iamchll - 静かな

やあ!| teen | infp | aquarius

138 posts

Op Men When You're Pregnant


Op men when you're pregnant 🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant
Op Men When You're Pregnant

Pairings: Op men x f! Reader

Characters: Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, Luffy

Tw: none it's fluffy/ mention of boobs getting bigger

Notes: A lot of pregnant reader being fussed over and protected, if you're looking for an op reader this might not be the fic for you sorry; you're not necessarily married to them in these, except for Sanji; I've already got thoughts for a part two; as always, this is proofread but there may still be mistakes🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant


We all already know that Sanji's pregnant wife isn't lifting a finger. Your feet wouldn't touch the ground either if it wasn't for the exercises chopper makes you do so your labor will be easier . If you thought he pampered you before, you won't believe how he waits on you when you're having a baby.

"Hey chopper! What's this I hear about y/n having to workout!? My lovely wife is carrying our baby! Just her sitting there looking round and adorable should already be enough!"

Has a huge problem when he finds out about the exercises Chopper prescribed you until he saw just how cute you looked trying to do them. Throws a fit and gushes about how adorable you are until eventually you get frustrated with him( and trying to balance on an exercise ball) and tell him to go away.( He's also not a great influence either cuz he's quick to tell you it's fine to stop when you get frustrated, only for you both to be lectured by Chopper).

Now, Sanji might fuss with Chopper over your little cardio regimens but he takes your diet and the food Chopper recommends very seriously, and it's obvious to everyone on the crew. From how long it takes for it to be time to eat because he's taking extra time to add extra care to your dishes, to the way NO ONE is eating until you get your plate. Not that your crew has any problem with you eating first anyway( even Luffy) but your husband can get carried away and lose track of time. They eventually come up with a plan that always gets Sanji moving. Wait until you get hungry,watch as you stomp into the kitchen, and get ready to eat.

Since we're on food, it's a given that there's no craving that you can conjure up that Sanji won't make into a gourmet dish for you( unless it's something inedible like laundry detergent unfortunately). Sanji is pretty strict with your diet though, and although you don't whine much cuz anything he makes tastes amazing, there are times when you can't help but ask for something deep fried or drowned in ice cream and caramel.

Besides that though,Sanji pretty much gives you whatever you want.You are always right during your pregnancy, no matter how irrational or illogical you're being, and that's because you are getting absolutely no logic from your man. It can be asking him to get you golden cheese from the moon as a craving or telling him that the jar you can't open is plotting against you. To Sanji you can do no wrong while you're carrying you twos baby(not that you can ever do wrong in his eyes anyway)

I feel like this is a given of course but Sanji is super overprotective of you while you're pregnant,even more than usual. Always keeping an eye on you and checking on you, or asking another crewmate to look over you if he can't. It's even worse for him during a fight. Is it safer to keep you close to him the entire time or should he leave you somewhere "safe"? Is that somewhere safe, safe enough? What if someone targets you once he leaves? There's not a peaceful moment for Sanji as long as there's a threat anywhere within a hundred miles of you and because of this Sanji frets over you relentlessly during a fight. Everyone knows it would be different if you were in your original state and could defend yourself like always, but because you aren't, you don't complain when Sanji frets over you 24/7. Simply because you know that no one would hurt more than Sanji if any harm should come to you or the baby when he wasn't around to protect you.

On a fluffier note! Sanji sings to you and the baby

Late at night, when most of the crew have turned in for bed and you two(three) are the only ones left in the kitchen. He'll make you your favorite snack ,prop your feet up, and sing to you while he finishes cleaning up the kitchen. You usually drift off to sleep, and Sanji, always carries you back to your bedroom.



Usopp likes to dress you up, specifically in…

Overalls. He wants to see your pregnant belly in overalls.

There is nothing cuter to him. Of Course he wouldn't actually ask you to put on the jean ones, but the huge, fabric overalls that come in a variety of colors?? Yes please. Maybe it's because he enjoys wearing overalls himself but there's something about the pockets and the look itself that gives him serotonin. He likes to see you in any of the clothes he either bought or made with you in mind really. His feelings do get hurt sometimes though because as much as you appreciate him and as lovely and comfortable as the clothes are, sometimes the most comfortable outfit to you is a baggy shirt and a pair of his boxers. He'll pout but low-key, he thinks you look good in that too.

He talks to your belly all the time. He finds it fun, especially when he feels a kick. He likes to pretend that the baby is reacting to his story, even if he knows they might just be stretching or something. Besides, we all know that Usopp never misses a chance to tell an impressionable mind an outlandish story about his past. So who better to tell his tales to than his unborn baby? Get this though, despite the amazing adventures he's been on and how incredible his skills actually are now, he tells made up stories anyway. The stories are more precious to him this way, almost like a gift for his unborn child. A story no one else has heard(Besides you anyway lol).

Usopp is building baby stuff the moment Chopper tells you both you're pregnant, like for real sketching up designs that same night. He's discussing room floor plans with Franky, he's picking out fabrics for toys and paint for walls, and asking you if the baby should have a crib or a bassinet. It's low-key a stress reliever for him. There are plenty of times when you'll wake up in the middle of the night, to use the restroom or get some water, and you'll notice the light on in his workshop. Usopp Is always super careful not to wake you up whenever he does this, so you usually never notice, but whenever he can't sleep he goes to his workshop. So ever since you two have been expecting, whenever he can't seem to get some rest,he crafts things for the baby. You usually choose to sleep on the bed in there with him when you find him like this,even if he encourages you to sleep where it's more comfortable( you always wake up in his arms in your guy's bed anyway though)

Usopp would never let anything hurt you while you're vulnerable like this, and there's no fight he'll lose if you're behind him. Unlike Sanji, Usopp has no problem deciding if he'll stay behind with you and watch over you that way, or entrust you to another crewmate and do his job somewhere else. He'd much rather you stay on the Sunny rather than venturing onto the island where the danger is, and as much as he trusts his crew with your safety, he'd just be thinking about you the entire time if he left you. If push comes to shove and his role is crucial, he'll leave you with chopper or Nami or even on your own, and trust that you'll keep yourself hidden. It's not going to stop him from panicking the entire time though.

He makes it very obvious just how excited he is to welcome your new child into the world. If it wasn't evident with how much he was preparing for the arrival, how much he talks about it definitely gives it away. He's always talking about the kinds of things he'll teach them,the plants he'll show them( He's already started propagating some cuttings from his favorites), and just how incredible it is that you can carry an entire tiny person inside you like this, a part of both of you.

"It's just so fascinating that you can carry human life like this!" Usopp happily tells you one day as you sit with him while he tends to his plants outside.

"You're really incredible honey, you know that!?" He says before turning to you with a precious smile, one that makes you glad to be sharing parenthood with him.



Will wake up and get things for you in the middle of the night no matter how late it is. Food, water, another pillow, another blanket, it doesn't matter. It takes a little effort to wake him up but he always will.

" Zoro?....... Zoro! Baby!" You whisper as you shake him

" Hunh!? Hm?" Zoro'll sputter and sit up on his elbows.

You'd think because of Zoro's sharp instincts, he'd wake up as soon as you need him right? And he would. If you were in any danger. Someone attacking the ship? He's up in a heartbeat. A particularly intense storm? He's up before you are. You about to pee the bed? He's awake and running you to the bathroom, but unless it's something of that nature, Zoro sleeps like a rock. He just has a sort of sensor in his sleep that differentiates emergencies from minor things, and if it's a minor thing your gonna have to darn near slap his a** to get him to wake up.

Zoro may seem like he doesn't fuss over you but he does, a lot. Someone on the outside looking in might think that Zoro doesn't pay much attention to you, judging by the relaxed way he's resting on deck, but really all his attention is tuned towards you. It's always been, but since Chopper found out that you were pregnant( you two didn't even realize for a few weeks), he's been extra attentive. Noticing changes in your tone when speaking, even if it's just playful banter between you and one of the crew, or changes in your mood at all. Always giving you looks that silently ask if you're tired or if you're ready to leave. It's as if he always knows exactly what you need, almost before you do. All it takes is a single glance and he understands what you're trying to tell him. Not even just when you're uncomfortable or tired, even if you're hot or hungry. Zoro will suddenly be over with an umbrella or loudly asking sanji when it's time to eat( which always ends in a fight because Sanji was already on top of it). It might just be his observation haki but sometimes it feels like something more special than that.

