hypnotic-delusion - I like bald people
I like bald people

call me matry, I forget posting is a thing on this app and aimlessly scroll through my fyp and random tags for hours, she/he btw

412 posts

Hypnotic-delusion - I Like Bald People - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

I'd snatch Saturn's bones so fast and keep them in a test tube of unknown liquid if I was there bro he would be a permanent decoration

anyways I love how the gorosei are shocked/stunned... it's either they didn't expect this to happen NOW of all times or they just didn't expect it to happen at ALL [as in it's never happened] and I feel as though the gorosei are starting to panic more as the looming threat of a pissed off imu weighs over them because they know one mistake will probably get them killed soooo 😮‍💨😮‍💨 also did garling raid Saturn's closet or something bro is dripped up in Saturn's iconic fit??? he looks so out of place.. and sitting like that?? straighten your back you fucker I love garling but it's so jarring seeing him with the other gorosei.. and they don't seem to like him much either thankfully

Complete spoilers about Gorosei in chapter 1125 + some preview scans (found on fb)

If I can, I'll post the chapter with the translation tonight

Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)
Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)

Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)
Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)
Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)
Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)
Complete Spoilers About Gorosei In Chapter 1125 + Some Preview Scans (found On Fb)

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6 months ago

I'd hit 😍 I need him tied up rn

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, Hybrid Form By @AudiLoki

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, hybrid form by @AudiLoki

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6 months ago

these stupid

These Stupid
These Stupid
These Stupid
These Stupid

BRLRLAARHCHHHFFFHFHH I know nusjuro looks like an alien I hate drawing on paper...

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6 months ago

for a second I thought Marcus was rolling in Saturn's ashes like a chinchilla

After Egghead
After Egghead

after egghead

Before you try to say a thing

Damn you

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6 months ago



Я до сих пор не доверяю спойлерам, но типа похер

"And you call that retirement????"

" Yes"

In fact, conditions here are unbearable

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6 months ago

now that I think abt it. why did oda kill off Saturn so suddenly??? he was barely shown without the other gorosei for thousands of episodes and chapters, he got one singular solo fight and then once all of them pull up he barely does anything?? he was overshadowed 90% of the time he was shown aside from when he was the only one there, he barely did anything really like?? it feels weird that oda killed him off just to replace him with garling who was shown even less, I mean maybe he just didn't like him and wanted to kill him off so he could focus on the garling family but that just?? doesn't seem like something he'd do?? either he has a plan for Saturn [also remember the Catarina Devon theory that she got sucked into Mary geoise while disguised as Saturn? what if she got imploded [I'm tweaking]] or I'm delusional but his death feels very sudden idk. glad he's gone though

Saturn's fuckinf DEAD

I wonder what the other gorosei think of the whole situation.. did they hear Saturn's screams and pleas? What do they think of Garling? Do they not care about Saturn's death? Were they unsettled, even worried or scared for him? Do they resent garling now that he's replaced someone who they've probably known for ages? Has this happened before? How many of them are replacements? Did they all start off as commoners, or is the 20 kings theory right? Did imu force the yokai forms upon them? Did they start as yokai? So many questions...

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6 months ago

this made me feel 200x better thank you album arum for blessing us with this 🙏 rest in pieces Saturn you will not be missed

Due To Spoilers (i Don't Sure But I Must)

due to spoilers (i don't sure but i must)

thanos meme

Warcury, I can't feel my legs-

Saturn.... You don't have 'em-

"It was in the contract?"



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6 months ago

Saturn's fuckinf DEAD

I wonder what the other gorosei think of the whole situation.. did they hear Saturn's screams and pleas? What do they think of Garling? Do they not care about Saturn's death? Were they unsettled, even worried or scared for him? Do they resent garling now that he's replaced someone who they've probably known for ages? Has this happened before? How many of them are replacements? Did they all start off as commoners, or is the 20 kings theory right? Did imu force the yokai forms upon them? Did they start as yokai? So many questions...

