29 posts
Iamlize33 - Untitled - Tumblr Blog
love is not easy (3) ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: everything seems more difficult when you are the shadow of your older sister and Kylian and her are in love with each other.

@nightlockcornucopia @gaviandgrizisgirl @philipetchebest @sunnytkm23 @topguncultleader @http-isabela @laylaynaynay130 @lovekm @vibinwkay @kyksgirl @ariagonzalezsstuff @footballfeverr
(part 1) / (part 2)
"Hey, what happened?" Ana moves her body so that she could face you after catching you having the biggest crying crisis of your life, her eyes delivered so much worry that you even felt bad. "What happened?"'
"Nothing, I…" You take a deep breath trying to pull yourself together and stand up, but Ana holds you firmly so that you remain seated with her. "Ana…" You bite your lips trying to hold back another wave of tears as you look into her eyes. "I'm sorry."
She looks at you confused, she's so lost and it makes her desperate because she doesn't know what to do to help you. "Sorry for what? For the love of God, explain to me what happened. Don't do this to me, sis. Let me help you."
With Ana's eyes watering and her hand moving to touch your face. "I'm in love with Kylian."
You just close your eyes, letting tears escape, and in the process you just wait for the worst possible reaction. Ana only gets even more confused and tries to understand what really happened.
"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" She shakes her head in confusion. "Are you crying because of him? Did he say or do anything?"
You look up at Ana and frown at her question instead of being upset that you love her future suitor. "Ana, I…" You're more confused than you were before. "What?" You let out a frustrated snort and Ana only gets more confused with every word that comes out of your mouth. "I know you've always wanted someone to love you for who you are and I'm sure you'll make each other very happy and…"
Ana interrupts you as she stands up exasperatedly and looks at you wide-eyed. "Oh my God, what? Are you crazy? I don't like Kylian." Now you're the one who's confused. You put your hands on your head to see if the migraine will stop and turn your gaze back to her.
"I only imagined this because you're always together and… I don't know, Ana. Now I'm as confused as you are." Ana holds out your hands and pulls you to sit on the couch in the living room.
"I've been with him the whole time because you've been refusing to go out with him for months." She says with an obvious look on her face as she slaps you on the head.
You stare at the nothingness in front of you and simply vegetate for a while after the confession that has been playing tricks on your mind for years. Ana never liked Kylian? Wow, you didn't see that one coming. But, it's not as if it changes anything, Kylian has already made it very clear what he wants.
"But, without getting off the topic. What did Kylian do to make you like this?" She wakes you up from your thoughts and pulls you out of your world of self-deprecating thoughts, you're so tired of feeling this way.
"I told Kylian that I love him, Ana." You look at her with watery eyes and a weak smile on your face, a smile that makes Ana's heart ache. "And he didn't say anything, just stood in front of me. Totally stunned. As if my liking him was something completely absurd."
Ana shakes her head and rests her hands on your hands that are resting on your lap. "Don't talk like that, I'm sure he was just surprised."
You smile at Ana's attempt to make you feel better. "Ana, I'm definitely not the kind of girl Kylian is interested in. You are." She stares at you as if you have said the biggest nonsense of your life, she is so surprised to hear it from you. "You don't understand…Kylian could never love me like that." Your voice quavers. "I just can't stand to feel so incapable of being loved anymore…"
With your head down and mumbling all these confessions, you confess everything that has been in your mind during these years. Ana can only take a deep breath and try not to collapse along with you, she can't imagine what her little sister went through during these years. "If Kylian can't see what an amazing girl you are, then he's really not for you." She holds up your hands and draws your attention to stare intently at her. "I wish you could see how worthy you are of good things, of genuine love, of deep connections, of happiness. I wish you could escape your mind for just a moment and see all that you deserve, because once you see it, once you feel it, you can't deny that it's real. You are worth so much more than the way your mind nails you, and your past experiences do not define your future or your ability to be loved in the right way, to be loved at all. I hope you find it in yourself to open your heart again, a little more each day, and let a little love come back. I hope that in doing so, you begin to see all the things that are meant for you the way to you, and I hope you recognize that you are worthy of it all."
She pulls you into a hug when she sees the mess of crying and sobbing you are in, she knows this time it is a cry of relief for finally opening up your feelings to someone. "And our Kylian…he's not like that. He just needs some time for his feelings to reorganize and I'm sure he'll come running to tell you what you need to hear so that your heart will be well, peaceful and calm. Whatever his answer is, know that I will be here to support you and help you get back on your feet."
You can't put it into words, but Ana understands you through the smallest of actions. This hug that you share now represents everything and more of your feelings. Your sister is your greatest point of peace and security, with Ana you are able to face any war.

You wake up in the middle of the night and realize that you and Ana have fallen asleep in the middle of the living room after spending the night talking about anything but your conversation with Kylian.
When you look at your phone and see that it's already 11pm, you make a point of sending Ana up to her bedroom (who gets up the stairs with her eyes almost closed) while you tidy up the pillows that were all messed up from the way you and Ana slept sloppily on the couch.
In the meantime, all you notice is the way your phone vibrates non-stop and when your eyes drop to the notification bar, your eyes go wide and your heart rises to your throat. Are you still sleeping?
Ky <3: Please tell me you're still awake.
Ky <3: Damn, I need to tell you something so important.
Ky <3: Fuck, love. Just wait for me. I'm coming to your house.
Ky <3: Just know that I fucking love you.
Ky <3: I love you so fucking much.
You notice how the messages were sent about 30 minutes ago and despair at the possibility that you're trapped inside a dream. What is going on? My God, you can't even sit down to wait for Kylian to arrive. A few minutes after you read the messages and your mind can't shut off on the possibility that Kylian is playing with you. The doorbell rings in a desperate way, you brake and your breath is short.
You gather your strength and go to the door to meet the person you have been waiting for eight years. Damn it, eight years of waiting for this moment.
When you open the door, your desperate look is met by a completely breathless Kylian with the most beautiful smile on his face. He can't say anything, he just kisses you. He just takes your face and presses so hard on your lips that you almost fall to the floor, this kiss looks so desperate and needy. Kylian doesn't want to ever break that bond and neither do you. Desperately, you search for each other. You embrace Kylian by the neck to deepen the kiss even more and make your bodies merge even more, in an inexplicable way you have become one.
Kylian breaks away from the kiss and rests his forehead against yours, his breath panting and the way he caresses your hair. You want to live forever within this moment, in the feeling and attachment that it will never end. "I love you. I love you in the most inexplicable way possible."
When he says this you can only close your eyes and hold his cheeks. So many years waiting for this moment and when it finally comes…you can't believe it. A laugh bursts from your lips and you pull Kylian in for another kiss, but this time he separates quickly. You look at him totally confused and he holds your hands as he pulls away from your hug. "I need to tell you everything, there are so many things that have been kept for so long."
You don't say anything, you just nod. You know that this time it's his time, Kylian needs his time to vent and expose to you everything he's been feeling all these years. You wait as long as it takes to listen and understand his side.
"I don't even know how this started…I don't even know." He shakes his shoulders signaling confusion as he tries to hide a smile. "I only know the reasons I fell in love with you and there are so many that I don't even have the courage to list them because I know it would take years and decades and forever." He takes a deep breath, it seems so hard for him to say this as you stare at him, he loves you so much…. "Some people are so special that words can't even explain it. You accept this person for who they are, and they would never let you be anything other than your beautiful, imperfect self. These are the souls you meet and just know at the first moment that you should cross paths with. Their presence makes you feel safe and calm, like you are at home whenever you are with them. This is you to me, the most special person I have ever had and have the privilege to love, no distance, time or person could ever get in the way of the bond we share."
He assures you of this while holding your hands tightly, never breaking eye contact. You have never felt happier than you are right now, at this very moment. "Your kindness, gentleness, sincerity and unconditional love make me feel like a better person, because life is simply better with you. I promise you that there are people out there who will understand the language of your heart and what you've been through, and will show you a lot of patience and understanding as you heal. I promise you that your feelings, your anxiety, and your trauma are not a burden to those who love you, and I promise you that you are able to give and receive love in spite of everything. And I love you, I love you from when I was 15 years old and went to your room to expose all my fears and I love you now as the 24-year-old Kylian who opens his heart to you."
You can only mumble a weak "Kylian…" and embrace him with all the strength that is inside of you. Lord, how can you love someone so much? You've never felt worthy of being loved, but Kylian is the person capable of took off your negative thoughts and simply filling your mind with things that make you feel like the most loved woman in the world.
"You don't know how much I dreamed of this moment, but I always…always thought it was all about you and Ana and I was the supporting character in this story." You reveal to him as you watch those brown eyes soften at your confession.
Kylian caresses your face. "You spent so much time seeing yourself as a supporting character that you missed the point where you were always the main character in my life."
notes: that it :D hope you guys liked it. <3

