.mari Branches Out - Tumblr Posts
Them in a nutshell:

Tagging: @herrianne, @l1qiaruru, @hees3ungie, @kazune-nene, @karu-was-here, @m4yun0meme1ng, @mylovestoryrain, @moonvityy, @fwoomiufy
Why not? :))
me: *begins to simp rant at akuneko server*
also me:

trans: your herri is simp ranting because of m*y*j* but couldn't stop or couldn't do it because of flure and lato (pls this is inaccurate. don't judge)

Leona’s birthday cake when he was three😭
"oh, perfect sacrifice Yeah 숨 참고 love dive"😩🤩✨✨😌
"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞."
Warnings: Reader reliving their death over and over again(?), Berrien probably getting traumatized again, a lot people screaming and chanting, readers probably a yandere or just obssesive- Berrien dying in a dream
Pronouns for reader: They/Them (even though they're wearing shiromuku anyone can read this)

The soft patters on the window reminding him of rain, as he waited for you to come back, the grandfather clock ringed hinting at it being late, he sighed worriedly as he slowly walked out the masters room, all while looking at the room again hoping that you would magically appear before leaving it alone.
The sounds of rain and thunder, persisted throughout the night, as Berrien tossed and turned to get comfortable but to no avail, he closed his eyes as he heard your voice?
He quickly sat back up, as he tried to hear it again but there was just silence, as the rain continued to grow heavier, he could hear a voice, singing sofly in contrast to the harsh rain.
"La~ la~ la~ make these fears go away~"
For what felt like the first time, he felt sleepy, he slowly sinked back to his bed, as the voice continued to sing it's lullaby, he slowly closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep.
"Oh, we all fall down on the cliff, to see hell once and for all~"
Berrien woke up, to see a lively town? Kids playing on the streets, the ladies chatting away at their lives, and it also had a different layout compare to espoir or any other town he visited.
The sounds of bells were heard, as the town immediately went silent, Berrien looked at them questioningly but kept quite about his concerns, as a crowd of people walked by, with bells and talismans in their hands, some were also holding some incense and some other offerings, but what caught his eyes was someone wearing a white colored kimono, it looked to be like a Shiromuku.
But the person wearing it, looked eerily similar to you, his eyes narrowed in concern as the people in the town bowed at the group, he also did the same.
The crowd of people continued to walk until they reached a mountain, they procceded to walk up the stairs, he followed the crowd until it came to a grinding halt.
He hid behind to see what was happening.
Soon bells were ringing as the crowd of priests and shrine maidens chanted, the ringing of the bells became louder, the chants became irritating, as he covered his ears.
Before silence, just pure unadulterated silence, before the priests pulled out their talismans before chanting very quitely, one of the servant boys then tugged at their sleeve before quitely speaking something about falling down.
Then they turned around, his eyes widened as that person turned out to be you except your eyes looked hollow, your eyes puffy from what it looks to be from crying?
One of the shrine maidens then gave you a small red cup, you took it with shaking hands, you took a sip of the liquid before a servant boy lit some incense, before the crowd of priests and shrine maidens shouted out their 'blessings' over and over.
Then they made you turn around in front of the cliff before the incense had now burned out, the servant boy then led you closer to the cliff, they waited a few seconds before giving the crowd a glance, before jumping off.
His heart skipped a beat before he dashed towards the cliff much to the surprise of the priests and the shrine maidens, they quickly ordered the servant boys but he pushed passed them before falling down on the cliff too.
You were still falling it was only a few moments before your untimely death, he quickly maneuvered to be closer to you.
He hugs you, making you surprised, he switched places with you but before you could realize.

A hand was put on Berrien's face, making him stop squirming, as you continued to sing a lullaby.
He slept peacefully as the chants of the priests and shrine maidens grew distant, soon screams were heard as those screams turned into cries for help.
You continued to sing the lullaby as you pulled Berrien close to you.

