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Flake's podcast - Essen (Food)
published 2021-12-15

Flake loves to eat, and he also loves to talk, his wife told him "Don't talk with your mouth full" and that's why he skipped his idea of opening this show while eating (good boy Flake...but we already knew that 😊)
Small Till mention at abt 0:19 when Czech singer Karl Gott (lastname translates into english as 'God') phoned the band, Till answered and said to the others "Shut up, God is calling", Flake answered "Okay, you talk to God a bit, let's hear what he has to say" (this qualifies as a "dad-joke"...right?). Here's a pic of Mr. Gott with the band:

0h35 "Du bist was du isst" (You are what you eat)...ofcourse, a podcast about food wouldn't complete without Rammstein's 'Mein Teil' 🍽
1h01: Flake mentioned in Feeling B times he used to smoke on stage, but that's pretty inconvenient, especially as a keyboardplayer. He doesn't smoke anymore on stage, but he does occassionally take something to eat with him, a little snackpack, or some chocolate. But nobody should know, because no one wants a rock musician to be eating on stage... (we're not going to tell on him then.. 🍫)
At 1h18.30 mentions he knows this guy, won't mention any names, but it's a singer of a famous band, who if you ask him after eating "Did it taste good?" answers "Well, it was enough", some people appreciate the quantity, especially when it's a lot. Too bad he doesn't mention any names, isn't it....but what does he play right after that quote? 'Mehr' (More) by Rammstein, which starts with Till saying "Ich brauche vieles, und viel davon" (I need a lot, and a lot of it) 🤔 Are you thinking what i'm thinking? 😊
And while we are speculating: at 1h28 the talk turns to windsurfers and how supposedly they are really relaxed people, but in Flake's experience they are all but, either they are worrying that there is no wind, or when there is wind, they are worrying about having the wrong sail, wind is too hard etc. Flake can confirm that surfers are not relaxed. And here i'm thinking, who does Flaks know (that we know) that are avid surfers? Paul and Olli.... the most relaxed of the whole of Rammstein... (well, okay, maybe that's not a good comparison 😁).
All in all Flake loves to eat, and from every concert they did, he knows what he ate there 🍞🥞 his biggest weakness is cake, but there is no food he doesn't like 🍗🥗
More of my ramblings on Flake's podcast ramblings
Flake's podcast - uncool bands
Published 2021-12-29 (but possibly already broadcast before)

Uncool songs and/or uncool bands: Flake has some difficulty figuring out what the definition of cool or uncool is, not helped by the fact that (as so often) initially he didn't understand the english word and thought it was 'kuhl' when his older brother first mentioned the word at home; what follows is a ramble about an old book, a german movie 'Kuhle Wampe' from 1932, but really figuring out what cool is...no...
So what is cool... at least Flake is sure that fusion music isn't cool (0h20), but the only reason for that is when talking with the band there is always someone who tells him "quit it with that fusion-shit" (for some reason my mental image is of Schneider and/or Paul being the one 😁 but Flake doesn't mention).
It isn't until 0h21 that he solves the mystery for the german listeners, 'cool' means 'cold' (you knew that, didn't you 😁). Most importantly, cool has nothing to do with quality, an really good song can be uncool all the same (and he plays Scorpions 'Wind of change' after that) (which indeed for a certain generation at least is a very uncool song) (am i giving away my age again? 😁)
Very cool people can also make uncool music, like at 0h35 Herbert Grönemeyer, who Flake thinks is a really cool person for the way he plays his music unconcerned if someone is listening..also Flake thinks Grönemeyer is definitely not good looking which is even better, because looking good and making music is a lot easier, but when you don't look good you really have to work for it.
The GDR punks in Flake's circle (from abt 0h50) were very specific in what was cool to listen to and what not, almost like a sort of Taste-Police (again...Paul?). Depeche Mode? Nope, too poppy! The Cure was always a safe bet, you could admit to listen to them
Not many bandanecdotes in this podcast, a quick mention at 1h08 of travelling to London, performing for MTV live, but getting cut off half way through the song because Till let fake-blood run from his mouth, so it was a total flop, going to London for just 40 seconds of tv (bet MTV is now kicking itself for being uncool 😁); but...the good part was that while driving through London Flake saw the actual factory that was on the cover of Pink Floyd's album 'Animals', and only then realized it was a real thing...well...without the flying pig... (for who's keeping track: Pink Floyd is cool)

