Transform - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Making a Boyfriend

It was your first semester in college. You were so excited to have a little bit of freedom. As soon as you stepped into your dorm room and saw your roommate, Peter, and the pride flag hanging above his bed, you knew this was going to be awkward. You had nothing against gay people. They were fine most of the time. But having one as your roommate? That was too much.

He was quiet, which was fine, but you always felt that he was checking you out. Whenever you were sitting at your desk, you could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head. When you turned, he averted his gaze, but you knew. He was into you. You were not gay.

God, it was so awkward.

After taking your daily shower, you walked through the hallway and back to your room with your towel around your waist. Opening your door, you stepped in. Seemingly out of nowhere, Peter rushed behind you and held his hand on your chest. Stunned, but unable to move, Peter whispered in your ear:

"I need a boyfriend."

Suddenly, you didn't mind Peter's hand on your chest. You were gay, and you loved a cute boy to have his hands all over you.

"You're so strong, have you been working out?"

Peter's words echoed in your ears. You felt your biceps thicken your lats expand, giving you a wide back. Your thighs expanded and new, rock-hard abs pushed their way out of your torso. You were jacked. You loved going to the gym just as much as you loved Peter.

"I'm so glad that you're taller than me so I can nuzzle up to you when we're in bed together."

You felt your legs lengthen and your spine crack as your point of view rose. You were now a tall 6'4. Your hair lightened to a blond and curled. You felt your towel drop from around your waist. You rushed to cover your newly exposed ripped body.

Making A Boyfriend

"I love how carefree you are too. You've got the himbo vibe perfected."

Your mind felt foggy. The classes you were taking, everything you had learned so far in college, disappeared. All you could remember was meeting your hot boyfriend Peter when you moved into the dorm, the gym, and football. You slowly lowered your hand, exposing your dick, which had swelled to a monstrous 11 inches.

"Since you're already naked, let's go cuddle in bed together."

Making your way to the bed, you laid yourself on it, ready for Peter to crawl into your big, muscular arms, just as he had done since the first night you spent together in your room.

Making A Boyfriend

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2 years ago

Science Can Be Cool

There was no denying it. Professor Johnson was an extremely attractive man. After graduating with his master's degree, he came directly to your school to teach chemistry. While you despised science, you loved to watch your 26-year-old teacher. His shirt was always tight around his chest and biceps and his pants always fit him just right, showing off his ass and a sizable bulge. Whenever he was teaching about titration or the periodic table or whatever, you were never looking at the whiteboard, you were always looking at him.

Science Can Be Cool

He was everything you wanted to be in life: smart, attractive, and charismatic. All of the girls (and some of the boys, you included) in your class had a massive crush on him. And who wouldn’t? He was incredible. You wished you could be like him.

It was Friday afternoon and Professor Johnson’s class was your last of the day. You had spent the rest of the day just anticipating another wonderful day of staring at this beautiful man, daydreaming about what he looked like under those tight clothes. After another pleasurable class of ogling and admiration, Professor Johnson explained and assigned a new project due Monday. Everyone in the class had to make an “aqueous solution” and bring it in to present on Monday. Although you spent most of the time staring at his big ass and arms, Professor Johnson was a good teacher, and you had learned that basically, he just wanted you to dissolve something and bring it in. Easy enough!

As you left school, you decided to get the project over with and took a slightly different route to get home, taking you past some of the shops on Main Street. You thought about maybe getting some sugar to dissolve, but that would be too easy and everyone would do it. Maybe you could get some artificial sweetener like Splenda or Equal and talk about how it dissolved differently than regular sugar. That would be creative! Maybe Professor Johnson would think you were smart. Your body shuddered at the thought of him patting you on the back and saying “Good job.”

Splenda it is. Walking down the street, looking at the stores, you paused. There was a sign you didn’t recognize. Aunt Sally’s Mystical Emporium. Glancing at your watch, you saw that you had plenty of time before dinner, so you decided to take a step in. Maybe there was something interesting here you could use for the project. As you opened the door, you heard the chime of the bell above to alert the attendant of your arrival. Glancing around, you saw aisles and aisles of shelves adorned with random objects, bottles, and clothes. Following the velvet carpet, you found the counter, where the woman behind was already staring at you. She was old, probably in her late 80s. She had this strange grin on her face, exposing her yellowed teeth. 

“What can I help you with?” She croaked.

Taken aback slightly at the harshness of her voice, you explained.

“I need something to dissolve in water for a school project. Something really cool.”

Her grin widened, exposing more of her yellow teeth. Without saying a word, she lifted her gaunt hand and motioned for you to follow her. Stepping from behind the counter, she began to move at an alarming pace for a woman her age through the maze of aisles and shelves. Struggling to keep up, you found yourself breaking into a sprint. She stayed composed though. How was she moving so goddamn fast?

Suddenly she stopped. You nearly tripped over yourself trying to stop in time to not trample her. You panted, trying to catch your breath as she slowly reached onto one of the shelves, pulling off a small clear vial of white powder. Holding it out to you, she said “This is magic. It will grant your deepest wish.” 

Oh, so she was insane.

Before you could even open your mouth to say you weren’t interested in some fake powder, the old woman interjected. “I can sense you have a wish in your heart, so for you, it is free.” Her face contorted into that awful grin again. So uncomfortable around this strange woman, you mumbled a thanks, grabbed the vial, and made your way rapidly toward the exit. You felt her gaze follow you until you had pushed open the door, the bell once again chiming, and turned the corner.

Finally, out of sight of the woman, you had a chance to breathe. What the hell was that?! This weird woman gave you some fake powder for free? Overwhelmed, you decided to head home for the night. You would deal with the project later. Once you arrived home, you put the weird vial on your nightstand, took a shower, ate dinner, played some video games, and went to bed. The rest of the weekend, you played some more video games, ate some more, and slept. It was a very relaxing weekend, all things considered.

When you woke up on Monday morning to get ready for school, you had barely put your pants on before you realized that you had forgotten all about the project. Professor Johnson was going to be so angry at you. You couldn't disappoint him. The thought of him shaking his head at you, or god forbid yelling at you... no. You had to figure something out. Scrambling around your room to find something to dissolve in your water bottle, you rediscovered the weird white powder. It was all you had, and honestly, it had a story behind it. Biting the bullet, you headed to the bathroom to fill your water bottle. Pouring the white powder into your bottle, you closed the lid and shook it aggressively, trying to get the powder to dissolve more quickly. As you opened the lid and looked inside, you were astounded. It was clear! The powder dissolved! As you lifted the bottle closer to your face to inspect further, your nose was enraptured by a strange, sweet smell. It was like caramel and flowers and cotton candy and every single fruit all at once. It smelled so good. This powder was incredible. You thought for a moment: maybe it tasted as good as it smelled. You lifted the bottle to your lips, and as soon as the liquid entered your mouth, your chest was filled with a raging pain.

Oh my god, the old crazy woman had poisoned you. Dropping the bottle into the still-running sink, you panicked. Your throat tightened and you couldn’t scream for help. You grabbed your phone, trying to call 911, but your vision blurred. Stumbling blindly, you slipped backward on the mat and landed flat on your back, your phone still in hand, knocking the wind out of you. In shock and still panicking, the pain abated, but the blurriness remained. Taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, you slowly lifted yourself off of the ground, clutching your phone, still ready to call 911 for help. You reached around on the counter and finally found a pair of glasses you assumed were your dad’s. Placing them on your face, you were astounded.

In the mirror, looking back at you, was Professor Johnson. The firm pecs, the bulging biceps, the washboard abs. All of it. He was right in front of you. Fuck, he was even hotter underneath those clothes. No longer were you scared, you were aroused. You had wished to become your hot professor, and here you were! Taking out your phone, you took your first (of many) hot selfies in his hot body.

Science Can Be Cool

As you took this picture, you saw your dick swelling up in your pants, which stretched with your new thick legs in them. You were always curious about what Professor Johnson was packing. Heading back into your room, you went to your mirror, slowly lowered your pants, and tossed them to the side, exposing your underwear which strained at the pressure coming from within.

Staring at yourself in the mirror, you admired every crevice of your new body. Your feet had grown several sizes pushing your socks to their limit. Your calves had grown and stretched the socks even more. Your thighs were monstrous, covered in veins and leading up to your monstrous dick, which was barely confined within your underwear. Your ass had grown massive and muscular, with the backside of your underpants riding up between your cheeks. Your arms had become enormous: your hands were meaty, your forearms had become covered in thick veins, and your biceps swelled like mountains, barely covering the forest of armpit hair you now had. Your stomach was covered by a thick set of washboard abs, leading up to your pecs which jutted forward from your body like a shelf. You matched your own gaze. Your face was a replica of Professor Johnson’s. You had his manly facial hair and sharp features. You had gotten everything you wished for. You snapped another picture. You were going to love your new body.

Science Can Be Cool

Dressing in your loosest clothing, as you now needed a whole new wardrobe, you grabbed your water bottle and left your house, and began the walk to school, ready to show Professor Johnson your aqueous solution and explain how much you loved chemistry.