After all, who cares about reliving your death over and over again, as long as Berrien's here, that wouldn't be a problem, right?
"May my beloved and i finally meet eachother and never seperate till,' the end of time~"
A/N: That's why i love nèstle crunch!😋
Been cramming my ass off of notes and y’all slandering Finley without me😭😭
Finley slander/j

I literally came back from a exam and project/movie making for English and this is the first thing I see?!😭😭
Man... I want slam my lips on Lord Finely, Fubuki, Elboah and Shakir lips and have my harem fantasy relationship because I simping really hard for the Lords like... OH MAH GAWD- THEY ARE HOT *AHEM* HOT SEXY HANDSOME BEAUTIFUL MCRICH RICH SMART INTELLIGENCE NOBLE RICH MEN
I want to be spoil by them so bad!! Where they would fight over for my attention with money like four sugar daddies fighting over for affection and being spoiled with lavish expensive items and food .... *sighs* Man...

note ; a little contribution from me for this month of october... well, for me at least since it's the 31st i posted this. this can be read with any yandere of your choice so have fun~ oh and, happy/late halloween~ - gloomii
synopsis ; you attended a halloween party with your friends, and things got spicy for you coming down to the end. you were having so much fun, what could possibly go wrong?
warnings ; contains yandere, non-con stalking, unhealthy relationship, delusional yandere, mentions of murders, the reader dies, necrophilia (if i missed any let me know)
note . this is a work of fiction and by no means do i support any kind of yandere behavior being displayed in real life. if someone acts similarly to what is mentioned in this post, SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY!!! - gloomii

This is not what was according to plan… They had it all written down, hell, they took down notes just for the sake of their efforts not going to waste. So why… why did it still come to this? Why must you hurt them like this? Did you hate them so? That you felt the need to take the heart they willingly gave to you and crush it under the sole of your boot? No… you couldn’t have hated them… it must have been something else entirely… Right! You will never betray them like this. You’re too much of an angel to do such a heinous act toward them. You know how fragile they are after all~ Have you perhaps been forced into doing it? Hmm, that seems like a plausible reason~! Then that’s why they’re more than relieved they were quick to get rid of the filthy trash that dared to taint your beautiful soul. Aaaah… what were they expecting anyway…? On this specific day, there were bound to be fools who would attempt to commit disgusting acts. What they didn’t expect was for you to be the main target of their tomfoolery…
It was such a simple plan in all honesty. With a bit of information digging, they managed to find out your plans for the evening/night. Attending a Halloween Party with your friends at a Haunted House. And as much as the idea irritated them that were about to spend time with those that aren’t them, they supposed the setting was most appropriate for their plan to fall into place. It’s ironic to them, really. They have read so many stories about unfortunate events occurring in these kinds of places and somehow they were the one to cause the mess. It is what it is. Ugh… The things they were willing to do for your sake…
The plan was going so swimmingly! All that was left was to back you up into a corner and well… take you to your rightful home with them. So imagine the excitement they felt when you enter a room, all by yourself~! They walked inside the room you were in, a skip with each step they took. Expecting to be blown away by your ethereal beauty, a wide smile adorned their face.
“Darling~!♡ I-”
…What the fuck was this they walked in on…? You pressed against the wall, legs hooked around this person’s waist while the two of you swallowed each other’s faces. And such a heated intimate moment too… They could hear your needy whines and the way you sighed in bliss from where they stood from the doorway. And it was all because of this person… THIS PERSON… WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO YOU…? AND WHY WERE YOU TAKING THIS? THAT SHOULD BE THEM… ONLY THEM…
…It was supposed to be a lovely evening, with just you and them in each other’s embrace caring less about the world. And yet, what they desperately want to avoid, ended in a cold-blooded massacre. Perhaps they may have overreacted in killing everyone that attended the party… killing the man was only necessary. But, oh well, sometimes others need to suffer from a person’s errors. To be honest, it’s not like they minded this drastic change of plans too. They were more content like this! And this will save them a lot of headaches you may have given them. You are a lot less fussy like this, and they can do what~ever they pleased. ♡
“Even in death, you look so stunning, My Darling…~♡” they breathed out a giggle as they swiped away the stray strands of hair that clung onto your face. Holding your head closer to their face, they tenderly kissed your cold forehead. “Now, it’s you and me, forever~”

Warnings: yandere themes and someone is trying to replace reader but the butlers aren't having it lol, a bit of Muu at the end, not them trying to distract reader/hj.
Type: oneshot
Pronouns for reader: They/them

—Hm, i wonder where she could've gone to? Berrien, do you know?

