https-immotmari - ❝My savior, beautiful lady..❞
❝My savior, beautiful lady..❞

❝mari's wonderland❞ || request closed for now: (10/10)

117 posts

I Literally Came Back From A Exam And Project/movie Making For English And This Is The First Thing I

I literally came back from a exam and project/movie making for English and this is the first thing I see?!😭😭

Man... I want slam my lips on Lord Finely, Fubuki, Elboah and Shakir lips and have my harem fantasy relationship because I simping really hard for the Lords like... OH MAH GAWD- THEY ARE HOT *AHEM* HOT SEXY HANDSOME BEAUTIFUL MCRICH RICH SMART INTELLIGENCE NOBLE RICH MEN

I want to be spoil by them so bad!! Where they would fight over for my attention with money like four sugar daddies fighting over for affection and being spoiled with lavish expensive items and food .... *sighs* Man...

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More Posts from Https-immotmari

1 year ago

we die like a bunch of clowns



Summary: Admiring you from afar...

— Warnings: None.

— Characters: Lucas Thompscie, Boschi Arenas and Yuhan Shinonome.

— Reader: Gender neutral

— Logs from Liqi: I'm back, bitches.


Lucas Thompscie:

— Contrary to popular belief, Lucas has simple tastes when it comes to beauty, sure, extravagance is a good thing, but what use is it when it becomes too much?

— Often times many young ladies flock to the charismatic devil butler with his sweet words and handsome looks, but despite the many beautiful women that come to him; He always finds himself entranced with you.

— The way you carry yourself with such kindness and simplicity, is quite refreshing compared to the cruelty and extravagance that is all too common amongst nobles.

— Many would call him lucky for attracting the attention of many nobles, he just heaves a sigh at the thought of such naive expectations.

— The number of times when he has felt at ease with your presence, both worries and excites him. He often wonders when you'd come to his office to chat for a bit or where in the devil's palace you could be, it sometimes felt like a game of hide and seek.

— He himself knows he's getting way too attached than what is expected of him, but, he'll enjoy the time he has with you and cherish it in his heart so long as his body lives.

— Maybe that was the reason why he's staring at you right now with that dumb lovestruck look on his face, you'd probably tease him for it but, right now, you'd let him have his moment.


Boschi Arenas:

— If he finds something or someome pretty, he will not-so subtly compliment it or them.

— Many often call him prideful, but alas, he's just a man confident in his own abilities, more specifically in Interior design.

— Maybe that's why he admires the way you think, the man himself isn't an academic but he'd listen to you ramble just about anything.

— To your prefered asethetics in Interior design to rambling about fashion, just about any topic, he'll listen, just to hear that beautiful voice of yours. Yeah, he knows he's probably breaching a line that shouldn't be crossed as a butler, but, then again, since when did he care?

— You sometimes wonder why the new room he decorated somehow matches your aesthetic, coincidence perhaps? Either way, you should compliment him for doing a fantastic job.

— He knows he isn't the best when it comes to etiquette but, he'll try his best for your sake, but, there are a couple of times where he has broken etiquette. To which, you just laugh and tease him for it, and promised him that you won't tell Haures about it. (To which he is relieved, he isn't planning on dealing with another yap from Haures.)

— Either way, he doesn't mind you at all, but, you can't seem to miss that light trance in his eyes, the way his smirk becomes a bit bigger when he hears you or is with you.


Yuhan Shinonome:

— Ah yes, the man who enjoys being responsible and peaceful unlike his other butler mate. (*cough* *cough* Hanamaru.)

— but, despite many of his scoldings, he can't seem to scold you whatsoever, regardless of how chaotic and uncaring you are.

— The worst thing you might get is a slap on the wrist but other than that, he gently asks you not to do it again. (Both for his sake and yours.)

— He often likes the way how you move through others words with ease, not caring a single bit of what they might say. Free as a bird many may say, he wishes to be like you.