how did i get here?
A lot of angst,
description, you are at (your best friend) Kylian's wedding and can't help but regret not telling him how you feel.
You were sitting at the wedding reception, trying to wrap your head around what had gone wrong. In all these years, you couldn't pluck up the courage to admit you had made a mistake; you were too stubborn to give in and be happy. You had no one to blame but yourself.
He was right there; you could see him; it was as if the lighting in the room knew he was the centre of your attention, casting a golden halo around him. He looked so beautiful in his suit. He was beautiful.
"A beautiful reception, isn't it?" the words broke you from your thoughts, and you turned to look over at your date. You gave him a small smile, but it didn't stay on your face long. It felt too unnatural and false, and you had spent the entire day making sure your face gave none of the internal struggles you had been facing since the engagement had been announced.
You turned to look at the spot where Kylian had been but found it empty, your shoulders slumped slightly, and you leaned back in your chair, picking up your wine glass. But then a warm hand gently places itself on the bare skin of your shoulder, and your body immediately reacts to it.
"y/n." Kylian smiled down at you, it was a little crooked, and his eyes were slightly drooping, and you could tell he had already drunk a little too much.
"This day has been so beautiful." You smile back up at him, and you can't hide the shakiness in your voice. His eyes scan your face momentarily as though he didn't hear what you said.
"I was just about to leave. I think I've tired myself out with the dancing." You let out a little laugh, knowing full well that you were lying. You hadn't moved from your table since the reception had started unless it was to get yourself a drink. You felt bad for your date, you hadn't engaged in many conversations either, feeling too sad to talk.
"Oh, ok….let me walk the both of you out." His face seemed strained as he watched you grab your bag and stand up.
"It's honestly ok. We can see ourselves out." You smiled politely as you entwined your fingers with your date. He seemed to sense the awkwardness of the conversation and gave your cold hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Please," Kylian whispered, looking into your eyes, and you only nodded in response.
As the three of you made your way through the crowd and out of the room, you felt a sense of calmness wash over you; the loud music and the large crowds did nothing to help with your anxiety the whole night.
"It looks like it's raining. I'll get the car, so you don't get your dress wet." Your date said, kissing your hand and letting it go before walking out into the downpour.
"He seems nice," Kylian spoke from beside you in an unfamiliar tone. Was he angry? Upset?
"He is." You say, smiling to yourself. He was kind, and you had been seeing each other on and off for the past few months. Still, it was complicated, and you hadn't fully committed to the possibility of a relationship. You couldn't, not when you were still pining over someone else.
The cold gust of wind sweeping into the foyer made you shiver. Kylian stepped closer to you, raising his hand but immediately dropping it as a car pulled up and beeped. You recognised it immediately.
"It was a beautiful day, Kylian. I wish you both a healthy marriage." You said as you kissed both of his cheeks goodbye.
You turned to leave, but his warm hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you. You didn't turn to face him, but you could hear his exhale of breath….he was so close.
"You know, I always thought it would end up being us two. That it would be you." He whispered; you closed your eyes, stopping the tears before they began to form.
"You're drunk, Ky," You said softly, still not having the courage to face him.
"Maybe." He said and let go of your arm and stepped back. You didn't look back as you ran into the rain to the open car door. Only when you had sat down and closed the door did you look back up to Kylian's retreating form, his shoulders hunched over.

You Belong with Me - Kylian Mbappe x Reader

Y/N gave birth to their daughter 2 months ago and is self-conscious about her body image.
As I stood in front of the mirror, tying my tie, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Tonight was a big night, a gala event for my team, PSG. I was excited to attend, but my mind was also consumed with worry about Y/N. She had just given birth to our beautiful baby girl two months ago, and I knew she was struggling with her body image.
I turned around to face Y/N, who was sitting on the edge of our bed, her arms wrapped around her knees. She was wearing a beautiful, flowy dress that accentuated her curves, but I could see the self-consciousness in her eyes.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me tonight?" I asked her gently.
She bit her lip and looked down at the floor. "I don't know, Kylian. I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin right now."
I walked over to her and sat down beside her on the bed. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. You just gave birth to our baby girl, and your body is doing amazing things. I'm so proud of you, and I want the world to see how incredible you are."
She looked up at me, her eyes glistening with tears. "But what if people judge me? What if they think I'm not good enough for you?"
I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips, kissing her knuckles. "No one could ever think that, Y/N. You are perfect in every way, and I love you more than anything. Please come with me tonight. I want to show you off to everyone."
She hesitated for a moment, but then a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Okay, Kylian. I'll go with you."
I stood up and pulled her to her feet, wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you, my love. You won't regret it."
We dropped our daughter off at my parent's house where she will be spending the night because we surely will the arriving home late tonight. We arrived at the event and were immediately greeted by a sea of people, all dressed in their finest attire. I could see Y/N's nerves starting to kick in, so I took her hand in mine and led her through the crowd.
As we made our way to our table, I could see the looks of admiration and envy on the faces of those around us. I couldn't blame them - Y/N looked stunning in her dress, and I was so proud to be by her side.
We sat down and started chatting with our tablemates, but I could tell that Y/N was still a little uneasy. I reached under the table and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You're doing great, Y/N," I whispered to her. "Just be yourself, and everyone will love you."
As the night went on, I could see Y/N starting to relax and enjoy herself. She laughed and joked with our friends, and even got up to dance a few times. I was so happy to see her having a good time, and it made my heart swell with love for her.
As the evening started to wind down, I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "See, I told you that you would have a great time."
She smiled up at me, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you for bringing me, Kylian. I'm so glad I came."
I leaned in and kissed her, the rest of the world fading away as our lips met. In that moment, I knew that I had made the right decision in bringing her with me tonight. Y/N was my everything, and I would do anything to make her feel loved and cherished.
As we entered the home, I turned to her and took both her hands in mine. "Y/N, I just want you to know how much I love you. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and I feel so lucky to have you as my partner."
She smiled at me, her eyes shining with emotion. "I love you too, Kylian. You always know just what to say to make me feel better."
I pulled her into my arms, holding her close as we swayed back and forth. "You don't need to be self-conscious, Y/N. You are perfect just the way you are, and I wouldn't want you any other way."
She rested her head on my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist. "Thank you, Kylian. You always know how to make me feel better."
We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company and reveling in the love we shared. I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, with the strength of our love to guide us.
As we settled into bed, I wrapped my arms around Y/N and pulled her close, kissing her softly on the forehead. "Goodnight, my love," I whispered to her.
"Goodnight, Kylian," she murmured back, snuggling in closer to me.
As we drifted off to sleep, I knew that this was just the beginning of a lifetime of memories we would create together. With Y/N by my side, I knew that anything was possible, and I was excited to see where our journey would take us.

