hoshi biasss
hoshi biasss

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Liar Liar Pants On- Leg On Fire I Guess

Liar liar pants on- leg on fire i guess ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Tim: I can't feel my leg


Y/N: *stabs his leg*

Tim: *Screams in pain* WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?


Dick, out of nowhere: Language!

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More Posts from Hoshi-is-ult-bbg

3 years ago

Callout post just for me on this beautiful monday morning

Callout Post Just For Me On This Beautiful Monday Morning
3 years ago
Pink In The Night
Pink In The Night
Pink In The Night
Pink In The Night

pink in the night

3 years ago
Happy Thursday The 20th

happy Thursday the 20th

3 years ago

no way home spoilers ahead!




๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎโ€™๐ซ๐ž ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐ฉ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฉ๐š๐ซ๐ค๐ž๐ซ ๐ฉ๐ญ. ๐Ÿ andrew!peter x avenger!reader

summary: when itโ€™s time to say goodbye, youโ€™re reluctant. might seem angsty but I swear it has a happy ending!

part two of this fic. series are my worst nightmare (I donโ€™t do well with schedules) so this is the last part, Iโ€™m sorry!

[ this has appearance from all Peters so andrew!peter is mentioned asย โ€œyour Peterโ€ ]


โ€œYou canโ€™t do this to him,โ€ you said the moment the youngest Peter was out of earshot.

โ€œItโ€™s the only way,โ€ Stephen replied, concentrating on healing the huge cuts in the sky. He had to do the incantations soon, but giving Peter enough time to say goodbye to Ned and MJ was the least he could do.

Least, but not enough. Not according to you.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

yule ball (remus lupin x male reader)

Yule Ball (remus Lupin X Male Reader)

pairing: remus lupin x male reader

warnings: a tiny bit of insecurity on your end, but otherwise none :)

anon requested: Heyyyy,I just read that Remus Lupin x male reader you posted and omg,itโ€™s exactly how I envision me and Remus in my DR AND I LOVED IT SM,do you think you could write smtg similar to that? like maybe reader asking remus out to the Yule ball? TAKE YOUR TIME AND GET REST THOUGH!! <3 -Harry๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

a/n: do any shifters out there have any tips for shifting when you have insomnia/adhd? it's hard to clear my brain when i try to prepare myself for shifting and it's a real pain in the ass :') anyway, enjoy this fic, gays <3


"It's not a big deal, right?" you panicked, hands shaking around the quill gripped between your fingers. "Like, he's going to say yes, right?"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Unless I've been reading your relationship wrong for the past three years, Moony's going to say yes. I don't think he can resist anything from you."

You really didn't know why you were freaking out. You usually didn't act like this, especially not in regards to Remus. You were always confident in your relationship with him; you had been dating for three years like Sirius pointed out, after all. But there was part of you โ€” a hidden, vulnerable part โ€” that ached for his approval, that wanted to impress him and always make him feel good. Maybe it was just love, you thought, for you had never felt this way around anyone else before.

But whatever the reason for it was, you needed to get your shit together. The Yule Ball was next week and you still hadn't asked your boyfriend. You knew he had been asked by a couple of girls to which he politely declined, saying he was going with his boyfriend.

Yeah, some boyfriend I am, you chastised yourself. Haven't even asked Remus to the Ball yet. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Breathe, mate," Sirius said, interrupting your spiraling thoughts with a somewhat concerned look. "You look like you're going to faint or something."

"Why are you so nervous?" Peter asked in a small voice. "I thought you loved Moony?"

"I do," you answered quickly. "I don't know why I'm so nervous, either. Think the house-elves put something in tonight's dessert?"

"Unlikely." Sirius set his elbows on the common room table before him and started braiding his hair idly. "Honestly, though? I just think you need to grow some balls and ask him already. If you wait any longer, he might go out with Snivellus," Sirius added jokingly.

The thought of your beloved Remus Lupin slow dancing with that mangy-looking rat-faced creep Severus was enough to petrify you.

"You're right," you said abruptly, standing up from the table and discarding the quill and parchment which you had been trying to use to write an invitation letter to your boyfriend. "I need to find Moony."

"Quidditch pitch," Peter told you. "He's helping Prongs practice for the game on Saturday."


When you approached the empty Quidditch pitch, you saw only one person flying on a broomstick in the air. Remus was on the ground sitting cross-legged in the grass and gazing up at his friend in disinterest.

