iamchll - 静かな

やあ!| teen | infp | aquarius

138 posts


h e a d e d  f o r  a  h e a r t b r e a k


gn!reader x vinsmoke sanji (op)

tw: angst

word count: 0.9k

a/n: I have returned with a peace offering — pure angst. Takes place during the start of Whole Cake Island arc. Enjoy. <3

Read part 2: here

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The letter you had read was nothing compared to the scene unfolding before your very two eyes. You staggered backwards, feeling your body becoming numb and your mind going blank. You almost couldn’t recognise the blonde, who was kicking down your Captain without a moment’s hesitation despite your best friend’s desperate pleas for him to stop.

“Sanji,” you spoke, but your shaky voice trailed off.

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More Posts from Iamchll

1 year ago

best dad ever!

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having An Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu,
Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having An Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu,
Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having An Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu,

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having an Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu, Draken and Hanma WC: 2000+TW: Kids, Pure Fluff (makes you feel all giggly) A/N: I felt fluffy literally it started with an idea with Ran and then each one popped into my mind one after another. My ovaries enjoy this cuteness overload. part 2

૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having An Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu,


His 4 year old who was overly shy when meeting anyone even with him at times. She had a hard time asking her father something she would often be stuttering or second guessing herself. She was sitting on  the couch from a distance and she could see the cookie jar  on the kitchen counter. She would look at the cookie jar then back at her program she was watching. Ran looked at his little one and he thought she must have saw something but the more he paid attention he saw where her eyes were looking. He could see her fiddling with her fingers unsure if she should ask for a cookie. Ran knew it was hard as she tried to come out of her shell. He has been trying to help her break this small habit although he thought it was super cute. Getting up from the couch he walked to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar. Bringing it back to the couch  “These cookies sure do look good huh princess?” opening the jar holding a yummy cookie in his hand. She looked at her dad then at the cookie giving a bashful nod. “Would you like a cookie princess?” 

“Y..yes please.” she was cupping her own cheeks as she asked. Ran giving her the cookie he could see the cute little smile on her face. “Th-ank you daddy.”

“You can always ask me to get you something. You don't ever need to think I wouldn't be able to be princess” Ran smiled seeing her taking a bite of the cookie. 


Holding his small child in his arms, he had forgotten something in his office and he needed to grab it. His daughter hardly came into his work but this time it was just in and out situation, he didn’t want her to be exposed to anything if something was going on. But since mommy was busy today papa Rin was on daddy duty.. “Papa needs to just grab something really quick okay?” 

“Kay” she softly whispered. Her eyes wandered around looking at the lobby. She noticed someone approaching and she buried her face into her dad’s shoulder. Rin rubbing his daughters head she saw the assistant approach “what is it?” he asked “Sir we need you to sign these.” They spoke with a clipboard and pen. Letting out an annoyed sigh grabbing the pen, he scribbled his signature on the front page. They noticed  the little ones eyes peeking at them then buried her face once. “ Aww she is cute, is she shy?” 

“No, your face just scared her so she is hiding it.” he spoke in a monotone voice, handing them the pen and walking to his office. The assistant's mouth dropped as he passed them. Getting into his office his daughter picked up her head. “You okay sweetheart?” brushing the strands of hair out of her face seeing her cute little chubby cheeks. She briefly looked into her fathers eyes then looking down, she nodded. Kissing her chubby cheek he picked up the item he needed “let's get going.”


When he would be back in town his daughter was thrilled to see him. Taking her out to have a good time was a little bit hard because of the paparazzi. Going to dinner was at times challenging. Anytime going out to eat, cameras flashed and at times she didn’t want to eat. Getting the car parked he could already see some paparazzi outside the restaurant. His daughter looked out the window to see the many people with cameras, knowing they wanted to see her father. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable because he knows what it's like,  still at times he would still be awkward around women (unless it's his wife and Yuzuha). “Do you want to go honey?” Hakkai asked her. “You know we don’t have to.” “It’s- it’s okay daddy I can go in.” she gave a weary smile. She wanted to show her father she was gonna put on her bravo face to do this for him. 

