Saint Marcus Mars - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

list of some gorosei hcs I have

- Peter has a near obsession with cute things, if Hello Kitty existed in One piece he would have bought out the whole chain. He also loves sweets, and he likes cats because he thinks they are cute.

- Warcury is allergic to cats

- Nusjuro is a alcoholic. He's also very traditional [Japanese style] and won't let anyone enter his room without taking off their shoes first. He likes to make food from hand. He also likes carrots and mints a lot, too.

- Marcus has anger issues. Based off another hc I have, strong emotions trigger their forms and, for example, Marcus will grow feathers and his hands/arms will become bird-like when angry. He likes to "nest" in high places when mad. He also "preens" himself by running his fingers through his beard constantly and making sure its perfect.

- Saturn likes to hunt his food down. He also likes to eat things alive. He's also very picky with his food and demands it to be prepared infront of him so he knows its "clean". He loves bread and meat, and likes bread bowls.

- Warcury really like vegetables. He's also really aggressive, more so than the others, in his hybrid form. He and Saturn also despise eachother and will tear eachother apart and regenerate over and over again on occasion.

- Peter is a bit socially awkward in casual settings. He doesn't talk frequently either. He doesn't know what to do with his arms because he's used to being a worm, so they're just at his side constantly.

- Nusjuro has the biggest hybrid form, second is Saturn. When in his full form, Nusjuro holds his sword in his mouth. Nusjuros full form is the 3rd tallest, second to Marcus (2nd) and Peter (1st).

- Marcus and Saturn are meanies. 😡

- Warcury considers himself the "leader" of the group. Saturn HATES this.

- Nusjuro is a workaholic and so is Peter

that all 4 now...

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10 months ago

how I think the gorosei sleep

Curled up into a ball wrapped completely in covers - Peter, Marcus

Laying flat on their back with a cover neatly draped over them - Nusjuro [when not hungover], Warcury

In a comfortable position that is reminiscent of contortionists with the cover wherever the hell else - Saturn, Nusjuro [when hungover]

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10 months ago

Oh my god I still can't get over the height difference

Oh My God I Still Can't Get Over The Height Difference
Oh My God I Still Can't Get Over The Height Difference

Headcanon but i think nusjuro is the shortest and shorter than warcury and Saturn by a half inch, Marcus is taller than Peter also by a half inch and nusjuro gets relentlessly teased about it, Warcury and Saturn are the same heights

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10 months ago


Peter: *turns around* Father, am I ugly?

Mars: *looks up from his paper work* Nonsense! I am looking at you right now, you are the most handsome lad in the world!


Peter: *looks down* Saturn, am I ugly?

Saturn: *looks up at him with dead look in his eyes* Very much.

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10 months ago

Ethan: *Holds financial statistics from the last year* Tch...

Mars: *Glances at him* What's the problem?

Ethan: Math problem

Mars: Oh, I can help you, let me see.

Ethan: *Hands him the papers*

Mars: Alright, here's an easy one. What's 6 x 3?

Ethan: ...

Mars: *glares at Ethan* What's 6 x 3?

Ethan: *mumbles* ...I don't know

Mars: What's 6 x 3?!

Ethan: I DON'T—

Mars: *shakes Ethan by the collar* 6 x 3!?

Ethan: I DON'T KNOW!?

Mars: Six threes!!


Mars: WHAT IS IT?!

Ethan: ...

Mars: ...

Ethan: ...

Mars: Goin' to get Saturn...

Ethan: *confused* Why?

Mars: SATURN!!

Saturn: *Gets inside the Room of Authority* What's the problem?

Mars: *Bents over and hands him Ethan's reports* This...

Saturn: *looks up at Ethan* What's 6 x 3?

Ethan: I don't know!

Saturn: *irritated spider noises* 6 x 3!!

Ethan: *shrugs* I DON'T KNOW!?

Saturn: *sighs* What's 6 + 6?

Ethan: *his face brightens up* Oh, 12!

Saturn: *yells in frustration* NOW ADD 6!!


Saturn: WHAT IS IT?!

Ethan: ...

Mars: ...

Saturn: ...Goin' to get Warcury.

Ethan: Why?

Saturn: WARCURY!!

Warcury: *kicks the door to the Room Authority, irritated* BOOM! WHAT?!

Saturn: *Hands him the financial reports* Reports.