Zoro doesn't talk to your belly much. He'll tell you it feels awkward and he never knows what he's supposed to say but won't admit that it's actually because the first time you guys tried it, his deep voice startled your baby( you both literally saw the jump) and he's been secretly sulking ever since. It's also a little weird for him to talk to the baby because well, you're sitting there. You always reassure him that you're not listening but he knows you are, and that if he says anything that you deem cute, you'll never drop it. So yeah, he doesn't talk to your belly much. During the day anyway. What no one knows is that Zoro talks to your belly all the time after you fall asleep. Complaints about his crewmates, how luffy almost got them all killed today,how pretty he thought you looked today, and how much he looks forward to their arrival.

It didn't really compute to him that you guys are really going to have a tiny version of yourselves until your stomach starts to show. He doesn't notice it right away but one day you lifted your shirt after your short workout session( you decided to do it in the crow's nest with Zoro) and he saw just how tight and dome shaped your stomach looked. He only realized then, that a person was really growing in there. After that, he was pretty intrigued by how he could look away and next thing he knew, your stomach was that much bigger( that and *ahem* other things). He never told you of course but you eventually found out because Zoro kept making sure he was present whenever you changed clothes. That and he's always stroking your belly whenever you both are just chilling, nowadays he doesn't even realize he's doing it until he feels the kicks against his palm.

If you ever start to feel insecure about not being able to fight with your crew( once you get too big to move swiftly) Zoro is quick to reassure that it's alright to sit back and let him and the crew handle everything for now.

" No one here doubts just how capable you are, but that's not important now. There's someone in this crew that needs you more." Zoro tells you in a stern voice as he stands in front of you.

" So let me handle this alright?" He'll also say softly.



Luffy talks and interacts with your belly as if your baby is already here. There's times when you actually kind of feel like a third wheel between your captain and your unborn child, and with the enthusiastic kicks and nudges you feel in response, you're justified in thinking your baby feels the same way as their dad. Besides the quick kiss he gives your before their conversation and the kiss he gives you after, there's no other indication that he acknowledges you're there( except when he mentions you).

He likes to do things like carry you around on his shoulder and describe the view to your baby when you all are about to dock on a new island because they can't see it. He also checks on you when everyone is hanging out on deck, stopping to press kisses on your cheek and tummy, or ask how you're doing and if the baby is kicking a lot( he finds it fascinating) and at night he likes to talk about his day to the two of you while laying a little of his weight on you.

Luffy had to learn to be more gentle with you now. No more flinging back to the ship with you, no more accidentally crashing into you, no more dragging you onto crazy islands he's intrigued by. He realized this for the first time when he went for a hug and your belly pressed into his and forced him to pause. It didn't take Nami to slap him in the head or Sanji to kick him. He just realized that it's not just you two anymore,there's three of you now and the smallest one depends solely on the both of you. After that he began to be more gentle with you and think just a little more about his actions.

Luffy hates it when you start to get upset, and no,not because he thinks it's annoying. He just hates for you to want for anything, especially food. You'll never get hungry as long as you have luffy around because he's always checking if you are. At first you thought it was an excuse to get more food out of Sanji, but when Luffy passed his plate to you and made sure you ate first during dinner for the first time, you knew he genuinely cared.He always encourages you to eat as much as you want too, his words always being

" It's OK! You're eating for two now!"

Of course you can't actually eat as much as Luffy thinks you should( his standards are insane) but you appreciate just how much he wants you to be happy and well-fed.

As much as Luffy likes to see you eating, he actually takes the diet Chopper gave you pretty seriously. What you thought would be late nights of sneaking into the kitchen at night ( after bribing him with promises of letting him have some) were actually nights full of cuddles and sleepy scolding about how ' Chopper said you can't have that'. You figured it'd be pretty easy to convince luffy to help you cheat on your diet but he's pretty diligent, not wavering no matter how complain or hang on to him and instead giving you a teasing laugh and kiss. Now of course, Luffy can't actually stop you from getting a treat and he wouldn't try, if you were dead set on it, but there's something about Luffy being responsible for your sake that makes you want to be responsible too. That and the proud hugs and kisses he gives you when you resist the temptation of a sweet treat.( Luffy definitely asks Sanji to make something special but that's good for you too,though)

When it comes to your safety, unlike the other boys on this list, Luffy has absolutely no problem leaving you with the others because he knows all of them would protect their pregnant crewmate with their lives. He doesn't even mind leaving you on your own. Luffy just kind of knows when he should and shouldn't leave you alone, and if he has a feeling you'll be safe from harm, he'll leave you with a light heart. He doesn't even ask you to keep yourself safe, instead he holds you close, presses his forehead to yours, and promises that he'll stay safe, and that he'll be back for the both of you soon.

Op Men When You're Pregnant

A/n: I finally finished this one, it took me way longer than I planned, but when you're a master procrastinator it gets a little difficult to write everyday. I've already thought about some head cannons for Kidd with pregnant reader, so there'll definitely be a part 2 to this. Yaaaay, I finally posted one piece content again. Thanks for reading🍼🍼🍼

Op Men When You're Pregnant
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More Posts from Iamchll

1 year ago

iloveyou 🐊

s t i l l  y o u r s


Ask and you shall receive though Impel Down/ Marineford is still a fresh wound in my heart. </3 But my mans throwin hands at everyone made everything better. <3


f!reader x sir crocodile (op)

tw: ANGST ANGST ANGST + character death

word count: 3.8k

a/n: read part 1: not my king. Spoilers for a major character death for this arc (if you haven’t read/ watched). Also, it’s been a while since I wrote non-nsfw stories. 

buy me a ko-fi?


Sabaody Archipelago — that was your next destination. After saving Camie, Papagg and Hatchan, your crew was headed to the islands to get your ship coated before you continued to Fish-Man Island. You were lounging on the top deck, watching Zoro train religiously despite him still being injured from the fight on Thriller Bark. Lost in thought with a special drink in your hand served by your loving cook, you hadn’t realised you had been ignoring Usopp, who had been talking to you for the past five minutes while refilling his slingshot ammunition. You apologised to him for being distracted.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. Why’d you turned Nami down when she gave you all those expensive rings from Thriller Bark? I know she doesn’t like to wear them, but it’s such a rare sight for her to freely hand anyone else her- well, our treasure!” Usopp whined, kicking his feet like a child throwing a tantrum. “You seem to really like that one. Is it special?”

“Yeah, it’s one of a kind,” you answered short, the smile on your face slowly fading as you stared at the glimmering ruby gemstone sitting on your ring finger.

Keep reading

1 year ago


you're... me?

synopsis: the monster trio meet their older selves... but with a little spice

characters: luffy, zoro, sanji

genre: fluff, a little bit of cracks

warnings: a bit suggestive in sanji's part (bc you know... he's kind of a pervert)

masterlist. part two (coming soon)

You're... Me?

luffy :

"Huh?" the black haired pirate frowned in confusion when he opened his eyes, "Where am I?"

The Straw Hat pirates were looking down at their older captain who laid on the bed inside Chopper's office. The younger Luffy looked at his older self with a frown, inching his face closer to his older self, "You... you look familiar..."

Without a doubt, he was an older Luffy. But the real question was more... how the hell did he ended up here?

The older Luffy adverted his eyes away from his younger self, his eyes widening at the sight. It was his crew standing in front of him, but somehow they all looked younger...

"What happened- did we beat that guy?!" He straightened up suddenly, catching the pirates off guard, "Tell me, Zoro- Did I beat him?"

The older captain looked at the swordsman with big eyes, making the green haired look at his crewmates in confusion, "Well... since you're here right now... I'd say no- you didn't beat the guy"

"Wha..." Old Luffy frowned, but visibly softened when he made eye contact with a familiar pair of eyes. He straightened his arms wrapping them around your body, making you send a look to your favorite navigator, "(Y/n)!"

He threw himself on your body, almost knocking your over in the process. Older Luffy wrapped his legs around your waist clinging into you like a Koala, "(Y/n), you tell me... did I beat the guy?"

Your older captain hid his face in the crock of your neck, causing your present captain to glare at his older self, "I'm not sure, Luffy, but-"

"Luffy...?" The older captain pulled away from your neck looking at you with teary eyes, "Are you mad at me?"