— Your free-spirited personality is what drew him to you in the first place, perhaps it was his first time seeing someone be so free while maintaining that kindness and wit that is often rare in this world.

— A beautiful thing in his eyes, the way that you try to help the other devil butler's to the way you play with Muu. It all felt familial to him, a feeling that he missed so much after that incident.

— He'll just continue to admire you while slowly loosening himself up a bit, the thing you've noticed about Yuhan is how relaxed he seems to be nowadays, or how he seems to have that look of admiration in his eyes as he gives you a sweet treat. He truly does deserve a break after what happened back then...


Thank you for reading!

— Liqi


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1 year ago

❝ I'm going blind from this sweet, sweet craving ❞ ─── twst octavinelle!

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!
 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!
 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!
 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!


Second request came in as if it's a fresh baked pastries out of the oven! Awww, don't worry, I'll make sure I'm always taking care of myself! You too as well (^∀^●)ノシ

fandom! .twisted wonderland character(s) used! .azul ashengrotto, floyd & jade leech gender of reader! .gn!reader head start! .mention of azul's trauma, reader is not yuu here

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!

. . .azul ashengrotto!

❝ Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece ❞

it was a nice day for octavinelle trio and azul's significant other, summer break just hit and somehow the head mage allowed every student to have a vacation.

so, with the weather just right, the rather hot sand underneath them, the ocean waves dancing around and with sounds of laughter, indicating the other three's enjoyment.

tell me why azul ashengrotto, the prefect of the octavinelle and manager of the mostro lounge, is just sitting underneath the beach umbrella with a rather blank face?

he was thinking, that's for sure.

"...zul?" a soft voice brought him back to reality, a voice that soothes him whenever he had his downs. the said glasses man turns his head to his left and saw it was his significant other calling for him.

"yes, dearest?" "are you alright? you seem to be spacing out a lot."

azul parted his lips a bit before closing them back, hesitating to answer a question he's always been asked and yet never knew what he was answering them.

is he.. alright? it was passed his overblot era and thanks to the first years helped, he was brought back to his senses. even after that, was he truly alright?

"okay," azul ashengrotto's significant other, (name), started, "how about we do a guessing game where I guess what's going on your pretty mind?" they suggested.

the octo-merman eyes widen a bit, surprised at the sudden game that his significant other suggested. he then shakes his head, "no. it's fine, dearest. I don't want to be a burden to you."

(name) frowned, disappointed at azul for thinking about that, nonetheless she guessed, "is it work?"

azul sighs, should have expected that when it comes to (name), they never stop until they find what he's thinking and worrying about. "no.."

"is it the twins?" he shooks his head, "is it the other prefects?" another shook.

(name) paused for a moment, thinking what else could azul be worrying about, it honestly took a moment for them to open their mouth and say, "is it about... your past? your octo form?"

silence. the silence from azul was all they need to confirm their guess. now that they think about it, while they were having fun with the twins in the ocean, azul looked rather.. jealous, probably towards the twins since they can transform into their merform so freely, unlike him.

azul felt his significant other moving closer to him, resulting in him getting hugged by them. "you know.. those people who made fun of you are a bunch of fools.." (name) suddenly commented, "they were bullies who did nothing but, to see others suffering because in reality, they're life is trash."

"you're an amazing man, azul. you've already proven to those fools that you're greater than them so, stop dwelling on the past and look forward to the future, a future with me in it."

to the great seven above, no prayers nor words can describe how grateful azul ashengrotto for having somebody as loving as his significant other.

the couple sat, all the while hugging, in silence underneath the beach umbrella as the other two are minding their own business. (name)'s reassurance made azul's day even better than before and he couldn't thank them enough for it.

"wanna eat with me the cupcakes I've baked?" he nodded in response.

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!

. . . floyd leech!