"Hey, pretty boy," you greeted as you settled next to Remus in the grass. "Whatcha doing?"

A wide grin broke out on your boyfriend's face, eyes lighting up as if it were Christmas morning. "Godric, I'm glad you're here. Prongs asked me to help him practice for the game, but all I ended up doing was sitting watching him frolic around on that godforsaken broom of his."

You chuckled. "Sounds like you've been quite busy."

Remus smiled. "Yeah, for sure."

You grabbed his hand and kissed the inside of his wrist tenderly, something that you knew made Remus weak. Sure enough, when you looked up at him, he was blushing hard just like he had done on your first date with him three years ago.

"What's up?" Remus asked bashfully.

You laced your fingers with his and gazed up at the slightly cloudy sky. You could feel Remus' anticipating eyes on you โ€” he'd probably been waiting for this moment for a while.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering something."

"Yeah?" Remus tried to control the eagerness in his voice. Even after a few years of dating you, he still got giddy every time you asked him to the Yule Ball.

You looked at your boyfriend slyly. "I was thinking, Moony..."

Remus bit his lip and waited, the silence growing thick with expectation.

"Could you lend me your notes for the Transfiguration exam?"

Remus blinked. You glanced at him and saw that he looked absolutely crestfallen, the gleam in his eyes fading out like dying embers.

"Oh," he said plainly as he tried to hide the disappointment in his voice. "Uh, yeah, sure."


There was a weird silence between the two of you. Remus cleared his throat a little awkwardly. "Is there, uh, anything else you wanted to ask me?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, there might've been one other thing..."

You pretended to think about what you were going to say next, loving the fact that you had Remus hanging on to your every word. It was fun to tease him every now and again, and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

"Oh, that's right!" you exclaimed, looking at your boyfriend. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my date to the Yule Ball."

Remus breathed a sigh of relief and shoved you playfully. "Don't fucking tease me like that, y/n. I was about to think you had asked someone else 'cause you took so long to ask me."

"I would never do that to you, love," you told him sincerely. "So, do you wanna go or not?"

"Obviously," he said with an uncontrollable smile. "I can't resist anything from you. Why'd you take so long?"

"I don't know," you confessed, looking down. "I just โ€” I just wanted it to be perfect, you know? I mean, you're the most important thing in my life, Remus. I guess I was just afraid I would screw it up so I waited until last minute." You looked back up at your boyfriend and saw that he was wearing a warm smile. "Sorry I kept you waiting."

"Don't be sorry," he said, brushing your hair out of your eyes. "In my eyes, y/n, you can do no wrong. I wouldn't have cared how you did it, as long as I get to spend the Yule Ball with you."

A heavy weight lifted off your shoulders. "I love you," you sighed.

"I love you, too," Remus replied just as lovingly. You pulled him in for a kiss, but your lips had hardly touched his before there came a strong breeze and the sound of footsteps as James landed his broomstick and approached you both.

"Y/n," he greeted with a lopsided smile, "when'd you get here?"

"Not long ago," you replied, pulling away from Remus who was trying to hide his blush. "I was just in the middle of asking Moony to the Yule Ball."

"Fucking finally!" exclaimed James. "We were all wondering what you would do to ask out Moony this time. Remember last year when you set off fireworks in the middle of Potions and asked him out right in front of everyone? That was awesome." James set his broomstick on the ground and sat in a circle with you and Remus. "So, what'd you do this time? Roses? Chocolate frogs?"

You shook your head. "None of that, Prongs. Today I went old-school and asked out Moony right here."

"Just words?" James seemed perplexed. "That's it?"

Remus held up his hand. "Hey, now, what do you mean 'just words'? At least I've got a date to the Yule Ball. Unlike somebody..."

James' ears turned pink. "I'm working on it," he said defensively. "I'm almost a hundred-percent sure Lily's going to say yes. I just, um, have to ask her first."

Remus clapped his fellow Marauder on the back. "We believe in you, mate."

James scowled. "Don't patronize me."


The Yule Ball was as glorious as always.

Festooned with garland, tinsel, and falling snow, the Great Hall looked like a picture right out of a storybook: magical and positively romantic.

Remus was dressed in his finest attire, black velvet dress robes with a high collar and a black bowtie to match. You had selected the robes you'd worn last year, which were formal and very classy.