hiii! can i request you being kylian mbappè best friend and going with him at the world cup and there you meet olivier giroud and you both fall in love but kylian is very protective of you and don’t want you to date because of your age difference (reader being 22/23 and oli 36) so he protects her and he’s jealous please ❤️
Please yes😭
Thank you for requesting this I hope you like it ❤️❤️

In your eyes
World Cup was this year and you couldn’t wait to go with your best friend and his family.
You and Kylian were best friends since you were kids. Due to the fact that your parents were friends you grew up together and were really close friends. You always attended his games, you supported him no matter what and he made sure to beat the shit of your ex boyfriend when you found out he cheated on you.
Unfortunately you missed World Cup 2018 and you couldn’t go with him but this year it would have been different. Kylian invited you and your family to join him at the WC in Qatar and you couldn’t be more enthusiastic.
Kylian also promised you that you could meet all the football players and you honestly couldn’t wait. You were a huge football fan so just the fact that you could watch his matches live made you happy but to think about that you were going to meet the french team? You were dreaming.
After the first game Kylian kept his promise. France won against Australia and of course Kylian scored in that match - so now the team came back to the hotel and celebrated.
Kylian invited you on their floor so you could celebrate with them and in that way he could introduce you to them.
You melted the moment you met Antoine Griezmann, one of your favorite football player ever but someone else caught your attention.
“Hi…I’m Olivier Giroud, nice to meet you!” he introduced himself shaking your hands and in that moment you felt like dreaming
“Hi nice to meet you! I’m y/n!” you shook his hands too
“What a beautiful name!” he smiled at you and in that moment you felt your legs going jelly. What was going on with you?
“Oh thank you…” you replied shyly “you play for Milan right?” you asked him trying to make a little bit of conversation
“Yes! I’m glad you know that!” he told you with a surprised look
“Yes I’m a huge football fan actually…it’s kind of a dream being here” you said honestly
“I’m glad Kylian took you here” he said now teasing you a bit
“Oh…yes I’m glad too!”
“Hope you enjoy the rest of the night!” he said hugging you and going back to his friends when they called him
What did just happened?
You were sure you were dreaming. Olivier Giroud, aka, one of the most handsome man in the whole world just flirted with you? You were kinda left paralysed until you heard Kylian’s brother calling you and telling you to go with him and eat something.
But as you were happy, Kylian wasn’t as happy as you. He saw everything and it kinda made him mad the fact that you were drooling over one of his teammates. Kylian was very protective of you, especially due to the fact that you were younger, you were 22 and he was 23 so he felt more protective and always acted more like a big brother. He wasn’t jealous, he always supported when you got into new relationships but he wasn’t enthusiastic about your boyfriend choices. They always ended up cheating on you, breaking your heart or treating you like shit so Kylian had to put them in right place.
He just had no idea why you were drooling over Olivier.
“Hey Kyky I’m going back to my room, thank you so much for inviting me here, I really appreciate it” you said to Kylian and he simply nodded and smiled to you.
You left and went straight into your bedroom, taking a quick shower and changing into some comfy pajamas, going straight to bed and staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened tonight.
A few minutes later you saw a notification from instagram.
“Olivier Giroud has started following you” and you were literally going crazy.
How did he found you?
Probably he stalked Kylian’s instagram since he has a couple of pictures with you but they’re kinda old.
That man was really a tease.
You fell asleep almost 20 minutes later, smiling and thinking that maybe this holiday would be good for you.
You woke up with some heavy knocks on your door.
“Wake up sleepyhead! The sun is shining and I want you to have breakfast with us” Kylian said from the other side of the door
“Ky what time is it?” you asked him with your low voice
“Time you wake up! The guy’s won’t wait for you and they’ll finish all the good food!”
“I’m coming I’m coming!” you said not even hearing what he said but then everything clicked - the guys - he invited you to have breakfast with him and the team, meaning Olivier would be there too! Now you were up and getting ready, opting for a nice t-shirt and a pair of jeans, nothing to fancy since you didn’t want to be the centre of attention.
“Look who’s up!” Kylian said the moment you opened the door and you simply smirked at him while he hugged you.
You both got down where everyone were having breakfast. You noticed you weren’t the only woman since almost every footballers wife were there too.
You sat next to Kylian who was facing his brother.
“Can I sit here?” a voice you recognized very well asked you while pointing to the chair in front of you
“Sure” you replied him smiling while he sat
“Did you sleep good?” he asked you and you nodded while never stop smiling. Kylian was looking between the two of you to see if you could notice the way he was feeling uncomfortable but you and Olivier were too focused on each other’s presences to even notice it.
“So” Kylian said making you both look toward him “Olivier how’s Angela?” he asked him and you could feel his look tense. Now who was this Angela?
“I think she’s good, I don’t know” Olivier replied a bit annoyed by this question
“I thought you were dating…or kinda, had a thing going on?” he asked knowing this might hurt you but he didn’t want you to have a crush on Olivier - he knew how football players change their girlfriends like their socks and he didn’t want you do be a replacement or a rebound to some failed dates
“No we were not dating Kylian…” he answered sipping his black coffee
“Oh my bad…” he said smirking a bit and you had no idea of what was going on
“Angela is a model” Kylian explained to you “and she had a thing going on with Olivier back in Milan, we talked about her when we were playing for the Nations League but then I haven’t heard anything about her” he finished explaining and you simply nodded.
A model?
Of course a model.
Football players have high standards. They don’t date girls like you. They look for models or influencers or perfect girls with perfect bodies and perfect smiles. You were not of those and it kinda hurt you.
“We flirted a bit in the summer…nothing to serious” Olivier stated and you nodded pretending you didn’t care.
After that you had breakfast in silence thinking of your next moves.
While you and Ethan were talking you didn’t notice Olivier and Kylian talking in the corner of the room.
“Kylian was that necessary?” Olivier asked him
“Yes it was. I don’t want you near her”
“It’s not your choice to make Kylian”
“But it is if I can help her making the right choice…I don’t want you two to date”
“Can I at least know the reason?” Olivier asked him. He was a very calm man but right now he was losing his patience
“I’ve seen her growing up! She’s my best friend and I want her to protect her!”
“Protect her from me?” Olivier asked a little bit hurt now
“Yes. Protect her from getting her heart break again! She’s been through so much, she’s kind and she let people taking advantage of her without her noticing…she got her heart broken so many times and I can’t stand to see her again like that, not because of you Olivier” Kylian said honestly
“I wouldn’t break her heart”
“You don’t know that! Plus, Oli be realistic, you’re kinda old for her don’t you think? You’re 36 and she just turned 22!” Kylian was getting mad now
“Well she’s an adult she can make her own choices Kylian. I really appreciate you taking care of her but I would never break her heart, I like her, a lot. Definitely falling in love wasn’t on my top list of things to do during the world cup but I fell for her the moment I saw her at the stadium cheering for us! Kylian trust me…”
Olivier said with a sincere tone
“I don’t know…she’s my best friend and if you hurt her I swear-“
“I’m not gonna hurt her…I want take things slowly…I saw that she liked me too and if she’s okay with it I want to ask her out tonight…”
“Trust me Kylian…and if I hurt her you can kick my ass” Olivier said laughing
“I’ll do more than just kick your ass…I broke her ex nose when I found out he cheated on her” Kylian said with a proud look and Olivier just looked shocked
“Good to know…well, I’m gonna ask her out…” Olivier said looking at you laughing with Ethan and he couldn’t help but smile too
“Good luck” Kylian said and smiled at him and then he left.
Olivier approached you while you were talking with Ethan.
“Can we talk?” Olivier asked you offering his hand to help you stand up and you gladly accept it
“Did something happened?” you asked him once you got in the corridor
“Yes, well no, not exactly I just…”
“Are you okay Oli?” you asked him and he melted when you called him Oli
“Are you free tonight?” he asked you out of nothing
“Yes!” you shouted “I mean, yes why?”
“There’s a nice restaurant next to the hotel and I was wondering if you would like to come with me?” he asked you smiling
“As a date?” you teased him a bit
“As a date” he confirmed
“Yes, I would gladly come with you”
“Perfect! Be ready at 8 pm! I’ll pick you up from your hotel room” he said before leaving “I have training now but I’ll see you tonight”
And you simply smiled at him.
You had a date with Olivier Giroud?
You were so happy you couldn’t wait for tonight. You honestly thought this holiday would be good for you. The man you had a crush on wanted to take you for dinner and you felt like dreaming and all you had to do was thank Kylian for giving you this opportunity.

