iamchll - 静かな

やあ!| teen | infp | aquarius

138 posts

Op Men When You're Pregnant


Op men when you're pregnant 🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant

Pairings: Op men x f! Reader

Characters: Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, Luffy

Tw: none it's fluffy/ mention of boobs getting bigger

Notes: A lot of pregnant reader being fussed over and protected, if you're looking for an op reader this might not be the fic for you sorry; you're not necessarily married to them in these, except for Sanji; I've already got thoughts for a part two; as always, this is proofread but there may still be mistakes🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant


We all already know that Sanji's pregnant wife isn't lifting a finger. Your feet wouldn't touch the ground either if it wasn't for the exercises chopper makes you do so your labor will be easier . If you thought he pampered you before, you won't believe how he waits on you when you're having a baby.

"Hey chopper! What's this I hear about y/n having to workout!? My lovely wife is carrying our baby! Just her sitting there looking round and adorable should already be enough!"

Has a huge problem when he finds out about the exercises Chopper prescribed you until he saw just how cute you looked trying to do them. Throws a fit and gushes about how adorable you are until eventually you get frustrated with him( and trying to balance on an exercise ball) and tell him to go away.( He's also not a great influence either cuz he's quick to tell you it's fine to stop when you get frustrated, only for you both to be lectured by Chopper).

Now, Sanji might fuss with Chopper over your little cardio regimens but he takes your diet and the food Chopper recommends very seriously, and it's obvious to everyone on the crew. From how long it takes for it to be time to eat because he's taking extra time to add extra care to your dishes, to the way NO ONE is eating until you get your plate. Not that your crew has any problem with you eating first anyway( even Luffy) but your husband can get carried away and lose track of time. They eventually come up with a plan that always gets Sanji moving. Wait until you get hungry,watch as you stomp into the kitchen, and get ready to eat.

Since we're on food, it's a given that there's no craving that you can conjure up that Sanji won't make into a gourmet dish for you( unless it's something inedible like laundry detergent unfortunately). Sanji is pretty strict with your diet though, and although you don't whine much cuz anything he makes tastes amazing, there are times when you can't help but ask for something deep fried or drowned in ice cream and caramel.

Besides that though,Sanji pretty much gives you whatever you want.You are always right during your pregnancy, no matter how irrational or illogical you're being, and that's because you are getting absolutely no logic from your man. It can be asking him to get you golden cheese from the moon as a craving or telling him that the jar you can't open is plotting against you. To Sanji you can do no wrong while you're carrying you twos baby(not that you can ever do wrong in his eyes anyway)

I feel like this is a given of course but Sanji is super overprotective of you while you're pregnant,even more than usual. Always keeping an eye on you and checking on you, or asking another crewmate to look over you if he can't. It's even worse for him during a fight. Is it safer to keep you close to him the entire time or should he leave you somewhere "safe"? Is that somewhere safe, safe enough? What if someone targets you once he leaves? There's not a peaceful moment for Sanji as long as there's a threat anywhere within a hundred miles of you and because of this Sanji frets over you relentlessly during a fight. Everyone knows it would be different if you were in your original state and could defend yourself like always, but because you aren't, you don't complain when Sanji frets over you 24/7. Simply because you know that no one would hurt more than Sanji if any harm should come to you or the baby when he wasn't around to protect you.

On a fluffier note! Sanji sings to you and the baby

Late at night, when most of the crew have turned in for bed and you two(three) are the only ones left in the kitchen. He'll make you your favorite snack ,prop your feet up, and sing to you while he finishes cleaning up the kitchen. You usually drift off to sleep, and Sanji, always carries you back to your bedroom.



Usopp likes to dress you up, specifically in…

Overalls. He wants to see your pregnant belly in overalls.

There is nothing cuter to him. Of Course he wouldn't actually ask you to put on the jean ones, but the huge, fabric overalls that come in a variety of colors?? Yes please. Maybe it's because he enjoys wearing overalls himself but there's something about the pockets and the look itself that gives him serotonin. He likes to see you in any of the clothes he either bought or made with you in mind really. His feelings do get hurt sometimes though because as much as you appreciate him and as lovely and comfortable as the clothes are, sometimes the most comfortable outfit to you is a baggy shirt and a pair of his boxers. He'll pout but low-key, he thinks you look good in that too.

He talks to your belly all the time. He finds it fun, especially when he feels a kick. He likes to pretend that the baby is reacting to his story, even if he knows they might just be stretching or something. Besides, we all know that Usopp never misses a chance to tell an impressionable mind an outlandish story about his past. So who better to tell his tales to than his unborn baby? Get this though, despite the amazing adventures he's been on and how incredible his skills actually are now, he tells made up stories anyway. The stories are more precious to him this way, almost like a gift for his unborn child. A story no one else has heard(Besides you anyway lol).

Usopp is building baby stuff the moment Chopper tells you both you're pregnant, like for real sketching up designs that same night. He's discussing room floor plans with Franky, he's picking out fabrics for toys and paint for walls, and asking you if the baby should have a crib or a bassinet. It's low-key a stress reliever for him. There are plenty of times when you'll wake up in the middle of the night, to use the restroom or get some water, and you'll notice the light on in his workshop. Usopp Is always super careful not to wake you up whenever he does this, so you usually never notice, but whenever he can't sleep he goes to his workshop. So ever since you two have been expecting, whenever he can't seem to get some rest,he crafts things for the baby. You usually choose to sleep on the bed in there with him when you find him like this,even if he encourages you to sleep where it's more comfortable( you always wake up in his arms in your guy's bed anyway though)

Usopp would never let anything hurt you while you're vulnerable like this, and there's no fight he'll lose if you're behind him. Unlike Sanji, Usopp has no problem deciding if he'll stay behind with you and watch over you that way, or entrust you to another crewmate and do his job somewhere else. He'd much rather you stay on the Sunny rather than venturing onto the island where the danger is, and as much as he trusts his crew with your safety, he'd just be thinking about you the entire time if he left you. If push comes to shove and his role is crucial, he'll leave you with chopper or Nami or even on your own, and trust that you'll keep yourself hidden. It's not going to stop him from panicking the entire time though.

He makes it very obvious just how excited he is to welcome your new child into the world. If it wasn't evident with how much he was preparing for the arrival, how much he talks about it definitely gives it away. He's always talking about the kinds of things he'll teach them,the plants he'll show them( He's already started propagating some cuttings from his favorites), and just how incredible it is that you can carry an entire tiny person inside you like this, a part of both of you.

"It's just so fascinating that you can carry human life like this!" Usopp happily tells you one day as you sit with him while he tends to his plants outside.

"You're really incredible honey, you know that!?" He says before turning to you with a precious smile, one that makes you glad to be sharing parenthood with him.



Will wake up and get things for you in the middle of the night no matter how late it is. Food, water, another pillow, another blanket, it doesn't matter. It takes a little effort to wake him up but he always will.

" Zoro?....... Zoro! Baby!" You whisper as you shake him

" Hunh!? Hm?" Zoro'll sputter and sit up on his elbows.

You'd think because of Zoro's sharp instincts, he'd wake up as soon as you need him right? And he would. If you were in any danger. Someone attacking the ship? He's up in a heartbeat. A particularly intense storm? He's up before you are. You about to pee the bed? He's awake and running you to the bathroom, but unless it's something of that nature, Zoro sleeps like a rock. He just has a sort of sensor in his sleep that differentiates emergencies from minor things, and if it's a minor thing your gonna have to darn near slap his a** to get him to wake up.