Warcury: *groans in Russian* HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW SIMPLE MATH?! WHAT'S 6 x 3?!

Ethan: I DON'T KNOW!!

Warcury: *Sighs* Look, if Peter had 6 x 3 amount of dish soap, how much dish soap would he have?

Ethan: *covers his eyes with hands* HOW MUCH?!

Warcury: HOW MUCH?!

Ethan: ...

Mars: ...

Saturn: ...

Warcury: *Side glances at Peter with his dish soaps all around him* ... 1, 2, 3, 4—


Headcanon: Ethan is shitty at math and o' boy, the other four almost got heart attacks when they found out. How is he still Warrior God of Finances? You have to ask Mu!

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10 months ago


rubs hands together. do the gorosei have families in your lore? if so I'd like to see their parents [or hear about them], what did they look like in their youth? Do they have devil fruits or are they yokai? PLEASE 🙏


Rubs Hands Together. Do The Gorosei Have Families In Your Lore? If So I'd Like To See Their Parents [or

The Gorosei during the Void century, art by my co-lore creator @genri-o

Warcury-Born in the Year of Sun 595 AF

(48 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)

-Born as a middle-class noble, but family died in a tragic shipwreck when he was just a baby

-Was took into the Saint Vlad's Orphanage when he was just one year old by an unknown person

-After leaving the Orphanage at 16, he started studying law in the prestige Royal Law Academy that he has been saving for his whole life

-At twenty he graduated with honours and became a judge, aspiring himself to climb the hierarchy to get the highest position in Slaviugia Kingdom

-He became the Supreme Judge of Slaviugia at 35, recorded in the Year of Sun 630 AF, the second youngest person to get this job in history

-Was elected as the Chief of Royal Court in the Year of Sun 633 AF and became one of Tsar's advisor's year after

Ethan-Born in the Year of Sun 596 AF

(47 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)

-Born as an orphan in the land of Wano

-At 5, he was found starving in the streets by shogun Kozuki Saisho and his men, who then took him in as his son.

-For the next twelve years he was trained by the greatest blade master in that time, Lunarian named Andaiell Daerlion, with his younger brother Sutara (who he greatly envied due to the fact that he was Saisho's biological son, and therefore was shown more love then Ethan recieved)

-At age 18, he became one of the Moon Guards, elite group of twenty samurai directly operating under Shogun and protecting his and his family's life.

-Ethan had medicore education, despite being adopted into the royal family he never recieved any royal title nor any proper education as he should have (Wano still had strict rules when it came in their 4 Classes: 1. Royal family, 2. The Church of Moon, 3. Nobles, 4. Commoners) and so he is terrible at math and had to hone his reading skills by reading many books and poems. He was naturaly skilled in caligraphy though

-He adopted the name Ethanbaron after the creation of the WG, and he still mostly responds if people call him Nusjuro since he lived with that name most of his life

Saturn-Born in the Year of Sun 598 AF

(45 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)

-Born as the only child of royal Jay Garcia bloodline, son of king Methone and queen Anthea of the Greecion Kingdom

-Lost his mother at the early age of four as she died of miscarriage and then his father at the age of twelve after he died of an unknown illness

-Became the king month after, recorded in the Royal Cronicles: Year of Sun 610 AF

-He was spoiled a lot when he was a child, especially by his father who taught him a lot about politics. Most nobles and members of Grecion Royal Court tried to manipulate him and treated him like a snobby child, which of course he was, but he was much more dangerous and smarter then they thought and quickly got rid of oposition whilst he grew in power

-When he grew older, the passion he and his mother had for science grew larger and at the age of fourteen he atended the Academy of Sciences and graduated at the age of seventeen with honourifics

-In the Year of Sun 620 he was wedded to princess Tethys Saerlios, who was still eighteen at the time

-He was opposed to this at first, he had never met her after all, and had no idea what she was like

-The first time they met was in a lab Saturn thought belonged to one of the Royal physicians, but was surprised to find a young woman fixing a star-ship's motor. Not realizing it was Tethys , since she was dressed in an engineer's clothes stained with oil and lab glasses he came closer

-The first thing Tethys said to him and she was still with her back turned to him was: "Could you hand me that screwdriver over there?"