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2 years ago

A Dip In The Pool

This new gym was awesome! Moving to a new city can be hard, but at least it allowed you to start fresh. Going to the gym was something you always wanted to learn how to like, so you signed up for this cool new gym near your house. Everyone was super chill with the fact that you had no idea what you were doing. These huge muscular men would teach you how to use a machine before saying, "Soon enough, you'll look like me!" They were so encouraging! You were starting to like going to the gym. But you were still so skinny. With your curly hair and thin frame, you looked like a literal mop. All of these musclemen were super nice, but there was no way you were ever going to look like them.

As you went to the front desk to check in before you started your workout, the attendant mentioned the fact that the gym had a pool. Since when? You were still new to this place, so you're not surprised that there was something you didn't know about, but still... you don't remember hearing about it. The attendant assured you that it was free admission for gym members, so you hesitantly asked to see where it was and were led through the gym floor to the back of the locker room, and sure enough, there was metal lettering on the face of a large mahogany door: Pool.

As the attendant returned to the front desk, you decided that you might as well go for a swim and get some cardio in while you're thinking about it. Although you hadn't come prepared with a swimsuit, you decided that your gym shorts were similar enough and would suffice, so you went back to your locker to get ready. After placing your gym bag in the locker, you peeled your t-shirt off of your torso, exposing your thin, hairless frame. Reaching downwards, you slipped your slim feet out of your shoes, and peeled off your socks, placing everything in your locker. After closing the locker and securing the padlock, you turned and headed back to the mahogany door.

Pushing inward and stepping into the room, your nostrils were immediately bombarded with the unmistakable smell of chlorine. Your eyes watered: it burned! The room was dark, merely illuminated by the lights in the small pool. There were no windows, no benches, nothing. Not even another person! The pool itself was short and rather shallow. It wasn't big enough to do laps or anything, so why was it here?

Seeing steam rising from the surface, you figured that the pool must be set at a high temperature for recovery or something like that. To you, that made enough sense to justify its existence. You began to lower yourself to the edge of the pool before sliding in, but you stopped yourself. Looking around, you decided that since no one was here to tell you not to, you were going to have some fun with this pool. Taking a small step back, you launched yourself forward, tucking inwards to a cannonball position. Your body cut through the warm steam as it descended toward the pool. As you hit the water, your body was wrapped in its warmth. It was almost like a hot tub. It felt amazing. Your body submerged beneath the surface, leaving an impressive splash, especially considering your small frame.

Rising from beneath the ripples you created, you reached your hands upward to wipe your face with your hands and to push your hair from your eyes. Only there was no hair there to be pushed. Your hands went over your head, but the hair that was usually there was gone. Something was wrong.

A Dip In The Pool

You opened your eyes and saw your now-massive hands in front of your face. They were connected to your thick forearms which met your mountainous biceps. Your torso was huge. Looking down past your swollen pecs, you saw your washboard abs, large thighs, and defined calves. Running your hand along your abs that were not there a moment ago, you allowed your hand to explore further down, pushing its way into your shorts. You grabbed your throbbing cock and began stroking it aggressively. Moaning in your deep voice, your massive body buckled in the water, sending ripples as you continued jerking off. Your bicep bulged with strength, veins becoming more and more prominent as your pace accelerated. Your breaths became short and intense. God, it felt so good. Pure ecstasy overtook you. With a grunt, you shot out ropes and ropes of cum into the pool.

Wading through the milky substance around you, you climbed your way out of the pool. You had never gone in the pool after your daily workouts, but with all that testosterone you have flowing in your veins, an outlet is good. Flexing the massive muscles that you had spent so much time growing in the gym, you decided that you were going to take a dip in the pool after every workout from now on.

A Dip In The Pool

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2 years ago

An Error Code

Something happened.

My boyfriend Henry and I were playing FIFA on my PS4. We were messing around with creating our own players. There was something so invigorating about making some hot guy play sports for you. They could look however you wanted. Henry made a player who looked like some muscle oaf: beefy, covered in body hair, with some stupid goatee. My player had less body hair, and a sculpted beard, but was still well-muscled. They both were quite hot, to be honest, and looking over at Henry, I noticed that he was chubbing up looking at them. After we had both made our characters, we loaded them into the roster and started the game.

But the game didn’t start. It crashed leaving an error code on that familiar blue screen:


We were left staring at this blue screen and strange error code. Neither of us had seen anything like it. The game began to automatically reboot. I turned to Henry to ask what was wrong with the console but instead saw a large beefy man in his place. His large hairy legs splayed wide on the couch, revealing his thick cock straining against his blue underpants. His hairy chest showed tufts of hair stemming from his neckline and coming from the armholes, which led to his massive muscular arms with thick armpit hair. His bearded face remained fixated on the screen. Looking down at myself, I saw large thick legs leading to a massive bulge in my grey underwear. Scratching my face, I could feel my well-groomed beard. My hand lowered to my giant bulge, rubbing it and moaning with my new deep voice as the game continued to load. The smell of our odor was intoxicating. The sweet, tangy scent of man permeated my nostrils. My dick swelled even further.

I heard the game begin. I pulled my hand off of my massive crotch and grabbed the controller, looking up at the screen through my glasses. It was crazy that Henry and I could make players who looked exactly like us. Seeing my beefy boyfriend's body on the screen running around and getting all sweaty made my dick swell again.

Once I kicked his beefy ass in the game, I knew what I was going to do with that ass right afterward.

An Error Code

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2 years ago

How Would You Feel?

Once again, you're sitting in front of your screen, scrolling through Tumblr. Your feed is filled with these muscular, brawny men. You enjoy staring at them, don't you?

How pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself. These men didn't spend years of their lives fine-tuning their bodies just for some scrawny punk on Tumblr to get off to them. How would you feel if some losers on the internet violated you like that?

How Would You Feel?

My post appears: it's a plain white photo. No hot men to arouse you. But you can't scroll away. Not now, when the fun is just about to begin.

Those men you keep staring at are hot, aren't they? Your jaw is slack as you continue staring at this strange white screen that appeared on your feed. You feel a warmth spreading across your body. Your arms grow massive, covering themselves in a coat of dark hair, leading to your armpits which become dense, damp jungles. Your dick is pressed together as your thighs expand, the same dark hair swirling its way down your body. You're still staring at the white screen, even as your eye-line increases, with your ass swelling into two globes of muscle and providing cushioning on your chair. The stench of your bare feet is pungent as they grow massive and engulfed in thick hairs, but you still stare. You lift your shirt, rubbing your hands over your now-muscular torso and washboard abs, reaching your enormous pecs. You begin to rub your perky nipples. They're so sensitive. Your dick swells in your jeans as the white screen disappears. You turn your camera on and begin filming. I hope you like being nothing more than eye candy to strangers on the internet. I can't wait to read all of the nasty comments!

How Would You Feel?

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2 years ago

A Stolen Singlet

You had never done anything like this before! You had always dreamed of this, but never had the courage to go through with it. This was exciting! You told everyone in the robotics lab that you needed to head home early to get ahead on your AP Calculus homework. That was a lie. You grabbed your backpack and began heading in the general direction of the exit, but you had no intention of leaving. Instead, you turned down the adjacent hallway and headed straight for the locker room. The wrestling team had just finished practice and had headed out for the day. You knew that they were gone because their deep voices resonated through the hall as they walked past the lab just a few minutes prior.

A Stolen Singlet

Once you reached the locker room, you breathed in the humid air: it was a mix of steam from the showers and musk. You scanned through the cubbies and found what you were hoping to find: one of the wrestlers had left their singlet.

Those dumb oafs always forgot their bags and stuff in class, so you had figured that maybe they would forget something else in the locker room, and wow you were excited at the gift they left behind for you. Picking the white fabric up, your hand instantly became damp. Damn, whoever just wore this really worked up a sweat. Lifting it to your nose, you took a deep inhale. The stench of body odor and sweat filled your senses. It was intoxicating. Your measly member began twitching at the pure manliness that was engulfing you. You contentedly unzipped your bag and placed the smelly singlet inside.

Your walk home felt like forever, but in reality was short, as you were almost running because you were so impatient for what came next. Entering your home, you beelined for your bedroom. Closing the door behind you and locking it, you ripped the still-damp singlet out of your backpack. Lifting it once again to your nose, the sweet stench was pure ecstasy. Your dick began to swell again, but instead of fighting it, you began to rub it. God, it smelled so good.

You couldn't wait to try it on.

Wild with lust, you dropped the singlet to your feet and began unclothing, nearly tripping over yourself as you lifted your hairless chicken legs through the pant legs. In an orgasmic frenzy, you ripped your shirt off, exposing your pasty, gangly torso. Finally, you reached your underpants, throwing them aside and letting your painfully erect cock bob in the open air. Lifting your legs and placing them through the singlet, you began to place the fabric over your body. It was massive. You could fit both of your legs through one pant hole, and the shoulder straps didn't hold it up, as your thin back wasn't wide enough to catch them. It didn't matter. It smelled so good. You reached around the front and found your dick and began stroking it.