Ah, yes. There had been a new noble that the butlers talked to you about, of course, you were overjoyed as they had another friend besides you and you'd encourage them to speak to the noble more, after all more connections, the more protection from rumors, right?
The noble wanted to meet you, so you had obliged, it was a fun meetup because who knew that she was such an awesome person to talk to!
However, after the meeting between the two of you, the butlers began to notice changes in their new friend, they started acting like their precious master, you.
Oh, but that didn't stop there, sometimes they would even wear the same accessories as you, the same accessories that Flure made for you and it was fairly clear to everyone (except you) that she pressured you into giving it to her.
Instead of taking the hand that showed her kindness, she had slapped it away and that was unforgiveable to them.
And so they decided to teach her about copying.

Suddenly malicious rumors started to spread about your friend, of course, you were outraged, how could someone do this to someone as kind and caring as her?
You wanted to defend her but, "Master!" A familiar voice shouted, you turned to feel Lamli hugging you from behind, nuzzling into your waist, "Lamli, what is it? Do you need something?" You asked, he just hugged you tighter.
Feeling that you weren't going to escape his grasp anytime soon, you sighed, "Master! Let's go to the garden! Ammon and I, have prepared a special surprise for you~!" He said as you pushed you towards the door to the garden, you tried protesting but it fell on deaf ears.
Even Nac who usually scolds Lamli for being informal with you, didn't even scold him once, and when you talked to Lucas about Lamli, he'll usually brush if off or come up with an excuse.

The malicious rumors still continued to weave as if it were the gospel truth, the absurdity of it all confused you by a lot.
As you were thinking, you felt a tap on your shoulder to see Lono along with Bastien, "What is it? Lono? Bastien?" You asked with a smile.
"Well then, Master, you said you were starting to crave pies, right?" Lono reiterated, you nodded then Bastien put a slice of apple pie with whipped cream on top, in front of you.
You looked at it in surprised and glee, "Thank you, Lono and Bastien." You thanked them, as you dug your fork into the pie, you felt a burst of sweetness in your tongue as you put a thumbs up.
"Hahaha! Of course!" Lono hollered, making Bastien irritated, "Don't take the credit for yourself, i was the one who peeled the apples.." Bastien muttered, in which an arguement ensued as you finished your pie.
You all heard footsteps to reveal Berrien, you looked at him for help, "Now, now, you two, don't fight, you both put in the effort to make master happy." The two seemed to calm down at his explanation.
"Oh! Could i borrow the master for a while?" He asked, the two nodded as he led you away.

So now the two of you were now in the master's bedroom, it was comfortable silence for the both of you, the aroma of Darjeeling tea filling up the room.
"Hey Berrien, do you know why she had false rumors spread about her?" You asked, if there was someone who knew about rumors, it would Berrien.
Berrien looked uncomfortable but he opened his mouth, "Master.. those rumors don't spawn out of nowhere, it came from new evidence coming out.." your eyes immediatly shot up as you looked at him, urging him to continue.
"Apparently, an investigation was launched into her recently and they found forged documents and they also found some missing items from nobles, into her family's cellar and now many are suspecting her family to be involved as well." He sighed and looked 'dissapointed', while you just sat there in your chair trying to ingest the new information.
Berrien placed the teacup gently onto your table, "Master, i do hope that this tea can help you calm down." He said sofly, you took the teacup still a bit shaken.
You took a big sip, only to feel sleepy? You looked at Berrien, he looked 'concerned', as he caught you before your head fell down on the table.
He merely chuckled as he carried you to your bed before gently tucking you in, before kissing your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Master~"

He walked out of your room, only to see Muu walking towards your room.
"Muu, when you enter the masters room, please try to remain quiet as possible, they are currently sleeping right now." Muu nodded as he opened the door, to let Muu in.
After Muu had walked in, he walked up to Lucas' clinic to have a chat about the final lesson.
The next day, the noblewoman was silenced for having crucial information.