w-when you… when y-you….. when you-
Need more Kylina Mbappé fanfic plsssssss 🥲💯🙏
Can you write an angsty one with Kylian Mbappe.
A secret affair, a fling - Kylian Mbappé x Reader
Warnings: Cheating
summary: In which the reader is left alone on vacation in Brazil with her fiancés best friend Kylian. Based on Billie Eilishs „Billie Bossa Nova"

Love when it comes without a warnin’
‚Cause waitin‘ for it gets so borin’
The music was blaring through the club as you felt your body giving in. Swaying your hips, feeling his hands run up and down your body, stopping at your throat before he pulled you back. Teasing you as he placed kisses down your neck before whispering into your ear.
„Thanks for showing me this.“
You moved your body against his to the familiar sounds of the Brazilian Bossa Nova. Everyone around you on the dancefloor being taken over by the rhythm. Including the french boy that was currently grinding against you.
This felt wrong. No, this was wrong. But you were both too drunk and taken over by passion to think clearly.
It was unexpected, yet it seemed like you had secretly already hoped for it too happen.
Showing Kylian around Rio had been incredibly fun. You had taken him to all the good spots, where locals would hang out. Knowing the city like the back of your hand as you had grown up there.
A lot can change in twenty seconds
A lot can happen in the dark
It was a big city though. And you were both lonely. With your fiancè being in Europe, having left early because of some job. Cutting your vacation short and leaving Kylian and you behind in the big city.
„It’s gonna be fine. You should stay and enjoy Rio.“
If he saw you right now, all sweaty and grinding against his best friend in a dark night club, he probably wouldn’t have told you to stay. But he trusted you. He trusted Kylian.
Love when it makes you lose your bearings
Some information’s not for sharing
Kylian pressed you against the stone wall, making you giggle as you put your hand against his chest. The outside of the club way too busy to be doing this but both of you too drunk to care.
Kylian bit your bottom lip before pulling away and breaking the kiss. You stared at him, trying to catch your breath.
„What?“ you asked, tracing his eyebrows with your index finger.
He held up a polaroid camera, that he had brought with him everywhere, as you leaned against the wall and smiled. It only took a few seconds before the flash appeared and a picture came out the camera.
Kylian grabbed the small photo, shaking it a few times before putting it into his blazers pocket. As he did so, you noticed his expression change.
„I think I lost my wallet.“ he slurred, his french accent stronger as he also had way too much to drink „But I don’t really care right now.“
You giggled as he pressed his lips against yours again. Eagerly trying to push his tongue in before you allowed him entrance.
„Carlos?“ Kylian asked, his hand on your leg as he traced circles against your skin „Can you please bring us to a hotel a little out of the city?“
Kylians driver looked at him with furrowed eyebrows before nodding, understanding exactly what was going on. He had been driving Kylian and you around for the past week, knowing very well who you both were.
Carlos didn’t say anything though as it wasn’t his place to ask any questions. He started the engine of his black Mercedes before driving off through Rios busy streets.
You dimmed the light on your phone, as Kylian looked at you from the side. Clearly reading the text your boyfriend had sent you.
Meu amor: how was your day? Did Kyky enjoy the beach at Copacabana?
You felt guilt washing over you but before you could even think Kylian grabbed your phone and turned it off.
„He doesn’t need to know everything.“ the french boy then exclaimed, making you nod in agreement. Maybe some things were better left unsaid.
You better lock your phone
And look at me when you’re alone
The drive was taking longer then expected as there was always a lot of traffic in Rio. You stared out the tinted window of the car, watching all the different people just live their life. Making you wonder what each of them was like.
Kylian spent the whole drive staring at you as he whispered how pretty you were from time to time. You knew he was just very drunk.
You tried the best you could to contain yourself and not give into his charm, knowing that Carlos could not talk about anything he didn’t clearly see. If nothing happens, he has nothing to tell.
Although you were pretty sure Kylians managers already made him sign an NDA. They always did.
You bit your lip and held your breath when you felt Kylian slowly slip his finger under the hem your red dress. The dress that had made him go crazy all night as it hugged your curves perfectly and was way too short. All he wanted to do was rip it off.
Won’t take a lot to get you goin’
I’m sorry if it’s torture though
You closed your eyes as Kylians fingers ran up and down your thigh. His hand moving dangerously high. Just as Kylian tried to push your underwear aside, you grabbed his hand as you sent him a shocked look. His face only lit up by the flickering lights from outside.
You pressed your legs together, making it impossible for him to move his hand any further. Carlos clearing his throat in the front seat as you hoped he hadn't just seen that.
Kylian sent you a mischievous grin, satisfied with the effect he had on you.
„I like it when you lose control.“ the french boy smirked, before freeing his hand from your grasp and readjusting his black blazer.
Use different names at hotel check-ins
It’s hard to stop it once it starts
„One room for two, please.“ you watched Kylian lean against the hotel counter, all suited up as the nightclerk typed something into the computer.
The hotel was nice and quite luxurious. It was about half an hour from the city, so there were almost no people around at this time. As you watched Kylian through the glass door that separated the lobby and reception, you couldn't help but think about what it is that you were about to do. What you had already done.
„Jean Laurent.“ you heard Kylian lie to the nightclerk, as he looked back at you standing in the lobby with your arms crossed.
You felt uncomfortable and the more time that was passing you realized what a stupid idea this was.
„Let’s go.“ Kylian walked over to you, holding a hotelroom keycard in his hand.
The two of you walked through the hallways of the hotel. The lights were dimmed as you strutted over the red carpets. Tracing the wallpaper with your index finger. Kylian following close behind you, both of you not saying a word.
The elevator music filled the awkward silence as it took you all the way to the top. Kylian looking at his phone, avoiding your gaze while you just held on to your clutch.
You arrived at room 201, Kylian opening the door for you. You entered the pitch black room as the door was closed behind you. And only a few seconds later the room was lit up by a big chandelier, revealing what seemed to be a full blown suite.
„Wow…“ you said, looking around the massive room that looked more like a apartement. The big king sized bed being the center of attention.
The lights were also dimmed as you made your way over to the big windows, that led to a balcony. You left the room through the flowing curtains and a beautiful skyline of Rio revealed itself. Although it was quite far away the city looked absouluety stunning from here. All the lights flickering and the sight of your hometown making your heart warm.
You felt two hands wrap around your waist as Kylian hugged you from behind. Resting his head on your shoulders, feeling his chest move up and down.
„It’s nice, huh?“ he whispered, as you finally relaxed into his embrace. Feeling the warmth from his touch.
