This is mostly stuff I want to remember for myself. 24 (she/her)
122 posts
KEY: **available As A Website And An App // **app Only

KEY: **available as a website and an app // **app only
essay help
hemingway: basically a spell checker but for sentence structure, it’ll help make your essay more concise and give it better flow
paperrater: literally grades, correct, and checks your essay for plagiarism for you!!
spellcheckplus: a grammar and spelling checker
printable essay planner
essay checklist
how to write a thesis statement
tips for writing in-class essay exam questions: { x }, { x }, { x }
math help
*symbolab: if you’re stuck on a math problem, this will solve it for you and show you the steps so you learn how it was solved as well!!! { ios // android }
**malmath: an app similar to symbolab!! { android only }
languages help
bonpatron: a french grammar and spell checker
spanishchecker: a spanish grammar and spell checker
languagetool: grammar and spell checker for an assortment of languages, some including: japanese, italian, russian, chinese, german
*memrise: learn languages such as korean, japanese, russian, chinese, + lots more!! { ios // android }
**lingvist: french vocabulary builder { ios // android }
**vocabulary builder: english vocabulary builder, good for studying SAT, TOEFL/english learner, and GRE words { ios // android }
self learn korean
french resources
lingvo: learn about european languages and linguistics!!!!!
studying help
notetaking methods
taking notes from a textbook { video }
alternate method to flash cards { video }
how to illustrate notes masterpost
different study methods
how to mindmap
how to annotate: { x }, { x }, { x }, { x }, { x }
how to take notes
how to study like a straight a student
how to take class notes + study for tests { video }
another note taking { video }
note taking system
note taking printables
study planner printables: { x }, { x }
how to prepare and review
health + relaxation
avoid a breakdown during the school year
cheap but delicious recipes to make!!!
head-to-toe self care
another self care masterpost
when you’re not having a good day
skin care tips
healthy snacks
5 minute breakfast recipes { video }
easy breakfast, lunch, and dessert roll-up recipes { video }
*librivox: relax to a free audiobook of your favourite classic book!! { ios // android }
crashcourse { video }: relax and learn something at the same time!!
365 day journal challenge
100 books everyone should read before they die
wattpad: ok wattpad is actually a great place to read unpublished, original stories!!! some of my faves: { completed }, { completed }, { ongoing }, { completed }, { ongoing }, { completed }, { completed }, { ongoing }
*habitica/habitrpg: improve your habits and motivate yourself to complete tasks by inputting them into this role-playing game!! { ios // android }
**focusnow/forest: using the pomodoro technique, this app will help you stay away from your phone while studying while planting trees and other plants in your virtual garden!!! { ios // android }
momentum: a chrome extension that everyone seems to have, it looks like this { chrome store }
**dreamdays: customizable countdown app with reminders { ios // android }
*trello: a customizable, digital bulletin board { ios // android }
*dropbox: store your photos, videos, documents, and files for access on any device { ios // android }
how to be more productive
bullet journal system
bullet journal masterpost
organizing schoolwork { video }
organizing notes
organization tips
more organization tips
another organization tips post
notebooks + pencil case { video }
no sew pencil case { video }
another pencil case { video }
more notebook videos: { x }, { x }
10 diy back to school projects
25 back to school diys
portable first-aid kit roll
no sew taco pillow { video }
room organizers { video }
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More Posts from Hstyles1798
Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat and ideas just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,