A/N: Baby baby you're my sun and moon😌

Warnings: yandere themes and someone is trying to replace reader but the butlers aren't having it lol, a bit of Muu at the end, not them trying to distract reader/hj.
Type: oneshot
Pronouns for reader: They/them

—Hm, i wonder where she could've gone to? Berrien, do you know?

Ah, yes. There had been a new noble that the butlers talked to you about, of course, you were overjoyed as they had another friend besides you and you'd encourage them to speak to the noble more, after all more connections, the more protection from rumors, right?
The noble wanted to meet you, so you had obliged, it was a fun meetup because who knew that she was such an awesome person to talk to!
However, after the meeting between the two of you, the butlers began to notice changes in their new friend, they started acting like their precious master, you.
Oh, but that didn't stop there, sometimes they would even wear the same accessories as you, the same accessories that Flure made for you and it was fairly clear to everyone (except you) that she pressured you into giving it to her.
Instead of taking the hand that showed her kindness, she had slapped it away and that was unforgiveable to them.
And so they decided to teach her about copying.

Suddenly malicious rumors started to spread about your friend, of course, you were outraged, how could someone do this to someone as kind and caring as her?
You wanted to defend her but, "Master!" A familiar voice shouted, you turned to feel Lamli hugging you from behind, nuzzling into your waist, "Lamli, what is it? Do you need something?" You asked, he just hugged you tighter.
Feeling that you weren't going to escape his grasp anytime soon, you sighed, "Master! Let's go to the garden! Ammon and I, have prepared a special surprise for you~!" He said as you pushed you towards the door to the garden, you tried protesting but it fell on deaf ears.
Even Nac who usually scolds Lamli for being informal with you, didn't even scold him once, and when you talked to Lucas about Lamli, he'll usually brush if off or come up with an excuse.

The malicious rumors still continued to weave as if it were the gospel truth, the absurdity of it all confused you by a lot.
As you were thinking, you felt a tap on your shoulder to see Lono along with Bastien, "What is it? Lono? Bastien?" You asked with a smile.
"Well then, Master, you said you were starting to crave pies, right?" Lono reiterated, you nodded then Bastien put a slice of apple pie with whipped cream on top, in front of you.
You looked at it in surprised and glee, "Thank you, Lono and Bastien." You thanked them, as you dug your fork into the pie, you felt a burst of sweetness in your tongue as you put a thumbs up.
"Hahaha! Of course!" Lono hollered, making Bastien irritated, "Don't take the credit for yourself, i was the one who peeled the apples.." Bastien muttered, in which an arguement ensued as you finished your pie.
You all heard footsteps to reveal Berrien, you looked at him for help, "Now, now, you two, don't fight, you both put in the effort to make master happy." The two seemed to calm down at his explanation.
"Oh! Could i borrow the master for a while?" He asked, the two nodded as he led you away.

So now the two of you were now in the master's bedroom, it was comfortable silence for the both of you, the aroma of Darjeeling tea filling up the room.
"Hey Berrien, do you know why she had false rumors spread about her?" You asked, if there was someone who knew about rumors, it would Berrien.
Berrien looked uncomfortable but he opened his mouth, "Master.. those rumors don't spawn out of nowhere, it came from new evidence coming out.." your eyes immediatly shot up as you looked at him, urging him to continue.
"Apparently, an investigation was launched into her recently and they found forged documents and they also found some missing items from nobles, into her family's cellar and now many are suspecting her family to be involved as well." He sighed and looked 'dissapointed', while you just sat there in your chair trying to ingest the new information.
Berrien placed the teacup gently onto your table, "Master, i do hope that this tea can help you calm down." He said sofly, you took the teacup still a bit shaken.
You took a big sip, only to feel sleepy? You looked at Berrien, he looked 'concerned', as he caught you before your head fell down on the table.
He merely chuckled as he carried you to your bed before gently tucking you in, before kissing your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Master~"

He walked out of your room, only to see Muu walking towards your room.
"Muu, when you enter the masters room, please try to remain quiet as possible, they are currently sleeping right now." Muu nodded as he opened the door, to let Muu in.
After Muu had walked in, he walked up to Lucas' clinic to have a chat about the final lesson.
The next day, the noblewoman was silenced for having crucial information.

A/N: Baby baby you're my sun and moon😌