The sweat imbued in the singlet began to change you. Your dick, as you rubbed, it began to thicken, growing girthier and longer, dark hair swirling over top. Your small hand stroking your new massive dick began to thicken and stretch. Each finger cracking and popping and becoming stout sausages on your hands. Your forearms tensed as they grew thick and veiny. Your biceps were pumped with both fat and muscle, growing strong and forcing your shoulders apart to accommodate the extra mass. Your armpits became forests of hair, producing the same sweet stench and sweat in the singlet that intoxicated you. Your back cracked and widened allowing the shoulder straps to hold firmly. Massive pecs pushed their way from your chest, becoming enormous mounds and forming a crevice, straining the front of the singlet, as your nipples hardened and became even more sensitive, the contact with the singlet driving your lust further. Your stomach tightened with washboard abs, only to soften as you filled out the singlet. Still jerking off through the singlet, you felt your thighs explode with muscle, squeezing your dick, and sending you further into your frenzy. Your ass swelled into two globes, the same dark hair swirling its way from your dick and covering your massive ass in hair. Your calves grew as your pace quickened. Your feet grew to size 15s. Each toe cracked and popped as your feet splayed across the floor to support your massive frame. Your feet reeked! Of course, they did, you just got back from practice.

Oh god… you were so close…

With a deep bellow, you came into your singlet. Bringing your hand to the wet spot at the front, you scooped a bit of the salty liquid and brought it to your mouth. Sucking on your finger, you moaned at the taste of your own sweat, funk, and spunk. No wonder why all of those freshmen on the team loved the taste of you. They couldn't get enough of you! You had even caught one of them taking a whiff of your singlet after you got out of the shower after practice today. That didn't bother you, though. He wasn't as big as you, but he was still muscled, hot, and his ass was just right. The glint in his eyes as you dropped the towel told you everything you needed to know. You couldn't wait for tomorrow's practice. Let's just say, it's good to be captain of the wrestling team.

A Stolen Singlet

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2 years ago

A Transformative Hike

Living in the country had its advantages for sure. There was plenty of vast open space. You never had to worry about running into your neighbors: the nearest one was almost three miles down a dirt road. There were so few people, meaning you were the only gay man within an hour's radius. Thus, you were inevitably perpetually single. Your parents knew you were gay, and they let you be. You could tell they weren't happy about it, but you were their only child, so they felt like they'd rather have a gay kid than no kid at all. Still, they tried to find sweet young women nearby to set you up with. They were convinced that maybe, just maybe, you could lead a "normal" life, marrying some country belle and working on one of the many nearby farms. They wanted what they thought was best for you, but they just couldn't accept that moving away from this small town and going to the big city where there were more people like you was what you wanted.

While you were laying on your bed in your room, browsing Zillow for apartment listings in the city, your mom unexpectedly opened your door and entered unannounced. Closing your computer quickly, you flung it to the side. Seeing your computer tossed haphazardly on the side of your bed, your mother sighed.

"Honey. We know you're going to be leaving soon."

Oh my god, when most normal parents walk in on their kids hiding their computers in a panic, they think they're watching porn. Why couldn't she have thought that, instead? That would have been less embarrassing. Why did she have to actually know what you were doing?

"Before you make any decisions, please just at least try and remember what you love about this place. Go for a hike through the woods, at least one last time!"

You raised an eyebrow. The forest behind your home was extensive. You remembered your dad taking you through the trails when you were younger, back before you started to detest the dirt and grit of it all. You had hiked, biked, and ridden ATVs on those trails, all with your dad by your side. You enjoyed it back then, but things were different now. You were ready to move on with your life. But before you were even able to tell your mom that you had made up your mind, you looked into her eyes. She looked so sad, batting her puppy-dog eyes. You were going to break her mother's heart when you moved out. The least you could do is go on one last hike for her.

With a weighty sigh, you nodded, and your mother's face immediately lightened up. She turned and near-skipped back out of your room. You were already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and it was warm enough out. All you needed were some shoes. Throwing your legs over the side of your bed, you reached across your floor and grabbed your hiking boots. You stuck your feet into them and began to lace them up. Once your shoes were tied and you were ready, you stood up and walked down the hall and out the back door. Heading through the grass, you found your way to the tree line. You traced your way along the perimeter until you found the trail that you had spent so much time exploring when you were a kid. It was overgrown, but the outline was still there. Looking back at your house, you saw your mom and dad waving at you through the window. You were doing this last thing for them, and then you were gone. Taking a deep breath, you began your hike through the woods.

A Transformative Hike

Following the trail left by your feet and tires so many years ago, you navigated your way through the dense woods. Every twist and turn revealed a new memory that you had forgotten: the rock that you had slipped on and sprained your ankle; the outcropping that you had stopped and camped out in; the tree stump that you had crashed your bike into, faceplanting into the moss. Taking in your surroundings, you truly had forgotten how incredible this place was. You had spent so much time reminiscing you had lost track of time, and you were winded all of a sudden. You decided to stop somewhere and take a break, you had been in here for nearly an hour, and you were just about halfway through the loop. Seeing a grassy patch, you collapsed back into it, allowing yourself a moment to rest. But as you landed, you felt something strike your back. Assuming you landed on a stick or something, you reached behind you to pull it away and toss it into the dense foliage, but instead, you felt the rim of a hat. Pulling it in front of you and inspecting it, it was no wonder you didn't see it before you landed on top of it. It was camo patterned. Some poor hiker must've lost it. Staring at this strange hat, you felt this uncontrollable urge to put it on. The previous owner clearly wasn't here anymore, so… finders keepers?

Placing the cap on your head, a strange warmth began to spread over your body. Your dick began to stir in your jeans, swelling far beyond its normal size. You threw your head back in ecstasy, falling back into the grass, moaning. The warmth intensified all over your body, pulsing, and sending you into orgasmic spasms in the dirt and grass. With each pulse, your body swelled. Your legs began to stretch your jeans, your thighs and calves growing large and beefy. Your pelvis thrusting into the air and slamming back towards the earth found support as your ass cheeks swelled into two large globes of fat and muscle. Your hands stretched and grew calloused from years of hard labor. Forearms tensed and bulged leading to your exploding biceps, becoming mountains of pure muscle and strength, stretching the sleeves of your shirt to the limit. As you thrashed on the ground in pleasure, your back expanded, slamming each shoulder into the ground with more and more manly force, and ripping your shirt clean off of your torso. Your pecs swelled into large mounds and your stomach tightened as hard muscle pushed its way outwards. A sharp stench erupted from your body, as thick, curly hair erupted from around your new massive cock. The hair weaved its way around, covering your massive ass in the thick hair, before tracing its way down your massive legs. The thick patch that erupted above your cock began to swirl upwards over your stomach and onto your chest. A beard began to push its way out of your jaw and upper lip, meeting your new curly hairline and giving you manly facial hair that you had never been able to grow before. The raw stench became even more powerful as thick forests of wet hair pushed their way out of your armpits. Still thrashing in ecstasy, your massive arms were lifted, exposing your new bushes of hair, and sending your new odor directly into your nose. The sweet scent warped your brain. You were always like this. A big manly man who loved hiking in the woods and working out. With a deep guttural moan, your dick erupted with a seemingly never-ending stream of cum.

Blinded from the intense pleasure that you just endured. You spread your massive body out on the grass for several minutes, catching your breath. You were covered in sweat, and you stank to high heaven. But you liked that. Bringing yourself to your feet, you stood up to your full height of 6'4". Laying in that grassy patch was a nice breather before you continue your daily jog. You spent a lot of time working out to keep your muscles nice and big. Your job as a farm hand had you doing plenty of manual labor. You began your jog back home, where your pretty lil' wife was waiting for you to come home. She loved the smell of you and would be more than willing to help you out with your second workout in the bedroom.

A Transformative Hike

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2 years ago

An Olympic Diver

The local community center had recently set up a high diving board at the pool, and you were super stoked to give it a try. Diving through the air, and landing into the water after doing some flips and other moves, it all looked so graceful and awesome. If you were able to really pull those dives off, you would be the talk of the town. Maybe one day you could even win a gold medal at the Olympics! All you had to do was learn.

Since it was just diving, you decided that there was no need to take any lessons or classes or anything. You had seen plenty of videos of people on the high dive before, and you were confident that you could easily replicate them. Mounting to the top of the board, you had absolutely no hesitations or second thoughts as you approached the edge of the board.

An Olympic Diver

Looking down and past your feet, you could tell just how high up the board was. But you were confident that you could effortlessly land a dive after a couple of front flips. You knew how to dive, and you knew how to flip into a pool. How difficult could it be? Plus, even if you messed up and somehow landed incorrectly, you would be landing in water, so it couldn't possibly hurt. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

With a final deep breath, you jumped off the board towards the surface of the pool. Attempting to flip, you curled yourself into a tight ball, only to open up for a dive at the last moment. However, you had accidentally released too early and lost your momentum. Unable to shift your trajectory, your arrogance shifted to intense fear as your body rapidly descended through the air. You futilely tried to thrash your body in order to shift back towards the dive, but it was far too late. With a large splat, you belly-flopped directly into the pool.

Your body was on fire, and everything stung. Your ears were ringing and you were dazed. You could feel your heart pumping in your head. In your disorientation, somehow you managed to swim to the side of the pool and pull yourself out of the water. Everything was blurry, and you were stumbling toward your towel, which you had left on the bleachers.