The Straw Hat pirates looked at their older captain... was he really crying?

"W-What?! Of course not!" You softly replied trying to calm him down as he sat on the ground, "Why do you think that?"

"B-Because you never call me Luffy!" The older captain whined- and to think that your captain would've matured over the years...

"What do I call you normally then?" You asked, fumbling backwards when Luffy wrapped his arms around your waist once more.

"You don't remember...?" Luffy quietly spoke, "You always call me love... or darling."

You blinked repeatedly in surprise. Do you really call your captain 'love' in the future?

Sanji almost fell on the ground at the revelation, putting two and two together. Zoro smirked slightly when he finally understood, he sent a knowing look at his present time captain as he asked, "And how do you call her, Luffy?"

"Hah?" The older Luffy frowned at the swordsman, "What do you mean, Zoro? I call her "(Y/n)" obviously! That's her name after all!"

Robin slyly smirked at the two, "And... what did you say your relationship with (Y/n) was?"

"She's my girlfriend!" Older Luffy stated proudly, "But you know that... you're the one who told me to confess-"

With a quick punch, the older Luffy got thrown away from you landing on his face as he hit the ground. The present time Luffy slowly walk in front of you, tightly clenching his fists, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

The older Luffy jumped up, titling his head to the side, "I'm Luffy! The King of the-"

"I am Luffy!" Young Luffy pointed at his older self, "Clearly you are just a weird me- So you can't just hug her like that! We don't even know you!"

"Don't know me?!" Old Luffy walked so that he was now face to face to his young self, "She's my girlfriend you idiot- so back the hell up-"

"Luffy..." Usopp spoke up, placing a hand on his young captain's shoulder, "Let me explain something to you."

After what seemed like an eternity, young Luffy finally understood the situation. Much to his older self dismay- "Let go of her!- Hey don't touch me!-

The older Luffy was being held back by Zoro and Franky as he disparately tried to get his younger self off you.

"No." Young Luffy cockily smiled at him, his body pressed unto you with his face pressed against your chest, "She's my (Y/n)- so go find yours!"

You're... Me?

zoro :

"Hah? You two aren't dating yet? Shit my bad."

The older green haired swordsman fakely apologized to his younger self and the pretty girl beside him.

You snapped your head to look a the present Zoro, your face turning into one of disgust.

"Dating?!" The flirty cook was glaring at the older swordsman from afar, not believing that the two of them could possibly bee dating in the futur, "And you expect us to believe that Marimo?!"

It was no secret for anyone, you and Zoro hated each other's guts. So the idea of the two of them dating was kind of hard to believe.

"Eh?" The older Zoro glared at the younger cook, "I don't care if you believe me or not! You, come with me." The older swordsman then grabbed the collar of his younger self, ignoring his complains as he pulled to a more isolated place of the Sunny away from the loud crew.

"The hell you want, old man-?" The young Zoro asked as they came to a stop.

The older swordsman took a deep breath, gripping harder on his younger self collar, "I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say, kid."


"If you mess up what I have with (Y/n) now, I swear on her life that I will find a way to hurt you and make you regret it, are we clear?"

The two swordsman stared are each other, before the younger one broke their eye contact, "How did you... you know?"

The older one laughed loudly when his younger self looked away from him with the red on the tip of his ears, "How did I get with her you mean?"

"You know what- if you're here to laugh I can just-"

"Woah there kid- It was just a joked!" The older Zoro sighed happily, turning his gaze to look at the quiet sea, "I bought her a necklace."

"A necklace." The younger Zoro deadpan at his words, what type of cliché thing was that?!

"I asked Robin to tell me what my birthstone was... and well I bought her a necklace with a green topaz and she never took it ever since..."

The younger Zoro nodded at himself as if doing he was taking notes mentally. The older swordsman sighted once more, "Just don't be scared to show her how you feel- She's kinda oblivious so you're gonna have to tell her that you love her, though"

"Heh?! Who said that I loved her, old man?!"

"You're my mini me, idiot! Obviously I know how you feel!"

You're... Me?

sanji :

"Is she- Is she as beautiful as we imagined?"

"Oh~ She's 10 times better then we imagined"

You stood beside Nami with a disgust expression on your face, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Pleaseeeee," The pretty ginger laughed, "As if you're not happy that you're dating the love of your life in the future."

"Nami. I told you that when I was drunk!" You hit her shoulder, "You can't use that against me!"

The young Sanji dropped on his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his, his usual charming smile plastering his face. "(Y/n)~ my sweet, beautiful angel please date me-" He got interrupted by his older self.

"You're doing it wrong." He pulled young Sanji off his knees, "Let me show you how to do it."

The older Sanji walked over you, taking your hand in his, while his other arm sneaked around your waist pulling you closer to him. Sanji's blue eyes flickered between your eyes and your mouth, "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, my love..." He then leaned closer to your lips so that yours and his were brushing against each other.

"You're just... so mesmerizing-"

"Alright!! I get it! Get off her!" The younger Sanji ripped you away from his older self, pulling you against his clothed chest. "You can go back to see your future (Y/n)- this one's mine."

"I was just teaching you the basics, Sanji! No need to get all protective- I get to touch my (Y/n) all the time and anywhere!" Older Sanji lit up the cigarette in his mouth, "But if you want a real tip, take her on a stargazing date, tell her how beautiful she is- because you really are, my angel- and how badly you love her- AND then touch her however you'd like!"

"Watch your mouth!" Nami yelled at the older Sanji. Her eyes then drifted to her two friends who refused to even laid an eye on each other, "huh?"

"Don't worry, love," The older cook reassured the pretty ginger, "I assure you that (Y/n) is more than happy to be with me..."

"Really...." The navigator trusted Sanji with her life- she just didn't trust him with a woman- especially not when the woman is her best friend.

"Yeah," The older man chuckled as he watch his younger self starting to talk to you with blood oozing out of his nose, "She even asked you to be her maid of honour last week- I mean... In three years or so, she'll ask you to be her maid of honour... So have some faith in me, yeah?"

"Her maid of honour...?" Nami looked over at you, your face redder than normal as the younger Sanji whispered sweet nothings in your ears.

"Angel?" the younger cook spoke in your ears as he placed a hand ion your cheek, "Would you like to go stargazing with me tonight?"

You laughed quietly at his words, "Is that a subtle way of asking the permission of touching m-"

"Of course not!" Sanji straightened himself, "You're so much more than a pretty body... Everything about you is just amazing-"

"Ah what a shame..." "Why's that, my love?"

"I would've given you the permission to touch me~"

"(Y/n)! You can't say stuff like that! He'll bleed out!" Chopper yelled as her tried to stop the bleeding from the cook's nose.

"I'll see you tonight, my sweet angel~" Sanji screamed with heart eyes, ignoring the fact that he was bleeding out.

"No you won't!"

You're... Me?

note: i love that trio so much ♡

1 year ago

yes sa wakas 🥹

Young Love ; Part 4


𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘/𝐍 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬--𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐭? 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦.

( Ran x Y/N x Chifuyu— ethnic reader if you squint)

⚠️Mentions of: Teen pregnancy, cursing, suicide, alcohol, planned death,

Previous Part; Part 3


You were waiting.

Every hour after Rindou visited, you spent your time waiting for Ran Haitani—the father of your child, to show up. Rindou Haitani had told you that his brother had asked somebody in their working circle for your information—similar to how he did with you. According to his words, it wouldn't take time for his brother to find your address and show his face to you after 8 years of absence.

You spent the past two days shopping, planning dinner and lunches for Haruki, and talking to people you couldn't always make time to talk with. People like Aiko, Chifuyu, and your mother.

But the man you shared a child with evaded your mind heavily.

It was hard to ignore the fact that he could be watching you, or searching for you at any moment.

" So what are you going to do?" Your mother asked you with a raised brow. " Keep in mind that he's been gone for 8 years Y/N. He has no right to want Haruki now, and you could say no ."

You bit your lip as you sipped on the juice she had given you. " I want what's best."

Almost immediately your mother shook her head. " He left you." She emphasized. " He's been gone for 8 years and you and Haruki are doing amazing. There's no 'what's best' because you've already given Haruki what's best."

You didn't respond, only going in for another sip of the juice.