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6 months ago

Callie facts with questions I COMPLETELY MADE UP ❗️❗️❗️ guys I'm so good at this [no I'm not] [warning for uhhh. torture and uhhh descriptions of body horror and uhh idk just sadness :( ]

Why is she naked?

Her being naked is a mix of dehumanization and the issues her devil fruit gives her with texture. [And also because when i first designed her, the inspiration i used was the rake- the nakedness makes her look more uncanny, weird and frightening] Her skin has become extremely sensitive due to her cells constantly regenerating. She can feel her insides more than a normal person can due to this as well- she CAN wear most fabrics, but the irritation varies. Things like wool, cotton, sherpa and satin would make a rash that regenerates as soon as it forms so she refuses to wear it- other materials she can tolerate for a bit before having to have it taken off. The reason leather does not bother her is because it is made from animals flesh and skin- the hair is removed, there's no small strands rubbing against her skin like sandpaper [in her opinion]. Another thing is if she wanted to wear clothes, she could, but why would she? Again, it's a dehumanizing tactic the gorosei do- she hasn't worn clothes in ages anyway and every time she does it's negative. It also makes her feel lesser than others as clothes are a normal part of our everyday lives and a sign of respect. I mean, who would you rather befriend- a seemingly normal person or a maniac wearing nothing? Animals do not wear clothes, weapons don't either. It's cruel, but it's one of the many things that help maintain the order of the relationships she's allowed to have.

Also, it's used as a form of punishment due to the irritation it gives her. Since physical attacks don't work much anymore on her, the Gorosei have to use mental attacks. [Technically it's physical AND mental-] It might seem comical to anyone else, but imagine being forced to be wrapped in a material that constantly itches and burns your skin for an hour or two. It would suck, right? This all enhances that negative connotation.

[Another reason is because she just doesn't feel the need to- clothes restrict her movements anyways and always end up being torn apart. Her not wearing clothes is not supposed to be or represent anything sexual in any way, when I compare it to animals and weapons it is because she sees herself as lower than her peers around her until she is eventually helped in whichever story she's put in]

What's her relationship with the gorosei?

Not good 😓 They don't really like her all that much… though it's mostly bc they're repressing emotions around her

To further explain, the Gorosei are ALWAYS very reserved around anyone, very cold and detached. Callie never truly grew up from when she was 10, she acts like an insufferable child sometimes and the other times are always some form of a breakdown or coping mechanism. They never taught her anything of use aside from maybe a few fighting tactics. They actively push themselves away from her and treat her like shit unless they need to preserve some sort of trust in her. They manipulate her into thinking everything is okay by acting “nice” to her and treating her somewhat normally [although the dynamic is still there]. It's rare, but they do sometimes show some affection toward her [NOT in a weird way. like a father/daughter way at the most] but it doesn't last for long. This is enough to keep Callie wrapped around their finger- she can't remember ever having someone enjoy her presence or like her in any way, so these small moments of affection continue to keep her there. She thinks like a child, always thinking about the nice things they do while either ignoring or being unaware of the rest of what they do.

Here's a little list of short descriptions

Nusjuro: Neutral, just does what he has to. He would prefer not to get attached, so he thinks of her as an insect like anyone else. He rarely ever shows her any affection and was the one who taught her a few fighting styles so she wouldn't be too barbaric.

Peter: Also rather neutral, he doesn't really care what she does. He does show the most affection for her out of the five [which, is barely existent] but he's also easily annoyed by her and will randomly stop interacting with her or speaking to her [ignoring her existence] which makes her extremely upset and unstable.

Marcus: He was the one that found her, but he isn't attached. He brought her to the castle because she had extremely powerful and dangerous powers, not because he felt sorry for her. He just doesn't really care

Warcury: HATES how she acts, has attempted to teach her some level of manners at one point, which usually ended up with him yelling at her and throwing her into a cell for a few days. He only gives her head pats sometimes but that's the maximum, would rather just ignore her

Saturn: He likes her but not in a normal way, more so because she's a good test subject due to her constant regeneration and tolerance of pain. Very manipulative toward her because he thinks of every interaction as an experiment.