Fumbling blindly, you finally grabbed a hold of your towel and began to attempt to dry yourself off. When your towel made contact with your body, it began to bulge outwards. You felt a pumping in your chest as your pecs expanded, with your nipples erect from the cold breeze on your wet chest. You rubbed the towel over your stomach, as new washboard abs emerged out of thin air. You lifted your arms above your head to dry your armpits. Thick, wet patches of hair pushed their way out from under your arms, which ballooned at the contact with the towel. Your forearms thickened and your biceps grew massive with a tattoo etching its way across. Wrapping the towel around your waist, your swimsuit transformed into a tight speedo, allowing your swelling thighs to rub against each other. Your calves thickened as well, with hair etching its way up your legs and towards your crotch, which began to push further and further into your new speedo, sending immense waves of pleasure throughout your body.

An Olympic Diver

The pleasure erupting from your dick was so indescribably intense that it sent you into a euphoric haze on top of your disorientation. Looking down at your swelling dick, you paid no mind to your new muscular body. All you needed was to pleasure yourself. Reaching underneath your towel, you began to rub your dick through your speedo. Almost immediately, you began to orgasm, sending ropes of thick cum into your already wet speedo. Moaning in delight, your body spasmed as the pleasure overtook you. You threw your head back in pure ecstasy. As you continued to shoot out your seed into the speedo, slowly but surely the haze and disorientation dissipated.

Finally, the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced finished. You opened your eyes to look down at yourself, only to finally notice your massive muscular chest and abs. In disbelief, you raised an arm and flexed it, in awe of the mountains of muscle you now had on your body. Ripping the towel off of your waist, you saw your massive cock in the speedo, which had white fluid dripping from it onto your feet and the floor.

"Bloody hell!" You exclaimed.

You jolted, taken aback at what just came out of your mouth. You sounded British! Suddenly, against your will, your hands raised the towel to your head and began to dry off your hair. All of your previous memories began to disappear. You were born in the U.K. You were an Olympic diver for Team U.K. You were here at this pool practicing for the games next year. Another gold medal would be nice for your collection.

An Olympic Diver

As all these thoughts and memories rushed into your head, you heard your phone ring on one of the bleachers. Answering the call and holding to your ear, you heard that it was your husband, Lance. "Thomas, are you finished with practice yet? You know I can't keep my hands off of you when you're all worked up and sweaty like that." You grinned at his desperation for your sexy diver body. You had this man in the palm of your hand. Who wouldn't want a piece of you? It was good to be Tom Daley.

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2 years ago

The Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse... you were all alone for the holidays. While your friends managed to get home and were with their families or decided to spend the night partying until sunrise, you were stuck alone at home. This wasn't your plan for this year. Your stupid boss wouldn't let you take off the day before, so you had to work on Christmas Eve. You had planned on flying back home to your family after work had finished, but a surprise snowstorm canceled your flight back home, and you had no way of getting there. While your parents were obviously upset that you wouldn’t be joining them, they couldn’t be angry at you, because it wasn’t your fault. You couldn't control the weather. 

Trying to find something to keep you occupied, you had spent the evening baking cookies for Santa Claus. Obviously, you were old enough to understand that Santa didn’t exist, but you had baked cookies for him every year with your mother since you were a kid, and Christmas Eve would feel incomplete without the smell of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. However, once the baking was done and the kitchen was cleaned, the silence that filled your house was deafening.

Placing the tray of cookies and a cold glass of milk by the fireplace, you poured yourself a large glass of eggnog and headed into your bedroom to put on a Christmas movie on your laptop. Maybe watching other people in the festive spirit will bring you some joy. Scrolling through all of the streaming services you had, you were unsatisfied with the array of films. You had seemingly seen everything. Finally, you stumbled upon that old 90s movie with Tim Allen, The Santa Clause. The idea of this toy salesman turning into Santa and learning the true meaning of Christmas was so insane! But nonetheless, you remember liking the movie when you watched it many years ago, so you decided to press play. As the movie played, you continued to drink your eggnog. Eventually, you finished your first glass and went back to get a second. With every sip of the eggnog, you found yourself becoming more and more relaxed. The movie was funny enough, but you found your eyes gradually getting heavier. Slowly, everything faded to black.

Cough cough 

You awoke suddenly to the sound of coughing. You jolted upwards. Your laptop was still warm on your legs, and the movie was still playing; it was only halfway finished. Throwing your computer off to the side, you hurriedly stumbled out of bed to see what was happening. As you turned the corner, you saw it. There, standing in your living room, was some fat old guy dressed as Santa Claus. In one hand was one of the cookies you had baked earlier, and the other was clawing at his throat. His cough had stopped, but he was still gasping for air. He was choking. Before you had time to react, his knees gave out and he stumbled backward, landing on the floor. His massive body shook the house, and then, everything was still. It was silent. He wasn’t moving. Stepping forward and raising your foot, you tried to nudge him, to see if he was still alive. Instead of meeting his leg, your foot seemed to move right through him, instead catching the fabric of his red suit. Before your very eyes, this dead man who had broken into your house seemingly dissolved into thin air. All that was left of him was the half-eaten cookie and his outfit.

You had to call the police. A man had just broken into your house. Running to your counter and grabbing your cell phone, you raced to the front door to see that it was locked. Running to the side windows, you saw that they were… locked. Walking to the back door, sure enough, it was locked too. Looking at your alarm system, you saw that it was armed. How did this guy get into your house? You put your phone down. Walking back into your living room, you stepped over the red suit and stuck your hand up the chimney. Sure enough, the flue was open. Oh my god. Did the real Santa Claus just choke on your cookies?

Now what? You definitely can’t call the police. They wouldn’t believe you that Santa just died in your room and his body vanished. Sure, you were a little tipsy from the eggnog, but knew what you saw. No one would believe you, still. Hell, you wouldn’t have believed yourself! It sounded like something directly out of a Christmas movie.

You paused. Like something out of a Christmas movie. Looking down at the outfit the fat old man had just been wearing, you thought back to the movie you were watching. It could have been the eggnog talking, but why couldn’t you just try his clothes on? I mean what was there to lose? It’s not like there was actually a dead person in your living room; only his clothes.

The Night Before Christmas

Looking at his hat, that had once been on his head, you picked it up and placed it onto your coffee table. You sat on your couch to deliberate what your next course of action should be: call the police or try on Santa’s clothes. Staring at this hat and looking beyond at the full outfit which lay strewn on the floor, you made up your mind. If nothing else, maybe this will put you in a festive mood.

Standing up and placing the hat on your head, you instantly were overcome by an intense gurgling in your stomach. You felt so incredibly bloated. You rubbed your hands on your stomach, only to feel it rapidly expanding outwards in front of you. Bringing your hands to your chest, you felt it sag as your pecs grew into mounds of fat drooping from your torso.

The Night Before Christmas

Your ass grew enormous, stretching the fabric of your pants and tearing the seams. Falling backward onto your couch, you heard as the legs buckled under your growing weight. Your thighs splayed further and further outward, ripping your pants and pushing your legs farther and farther apart. Your fingers swelled into large sausages and your feet grew massive. 

The hair across your body lightened to a gray, before becoming as white as snow. Your upper lip itched as white hairs pushed their way out, growing long and meeting up with the hairs forcing their way from your chin. Soon, you sported a large, white, bushy beard. Wrinkles began etching their way across your face and body as you aged rapidly. Standing up from the couch, you stumbled as your center of gravity changed with your massive weight gain. Slowly, you managed to bring your body to the clothes of the former Santa Claus. Reaching down and grabbing the fabric, you pulled your blubberous legs through the velvet pants, shoving your giant feet into the brown leather boots. You lifted the heavy suit jacket over your shoulders and massive beach-ball stomach, before adorning it with a buckled belt. You brought your massive fingers into the white gloves and lifted his glasses onto your face.

You looked exactly like him. You were the spitting image of Santa Claus. Looking at the tray of cookies that you had baked earlier and the big guy had just choked on, you decided it’d be best to pass on the cookies tonight. Instead, you turned towards the chimney, ready to get back to your sleigh and deliver the rest of the presents before sunrise. Bringing festive cheer and joy to the world was enough to make an old man like you laugh gaily with glee:

Ho, Ho, Ho!

The Night Before Christmas

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2 years ago

The Main Event

You always took a weekend to go to the nearby music festival on the beach every summer. It was always a blast. There were usually some good artists playing, sometimes a few minor celebrities: nothing too crazy. After a long, cold winter, you were ready for another good summer of live music and a little bit of drinking. However, it seems also though the vibe of the festival had been slightly changed this year.

Arriving at the beach, it was clear that something was different. There were thousands of people all huddled around the stage. Where there usually were some picnic tables or beach chairs there were crowds of people. There was no space to sit. On the stage in the distance was some DJ playing his set, and the area by the front of the stage was crowded with sweaty, intoxicated teenagers, trashing around wildly.

Although the energy was wildly different this year, you were still determined to find some way to have a good time. Resigned to the back of the crowd, you found an empty spot on the sand and sat down, allowing yourself to bask in the warmth of the sun. The morning had been cold when you got in your car to drive here and the forecast hadn’t called for so much sun, so you were dressed for colder temperatures. Your yellow chinos and white t-shirt reflected the sun's rays and seemed to be glowing in their own right. However, the brightness of your clothing didn’t prevent someone from stepping right into you and tumbling face-first into the sand.