He leaned over the driver seat and patted her head who was in the back booster  seat “why don’t we come back when mommy and Aunt Yuzuha  are not working. We can order pizza tonight.”  He admired how she tried to do this for him but he would have to agree he would rather eat in his own home in peace and his daughter enjoying her food.

“Really?” her head perked up. 

“Yeah let’s get going.” He started the car up and began to head home. Looking through the rear view mirror he could see the relax expression of his daughter as they both were driving farther and farther away from the restaurant. 

Hanma “Do you want to play with the other kids?” he asked as he crouched down at eye level to his daughter. She shook her head. “Why?” “Cause ..” she was playing with the hem of her shirt. 

“Cause is not a good reason, my little doll.” Hanma said. This was completely different to him, he swore he was going to get served karma for being a bad ass kid. But it was the opposite: his daughter was quiet and overly shy. He kinda wanted her to get into trouble or just live as a kid, make mistakes, yell and scream from the top of her lungs. But then again if he had a kid that was as bad as him he would be pulling his hair out.  “Look there are some kids around your age, go introduce yourself.” he pointed at a group of kids running around.

“But but.” she quietly said.

“No buts just try.” 

“What if they don’t like me?”  She looked at the ground.

“Then daddy will scare the shit out of those little shits  if they are mean to you…. But if they aren’t you will have fun like the kid you are.” his hand on her back giving her a nudge towards the group of kids. Hanma stood as his daughter began walking towards the group of kids. Now he was waiting to see if he was going to chill out and relax or scare the shit out of some kids.


He was going to have an opening at a new restaurant in the morning. He was finishing the final preparations and his daughter was sitting next to him the entire time. He was thankful she was well behaved but noticed her shy behavior took control of her majority of the time. His daughter hardly came with him to openings for his new restaurants; she didn’t like large crowds. Over the years Taiju grew more patience and didn’t have  a lot of outbursts like he did in his teens. The one time it happened in front of his daughter, she didn’t go anywhere near him for a while. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable when he was around.  When he knew a lot of the stuff was ready for tomorrow he would always let her explore the new restaurant freely when there were no people there. She walked around the tables and she was barely able to see the top of the tables. 

“What do you think toots?” he asked, following her around.

“It’s pwetty.” sheepishly speaking  she noticed the large tank and all the different fishes and sea creatures in it. She stood in front of the tank amazed at the large fish in front of her. Picking her up “what is the big one called?” She was still learning about sea creatures. 

Blinking a few times she tried to remember the name of the large fish “shawk.”  she questionably responded with her cheeks slightly red. 

“Shark.” he pronounced slowly.

“Shhhawwwk,” she tried to pronounce it.

“At a girl.” kissing her temple. “What about the small orange one?” he pointed.

“Nemo!” she startled herself then covered her mouth.

Her little fingers still on her mouth looking up at her dad. “It is Nemo.” He honestly forgot that species'  of fish name.


He loved taking his daughter out with him whether it was on a trip, shopping, or going out for a while.  He  wanted a new wardrobe for his daughter for the trip they were planning this weekend. Holding her hand as they entered the boutique shop, she could see the pretty dresses on the racks. No matter the price on the item he would get it for her. “Do you see anything you like?” he asked.

Bringing her finger to her lips she looked around until she saw a pretty yellow dress. She looked at her father, her hand pointed to the yellow dress. She didn’t walk until her father did. At times he wanted to be a little more excited and say something. She appreciated every single thing her daddy bought for her. Koko did his own research on how to make her open up a bit more. He was a confident man and he wanted to show his daughter she could do it too. Plucking the dress from the rack so she could take it to the dressing room. “Remember sweetie, ask them  you want to try it on.” 

She nodded and he followed close behind. She made her way to the fitting room “excuse me… may I try this on?” Her cheeks were flushed looking at the sales lady.” 