-Saturn was dead set on marrying that woman

-At the dinner table Saturn realized that the princess he was supposed to marry and that messy engineer from the lab before were the same person

-They married after a year, recorded in tue Royal Cronicles: Year of Sun 621 AF

-After 6 years, they had their first child and heir to the Greecion Kingdom, Jay Garcia Dione and 3 years later they had daughter, princess Jay Garcia Rhea

-Saturn and Tethys became one of the most influencial people of their time with their inventionsa and scientifical/engineering knowledge aslo the fourth wealthiest in the All Blue

Mars-Born in the Year of Sun 589

(54 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)

-Born as the third son of the royal Mars bloodline of Aurelion Kingdom, son of King Deimos III. and queen Aurelia

-His older brothers, Feobos and Sandos died in hunting "accident" in 598 AF and his mother, Aurelia commited suicide three months after

-Mars became king at the age of eighteen after his father, who grew mad with grief died in Trail of Sun by Mars' hand as he was unfit to rule and almost brough Aurelion to ruin, recorded in Sun's Cronicles of Aurelion; the Year of Sun 607 AF

-At the age of 35 he went to war with the ruler of Themisto Isles, the King of Storms, Shepherd Ju Krono, after the man invaded one of Mars' allied kingdoms for the goal of conquest

-The war was known as The Falcon War and took three years till Mars defeated Krono on battlefield, killing him with his own sword the Stormfeather. The end of the war was recorded to be established in 627 AF

-Since Krono died, Mars was debating on the peace treaty with Krono's only son and the Crown Prince, Shepherd Ju Peter who became the new king of Themisto islands at the young age of 13

-He took the boy as his son two years after, since it was discovered Mars was unable to have children so his bloodline would die there. (And he seemed rather fond of the sassy child)

Peter-Born on the Year of Sun 614 AF

(29 y.o. in 643 AF when it all begun)

-Born as a child out of wedlock of king Shepherd Ju Krono and unknown woman, theorised to have been a commoner

-Since Krono had no other child and never married due to his how shall I say... flirty personality, he had no other choice but to legitimize Peter and name him his heir and Crown Prince

-Whilst growing up, Peter was mostly looked down upon due to his "stained blood-status" and never had any great relationship with his father, but he still loved him nonetheless

-He became king after his father Krono died at the age of 47 by the hand of an enemy, king Marcus Mars

-He became fondof the man after meeting him, as he was the only person who took him seriously despite his young age an little of experience as a ruler

-They became rather close for the next two years and Peter was not really surprised when Mars offered an allience and then proposed the Rite of Two (a ritual with sake cups, bur much mire complicated then the one origanting from Wano)

-Despite The Falcon War and the tragic death of his biological father, Peter never felt any hate or negative emotion towards Mars, as he understood that it was Krono who was the agressor

-Peter even offered to adopt Mars' name, but the king refused.

They are not eaxctly devil fruit users, because they never eaten the fruits containing their yokai powers, rather they were given to it by Mu (details for later asks).

I will show you Jay Garcia family, also @genri-o 's artworks, later on in the ask (if you ask for them of course)

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10 months ago

on God i have like three or four variations of gorosei lore that I can think of and I just sift through them [though the first one is what i use the most and is my "main" lore, the others are speculative]. Like [these are VERY oversimplified]

one is where they were born yokai, took human disguises and wreaked havoc- once Imu came to be, mu convinced them them [beat their asses] and forced them into the human disguises for the majority of their life, mu taught them the rest of what they needed to know since they knew most of everything besides coincidentally, their job titles

the second one is they were actually people who were about to die, whether by killing themselves or of old age and Imu simply...took their bodies and corrupted their souls, and basically took control of them, they get remnants of their past in their memories but could care less

The third one is they were yokai summoned BY someone to defeat people raiding their village- they got access to stuff they shouldn't of and released evil [aka them], and then Imu stole them basically and took them in so mu could do their silly ahh plan

the fourth is that imu MADE them into what they are now, self explanatory but imu just went " haha funny yokai!! " and they got transformed lmaooo

none of these r that creative or expanded upon because I haven't settled on one yet, mostly due to lack of information of the Gorosei and Imu rn 😭 I am a die hard yokai gorosei fan though

The fifth is that after centuries of chaos and despair, they just got bored and wanted something new- so Imu allowed them to join mu and then BOOM WORLD GOVERMENT!!!!!!!!

The 6th is that Imu straight up created them. Like entirely, they are just imus creations in and out.