Zoro may seem like he doesn't fuss over you but he does, a lot. Someone on the outside looking in might think that Zoro doesn't pay much attention to you, judging by the relaxed way he's resting on deck, but really all his attention is tuned towards you. It's always been, but since Chopper found out that you were pregnant( you two didn't even realize for a few weeks), he's been extra attentive. Noticing changes in your tone when speaking, even if it's just playful banter between you and one of the crew, or changes in your mood at all. Always giving you looks that silently ask if you're tired or if you're ready to leave. It's as if he always knows exactly what you need, almost before you do. All it takes is a single glance and he understands what you're trying to tell him. Not even just when you're uncomfortable or tired, even if you're hot or hungry. Zoro will suddenly be over with an umbrella or loudly asking sanji when it's time to eat( which always ends in a fight because Sanji was already on top of it). It might just be his observation haki but sometimes it feels like something more special than that.

Zoro doesn't talk to your belly much. He'll tell you it feels awkward and he never knows what he's supposed to say but won't admit that it's actually because the first time you guys tried it, his deep voice startled your baby( you both literally saw the jump) and he's been secretly sulking ever since. It's also a little weird for him to talk to the baby because well, you're sitting there. You always reassure him that you're not listening but he knows you are, and that if he says anything that you deem cute, you'll never drop it. So yeah, he doesn't talk to your belly much. During the day anyway. What no one knows is that Zoro talks to your belly all the time after you fall asleep. Complaints about his crewmates, how luffy almost got them all killed today,how pretty he thought you looked today, and how much he looks forward to their arrival.

It didn't really compute to him that you guys are really going to have a tiny version of yourselves until your stomach starts to show. He doesn't notice it right away but one day you lifted your shirt after your short workout session( you decided to do it in the crow's nest with Zoro) and he saw just how tight and dome shaped your stomach looked. He only realized then, that a person was really growing in there. After that, he was pretty intrigued by how he could look away and next thing he knew, your stomach was that much bigger( that and *ahem* other things). He never told you of course but you eventually found out because Zoro kept making sure he was present whenever you changed clothes. That and he's always stroking your belly whenever you both are just chilling, nowadays he doesn't even realize he's doing it until he feels the kicks against his palm.

If you ever start to feel insecure about not being able to fight with your crew( once you get too big to move swiftly) Zoro is quick to reassure that it's alright to sit back and let him and the crew handle everything for now.

" No one here doubts just how capable you are, but that's not important now. There's someone in this crew that needs you more." Zoro tells you in a stern voice as he stands in front of you.

" So let me handle this alright?" He'll also say softly.



Luffy talks and interacts with your belly as if your baby is already here. There's times when you actually kind of feel like a third wheel between your captain and your unborn child, and with the enthusiastic kicks and nudges you feel in response, you're justified in thinking your baby feels the same way as their dad. Besides the quick kiss he gives your before their conversation and the kiss he gives you after, there's no other indication that he acknowledges you're there( except when he mentions you).

He likes to do things like carry you around on his shoulder and describe the view to your baby when you all are about to dock on a new island because they can't see it. He also checks on you when everyone is hanging out on deck, stopping to press kisses on your cheek and tummy, or ask how you're doing and if the baby is kicking a lot( he finds it fascinating) and at night he likes to talk about his day to the two of you while laying a little of his weight on you.

Luffy had to learn to be more gentle with you now. No more flinging back to the ship with you, no more accidentally crashing into you, no more dragging you onto crazy islands he's intrigued by. He realized this for the first time when he went for a hug and your belly pressed into his and forced him to pause. It didn't take Nami to slap him in the head or Sanji to kick him. He just realized that it's not just you two anymore,there's three of you now and the smallest one depends solely on the both of you. After that he began to be more gentle with you and think just a little more about his actions.

Luffy hates it when you start to get upset, and no,not because he thinks it's annoying. He just hates for you to want for anything, especially food. You'll never get hungry as long as you have luffy around because he's always checking if you are. At first you thought it was an excuse to get more food out of Sanji, but when Luffy passed his plate to you and made sure you ate first during dinner for the first time, you knew he genuinely cared.He always encourages you to eat as much as you want too, his words always being

" It's OK! You're eating for two now!"

Of course you can't actually eat as much as Luffy thinks you should( his standards are insane) but you appreciate just how much he wants you to be happy and well-fed.

As much as Luffy likes to see you eating, he actually takes the diet Chopper gave you pretty seriously. What you thought would be late nights of sneaking into the kitchen at night ( after bribing him with promises of letting him have some) were actually nights full of cuddles and sleepy scolding about how ' Chopper said you can't have that'. You figured it'd be pretty easy to convince luffy to help you cheat on your diet but he's pretty diligent, not wavering no matter how complain or hang on to him and instead giving you a teasing laugh and kiss. Now of course, Luffy can't actually stop you from getting a treat and he wouldn't try, if you were dead set on it, but there's something about Luffy being responsible for your sake that makes you want to be responsible too. That and the proud hugs and kisses he gives you when you resist the temptation of a sweet treat.( Luffy definitely asks Sanji to make something special but that's good for you too,though)

When it comes to your safety, unlike the other boys on this list, Luffy has absolutely no problem leaving you with the others because he knows all of them would protect their pregnant crewmate with their lives. He doesn't even mind leaving you on your own. Luffy just kind of knows when he should and shouldn't leave you alone, and if he has a feeling you'll be safe from harm, he'll leave you with a light heart. He doesn't even ask you to keep yourself safe, instead he holds you close, presses his forehead to yours, and promises that he'll stay safe, and that he'll be back for the both of you soon.

Op Men When You're Pregnant

A/n: I finally finished this one, it took me way longer than I planned, but when you're a master procrastinator it gets a little difficult to write everyday. I've already thought about some head cannons for Kidd with pregnant reader, so there'll definitely be a part 2 to this. Yaaaay, I finally posted one piece content again. Thanks for reading🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant
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More Posts from Iamchll

1 year ago


Young Love ; Part 3


𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘/𝐍 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬--𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐭? 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦.

( Ran x Y/N — ethnic reader if you squint)

⚠️Mentions of: Teen pregnancy, cursing, mental breakdowns,

Previous Part ; Part 2


" Welcome."

Mr. Nagaki—the manager and club owner said with a small smile we he greeted the 8 men. The club was not open today. Strictly closed for a reason that was unknown to the public who showed later at night, but known to staff and excused as a " professional meeting". Though, one staff member—Y/N L/N— a bartender—knew it was for something deeper than a meeting. Mr. Nagaki was finally meeting these men for himself, and he was indeed ready to pass down the long running club to Bonten.

" Right this way." He said with a nod as he let them come through.

" The place is clean." A shorter male with white hair said as he glanced around. " We didn't tell you we were coming today."

Mr. Nagaki cleared his throat at their words as he locked the door. Feeling all their watchful eyes of the most dangerous men in Japan. The most wanted. He didn't know how to respond, or what to say to these men. In his own empty club, he felt like he was walking on eggshells.

And he indeed was.

" That's a good thing though," a man with a large scar on his face said. " Means you've been keeping this place clean, and regularly too."

The man had his eyes pinned on him as he blew out the smoke in his mouth.

Mr. Nagaki nodded. " I prefer it clean. It gets cleaned everyday."