A hint from Flake if you're in a band at 1h30: always try to be a supporting band instead of the headline act: the expectations are less, the fear of failure is less, and you can hang out with the ladies while the main band is playing. When you're a headliner and you're done, everybody's gone, the canteen is closed, evening is over, when you're the supporting act you've already showered and are partying by that time... (maybe someone can take Flake to an afterparty next time?)
The cutest anecdote for me (at abt 0h51)... you know the 'nasty' ('fies' in german, Paul and Flake still use the phrase a lot) punks Feeling B and their friends at Hiddensee..one of the songs they played day and night? The very uncool 'Walking on sunshine' by Katrina and the Waves.... and I can just picture that immediately 😊

More of my ramblings on Flake's podcasts
Flake's podcast - Chile
published 2022-01-12
When we saw the playlist, we guessed the theme would be something to do with the spanish language and loads of room for anecdotes; we were close, the topic is the country of Chile and anecdotes-a-plenty..(so this might be a long post)

Flake starts with two big secrets that you probably never would have guessed:
he is a big Rolling Stones fan (although he thinks that when Charlie Watts died, that was the end of the Rolling Stones and you can't be fan of something that doesn't exist, so he *was* a big fan)
he is grew up in the GDR
(well, okay, you might have known after all 😁)
But what you might not know is that Flake is passionate about everything to do with Chile (he shares this passion with former GDR chief Erich Honecker).
This started at a very young age when in 1973 in Chile there was a Coup d'Etat against the government of socialist president Salvador Allende. The government was overthrown, Mr. Allende killed, and control of the country was taken over by the military. Flake's teacher at pre-school had the kids draw all kinds of cards in support of Luis Corvolán and encourage the citizens of the country (the GDR being a fellow socialist country, obviously very committed to helping). Flake was very excited and 3 years later Mr. Corvolán was released, surely because of all the cards from the east german kids.
Coincidently also another big event in Flake's life in 1973: Berlin hosted the youth event 'Weltfestspiele' 10th edition where kid's bands from all over the world came and played. Flake and his brother went to watch daily, but because they had to be home in time (Flake was 6, his brother 3 years older), they only ever heard the soundcheck of the bands. But at the time soundchecks were a lot of fun, because the bands always tried to show off a bit, show what they could do with their instruments. And that's what started Flake's love for playing music: he wanted to do those cool soundchecks.

(a band at the 1973 Weltfestspiele, from link)
Then one day teacher introduced a new pupil: Martin from Chile. Teacher was very active in making Martin feel at home and learning the language and in return Martin taught her a Chilean kid's song that teacher then taught the class. At 0h11 Flake sings the song (what he remembers from it). Everybody wanted to be his friend, not in the least because he had the coolest toys from 'the west' and so much of it, like Flake had never seen before. But Martin had only just arrived in the GDR and he had difficulty with the language so after a year he had to do the year over and didn't go to the next schoolyear with Flake and the others. (Martin's brother Alvaro was in Flake's brother's class.)
The socialist/communist GDR government was still very much supporting their communist Chilean comrades and many were invited to move to the GDR and a few years later (in 5th grade, 0h20) a new Chilean pupil joined the class: Paulo (he had lived in Rostock before). And to Flake's big joy Paulo was seated next to him. Maybe because Flake was the best pupil in the class, but more likely because the seat next to Flake waa empty. And again Flake was excited, not because Paulo had loads of cool toys like Martin, but Paulo's parents were artists, so they worked at night, and the kids could do what they wanted, party, listen to music (Sex Pistols), smoke their first cigarettes.
What the GDR kids also learned (at 0h27) from their Chilean friends: The GDR was cool ('Geil' in German). The Germans complained about their government, but the Chileans made them see how good they had it: no war, no relatives being killed, always food, school was good, why would you want to be anywhere else?
Ofcourse like all kids, they all had their rebel-phase, meeting up, smoking loads, drinking bad coffee and sing songs like 'I wanna destroy', at 0h29, you can hear them singing it. Flake is pretty sure it's a good thing he didn't become a singer.
By the way at their very first Feeling B concert (0h32), as the interval act for Freygang (when Freygang were having dinner), (by the way, after the first song, the plug fell out of Flake's keyboard), the Freygang fans wanted to throw them off the stage because they hated the music, until Freygang-singer Andre Greiner-Pol got up from behind his plate of potatoes and told the fans to leave Feeling B alone, Flake was so excited, afterwards he told Paulo all about it, and Paulo told him maybe someday he would really play in a band...someday...
All these years later Flake and Paulo are still friends; Flake is keyboarder in Rammstein and Paulo is a fix member of the Rammstein crew.