Looking to your side, you saw an older man with a lanyard around his neck that said “Event Promoter”. He had managed to sit back up but he was wiping the sand from his eyes, aggressively trying to clear his vision.

Rushing to help the man back to his feet, you grabbed his hand. Almost instantly, you felt your mind empty. You had no more thoughts. You were fixated on this man. The man, having cleared the sand from his eyes, looked you up and down, and nodded. Still holding your hand firmly, he stood up and began guiding you through the crowd of energized people. The warmth of the bodies around you caused you to sweat profusely, but you didn’t care. This man was guiding you, and all you needed was to follow him. Approaching the front of the stage, the man separated with an aggressive shove two people open-mouthed kissing, before taking you around the side to the wings of the stage. Dripping with sweat, you stopped walking when the man turned around and held your face with his hands.

“You’re going to be the main event”

With those words, your eyes rolled toward the back of your head. You began panting heavily, trying to cool your body down. With each breath, your body swelled. Your chinos grew tight around your swelling ass and thighs. They grew taut and muscular, stretching those poor pants to the absolute limit. Your chest, as it heaved, began expanding into a shelf of raw muscle. Your abs pushed their way one at a time from your torso. Your shoulders stretched outward from your neck, ripping your shirt into pieces as it fell towards your feet. Your biceps swelled into mountains of muscle, veins snaking their way down your forearms, which thickened, and towards your now massive hands and fingers. Dark, sweaty hair swirled its way from the center of your chest, encircling your nipples and nestling its way into your armpits, which were dripping with your odor. The hair crawled down your chiseled abs towards your crotch, which pushed against your pants, swelling to an incredible size. The man took his hands off of your face and you looked down at yourself. You felt incredible. You looked incredible.

The Main Event

The man beamed at you, admiring your massive frame and admiring his handiwork. “Okay, Zac. Are you ready to give this crowd the greatest show they’ve ever seen?”

Staring back at the promoter, you nodded with a cocky grin and stepped out from the wings and onto the stage. As soon as the crowd caught sight of you, they went apeshit. Why wouldn’t they? You were an international superstar. You were the main event. You were Zac fucking Efron. They had all come to see you and your massive sexy muscles. Through the roar of the crowd, you could make out voices yelling at you to show off your muscles. Staring back into the crowd with all of those screaming, lustful faces, you smirked. So they want a show? You’ll give them exactly what they want.

The Main Event

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2 years ago

Secret Reward

Jake was your everyday college student who stood at a petite 5'4" and as thin as a plank of wood. He was often bullied for being nerd due to his intense love for academics and passion for learning. Despite his small size, he was a force to be reckoned with when it comes to academics. He was taking a chemistry class which was required as a science credit in order to graduate, but the subject matter is proving to be a challenge for him.

However, in class, the professor announced that there would be a secret reward for the student with the highest grade on their final assignment. This news motivated Jake to work even harder and study even more intensely. He poured all of his effort into his studies, determined to earn that secret coveted prize. When the final grades were released, Jake was elated to see that he had received an A+. He had never been more proud of himself, and he couldn't wait to find out what the reward was.

As he walked up to his professor, A+ in hand, he asked what his prize would be. The teacher handed Jake a potion, telling him that it was a special mixture that would grant him one wish. Without hesitation, Jake wished to become an incredibly muscular football player. He had always dreamed of being on the football field, making amazing plays and thrilling the crowds.

As Jake drank the potion, he felt an intense energy coursing through his body. His muscles began to grow and bulge, starting with his biceps. They expanded and became defined, rippling with strength. Next, his chest began to transform, expanding and becoming wider, with well-defined pecs. His abs became chiseled and tight, creating a six-pack that was the envy of all who saw it. His abs tapered off towards his crotch which swelled with manliness as a deep odor emenated from his throbbing member.

Jake's legs became stronger and more muscular, with quads that bulged with power, squeezing his crotch, and sending waves of orgasmic pleasure through his body . He could feel the strength in his legs, and he knew that he would be able to run and jump like never before. His back became wider and more defined, with lats that tapered into a V-shape. He could feel the power in his back, and he knew that he would be able to make amazing plays and tackle with ease. Finally, his shoulders broadened, becoming wider and more defined. They were powerful and could deliver crushing hits on the field.

As the transformation completed, Jake had become an incredibly muscular football player, with a body that was strong, agile, and full of power. He was amazed by what had happened and couldn't wait to hit the field and show off his newfound abilities.

The chemistry professor smiled as he watched Jake. Not only was he the smartest kid in the school, but he was also the star quarterback. He is unstoppable.

Secret Reward

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2 years ago


Max had been searching for a guitar for what felt like forever. He had moved to the big city straight out of college, hoping to find work, but fell in love with music instead. Thus, he was one of the thousands of struggling musicians, working odd jobs to make ends meet, and he dreamed of the day when he could finally afford to buy a guitar of his own. He scoured thrift stores, garage sales, and online marketplaces, but he could never seem to find the right one.

One day, Max was walking home from work when he stumbled upon a thrift store he had never seen before. He decided to pop in, just to see what they had, and that's when he saw it - the most beautiful guitar he had ever seen. It was love at first sight. Max approached the guitar and couldn't believe his luck. It was in excellent condition, and it was priced well within his budget. He felt like it was meant to be.

Max eagerly took the guitar back to his small apartment, and as he walked through the door, he felt his excitement reach new heights. He had always dreamed of owning a guitar of his own, and now, finally, that dream was within reach. He carefully placed the guitar on the floor of his apartment and sat down beside it. Picking it up and holding it to his torso, he got ready to play his favorite song: Stitches. He eagerly began strumming the first chord.

The vibrations of the guitar seemed to echo throughout his body, rippling and causing his body to pulsate. Max closed his eyes; the sounds of the music that he was making felt so good that he was overcome with pleasure. As Max played each chord, his body changed. The first chord caused his muscles to grow, and he felt his biceps bulge as they expanded. His arms became thicker and stronger, his veins popping out from under his skin. The second chord caused his chest to expand, and he felt his pecs become defined. His chest became wider, and his nipples grew larger. The third chord caused his legs to grow, and he felt his quads bulge as they expanded. His legs became thicker and stronger, his calf muscles rippling with each movement. The fourth chord caused his back to broaden, and he felt his lats become defined. His back became wider, and his shoulder blades grew larger.

His face became chiseled and defined, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. His eyes became deeper set, and his eyebrows grew thicker. Opening his eyes and looking through his new curls, he peered down at his body. His body was covered in hair, and his clothes were tattered on the floor beside him. He had grown too large for them.

Max was in awe of his transformation. He had never felt so powerful, so strong, and so confident. He continued to play the guitar, and with each chord, he felt the magic of the instrument coursing through his veins. Max had become Shawn Mendes, the famous musician, and he was ready to take on the world.


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2 years ago

Replacement Barista

It’s another chilly morning in Jericho. You were exploring your hometown in Vermont, feeling a sense of nostalgia as you walk down the familiar streets. You had recently moved back to Vermont after a few years of living in the city, in search of a simpler life and to be closer to family. You've been looking for a job, and you're determined to find one near your home.

Suddenly, your eyes spot something that you don't remember being here. A coffee shop, called the Weathervane, with a bright NOW HIRING sign displayed in the window on the door. Curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to inquire about a job.

Replacement Barista

As you approach the counter, the barista greets you with a warm smile. They ask if you wanted to buy a coffee. You smile at the thought of you being so polite and amicable this early in the morning. You politely refuse their offer of a coffee and explain that you were interested in working there. You elaborate that you're specifically looking for a job that allows you to be a part of your community, and you were excited about the possibility of working in this coffee shop. With a smile, the barista hands you an apron, no questions asked. A little surprised that the barista didn't even ask you any questions about your experience or background or anything, you look back at them dumbfounded. They explain that they had recently lost their best barista and were looking for an immediate replacement. Holding the red fabric in your hand, you turn it over to see a name tag still on it: Tyler. Assuming that that was the previous owner of the apron who recently left, you dismiss your concerns, and bring it over your head and tie the strings around your back. 

As soon as you tighten the strings, you feel the breath shoot out from your lungs. You feel a strange, tingling sensation that takes over your body. Your vision blurs, and you feel lightheaded, as if you've suddenly lost your balance. It's a disorienting feeling, and you can't help but feel tense. Your heart races, and you're having trouble catching your breath. It's a feeling like you've never experienced before, and you can't quite put your finger on what's happening to you.

You excuse yourself to the bathroom, and begin stumbling towards the back wall as the barista looks on at your disorientation, smiling. You use the wall to support your body as you find your way to the restroom and fumble with the handle. Pushing the door open, you fall forward and brace yourself on the edges of the sink. Your vision has started to clear and you look up at the mirror to reorient yourself, but you're shocked by what you see: the man in the mirror was not you.