He wasn't here to sell it to these men, they were going to buy the club off of him either which way. So he kept his responses short. Though, it didn't chase away the churn he felt in his stomach as the man blew the smoke out in his face.

" That's good then," Kokonoi Hajime spoke. The man who he was on the phone with.

" We won't have to spend too much money on visuals."

" Don't be ridiculous Koko," The shorter man spoke again. " This place needs a lot of work."

Mr. Nagaki nodded his head, " Why don't we take a seat. Right this way please."

He felt tense, from his shoulders to his wiggling toes in his dress shoes. He hasn't felt like this—like prey—since his childhood.

The Bonten executives were led to a VIP section in the club. One section out of the small 3 there was. The 3 sections were spacious and big, but it wasn't enough.

In front of each VIP, there was a small stage for dancers and special shows. Mr. Nagaki saw how the short man nodded his head to Kokonoi, and Kokonoi began to type something out.

" There's only 3 VIP sections?" Ran Haitani asked Mr. Nagaki.

" Yes." He confirmed with a subtle nod. " That's why people tend to book them months ahead."

Seeing the men that stood around the place, taking in their surroundings and sharing whispers amongst each other—Mr. Nagaki stood to the side.

" Kakucho get out the papers." The shorter man finally spoke to the man with midnight blue hair.

Mr. Nagaki watched the bubblegum haired man immediately pulled out a stool from the side, setting it out for their boss. With that, almost like it was a signal—every man began to pile into the seats of the vip section.

The so called " Kakucho" sitting at the end.

Mr. Nagaki stood still, standing in front front of all the men. Like he was a teacher teaching a class—that's how he felt with all the eyes on him. The only thing heard was papers being quietly shuffled around.

" Kakucho." The boss called again.

" Yes Boss." The man finally settled on one page. He pushed back his shoulders as he stared straight through Mr. Nagaki.

" You are aware of why we are here, correct?"

" Yes I am." Mr. Nagaki nodded.

" — Good. And you are aware that we are here as 8, so if our identity, names, or faces are to be exposed you will be held accountable and face impeccable consequences? You understand that Mr. Nagaki?"

The club was silent, and the man's worlds hung in the air dangerously. With a gulp and sharp inhale, Mr. Nagaki nodded. " I am aware."

Kakucho gave him a nod. " You are aware that this meeting and arrangement is to remain illegal and unknown to the government? Whatever is shared here must remain private information no matter the circumstances."

Mr. Nagaki gave Kakucho a nod, shifting under his stare. " Yes. I am aware."

" Well then," Kakucho said with a look to his boss. " We can begin now."

Mr. Nagaki inhaled a deep breath as the Bonten executives all shifted in their seats to prepare for this meeting. He could feel his hands become clammy and he felt some of his fingers go a little numb. With his eyes pinned on the boss of Bonten, he waited for the first question to come.

" How long have you been running this club?" The boss asked with a raised brow.

" Uh—I've been running this club for almost 12 years now. But this clubs been around for almost 15 years." Mr. Nagaki swiftly answered.

" Right." The man with the cigarette started.

" So that means that you have a copy of every worker here?"

Bonten already knew the answer to that.

" Yes. Yes I do."

Good response—Mikey thought with a subtle nod to his number 2.

But Takeomi wasn't done with his questions.

" Does that also include the much older workers who been here for a lengthy amount of time?"

Mr. Nagaki stuttered his response mentally. He wasn't sure if Bonten already knew the names of his workers—and he didn't want to expose them. " Yes it does. My oldest worker is 29–a male."

" That's enough questions on the staff," Kokonoi interfered. " My concern is the money you make from the club every month. Or the club makes. Do you have a estimate?"

Mr. Nagaki nodded. " I would say roughly around 25 million yen. But that's before the money is divided and split amongst the staff."

Kokonoi seemed very content with that number.

" I would say that's because this place is cheap. Cheaper then most clubs." The man with the purple mullet spoke blandly.

What Mr. Nagaki assumed was his brother—grinned in response. " That has to be the reason this place is open everyday."

Mr. Nagaki nodded his head quickly.

" That's correct. We're all open as a bar during the day. Which is a separate shift on itself. Which is why when you renovate this place, I suggest you keep the club open everyday of the week."

The men shared stares amongst each other, and Mr. Nagaki did not understand the communication going on.

Has he said something wrong?

Realizing that, he quickly picked up. " We have more than enough workers for those hours anyways."

" I think you're confused." The pinked haired man finally spoke. He grinned at him. " We haven't told you yet did we?"

Mr. Nagaki could only raise a brow in questioning. " I'm afraid I don't understand."

The boss tilted his head lazily. " Kakucho."

" You're gonna construct this place under your name with our money." Kakucho said with firm eyes.

" And I'm sure this won't hurt too much," The purple haired man started with a lazy grin.

" But pay your workers on leave will you?"

Mr. Nagaki stared at the men, absolutely bewildered. " What? I thought you guys were taking it from here...."

" Don't worry about that." The boss brushed off as he shrugged.

" Exactly Nagaki-San," Kokonoi started with a small grin. " With how fast construction is here, it will be done in two weeks max. Plus, we already have the layout for the club design made, we'll just have to add our own personal touch ups when we take a final tour."

Mr. Nagaki did not know what to say in response. He had no interest or intention to do Bonten's dirty work under his name.

But could he say no to these men? Absolutely not.

" And to be clear on that last part—the cost of each executives personal request shouldn't be too costly." Kokonoi added with a look to his colleagues.

Mr. Nagaki felt his heart begin to speed up as the boss fixed a look on him. " Do you understand?"

I don't want to! He wanted to say. I don't want to do that! I refuse to do it! But he'll be killed if he doesn't.

" I do. I understand." He nodded with a gulp.

" Can you repeat what you understand?" Kakucho asked.

Mr. Nagaki sighed. " I will be using my legal name to build and reconstruct this club for Bonten—without telling the government or a single soul. I will be the owner of this club for the time period of the reconstructing, I will pay my workers on the two week leave, and when the construction is done—this club will be under Bonten's name. I agree and understand all the terms."

The room was silent for a moment. So quiet it was, Mr. Nagaki was sure he could hear the functioning in the walls of the club. Or the doings of the public outside the walls.

" Good." Sano Manjiro said. " Very good."

Kokonoi was the first to rise to his feet.

" Well then, let's take a final look around."

Mr. Nagaki did not miss the look Ran Haitani gave him.


Everybody was doing something.

Whether it was walking around the club and observing, sitting and chatting, or speaking to Kokonoi about their personal views on what should be changed. Mr. Nagaki settled on staying behind the counter as a bartender, his mind running fast as he laid out his future in front of him. He couldn't stand being in the presence of these men any longer. He could not grasp that he had to do their work if he wanted to live. He had plans to leave days after this meeting. To quit and live his life somewhere else that was rather quiet. Maybe out of Tokyo.

His plans were ruined.

He felt out of place in his own club. Even as he arranged alcohol bottles by name—a job he's never done before, but was doing to occupy himself.

Everything was weird.

" Where's the locker room?" Mr. Nagaki flinched at the sound of a familiar voice.

Gently setting the foreign wine down, Mr. Nagaki turned to look at Ran Haitani.

He didn't know the name of the man who stood in front of him. He did know that he spoke earlier, and was probably brothers with the other man he sat beside.

" The locker room?" He asked with a raised brow.

The man nodded his head, his eyes piercing into his own. " Yes. Where is it?"

It was not a question.