Flake did sing again however, with his first band Feeling B, especially the songs that singer Aljoscha thought the lyrics were too dumb. And one song Paulo helped Flake use some spanish texts: Kim Wilde (at 0h33). Last time they played this live (0h36) was at Aljoscha's funeral, because this was one of the songs that he didn't sing anyway. They wouldn't play it anymore, Feeling B has ceased to exist.
As he got older, Flake got involved with many Chilean artists, played street theater with them. (That the artists stole the microphones at the gig, wasn't really very socialist/communist (where everything was supposed to be fairly divided and available), but maybe it was a bit punk, so okay...)
Paulo went back to Chile to study for a year, then returned to the GDR, Flake and him even rented a house together (monthly rent 25 German Marks), they painted together (1h02). Washed dishes in a restaurant (and occasionally ate there, Empanades are still a Flake-fave).
When at some point the band 'Die Ärzte' reunited (1h18) and got a new baseplayer Rod, Flake was thrilled to find out that Rod turned out to be Chilean as well. Rod was probably less excited, because as the bands got to know eachother and mingle, Flake always pestered Rod with questions about Chile (and ofcourse 'Hey, are you from Chile...do you know Paulo' as if there are only 2 Chileans in the world (well, 4, including Martin and Alvaro)). Rod was very critical of Rammstein from the start, which Flake thinks is really cool, that Rod stands up for what he likes or doesn't. Flake is still a big fan of Die Ärzte, and Rod is now a Rammstein-fan; at least that's what he told Flake.
After Die Ärzte at 1h24 Flake plays 'Universal Gonzales'. The link? The singer is Rod's sister.
When years later (1h37) Rammstein played South-America as supporting act to Kiss (not that Kiss knew them, but who cares), they decided to bring Paulo along. Paulo and Flake even spent a while in a house of Paulo's aunt there when Paulo showed him around (when Paulo's father a while later also travelled there and stayed in the same house, the janitor mentioned that 'two gays' had stayed there...dad had to explain that those weren't two gays, but 'my son and the keyboarder from Rammstein'). In the end they played all over South-America, except in Chile, because the organizer of that gig ran away with the money and the concert fell through. Paulo became a Rammstein crewmember after that and travelled all over the world with the band (after they persuaded him to get a German passport, because with his Chilean passport, lots of countries considered him a refugee and didn't allow him to enter the country for fear he wouldn't leave..)
So many anecdotes....well one more:
At 1h41 Flake plays La Piragua from Los Wavanco, and this immediately triggers a Pavlov reaction: Flake's starts sweating from fear, gets nervous, thinks he forgot something, keyboard has broken down...why? Because this is the song Till always plays backstage at every Rammstein-gig, dances to it to get in the mood, get relaxed and get pepped up right before going on stage 😊
(Still not had enough? More of my ramblings of Flake's podcasts)
Flake's podcast - Rhythmic Finesse
podcast 2022-07-12! published 2022-07-13