Replacement Barista

Your face looks different, more handsome, and chiseled. You run your hands through your hair which was now adorned with thick curls. Your eyes had lightened into an intense green, with a heavy brow giving them a fierce look. Bringing your larger hands across your new face, you felt your smooth contours and your plump lips. You were hot. Your arms bulged against your shirt as they continued to explore your new body, which was taut with lean muscle. You were strong from lifting bags of coffee beans for the past few months. You had been working here since last summer. You loved the way this job allowed you to connect with the community and meet new people every day.

Feeling better from your sudden lightheadedness, you readjusted your apron, making sure that the “Tyler” on your name tag was clearly visible for everyone to see. You leave the bathroom, ready to continue with your shift.

Replacement Barista

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2 years ago

Alone on Valentine's Day

Sean and Tommy were roommates who had become close friends over the years. They shared everything from their favorite Netflix shows to their deepest fears, including the fact that they both hated being single on Valentine's Day. Although they were both gay, they were mutual friends, with no attraction to each other.

On this particular February 14th, Tommy decided to have a night in with Sean to commiserate about their single status. Rather than go to the bars and cruise for some curious straight man, Tommy thought it would be better to just hang out at home and watch a stupid rom-com. In the kitchen, he poured them both a glass of red wine. In Sean's drink, however, Tommy poured a vial of special white powder that he had bought online. After the powder had completely dissolved in the burgundy liquid, Tommy returned to the living room and handed Sean his glass. They settled in on the couch to watch a rom-com.

Alone On Valentine's Day

As Sean took his first big gulp of the wine, he felt a strange sensation in his body, almost like an electrical current running through his veins. At first, he thought it was just the wine making him feel a little lightheaded, but as the sensation grew stronger, he began to worry that something was seriously wrong.

He felt a sudden and intense heat spreading throughout his body. He broke out into a sweat as his muscles began to tingle and twitch. He felt an unusual energy coursing through his veins, like a current of electricity flowing through his entire body.

Sean looked down at his body to see that he was painfully erect. He shifted his gaze to his arms and gasped as he watched them bulge and expand in size. His biceps swelled, and he could see thick veins snaking across his newly defined forearms. His chest heaved with each breath, growing broader and thicker as his pectoral muscles expanded. He could feel the fabric of his shirt stretching tautly across his shoulders and chest. With one final heave, his shirt gave way, exposing his massive chest, which was now adorned with intricate tattoos.

He felt an intense pressure building in his legs. He could feel his muscles contracting and expanding, growing thicker and more defined with every passing moment. His thigh muscles swelled, pushing his dick together and sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. He could feel his calf muscles bulging outwards, growing more prominent with each passing second. He unconsciously flexed his legs, and his quad bulged out from his skin, ripping his pants and leaving him exposed in his underwear. His cock had grown considerably and was still throbbing and swelling.

As the transformation continued, Sean's skin began to bristle with hair. He could feel it prickling up all over his arms, chest, and face. His once baby-smooth skin was now covered in thick, dark hair, giving him a more rugged, masculine appearance. His cock had grown massive, straining against the front of his pants. He began thrusting into it, moaning in delight. With a deep shudder, he shot out ropes of cum which shot through his underwear, leaving a dark, wet spot. In a post-orgasmic bliss, Sean panted, trying to catch his breath.

Alone On Valentine's Day

Looking back at his massive body, he felt stronger and more powerful than he ever had before. He flexed his arm, and a huge bicep bulged out from his skin. He was amazed at the sight of it, never having seen anything like it before. Tommy couldn't take his eyes off Sean. The transformation was incredible to watch. Sean's once lanky frame was now bulging with muscles, giving him a more rugged and masculine appearance. He had never found himself attracted to Sean before, but now Sean had somehow transformed into the perfect man for him.

As Sean sat there, basking in the incredible feeling of his newfound strength and masculinity, he looked toward Tommy, whose jaw was agape. Sean smirked at his boyfriend, and his massive dick twitched in his pants. He leaned over and began to make out with Tommy. Sean guided Tommy’s hand to stroke his massive cock, as he moaned in pure ecstasy. Tommy’s hand was wet with the sticky substance, but he didn’t care; he had the man of his dreams on his couch, and he couldn’t be happier. Neither of them would be alone on Valentine’s Day ever again.

Alone On Valentine's Day

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1 year ago

Secret Stoner Lover

Jack and Matt were the town stoners. They were always running off somewhere to light up and unwind. During their lunch period at school, they decided to take their smoking sesh to the forest. Last time they had lit up in the parking lot, they were caught and suspended, and they couldn't afford an expulsion. So once the bell rang, they quickly headed for the exit and the treeline on the edges of the soccer field.

After a few steps into their trek into the shrubbery, the two boys plopped down on the grass and pulled out a joint and a lighter. After only a few hits, they were laughing it up and having a blast. In between an exceptionally long bout of laughter, Jack glanced to his right, only to see a blue Adidas wrestling singlet tangled in a bush. Lifting his body slowly, he strolled over to the singlet and picked it up, examining it curiously. "Hey, that looks pretty dope," he said to Matt, holding it up. "I wonder who left it here."

He was drawn to this singlet. Something about it called to him. Despite the fact that he was with his best friend, Jack stripped to his underwear and slipped the singlet on. He felt a sudden surge of power coursing through his veins. His muscles began to bulge and expand, causing the singlet to stretch tightly across his chest, biceps, and thighs. His massive bulge pressing tightly against the lycra constraint. Matt watched in awe as Jack's body transformed before his eyes, his once scrawny frame now replaced by rippling muscles and sinewy veins.

Jack's arms were now thicker than Matt's thighs, and his chest was broad and chiseled. His six-pack abs looked like they were carved out of marble, and his thighs were now so massive that the singlet looked like it was about to burst at the seams.

As Jack flexed his newfound muscles, Matt couldn't help but admire the way his friend looked. Jack's biceps bulged as he flexed them, the veins in his forearms pulsing with power. Matt had always been a fan of muscular guys, but he had never seen anyone quite like Jack.

"Damn, man, you look amazing!" Matt exclaimed, staring at Jack with a mix of awe and admiration.

Jack grinned, feeling a surge of pride in his chest. He was no longer the scrawny stoner that he used to be. He sat on the grass, flexing his muscles, as Matt sat beside him, admiring his massive body.

Secret Stoner Lover

Staring back at Matt, who was lost in his lust, Jack began to feel a strange emotion toward him. They had been friends all their lives, so they obviously liked being near each other... but this was something more. Jack couldn't explain it, but he felt drawn to Matt in a way he had never felt before.

He brought his massive hand up to his head, trying to figure out his feelings. New memories seeped into his head, forcing out his past life as a scrawny good-for-nothing stoner.

The more Jack thought about it, the more he became convinced that this was his true identity. He had no memory of who he was before putting on the singlet, but he knew deep down that he was meant to be with Matt.

Together, they continued to smoke and enjoy each other's company, reveling in their love for one another. The captain of the wrestling team, and his secret stoner lover.

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1 year ago

Thrifted Snapback

James loved perusing the thrift stores in his college town in the Midwest. There was something so magnificent about being able to style an entire outfit and personality around one specific second-hand item. Being so skinny, the pants he would buy needed to be styled with a belt, but it was part of the magic of being able to make something new out of someone else’s clothes.

In one of the smaller stores at the edge of town, James stumbled upon a section filled with miscellaneous accessories. Always a sucker for pieces that added a little flair to the fabric, James began to sort through them: a waterproof watch, a seashell necklace, some knee pads, stud earrings, and… a black snapback. 

James paused. He had always avoided getting headwear at thrift stores because of the risk of lice, but there was something intriguing about this hat. Lifting it up to his face, he took a sniff: it smelled clean, with only a hint of sunscreen. It was perfectly plain enough to add to any outfit of his. He wanted it. Trotting up to the cash register, he made his purchase and headed out of the store, hopping onto the first bus back to campus.

As soon as he got back into his dorm room, James immediately pulled out the snapback and put it on his head with the rim facing forward. Looking in the mirror, he smirked at how he stupid he looked. No one cool wore a hat with the rim forward. He pulled the snapback off of his head and turned it around, slowly placing it back on his head.

Suddenly, he felt a strange jolt of electricity surge through his body, starting from the top of his head and flowing down through his entire being. At first, he thought he had been electrocuted, but then he felt a sense of warmth spreading throughout his body, and his hair began to change.

His hair began to grow at an incredible rate, inching down his back and around his shoulders like golden waves. It felt soft and bouncy to the touch, with a texture that reminded him of cotton candy. The color of his hair changed too, shifting from its original dark brown to a bright, sunny blond. His eyebrows grew thick and manly, transforming from his manicured arches into bushy caterpillars. As he blinked, dumbfounded at his transformation, his eyes lightened to a bright blue color. 

Thrifted Snapback

His biceps bulged like melons, with veins that looked like they were about to burst. His chest expanded into a broad, chiseled wall of muscle, complete with a deep, rippled cleavage that seemed to have a life of its own. Even his abs were impossibly defined, with six-pack muscles that looked like they had been chiseled out of stone. But it wasn't just his upper body that was changing. His legs grew thicker and more powerful, with quads that bulged out like balloons and calves that looked like they could crush coconuts. His butt, which had once been flat and unremarkable, now jutted out like a shelf, perfectly sculpted and round. His feet slowly stretched out on the floor, pushing against the hard, cold surface. His toes stretched and lengthened, growing thick blond hair on the tops, spreading to the tops of his feet and snaking up his legs. The thick blond hair found its way to his torso, swirling up into his armpits, which grew dense forests of hair. The hair began encircling his crotch, which pulsated with energy. With each electric burst coming from the cap, the bulge in his pants swelled further and further, causing waves of immense pleasure to emanate throughout his entire body.