„It’s amazing.“ you smiled, putting your hand against his cheek „Thank you so much Kyky.“
You felt Kylian sigh, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck „I’m relieved you like it.“
You raised your eyebrows as you turned around, Kylians hands still on your waist only now with you facing him. „Relieved?
„Yeah…“ he took a deep breath, as you looked at his face that was being lit up by the moonlight „For a minute there… I thought you regretted us coming here.“
You put your hand onto his cheek before planting a soft kiss onto his lips. Kylian immediately giving in.
„I don’t regret it.“
I’m not sentimental.
But there’s somethin’ ‚bout the way you look tonight
Kylian pushed you onto the bed as he hovered above you, not disconnecting your lips for a single second. He eagerly took of his blazer before you helped him unbutton his white shirt. Reaching the last button you pulled away from the kiss.
Kylian now kneeling over you, his trained body revealing itself. You looked up at him as he licked his lips, not believing he was about to do this.
With a slow motion, Kylian started to unzip your red dress before sliding it off of you in a smooth motion. All you did was lay there and look up at him with a weak smile, now only wearing black lace underwear.
Just when your hand reached out for his belt Kylian grabbed it, making you look at him confused.
„Wait…“ he now said, before getting up and walking over to the nightstand. You watched him grab his polaroid camera, not daring to say a word as he pointed it at you. You looked up at him, knowing that this wasn’t a good idea. But something inside you made you let him take that picture.
Kylian threw the camera onto the bed, the photo still stuck in it. „Don’t worry. It’s just for me.“
Nobody saw me in the lobby
Nobody saw me in your arms
You walked out the hotel, already seeing the black bus parked there.It was still super early and you hadn’t rested all night.
The nightclerk watching you leave, not saying a word as he also understood what kinda situation this had been.
After you had slept with Kylian, you immediately realized what mistake you had made. You had layed awake with Kylians arms wrapped around you as you started out the big window. Tears rolling down you onto the pillow while you silently cried, feeling your naked bodies against one another as all you could think about was your fiancé.
After a while you couldn’t handle just laying there anymore. Your guilt was eating you up from inside. So you got up, collected your underwear and dress before silently getting dressed.
You made your way down the hallway, getting ready for the walk of shame. The power of your phone being just enough for you to call your hotel to send you a driver and pick you up.
The rest of the time you spent standing there, silently crying as you stared at the floral wallpaper.
The whole ride back all you could think about was how Kylian would feel when he’d wake up without you there. After all you had spent an amazing night together and he was gonna think it meant nothing to you.
It did in fact mean something to you. But you just couldn’t handle the feeling of guilt when you thought about your partner. You did know; you were in deep trouble now.
It might be more of an obsession
You really make a strong impression
When you arrived back at your hotel, you took a shower as you tried to clear your head. Your mind running wild as you thought about how Kylians lips felt against your skin and how his hand would run up and down your body.
It felt like his smell was still on you even after you had showered. You plugged in your phone before laying into your own bed again.It was already ten and you were about to get your first minutes of sleep since over 24 hours.
As you wandered off into dream land you could still hear his words and his whispers. Until you finally doze off.
„Serviço de quarto!“
You were torn from your sleep by a loud knock on the door. Groaning as you sat up, startled by the harsh awakening. The sun shining through your blinds, making you squint your eyes as you reached your hand out for your phone on the nightstand.
Great, you had literally slept the entire day. You pushed away the bedsheets with your feet. The room felt hot and humid as you had forgotten to turn on the air conditioning.
Kylian had left about a thousand messages and calls, asking where you where and if everything was okay.
What did he think? Of course, everything was not okay. You had cheated on the love of your life last night.
Another knock, followed by a guys voice appeared „Serviço de quarto!“
„I don’t need it!“ you tried to yell but your voice was way too weak. So you decided you just get up and send him away.
Rubbing your eyes, as you groaned making your way to the door. You were still half asleep when you opened it with one big swing.
„I said…“ you stopped in your tracks, seeing who was standing there as you felt like you were gonna have a heartattack „Oh my god!“
„Hello meu amor!“ Neymar smiled before wrapping his arms around you and connecting your lips.
See what you maybe forgot to mention was that Neymar was you fiancè. That’s why this whole thing was a little complicated.
Being Neymars girlfriend, you had gotten quite famous yourself. Not that you wanted any of that. No, you would gladly have back your privacy. A lot of people knew who you were and they knew who your partner was. So just the thought alone of anyone having seen you last night gave you anxiety.
„I missed you so much.“ Neymar mumbled, pulling away before wrapping his arms around your bare waist as you were only wearing a croptop and some shorts.
„I missed you too…“ you fake smiled, standing there awkwardly as you almost couldn’t look him in the eyes „What are you doing here though? I thought you weren’t gonna be back...“
„I know, I know…“ he sighed, pulling you closer as he looked you in the eyes „I actually cancelled some stuff so I could be back earlier. Plus I wouldn’t wanna miss your birthday right? “
„Right.“ you grinned, completely having forgot about your birthday being tomorrow and also feeling bad that Neymar had travelled all the was back from Europe just so he wouldn’t miss it.
"But meus Deus, why are you still asleep at this time? Did you and Kylian have a rough night?" he chuckled, as you ran your hand through your tangled hair.
„What?“ you asked with furrowed eyebrows, panic immedieately settling in.
„I mean Kyky told me you took him to a bar.“
„Oh…“ you said, not trying to sound relieved „Yes it was fun. Not as fun as it would have been with you though. You talked to him?“
„Yeah, yeah…“ Ney nodded, still holding you close to him as you both stood there in the doorway „He knew I was coming.“
The rest of the day only one thing circulated around your mind; He knew? He knew he was coming. He knew it. He had possibly risked Neymar catching the two of you if you hadn’t been smart enough to leave early. He had possibly risked ruining your realitionship.
You were mad. But of course you couldn’t show it as Ney was completely head over heels to be back again. He took you out for dinner and he spent the whole evening talking about the birthday party he had planned for you tomorrow. You at least tried to seem happy about it.
When Ney left, to go to the toilet for a second, you took the opportunity to let out your anger. Aggressively typing a message into your your phone, ignoring all his other texts.
What the hell Kylian? Why did you not tell me that Ney was coming?
The waiter refilled your glass of wine as you gave him a small thanks, waiting for Kylians response.But nothing came. In fact Kylian ignored you for the rest of the evening as you spent time with his best friend, pretending everything was completely normal.
When in fact nothing was normal.
