Hey guy, I’m here too

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More Posts from Iamactuallyyellow

1 year ago

I love this so much more people need to see this

Mystic Sickness Part 1

This is based on @turtleblogatlast 's post about mystic sickness idea :D Hope you like it!!!

Word Count: 2178 ☆ Fandom: rottmnt ☆ Warnings: a brief mention of throwing up, nothing else i can think of ^^ ☆ AO3 Link: N/A

Mystic Sickness Part 1

 Raph has had his bad mornings. He had been sick from overworking too. With how he felt today, he could tell it was a mix of both.


 Except it turned out there was more than that. It must be, or else why would a clone of himself stare at him like that?


 Raph yelped as he fell from the bed. "What the-?!"


 His copy didn't seem to care. It lay on his bed, not even looking at Raph. The turtle blinked in confusion. That was definitely his own ninpo copy. Why was it here, and why was it moving like that? Raph tried to focus and control it, just like he always did, but he failed. The copy still lay on the bed.


 He stared at him. Raph was too tired for that, not to mention how early it was-




 Raph turned around. "Leo?"


 There was nobody else in his room though.


 "Is this some sort of joke?" Raph grunted. "If so, Raph's going back to bed and leavin' you to deal with today's plans alone. All day."




 He turned around again, looking everywhere searching for his brother. Again, nothing.


 "I am really not in the mood for pranks-"


 Suddenly Leo appeared in front of him, "RAPH HELP I-" and disappeared.


 Raph looked at the empty spot where a second ago his brother stood. First his own copy, now Leo. What was going on?




 Raph groaned, “WHAT IS IT DONNIE?”




 His copies? Raph glanced at his copy on his bed before leaving his room and heading to the living room. He had many ideas, most of them nonsense considering his tired and hazy mind. But nothing could’ve prepared him for this:


 Many copies of himself running around, accidentally breaking some stuff, some sitting in random places... Donnie was standing at the other entrance, looking tired and angry. Pissed off even.


 He noticed Raph looking. “Dear brother, may you explain what is going on during such an early hour that you have decided bring out a whole army of yous?”


 “It is not me...” Raph mumbled as he walked towards Donnie, not being able to look away from the chaos going on in the room.


 “They are your copies though. Can’t you control them?” Donnie pointed out. “Genuinely asking. I am too tired to be salty.”


 “I tried but it is not working.” Raph tried again, failing. Then gave his full attention to Donnie, “You are tired too?”


 “I suspect I have caught a cold.” He nodded.


 “Me too. I’ve been feeling down since I woke up.”


 “Groan. It better not be some sort of illness.” Donnie said.


 “As long as it is not rat flu, it will be okay.” Raph reassured.


 Donnie shuddered. “Rat flu. Let’s forget about the failure and move on to our current problem.”


 “Cold or them?” Raph asked.


 “...” Donnie stared at nothing before answering. A usual sign of Donnie being sick. “Yes.”


 “Okay, okay. Sickness. Leo has the most knowledge about this.” Raph said out loud. “I’ll go and ask him.”


 “Mhm.” Donnie had already begun walking towards the kitchen.


 Raph started walking towards Leo’s room, ignoring the messy hallway. Since when did they have all that stuff and who was responsible for this mess? Probably his clones... When he reached to the room, “Leo?” he called. He received no reply. Raph didn’t bother asking again. He walked in, not caring about Leo’s upcoming protests. Except there was none because Leo wasn’t in there. “What?..”


 Oh. Right, he had seen Leo for a second in his room for a second. He had appeared and disappeared as if teleporting. But Raph didn’t remember seeing his katanas. He glanced around and saw the swords near his bed on the ground. He was right.


 What did this mean?.. What was going on this morning?? Raph began getting annoyed with whatever was going on. Not to mention how anxious he started feeling not finding Leo in his room. Where was he?


 Maybe he was with Mikey. Maybe they were doing some stupid prank.


 Raph a bit faster from before left the room and began walking towards Mikey’s room. Normally Mikey would be up, making breakfast. But if he and Donnie were right, he should be in his room resting. As he stepped into Mikey’s room, he hopped to see him and Leo doing some sort of mischief.