❝ You should be rolling with me, you should be rolling with me ❞

"floyd-! stop!" the troublemaker twin's significant other whines, shielding themselves from the splashes of water by using their arms. "stop it! I don't wanna get wet for now!"

the troublemaker simply grinned mischievously as he continues to splash them with water, "come on, angelfish~ you're already in your bathing suit.!"

however, his significant other frowns at him, now annoyed that they're completely wet by now thanks to the huge splashes floyd did to them.

"I didn't even want to get splash, I came over here to ask if you wanted any snacks.." they murmured.

all floyd did was chuckled, "I know~ just wanted to tease my angelfish~" he claimed with that oh-so silly lopsided grin.

(name) sighs while shaking their head, "I honestly should have expected that." he's floyd leech, it's self-explanatory. (name) then turned their body around and started walking towards the sandy land.

"wait, angelfish~" they didn't stop, "don't make me do it~" and yet they didn't stop.

(name) then heard floyd sighs so disappointedly at his significant other before they heard rather loud footsteps, and splashes of water coming towards them.

(name), upon hearing those, started walking faster though thanks to the water below them, it slightly slows them down.

just then, they felt themselves being held up high, a squeal out of surprised came out of their lips as floyd let his silly smile creping on his face.

"I warned you, didn't I~ now, angelfish needs to be with me!"

floyd carried his significant other as if they were a child, snuggling his head on their neck as he sits down in the ocean floor near the shore.

(name) huffs and puffs, trying to wiggle their way out of floyd's monstrous grip. floyd just tighten his grip more the more they try to get out of his hands.

"stop tightening your grip, floyd! I might end up dead if you continue this." they whined.

"eeh~ don't wanna~"

"I don't know why I dated you."


eventually, (name) just let floyd be floyd, thinking that nothing could get worse if they comply to floyd's silly wants. they just hoped they'll get to eat the sandwiches jade packed them earlier.

for now, they'll just enjoy being in their significant other's embrace as the sun comes down ever so slowly.

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!

. . .jade leech!

❝ You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy ❞

sometime, after having fun in the ocean with his significant other, the two of them went out of the water, drying themselves out before laying in each other's embrace in the large beach towel, where they're picnic is at, underneath an umbrella.

it was a relaxing day for jade leech and his significant other, floyd was enjoying the ocean as he drags their boss, azul, in the water even though azul protested.

just a wonderful summer.

"aaahh.." his significant other, (name), sang, holding a mini sandwich near jade's mouth, waiting for him to open it.

jade, who was reading a book, chuckles at his beloved's adorable behavior and open his mouth, (name) feeding him the mini sandwich. "thank you, beloved." jade lets his other hand ruffle their hair, a token of appreciation.

(name) softly chuckles, "no problem, dear."

they then reach out in the picnic basket another mini sandwich and feed themselves, letting out a hum as a way to let their satisfaction known.

"so, what'cha reading, jade?" they asked, taking a peek at his book and finding an illustration of a green tail mermaid with red hair as well as a quite chubby fish with its blue strips and yellow scales and a lobster.

"ahh, reading the oh-so famous tale about the mermaid princess that the great sea witch encountered, huh?"

jade nodded, "yes it is, beloved. thinking about how where going to the beach today gave me the urge to bring this book along."

"well, I can certainly see why.." (name) muttered, seeing how the beach quite resembles the one in the tale. "it's like feeling the nostalgic of it just by being here."

jade hums, agreeing to what they said. "want me to read this a loud to you, beloved?" he asked.