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10 months ago


Hello !! I was wondering what kind of relationship the gorosei have in your lore (good, bad, professional, friendly..)and does it change after they joined the WG ? Thank you so much in advance your work on their lore is amazing 🥰

Aaw, thank you so much! That really warmed my heart! 🥺💗

Pre-WG creation


Peter—His son and future heir to both Aurelion and Themisto Isles as Mars wrote it. Despite not sharing a drop of blood with him, he loves the boy as any father could love his son, you may even call him protective when it comes to Peter's safety and well being (so beware on which end of his sword you are standing at)

Saturn—A fellow monarch and respectable man, enough to get well with him. Thanks to his and Tethys' inventions and discoveries the world's technology grew rapidly fast, even in his kingdom. +He is a father of two kids, so Mars relates to most things that go in his head, especially when it conserns his younger daughter, Rhea.

Ethan—Respects his loyality and skill with sword which is very incredible, since Mars himself uses sword in battle.

Warcury—He views Warcury as a very just man, who seemingly despises nobility and monarchs in his kingdom, but can get along with others (as long as they are not pompous pricks that is)


Mars—His dad and role model. Unlike with Krono, his biological father, the relationship he has with Mars is much more warmer and they show affection to each other even in public, which is nice.

Saturn—Doesn't like very much, thinking he is neglecting Dione and Rhea in order to pursue his ambition of making a "better world"

Ethan—A very cool uncle-figure (Poor Ethan has no idea Mars views him as a competition. Marcus "No one takes my son away from me" Mars being protective 24/7) and good swordsman. Wants to get lessons from him by their fighting styles seem too different

+Ethan is not very good with kids

Warcury—Very stern and philosophical man. Peter views him wity respect and awe, because it seems that nothing can budge with this man once his judgement has been told.


Peter—Doesn't view him as a king, bur rather a child that still needs to be taught proper manners and ways in politics and ruling kingdoms. Won't stop his friendship with Dione though, because it is the happiest he has seen tue boy since Tethys died

Mars—Fellow monarch and father, so he understands most of Mars' worries when it comes to Peter. Doesn't like how he treats the young boy as a king of his own kingdom, however. He should be the one ruling Themisto Islands until Peter reaches his eighteenth nameday

Ethan—Although a memember of Shogun's family, he doesn't view him as royality due to his blood statusm Still a respectable swordsman and potential teacher for Dione and Rhea

Warcury—Won't believe that this man's pursue of justice is pure as everyone think so. Saturn believes that everyone can be corrupted, and there must be something Warcury would do to keep his mouth shut. After realizing his grave mistake, he came to a conclusion that no, Warcury wouldn't do that because that would taint his honour. (Saturn became rather fond of the Supreme Judge after that discovery)


Mars—Good king and father. Kinda envies the relationship he has with Peter, sibce he never got that amount of love from either of his parents

Peter—Unlike Saturn, he already views him as a righteous ruler of his kingdom and is quite proud of how capable the boy is as a king

Saturn—Thinks of him as a very similiar person to Shogun. A father that tries his best, but still puts the wellbeing of his country above his loved ones. Although for Saturn it is also the whole world.

Warcury—Respects him a lot, ewpcially his cold resolve and willingness to put kings and queens down onto their heels if he doesn't view them just enough


Mars—A capable ruler and very honourable in his opinion. Too protective of his adopted son however, and that protectivness hinders his oublic image

Peter—Like Saturn, he doesn't view Peter as a king due to his very young age and fiery personality.

+That boy could be taught some manners. His sass can get on his nerves sometimes

Ethan—Highly respects his loyality and sense of justice. Someone like him could be needed in the Royal Court of Slaviugia

Saturn—After tha accusation and questioning of his resolve, Warcury decided that Saturn is just as high-nosed as the Tsar and nobility in his kingdom and not even his inovations and discoveries will change his mind. Surprisingly enough, the man started apologizing with bouquets of black lilies, (Warcury's favourite flowers which only grew in western side of Slaviugia), expensive dinners and gods know what else (the fact that he started thinking of Saturn more then a simple acquaintance is another story)

Post-WG creation

Mars, Warcury and Ethan have purely professional relationahip, and more on the good side of it I suppose

Mars and Saturn have strong rivalry like Sanji and Zoro, but there is so much resentment between eachother and some sort of hate as well (Neither Mars or Peter ever forgave for what Saturn did to Dione and Rhea)

Saturn and Warcury have definitely, surely purely professional relationship (very married old men yaoi vibes)

Everyone and Peter have a "never wanted a child but a got a child anyway" relationship. Except Mars. He loves Peter and after 900 years his protectivness grew only stronger

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10 months ago



How would they react to eacjother 😈 like pre-wg saturn interacting with post-wg saturn....