 Instead, he found Mikey levitating, golden chains around him, asleep.


 “What the shell?!”


 Mikey yawned, blinking. “Mmmmmorning Raphie!” He smiled, being the morning person he was. “Is there any possibility you let me sleep a bit more?”


 “Mikey, you are flying.”




 “Look around, Mike.”


 Mikey did. In a second his expression shifted from confused to shocked to excited to panicked. “I AM FLYING!”








 “Boys, what is all this yelling for?..” Raph heard Splinter’s voice come from behind. Then he heard a gasp. “ORANGE WHY ARE YOU LEVIATING?”


 “I have no idea.” Mikey answered. He noticed the chains around him, “Oooh I also have no idea what these are but cool.”


 Raph took a deep breath. “Okay. Okay. First things first. Pops, have you seen Leo?”


 “Uh- no. No, I haven’t.” Splinter turned his attention to Raph, less surprised and more worried.


 “Mikey, did you see him?”




 So Leo was lost. Don’t panic Raph. He is probably somewhere around here, he thought. “I’ll text April.”


 “Red, is everythin—”


 Suddenly, just like how it happened in Raph’s room, Leo appeared in the room. He looked very puzzled, tired, annoyed, and a bit panicked. Before Raph could be sure, Leo disappeared again.


 His voice, however, was heard from another room. “COME ON!!”


 And then from another room, they heard him again. Raph couldn’t make up the words but he sounded irritated.


 “Was that Leo?” Mikey asked.


 “Yes.” Raph answered, still very confused.


 “Where did he go?”


 “I don’t know.”


 “Boys, what is going on?” Splinter sounded serious.


 Raph sadly didn’t have a proper answer. “That’s what I am trying to figure out.” He sighed. “Can you check Donnie? He is in the kitchen and said that he felt sick too.”


 “I will be waiting you two there.” Splinter nodded. “I’ll look around for Blue on the way.”



 Leo’s voice came from his room.


 “—HELP ME—”


 This time from somewhere closer.


 “I think I can handle him.” Raph said.


 Splinter smiled, “I’ll make you chicken soup.”


 “Thanks Dad.”


 As Splinter left, Raph reached for Mikey. Grabbing his blanket, he pulled him closer to him. Mikey watched him with sleepy eyes. “Raphie, can we sleep more?”


 “No, Big Man. We need to help Leo first, and then we need to eat something.” Raph said softly, walking out of the room meanwhile. Mikey huffed but didn’t protest. Raph decided to find Leo following his voice: “Leo? Where are you?”


 “RAPH! Bathroom—” Suddenly his voice was cut. Then continued from somewhere else, “Never mind. I-” Another pause. The Leo calmly yelled, “I’ll go insane.”


 “What’s happening?” Raph shouted.


 “I keep teleported-” “-without wanting-” “-to every second.”


 “That sounds bad.”


 “You don’t say-” “DONNIE IS THA-” “THAT WAS MY MUG!!”


 At least Leo didn't teleport out of the lair.


 "I think we should call Draxum." Mikey hummed, somehow unbothered.


 "Wha- why?" Splinter's reaction hadn't changed even after everything. 


 "He knows about mystic stuff." Mikey said lazily. It reminded Raph of how he was when he had eaten one of the poisoned pizza puffs.


 "You think this is because of a mystic problem?" Raph asked.


 "I know it is because of a mystic problem." Mikey confirmed. 




 "Can't you feel it? Hm?"


 Raph wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel. Donnie leaned towards them, goggles on his eyes. "He is right. There is something wrong with our mystic energies." 


 "I'm calling Draxum." Raph announced. 


 "Already on it." Donnie interrupted. He, from out of nowhere, had found his phone and was calling the yokai. 


 "Please tell me you're solving this." Leo appeared next to Raph, not looking good.


 "We're calling Draxum." Mikey smiled.


 "Oh good, because I- hrk-" 


 Luckily before he could throw up, he disappeared. 