The lady nodded and escorted them to the fitting room. He was proud she managed to ask herself this time. Making baby step was positive progress in his eyes. 

 He waited outside the door where she was at when she had the dress on. “ you look so beautiful..” he crouched down, taking both of his daughter's hands. “ I’m very proud you were able to ask to try on the dress. I knew you could do it. That’s my girl.” Koko praised the progress she did, he literally bought everything in the store. 


It’s not that his daughter didn’t like anyone she loved them all but when giving her compliments on how cute she is or adorable the daughter of Draken was. She got super shy. Some of the Toman members thought it was cute how Draken was  her protector. “ awww she ran to her daddy” Mikey teased the small copy and paste of Draken just as a little girl.

His daughter burying her face into his shirt “knock it off with the  teasing her you know we are trying to break the shyness .” Draken said he rubbed her back and glared at Mikey.

“Okay okay we will stop.” Mikey gave a grin. He gave his niece a hard time all her uncles did.

 As they continued the conversation, she removed her face from her father's shirt. She has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. She would have had  her face still covered but now she was feeling more comfortable when the groups weren’t too large. Slowly Draken would have her join in the conversation he knew she would be able to talk about. The whole conversation was about the fair coming up. “Tell them which ride you are excited to go on.” “The ferris wheel.” speaking in a soft voice. “It’s so big and you can see everything when your on top.” 

“Literally the cutest response  I’ve ever heard.”  Kazutora spoke. They all saw her cheeks burning. Draken glaring at his direction. 

“Her protector is ready to attack.” Mikey smirked. 


“That’s my baby right there!” Sanzu shouts as his daughter walks onto the stage for her dance recital.. He did blame himself for how shy she was because he really never wanted his own child to be exposed to anything he was doing, as she was getting older he could see how it was affecting her.  Putting her in a big activity was hard in the beginning; she held onto Sanzus hand the entire time. Sanzu had worked with her for many days on her routine. Even ways of trying to help overcome shyness.  The more she went to the classes the more she began to enjoy it. Hearing her father yell for her as she was on the stage. She has her pretty pink tutu on with a little tiara on. As the music began she was trying not to look at the crowded audience, when she did try and look at her dad she missed a few steps. 

Even though she was missing a few steps, a lot of other little girls were missing steps. The parents giggling through the audience. As they did their final poses the crowd cheered for them. When the recital was done he found his daughter and he had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. When his daughter saw he she immediately ran to his clinging onto her fathers leg. “You did amazing out there baby!” kneeling down as he handed her the flowers. Her little cheeks burning seeing the pretty flower. “But I messed up.” She had a small frown. She tried her hardest and wanted to show her dad she could do it. 

“Shit happens and you did great. You were the best out there.” Cupping her cheeks. “The more you practice the more you will get it down”  he brought a small smile on his his precious child’s face. 

Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having An Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu,

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1 year ago

What Kind Of Ex...

Silly headcanons on what kind of ex One Piece chars would be...

What Kind Of Ex...

"Um, you didn't dump me, I dumped you."

Izou, Buggy, Boa, Sabo, Kid, Law, Perona, Doffy, Crocodile, Nami, Uta

"I can change!"

Ace, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Brook, Usopp, Sanji, Barto


Buggy, Kid, Perona, Doffy, Uta


Rayleigh, Shanks, Law, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile , Jinbei, Nami, Zoro, Iceberg

Calls at 3am crying.

Ace, Thatch, Vivi, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Barto

Sends dick pick

Ace, Roger, Shanks, Penguin, Shachi, Kid, Doffy, Sanji

Doesn't even realize you dumped them.

Marco, Rayleigh, Law, Mihawk, Crocodile, Luffy, Zoro, Iceberg

Still tries to booty call you still.

Ace. Thatch, Roger, Shanks, Boa, Penguin, Shachi, Kid, Doffy, Nami, Sanji

More then likely dumped you first.

Izou, Rayleigh, Boa, Law, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile, Doffy, Nami, Zoro, Robin

Leaves flaming dog shit on your porch.

