Tired of waiting around for other people to write stories that I want to read, so I decided to write them myself.
37 posts
Thrifted Snapback
Thrifted Snapback
James loved perusing the thrift stores in his college town in the Midwest. There was something so magnificent about being able to style an entire outfit and personality around one specific second-hand item. Being so skinny, the pants he would buy needed to be styled with a belt, but it was part of the magic of being able to make something new out of someone else’s clothes.
In one of the smaller stores at the edge of town, James stumbled upon a section filled with miscellaneous accessories. Always a sucker for pieces that added a little flair to the fabric, James began to sort through them: a waterproof watch, a seashell necklace, some knee pads, stud earrings, and… a black snapback.
James paused. He had always avoided getting headwear at thrift stores because of the risk of lice, but there was something intriguing about this hat. Lifting it up to his face, he took a sniff: it smelled clean, with only a hint of sunscreen. It was perfectly plain enough to add to any outfit of his. He wanted it. Trotting up to the cash register, he made his purchase and headed out of the store, hopping onto the first bus back to campus.
As soon as he got back into his dorm room, James immediately pulled out the snapback and put it on his head with the rim facing forward. Looking in the mirror, he smirked at how he stupid he looked. No one cool wore a hat with the rim forward. He pulled the snapback off of his head and turned it around, slowly placing it back on his head.
Suddenly, he felt a strange jolt of electricity surge through his body, starting from the top of his head and flowing down through his entire being. At first, he thought he had been electrocuted, but then he felt a sense of warmth spreading throughout his body, and his hair began to change.
His hair began to grow at an incredible rate, inching down his back and around his shoulders like golden waves. It felt soft and bouncy to the touch, with a texture that reminded him of cotton candy. The color of his hair changed too, shifting from its original dark brown to a bright, sunny blond. His eyebrows grew thick and manly, transforming from his manicured arches into bushy caterpillars. As he blinked, dumbfounded at his transformation, his eyes lightened to a bright blue color.

His biceps bulged like melons, with veins that looked like they were about to burst. His chest expanded into a broad, chiseled wall of muscle, complete with a deep, rippled cleavage that seemed to have a life of its own. Even his abs were impossibly defined, with six-pack muscles that looked like they had been chiseled out of stone. But it wasn't just his upper body that was changing. His legs grew thicker and more powerful, with quads that bulged out like balloons and calves that looked like they could crush coconuts. His butt, which had once been flat and unremarkable, now jutted out like a shelf, perfectly sculpted and round. His feet slowly stretched out on the floor, pushing against the hard, cold surface. His toes stretched and lengthened, growing thick blond hair on the tops, spreading to the tops of his feet and snaking up his legs. The thick blond hair found its way to his torso, swirling up into his armpits, which grew dense forests of hair. The hair began encircling his crotch, which pulsated with energy. With each electric burst coming from the cap, the bulge in his pants swelled further and further, causing waves of immense pleasure to emanate throughout his entire body.
James’ newly blue eyes began to water up, forcing him to bring his massive hands to his face and wipe them dry. When he took his hands away, he found himself no longer in his dingy dorm in the Midwest. Instead, James found himself in the sun on the beach in some tropical paradise. The electricity began to concentrate on his head again. He grabbed his skull, unable to focus on anything besides the waves of electric pleasure shooting through his body. He couldn’t think straight. The hat was doing something strange to him and it needed to stop.

This was wrong. He couldn't be on the beach! He needed to get back to his dorm because he had classes tomorrow. He paused. Classes? He had dropped out of college years ago to travel the world. His head hurt. What was happening? He had never been this muscular before, how would he explain this to his friends and family? They would never believe it. James gripped the snapback with his hands, trying desperately to pry it from his head. As he struggled with it, the muscles in his arms tensed trying to rip it off, flexing his massive biceps and working up a sweat in his hairy armpits. His head felt foggy, but he needed to get this damn hat off.
Finally, with one big yank, James pulled the snapback from his head and tossed it into the sand, along with all the memories of his former life as a scrawny Midwest nerd. Turning around in the sand, James began to stroll back to the condo he was renting in Hawaii, leaving his massive footprints in the sand. Entering the house, he reached for his muscular abdomen with his enormous hand and turned back towards the beach. All the ladies at the beach were cooing at him and his massive body; they all wanted a piece of him. This was going to be a fun night.