" He shows up and gives you 1.8 million out of the blue? What kind of shit is that?" She questioned in disbelief with a rasp in her voice.

You scoffed at the irony. " Like I need his money."

" Don't be dumb now," your mother said as she leaned in closer, her arms now resting on her knees. " You could make good use of that money."

" I put it to Haruki's name. I don't need his shit for myself."

" Hmmm." She hummed. " That's smart. Sounds like something you would do."

You furrowed your brows as you wandered into your own thoughts. Did Haruki need a dad? You questioned yourself. After all these years you've spent as a single mom, Haruki has never really complained about the lack of a father in his life. Him calling " mommy" all day didn't bother you either. You never heard him voice sadness or detest for the fact that he only had a mother in his life. But maybe that was because you were fulfilling your duty well.

He gave you Mother's Day gifts when he crafted them in school, you attended both his Parent Appreciation Day's as a mother.

You never heard your son question heavily for a father.

He spent his evenings with Chifuyu Matsuno almost everyday, and that man has taken place of the first male figure in his life.

For the first few years Haruki crafted Father's Day gifts and gave them to Chifuyu, something that had the man blushing and you shaking your head.

Overall, you would say that Haruki is pretty content with the way his life functions and the people in it.

Introducing Ran—his biological father to him at 8 years of age? Is that necessary? What was the point?

" I think it's not necessary." Your mother shrugged.

You snapped your head up, coming to the realization that you had asked the question out loud. Her response didn't take you by surprise though, and you could only scratch your nape with your eyes closed in response.

" Yeah but he's a boy." You responded.

" He's growing up and getting older. How can I just decide to not let him have a father?"

She clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes at your words. " Mothers have the whole package sweetheart." She said as she swirled the juice in her glass around. " You've been playing all roles for the last 8 years, stop making yourself feel guilty for that boy. He chose that path years ago, he'll survive like he's been doing."

You weren't sure if what your mom was saying was correct, or completely petty and childish. Either which way, you found part of yourself agreeing with what she was saying.

She shrugged her shoulders at your silence, leaning back into the couch. " In the end, I know you'll do what you want sooooo,"

As much as you didn't ever want to admit it, there was a part of you that wanted Ran Haitani to come back for you.

To come back to you.

Maybe not 8 years later, but there was once a part of you. A small part.

It's just a matter of if you still feel that way.


" Oouuu you are glowing girl!"

You said as you greeted Aiko with a smile. In your hand was the bottle of red wine Rindou had brought when he came to visit you. Today you had spoken to your mother about your circumstances, and gave her your updates, and now you were here to speak with Aiko—your long time best friend and practical sister.

" Don't flatter me!" She said as she giggled like a school girl. " I'm glad you noticed though. I've been—you know, doing a little lifting and crunches outside. Typical beauty girl stuff."

You couldn't help but laugh as she did a little dance at the door. " Yeah okay,"

" Anyways!" Aiko chirped, " Come in!"

You nodded your head, welcoming yourself into her home and immediately removing your shoes.

" I purchased this gadget that puts wrap around your shoes. So you won't have to remove them anymore!" She said as she threw you a wink. " The kids are with their grandma right now, so we can definitely drink whatever alcohol is in that bag."

" Of course you noticed," you said as you followed her into her home. " But yeah it's red wine that was given to me by a certain someone."

Aiko's house was big, and it was no surprise to you considering her husbands job and her own job of taking over her family business.

You could tell that your best friend was living in absolute comfort, but you couldn't help but wonder how lonely she must've felt with such a big house. You yourself struggled with living in your apartment without Haruki's presence, but knowing Aiko—she found joy and entertainment with everything.

" A certain someone?" She giggled as she sat on the couch. " Is that someone Chifuyu Matsunoooo?"

You cringed at her obnoxious laughter.

" Okay enough of that. Me and Chifuyu are just really good friends girl."

" Andddd that's when I loose interest." Aiko shrugged. " That man would make an amazing father, boyfriend, husband, and all. Like...you see the way he looks at you? At Haruki?"

You rolled your eyes, ignoring Aiko's words that she had been repeating for years.

" Yeah okay. I'll get the glasses, and you can open this."

Aiko rolled her eyes at your dismissing of this conversation once again.

" Yeah, okay." She scoffed as she got up too to pop the bottle. " Ooouuuu, this is one hell of a rich wine brand! It's literally never in Japan like that."

You laughed as you opened her dishwasher to grab the freshly steamed dishes. " Good thing I didn't buy it then."

" Girl what?"

Holding the glasses by the leg, you slightly shook them at Aiko.  " Ice or no ice?"

She stared at you with a curious look for a moment, the bottle stiff in her hand.

" No ice for this glass. But what was that that you just said?"

" I didn't but it." You repeated with a snicker as you approached her. " But I didn't steal it either girl. My bartender job doesn't get me free alcohol often."

" Often?!" Aiko screeched.

" Girl you're about to drop the damn bottle."

" Hold on," she started as she backed away from you. " I'm so lost right now. Help. First of all— who gave you this bottle if you didn't buy it or steal it? Secondly, what do you mean ' often'? I thought your job only gave you free club passes with a plus 1?!"

You let out a sigh as you sat the glasses on the small table in front of the both of you. Aiko's face was curled up in great confusion, and all you could do was nod your head at her to pop the bottle.

" I'll tell you about that soon girly. But just pop the bottle."

She did just that. Attempting to hide her excitement and happiness as she did so.

So here you guys sat—In her big house, sitting on the fluffy grey couch, and sipping expensive red wine in the afternoon with class.

" Spill it—" Aiko said with the first sip. " Ou this stuff is good—because I know you have tea."

You cleared your throat as you inhaled a deep breath, letting your smile glimmer across your face. " You remember Rindou right?"

Aiko raised a brow before nodding quickly.

" Hell yeah I do. That douche bags brother."

You nodded at her in confirmation. " Right. Rindou came to visit me a couple days ago."

The look on her face was priceless. " He what?"

You took another sip of the wine. Letting the small sip of the rich flavour fill your mouth. 

" Yeah. And he brought this wine as a gift. And—hold on I just missed a big part of this all."

Aiko sat up straight, setting her wine glass down as you shook your head comedically.

She knew a long story was coming, and she had no means of interrupting your story and possibly spilling the red wine.

So you told her everything. Telling her everything Mr. Nagaki told you about the club and what would happen, and how Bonten showed up to claim the property. You didn't leave a single detail out to Aiko, knowing that she was a trustworthy person. Yes she often lacked a filter, but she knew what to expose and what not to expose to other people. She was smart with the streets of Tokyo Japan, and she knew Bonten was no joke to appeal to. Besides her jokes about the money, men, and their materialistic riches—she knew it was best to have them be unaware of you. So when you told her that an Executive of Bonten—your baby daddy and ex boyfriend, was in this criminal organization—Aiko flipped.

When you told her that Ran had left you 1.8 million in your locker, she almost passed out.

You told her everything— from finding out that Rindou and Ran were now Executive Members in Bonten, and how Rindou fought Ran from the last phone call you had with the younger brother.

" This can't be real right now." Was all Aiko could say.

You shrugged your shoulders softly. " I don't know girl."

"  He can't just pop up out of nowhere and think he's going to be in Haruki's life!" She raged, following a big gulp of her wine.

" Fuck him and his money! That's not how it works! Is that his way of saying sorry to you? Because it's pretty fucking pathetic."

You nodded in agreement. " I'm wondering why he thinks I would even want to see him. Like the fact that he thinks he'll just pop up in my newly built life is just mind boggling."

" He has a lot of fucking audacity girl." Aiko said as she rubbed her forehead. " But...what are you going to do? Like.... now that he's coming face to face with you. And it's inevitable."

You shrugged your shoulders, swirling around the last bit of wine in your glass. " If he ask to be in Haruki's life—"

" If he even asks."

You nodded. " Right. If he asks—and I say no, what do you think he'll do to me?"

Aiko glanced up, as if she was searching her brain for a good response. " Have you spoken to your mother?"

" Yup." You said with a pop. " I didn't tell her everything like I told you. I obviously left stuff out, but I told her what she needed to know, and all she said was ' I should not let him back in, I've been playing lots of roles as Haruki's family, I make good enough money if he decides to take it to Court'—which I doubt he will."

" He probably can y'know." Aiko scoffed.