This time Flake's topic is 'Rhythmic Finesse', which i think can also be interpreted as 'unusual rhythms'. Flake mentions he usually doesn't care for songs with the standard 4/4 pop rhythm very much, they go right through him, they don't 'stick' and therefore he doesn't remember them. But a song that has a different rhythm, that has a few hooks and edges, those songs are the ones he finds interesting.
And as it turns out, he doesn't have to go far to find examples: Fellow Berlin band 'Die Ärzte' are featured with 'Gib Gas lieber Michael Schumacher' right at the start, and 'Monsterparty' at 1h34. Flake considers them one of those bands who are musically better than they usually play.
Some smaller rambles, like at 0h09 on hearing 'Satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones for the first time (he plays a different version for the theme of this podcast) and innocent guy Flake didn't understand what that word meant, so he looked it up in the dictionary, still didn't understand. Then he read a book about a Count duelling with a Knight who said during the duel "I demand satisfaction.." and Flake still didn't understand what it meant. Still doesn't for that matter 😊
At 0h44 he plays Led Zeppelin with Kashmir. Flake and his friends liked this song so much that they created a band with that name, their singer was Swami Dama Adjara, who was one of the few East-Germans who got a new name from Bhagwan (his german name was Micha, that was easier to remember for Flake).
But back to the topic, there is a band who tried many rhythmic variations, and Flake knows this band very well: Feeling B (most of the variations were created by accident by the way🌺), so there's much to enjoy for Feeling B fans:
We have a 5/4 rhythm in 'Die Pest' (1h06) which was created when singer Aljoscha got the idea to do a medieval theme. They got in touch with a medieval-music band from Rostock, and they were the ones who taught Feeling B about the different rhythms. Feeling B's drummer refused to play it, and so the band took Christoph Schneider back (that's what Flake calls him, he doesn't mention that that happens to be the Rammstein drummer now 😊). He had already left the band, because he had been fighting with the band, especially with the singer (Flake admits that it would have been difficult not to, with all the alcohol, and conflicting characters..Flake mentions it's not easy to stay together with a band..."but that's not what this show is about", so we don't get juicy anecdotes 😊). Anyway, he did manage to play a 5/4 rhythm, and that was the start for Feeling B to play more intricate songs. The song features Steve Binetti on leadguitar.
Then 7/8 rhythm (at 1h15) on 'Mystisches Mysterium", songtitle thought up by Aljoscha, because nobody could think of a fitting name (this happens often with bands that Flake plays in 😊)
And then at 1:18 we get a 11/8 rhythm from Die Magdalene Keibel Combo, which is a spin-off band from Feeling B that Flake and Paul Landers created, because Aljoscha was putting ever fewer effort in lyrics, and Flake and Paul didn't like that.
Rammstein isn't played in this podcast, nor mentioned, apart from a sidenote at 0h40 which i still thought was worth mentioning: when Flake announces the band 'The Streets' he adds "I don't call them Mike Skinner and the Streets, because it annoys me when people say 'Till Lindemann and his guys'". 😄
Rammstein is a real 6-man band 😊...but we knew that, didn't we 🍀
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
Flake's podcast - Sport
podcasted 2022-08-09

Finally a theme that doesn't need translation: Sport 😊 Flake doesn't know what's more useless, doing sport or making music, but the most useless is music about sport.
And yes, we have a Rammstein anecdotes, like at 0h10, although Flake is not sure if he should tell his audience this: some of Rammstein are pretty big soccer fans, and when Rammstein does festival tours, this is often in the summer months, just like the major soccer championships (europeans, worlds). Well, one year indeed Rammstein was on tour during the Soccer World Championships, and they decided to take some small tv screens with them on stage, so they could glimpse at the match during the gig.
Flake is not naming the names of his soccer-fan-colleagues, but to stop people worrying at 0h17 he does confirm that it isn't Till. Flake is very glad about that because Till is always working the big flamethrowers and everything, and Flake is happy that he didn't let soccer distract him. Flake also mentions Till is not a soccer fan at all, which he thinks is impressive 🍀
Flake only ever met one soccerplayer, Mehmet Scholl, they met at a social event and talke a bit, but because everyone assumed they were both pretty well known, nobody bothered to introduce them, so Flake only found out afterwards who it was, and Mr. Scholl also didn't know Flake 😊
0h16 he talks about the first tours Rammstein did, when they only had one published album, and that fact, going on tour with just one record of songs, and Flake assumes they added some unfinished songs, or songs that never appeared on an album; he thinks that is an athletic performance all in itself.
At 0h25 the band even considered doing a sports song once, because like Christmas and birthday songs, these are usually popular and used a lot, but it wasn't very good, and never made it to an album, and in hindsight Flake is happy about that 😊
When (at abt 0h42) mentioned the East Germand band Engerling, who went to shows on bicycle, Flake muses that in the past him and his bandmates went to their concerts in a car (5 guys, all smokers, in a small Skoda), or later by bus, and all the warm, nice talks they had when travelling..when he thinks back at those times, he thinks back more fondly on their cartravels than at the concerts themselves (and wonders if they'll ever go to concerts on bicycle)
Rammstein tried (1h32) to make a song for one of the Klitschko boxing brothers once, as an 'entrance to the boxing ring' song; rumour in Berlin at the time was that they were looking for songs for that purpose and lots of bands sent one; allegedly, the Klitschkos liked the Rammstein song a lot, but their management said there was no way they could use something of a band with Rammstein's image. So Rammstein turned that song into 'Sonne'.
The song at 1h33 is called 'Ski Heil' and Flake plays it because his dad (who is from Thüringen, known for many wintersports like 'cross country') used that phrase a lot when Flake was a kid.
At some point (1h14) Flake muses that basically every lovesong is also a sports-song, because the one you love, doesn't have to be a woman, or a man, it can also be a sportsteam 💕
(And ofcourse we end with one of the classic sports songs 'We are the champions'by Queen) 🍀
More of my takes on Flake's podcasts
Flake's podcast - Animals
Published 2020-11-05, but likely already podcast before that time, another one i'm almost 99.9% sure i did a post or something about once, but it's lost in the mists of Tumblr
All songs about animals, in many shapes and forms.
As we all know (0h11), Flake is a cat-person, has had many cats in his life, and at the time has a cat that not only likes to be petted, but also pets you back (don't know if it's the cat in this photo, but this is definitely one of Flake's cats...)