You slept horribly, dreading your birthday and the party that Ney had planned for you. He on the other hand slept like a stone as he was a obviously little jet-lagged.
The whole night all you could think about was that less then 24 hours ago you were laying in Kylians arms. You remembered exactly how it felt, how he smelled and the way he would breath against your neck.
And the worst part was, that you missed it.
You missed him.
I’m not sentimental
But there’s somethin‘ ‚bout the way you look tonight
The party was already in full swings as you walked around greeting all the people. Your silver gown sparkling in the dark, Neymar attached to your hip the whole night, with his hand on your bare back.
This felt like a football event. You didn’t remember ever meeting half the people, most of them having some kind of connection to football. You had to admit you didn’t have many friends as you spent the past years travelling around the world with Neymar.
That’s exactly why you didn’t want any of this but Neymar of course insisted on throwing you a huge party.
Everything being completely over the top, with it being at Rios most expensive hotel. Chandeliers were hung all throughout the big hall, three different bars where you could get all sorts of drinks and food were set up, the most beautiful white rose wherever you looked and a big dancefloor with disco lights in the back.
You didn’t deserve this. And that’s what heavily layed behind your fake smile as you greeted manager after manager. All of them handing you gifts that where probably way too expensive.
„Oh Y/n… Look it’s Veratti.“ Neymar pointed toward his Paris teammate, who was sipping some champagne with his wife in the corner „Let’s go greet them.“
You did wonder why Neymar had invited basically all of his friends to what was supposed to be your birthday party. But then again, you felt bad enough already so you wouldn’t every say anything.
„Ehm… I’m just gonna get a little fresh air and then I’ll come after you.“ you smiled weakly, moving closer to your fiancé as you felt suffocated by the mass of people around you.
Neymar, dressed in an all black suit looked at you worriedly „Everything alright, meus amor?“
Guilt, that’s all you could feel when looking at his face. So you avoided eyecontact and just nodded, pressing your lips together „Yeah, everything is perfect. Thank you so much for all of this Ney.“
Neymar had obviously noticed something being different with his girlfriend. And now that you had called him Ney, he was convinced something was wrong. But he decided to let it go for the moment as he watched you, make your way through the crowd towards the balcony.
You felt tears, fill your eyes as you fought your way through the mass of people. Forcing a smile anytime any of them would greet you.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse; he stood there.
All suited up, holding a small gift in his hand as he stared right at you. For a moment it felt like everyone around you stopped and it was just the two of you. The memories of the past week flowing through your mind.
A tear rolled over your cheek as Kylian gave you a weak smile.
Standing just a few feet away from you as people started to push past you. Making you distance yourself from him until you couldn't even see him.
Makes me wanna make ‚em jealous
I’m the only one who does it how you like
You tried not to sob as you walked into the darkness. Only a few people on the balcony, all of them too distracted to notice a crying woman walk towards the railing.
You leaned yourself against it as you tried to breath normally, feeling like you were gonna run out of air any time now. Today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. You were in the city you loved with the man you loved and he had thrown you a party that any girl would kill to have. But there was just one problem; You had fallen for another guy.
„I’m sorry…“ the voice apperead behind you as you turned around to look at Kylian „I shouldn’t have come.“
You pressed your lips together, trying to stop yourself from crying as you turned around to look at the beautiful view of the endless ocean. Lights reflecting on its surface, as a cold breeze blew over your face.
Kylian now made his way up to you, standing there also looking at the view.
„I…I just…“ you chocked, getting frustrated with yourself „I can’t look at him anymore. I mean…“
You looked at Kylian, who looked down in shame before meeting your eyes.
„I can’t look at him Kylian.“ you sobbed, now looking at the french boy „You know what that means?“
There was a moment of silence, both of you knowing the answer to your question very well. Both afraid to say it. Him knowing this was gonna break his best friends heart and you knowing it was gonna break yours. But you couldn't do this anymore, Neymar deserved better.
„It’s over?“ Kylian then asked, his voice quiet as he looked at you from the side.
„Yeah, it has to be.“ you nooded, wiping away your tears wit the back of your hand as you stared at all the lights „I mean look what he did for me… I don’t deserve any of this. I’m a horrible person... So it’s over. It has to be.“
„You’re not a horrible person.“ Kylian now spoke up, putting his hand onto yours as you flinched. Pulling it away and immediately seeing the hurt in his eyes „I think Ney also kinda did this for himself Y/n. I mean these are not your friends. You barely know most of them.“
„But he still….“
„No, Y/n!“ Kylian said, sounding almost angry as he turned his body towards you „For the past year your life has revolved only around him. You supported him in all of his decisions and were always by his side. You’re not a horrible person! You are just a girl who was left alone on what was supposed to be a vacation with her fiancé!“
"Why didn't you tell me?" you then asked, looking at his confused expression "Why didn't you tell me that he was coming? If you had just told me then none of this would have happened!"
"So what you think if I told you, you would have just left me alone at the hotel that night and gone back to the city?" Kylian asked, clearly offended by how little this seemed to have meant to you.
"Yes, that's what I would have done!" you yelled, looking at him coldly before hissing „I think you should go.“
„What?“ Kylian yelled, completely frustrated with your stubborness.
„I really think you should go now.“ you bit your lip, in order to stop yourself from crying.
Kylian looked at you, not believing any of this was actually happening. He had thought that if you cheated on Neymar it would have at least meant something. Because it had meant something to him.
„Alright. Fine.“ he hissed, reaching into his pocket as he pulled out the small gift he had held before. Kylian forcefully shoved it in your hand before looking at you one last time „Happy Birthday Y/n!“
With that he turned around and walked away, leaving a heartbroken you behind. Tonight you would not only lose your fiancé but you had also lost your friend.
It took you a few minutes to recollect yourself. And then, even though you didn’t want to your hands slowly untied the bow. You carefully opened the small box, the inside making your heart wrench.
It was all the polaroids Kylian had took of you during your trip together. At the beach, in the car, in the club on the night you had kissed for the first time, on the balcony at the hotel, laying on the bed in only your underwear and finally a picture of the two of you together that he had taken while you where asleep.
His arm wrapped around you as he kissed your cheek.
And on the back of it. It was written;
I’m not sentimental
But there’s something about the way you looked that night, that made me wanna take a picture that I knew we’d have to hide.
Happy Birthday Y/N. Love, Kyky.
Send Requests!
I cannot stress enough how happy I was with Namora