They would've probably gotten very attached to her if they were actually sane and normal, but alas, Imu exists 😔 They act like that as a instinctual thing to not let anyone get close to them as they know they would end up dead somehow, but that doesn't excuse the fact they are HORRIBLE to her

Whats with the veins, wide eyes and uncanny appearance?

Okay, imagine you decide one day that you need to look like an adult to try and fit in, to be normal and gain a semblance of respecf(?). So, you painfully morph your body into what you think an “adult” version of you is, and you hold that form for so long that you don't remember what you used to look like. Your bones aren't the right size, your skin is more translucent because it's stretched incredibly thin- your veins are visible at more areas on your body than usual. Your eyelids follow this, it's a bit hard and weird to close them all the way. Your eyes are bigger than they should be, since your blood flow in your skin has become even more thin, You're oddly pale. You look uncanny. As you actually grow normally [as callies growth factor hasn't stopped] of course your body tries to fill out itself, but you still look strange. This is what Callie did and why she looks like that. She won't ever look like a child again, but due to her basically “forcing” herself to grow she looks weird. This is also a small part of why her skin is extremely sensitive.

What happens when she experiences strong emotions/has a “feeding frenzy”?

Normally when she experiences a strong emotion, her eyes will dilate and she will act clumsy or bubbly, moving like a drunkard. This is also the start of some of her breakdowns, you just have to pay attention. Is she giggling or clinging to you? Is she hyperventilating, showing signs of stress? It's a bit hard to tell at times, but it just requires a skilled eye. Feeding frenzies are an entirely different thing though.

Callie can smell blood easily. The smell of blood or any wound/damage with a particular smell will make her hungry. Callie is already always starving 24/7, it's a unbearable aching feeling in her stomach [she wasn't always so hungry with her devil fruit, but after constant starvation it's gotten far worse], but her devil fruit craves human flesh to sustain it and her energy, so it multiplies tenfold smelling flesh. Her skin separating in a line down her body is actually more so a passive activation when someone has the fruit for abilities- its easier when your skin basically lifts itself off your muscles to tear and shapeshift, and it doesn't necessarily only happen when shes hungry, but more as a defensive mechanism. Once the adrenaline gets to rushing it happens, so fights, roller coasters, even having fun will do it. Most of the time for one of her stronger attacks she will split herself in two and a “hydra” will form out of her insides, but it's not often she actually does that. She is better at close range combat than far away or tank/crowd control.

What are her weaknesses?

Water and seastone are obvious ones. Burning takes longer to heal than cuts or blunt trauma due to it incinerating the skin. She could probably tank like 10 or so seconds of Kaido's dragon breath before getting weakened to the point it would take her a few minutes to regenerate, for example. Her fruit is VERY powerful, which is why the Gorosei seized the chance to take her in as soon as they were able to.

What does Callie feel about all of this?

Callie is a bundle of nerves and mixed emotions at this point, unstable and threatening to snap at any given moment. She's been through hell, she grew up in hell and will stay in hell for the foreseeable future [Aka I don't have an “ending” for her because I just rp different scenarios]. She's emotionally broken and easily swayed by simple affection and words of kindness, she doesn't have a real sense of self and thinks of everyone as above her. If she likes you, she follows your orders, but she has had “ the gorosei are the top priority “ drilled into her mind since she was young. She isn't THAT mean, she's nice if you simply give her time, but at the end of the day you never know when she's going to lash out or even kill you. Most keep their distance, and it just worsens her. To her, it feels as though she's alone and trapped, that the Gorosei are her “saviors” because they took her in. She doesn't have a frame of reference for normal, healthy relationships with parental figures, so she thinks everything is okay, also considering she's been locked in Pangea Castle most of her life. This made her build up a slight hatred for the outside world, given the only times she's really let out are either boring [in her opinion] or she's being forced to fight. She's paranoid, she's bipolar, she's hurt. It isn't really her fault but as she is now she has no qualms against killing and devouring people [she had to repress empathy at least SOMEWHAT to survive], her body and mind are constantly in overdrive, suspecting something, anything that could go wrong will- and she can't turn it off. With time away from everything, with people who care about her, she WILL get better, but as of now she doesn't even have a chance.