Dogs though (0h17)...not so much... Why? Because they poop, they bark (loud!), they smell and they bite (Flake has been bitten twice by a dog, so he knows).

A couple short band anecdotes in this podcast, (at 0h50) after "This is not a love song" by PIL (which is a long song, musicians freewheeling away), Flake is reminded of his early bandlife when he was young, and at rehearsals sometimes one or the other got so excited playing they just didn't want to quit. The others would suggest getting some food, or a drink, but eventually got their instruments again and just played along. Playing music just for the fun of it ❤️
And at 1h32, playing a song by 'Ugly Kid Joe', Flake mentions Feeling B met that US band when they went on a trip to the USA in 1993, the 5 of them (4 man band and soundman), but all the motels they slept in only had rooms for 4 people. So they would go to check in in the motel with 4, and later the 5th guy would sneak in the room and share a bed with one of the others (fanfic potential right? 😊). Together in the motelroom, they'd watch MTV, when MTV still played music (yes, *that* long ago 🌺).
For fans of GDR music, Flake also plays two songs of bands he knew in the 80's, at 1h12 AB Geige with a song about a mosquito ('Mücke' in german), and at 1h24 'Käfer auf’m Blatt' (Beetle on a leaf) by Chicorée, this band was (like Feeling B and Die Firma) also in the documentary 'Flüstern und SCHREIEN', but in the proces of taping that film, the band dissolved.
The most poignant song of the day (and also the reason why i'm almost sure i did a post earlier 😊) is at 0h51 'Komm großer schwarzer Vogel' by Ludwig Hirsch, a delicate sounding song, but with a rather morbid and uncomfortable text. An Austrian radiostation once banned this song being played after 22 o'clock in the evening, out of fear listeners would become suicidal by it. Maybe even more poignant is that Ludwig Hirsch himself, indeed ended up killing himself 😥
To not bring you down by that heavy bit, i'll finish with a story about Flake as a kid:
Flake first song by himself (1h12) was also about an animal, by the way: a mosquito. When he was a kid, his family had a sort of allotment garden (don't know if it's the right word), a little outside of Berlin, where they would go on friday after school, and on sunday they'd return to Berlin. Big city boy Flake would only have to set foot in the garden, and a whole swarm of mosquitos would target him and gave him huge mosquito bumps. Itched like crazy, but also inspired a song, so can't have been all bad 😊.
more of my takes on Flake's podcast
Flake's podcast - Harmony in Music
published on yt 2020-04-29, but probably podcast earlier
A lecture on Harmony in music, Flake plays the songs in order, starting with songs with one keynote, then two etc.
Some of the first songs he discovered in relation to cars, for instance at 0h16 a song he found on a CD that came with the car that he bought from a befriended singer from another band (that starts with Knor and ends with Kator), or at 0h20 a song they used to play in the car when Flake travelled along with other bands to their gigs, just to tag along hoping they'd let him play his casio with them (when Feeling B wasn't playing much).
Feeling B is mentioned a couple of times, like at 0h39, when Flake plays King Crimson, a band he discovered when the old drummer of Feeling B played it (who was a huge fan), Flake tells how he went to the guys house to listen and how they got in the mood to jam in the middle of the night, without soundcontrol in the room, so the entire appartementbuilding woke up from the drumming (a neighbour came round to complain, but the drummer just stared him down and the neighbour left).
At 1h38 Flake talks about the trip Feeling B undertook to the USA, travelling, playing for a handful of people, and being all together confused about the country, completely misunderstanding distances, so having to walk for hours, getting soaked in the rain, just to get breakfast, and indulging in all you can eat buffets (where Flake ate so much pudding he had enough for a lifetime).
Flake also mentions a couple of films he watched in the GDR when young and that mesmerized him, like (1h06) The Last Waltz about The Band, and particularly Muddy Waters' song Mannish Boy in it, which was pretty much the anthem of the East German bluesscene, or (1h25) Blues Brothers with Ray Charles.
At 1h11 he plays German band Trio, who played at a tv show, and at the end where voted the best of the show and asked to play again. The band played, but the singer just stood there eating an apple (while he voice could still be heard, clearly showing they were using playback). Flake thought that very cool, to show it that way, not bothering about lipsync.
Talking about cool, when he at 0h49 plays Daddy Cool (by Boney M), Flake tells us he always wanted his kids to think he was cool, so when travelling with Rammstein he always tried to find nice souvenirs for his kids, the house is full of Eifeltowers by now (the kids don't even look at them if he brings one of those), boomerang didn't work, kangaroo-in-can turned out to be a stuffed animal (and fortunately not kangaroomeat) so that was okay, but when he bought a real native american doll in the USA and came home with that, it turned out to be a barbie that you could also buy at Berlin-Kreuzberg (and Barbie wasn't considered that cool a toy by the kid's mom anyway, so no luck there).
One small Rammstein anecdote at 1h32: the band went to the MTV awards in Milan, and this time were asked to present an award to The Offspring, so Flake along with Paul and 'our drummer' (as he always refers to Schneider) agreed to do that. Flake thought it would be really funny if he, when announcing the award, gave a thank you speech instead. Well as it turns out Flake was the only one who thought it was funny, no one else did, least of all the actual awardwinners 😊
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
Flake's podcast - Gay and lesbian
podcast 2022-09-13