Mr. Nagaki stammered for a response. " For the staff? It's down the hall but..."

" But what."

He did not want to say it. " It's for staff only...."

" Take me there will you?"

What was he supposed to say now?

With the way the man stared at him, his violet eyes looking him up and down expectantly. His eyes were practically questioning why he wasn't moving yet, and Mr. Nagaki could only nod.

" Yes. Right this way." He was not supposed to be doing this. For multiple reasons.

The Locker rooms were mostly used by the dancers, but still— the bartenders and servers  also had their own lockers. There was room for each staff member. Yet, there was nothing really special in the lockers. Especially on a day like this when the club is closed.

The only lockers that should have items are the dancers.

So what was this man interested in? 

Ran wasn't sure why he felt the need to do what he was doing. But as he walked in the club that was about to be under his name too—beside a man who obviously was scared of him—nothing was really alright in his head.

He felt tense, the gun in his waistband tucked securely these days. He had been a little bit more distant with his brother lately when Rindou once again mentioned his ex girlfriend to him. The evening of that day when Ran saw Y/N's picture from only 2 years back.

Rindou had not told him anymore information about Y/N after that evening. Ran told him to stop mentioning her, and he did.

Ran was left to only see his little brothers conflicted faces from afar.

Rindou did have to ask about Y/N's life to Kokonoi, since it was apart of his job that day. Though, his younger brother never told him anything. Ran wasn't sure if Rindou figured anything out— he would tell him. But it was Ran who told him to not mention the said girl to him again.

Ran found it weird that she was alive. Not that he wanted her to be dead, but he blocked her out in his life like she was.

For years he has acted like she didn't exist. Acted like she was not an important factor in his life at one point. 

She didn't have the baby, is what he told himself when he found himself gazing at the ultrasound picture for too long.

Even so with those odd words of comfort, Ran found himself doing something as absurd as this.

" Where is the locker of someone named Y/N L/N?" Ran demanded.

Mr. Nagaki turned around immediately at the question. " Pardon me?"

Ran narrowed his eyes at the man, tired of repeating himself at this point. " There's someone named Y/N here, right? She's a bartender."

Ran could see the blatant refusal in the man's eyes as he straightened his posture. But with the way his eyes were pinned on him, he knew he wouldn't refuse.

" It's...." The man started hesitantly. " It's the locker number—27."

Ran nodded, " Open it."

Mr. Nagaki sighed, almost disappointedly.

" Sir....you know this is confidential right?"

Ran narrowed his eyes. " Open it." 

That was all it took for the man to stroll over to the locker with a hunch in his step. Ran watched from the door as he pulled out a keychain with a good number of keys on it. He settled on one key, before crouching down to locker number 27.

It wasn't only Mr. Nagaki who's heart was beating fast.

" That's it sir..." Mr. Nagaki said as he took a step back from the locker. " It's empty. She's a bartender only sir—"

" Get out please." Ran quietly mumbled. " Go. I don't want to repeat myself. Wait outside."

Mr. Nagaki opened his mouth to protest, but said nothing as he compiled. Walking past Ran with his gaze down in what seemed to be guilt and confusion.

Ran stared at the opened locker, his heart beating in his stomach and legs. He felt nervous, and the air in the room became too humid and dense for him to breath right.

Finally, Ran pulled out two things. One was a an thick envelope, and the other was a folded piece of paper from his breast pocket.

With a quiet sigh, Ran drew out a breath of air as he placed the folded paper into the envelope.

Eying the big bills of money in the bag and the paper amongst it. His hold on the bag tightened before he finally shook his head. Setting the bag into the locker and shutting it quickly.

Ran stepped away from locker 27 quickly, not sparing it another glance.

" If that's not her locker you're done for." He told Mr. Nagaki as he walked past him.

The man stared at the locker silently as he approached it with the key. He did not dare open it.

He would not dare see what the Bonten executive placed in there.


" What happened?"

You questioned Mr. Nagaki as you held his shoulders. The day after the meeting with Bonten was like a normal work day for all the workers. Everyone believed  in that in the steady excuse that your manager had told them. With the excuse that a business meeting happened, it was not too much of a shock to everyone that the club was being renovated for two weeks. Two weeks the workers will be off, while getting pay. Obviously, not a normal income since no tips were included. That was for bartenders and servers though. The dancers made their money in various ways.

" I can see the look in your eyes. The look you have." You said as you stared into your managers eyes. " A two week leave with pay? For construction? What happened?"

You maintained eye contact even as he let out a sigh, tugging you gently into his office with the black door.

" Their buying it." He admitted with dull eyes.

" Their reconstructing on my name for the next two weeks. Illegally of course, so don't tell a soul."

You nodded your head frantically, seeing the twinge of fear in your managers eyes as he said the last part. " So you're here...for the next two weeks? Then this...this is all Bonten's property?"

" Quiet down!" He whispered sneered. " This is not a matter than can dare be overheard or spread."

You nodded, gulping as you let go of your managers shoulders.

" But yes. I will be here for the next two weeks only. Then they take it." His face changed immediately, and his eyes connected with your own.

" What?" You asked gently with furrowed brows. " Why are you looking at me like that?"

Your manager shook his head subtly, " One of them asked of you."

Suddenly, the words were knocked out of your mouth. Your brain becoming jello immediately.

" What?"

Your manager only continued, " They put something in your locker. They demanded me so I couldn't say no. I don't know what it was. I promise."

You stared at your manager with a twinge or betrayal in your eyes, but the confusion you felt overpowered the feeble emotion by plenty.

You could see shame, fear, and confusion in his own eyes as he looked around the room. He was obviously shook about something deeper than a deal.

" My locker?" You asked in a whisper. " I don't use my locker—barely. I'm a bartender. All I do is drop my phone and purse in there..."

" That's what I thought too, but the man didn't seem to care." Your manager said as he nodded down at you. " Y/N....do you perhaps know someone in Bonten?"

The question was absurd, and he could see your bewilderedness all over your face. 

You stared at him like he had two heads, or maybe even more.

" I'm sorry I don't even know why I—"

" Of course not," You sneered. " I only know a few people in Japan to this day. I don't have time to get involved with that type of stuff."

You took immediate defence, and you had every right to.

" I know and I shouldn't have asked." Your manger started with a rub to his forehead.

" You work here everyday, just not mostly Saturday and Sunday especially. Of course you don't know Bonten's executives."

He laughed as he said the last part of the sentence, but your face and body were still in shock from the information he gave you.

What did a man from Bonten—and executive, want from your locker?

" What did he put in my locker?" You demanded, seizing your managers shoulders.

" I didn't see it." Your manager began to your dismay. " He forbid me to see it, sent me to wait outside. He was serious. He said if it wasn't your locker there would be trouble."

Your eyes widened even more at your managers words. Curiosity was killing you, and maybe it was for the best.

" I'm going to go see it."


" Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?"

Star asked you as you entered the locker room. This was the last day of work before every staff member would get to leave for the two week pay for reconstruction. Overall, most workers were joyful—naturally pleased with the day and their filled pockets. So of course when you walked into the locker room with your face pale of its complexion, your eyes wide like you have indeed seen a ghost, and a rushed step in your walk—you raised eyebrows.

Star raised her eyebrows.

You didn't bother sparing the dancer an answer, knowing that your boss was trailing not so far behind you.

He had yet to enter the room yet, but when he does, you were sure he would be chasing out her presence.

" Excuse me?" She dragged out expectantly.