Namor was portrayed as a dazzling, incredulous god-king: centuries old, battle-hardened, and vicious against anyone who opposes him.
Now, let's play a game. Which of his generals do you think is crazier? The giant with the battle axe and a hammerhead shark skull for a helmut... or the smaller general Namor ordained as his namesake?
im gonna need y’all writers to get to work because i need some namor smuts ASAP!
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Imagine Ideas!❤️🤩🤌✨
1)Kind of long and specific,oops- (This is so cringe 🥲)
+One where the reader lives with Namor after the war and is already insecure but it's not really a thing that affects the reader too much.
Anyway, but they see how much of a good connection he has with someone else , it's platonic but we are slightly blinded by insecurity (Like Shuri , just an example) and realizes that compared to them(His interest), they are just kinda boring and aren't as good looking or roughly something like this (Shuri and Namora are POWERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL).
And they kind of just start distancing them selves OR is trying to play secret matchmaker with Namor and [example] in fake happiness because they think Namor should move on and leave them(them is the reader) Imagine a Happy ending, I can't handle a sad one, like he or someone else finds out and the rest is up to your imagination.
Shuri spending a lot of time on her technology instead of the reader and the reader questions her love, THEN IT BECOMES FLUFF


Reader is an outsider of either Wakanda or Talokan and the reader has seen someone from [Wakanda or Talokan] , interest examples: Namor, Namora,Shuri,Nakia,etc. And just fangirls from afar till the interest catches them and confronts them, like- ' Who tf are u?'
I'll add more if I think of more and again if you make something based off of here, PLEASE TAG ME-

mishipeshu ; namor mckenzie.

read part one ; amor.
pairing ; namor x mutant!gn!reader
synopsis ; one rotten fruit does not mean the entire grove is to be thrown away.
words ; 2.0k
themes ; angst, fluff, mutant au, married au
warnings / includes ; black panther: wakanda forever spoilers, more or less a sequel to this fic, reader is a mutant and can transform into a creature known as the mishipeshu, mentions of colonizers and mutant bigotry, descriptions of blood and injuries
main masterlist.

Pain was not a feeling you were unfamiliar with.
Your entire life, pain followed just behind you like a dark, stormy cloud hanging over your head. It was there when you left Talokan for the surface-world. It was there when the humans turned against you once they found out you were a mutant. It was there when Namor found you amongst them.
And for a short period of time, Namor acted as a barrier to the constant pain—a salve to your wounds. With him, you had duped yourself into thinking that the pain was gone.
Now, as you stared him down with wide eyes and a clenched jaw, you realized just how foolish you’d been.
“You want to attack Wakanda…” you said, deathly calm, “because they won’t fight your war with the surface world?”
Narrowing his eyes, Namor stepped closer to you. The vibranium-tipped spear clutched in his fist glinted menacingly—you were lucky to have caught him just before his strike on Wakanda. “They killed our people.”
“In self defense!” you retaliated, throwing your arms up. “You were going to kill the girl! She is a kid!”
“I knew it,” your husband sneered. “I knew you still cared for the land-dwellers. After all they’ve done to you!”
There it was. Pain flared within your chest, crawling through the crevices of your ribcage and winding taut. The deep scars that ran down your abdomen and legs never went away, not after all this time—not even with your mutant powers. They were a reminder of their hatred. Of why you left with Namor and came back to Talokan.
“One rotten fruit does not mean the entire grove is to be thrown away, mi amor,” you whispered. Tears pricked the corner of your vision, and you swallowed the heavy lump in your throat. Head held high, you swam over to him, closing the short distance between the two of you. You placed a hand on his chest, just above where his heart laid. “Do not do this. You spared me when we first met—you showed me mercy. Do not tell me the person I fell in love with is gone.”
Conflict warred within his dark irises. This was tearing him apart, you could see it as clear as day. He gazed upon you with part frustration, and part longing.
For you, only for you, did he take a second to reconsider.
After a lengthy pause, he spoke again. “If I do not stop them now… we will never be safe from them.”
It seemed that his mind was made.
“Is this what you want to be?” you spat out, stumbling away from him. “A king that rules through fear? The almighty K’uk’ulkan?” The last word was practically dripping with venomous animosity.
“I love my people,” hissed Namor. It seemed like he wanted to get closer, but he stopped when you only drew yourself further away. “I love… I love you, mi vida.”
Scoffing, you shook your head. “Perhaps you do. But not more than your hatred for the surface-dwellers.”
The stagnant silence that stretched between the two of you was thick, bordering on torturous. Your husband could only helplessly stare at you.
“I’m not going to let you attack an entire nation for protecting themselves.” Your words shattered the fragile quiet, like a hammer through glass. Namor’s eyes hardened. The fingers on his spear flexed.
“You can’t stop me,” he warned, uncharacteristically soft.
“I can die trying,” you replied, determined.
Without having to vocalize it, you knew he was pleading with you to stand down. He tilted his head, regarding you with a wounded expression of betrayal. “You would die for them?”
“No, amor. I would die for you.” Locking your jaw, you rolled your shoulders and morphed into your mutant form—a Mishipeshu, as the land-dwellers called you.
And with that, you lunged.
You dove at him with unsheathed claws, catching him by surprise and raking your talons down his face with a snarl. Despite his initial shock, he recovered quickly, effortlessly dodging your second strike, grabbing the dagger-like ridges on your spine, and yanking you back out of his way.
“I will not fight you!” your husband roared. There were deep, jagged gashes running down the side of his face from where you scratched him, steadily leaking dark ichor and dissipating out into the ocean water. It broke your heart to see one of his pointed ears bleeding profusely—it seemed one of your claws had torn clean through half of the cartilage.
His words fell upon deaf ears.
You swooped downward, sharp fangs sinking into the meat of his shin until you heard a sick crack of his bones cave in with the pressure, and you jerked back, trying to put as much distance between him and the shore as you could. An ear-splitting bellow erupted from his lungs at the pain, but you didn’t let go, only clamping down harder. The bitter taste of his blood hitting your tongue nearly made you gag with revulsion. Your spiked tail, thick and lined with scales the color of fire, was quick to come around and wrap tightly around Namor’s neck as you swam as quickly as you could.
Deep down, you knew there was no way you could hold him off, but you couldn’t ever live with yourself if you at least didn’t try to stop him. The Mishipeshu was more than twice his size, sure, but Namor had the strength of a thousand Talokan fighters combined.
Sudden pain erupted through your front paw and a caterwaul of fury echoed from your lungs upon seeing his vibranium spear sticking out of webbed foot. Namor grabbed your tail, now limp around his throat, and shoved you away once more, ripping the staff out of your flesh.
“DON’T!” he ordered when you growled, preparing to jump at him once again. The wounds you’d inflicted on his shin and the broken bone made him swim with a minor limp, though you knew that must’ve hurt more than words could describe. “I’ve cut your tail off before—don’t make me do it again.”
It seemed all the commotion alerted the rest of the Talokan warriors nearby and they were by his side in an instant. They pointed their vibranium-arrowed staffs at you, fanning out around your husband.
Namor studied you for a minute longer, noticing the genuine fear flicker behind the amber eyes of your Mishipeshu form. Slowly, you morphed back to your Talokan form—a clear sign of surrender.
“I love you, mi amor,” you said to him with a trembling voice, despite the dozens of warriors and spears between you. “Never forget that.”
Swiftly, you turned and swam away. Away from Talokan, away from the war, away from him. You left a trail of blood in your wake, seeping from the gaping hole in your foot.
“Stop,” Namor barked at the Talokan as they began advancing after you. “Let them go.” They halted immediately. There was a war to win—and he’d fight it with or without you.
His own words rang in his head.
Let them go.