" Ran always wanted to get his way. Like a man child. He'll do above and beyond. He'll take it to court, tip off the judge, not show up to court and have an expensive team deal with it. He'll do it all to get his way, even if it means sabotaging you."

You furrowed your brows at her. " You sure it's not just the K and J Drama's you watch?"

" You're life is a summary of all the K-Drama's I've watched before."

You frowned, rising to your feet. " I want a refill."

Aiko nodded, following you as she picked up her empty glass. " Add some ice this time."

Standing in the kitchen as you collected the ice, you felt your heart beat thump a little more in your chest. Either because of the alcohol, or simply the harshness of the conversation you were having.

" You think Ran will kill me?"

The question you asked even took you by surprise.

" Don't say stuff like that!" Aiko snapped as she set her filled glass down.

You glanced at her, moving towards the bottle.

" I mean...he does whatever to get his way. You think he'll just get Bonten to kill me—pretend I got into a car accident, overdosed, I don't know—do something fucked up then claim Haruki as his last distant family?"

Aiko was silent, and that was the only answer you needed. She seemed to be pondering over the idea herself. The thought that maybe Ran Haitani was as cruel as the organization he was in. Or crueler. That he would kill the mother of his child who's been present way before him, just to get what he wants.

It seemed surreal. It seemed impossible.

But with Bonten, anything was possible, and nothing was ever too cruel.

" I don't like what your saying Y/N." Aiko said with a frown. " Maybe that's enough wine."

You shook your head, taking a sip of your newly filled glass. " I'm not drunk girly. Not even tipsy yet. I gotta drive back home remember?"

So your words were not because of alcohol. 

Aiko's face remained in a frown, feeling deeply disturbed by your previous words. Hate boiled In her stomach for Ran Haitani, a man she hasn't spoken to in forever.

" Rindou won't let him do that." She said firmly  with a shake of her head.

You nodded at her with a sigh. Allowing the thought of Rindou— the younger brother— protecting you from his older brother—who raised and took care of him forever, to settle in your mind.

It was possible, but also unlikely. 

" Let's hope he's still human." She ended with a huff.


" She's off for a while so you're bringing her flowers?"

Kazutora asked Chifuyu as he fixed his tie. The blonde man had made plans tonight after you had told him about your weeks off of work. No longer did you have to stay till morning in the club scene, and sadly he couldn't watch over Haruki. It's been a while since he's last seen the boy and it's been killing him. So, he took it upon himself to prepare a nice night for you and Haruki, bring the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, and buy some fresh- hot dinner to eat on your big dinner table.

He wasn't really overdoing it in his eyes. From what Chifuyu has read in romance manga growing up, this was the bare minimum.

" Yup." Chifuyu said firmly as he nodded in the mirror. " And I'm going to pick her and Haruki up some dinner before she starts cooking it. That's why I can't be late."

" We all know Chifuyu's a desperate romantic." Baji Keisuke added as he entered the room.

Chifuyu scoffed as his two friends erupted in laughter. "And that's why you guys are handling this new location by yourselves."

The two men groaned at the mention of the work they had to do this evening. Being the CEO's of their pet shop was usually easy, and most of their work was pushed onto their heaps of employers throughout Japan. But the three men worked hard to be able to eventually do this. They once had to handle the whole shop and it's business by themselves. Even though that didn't last a while.

" Don't remind me." Kazutora said as he frowned at Chifuyu.

Chifuyu snickered, rummaging through the drawer to pull out the best scenting cologne.

" Yeah I will. And Baji don't forget to tie up your hair."

The raven haired man grumbled distastefully at the shade thrown at him. " Why do you keep calling me by my last name?!"

" Why are you yelling!?" Kazutora mimicked in the same tone.

" Shut up!"

" This is why I'm going out tonight." Chifuyu said as he sprayed himself over with the colognes. " And I call you that because you look more like a Baji then Keisuke."

" Fuck you."

" Yeah whatever."

Kazutora whistled, standing up to place a hand on the blonde man's shoulder. " It's good that Chifuyu is finally making moves though." He said as Chifuyu narrowed his eyes at him through the mirror. " After how long Baji? 4 or 5 years?"

Baji laughed. A laugh that was booming and teasing, making Kazutora join in naturally.

Chifuyu rolled his eyes, shrugging his friends hands off his shoulder. " Forget yourselves."

" 4 or 5?!" Baji repeated in between laughter.

" I thought it's been a century!"

" You mean a decade?" Chifuyu asked with sass. " Decade means 10, century means 100. Easy information."

" Well shit I think it's been a century." Kazutora joked.

Chifuyu could only roll his eyes again as he adjusted his hair. His friends laughing at him was fine, because he knew that they found humor in everything. Teasing Chifuyu was a main source. But Chifuyu also knew that he wanted to see Y/N L/N tonight. He wished to see her and Haruki, and he didn't care about whatever teasing he had to endure because of it.

" Look we're sorry," Baji said with his laughter dying out. " We know you really like this chick—"

" Her name is Y/N."

" Right. So y'know, let's talk more about tonight and what you planned."

Chifuyu smiled at the questions. The plan he had come up with started to swirl around in his mind as he took a seat with his friends.

" So I'm going to get her some flowers for the night." He started with a cheesy grin. " I just have to pick them up and that's really it. Then I'm going to pick up the fresh dinner meals  I ordered, and yeah—I'll be off to her place."

Kazutora nodded, sparing a glance at his black haired companion with a look of interest.

" And you sure the food will be hot?" He asked with a raised brow.

Chifuyu nodded his head. " Yup. Well it's as fresh as it can get from a store. But I paid them extra for hot and really fresh food." He said with a shrug. " It's the same food place we catered when we opened our 3rd location."

Baji nodded. " I don't remember the name but I remember that the food was good as fuck."

Chifuyu couldn't suppress his grin.

" Wait hold on," Kazutora started as he cleared his throat. " What's with the suit?"

Chifuyu raised a brow at the question, eyeing his fancy suit. " I mean....the food isn't typical. It's fancy and expensive."

" So you're going to go over there in a suit, and she probably won't even be dressed up?" Kazutora stated in more or a questioning tone.

" That's fine!" Chifuyu quickly said. " She always looks good! She doesn't need a dress!"

Baji huffed silently. Despite always knowing of his friends submissive side for romance, a part of him was concerned for Chifuyu. He was putting in so much effort for this dinner—a surprise dinner in fact—to turn out as perfect as possible. He couldn't deny that he was worried for Chifuyu.

But his friend looked so happy.

His fucking smile that he's been wearing for the past day or so looked so genuine.

—And from what Baji heard, you were a nice girl. A very strong and independent woman—is what Chifuyu called you. Taking care of your son from an early age, that took maturity that even Baji was sure he didn't get till recently.

The black haired man sighed as Chifuyu defended you being in casual clothing.

" Hmmm." Baji grumbled. " She better be grateful."

Chifuyu could only nod.

He hoped you liked it.


" Haruki what should we eat for dinner?"

You asked the boy who was freshly showered and sitting on the couch. The apartment was quiet, peacefully quiet. You itched to get started on dinner and start conversation with your 8 year old son. Even now you were desperate. You had asked him a question you already knew the answer to. With nothing to do during the day but speaking to your mother, and sharing a bottle between Aiko who kept the rest—it was fair to say you were bored. With that being said, you had already planned dinner. 

'Why is Haruki so quiet? ' you might ask. Well it's simply because he's watching his after school science channel on the tv.

The same one his best friends watch as well. It was one of his favorites, and you would never tell him not to watch the channel.

Plus, it was better than him being stuck to a phone or tablet.

" Haruki?" You called out a bit louder.

" Oh?" He responded. " Sorry mom, I wasn't listening. What did you say?"

You laughed at him, shaking your head. " What do you want for dinner? Unless you don't plan on eating."

The boy quickly shook his head at your last words, before cocking his head to the side in a thinking manner. " Ummmm.... Katsu Curry!"

" No." Your response earned a dragged out groan. " Oh please. You know that we only eat curry when mommy doesn't have enough time to make dinner, remember?"

Haruki crossed his arms. " Yeah...."

" Why don't we have...." You started with a goofy smile on your face. " Egg fried rice and braised pork!!"

Cheers erupted from Haruki.

" —With broccoli."

" Oh."

" Veggies are important Haruki." You said with a pointed look as you walked over to him with a hand on your hip.