James’ newly blue eyes began to water up, forcing him to bring his massive hands to his face and wipe them dry. When he took his hands away, he found himself no longer in his dingy dorm in the Midwest. Instead, James found himself in the sun on the beach in some tropical paradise. The electricity began to concentrate on his head again. He grabbed his skull, unable to focus on anything besides the waves of electric pleasure shooting through his body. He couldn’t think straight. The hat was doing something strange to him and it needed to stop.

Thrifted Snapback

This was wrong. He couldn't be on the beach! He needed to get back to his dorm because he had classes tomorrow. He paused. Classes? He had dropped out of college years ago to travel the world. His head hurt. What was happening? He had never been this muscular before, how would he explain this to his friends and family? They would never believe it. James gripped the snapback with his hands, trying desperately to pry it from his head. As he struggled with it, the muscles in his arms tensed trying to rip it off, flexing his massive biceps and working up a sweat in his hairy armpits. His head felt foggy, but he needed to get this damn hat off.

Finally, with one big yank, James pulled the snapback from his head and tossed it into the sand, along with all the memories of his former life as a scrawny Midwest nerd. Turning around in the sand, James began to stroll back to the condo he was renting in Hawaii, leaving his massive footprints in the sand. Entering the house, he reached for his muscular abdomen with his enormous hand and turned back towards the beach. All the ladies at the beach were cooing at him and his massive body; they all wanted a piece of him. This was going to be a fun night.

Thrifted Snapback

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1 year ago

DNA Resequencing

After years of research, you had finally made the first prototype of a DNA Resequencing Injection. With a program that your supervisor Michael crafted, you can input particular genetic features that we desire to alter in the recipient, and essentially restructure their DNA to alter their bodies. Injecting the liquid into a mouse you kept in your lab, you watched as, sure enough, the shape of their tail changed, as did the size of their body and the color of their fur. Putting on your glasses to read through your notes, you could confirm it: your experiment worked! You had finally done it! 

With your findings and reports in hand, you sprinted down the hall toward Michael’s office. Bursting in, you shouted that the tests had confirmed your findings: you could alter the DNA of living subjects. Michael sat there with a grin on his face.

DNA Resequencing

“You know what this means, right? Human testing!”

You paused. This was for theoretical purposes. You were only planning to submit your findings to some academic review and get published and go to Switzerland to win a Nobel Prize or some other award or something… but actually putting this into practice and into circulation? That would be premature, immoral, and irresponsible. 

You glared at your supervisor, ashamed that he would even consider this. “Michael, I refuse to do any human testing. Who knows the ramifications if this got out? I can’t let you do this.”

Turning your back to your supervisor, you exited his office and slammed the door behind you as you stormed hurriedly back to the lab. Entering, you made a beeline to the desk and started to collect your belongings, ready to head out. You grabbed your papers, your laptop, and your chargers and shoved them into your bag, not caring if they were organized or not. You were furious and just needed to get out of there. As you turned back to the exit, you paused. You strolled back to the cage and stared at the mouse. You sighed loudly. The resequencing really is fascinating how –


You jolted from the sharp jab in your neck. You twisted around only to see Michael holding a now-empty syringe of the prototype. He looked almost feral, his eyes wide with anticipation of what was about to happen.

“Michael… how could you –“

Your thought was interrupted as an odd feeling began emanating from the injection site. You moaned loudly as a strange wave of pleasure began to overtake you. Your dick shot to attention. Michael’s eyes lit up as your transformation began.

Your body began to heat up as beads of sweat began to form at your temples. Your lab coat began to tighten around your body as you packed on a combination of muscle and fat. Your thighs swelled into hunks of meat as your legs stretched, bringing you to a new height of 6’2”. Your feet grew long and thick to support your new stature. Your arms packed on muscle, becoming strong and firm with strength and masculine energy. Your pecs enlarged, jutting out from your chest, leaving you with sensitive nipples, as your abs pushed their way from your torso one by one until you were left with a defined six-pack. Your hair curled out from your scalp, dropping over your forehead. Your lips plumped, as your face became more chiseled.

DNA Resequencing

Still moaning, you reached limply to Michael for help, only to collapse backward onto the floor. As you plunged, your ass swelled into two enormous globes of fat jutting from behind you, stretching your pants to the limit. You landed on your new cushions, which jiggled from the impact, sending more pleasure through your body, and sending your dick into overdrive. It swelled with each wave of pleasure, pushing harder and harder against your already-tight pants. You began to groan and moan as you felt your orgasm coming. With a final gasp, you shot the biggest load of your life. The pleasure was so intense you blacked out.

You woke up in a strange room that you had never seen before. You were laying in someone else’s bed. Looking down at your body, you didn’t recognize yourself. You were brawny… and in only a pair of underpants.

DNA Resequencing

Before you even had a chance to get up and question what had happened, you saw the door to the bedroom open, and in walked Michael.

“Hey babe, I’m back from work.”

He was shirtless. And although you had never been into men before, there was something attractive about the way that his chest hair perfectly framed his pecs. The way he gazed longingly into your eyes. The way his... no this was wrong. He had done this to you! He had injected you with this... you couldn't remember... but it was his fault that you looked so sexy. You were so sexy... he was so sexy... you both...

He smirked, watching you struggle with your thoughts. You were exactly the kind of man he wanted you to be.

DNA Resequencing

As you struggled to find the words, Michael sped over to you and suddenly kissed you deeply and passionately. All previous thoughts and worries faded from your brain. Nothing else mattered. You began to kiss him back. You let your tongue explore his mouth, and his tongue began to play with yours. He was your sexy nerd scientist husband. He had just won a Nobel Prize for some silly little DNA study. It was all too complicated for you to care about. You were just his himbo arm candy. All you cared about was pleasing him. Michael pulled away from the kiss and threw you onto your back, turning you over and admiring your breedable ass.

He was going to have fun with you, and you were going to have fun with him

DNA Resequencing

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1 year ago

Heartstopping Tank Top

You had always been a skinny guy. Growing up, people often made fun of you for how little you seemed to look. During your spring semester of junior year of college, you decided to study abroad in London. You had a job lifeguarding in the summer, and you wanted to make sure you were in good physical condition and looked good for the girls at the pool. You made a promise to yourself that you would return to the U.S. with a more muscular physique. 

So, you found a gym near your dorm and went to sign up. After singing some forms and paying for a day pass, the attendant at the front desk handed you a large white tank top and said, “Oy, this’ll help you grow into a real muscle lad”.

Heartstopping Tank Top

You shrugged it off as a harmless sales pitch and went to the locker room to put on the tank top. It was way too large, but the attendant seemed really enthusiastic about you wearing it, and you didn’t want to be rude to someone in a foreign country, so you decided to stick it out and start your workout.

Exiting the locker room, you made a bee-line for the first open machine you saw. After reading the graphics and demonstrations on the metal, you sat down and began your workout. It felt… surprisingly great! You could get used to this! With each machine you went to, you felt a strange sensation pulsating from your tank top. Unbeknownst to you, they seemed to be growing at an accelerated rate, much faster than should be naturally possible, stretching and bulging under your skin. 

Your arms were the first to change. Your once skinny biceps and triceps began to thicken and expand, stretching the arms of your tank top with bulging muscles. As you flexed, you could see the new definition in your arms, and your veins popped out from under your skin.

Your chest was the next area to change. You pecs began to swell and harden, pushing out from your ribcage with an impressive mass. Your nipples stood out like little knobs atop your chest, and you could feel the fibers of your muscles contracting with every heavy breath you took. Hair began to push its way from your pecs and swirled its way into your armpits, which were moist from your intense workout.

Your back muscles were the next to grow. As you pulled down on the lat pulldown machine, you could feel your lats expanding like wings on your back. You could feel as your spinal erectors bulged out, creating a column of muscle that ran down your spine, widening your torso and giving you immense bulk.

Your abdominal muscles became chiseled, with each muscle fiber becoming visible through your top. Your six-pack was now a washboard, and your obliques became well-defined ridges.

Your legs swelled too, with your quads becoming massive and your hamstrings bulking up. Your glutes expanded into globes of muscle, stretching your gym shorts. Your calves became rock hard, with the muscles contracting and relaxing with every step you took.

As you continued to work out, your hair began to lighten, and your facial features began to change. Your jawline became more pronounced, and your face became wider. Your eyes turned an intense hazel, and your skin took on a healthy glow. You had become someone… new.

Heartstopping Tank Top

Dropping the weights, you looked into the mirror, and you recognized exactly who you were. You were Kit Connor. You had never been an American. You had worked hard for these big muscles and your successful career. You had always been Kit Connor. You flexed your new massive muscles in the mirror, admiring your physique.

With your British accent, you mused “I am one fit lad.” You turned back to the mirror and posed for your Instagram. In no time, you're sure it'll be filled with a bunch of gay lads trying to get your attention... just how you liked it.