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More Posts from Hotmentransformed
DNA Resequencing
After years of research, you had finally made the first prototype of a DNA Resequencing Injection. With a program that your supervisor Michael crafted, you can input particular genetic features that we desire to alter in the recipient, and essentially restructure their DNA to alter their bodies. Injecting the liquid into a mouse you kept in your lab, you watched as, sure enough, the shape of their tail changed, as did the size of their body and the color of their fur. Putting on your glasses to read through your notes, you could confirm it: your experiment worked! You had finally done it!
With your findings and reports in hand, you sprinted down the hall toward Michael’s office. Bursting in, you shouted that the tests had confirmed your findings: you could alter the DNA of living subjects. Michael sat there with a grin on his face.

“You know what this means, right? Human testing!”
You paused. This was for theoretical purposes. You were only planning to submit your findings to some academic review and get published and go to Switzerland to win a Nobel Prize or some other award or something… but actually putting this into practice and into circulation? That would be premature, immoral, and irresponsible.
You glared at your supervisor, ashamed that he would even consider this. “Michael, I refuse to do any human testing. Who knows the ramifications if this got out? I can’t let you do this.”
Turning your back to your supervisor, you exited his office and slammed the door behind you as you stormed hurriedly back to the lab. Entering, you made a beeline to the desk and started to collect your belongings, ready to head out. You grabbed your papers, your laptop, and your chargers and shoved them into your bag, not caring if they were organized or not. You were furious and just needed to get out of there. As you turned back to the exit, you paused. You strolled back to the cage and stared at the mouse. You sighed loudly. The resequencing really is fascinating how –
You jolted from the sharp jab in your neck. You twisted around only to see Michael holding a now-empty syringe of the prototype. He looked almost feral, his eyes wide with anticipation of what was about to happen.
“Michael… how could you –“
Your thought was interrupted as an odd feeling began emanating from the injection site. You moaned loudly as a strange wave of pleasure began to overtake you. Your dick shot to attention. Michael’s eyes lit up as your transformation began.
Your body began to heat up as beads of sweat began to form at your temples. Your lab coat began to tighten around your body as you packed on a combination of muscle and fat. Your thighs swelled into hunks of meat as your legs stretched, bringing you to a new height of 6’2”. Your feet grew long and thick to support your new stature. Your arms packed on muscle, becoming strong and firm with strength and masculine energy. Your pecs enlarged, jutting out from your chest, leaving you with sensitive nipples, as your abs pushed their way from your torso one by one until you were left with a defined six-pack. Your hair curled out from your scalp, dropping over your forehead. Your lips plumped, as your face became more chiseled.

Still moaning, you reached limply to Michael for help, only to collapse backward onto the floor. As you plunged, your ass swelled into two enormous globes of fat jutting from behind you, stretching your pants to the limit. You landed on your new cushions, which jiggled from the impact, sending more pleasure through your body, and sending your dick into overdrive. It swelled with each wave of pleasure, pushing harder and harder against your already-tight pants. You began to groan and moan as you felt your orgasm coming. With a final gasp, you shot the biggest load of your life. The pleasure was so intense you blacked out.
You woke up in a strange room that you had never seen before. You were laying in someone else’s bed. Looking down at your body, you didn’t recognize yourself. You were brawny… and in only a pair of underpants.

Before you even had a chance to get up and question what had happened, you saw the door to the bedroom open, and in walked Michael.
“Hey babe, I’m back from work.”
He was shirtless. And although you had never been into men before, there was something attractive about the way that his chest hair perfectly framed his pecs. The way he gazed longingly into your eyes. The way his... no this was wrong. He had done this to you! He had injected you with this... you couldn't remember... but it was his fault that you looked so sexy. You were so sexy... he was so sexy... you both...
He smirked, watching you struggle with your thoughts. You were exactly the kind of man he wanted you to be.