 "We need you here. No, we didn't put the world in danger. We aren't dying either. No, we aren't calling you so you can cook us your new abomination. Abomination as a strange creature made of food, i.e. Sloppy Joseph. No, I'm not talking about your food. Yes. There's a problem with our ninpo. Okay, goodbye." Donnie put the phone on the table. "He'll be here soon." 


 "Good… Donnie, what's that?" Raph pointed at the tech that wasn't on the table a second ago. 


 "Ah. A piece for my new project. Why?"


 "When did you bring it here?"


 "...I didn't."


 "What do you mean I didn't?" 


 Donnie raised a brow. "I didn't bring it here. I was thinking about it and it appeared." 




 Donnie shrugged.


 "Since when do things appear when you think of them, Dee?" Raph questioned.


 "That's a talent of mine, dear Raphael. My ninpo is very unique in comparison to yours–" Donnie began explaining.


 "Since when do they appear without you controlling them?" Raph corrected his own question.


 "Ah. Yes, that would be… since last night." 


 "And you didn't think of telling us?" Raph was losing his patience, to be honest.


 "I didn't think it would be a problem." Donnie admitted.


 Raph wanted to break the table. "You thought it wouldn't be a problem." He repeated. "And what if you accidentally create something deadly?" 


 "Come on Raph, he creates something deadly all the time." Mikey chimed in. "Like pipe bombs." 


 "Mikey, don't!" But Raph was too late. A pipe bomb was formed next to Donnie's mug. 


 "None of us is dumb enough to use a pipe bomb, we will be fine." Donnie stated. Then took a sip from his tea. 


 Raph wasn't sure about that. He trusted his brothers, but he also knew how much of a trouble they could be. 


 Leo appeared among them again. "Dee, I'd suggest you not enter your lab." He said tiredly. 


 "Nardo, what did you do to my lab?" Donnie looked at him with a mixture of horror and anger.


"Adiós." He made a peace sign and disappeared again.


 Donnie immediately opened his phone to check the cameras inside his laboratory. Raph could see the fury in his eyes. Maybe Leo was lucky to be teleported every second, now that he got on Donnie's hit list. 


 Splinter put bowls of chicken soup in front of them, "You boys look terrible."


 "Thanks." Raph sighed.


 "You'll feel much better after my delicious soup." He said. "Now, only if Blue could join us…"


 The soup was warm and smelled delicious. Raph couldn't wait to taste it. He would already, if he hadn't noticed his copy coming in. Ninpo Raph walked towards them, stood by them, then took the pipe bomb and ran.


 "What the-?! HEY STOP!" Raph got up and ran after him, leaving Mikey to float again.


 He chased his clone back to the living room, but it was hard to catch yourself. Especially in a room full of yourself. He stopped, trying to find which one was the right clone. When he did, he was leaving towards the bathroom. Raph didn't waste time following him. Before he reached him though, someone made his copy trip and fell. 


 "This yours, Boss Man?" Leo asked.


 "Yep." And with a punch, poof the copy disappeared. "Thanks."


 "Save me some soup." Leo said before getting teleported again. 


 "I will." Raph sighed, taking the pipe bomb from the ground. He could hide it in his room for now. Then go back and drink some soup so he can focus on the situation better when Draxum arrives. Perfect plan.


 He quickly walked to his room, found a nice place to hide it, and proceeded to grab his mask and stuff. Then he remembered the transceivers Donnie had put on their gear. They could use this to communicate with Leo! If only Leo can stand in a place for a moment. Raph still thought it was worth a try, so he went to Leo’s room to get his stuff as well before returning to the kitchen.


 Donnie had dozed off on the table with a few weapons and tech things that Raph didn’t know their names around him. Mikey was still floating, also sleeping. He seemed to be fine though. Splinter was enjoying his own bowl of soup. Raph sat down and finally tasted the soup. It was delicious, as always, even though it wasn’t warm anymore.


 “Did you boys mess up with somebody evil again?” Splinter asked Raph.


 “No, we were training and patroling the past few days.” He answered. “That’s what I don’t understand too.”