Heartstopping Tank Top

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1 year ago

Insert to Grow

Tim was walking to get his weekly groceries when he stumbled upon a strange store in his local strip mall. It was a small, dark store that he had never seen before, with a sign that simply read Curiosities in bold letters. Intrigued, he decided to stop by before he got to the supermarket to step inside and take a look around.

Tim couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as he walked through the dimly lit aisles. The store was filled with oddities and peculiar items, from strange trinkets to bizarre gadgets. But one item caught his eye in particular - a small device that looked like almost like a butt-plug. Intrigued, Tim picked up the device and examined it closely. It seemed to be well-made, with a sleek design and a label that simply said Grow. The packaging boasted advanced technology that promised to stimulate, all you had to do was insert to grow. Being a single guy, he didn’t mind the idea of having some extra help getting off, rather than only using his hand. After some hesitation, he decided to purchase the device and take it home.

Once he arrived home, Tim immediately went to the bathroom to try out the device. He locked the door behind him and turned on the device, feeling a slight vibration in his hand. Pulling down his pants, he reached behind him and brought the device to his butt, and the vibrations grew stronger and more intense. He wasn't sure what to expect, but the sensation was oddly satisfying. 

However, the vibrations suddenly intensified and caught Tim off guard. He stumbled and slipped, falling forward onto the stool in the bathroom, and the device penetrated him. He tried to reach for it to pull it out and turn off the device, but it seemed to have entered him so deeply that he couldn’t reach it. Tim's body started to shake uncontrollably. He was terrified and tried to calm himself down, but it was too late. His mind was foggy with pleasure: the device had taken over, and Tim could feel his old self slipping away.

As the vibrations continued to course through his body, Tim's muscles began to explode with strength and mass with every shake. His biceps swelled with bulging veins, and his forearms thickened as if he had been lifting weights for years. His chest expanded, and his pecs grew into a solid mass that jutted out from his chest like armor, ripping apart his shirt as it fell to tatters beside him.

Tim felt a strange sensation in his abdomen. It was like a fire burning deep within his core, and he could feel his abs contracting and expanding with each pulse. He looked down and saw his stomach rippling and bulging, as if something were moving just beneath the surface. With each passing moment, his abs grew thicker and more defined. They bulged out from his stomach like a six-pack of cobblestones, and he could see each muscle fiber twitching and contracting beneath his skin.

Insert To Grow

Tim could feel his thighs thickening, and his calves grew into sculpted pillars of muscle. His shoulders broadened, and his traps grew into a massive hump that seemed to swallow up his neck. He could feel his back arching, and his spine seemed to stretch as if his body was struggling to contain all the new muscles.

As Tim's body continued to vibrate with increasing intensity, he realized that his shoes were getting tighter and tighter until they could no longer contain his rapidly expanding feet, ripping apart beneath him. As his feet continued to grow, he began to kick and flail across the tiled floor, trying to get a foothold, but he couldn't find any traction. His feet were now too big, too sweaty, and too slippery to get a grip on the smooth surface. They were massive, almost cartoonishly large. His toes curled and flexed uncontrollably, and he could feel the sweat pouring off his feet, creating a puddle on the floor beneath him. The smell was overpowering - a pungent, musky odor that filled the bathroom and made Tim gag. It was a mix of sweat, dirt, and something else, something primal and animalistic. 

As the transformation continued, Tim could feel a strange itch all over his body. He looked down and was shocked to see thick tufts of hair sprouting from his skin. It started on his chest and back, but soon hair was growing everywhere, even on his arms and legs. He felt his face changing, and his once-smooth skin was now rough and covered in thick hair.

Tim's mouth hung open as he struggled to breathe. His heart was pounding, and his breathing became labored as his body underwent a complete physical transformation. The vibrations shook his body so violently that he could barely stand, and his vision became blurry as his eyes rolled back in his head.

Finally, the vibrations began to subside, and Tim was left standing in the bathroom, his body trembling and covered in sweat. He looked in the mirror and was shocked at what he saw:

Insert To Grow

He was fucking gorgeous. His lips plump and beautiful, and a smolder to die for. His facial hair was perfectly trimmed and his eyes were soft and inviting. His face was unbelievable... but his body..?!

He couldn't believe the sheer size and mass of his new muscular body, and he couldn't help but admire the way his pecs bulged and his biceps swelled. He flexed his arms and watched as the muscles rippled beneath his skin. He turned to the side and admired the way his abs rippled and bulged with each movement. It was like he was looking at a completely different person, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at the new body he had been given.

But suddenly, a massive headache hit him like a ton of bricks. It was like a sledgehammer had slammed into his skull, and with each pulse, he felt his mind growing duller and more sluggish. His thoughts became slow and confused, and he couldn't concentrate on anything except the throbbing pain in his head.

As the headache intensified, Tim's mind grew more and more muddled, and he could feel his intelligence slipping away. His vocabulary became limited to basic words, and he struggled to put together even the simplest of sentences. All he could do was flex his massive muscles and drool uncontrollably. He looked back in the mirror and realized he had become a completely different person. The intelligent, thoughtful Tim was gone, replaced by a hulking, drooling man with a body that defied belief. He tried to focus and think of a way to reverse the transformation, but his mind was too dull and confused to devise a plan.

All Tim could do was stand there, flexing his muscles and drooling uncontrollably. The device had given him the body of a god, but it had also taken away his intelligence and sense of self. He was a dumb, mindless hunk of muscle and just another piece of eye candy for some lucky man to have the pleasure of calling his trophy husband.

Insert To Grow

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1 year ago

Skin-Care Routine

Alex was a bright young man living in a small city. Proudly embracing his identity as a gay individual, he radiated charm and confidence that drew people to him. He was popular in college and got good grades, which allowed him to have a stable job. He was happy and had a great social life. It helped that he was attractive, and he spent a lot of time taking care of himself. That included his nightly skin-care routine. One day, an advertisement for a revolutionary face mask promising unparalleled hydration caught his eye. Eager to try something new to rejuvenate his face, he ordered the mask and continued with his life.

By the time package finally arrived, Alex had completely forgotten to he had ordered it. It looked like any normal face-mask, so that night, Alex decided to try it. After rinsing his face, he applied the mask. Its cool, rejuvenating gel settled onto his skin, and he sat down, ready to continue his routine. However, something unexpected began to happen.

The coolness shifted into a strange warmth that spread across his face, soon extending down to the rest of his body. He was consumed by an intense, pleasurable, tingling sensation, that left his mind feeling vaguely… blank.

His jaw drooped open, as all thoughts left his head. The pleasure overtook his mind. His curly hair straightened out and sleeked back onto his scalp. A thick, manly, mustache pushed its way from his above his lips, which began to plump up into kissable mounds on his face. Stubble formed around his jaw, which was still covered in this strange mask.

Skin-Care Routine

His chest, once slim and unimpressive, began to take on new dimensions. Pectoral muscles emerged, rising and falling with every breath. The skin on his chest tightened as his chest bulged further and further in front of him. Hair pushed its way from his chest, swirling around his nipples and covering his entire torso, which stretch up, growing longer and wider.

His former twig arms were now swelling and expanding with strength and masculinity. Biceps and triceps carved themselves beneath his skin, involuntarily flexing and exposing the prominent veins that now snaked across his forearms, which widened. His hands cracked as they expanded, his fingers growing meatier and thicker, splaying out. He reveled in these strange pleasurable sensations, a soft moan escaping his lips.

Deep chiseled ridges and valleys carved their way along his abdomen, a trail of thick hair navigating further down his waist, which now sported an intense V-line that accentuated his transforming physique. He moaned deeply as he felt his member expand and pulsate in his pants, which were beginning to strain at his expanding lower body.

Alex felt his ass plump up, lifting him higher on his chair, and his thigh muscles swell, stretching his pants and accentuating the massive bulge at the front of his pelvis, squeezing his genitals and sending waves of intense pleasure throughout his body. His calves bulged as dark hairs spread across both of his legs, which stretched longer and longer, giving him several more inches to his height. His feet began to stretch longer and wider, his toes involuntarily flexing as they grew longer and bigger, with dark hairs growing on the tops of them. His now-size 16 feet were the perfect size to support his massive 6'4" frame.

Even in the fog, Alex couldn't help but notice the smell coming from his armpits. Thick, wet hair had sprouted there producing seemingly uncontrollable body odor. His arms brushed against his sides, and the tickling sensation of the hair against his skin sent shivers down his spine, eliciting a soft gasp.

Almost as suddenly as the mask changed from cool to warm, the warmth quickly changed from warm to fucking hot as hell. It burned! Fuck, of course it did, this stupid skin-care junk is nonsense! Why did he even bother listening to his girlfriend and try it? Alex jolted back from his haze and ran into the bathroom to rinse off the mask in the sink. The water rinsed the gel down the drain along with his old self.

Skincare routines were for girls, and he was a strong man. All he cared about was working out and looking sexy, which he did! Looking in the mirror, he decided to go back out to the gym and get a pump. Putting on his gym gear, he snapped a selfie to send to his girlfriend with the accompanying message, “after the gym, im going to ur place for a second workout 😈”

Skin-Care Routine

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