You could feel her gaze on you as you stood in front of locker 27.

" Girl don't ignore me. Why are you just standing there—"

" Star please exit the room for a moment."

That was the voice you were waiting for.

Star's gaze immediately went over to your manager who stood at the entrance with the keys in his hand. " Wait what? Why?"

" Just go Star. It's mandatory that me and N/N (nickname) check the lockers."

Good excuse. You thought as your leg bounced with anticipation.

If Star doesn't leave, you'll just tell her yourself.

" Weird...." She mumbled as she pulled out her makeup bag. " I'm going."

Star exited the room as she said she would, and your manager waited 5 seconds till her footsteps disbanded. When he was sure that she was gone, that's when he began to lock the entrance door.

" Hurry," you encouraged him as he wiggled the door handle repeatedly.

27. You barely ever used the locker for crying out loud. You put your keys, bag, and phone in here when you didn't have pockets on you during shifts—but that was it.

Out of everything, your Black Range Rover would logically be the only important thing a criminal would want.

But even so, a executive in Bonten?

With all the illegal sources and incomes they participate in—there was just no way Bonten was lacking in the money department.

" Just making sure it's locked," you manager sighed as he sped walked to your locker.

You watched as he crouched down to open the locker door with the key.

The moment it was open, was the moment your hand was in.

" What is it?" He asked.

There was not enough space nor light for you to see into the dark abyss of the locker, and you solely relied on your hands to pull everything.

" What's in there?" Your manager asked again, this time more eagerly.

" I'm getting it out!" You snapped as you gripped on the item. " I think it's a envelope...."

Once you knew that there was nothing in the locker that your hand had found pointy or dangerous, and the only thing that was inside was the thick paper—you pulled out your hand.

It was an envelope indeed.

Immediately you turned your body to angle the envelope to your manager. Allowing him to see what you were seeing as you rotated the bigger sized envelope. As far as you were concerned, the envelope was completely blank. It was big though, and awfully thick too.

" There's no name on it..." It was more of a statement from your manager than a question.

" It doesn't look like it to be honest." You answered as you checked the envelope one last time. " I'm gonna open it."

Back up if you wish—is also what you were warning.

Your hands shook as you fumbled to open the envelope. Pushing away the weird thoughts in your mind that it was going to explode, or that you were going to see black mail worth things of yourself.

But this envelope was placed by a Bonten executive—nothing you were thinking was absurd or overboard.

" Oh my," you mumbled as you stared at the tied up 10,000 yen bills.

Your manager practically gasped at the stacks of thick identical looking paper using the same papers bill. It was money, a bunch of money.

" Are you doing business with a Bonten Executive?" Your manager sneered in a whisper.

" Of course not!" You defended. " I've never made a business deal in my life."

Your heart was pounding at the bloody money. The beat was so loud in your ears, you did not listen to the words your manager was saying. 

The only thing that caught your eyes was the folded paper amongst the bills. By now, the man had drifted from your side to throw his hands up, curse, and mumble to himself like he was facing the greatest punishment on the planet.

The paper was folded tightly, and honestly—it looks like it hadn't been unfolded in a while.

It was a small square paper that you quietly pulled out of the bag.

You were expecting a death threat as you unfolded the work of someone's tight folds. Your nimble fingers shook, and you were expecting a paper cut with every passing second.

Your heart was in your stomach when the paper reached it's last fold—half the paper. You could see the outline of the content, but the water in your own eyes prevented seeing further.

Your legs shook when you unfolded the last fold, and if not for your brain still managing to work—you were sure you would've collapsed to the floor.

You clamped a hand over your mouth at the pictures on the paper. Complete shock filling your being as one name rang through your mind so painfully

Inside the envelope, was the picture of an ultrasound.


The following day you were home. 

You were being paid for being at home. A weekday where you were not working felt weird. You made a special bento for Haruki, knowing that you had no work to be present at the whole day. For the next two weeks in fact. You made him pancakes for breakfast. Fresh pancakes too—not toasted eggos. Seeing the early morning smile on his face as you drove him to school was amazing. The music was playing loudly in your car, and the weather was beautiful. You were in no rush, for the day was all to yourself like the days to come. You would tell Haruki this news when he gets back from school. He would be surprised to see you not getting the house cleaned and ready for your night departure. 

Being home alone in the house was not exactly  fun though.

It was not equivalent to having the house to yourself In your teenage years. You missed your source of entertainment and happiness, Haruki.

You had cleaned everything in sight, and you could swear the house was sparkling under the daylight.

The smell of bleach was so strong, and it was covered by the artificial house smell you had sprayed over. The chairs were pressed, pillows were fluffed, carpets vacuumed, apartment dusted.

All that was left was dinner, which you would do after you picked Haruki up from school.

—But you were dying to get that chore done early too. 

Your mind wandered to the envelope that held roughly around 1.8 million yen ( 17 thousand Canadian). You couldn't sleep last night, as a certain name from almost 9 years ago kept you up.

It was bloody money, money you knew you could use to you and Haruki's benefit— but you were too afraid to touch it.

Somewhere inside you, you knew it was the money that set your amazing mood.

It was the way you knew you could add that  money for Haruki to go to school in the future. Fulfill and succeed in any program he wants. He would not have to worry about being in debt, or buying books, transportation, housing, or anything with that money. 

That plus what he already has, and he could even go abroad if he wished.

You would never have to pull money for that reason again. You would save 10,635 yen ( 100 dollars) every week. That money was going  to change your life no matter how you used it.

The envelope had no name, and it didn't need to have one.

With the folded paper that was inside of it, the paper he took that day—it already said enough about who the money was from.

But why?

Why after all these years would Ran finally show himself? And like this? By giving you money, flaunting that he was a rich criminal who could dash out 1.8 million in the blink of an eye.

Was that his way of apologizing to you? Because you had no interest in rekindling your relationship with him anymore.

But you would take the money.

~ knock knock~

You practically jumped at the sound. Your eyes darting over to your apartment door with a frazzled look.

You certainly were not expecting any visitors or guest today, and you had internally planned to be with Haruki the whole day. Perhaps it was Chifuyu? But the man always told you when he was coming and even when he was on his way.

You approached the door with steady feet, settling to look into the peep hole that was equal height with you.

If not for the matured face, you would've not recognized the man standing at your door.

" Rindou," you gasped in shock.

You were not thinking straight when you immediately opened the door.

" Rindou...." You called again as you stared at him.

He was much taller than you now. His hair was purple too, in the style of a mullet. His chubby cheeks that he once had were now mostly cheekbones, and he was built with a firmer build now.

When his eyes landed on you, he too paused.

" Hi Y/N...." He said with his stare glued onto you.

He was warm. The embrace you pulled him into was warm.

Your stomach burst with a feeling you haven't felt in years. It was not in the romantic section of your life, but it was more so in the part that has been discarded since you were 17. It was the feeling that made you feel at home.

Rindou made you feel a sense of home.

Your white tank top and fluffy shorts were not the most presentable thing compared to Rindou—who was dripped down in a designer suit that seems to be reeking thousands of Yen.

When shame didn't take over you, you knew you were indeed feeling at home.

" Oh my gosh come in..." you gently said as you stepped aside from the door.

Rindou gave you a small smile, doing as you asked. When you glanced behind him to see the familiar empty hallway, fear filled your eyes for a moment.

" I didn't bring him." Rindou quickly assured.

" He doesn't even know I'm here."