Buggy, Sabo, Kid, Doffy

Makes you think you should check your cars breaks.

Sabo, Kid, Doffy, Nami, Uta

Convinces you to give it another go - It goes worse.

Roger, Buggy, Shanks, Sabo, Kid, Doffy, Uta

Convinces you to give it another go - goes the same

Ace, Thatch, Rayleigh, Boa, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Crocodile, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Barto

Convinces you to give it another go - Actually works this time.

Marco, Vivi, Corazon, Killer, Brook, Usopp, Franky, Robin, Iceberg

Signs you up to spam emails.

Marco, Izou, Buggy, Boa, Law, Nami, Iceberg

Still uses your NETFLIX/Prime etc.

Ace, Marco, Roger, Shanks, Sabo, Shachi, Kid, Perona, Nami, Zoro, Iceberg

Prank calls.

Ace, Sabo, Shachi, Uta

When they bump into you in pubic they pretend their new partner is the best.

Roger, Buggy, Shachi, Kid, Perona, Doffy, Usopp, Nami, Sanji

When they bump into you in pubic they literally barrel roll to get out your line of sight.

Izou, Boa, Sabo, Penguin, Law, Crocodile, Barto

When they bump into you in pubic they tell you "Oh wow you look great! single?"

Ace, Thatch, Shanks, Shachi, Kid, Sanji

When they bump into you in pubic they act like a normal fucking person.

Marco, Rayleigh, Corazon, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Luffy, Brook, Jinbei, Franky, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg

When they bump into you in pubic they just cry.

Ace, Vivi, Perona, Usopp, Sanji

Will block you from everything when you break up.

Izou, Buggy, Boa, Sabo, Law, Perona, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile, Nami, Uta

Will stay friends, their chill.

Marco, Rayleigh, Killer, Luffy, Brook, Jinbei, Franky, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg

The breakup is DRAMATIC AS FUCK.

Izou, Buggy, Boa, Kid, Perona, Doffy,Nami, Sanji, Uta

The breakup is mutual and fine.

Marco, Rayleigh, Shanks, Killer, Smoker, Mihawk, Crocodile , Brook, Jinbei, Zoro, Robin, Iceberg

The breakup was a lot of snotty noses and tears.

Ace, Thatch, Roger, Buggy, Vivi, Corazon, Penguin, Shachi, Perona, Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Barto

1 year ago


i t’ s  y o u


f!reader x monkey d. luffy (op)

tw: a little angst?

word count: 1.5k

a/n: I love this precious bouncy boi so much, so here’s a fluff fic.

buy me a ko-fi?


Your Captain had been acting strangely for a while now, you’ve noticed. He was usually yelling or laughing, making his presence known on the Going Merry. He would even talk in his sleep, sometimes getting a response or two from Sanji and Usopp shushing him. You had never seen Luffy so quiet and distant, almost as if he was avoiding you. Every time you tried to approach him, he would quickly walk away as if he didn’t see you coming. Either that or he would approach another crewmate and disturb them, ruining their peace.

You were perplexed. You had joined the Straw Hats the same time Robin did. The only difference was that you were invited, and she was not. Yet, Luffy never acted around Robin how he did with you. You tried to convince yourself that maybe you didn’t know Luffy as well as the others did. After all, you had only been with the crew for two weeks, and you hadn’t gotten that many opportunities to spend time with your Captain. That being said, there was no denying that you had a slight crush on him. Luffy was so confident and charismatic, and you’ve always admired his selfless personality. You wanted to go on more adventures with Luffy and would do anything to help him reach his dream of becoming the Pirate King.

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1 year ago



1 year ago

i will suck his dick until its limp

i will ride his face until we both are crying

i will ride him until we both pass out, wake him up and then fuck him again

i will make him be too confused between begging me to stop and crying for me to keep going

I Will Suck His Dick Until Its Limp
I Will Suck His Dick Until Its Limp