As you struggled to find the words, Michael sped over to you and suddenly kissed you deeply and passionately. All previous thoughts and worries faded from your brain. Nothing else mattered. You began to kiss him back. You let your tongue explore his mouth, and his tongue began to play with yours. He was your sexy nerd scientist husband. He had just won a Nobel Prize for some silly little DNA study. It was all too complicated for you to care about. You were just his himbo arm candy. All you cared about was pleasing him. Michael pulled away from the kiss and threw you onto your back, turning you over and admiring your breedable ass.
He was going to have fun with you, and you were going to have fun with him

Insert to Grow
Tim was walking to get his weekly groceries when he stumbled upon a strange store in his local strip mall. It was a small, dark store that he had never seen before, with a sign that simply read Curiosities in bold letters. Intrigued, he decided to stop by before he got to the supermarket to step inside and take a look around.
Tim couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as he walked through the dimly lit aisles. The store was filled with oddities and peculiar items, from strange trinkets to bizarre gadgets. But one item caught his eye in particular - a small device that looked like almost like a butt-plug. Intrigued, Tim picked up the device and examined it closely. It seemed to be well-made, with a sleek design and a label that simply said Grow. The packaging boasted advanced technology that promised to stimulate, all you had to do was insert to grow. Being a single guy, he didn’t mind the idea of having some extra help getting off, rather than only using his hand. After some hesitation, he decided to purchase the device and take it home.
Once he arrived home, Tim immediately went to the bathroom to try out the device. He locked the door behind him and turned on the device, feeling a slight vibration in his hand. Pulling down his pants, he reached behind him and brought the device to his butt, and the vibrations grew stronger and more intense. He wasn't sure what to expect, but the sensation was oddly satisfying.
However, the vibrations suddenly intensified and caught Tim off guard. He stumbled and slipped, falling forward onto the stool in the bathroom, and the device penetrated him. He tried to reach for it to pull it out and turn off the device, but it seemed to have entered him so deeply that he couldn’t reach it. Tim's body started to shake uncontrollably. He was terrified and tried to calm himself down, but it was too late. His mind was foggy with pleasure: the device had taken over, and Tim could feel his old self slipping away.
As the vibrations continued to course through his body, Tim's muscles began to explode with strength and mass with every shake. His biceps swelled with bulging veins, and his forearms thickened as if he had been lifting weights for years. His chest expanded, and his pecs grew into a solid mass that jutted out from his chest like armor, ripping apart his shirt as it fell to tatters beside him.
Tim felt a strange sensation in his abdomen. It was like a fire burning deep within his core, and he could feel his abs contracting and expanding with each pulse. He looked down and saw his stomach rippling and bulging, as if something were moving just beneath the surface. With each passing moment, his abs grew thicker and more defined. They bulged out from his stomach like a six-pack of cobblestones, and he could see each muscle fiber twitching and contracting beneath his skin.

Tim could feel his thighs thickening, and his calves grew into sculpted pillars of muscle. His shoulders broadened, and his traps grew into a massive hump that seemed to swallow up his neck. He could feel his back arching, and his spine seemed to stretch as if his body was struggling to contain all the new muscles.
As Tim's body continued to vibrate with increasing intensity, he realized that his shoes were getting tighter and tighter until they could no longer contain his rapidly expanding feet, ripping apart beneath him. As his feet continued to grow, he began to kick and flail across the tiled floor, trying to get a foothold, but he couldn't find any traction. His feet were now too big, too sweaty, and too slippery to get a grip on the smooth surface. They were massive, almost cartoonishly large. His toes curled and flexed uncontrollably, and he could feel the sweat pouring off his feet, creating a puddle on the floor beneath him. The smell was overpowering - a pungent, musky odor that filled the bathroom and made Tim gag. It was a mix of sweat, dirt, and something else, something primal and animalistic.
As the transformation continued, Tim could feel a strange itch all over his body. He looked down and was shocked to see thick tufts of hair sprouting from his skin. It started on his chest and back, but soon hair was growing everywhere, even on his arms and legs. He felt his face changing, and his once-smooth skin was now rough and covered in thick hair.
Tim's mouth hung open as he struggled to breathe. His heart was pounding, and his breathing became labored as his body underwent a complete physical transformation. The vibrations shook his body so violently that he could barely stand, and his vision became blurry as his eyes rolled back in his head.
Finally, the vibrations began to subside, and Tim was left standing in the bathroom, his body trembling and covered in sweat. He looked in the mirror and was shocked at what he saw:

He was fucking gorgeous. His lips plump and beautiful, and a smolder to die for. His facial hair was perfectly trimmed and his eyes were soft and inviting. His face was unbelievable... but his body..?!
He couldn't believe the sheer size and mass of his new muscular body, and he couldn't help but admire the way his pecs bulged and his biceps swelled. He flexed his arms and watched as the muscles rippled beneath his skin. He turned to the side and admired the way his abs rippled and bulged with each movement. It was like he was looking at a completely different person, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at the new body he had been given.
But suddenly, a massive headache hit him like a ton of bricks. It was like a sledgehammer had slammed into his skull, and with each pulse, he felt his mind growing duller and more sluggish. His thoughts became slow and confused, and he couldn't concentrate on anything except the throbbing pain in his head.
As the headache intensified, Tim's mind grew more and more muddled, and he could feel his intelligence slipping away. His vocabulary became limited to basic words, and he struggled to put together even the simplest of sentences. All he could do was flex his massive muscles and drool uncontrollably. He looked back in the mirror and realized he had become a completely different person. The intelligent, thoughtful Tim was gone, replaced by a hulking, drooling man with a body that defied belief. He tried to focus and think of a way to reverse the transformation, but his mind was too dull and confused to devise a plan.
All Tim could do was stand there, flexing his muscles and drooling uncontrollably. The device had given him the body of a god, but it had also taken away his intelligence and sense of self. He was a dumb, mindless hunk of muscle and just another piece of eye candy for some lucky man to have the pleasure of calling his trophy husband.

The Tornado Wrangler
Kevin had always been fascinated by the sky. Growing up in the heart of Tornado Alley, he spent countless evenings watching the horizon, mesmerized by the towering clouds and the electricity of a brewing storm. So it was no surprise to anyone when he doubled down his efforts in high school to get a full tuition scholarship to study meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.
Despite his meek stature and unassuming presence, Kevin wasn't just your average meteorology nerd; he was also an amateur storm chaser, spending his weekends and evenings tracking storms, hoping to witness the raw power of nature up close and in person. His peers admired his passion for twisters but often worried about his safety. They'd warn him to be careful, and that he could get hurt. Kevin would simply laugh it off, saying he knew what he was doing.
One sweltering May afternoon, just after finals finished up, the atmosphere was ripe for severe weather. A tornado outbreak was forecast, and Kevin could feel the excitement building in his chest. He checked his gear, ensuring his cameras, weather instruments, and emergency supplies were all in place. His beaten-up 2005 Honda Accord, affectionately named Storm Seeker, was gassed up and ready to go.
The sky darkened, and the first storm cells began to form. Kevin monitored the radar, pinpointing the most promising supercell. He drove rapidly with a mix of caution and anticipation, weaving through the countryside, always keeping an eye on the sky and his instruments. The thrill of the chase was a feeling like no other. As he approached the massive, rotating storm, Kevin could see a funnel cloud beginning to dip down from the base. He pulled over to the side of a deserted road, his heart pounding with excitement. He grabbed his camera and stepped out of the car, eager to capture footage of the forming tornado.

The tornado touched down, a swirling monster of wind and debris. Kevin watched in awe, his camera rolling. It was a perfect intercept, the tornado moving steadily away from him. Being out of harm's way, Kevin could take the time to truly admire the magnificence of nature's destructive forces: each tornado was special and distinctive. He couldn't wait to return to his dorm room and upload the photos to his database. He was about to return to his car when he noticed something alarming: the tornado was changing direction, and fast. Within a matter of seconds, the massive twister barreled straight towards him. Kevin's heart skipped a beat as he sprinted back to his car. He barely had time to shut the door before the tornado was upon him. The wind howled, the car shook violently, and the world outside became a chaotic blur of flying debris.
Then, with a terrifying lurch, his car was lifted off the ground and pulled towards the sky. Kevin gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white, as he felt the incredible force of the tornado suck him and his car into its heart. He was weightless, tossed around like a child's toy in the vortex. The noise was deafening, a roar that drowned out his own screaming. Suddenly, the car door was ripped off, and the violent wind yanked Kevin from his seat. His lanky body was flung into the air, spinning uncontrollably, the world a chaotic blur around him. He felt the sting of debris cutting into his skin and tearing his clothing, the force of the wind threatening to rip off his scrawny limbs which flailed like a ragdoll. He saw, in the chaos, Storm Seeker crash onto the ground and crumple like a piece of paper.
He struggled to keep conscious, the pain and fear overwhelming him. As he was thrown across a field, the ground rushed up to meet him, Despite his best efforts, Kevin's vision began to darken, his brain struggling to keep up with all of the adrenaline and pain. He landed with a bone-jarring thud, the impact knocking the breath from his lungs. As darkness closed in, the last thing he saw was the towering tornado moving away. Kevin's world went black, and he passed out, surrendering to the storm.
Kevin's consciousness flickered back like a faulty lightbulb. He awoke with a massive headache, his head pounding in rhythm with the distant rumble of thunder. Groaning, he squinted against the harsh sunlight piercing through the dissipating clouds. Blinking rapidly, he tried to piece together what had happened. Slowly, he sat up, rubbing his temples in a futile attempt to ease the pain. He reached over and put on his sunglasses to try and make the sunlight more bearable. As his vision cleared, he looked down at his muscular body. Something seemed different, but he couldn't quite place it.