With the fear out of your eyes, you nodded—closing your apartment door and locking it.

" This way," you said as you stepped in front of him. Leading him to your living room with light grey couches.

" This place looks," Rindou started as he looked around. " Good. Very nice. It's well kept. Expected from someone like you."

You nodded your head with a smile, " Thank you."

Finally your eyes drifted to the bag Rindou had in his hand, and when he saw your raised eyebrow, he quickly set it on the glass table in front of him.

" This is just a bottle of red wine that I brought you..." he trailed off as he set it down. " I'm not sure if you even drink, but it doesn't have a lot of alcohol. It taste really good."

You laughed, giving him a smile. " It's not drinking time yet, but thank you Rin. Would you like some tea?"

Rindou nodded his head at you. " Yeah. Thanks."

You turned around, fixing the pillows around him. " Make yourself comfortable Rin. We're not strangers."

With a sigh, you walked to the kitchen to grab the kettle. Basking in the daylight that shined through your many apartment windows, and the presence of the man on your couch.

" You move so mom like now." Rindou said as you filled the kettle.

His words made you chuckle lightly, shaking your head. " I guess that's what becoming a mom does to you, huh? Or maybe a parent in general."

It was true, and it could be advise for him.

" Wow?" Rindou said with questioning and surprise in his tone. " Congratulations Y/N."

You raised your brow as you placed the filled kettle on the stove. Dropping your favourite tea flavour in, you glanced back at Rindou curiously.

He was now laid back more comfortably on your couch, his eyes slightly widened—matching the tone of his previous words.

" What?" you asked with a laugh. " I was pregnant 8 years ago."

The apartment was silent after your words.

You stared at the stove as you eyed the kettle, feeling goosebumps form on your skin.

Had you made it awkward?

No you didn't. Because why would Rindou even ask a question like that knowing the situation?

Noticing the tenseness that took over the air, you turned around with a smile that quickly faded.

Rindou's mouth was open in complete and utter shock.

" Is something wrong?" You asked with a raised brow.

" 8 years ago you and Ran were together..."

Yes we were.... Why do you sound surprised?...

" Rindou," you asked with a shaky inhale as you made way to him. " What did Ran tell you when we broke up?"

You stared at him and he stared at you back. Blinking like he was trying to recall something, but then shaking his head with his lips still parted.

" He told me...nothing." Rindou sat up in an instance. " He literally never said a word about why we stopped seeing you! He never told me anything!"

Your eyes were narrowed at him, suddenly feeling your stomach begin to turn in a nasty rage.

" Get out."

Rindou was taken aback by your words. " Wait Y/N, I swear he never told me! I wanted to come here by my own will to check on you!"

You rose to your feet, eyes dead as you spared him a glance. " I don't care. Leave."

Rindou wasn't having it though, and soon enough—he was towering over you. " No. I'm here to see you! Don't you understand that!? "

" I was pregnant." You mumbled. " At 17. I was pregnant, and he upped and left when I told him."

Rindou stared at you as your eyes began to quickly flood with tears. " No.....he would never—"

" Well he fucking did!" You snapped. By this point, the tears were starting to fall.

You quickly wiped at your face with rough swipes and movements. Drying your eyes of tears, and pressing your tear duct to a painful degree.

" He left without a words Rindou, and—and that's not even the worst part!" You smiled as you said the last part, laughing. " He gave me this fucking thing—follow me—what two days ago or yesterday?"

Rindou trailed behind you quickly, " You guys have been in touch?"

With the fast pace you were walking at, it took you no time to get to your bedroom. " No we haven't. But recently, he put this shit in my work locker."

In your hand was the envelope that you found in your work locker room.

The envelope that had the ultrasound photo Ran Haitani took with him the day he left you.

Rindou squinted at the envelope, " What the hell is that?"

You gave him a pathetic shrug, even though you knew what it was. " 1.8 million dollars. That's his pathetic way of apologizing, or showing himself."

Rindou's eyes for some reason, didn't show too much shock for the big amount of money you just mentioned.

" And you're sure it was Ran who put that in your locker?"

" I mean who else could it be?" You frantically asked as you dug your hand into the bag.

Rindou mirrored your expression. " I don't know! Ran would've left his name on it or something!"

Rindou didn't even seem certain in his own words.

You shook your head at him. " Yeah.. but he left this..."

Rindou squinted his eyes at the paper you were unfolding. It looked like it had been folded a thousand times. " What's that?"

" An ultrasound." You quickly answered. You unfolded the paper quickly. " Instead of leaving a letter like a normal person, he left the ultrasound photo he took the day he left. And before you say anything, I know it was him. There was three photos in total, Ran took one. I have the other two."

Rindou stared at you with a look you couldn't really read through. But you were certain that you were still seeing hints of anger, and shock somewhere in those eyes of his.

He seemed to be shocked by your news, and the way you confidently said that it was Ran for sure. You were so certain, and Ran wasn't certain with Rindou about such simple things.

Simple things like telling his brother that he got his own girlfriend pregnant.

And instead, keeping Rindou in the dark about someone who he also considered a  friend of his.

" You gave birth to Ran's kid?" Rindou asked in disbelief.

You nodded, but you did not seem too happy with your confirmation. " I did. I was 18 when I gave birth. 18 when I started working this bartender job, and it's about to be 9 years soon."

Your eyes fell on Rindou's form once again, and you debated if you should tell him about  your struggles with your job. You were aware that there was practically nothing that your ex's little brother could do for you, but Rindou showing up to check on you was enough to show that he still did care.

Your eyes wandered his form as your brows furrowed. How did he even manage to get your address?

You knew nobody, and only a maximum of a few people knew your address. Yet Rindou, who you haven't spoken to in nearly 10 years—had got your address and located you with ease.

Perhaps you were so caught up in seeing your long time friend that you didn't grasp in the moment to question his presence.

" How did you find where I live Rindou?" You asked him with a raised brow. " Like I know you came to see me and all, but...I barely talk to anyone. My social life is totally dry. So...how did you find me?"

You watched as Rindou let out a small huff, his hands traveling to his nape as he shook his head.

" I literally just happened to find out." He said with a shrug.

" No you didn't." You shot down.

Rindou's brows creased at your tone and new look. " Look I didn't tell Ran your address, that's all that matters right?"

" No. It's not just about Ran." You had so much more to say. So much that would put Rindou on the spot, but in sake of a certain man—you couldn't reveal your knowledge.

So as he was beating around the bush, so were you.

Mr. Nagaki said that Bonten was having a meeting with him, and one of the executives in Bonten happened to ask for you.  That same executive placed something in your locker—which happened to be 1.8 million yen, and a ultra sound picture. Only one man on this planet has your ultrasound picture, and that man is Ran Haitani.

Concluding that, this all must mean that Ran is apart of Bonten. He's not just apart of it, but he's an executive member too.

With that being said, you were more than aware that the Haitani's didn't ever separate from each other. Which meant that if Ran was in Bonten, Rindou must be affiliated too—or perhaps an Executive member himself.

This would ultimately mean that Haitani Ran and Haitani Rindou were executive members in the criminal organization; Bonten.

The organization that terrorized Japan's economy, and its civilians.

" What do you want from me? Hm Y/N?" He asked with his brows furrowing deeper.

" I'm here to see you, not have you interrogate me for my job."

" I never mentioned your job..."

Rindou's eyes faintly widened for a moment at your narrowed glare. Your eyes were staring hard, and you were not looking at his eyes.

