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264 posts
Hwbswd - Untitled - Tumblr Blog
Uh, sorry! Turnabout is fair play? (To both of you, really, <3)
What about 'The thing is'? (They all sound so exciting fllslqkgll)
- Hochrot
The thing is, somebody is going to love Flake someday. Someone is going to love the way he laughs with his whole body when something is really funny. Someone is going to love how enthusiastic he is about everything, from food to music to friends to travel to the moss growing on the bricks behind their building. Someone is going to love the slow, cautious way he smiles when he’s just come and is a little afraid he was too loud but mostly just feels good. Someone is going to love him right down to his pointy little bones. The thing is, that person is not Paul.
<3 thank you!
Well you know I have to ask about the one with high class rent boy Richard.
Ask and ye shall recieve...
This one has done such a 180 turn from what is was originally in terms of characters and POV but it's based in the midst of a conflict resulting from an airship called the Morgenstern being sabotaged and crashing on its maiden voyage.
The wider plot is still very convoluted, but one of the points is Richard being unwillingly roped into a series of blackmailing schemes by the club owner he's indebted to.
Enter Schneider, an agent of a rival group who's been sent to infiltrate the establishment, get close to suspects, and plant false information to hopefully end the scheme. Lots of stuff ensues... 👀
Honestly, I really like this one It was originally (and might still be) a back and forth of the 'present' (ten years after the conflict) and flashbacks of the past. I had Flake as a former field surgeon who was forced to retire after an incident; Oliver was his bodyguard/domestic helper, a former soldier who suffered from shrapnel injuries to the neck that left him mostly non-verbal. Till and Paul were resistance fighters. Unfortunately, it's going to need a huge overhaul and I don't have the time at the moment.
I will give a snippet of my blackmail boys though...
"Do you have a light?"
Being addressed in perfect German surprises Schneider more than he expects. He looks away from the mezzanine. The black-haired man from earlier is settling into the seat beside him. He already has a cigarette in-hand, and raises his eyebrows as if to repeat the earlier question.
Without a word, Schneider produces a lighter. The young man leans in as he flicks it open, head tilted almost coquettishly, then sits back with a relieved sigh.
"Thank you."
Schneider nods and returns the lighter to his pocket.
"Lose yours?"
The man gives him a faint smirk. "It's more fun when someone else does it." He winks, tapping ash into the glass dish beside him. "Although, I do like to thank my volunteers properly, so...what's your name, stranger?"
Forward, Schneider muses, that's good. It saves him the trouble of having to chase the man's attention himself.
What about 'The thing is'? (They all sound so exciting fllslqkgll)
- Hochrot
The thing is, somebody is going to love Flake someday. Someone is going to love the way he laughs with his whole body when something is really funny. Someone is going to love how enthusiastic he is about everything, from food to music to friends to travel to the moss growing on the bricks behind their building. Someone is going to love the slow, cautious way he smiles when he’s just come and is a little afraid he was too loud but mostly just feels good. Someone is going to love him right down to his pointy little bones. The thing is, that person is not Paul.
<3 thank you!
And PACC6MM for @themarten (this is actually your fic, so, uh, I hope that's ok):
It was actually louder in the trees than on the road. He’d been hearing birds all along, but now the breeze rustled the leaves and the pine needles crushed under his feet and there were all kinds of crackles and creaks. He was following a little creek that had a wide dry bed when he came to a clearing on a hill. The first thing he saw was a weird skinny mossy tower. It was rising from the ruins of a hut. Maybe an old gamekeeper’s cottage, nothing but mortared stone walls and hearth remaining, the rest had long ago gone back to earth. The tower was a stone chimney standing straight up like a middle finger raised to the gloomy sky. Well, thought Paul, that’s something we can agree on - fuck you, world.
For the WIP asks: Silver & Gold and PACC6MM (which my brain read as 'pacman' for some reason)
-themarten 🌼
I'm extremely curious about Silver and Gold :3
Ha, the name I pulled out of my ass might make it sound more exciting than it is, but here:
“Don’t wander around, all right?”It’s completely dark. No line of light under the door, nothing inside, just velvety black like a curtain over his eyes. Before he can start to think that perhaps this wasn’t his best idea, following a stranger into a hole, a match strikes and a yellowish light glows around the guy. They’re in a small chamber with bare stone walls and a low ceiling. Opposite the door the ceiling slopes steeply down, and Schneider realizes it’s stairs, they’re standing at the landing at the top - “Don’t wander around” wasn’t much of a warning against the possibility of tumbling down the steps in pitch darkness. The light grows, in a little alcove in the wall there’s a lamp that the guy is lighting. It’s old-fashioned too, bronze tarnished nearly black with little glass doors and a handle on top. A miner’s lantern, like something out of a fairy tale. “Where are we?” Schneider whispers. The guy makes an amused noise. “Not much of a reader, eh? I figured so.”
I am intrigued by Peaches
Oho, thank you! So the context is that I think that if Rammstein had happened to be women, the resulting band would be Peaches. She has exactly the same shock style - I mean just watch the MV for Boys Wanna Be Her, and separately she crowdsurfs in a giant dick.
“It’s that I’m not pretty, isn’t it,” Flake said glumly.
“Sweetie, I promise you the problem is not your looks.” Rik scraped off an errant bit of lipliner with her pinky nail. “Nobody, and I mean nobody, is getting any action out here. And I don’t look this fantastic just to be ignored.”
“When we played Lilith Fair, I did a survey. I got seven recommendations for vibrators. I ask everyone. Even Peaches isn’t getting laid.”
“You’re kidding. She can’t just bully the nearest raver? I would do whatever she told me to.”
Rik quirked an eyebrow. “Well, you should probably tell her that.”
Flake made a bit of a squeak.