It would be hilarious for the first two minutes but then it would be just purely pain and angst.

Saturn would be trying to find out from his older version where are Dione and Rhea, but the older Saturn would be very reluctant to answer because that's a touchy topic he still can't move on from

Small Peter gawking at how tall he gets to be, but also kinda sad, because he doesn't see Lili anywhere. He would have expected her to be alive as well, so where is she? Adult Peter can't say anything because it would hurt his younger self and he wants for him to live the last few years of happiness he has with his dad. Then it all turns into hell.

Younger Mars asking his older self if Peter is safe. Older Mars replying: "He is safe for now." Which wasn't very satisfying answer.

Both Ethans are just sparing in the backround for two totally normal reason.

1. Older Ethan hasn't had a good fight in four hundred his years, the last one being with Ryuma (and now his swordboyfriend is dead) and he really wanted a good challange

2. Younger Ethan wanted to know how strong his older self is and so he decided to go all out.

Both older and younger Warcury are just standing in the backround observing their respective four whilst while playing mind games on eachother (older Warcury has the upper hand)

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9 months ago

errrmm Peter ND marcus..again...

Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...
Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...
Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...

haven't drawn them in...awhile.... sosorry if they look strange

Peter's hybrid form is just worm self throwing him up idk.. he climbs out and uses the worm as his lower body

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9 months ago

errrmm Peter ND marcus..again...

Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...
Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...
Errrmm Peter ND Marcus..again...

haven't drawn them in...awhile.... sosorry if they look strange

Peter's hybrid form is just worm self throwing him up idk.. he climbs out and uses the worm as his lower body

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8 months ago

I have been imagining a dungeon meshi x one piece au where laios tries to eat the gorosei and the groups like " DUDE NO " but senshi caves and one of the gorosei wake up in their monster(?) Form and see senshi cutting off slabs of meat from them but they regenerate instantly and are too groggy to care and go back to sleep.

Senshi makes a broth with Nusjuros bones and gets some leftover slime noodles and eggs and takes some of warcurys flesh and makes Ramen. Marcus' flesh gets fried, Peter's scales are used to cook his flesh [like a pan, because they're so thick] Senshi experiments with Saturn's and Laios eats a raw slice and gets sick [Saturn's flesh makes you sick if it's raw, you have to cook the poison out] but otherwise it's delicious. Saturn's is more tender but Warcurys is more tough like WAY more tough but is a pot juicier, Peter's flesh tastes like a snakes and is a little bit slimy? The slime makes for great lotion, but Marcille REFUSES to eat it because " HES A WORMMMM. " Nusjuro's bone marrow is served separate but is also put into the Ramen. Saturns is seared like a steak and Peter's gets put on some rice. They're infinite food machines. God dammit I wish I could eat some I'm so hungry

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8 months ago



if we're going by length then Peter would probably be the biggest out of the hybrid forms, but by general size [the sizes in the drawing are NOT accurate] it'd be Saturn, Nusjuro, Peter, Warcury and then Marcus

Nusjuro has longer bottom canines and shorter top canines, but the rest of his teeth are more flat.

Saturn has longer bottom canines and his top canines are curved outward, the teeth beside them are a bit sharper but otherwise flat.

Marcus has short, razor sharp teeth for shredding, his canines are a little bit longer than the other teeth

Warcury has overall sharp teeth, his bottom canines are obviously huge but his top ones are also pretty long, the others are also pretty sharp

Peter's gums are black [I color them all black, but the others have either a light or dark red], his top canines are supposed to be longer and the rest of his teeth are also fairly sharp

I am so bored

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6 months ago

these stupid

These Stupid
These Stupid
These Stupid
These Stupid

BRLRLAARHCHHHFFFHFHH I know nusjuro looks like an alien I hate drawing on paper...

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5 months ago

goretober day 2: bloodspill

Gorosei member chosen: Marcus 😈

I lowk suck at drawing him ngl

Goretober Day 2: Bloodspill

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