 “Don’t worry, Pops. I am sure it is something Draxum can explain. Then we can fix it all at once and then rest.”

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1 year ago
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.
It's Hard Being A Ghost. It's Hard And No One Understands.

It's hard being a ghost. It's hard and no one understands.

(I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by @dandylovesturtles really has no mercy for Leo, he can't even chill on his own bed after having his soul ripped out of his body, this is the worst thing that happened to him, ever 😔)

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1 year ago

another really fantastic detail from the s2 finale regarding Leo's powers... I've always loved the hell out of what they did cinematically with it, it looks and feels incredible and kicks total ass. initially I was under the impression that he was replacing his portals with his swords; that he was "traveling through" them per-say. but here --

Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell
Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell
Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell

...we can actually see Leo materializing SEPARATELY from his sword! you can see in the following frame he actually dissipates again and his sword continues flying along the same path untouched, inertia unaffected.

Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell

...and then he materializes again to properly align with it and catch it!

Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell
Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell
Another Really Fantastic Detail From The S2 Finale Regarding Leo's Powers... I've Always Loved The Hell

he's entirely not in contact with it but is implied to have already crossed spacetime. which means Leo can just... Do That. he's rapidly bending space to transmit his goddamn subatomic particles to a new location. the purpose of the swords isn't to do the portaling; it's to work as a landing pad. it's a vector point by which he re-solidifies the mass he's transporting. a familiar homing beacon he can align himself with on the fly.

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1 year ago

There are so many fun Disaster Twins parallels I caught the last time I binged Rise

I’m mainly going to start with lines before I get into some deeper stuff in part two, but as far as I’ve seen this pair seems to have the most parallels and I love it

Both the sillies have a line about sounding naturally sarcastic: “And I know everything I say sounds sarcastic, but I’m being completely genuine… This time.”

“Oh sure, let me just load my Tap Into Every Security Camera in New York app! I’m sorry if that sounded like sarcasm it wasn’t I am in.”

They both land on Warren in his first episode 😂

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

These sillies in Bug Busters:

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

Also LOOK at these guys in their matching cutesy pajamas

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

Donnie teasing his brothers and hitting them with the tennis balls all smug in Smart Lair feels very Leo of him

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

Leo being the naysayer of the group in The Gumbus and constantly insisting there has to be some kind of logical/scientific explanation is very Donnie of him

“There has to be a simple answer. Earthquake, magnets, giant prankster mice. There’s no such thing as ghosts!” “A model train. Simple answer.” “Aha! Right? The simple answer!”

Donnie has a funny line about Dragons (and their teeth) not existing, both these moments being ironic since discovering yokai, the Hidden City and the whole mystics world makes dragons and ghosts not just possible, but proven real

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

Their iconic weird showing-off-clothes poses in Purple Jacket and Late Fee

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

These lines:

“Can’t we get new brothers?!”

“We have to go back for our brothers! Or are you gonna replace them, too?!”


There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

They are also the only two characters with lines mentioning they think Splinter would’ve been cooler specifically as a tiger 😂 While I love the Eric Bauza/Tigerclaw references to ‘12, otherwise the comments are rather random other than saying tigers are cooler than rats. It made me realize how much they really do think alike. “You’re just a rat, we need a tiger.” “Yeah sure you’re a rat and it probably would’ve been cooler if you were like a tiger or something.”

More similar lines when they both break the fourth wall: “One season later and I still have fully battery!” “If this isn’t the poster shot, someone’s getting fired.”

Leo’s chosen last words: “With my last breath I told you sooooo!”

Donnie’s chosen last words: “At least I shall perish knowing I was the better brother.” (a lie)

I believe they’re also the only ones to call Splinter Papa whereas Raph and Mikey use ‘Pops’ more

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

And last but not least, their shared aversion to Staten Island

There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise
There Are So Many Fun Disaster Twins Parallels I Caught The Last Time I Binged Rise

Bottom line, the rottmnt writers practically made their twinship canon without realizing it sooo it’s pretty much undeniable now 😊

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