" But why broccoli of all the ones in the fridge?" He questioned with a pout on his face.

" Some children and people don't have veggies to eat." You scolded him. " And maybe you should make dinner tonight."

" Sorry momma."

" Mhm."

Walking away back to the kitchen, you hummed contently as you reached for the fridge.


Your face scrunched up at the timing of the call. With a sigh you glanced at Haruki—who had returned back to the tv, and dug your hand into your pant pocket with a new feeling of discontent.

You can't say you weren't taken aback by the name of the caller.

It was Chifuyu.


Ran's car was silent.

Usually he was working at this hour. He would be working with Bonten, maybe eating dinner that his brother picked up or got for him. Especially knowing that every Bonten Executive was busy and practically scurrying around with their own work loads. The overwhelming mission and papers, the endless meetings and deals. Everything was stacking up, and Ran had made the call to hurry and get things done, and then call it off for the night. All so he could drive to his ex's place. So he could come face to face with Y/N L/N after nearly 9 years.

With how you and him ended, Ran wasn't sure what the conversation would go like.

You've gotten his money, Rindou confirmed it in anger. The money must be a lot for someone like you who works as a bartender, and he was sure that you could do big things with it.

Maybe you would be happy to see him.

Seeing him at your apartment door with a fancy suit worth more than your rent, and maybe you would remember the money he sent you on the spot.

You would tell yourself that you can get more if you stay with him. That's how a smart woman would think anyways.

Because knowing he was in Bonten , Ran was sure that you wouldn't want to upset him by hindering his son from him. Because finically wise, he would eat you up. And he knew it.

So Ran believed things would go smoothly.

That's just how Ran Haitani thinks.

" Funny." He said to his thoughts as he stared at the road ahead. " Cancelled work to come down here. She better be grateful."

It was the mind of Ran Haitani.

It was true though. He did cancel work to come see you. To come talk to you.

" I've encountered a personal situation." He responded with a edge to his tone.

Mikey raised a brow at the emphasis of the word " personal". Maybe there wasn't a emphasis the Haitani put on the word, but out of everything Mikey was tiredly listening to—that word stuck out the most.

" Personal?" He asked with a tilt to his head.

Ran shifted as his boss's eyes peered into his own. He was debating if he should tell Mikey his matter or not. Sanzu wasn't in the room at the moment, so only the boss would know. But it wasn't even a matter of embarrassment of who knew his business. After all, Takeomi—the Advisor knew. But there was a difference. Takeomi wouldn't leak his business to the rest of the Executives, Sanzu—the loud mouth friend of his, would.

For a second, Ran wanted to just nod his head at the Boss's question, opting that for his answer. But with the way the boss stared at him with those wide black orbs, he wasn't just asking—he was demanding to know what was so personal to be occupied for the rest of the evening.

" Yeah." Ran responded with a curt nod.

" I just found out I have a son. Um....I found my baby mothers location."

Ran could see how Mikey's eyes widened for a second.

He wasn't expecting that huh? Ran thought.

" Oh." Was all he said as he shifted. " Okay then. You're free to go."

Ran huffed at the memory of hours ago. Mikey's face, his expression of shock that only lasted a second—it all lingered in his mind.

Ran wondered if Mikey would tell Sanzu. He wasn't sure if the boss was that vocal with Sanzu about other Executives matters. Sure the executives were going to notice his evening absence, but who would ask about it?

Sanzu would. And Ran wondered if he would get an answer.

With a shake of his head, Ran's jaw tightened as his mind wandered off again.

Back to Rindou.

His brother who hasn't spoken to him since what happened in his office.

At fist Ran thought he would get over it. That it would be a small fight that wouldn't last long.

But Ran knew it wouldn't be, and he was correct. Rindou has said some things that were beyond Ran's comprehension. He called him  things that Rindou has never called him before.

It wasn't the typical, " you're annoying", that his brother always gave him.

It was pure hatred and anger in his eyes. And maybe Ran was overreacting, but if it wasn't hatred he saw, it was disappointment.

And he remembers the look and everything.

So Ran took it upon himself to seek out for you, knowing he had to, wanted to, and needed to.

Ran was also sure that Rindou would let it go once he heard him asking Kokonoi for a bartenders number off the list. Your number.

Rindou didn't.

He wasn't going to say sorry. That's what Ran keeps chanting to himself even as he drives. His hands clenching hard around the steering wheel in anger.

Rindou was going to apologize, like always.

He was sure of it.

This is a long drive, Ran thought as he made a turn. " Fuck it. I don't have time to bring her something."

Ran couldn't deny that he was nervous to finally see you after all these years. He wasn't too anxious for your reaction, but to see his son—and the girl he once loved—he sure felt some type of way.

Despite his worries for seeing you, Ran believed this would go smoothly. He just has to use his appeal like he's been doing with women these past few years.


You weren't expecting Chifuyu to be on his way.

On his way with dinner, in fact. You were wearing what could be considered pajamas, and he was brining over a fancy meal enough for all three of you—completely unprovoked. You were more than shocked, and mid way when Chifuyu said he had catered steaks, rice, and shrimp—you had began your way to your bedroom. Your clothes were a shame to wear for a dinner with such expensive food, but Chifuyu didn't mind.

In fact, he had told you that he was actually expecting you to be in pajamas, and had called at this time to make sure you hadn't started dinner.

He was perfect with the timing.

So here you were, in fluffy pajama pants with a fluffy v neck cropped shirt to go with it. You had set your hair to look more presentable than your go to hairstyle that you had it in. Anxiously biting your nails as you waited for Chifuyu to call you back when he was near your complex.

" So we're not having egg fried rice and pork?" Haruki asked from the living room.

You shook your head, walking over to his direction as you nervously laughed. " No but we can have it tomorrow babe."

Haruki raised a brow. " So...are we having curry then?"

" No."

" At least I tried."

You rolled your eyes playfully at his response, reaching a hand over to tug at your sons chubby cheeks. " Yeah you tried it. But actually, Chifuyu is coming over, and he's bringing over dinner!"

Haruki's face brightened the moment you finished your sentence. A beam on his face as his eyes widened to saucers.

" Really!?" He asked in disbelief. " You're staying too right mom?"

You didn't miss the pleading and hopeful look in his eyes. After all, usually when Chifuyu was here, it meant that you had to leave.

With a smile growing on your face, you shook your head. " I'm staying right here to eat dinner with you guys."

Haruki made a energetic gesture of victory to express his triumph of your information.

" And he's bringing steak!" It was just so you could see more of his happiness.

The joy of your son increased, and placed joy inside of you with every cheer he made.

You couldn't help but smile and laugh, walking away from Haruki to grab your phone.

Things were going good. Great in fact.

Despite everything, and what is happening with your job, your domestic life was amazing.

You had a tight circle of people that cared about you, and you had a son that brought you indescribable joy every time you saw his face.

You couldn't ask for more.

" Should I change my clothes mommy?" Haruki asked from the living room. " Steak is for fancy people in suits and dresses!"

You looked over at him with a grin on your face. " That's for when you go to the steak, as far as I'm concerned, the steak is coming to us."

A large smile spread on Haruki's face as he laughed at your humor.

" And plus," you started with a shrug. " I'm not wearing a dress."

The sound of ringing from your phone ended Haruki's laughter as you put a finger over your lips—signaling him to be quiet.

Like you thought, it was Chifuyu, and you didn't waste a second answering the call.

" You're here?" You asked immediately as you chewed your lip.

He laughed on the other end, light and airy.

" Well I'm glad you sound excited. And yeah, I am here."

You found yourself smiling as you walked over to the box on your wall.

" May you please open the door Y/N?" Chifuyu asked through the buzzer.

You grinned when you realized your didn't hear it in the other end of the phone. He had muted himself.

" I will," you spoke back with a laugh as you opened the door for him.

" Thank you because my hands are really full. Would hate to drop this amazing food."

You shook your head as the conversation directed back to the phone. Chifuyu now having you off mute with his voice as clear as ever. Not static anymore from the buzzer machine that was being tweaked on.

You smiled as you stepped away from the machine, a nice feeling rising in your chest as you glanced at your son.

" I'll get the fancy plates." He lipped to your with a sneaky smile.