His massive legs filled out his jeans, his arms bulged inside of his weathered leather jacket, the lines of his abs were visible through his sweat-soaked shirt, and his feet felt cushy and warm inside his boots. Looking to his right, he saw his cowboy hat lying beside him. That must be what was different!
Feeling disoriented yet determined, Kevin reached for the hat. As soon as his manly, calloused hands touched the worn leather, a sense of familiarity washed over him. He placed it on his head, and suddenly, his mind was flooded with memories. Images and sensations poured in, overwhelming him. He remembered filming videos and live streams, engaging with fans, and chasing storms across the Midwest. He saw himself standing in front of towering thunderheads, narrating the events with confidence and charisma. He recalled the thrill of the chase, the roar of the wind, and the exhilaration of driving headfirst into a twister.
Tyler Owens stood up, still unsteady on his feet from being tossed around by the wind, and looked around. His outfitted storm-chasing truck was parked just where he had left it. As he strutted over to his truck, he turned back towards the sky and saw another twister forming in the distance. Pulling out his camera from the cab, he began to set up for his next livestream adventure. He was going to show everyone online why he earned the nickname Tornado Wrangler.

Team USA
The city of Paris was alive with excitement as the 2024 Olympics drew people from around the globe. Among the crowds of tourists and athletes was Jesse, an American traveler with a love for adventure. Fascinated by the event and the athleticism on display, he felt an irresistible urge to experience the Olympics from a closer perspective. He had always been a rather meek man but had envied the raw athleticism and power that these athletes embodied. After saving up since the previous games, he was finally able to afford a trip to Europe for these games. Driven by curiosity and a sense of mischief, Jesse decided to sneak into the Olympic Village, to get close to the Olympians he had admired for so long.

Knowing this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be in proximity to his idols, he had to make sure he made the most of this trip and didn’t fuck it up. Despite his meek statute, his confident demeanor and clever deception got him beyond the security, and he managed to enter the facility, blending into the vibrant atmosphere of the athletes' quarters. He wandered the village, soaking in the energy and marveling at the athletes he admired from afar.
Word of his entry got around, and soon guards were searching for him. As he heard French men shouting down the hall, he knew he needed to hide. Jesse twisted the nearest doorknob to him, and surprisingly, it was unlocked. Pushing it open, he threw his body inside and closed and locked the door behind him. Inside, the lights were dim. Now that he was safe from the guards, the adrenaline he had been riding was starting to wear off, and fatigue began to set in. Looking around the space, he noticed that the room was incredibly simple, with two beds with Paris 2024 sheets, a fan, and a clothes rack.