The biggest force in life and the only one Flake respects (apart from his wife) is Nature. And the biggest drive in Nature is Sex, big parts of life are about sex, thinking about sex, sex to reproduce, and to prevent to many people being born, Nature also created same-sex so it's completely natural for a man to love a man and woman to love a woman. That is the intro to this podcast, and Flake plays songs about, or by, gay or lesbian artists, some of whom are well known to be gay, some who had to hide it for a long time (and some, to be honest, i think Flake is 'outing' without really knowing 🍀 but as he sees homosexuality as something completely normal, he doesn't have a problem with that).
As a sidenote he also mentions some of his favorite things:
author: Kurt Vonnegut (0h29)
fictional character: Kilgore Trout
movie: Brokeback Mountain (0h48)
saying: 'Der Spaß ist kurz, ein Leben lang' (0h58, from the song Kribbel Krabbel by Ton Steine Scherben) (meaning something like 'Fun only lasts a short time, for an entire life'
composer: Chopin (1h53), but eventually he heard so much of it thathis interest diminshed a bit, Flake compares this how Modern Talking music, that was also played so much..."Paul our guitarist" said about that "It is good because otherwise there wouldn't be millions of people listening to it", but Flake doesn't agree, it's not his cup of tea, no matter how many listeners they have)
painter: Gauguin (1h53)
Completely fitting in the theme at 1h40 Flake plays the Rammstein song 'Mann gegen Mann' which to the band is called 'Schwuler' (but their Swedish producer Mann gegen Mann (Man against man) sounded better, Flake thinks it should at least have been Mann mit Mann (Man with man)), the songtitle comes from the Family Values Tour in the US which Rammstein did with a.o. Korn, Korn had a song 'Faget', and Rammstein told them it meant 'Schwuler' in German. They heard it so often at the tour that they made a song about it.
But the funnest anecdote (especially for the fanfic-inclined among us) is at 1h02, where Flake talks about when Rammstein records an album, they retreat to a studio and for three weeks they do everything together: make music, eat together, sit down after work, watch tv, and they all get really familiar. When hanging out together they regularly drop a theme and talk about each one's experience with it, often it turns out that a theme that one thought they had only experienced themselves, others know about as well. Well, one night the topic 'Homo erotic experience' was brought to the table, and as it turned out, the entire band had their experience with that...either going home with someone after a party , or when they were at school with a friend... ❤️ Most people have both sides in them, sometimes inclined a bit more to one side, sometimes to the other, and Flake also occassionally is attracted, to a guy, for instance in a movie.
He knows what it's like to get a warm feeling in his heart ❤️
PS. because of that anecdote, I'm not going to complain that he completely fails to acknowledge Adam Lambert is singing in Queen 😄 and that he isn't playing Freddie Mercury's boyfriend in the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' movie (or maybe i am in the wrong there 😊)
more takes on Flake's podcasts