You were staring straight at the tattoo that peeked out of his suit.

Rindou's hands immediately made way to his suit tie, tucking it up. But it was too late, you had already seen the threatening symbol. The suit that protected it had accidentally slipped far too down in minutes.

" Y/N come on—"

" Get out."

Your voice was sharp. Demanding your words with clenched fist. " Get out right now Haitani."

Rindou's face twisted immediately. " Are you kidding me right now? I literally came all this way for—"

Your breathing got louder. " I don't care! I'm not letting you or Ran endanger me and Haruki! I can't let that happen! Not after years of busting my ass for a good and comfortable life. You can take you and this Bonten bullshit right out the door!"

" Stop fuckin yellin!" Rindou sneered.

Your lips parted to reales another demand, but Rindou silenced you quickly. " I'm not here to mess around so quit it! I came here to see you with good intentions, and no other fucking person knows that alright! Keep it that way."

You weren't sure what the last part of Rindou's words meant, but you pursed your lips as you breathed heavily through your nose.

By now the tattoo was showing once again, and when Rindou caught your eyes on it—he made no effort this time to cover it back.

His face held great annoyance, and anger—and you weren't sure if it was now directed at you too. In your defense, you hadn't said or done anything extreme to piss off the Haitani with anger issues. In fact, you would consider your precious words to Rindou as mere warnings. Your mom instincts were kicking in slowly, and you were going to burst if Rindou hadn't intervened like he did.

" So what are you going to do?" You finally asked with a blank face.

Rindou paused in his place, his eyes flashing over as you only now noticed his own ragged breathing. He looked up at you with emotion filled eyes.

" I'm gonna talk to him."


Ran could not even respond to his brothers anger on time.

His words weren't even able to escape his lips as he was violently pushed out of his chair. Ran stumbled back as confusion filled his body, before anger  took over when he realized that was the action of his own brother. Rindou had left his paper work for Ran because he apparently had something

" important" to do, and being a good older brother—Ran decided to do some of his own work that he was assigned really recently. I return of that, Ran had asked that Rindou welcomes himself back into his office with take out for lunch. It was like a trade, after all—every executive had something to do and small time to do it.

Yet, Ran was welcomed with a harsh shove with no takeout in sight.

It filled him with anger, but he had patience in him to overcome the anger he was feeling. He would try to hear his brother out, because it's not usual that he acts like this.

In fact, the last physical fight they had was 12 years ago.

" What the fuck Rindou—"

Ran couldn't even finish as he was roughly picked up and slammed into the opposite side wall of his office. The feeling of being barreled through his own desk, and the pencils and pens that nicked at his back made Ran wince. With his own strength he latched onto his brothers shoulders to maintain a civilized distance, but Rindou had no intention of being civil.

The punch he threw to Ran's face was enough to decide that this was beyond serious.

All patience in Ran's body burned out quicker than he had thought.

Ran used his raw strength to smash Rindou's head into the wall. A small attempt to get him off of him to have the upper hand—maybe then he would be able to demand answers for his brothers attack. But Rindou took no affect to the retaliation Ran made, and Ran was the one who ended up pressed up against the wall.

His teeth were clenched together as Rindou gripped him by the collar, holding onto Ran with strength he could not resist to.

" You fucking kidding me?" Rindou practically yelled with rage all over his face.

Ran could feel the bruise forming on his face as he stared at his brother, hearing approaching footsteps from his open office door.

" What the hell is going on here?" Takeomi's Akashi asked from the entrance of the office.

His eyes were trained on the mess of an office that usually looked so clean. The scene shocked him the most.

Rindou Haitani— the younger brother, had his older brother pinned up against the wall with a bruise forming on his face.

Rindou who was always on his brothers side no matter the situation, and as far as everyone was concerned—never argued or fought with his brother before.

The scene in front of him was rare, and it made the Advisor hesitant on his next words.

" Okay," he started as he shut the office door behind him. " Both of you guys calm down right now."

His office was connected to Ran by a conjoined wall, and like the other executives—everyone was doing their own paper work. The first slam from Haitani's office had Takeomi alerted—which was followed by grunts. Immediately he assumed the worst an grabbed the gun in his drawers. It could be an attacker—he had thought as a frame on his wall fell from another slam in the neighbouring office.

But he was not expecting this scene.

" Tell that to him!" Ran sneered with a glare on his brother. " He's the one who came up in here."

" You're a fucking liar!" Rindou yelled with eyes burning with rage.

He didn't even give his brother some time to respond before he was speaking again. " You got Y/N fucking pregnant and left huh?! That was it right! You left her alone with a baby to raise like some dead beat motherfucker!"

Ran's eyes widened with exceeding anger as he let his brothers words settle in. " You don't know shit! You don't know what the hell happened—"

" She fucking told me!"

Takeomi has never seen Rindou Haitani this angered before, especially towards his own brother. Everyone has seen him annoyed, irritated, and irked about small things. Often he showed those emotions towards his brother, but it never went beyond that. It never went to the point where he would throw a punch, and have absolute hell fire blazing in his eyes.

This Y/N that Rindou mentioned seemed to be a personal topic, and a name that Takeomi is sure he's never heard before.

Ran let out a laugh. It was loud and booming, and you could see the anger in Rindou's face from the sound.

" So this is how you wanna talk about this?" He questioned with a quirked brow. " Right in front of the fucking Advisor?"

Rindou nodded without hesitation, " Yeah! So he can see how much of a fuckin dead beat you are!" As he spoke, he threw Ran to the floor with as much strength he could muster.

Takeomi took that as his sign to step in, his hands up as he looked between the two brothers. " All right that's enough. Do you guys know what will happen if the boss finds out you're fighting each other?"

" This is a personal matter," Ran spat with his eyes pinned on his brother. " We have shit to handle."

Takeomi shook his head at Ran, almost like he was telling him to remain seated. " Yeah but not here, not when every fucking Executive is present. You guys are making shit shake."

Takeomi's words once again fell upon deaf ears as the enraged brothers stared at each other with so much anger. For a short moment, Takeomi believed that he shouldn't get involved with the brothers situation—because it really did seem to be incredibly personal.

" I raised you." Ran said as he finally rose to his full height. " You have no fucking right to speak on anything. I raised you for most of my fucking life."

Rindou laughed, as if it was the funniest thing he's ever heard. " Really? That's your excuse for all of this? Because you raised me you can leave your girlfriend pregnant with your child when she was only 17? Really? Amazing excuse Ran. Seriously."

Rindou could see the way the advisor glanced at his brother, almost like he was asking if what he had said was true. It only made things more funny for Rindou.

" Yeah it is true!" He started again with a nod.

" This fucker has been enjoying his life with all the fucking riches we have, while he left his 17 year old girlfriend who also was my friend, to take care of the baby he made with her. You have a whole son in the world Ran."

As much as anger burned in Ran's gut, he couldn't find it in him to speak again to his younger brother.

Rindou was right, as much as he didn't want to admit it.

He was correct that these past years Ran has been cowering in his own embarrassment and guilt.

The office was silent as Rindou kept his stare on him, almost daring his brother to say anything. It was obvious that he was ready to fight—whether that was verbally or physically. Rindou was angered by the situation Ran had brushed off these last 8 years of their life—and the way he practically lied to him.

" Get out." Was all Ran could say.

" Really? That's your response to—"

" Get the fuck out!"

Takeomi shifted towards Rindou who stared at his brother in what could he described as a look of shame.