Exhausted from his adventure and his narrow escape, Jesse lay down on one of the beds to rest and regain his energy before making his daring escape. But the makeshift mattress was surprisingly comfortable, and even though the guards were still probably looking for him, Jesse quickly lulled into a deep sleep.
As Jesse slept, a peculiar warmth spread through his body, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. His limbs felt heavy yet relaxed as if they were being gently molded by an unseen force. His breathing deepened, his chest rising and falling with a steady rhythm. The sensation was soothing, yet beneath it was an underlying intensity, a pulsing energy that coursed through his veins.
His body began to change. His hands, once ordinary, grew larger and more defined, the fingers thickening with callouses. His arms swelled with muscle, biceps and triceps becoming well-defined, veins standing out against the skin. His shoulders widened, giving him a more powerful and athletic build.
His chest expanded, pectoral muscles firming up as his heart beat stronger and more steadily. His abdominal muscles tightened, forming a sculpted six-pack that spoke of strength and endurance. His legs, too, transformed, becoming muscular and sinewy, the calves and thighs bulging with new power.
Jesse’s jawline became more pronounced, his cheekbones higher, giving his face a more chiseled appearance. His skin, once pale from his travels, took on a healthier glow as if he had spent years training outdoors under the sun.
When Jesse awoke, he felt a strange surge of energy and vitality coursing through him. He sat up, blinking in the morning light, and noticed the gymnast's uniform hanging neatly on a chair, adorned with the letters USA. Confused but intrigued, he stood and moved towards the mirror.
The reflection that greeted him was stunning. Jesse stared, eyes wide, at the image of a powerful, athletic man. The person in the mirror was undeniably him, yet also a stranger. His body, now sculpted and strong, moved with a grace and ease that felt both new and familiar.
As Jesse struggled to understand what had happened, the door opened, and a young man in a Team USA singlet walked in. "Hey Brody, you're up!” the man said casually as if everything was perfectly normal.
Brody blinked, trying to reconcile the confusion in his mind with the reality before him. “You’re running late! The competition starts soon… you’d better get dressed!”
"Yeah, okay,” Brody with an unfamiliar deep voice.
The other man closed the door and Brody picked up the singlet. He pulled his now-massive thighs through the spandex and pulled the outfit over his muscular body. His bulky arms flexed as he held the singlet open for the rest of his body to enter. The spandex hugged his abdomen, displaying his six-pack through the fabric, and his pecs pushed against the top and he held the shoulder straps.
He let go of the straps of the singlet that he had been holding. With a snap onto his broad shoulders, he remembered everything: growing up in Tennessee, waking up early every morning to work out and train, enrolling at Stanford to compete, and qualifying for the Olympics.
Now knowing that he earned his right to be here, Brody strutted out of his room with a newfound bravado and through the Olympic village towards the shuttle to the gymnastics complex. Within the hour, he was there, on the mats warming up to compete for the gold in front of the world.
He was representing the best country in the world. He was the best of the best, and he was going to give the world one hell of a show.

The Sweat Guy
You had always struggled with excessive sweating, a condition that had plagued you since puberty. It wasn't just the usual places like underarms; every nook and cranny of your body seemed to turn into a faucet, drenching your clothes and filling your personal space with an unwanted odor. It was an embarrassing and frustrating problem that you constantly battled, with little success. The sweat seemed to have a mind of its own, ruining your shirts and making you self-conscious in social situations.
One day, as if your phone could read your mind, an ad popped up while you were scrolling. It was for a new line of antiperspirants, promising comprehensive coverage for all the sweaty areas of the body. The ad seemed too good to be true, but desperation had a way of making you willing to try anything. The thought of a solution that addressed not just your underarms but also areas like your feet, face, thighs, and even groin was tantalizing. You quickly searched for the nearest pharmacy and, grabbing your bag, set off with a determined stride.
The walk to the pharmacy was typical for you—by the time you arrived, you were already sweating heavily. The summer heat didn’t help, but the thought of finally finding relief kept you motivated. In the store, you found the products from the ad and eagerly grabbed the whole set. The price was surprisingly affordable, which felt like a small victory in itself. You clutched the bag of products like a treasure trove, imagining a future where you wouldn’t have to worry about sweat ruining your clothes or your chances with girls.