You nodded your head at him eagerly as his small feet ran to the kitchen. Hearing the sound of the dish washer opening to grab the steamed plates from yesterday.

" Just tell me when your at the door," you started as you tilted your head to the side.

" Should I tell you that I'm stiffly traveling up the elevator? Thank God it's only me."

You laughed at the horrible attempt to be funny. Or maybe it was Chifuyu's humor in general.

It seems like you were laughing at everything he was saying. Funny or not.

" Well I guess I can tell you that Haruki's getting the fancy plates, and I'm waiting at the door for you."

You felt like a teenage girl giggling with her boyfriend on the phone. A feeling that wasn't unfamiliar to you completely. It felt like a new experience though, a new nice one. And you were living for it.

Maybe Aiko was right.

" Well I'm starting to walk down the hall." Your breath hitched as you watched Haruki run back to grab cutlery. An excited and thrilled look all over his face and demeanor.

" And I can see your apartment door by the way."

You don't know why you were getting so excited. " Chifuyu..." you mumbled.

" Andddddd," he dragged out. " Whew the foods getting heavy."

You laughed, peeking out the peek hole on your tippy toes for him.

" Now I'm....outside your door."

And he was.

Standing there with a awkward smile. His head tilted with his phone pressed between his collar bone and cheek. It was almost as if he knew you were watching through the peep hole, expected of you.

" So..." he started. " Are you going to open the door."

Without a second thought you opened your apartment door for the blonde haired man.

" Hey Chifuyu." You spoke into the phone as you stared at him. A grin adorning your lips.

" Looks like you need help."

" I do. Good thing your dining table is close."

You stepped aside quickly to let him in. Listening to the sound of Haruki's excitement as Chifuyu moved further into your house.

Peeking your head out the door, you glanced both ways down the hall before shutting it completely. Adding the various locks you usually put.

" I'm tried to look a little more...better." You said as you showed yourself to the two excited males.

Chifuyu glanced up at you, his eyes raking you over quickly as red dusted his cheeks. " You look amazing. Like always. Not in a weird way, but you know....doesn't your mom look amazing Haruki?"

Your son nodded quickly as he peeked into one of the foiled and branded pans. " Yup! She looks cool!"

You laughed softly with Chifuyu at his response.

" No but seriously Chif, you didn't have to do all of this. Take out would've made an amazing dinner. I was also just about to start dinner too so...."

Chifuyu smiled, stuffing his hands in his dress pockets as he stepped to you. " Are you trying to say that I was invited to dinner this whole time?"

Your eyes widened at the bold question, and you averted your gaze to somewhere that wasn't his face. " I mean....yeah."

After years of saying that you didn't harbor romantic feelings for this man...

You felt like opening a hole and disappearing with the way your insides twisted.

" There's steak!" Haruki excitedly said.

" There's steak and rice!"

You shook your head as Chifuyu laughed, moving towards the dinning table seat to hover over the food.

Haruki had already opened up the food, and he wasn't lying about the steak. It was big, thick, and juicy pieces that were still releasing steam into the air. You could see the steam droplets from the heat that was on the pushed back lids.  In another pan there was white rice—plain and simple, and the third pan had fried egg rice. The fourth pan was rather like a bowl, and was noticeably smaller than the other tins of food.

Opening it, it was a nice container of flared out tempura shrimp. Having over 20 pieces of shrimp for sure. The centre of the tin had a sealed container of red sauce.

" Chifuyu you outdid yourself." You gushed as your stomach grumbled.

The man chuckled lightly, " I wanted to impress you and Haru. So it was worth it?"

" Yup!" The young boy squeaked joyfully.

" It was very worth it! Me and momma were gonna eat steak on the weekend like a big girl and boy does! Now we all are eating it as a family!"


The word nudged your heart in all the right spots. Beating a section of your heart that hasn't been beating in years.

" We're a family?" You asked as you looked between Chifuyu and Haruki.

Chifuyu looked just as stunned from Haruki's choice of words. His blue eyes widened and his blinking slow—as if he was trying to solve a hard math problem.

Haruki looked confused at the silence, tilting his head as he looked at you. " Did I say something wrong momma? I'm sorry—"

" No!"

Chifuyu stared at you. " I think a family is..."

" Amazing." You continued for him with a smile. You looked between the two boys as you spoke again, " I think a family is great."

The smile you and Chifuyu shared as you avoided eye contact was backed up by Haruki's loud cheers. The food in front of the three of you was so alluring, completely drawing you in to the scent of steaks, rice, and shrimps.


" It seems like somethings on your mind Boss."

Sanzu said to Mikey as he cleaned his gun. The leader of Bonten's head has been clouded for the past hour or so. Usually, things didn't bother Mikey for a long period of time—in fact, things barely stayed on his mind for long. But there was something about the information he learned from his executive that settled an uneasy feeling in his stomach. It wasn't the fact that an Executive had a kid, since Mochi himself had a wife and two kids. He's been living a domestic lifestyle for years, so Mikey wasn't surprised there.

His mind has been spinning abnormally, piecing things together and looking back at previous things that meant nothing then—but do now.

" You seem bothered by something," His number two said again. " Is it a traitor? I can deal with that now—"

" It's no traitor." Mikey dully responded.

" But there's a problem then? You didn't deny it."

Mikey debated between telling Sanzu to shut up, or just ignoring him. His number two was beyond nosey when it came to anything, and Mikey would be lying if he said Sanzu wasn't unbearable.

Always doing something. Always invading his mind.

" Don't worry about it." Mikey said, leaning back into the chair. " It's not a sharing matter."

Sanzu grinned at the response. By the look on his face, Mikey could tell that he was treating this as a game. Finding some type of high in tempting and pushing his boss's buttons.

Finding out just what was wrong with his boss, and what was making him so stressed. All so  he could quickly get rid of it.

" It's a secret then?" Sanzu pushed a bit more.

" Is it concerning one of the guys?"

Mikey exhaled a long breath, blinking as he stared at nothing in particular.

" Is it Kakucho?" The pink haired man started with a grin. " Maybe Rindou? He's been angrier than usual."

He must think I'm joking, Mikey thought.

" His brother has also been weird, is it Ran maybe? Is it Mochi? Is he lacking? Just tell me so I can get rid of the problem—"

" Get out." Mikey cut him off, standing from his chair as he fixed a look to his number two.

Sanzu blinked. The grin he had on his face long gone. " What? But Boss I'm just trying to help—"

" Don't care." Mikey said, walking over to his office window. " I don't wanna hear it anymore. Told you to stop. You didn't. Get out."

Sanz stood there for a moment, staring at his boss who had his back facing away from him.

" I'm sorry then—"

Mikey turned around. Fixing a sharp and rude stare on Sanzu " What are you not understanding? I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out."

Mikey watched as Sanzu exited his office. A frown on his number two's face, and he already knew that an innocent soul would be the outlet to the anger he was feeling. He could not find it in himself to care at the moment.

He couldn't when this odd feeling was eating him alive.

" Ran has a kid?" He mumbled to himself. Finally letting his shocking thoughts speak aloud.

Mikey didn't care—that's what he told himself, but it didn't feel right as he thought more about his executives situation.

There was no way that Ran Haitani just found out he has a kid.

Mikey wasn't sure why he believed so, but the way the man worded his words, and nervously darted his eyes around his office made him contemplate.

He just found out his baby mothers location?

It made no sense.

How did you just find out you have a kid, and also just find your baby mothers location? It was questionable. Knowing Ran Haitani, Mikey was aware that he was the biggest whore in Bonten. He found it disgusting, but he kept quiet. Ran was a man who wanted to have a woman on his arm every second.

Is it possible that he impregnated a one night stand recently? Or was this years ago like Mikey believes?

" Rindou was upset these last few days." He told himself as he walked back to his office window. " Sanzu's right. Those brothers haven't been talking lately."

Mikey stared at the dark sky with his obsidian orbs. " He abandoned his kid." Mikey ignorantly concluded.

A frown of displeasure settled on his face when he realized what he just said.

Mochi wasn't expecting children, but it happened, and he took full responsibility immediately. That's a real man.

Mikey can tell from a mile away that Ran Haitani is not.

He did not take responsibility, and his cheap pride and ego had led him to go to his baby mothers house uninvited.

Mikey was sure he was correct.

Ran Haitani wasn't a man. He was a child.


Everyone's stomach was full.