" Alright Rindou let's head out." He said as he spared the older Haitani a glance.

Ran looked a mess, totally different than his usual well kept lazy demeanour.

" Yeah whatever." Rindou brushed off.

" Fucking sleep on it."

And the two men were out.


" Rindou why are you calling me this late at night?"

You asked the male on the other line. Your day with Haruki ended up being much better than you had imagined. It seems like the little guy was very excited to hear about your availability for the next two weeks, and everything was falling right in place too. Apparently he wanted to have a play day with Tanjiro and Kano at your apartment, and now that you're home—it's impossible for you to say no.

Plans were being made quickly.

You have the promised dinner with Haruki that could be held Friday evening instead, and your plans to meet up with your foster mother and Aiko some time soon.

" I spoke with Ran."

You blinked, trying to process his words with your newly awoken brain.

" What?" Was all you could ask. " You what with Ran? What did you say?"

Rindou scoffed on the other end of the line.

" Jeez I know it's late but you're not drunk."

" Yeah well you're calling me well past midnight—"

" Now you're awake." Rindou swiftly interfered. " Me and Ran fought. Well...I fought with him. Literally."

Dread filled your stomach as you recached over to flick on the white light lamp you had beside your bed. The light burned your eyes but you blinked the aching away, your mind focused on the words of Rindou Haitani.

He had fought with Ran.

It settled within you quickly. You had never, never ever in your time—seen the Haitani brothers fight each other.

You've witnessed a few arguments, but those never passed a certain level of sibling pettiness. Neither of them would possibly let anything ever irk them to the extent of throwing fist.

Their relationship was everything, wholesome and strong, and you were baffled at the thought of Rindou fighting his brother for someone as old news as you.

" Rindou...You fought Ran? Over what I told you earlier? Why would you fight with him—"

Rindou kissed his teeth with great irritation. The sound alone stopped you from continuing on. " He fucking deserved it Y/N, and you should've heard the excuses he was making along the conversation. I don't regret it."

You placed two feet onto the carpet of your master room slowly. Edging yourself out of bed quietly. " But Rindou you and Ran are really close. You should've just let it it go, I mean I'm fine now. Having you around is more than good enough."

" Do you hear yourself?" Rindou asked in the most pissed off tone ever. " Ran left you to the cruel worlds hand at 17. Seven fucking teen. What if you weren't fine? You didn't and couldn't take care of the baby? What if you died giving birth because of how young you were? What if you became homeless and were broke because you didn't have a job? You didn't. Yeah, yeah that good to hear—but so what? Me and Ran started making rich blood money in 2011 or 12. He had every opportunity to slide in and check on you, see how you're doing, or maybe go back since we were more financially stable. And he didn't. Instead, he shows up with 1.8 million almost 9 years later—doesn't show his face, doesn't say a word to you, and that's it. That's all he did? That's okay to you? Really Y/N?"

You were silent as you stared at yourself in the mirror while sat in your vanity chair.

Nothing that he said was wrong. It was brutal and depressing, but it was not wrong.

Ran Haitani did you dirty, you and Haruki.

" He fucking left you to wolves," Rindou started with a louder and angrier tone. " and didn't tell me shit about it."

He didn't leave you to wolves..you had some people.

Chifuyu, Aiko, your foster mom.

But there was no denying that you struggled.

" Sorry..." you apologized, your head falling as you bit your lip.

Your eyes stung as you listened to Rindou sigh over the phone. " But that's not why I called Y/N."

You sniffled quietly, " What do you want then?"

The line was quiet, like Rindou was contemplating his next words very carefully. You raised a brow over the phone but didn't open your mouth to voice your confusion.

Only listening as the younger Haitani sighed again.

" Ran knows your number, and he's bound to find your address soon."

Next Part ; Part 4

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1 year ago


Op men when you're pregnant but don't want to keep the baby🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby
Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby
Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby
Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby

Pairings: Op men x f!reader

Characters: Sanji, Zoro,Law,Luffy, Usopp

Tw: angst/abortion

Summary: You find out you're pregnant but have to break it to your man that it's just not a good time to have a baby right now.

Notes: These are sad but short; My first time writing something angsty; it's not all bad tho; as always, these are proofread but there may still be mistakes 🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby


Distraught and immediately thinks it's because he hasn't been good enough to you

Tries to convince you that he'll take perfect care of you and make sure you're comfortable

You have to remind him that it's not about you but that you're all still active pirates that barely escape with your lives every time you dock somewhere,it's just not right to have a baby right now.

It breaks his heart that a happy family is right in his grasp but it's just not meant to be yet. He has to remind himself that you guys can always try again once things settle down. Right now he still has his crew and he has you, and that's not half bad.



Understands why immediately, without you even having to say anything.

It isn't until after you've taken the medicine that Chopper gave you, that you walk out on deck and find Zoro.

Just holds his arms out for you and presses you against his chest.

You both know all the reasons why you shouldn't have one right now, how irresponsible it'd be, how selfish it'd be, and all those important things, but it doesn't change the fact that the two of you felt excitement for a moment. That just for a second after hearing the news, before all the logical thoughts flooded in, you two were going to have a baby.



Knows the news before you do,and what bit of happiness he felt when he found out was quickly washed over by a sense of dread. Dread because he knows a submarine is no place to raise a baby, dread because he knows he's not ready and he still has trauma to heal from, dread because he knows that he'll have to be the one to tell you that you both shouldn't keep it.

You know what's up the moment Law tells you you're pregnant, but with a sad look in his eyes and no excitement in his voice. Its a lot harder for him to break the depressing idea to you than he thought it would be. You don't make it hard for him though, seeing him choke on his words, because you understand what's going through his head. So instead you give him a hug and let him press his face into your neck.

Maybe someday.



Goes along with you but still thinks the baby would've been fine, they'd have both their parents and a strong crew that would love and protect them.

You tell him that even if somehow they'd be safe from harm, it still wouldn't protect them from the sights they'd see, like their parents and family bloodied and injured. You all were still much too active right now, taking down warlords and being hunted by the world government( that wouldn't hesitate to try and hurt the future king of the pirate's child). So yeah, Luffy goes along with you without many complaints, he still has a lot of things he wants to achieve and if it's meant for you two to have a family, then you'll have a family some day. That's all it is.

Agrees with you that you both should wait until after he becomes King of the pirates to think about it again and should just focus on staying safe.



Usopp is a little deluded for a moment when you first tell him that you both shouldn't keep the baby. Doing his best to convince you( and himself) that somehow everything will be alright, and that somehow you'll stay safe during your pregnancy. That somehow your child will stay safe, despite all the danger your crew encounters on a day to day basis, all the enemies you guys have. He tries to grasp at some small hopes so he doesn't have to acknowledge that they're… lies. Similar to how he did when his father first left when he was a child himself.

His delusions only last a moment though, before he comes back to earth and accepts your arguments. Not that you had to argue very much, not when you already knew Usopp knew you were right.

After you get the medication from Chopper, the two of you might not talk for a few days, needing some time to think about what could've been and remind yourselves that this isn't forever.

Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby

A/n: *cries* I just thought of how Law might blame himself and, oof. I was gonna extend this one into a fleshed out fic, but decided not to for all are heartstring's sake. Thanks for reading!!🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant But Don't Want To Keep The Baby
1 year ago



1 year ago

luluhuran ang nagiisang hiroya shimizu/shuji hanma 🧎‍♀️



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1 year ago