The idea that there could be antiperspirants for areas you hadn't even considered gave you a sense of hope. You had never imagined such a comprehensive solution existed, and the possibility of being sweat-free was exhilarating. You started the journey back to your apartment, feeling lighter and more optimistic. The thought of finally being able to meet people without the nagging fear of sweating through your clothes was almost too good to be true. As you walked, you couldn't help but smile at the prospect of a fresher, more comfortable future, with all your new goodies in tow.
Once you arrived home, you spared no time in going to the bathroom to apply each and every product. Opening the underarm product, you gave it a sniff. It smelled heavenly. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and let the scent waft up through your nostrils, intoxicating you. Delirious from the scent, you lifted up your arms and rubbed the antiperspirant in your armpits, not noticing as the hairs grew longer and thicker, but also dried up, with years of stench dissipating.
The thick hair snaked its way onto your arms and down onto your hands, each finger growing thicker and longer, with your palm widening as it clutched the antiperspirant. The stick of product now looked comically small in your manly hand. Your chest swelled and pushed against your t-shirt while thick tufts of hair swirled around your nipples and filled out the center of your chest, enveloping your torso, which hardened with lean muscles.
Still in a daze, you grabbed the thigh cream, rubbing it all over your legs, which too dried up, but thickened with muscles and a forest of hair.
That’s a lot of hair… you hadn’t ever thought of yourself as hairy…
You dropped to the floor, your hands seemingly moving by themselves. The foot cream felt cool and smooth as you applied it to your damp, sweaty feet, massaging it into the skin with firm, deliberate strokes. As the lotion absorbed into your soles, thick, coarse hairs started to sprout from the tops of your toes and the tops of your feet, quickly spreading until they were covered in a dense forest of hair. You brought your feet up to your face, inhaling deeply. The fragrance was as intoxicating and invigorating as the scent of your armpits.
You placed your now-manly hands on the bathroom vanity. The muscles in your arms and chest rippled as you lifted your bulking frame up and toward the mirror. You grabbed the face cream and rubbed it all over your face. You felt a tingling sensation as thick stubble rapidly sprouted, covering your cheeks and chin with a rugged beard and mustache. Your vision blurred, adding to the already overwhelming scent-induced delirium. The world around you seemed to sway and warp, but you reached out instinctively, feeling around the side of the sink until your fingers found your glasses. Sliding them onto your face, the lenses helped bring the world back into focus.
Had you needed glasses before?

Still enveloped in a dense fog of scent and sensation, you fumbled for the groin cream, your movements slow and deliberate. You threw your pants down around your ankles, exposing your hairy legs to the cool air. As you applied the cream to your manhood, an intense warmth spread through you, almost like a gentle hand cradling and massaging you. The sensation was deeply comforting, creating a feeling of intimacy and care that was both strange and overwhelmingly pleasurable. The brain fog thickened, clouding your thoughts and senses, making it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but the waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Each breath you took seemed to deepen your trance, making it harder to stay upright. Your legs felt weak, as if they could give way at any moment. Yet, somehow, you managed to reach down and pull your pants back up, fumbling with the zipper as your hands quivered. You reached out for support, gripping the door frame with a firm hand, and began making your way through the house. Leaning against the walls for balance, you moved slowly, each step requiring a monumental effort. The strange desire to get outside, to feel the fresh air and test the antiperspirant, drove you forward.
You made it no more than ten feet before the effects of the groin cream intensified dramatically. It was as if all the sweat your body had ever produced was being expelled through your manhood in one overwhelming rush. The sensation was blinding, a searing wave of heat and pleasure that spread from your groin to every corner of your body. Your muscles tensed and your skin tingled, as if electricity were coursing through your veins. Hair shot out around your groin, leaving you with a massive bush that provided a cushion inside of your underpants. The intensity of the pleasure contorted your face into an expression of pure ecstasy, a mix of surprise and delight at the overwhelming physical sensation.

The rush of endorphins surged through your masculine body, a flood of pleasure and euphoria that seemed to reach every fiber of your being. Your once-smooth skin was now covered in a thick layer of hair, and your muscles felt firm and powerful. The sweet, intoxicating scent that clung to you. As the pleasure surged through your system, your mind seemed to shift. Memories of your previous life, filled with embarrassment and discomfort due to excessive sweating, faded into obscurity. You were the Sweat Guy.
One final burst left you breathless and drained. The sensation was so overwhelming that your legs gave out, and you collapsed to the ground, your body unable to handle the intensity of the transformation. Darkness enveloped you, and you blacked out, lying on the floor in a state of exhausted satisfaction.
When you awoke, you blinked up at the ceiling, disoriented but surprisingly calm. Pushing yourself off the floor, you walked back to the bathroom, where you had left the products you had spent so many years perfecting.
Heading back to the kitchen with antiperspirants in hand, you grabbed your keys off of the counter. You were headed to a video shoot for the company's social media. After all, you were the Sweat Guy, and you wanted to make sure that everyone knew just how life-changing these products are.