summary: trauma

None of this is supposed to be sexual in any way. The gorosei actively think of her as a childish “insect” lower than them like they do most people, and nothing like that will ever happen to her in any story I ever do with her because ts is NASTY!!!

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6 months ago



her eyes are so dilated because she's very very upset [probably because she's being ignored]

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6 months ago

sighh made a whole Callie document after I talked to myself for like an hour about random facts and questions I could think of... 😭

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6 months ago


My Entry For The One Piece Art Collab 2 This Year! Everyone's Favourite Member Of The Gorosei Ethanbaron

My entry for the One Piece Art Collab 2 this year! Everyone's favourite member of the gorosei Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro!

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6 months ago


drew Callie again my love

Drew Callie Again My Love
Drew Callie Again My Love

I wanted to add a little bit of flare to her design so I gave her prominent veins :3

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6 months ago

OUGH I LOVEEE HOW THEY SRAW THWIR FULL FORMS..... I love how Saturn ACFUALLY looks like a boar(?) [which was a bit jarring when I first saw him since he still kind of looked "human" in the manga] AND NUSJURO LOOKS SO MONSTEROUS... THIS IS SOGCOOL I also LOVE how they made nusjuros bones grey...

1: Saint Jay Garcia Saturn By POSTUR UDANG
1: Saint Jay Garcia Saturn By POSTUR UDANG

1: Saint Jay Garcia Saturn by POSTUR UDANG


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6 months ago

dude I love the bromine effect

Dude I Love The Bromine Effect

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6 months ago


Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

Artist: crain1art (Twitter/X ??)

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6 months ago

drew Callie again my love

Drew Callie Again My Love
Drew Callie Again My Love

I wanted to add a little bit of flare to her design so I gave her prominent veins :3

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7 months ago

I would start crying if I saw nusjuro but if he wasn't being mean I would give him a flower and run off or something because I don't think I would ever talk to him

Question: if your favorite One Piece character became real, and you found yourself interacting with him/her/them, how would you behave and/or what would you do?

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7 months ago

that one sphinx that lives in pangea castle ND is "married" to saint nusjuro or whateva

That One Sphinx That Lives In Pangea Castle ND Is "married" To Saint Nusjuro Or Whateva
That One Sphinx That Lives In Pangea Castle ND Is "married" To Saint Nusjuro Or Whateva
That One Sphinx That Lives In Pangea Castle ND Is "married" To Saint Nusjuro Or Whateva
That One Sphinx That Lives In Pangea Castle ND Is "married" To Saint Nusjuro Or Whateva

I love sercrit

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7 months ago



if we're going by length then Peter would probably be the biggest out of the hybrid forms, but by general size [the sizes in the drawing are NOT accurate] it'd be Saturn, Nusjuro, Peter, Warcury and then Marcus

Nusjuro has longer bottom canines and shorter top canines, but the rest of his teeth are more flat.

Saturn has longer bottom canines and his top canines are curved outward, the teeth beside them are a bit sharper but otherwise flat.

Marcus has short, razor sharp teeth for shredding, his canines are a little bit longer than the other teeth

Warcury has overall sharp teeth, his bottom canines are obviously huge but his top ones are also pretty long, the others are also pretty sharp

Peter's gums are black [I color them all black, but the others have either a light or dark red], his top canines are supposed to be longer and the rest of his teeth are also fairly sharp

I am so bored

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