"wait, let me just get comfortable.." they trailed off, trying to find a perfect spot where they can be comfortable while jade reads to them the tale, all the while jade chuckles at them. "there!"

their head is placed on jade's lap, in which was covered by a towel, oh-so comfortably. "you can read now, jade!" they said. they also looked like an eager child wanting their parent to read them a bed time story.

the said man nodded and began to read to them the tale they always heard about since childhood, about the great sea witch encountering a mermaid princess who's wanting to be human after encountering a handsome human prince whom she had saved from the shipwreck the other day.

all the while jade's reading it a loud, (name) had a smile painted on their face, hearing jade's soft and lovely voice as he reads the story honestly makes their day a lot better.

the two lovers stayed underneath the umbrella all day, finding comfort in their embraces as they reminisce the childhood tale they have countlessly heard over and over again and yet they never grew tired of, especially when it's coming from their lover's mouth.

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!


honestly, I relate too much about azul's past, like, some people need to stop shaming others just because their appearance. everyone is beautiful in their own way (✿◡‿◡)

that aside, hope this satisfy you, @bi-panicatthedisco! I think I went away from the beach picnic a bit but, I hope you still like it!

 I'm Going Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving Twst Octavinelle!

rules! + masterlist!

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2 years ago

At this point, you’re completely feeding more to our Scaramouche addiction😭

do i have any followers/moots that watch korean shows🥹 bcz im thinking,,,

all of us are dead au w/scaramouche

bring it on ghost au w/scaramouche (FAV EVER.)

sweet home au w/scaramouche

sky castle au w/scaramouche (SECOND FAB RUAGHJSH)

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1 year ago

❝ I had really sweet dreams yesterday ❞ ─── rules!

 I Had Really Sweet Dreams Yesterday Rules!
 I Had Really Sweet Dreams Yesterday Rules!
 I Had Really Sweet Dreams Yesterday Rules!


this blog will be only for fluff, angst with comfort/happy ending, maybe a bit of yandere and for fun since, for me, I don't want to mix up the two sides of ying and yang. or those who wants the opposite of it, I've already made a side blog, although, it needs some final touches.

please mention/say the gender of the reader in your request, either female or gender neutral! (apologies to those who wanted a male!reader, I'm still not yet ready, hopefully in the future I will)

I can only take up to 3-4 characters per request, there's honestly a lot of characters in the fandoms.

please don't request anything lewd, I'm still a minor.

with your request, you guys can detail it as much as you want since sometimes my brain just needs a head start to come up with a scenario/story.

please be respectful and patient with me, and anymore writers, since I also have a personal life out of social media.

your request can be either romantic or platonic.

also, don't forget to mention if you want headcannons, short scenarios, etc, etc. I don't write/tolerate anything disgusting or uncomfortable like incest, pedophilia, racism, etc.

If I may feel uncomfortable with any request, which is gonna be rare, I can always decline it.

 I Had Really Sweet Dreams Yesterday Rules!


fandoms that mari is in and writes for:

reminder: that the names with the color purple on it are indicating that they are strictly platonic

study group - gamin yoon, hanwool phi, minhwan ma, jiwoo lee, heewon choi, sehyun kim, jun lee, hankyeon lee, geonyeob park, minhee jang, siwon cheon, sunchul kim, hyeonu lee, (may possibly add more)

blood of the butterfly - maehwa baek, jaeyon shing, sara lopez, hajin seo, (may possibly add more)

akuneko (devil butler with [a] black cat) - all of the devil butlers + muu, (may probably add more)

i became the male lead's adopted daughter - phileo, leonia, (may possibly add more)

zomgan - mirae on, (may possibly add more)

becoming the dark hero's daughter - lea/leticia, jade de lewelton, duke kallen de lewelton, marianne de lewelton, (might add more)

project sekai - vivid bad squad, wonderlands x showtime, (may add more since I've still have to read the other bands stories)

twisted wonderland - possibly all + grim and ortho (except for the adults and event characters)

surviving as a maid in a horror game - adrian caiser von der paltzgraf, hilda (might add more)

 I Had Really Sweet Dreams Yesterday Rules!

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1 year ago

white dividers!

White Dividers!
White Dividers!
White Dividers!
White Dividers!
White Dividers!
White Dividers!
White Dividers!

(use dark mode for best results!)

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