The food had done a great job of filling everyone up, and it was nowhere near finished. The skinny steak Haruki ate was enough to put the boy to sleep in his chair. You had finished up your last piece of shrimp and bit of rice before slumping back into your chair. Hand on your belly as you stared at Chifuyu—who had eaten the biggest and thickest steak in the tin. Now it was time to clean up the place and put the food away, and proceed that by putting Haruki to bed for school tomorrow. You did not look forward to moving from your comfortable position.

Chifuyu let out a sigh as he followed your gaze. " I'll carry the little guy to his room, no worries about that."

He had noticed your stare on your sleeping son, and read your expression—understanding your thoughts so easily.

You smiled at Chifuyu—a tiered and lazy smile—but a smile nevertheless. " He's out like a light because of the food. I'm sure he'll sleep amazing tonight...."

Chifuyu shrugged his shoulders, mimicking your own beat expression. " I bet he will. Don't want to wake him up...so! I'll carry him!" Chifuyu began to rise to his feet after he finished his words.

You looked up at him as he hiked up his dress pants, walking over to Harukis's chair.

Seeing that he got up to aid your kid upstairs—despite being tiered and full from this dinner—that alone pulled you to your feet too.

" Thank you so much Chifuyu. Again. Like seriously....I don't know what I'll do without you."

Chifuyu gently began to lift Haruki. " No need to thank me Y/N—"

" Stay over for the night." The words came out of your mouth without hesitation. " We're all tired, and unnecessary driving isn't worth it."

Chifuyu stared at you for a moment, Haruki secured in his arms. " Okay. Thank you."

The endless thanks won't stop no matter what, so you nodded in response.

Chifuyu slowly disappeared from the dinning area, making his way to Haruki's bedroom with quiet feet.

You huffed as you stared at the food that needed to be packed and put away. The dishes that were on the table that needed to be put in the dish washer, and the mats that had to be cleaned.

" I'll thank myself in the future if I do this now." You mumbled.

Immediately, you gathered the dishes and utensils and began your way to the kitchen sink.

The sink water was hot on your hands. You watched as the scented soap ran off each fancy plate that became crystal clear, before setting the dish into the open washer beside you. You couldn't help the way your mind was wandering. Chifuyu had really put a lot of energy into tonight. A smile found way to your face as you recalled Haruki's words about the man that often watches him.

He had used the word " family" to practically describe you, Haru, and Chifuyu. And it didn't bother you at all. 

Your heart sped up as you inhaled a shaky breath of air. It was a feeling you haven't felt in a while, and you've been denying this feeling since forever—for the last couple years.

Things have been going so smoothly for you, then so rough, and then got smooth again, and now you felt like you were moving in between the two lanes of smooth and rough.

You dried your hands with the kitchen napkin, opening the cupboard in search of the dishwasher soap.

You grumbled under your breath when you saw that the pack had less than five soaps left, making you mark in your head to buy some when you go grocery shopping this week. Another task that you had to do while on your break.

The knock at the door was loud and firm.

You flinched at the sound, your heart jumping but your face remaining still. Your hands clutched the package in your hand harder as you blinked. You weren't expecting anyone at this hour, or anyone in general.

You weren't even expecting Chifuyu this evening, and you had spoke to Aiko and your mother today—so you doubt they'll pay you a visit the same day. You were certain that they would call or text you rather than come by your place. Considering the time.

You slowly set the package down on the counter as you took a step towards your door.

The buzzer hadn't went off. You didn't let anyone into the building.

Although it wasn't impossible to enter the complex without being buzzed in, it was still odd. You could have someone open or hold the door for you, which isn't unusual—and you have to admit that you often did that for others yourself. It saved visitors the time.

But it didn't answer who was coming directly to your place at this hour?

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

An extra knock was added this time.

" What the hell..." you mumbled to yourself as you walked quickly to the door.

Haruki was being put to bed, and there was no doubt that Chifuyu heard the knocking himself.  

Could it be Rindou? You thought as you placed your eye to the peephole.

You would've answered your question with a "yes" the moment you spotted the purple mop of hair.

But there was such significant differences between Rindou and the man that was standing at your door. 

This couldn't be anyone other than Ran Haitani.

No amount of time and separation could make you forget those violet eyes of his that you saw in your everyday life. The same eyes Haruki had that he got from the man outside your door.

You couldn't even find it in you to gasp or let out any sound as you stared at his appearance.

A fancy suit, and a tie adorning his neck, similar to the one his brother was wearing days ago.

Ran's hair was short, much shorter than you remember it being. It was gelled to the side—but looked rather messy, and his pale skin was still as clear as day.

" Someone's at the door?"

Chifuyu's voice had you slowly pulling away from the peephole. For a moment, you contemplated answering him. Wanting to keep quiet so Ran Haitani on the other side of the door would think that no one's home.

But at the same time, you did not wish to draw attention to Chifuyu, and appear panicked and startled.

You shrugged at him as he slowly approached you. " Yeah." You settled on for an answer.

" At this hour though? Are you expecting them?"

You were sure that Ran Haitani knew you were present now.

Knock, knock, knock.

It wasn't firm knocks anymore, and now it sounded like he was using his finger to knock rather than his knuckles.

You shook your head, letting a nervous laugh fall from your lips as you looked at Chifuyu. His brow was raised at you, blue eyes darting between the door and your figure. It was almost as if he was questioning what you were going to do.

" I'm sorry, it's just a really old friend of mine I guess." You whispered with a lopsided smile.

" I'll speak to them outside so I don't wake up Haruki."

Chifuyu smiled at you, angling his body to the side. " Okay then. I'll be in the kitchen."

You nodded as he walked off. With a deep breath you opened the apartment door, stepping out immediately.

Your rash footsteps practically forced Ran to back up from the door with haste. Your presence being forced in front of him as he realized he was not coming into your home space.

It was quiet, your eyes darting around the empty hall before falling on the taller male.

" Haitani."

Next Part ; Part 5

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1 year ago

c i g a r e t t e  k i s s e s


f!reader x vinsmoke sanji (op)

tw: a little angst? + a little nsfw

word count: 1.2k

a/n: I wanted it to be fluff (maybe it’s a sign that I’m not made for writing this), but it sort of became a little angsty? I don’t even know what’s the genre anymore, oops. Anyway, I just started watching One Piece, and I knew I’d love Mr. Prince immediately (Shanks & Zoro too!)

buy me a ko-fi?


You couldn’t resist peeking your head into the kitchen. While the other Straw Hats on the deck were busy having another pointless argument over a ridiculous theory, you had slipped away to follow the exotic aroma of spices combined with the waft of citrus. You could feel your mouth watering as you watched the juicy fish sizzling on the pan. The blonde cook must have heard your stomach rumbling because he immediately turned around to give you his signature sweet smile.

“Hungry already, princess?” he asked while skilfully stir-frying vegetables in a large wok.

“Starving,” you admitted, suppressing your desire to steal the freshly-cooked prawns by the side of the counter and running away with it.

He laughed, “Well, you have to hold on just a little longer. I’m almost finished. It shouldn’t take more than ten minutes.”

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1 year ago


i t’ s  y o u


f!reader x monkey d. luffy (op)

tw: a little angst?

word count: 1.5k

a/n: I love this precious bouncy boi so much, so here’s a fluff fic.

buy me a ko-fi?


Your Captain had been acting strangely for a while now, you’ve noticed. He was usually yelling or laughing, making his presence known on the Going Merry. He would even talk in his sleep, sometimes getting a response or two from Sanji and Usopp shushing him. You had never seen Luffy so quiet and distant, almost as if he was avoiding you. Every time you tried to approach him, he would quickly walk away as if he didn’t see you coming. Either that or he would approach another crewmate and disturb them, ruining their peace.

You were perplexed. You had joined the Straw Hats the same time Robin did. The only difference was that you were invited, and she was not. Yet, Luffy never acted around Robin how he did with you. You tried to convince yourself that maybe you didn’t know Luffy as well as the others did. After all, you had only been with the crew for two weeks, and you hadn’t gotten that many opportunities to spend time with your Captain. That being said, there was no denying that you had a slight crush on him. Luffy was so confident and charismatic, and you’ve always admired his selfless personality. You wanted to go on more adventures with Luffy and would do anything to help him reach his dream of becoming the Pirate King.

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