As your boyfriend descended the stairs gingerly, all you could think about was how fucking lucky you were to call Remus John Lupin your one and only. How you had managed to capture the attention of such a kind, clever, and extremely handsome boy like him. You hadn't realized you were staring until Remus approached you, looked up at you with eyes like lively Christmas lights, and said, "Hey."

"Hey, pretty boy," you said, focusing your eyes on the well-dressed boy before you. "You look fucking incredible."

Remus, who was always a sucker for your praise, turned pink. "Th-thanks. And you look โ€”" He searched for the right word but ended up stuttering out "good" like an idiot.

You just smiled in good nature at his sheepishness and pulled him close. The noise of students chattering and the light orchestral music faded to the background, and all that seemed to exist were you and Remus, together in the middle of the dance floor. You took your boyfriend's face in your hands, bent down a bit to accommodate to his shorter stature, and kissed his soft, warm lips firmly.

Remus responded immediately and kissed you back as if it were second-nature to him. And even after kissing you so many times โ€” thousands, maybe, in all the years you'd been dating โ€” Remus couldn't deny the addictive electricity that coursed between you whenever you kissed him. Not caring that you were in public, Remus reached up to brush the pad of his thumb over the edge of your jawline and molded his lips to yours. It was like you were in a fairytale, like in those movies where the couple finally kisses at the end and the screen fades to black.

But this was not the end of the night. No, this was just the beginning.

You pulled away and brushed Remus' bottom lip with your thumb, admiring the way they were just slightly puffy from the kiss. Remus had the most beautiful lips in the world. You would kiss them all day if he'd let you.

After having a few goblets of drink and making a few jokes, the actual dancing started. Couples took to the center of the Great Hall while a smooth, lively tune was played by the orchestra. Hands on hips, arms around necks, hands holding hands โ€” you couldn't wait to get out there with Remus.

"Come on, my love," you said, lacing your fingers together and leading him in the direction of the swaying couples. "I saved the first dance for you."

You placed your hands on Remus' hips and he stretched up to wrap his arms around your neck. The height difference between the two of you was something Remus loved more than anything because it made him feel safe and secure. Being in your arms, protected by you. And you, of course, thought Remus' being shorter than you was the cutest thing in the world, not to mention the fact that it made cuddling with him so nice. When your boyfriend was nestled in your arms, that was when you felt the most connected with him like you and he were made for each other.

Gracefully, you and Remus danced to the music echoing throughout the Great Hall. You and he were so close you could see the swirls of honey-gold in Remus' irises, which were alight with the energy of the night.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to you, and before you could activate a filter on your brain, you said, "Thanks for choosing to come with me instead of Severus."

Remus' eyes bulged and he gave a short little laugh. "You're welcome? I think? Why would I go out with Severus Snape instead of you?"

You felt kind of stupid and explained to him the comment Sirius made when you were in the common room with him and Peter trying to write a letter asking Remus to the Ball.

"That Padfoot," Remus said as if swearing. "When I see him next I swear to Godric I'm going to โ€”"

The music then changed to a slower tempo, and the couples began talking idly over the sound of the instruments.

"Anyway." Remus cleared his throat. "You don't have to thank me for going with you. I mean, there's no one else I would have as my date than you."

You smiled at his comment. "You're cute," you told him. "And I feel the same way about you. But do you wanna know what the best thing about tonight is?"

"What's that?" Remus wanted to know.

You smirked. "We're easily the best-looking couple in this room right now."

Remus, not expecting that, laughed out loud which caused some dancers to look in your direction with mystification.

You laughed along with him. "Am I wrong, though?"

"No," wheezed Remus, "you're absolutely right."

A comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you finished your dance and made your way to the table to rest. You sipped on a drink and admired the outfits of all the attendees with Remus, commenting on the clashing colors of James' robes while he begged Lily for a dance.

"You know," Remus wondered aloud after downing the rest of his pumpkin juice, "I wonder if there'll be any gay couples to take our place here after we graduate."

You thought about this and considered the fact that there were probably more closeted people at Hogwarts than anyone could imagine. There's bound to be some people brave enough to come out and make their relationship public.

"One day," you said wistfully, gazing up at the ceiling of the Great Hall which was dark and stuffed with snow clouds. "One day, there will be someone brave enough to come out. And once they do, it's gonna be revolutionary."


a/n: thank you all so much for reading! if you enjoyed this little oneshot, please reblog and/or comment to let me know what you thought! love you gays โ€” I mean, guys. <3

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