i get a LOT of questions about time management and getting better grades so i decided to put a boat load of advice and links in one place :]
time management methods
start a bullet journal ( +mine / +insp )
the 5 day study plan - it works!
schedule blocks of study time
use excel to schedule study
how to schedule study
the sticky note method
an app that organizes time for u
15 ways to beat procrastination
balancing multiple AP classes
decision making and time management
use the pomodoro technique
the task box prioritizing method
how to cram a lot of information in
get organized!!!!!
make and use a syllabible
great organization advice
organize ur study space
more tips on study spaces
basic organization tips
cute infographic
printable planner sheets
simple 2 pocket folder method
study methods!!!
watch youtube crashcourses
best study tips ever tbh
tips on memorizing effectively
add color for visual interest
make cause and effect diagrams
making good flashcards
create summary foldables
margin note taking
the 2 notebook method
for when ur not motivated
reading long textbook passages
studying for a test ooh
basic note taking
+note taking tips
note taking in microsoft word
bs study guide
how to plan out an essay
more essay planning
annotating literature for english
how to make concept maps
really interesting way of studying
shit load of study methods
web resources!!!!
search engine that plants trees!
to do list web program
bedtime calculator [avoid grogginess]
the dictionaries u need omg
how to pull an all nighter
advice on how to properly use google
final grade calculator
>100 places to download literature
cute af school supply list
alternatives to overpriced textbooks
rly this is better than google
best writing checker ever its my fave
free academic journals for research
AP cramming packets
every website to make a bibliography
online used book store
mind map making software from tufts
khanacademy aka bless this site
stop procrastinating websites
free powerpoint
awesome synonym finder
apps u need to download!!!
google chrome app i love it
taking digital notes
like 14 useful school apps
attn: all writers get this
super cute time manager
>9 different studying apps
post it note app
study + give water to needy!!
relaxation n meditation help
sat help!!!!!
all kinds of essential vocab [2k+]
big collection of links
v solid page with lots of references
rly good advice imo
how to do well on the sat
general big exam advices
stress reliefs!!!!
rly good study snacks
badass instrumental playlist!
finish ur essay songs!
+all my fave study playlists!
treat urself on a low budget
read some rad articles
teach urself computer science
take the 10 day study challenge
rip some crap online
good things to do in study breaks
+100 more things in study breaks
if u tired and uninspired
avoid student burnout
watch a ton of broadway musicals
nice things for urself
anxiety relieving background sound
+ masterposts!!!
back to school advice
productive summers
note taking methods
starting a study blog
time managements
succeed @ school
ap world history
web resources
ap psychology
bullet journals
school advice
happy things
ace ur exams
stress reliefs
essay writin
sat help
i hope some of this was helpful ~ feel free to add resources! message me if u have any questions! i also have a youtube channel with a whole bunch of study resources!!!! ~ xoxo sareena

hello hello :D so I’m doing this giveaway as a thank you for being so kind to me these past four months I’ve been active and of course to make someone a little bit happier.
Louis & Harry throwpillow
The Balm The Manizer Sisters Makeup Palette + Twinbeauty Brush
Badlands Physical Copy
Real Techniques Core Collection Set
Blue Neighborhood Physical Copy
Between Us Fragrance
Naked 2 Palette by Urban Decay
Rainbow Mug
Rules and Details
Follow me since this giveaway is only for my followers
Reblog this (likes as bookmark)
Each reblog counts as one entry
I will ship internationally
All prizes from Amazon
Increase your chances by talking to me
The winner will be chosen on April 11th with a random generator
(FAQ for this giveaway)

hello everyone! i know some of you will be going back to school soon, so i decided to make a huge masterpost that will hopefully help some of you out!
how to take pretty notes
notetaking from a textbook
how to make mindmaps
different types of notes
99 mindmapping resources
tips for taking efficient notes
effective notetaking
staying organized
organization tips
get organized in high school
ten tips for staying organized
colour coding organization
tips for keeping your desk clean
form your habits
study and revision planner (2)
student planner
daily and essay planners
poetry terms chart
exam studying pack
loads of printables
2015 calender
chalkboard style to do list
free online library
read free classics
what should i read next?
test taking guide
how to make a study guide (2, 3, 4, 5)
study tips (2, 3, 4)
study techniques
how to get straight a’s
how to study
making study schedules (2, 3, 4)
preparing for an exam (2, 3)
the basics of efficient studying
how to be an efficient test taker
how to review in less time
things NOT to do when studying
on test anxiety (2, 3)
study skills assessment
how to pull an all-nighter effectively
tips for answering multiple choice
how to answer exam questions
develop your characters
essay-writing (2)
academic writing tips
create a bibliography (2)
math practice
math resources
free math help
learn basically anything
graphing calculator
learn any math
a bunch of calculators
square root calculator
cube root calculator
how to wake up earlier
how to have a productive day
stop procrastinating (2)
how long to nap?
time management tips
tips to help you focus
energy throughout the day
how to manage your stress
bedtime calculator
power naps
film scores
you’ve got this
essential indie
pencil lead and lined paper
love that aesthetic
space race
sunday morning
bullet journal setup (2, 3, 4, 5)
minimalist bullet journal
bullet journal in a binder
pages to start
health tracker
how to use a chronodex
diy school supplies (2, 3, 4)
back to school supplies haul (2, 3, 4, 5)
finals survival guide
top secret study tips
how to take the best notes
study hacks
journaling 101
what to put in a sketchbook
100 sketchbook ideas
119 journal prompts
50 art journal prompts
lists to make
how to collage in your art journal
collaging for beginners
how to start a sketchbook
art journaling 101
how to start a journal (2)
what to put in a blank notebook
keeping creative diary pages
turn an old book into an art journal
how to journal
what is an art journal?
must have art journal supplies
journal themes
art journal techniques
art journal inspiration
annotating a book
get back on track after missing school
convert just about anything