Bitte bleib steh'n, bleib steh'n
Das soll immer so weitergeh'n
@hoch-rot tagged me, thanks!
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. sketch titles? comics? dnd campaigns? if you have an unfinished project, it counts!
So, in rough order of likeliness to see the light of day:
Silver and Gold
The thing is
Salamander (there's a sample of this on an older ask)
PACC6MM (ditto)
Caged (also sampled)
Helion (same)
I tag @themarten
Flake's podcast - Sport
podcasted 2022-08-09

Finally a theme that doesn't need translation: Sport 😊 Flake doesn't know what's more useless, doing sport or making music, but the most useless is music about sport.
And yes, we have a Rammstein anecdotes, like at 0h10, although Flake is not sure if he should tell his audience this: some of Rammstein are pretty big soccer fans, and when Rammstein does festival tours, this is often in the summer months, just like the major soccer championships (europeans, worlds). Well, one year indeed Rammstein was on tour during the Soccer World Championships, and they decided to take some small tv screens with them on stage, so they could glimpse at the match during the gig.
Flake is not naming the names of his soccer-fan-colleagues, but to stop people worrying at 0h17 he does confirm that it isn't Till. Flake is very glad about that because Till is always working the big flamethrowers and everything, and Flake is happy that he didn't let soccer distract him. Flake also mentions Till is not a soccer fan at all, which he thinks is impressive 🍀
Flake only ever met one soccerplayer, Mehmet Scholl, they met at a social event and talke a bit, but because everyone assumed they were both pretty well known, nobody bothered to introduce them, so Flake only found out afterwards who it was, and Mr. Scholl also didn't know Flake 😊
0h16 he talks about the first tours Rammstein did, when they only had one published album, and that fact, going on tour with just one record of songs, and Flake assumes they added some unfinished songs, or songs that never appeared on an album; he thinks that is an athletic performance all in itself.
At 0h25 the band even considered doing a sports song once, because like Christmas and birthday songs, these are usually popular and used a lot, but it wasn't very good, and never made it to an album, and in hindsight Flake is happy about that 😊
When (at abt 0h42) mentioned the East Germand band Engerling, who went to shows on bicycle, Flake muses that in the past him and his bandmates went to their concerts in a car (5 guys, all smokers, in a small Skoda), or later by bus, and all the warm, nice talks they had when travelling..when he thinks back at those times, he thinks back more fondly on their cartravels than at the concerts themselves (and wonders if they'll ever go to concerts on bicycle)
Rammstein tried (1h32) to make a song for one of the Klitschko boxing brothers once, as an 'entrance to the boxing ring' song; rumour in Berlin at the time was that they were looking for songs for that purpose and lots of bands sent one; allegedly, the Klitschkos liked the Rammstein song a lot, but their management said there was no way they could use something of a band with Rammstein's image. So Rammstein turned that song into 'Sonne'.
The song at 1h33 is called 'Ski Heil' and Flake plays it because his dad (who is from Thüringen, known for many wintersports like 'cross country') used that phrase a lot when Flake was a kid.
At some point (1h14) Flake muses that basically every lovesong is also a sports-song, because the one you love, doesn't have to be a woman, or a man, it can also be a sportsteam 💕
(And ofcourse we end with one of the classic sports songs 'We are the champions'by Queen) 🍀
More of my takes on Flake's podcasts

suddenly wanted to sketch more of that AU I made.
Paul racing in the clouds, experimenting with shapes and letters...also word jumbles....