He found you on the warm beaches of Angola.
It’d been a year since you left Talokan.
He watched you from the ocean as you walked along the shore, stopping every so often to pick up small sea shells. It was a good thing it was nighttime, or else you would’ve seen him lurking amongst the clear waters.
Perhaps a year ago, he would’ve stormed right up to you, wrapped his arms around you in a way that seemed almost foreign to him now, kissed you until the sun rose once more.
But he was a changed man now.
He spent an entire year searching—and he knew better than to scare you away like that.
So he waited.
A couple hours later, the early morning stained the sky with a tangerine haze, and you stepped out of your small beach-side hut in a matching orange tank-top. Around your neck were the seashells you collected the day prior, clacking against your sternum with each step as you made your way back to the shore. There was a figure among the horizon, and initially, you had just assumed it was an ambitious surfer, or a deep-sea diver of some sorts.
But as the figure grew closer, you began to recognize the dark silhouette. After all—you fell asleep beside the very same body every night for years.
When your husband emerged from the waters, you stood your ground, staring him down as he strode towards you. Droplets of water meandered down his tan skin, dripping down onto the fine golden sand. The vibranium jewelry he wore shone beneath the daylight, unchanged from when you last saw him.
You noted, with particular interest, that he wasn’t carrying a weapon.
“Took you a while to find me,” you said, so quietly that your words were nearly lost to the whispering wind.
He studied you silently, dark eyes roaming over you, soaking you in. You’d changed quite a bit—hair cut significantly shorter than it used to be, a few more sun-kissed freckles spotting your skin, and a small tattoo etched into your bicep depicting a pointed ear. But you were still the same in many more ways; your eyes were wide, just like the way they always were when you were watching him, the small, faded scar on your jaw was still there, and you still had that gentle slope to your lips that Namor was never able to resist kissing.
Noticing his gaze directed at your tattoo, you shifted slightly so he could see it better.
“I had it tattooed so you’d always be with me, in a way,” you said, a hesitant smile gracing your lips.
He stepped closer to you, still quiet.
“K’uk’ulkan—” you started, but he lifted a finger, effectively silencing you.
“Amor,” he croaked out, voice hoarse. “You call me amor.”
And then, he kissed you. It was nearly visceral, how he hooked his arm around your abdomen, and tucked his other hand against the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair as he leaned into you. His nose knocked into yours almost painfully, but neither of you minded. Both of your hands were splayed over his chest, digging your nails into his pectorals, brushing against his warm jewelry. You trembled against him, a scalding tear slipping down your cheek, mingling with the salt water still dripping down his hair.
“I missed you… so much, mi vida,” he whispered once you parted ways, his forehead slanting over yours as he gazed at you with blatant affection. “I am so sorry—I was blind with hatred. And I didn’t want to listen to you because I thought backing down from a fight was weak. I didn’t know that living with that… that anger, and being merciful to your enemies is the strongest thing a leader can do. Shuri had every opportunity to end my life a year ago. She wanted to—I could see it in her eyes. But she didn’t. And for the longest time, I was left wondering why. I realized that if we succumbed to our hatred, we would be no better than the surface-colonizers. You were right, mi vida. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, amor,” you uttered, breathless, snaking your arms over his neck and pressing your nose against the column of his throat as you embraced him, breathing in his scent. He smelled of sunlight, of coconuts, of salt. How you missed him. “I missed you, too. I love you so much.”
He grasped your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, lifting your face so he could meet your gaze. He kissed you again, softer this time, his septum piercing grazing your cheek.
“Come home,” he mumbled, gently stroking your jaw with the back of his fingers. “Come back to Talokan, Mishipeshu.”
You bowed your head, hiding a brilliant smile. “If you’ll have me, K’uk’ulkan.”
now shuri better then me cuz personally the moment that man stepped out the water i would have done whatever he wanted. Especially if he asked me to burn the world with him.

pH-1 - Perfect
Request: (Ph-1 scenario where you have a date night and he can't stop staring at you?!!)
Warnings: Fluff

"It's perfect."
You and Harry hadn't been dating for that long. In these beginning stages of your relationship it was obvious that everything still seemed fresh and new to you both. People would often tell you that this was the 'honeymoon period'; where neither of you could do wrong in the other's eyes. You'd have to agree with them. You probably shouldn't think so but everything about Park Junwon was perfect to you. From his awkward nature, that you often were accustomed to seeing when you two were in private, to his confidence that arose as soon as he stepped onto a stage, learning new things about him was your favourite thing to do.
Harry was a busy man. Extremely busy. But he made sure to make time for you. He wanted to give you as much of his time as he could without slacking-off from work. It wasn't always possible, but he gave it his best try.
Lately it seemed as though you had seen less of each other than usual, Harry was gearing up for new music to drop and even more importantly getting prepared for his upcoming tour. You were more than supportive in his endeavours and he didn't understand how he could be so lucky. You weren't the complaining type and even though you wanted to see him and be with him more than anything, you were considerate to his needs and the demands and pressure that his work put on him.
When anyone asked him about his girl, Harry couldn't help but to let that dreamy smile drift onto his face. He was sure he was falling in love with you, if he hadn't fallen already. He had no façade when it came to you. He was through with playing it cool and acting disinterested, at this stage and with you by his side he would tell everyone that he was enamoured. Harry was a naturally laid-back and chill person and to see him so swept up in the tides of love meant to those around him that this might be the real deal. You two could be the real deal in the long run.
Knowing he would be going on tour and leaving you behind was not something that Harry looked forward to. He had tried to convince you to come along with him, but you had vehemently denied his offer and told him you didn't want to be a distraction to him or his work. He knew you were right, but he wished you were selfish and had chosen to come with him.
There were only a few days left before he and his team would be packing up and leaving, he wanted to spend it with you but his schedule had meant that he would only be afforded one night with you before he was forced to go. Harry wanted to be extravagant about it all, something not in his nature but he thought it would be nice. Once again, you as the voice of reason were forced to calmly shoot-down his offer of taking you to a fancy restaurant with expensive food and tiny portions. It just wasn't you two. Instead you agreed to have a comfy night-in with movies and snuggling, the perfect date night in your opinion.
Harry turned up at the door of your apartment that night with a smile that could light up the night sky plastered onto his face. His oversized hoodie looked slightly worn and with the hood pulled up, the edges of his bleached blonde hair peeking out, he looked so adorable you wanted to squeal. Sunshine personified, you didn't understand how he could be so pure and gently beautiful. Your boyfriend was truly good through and through. You quickly dragged him into the apartment and pushed him onto the couch. You had already set up the movies and put snacks on the table that rested just in front of the two of you.
You got comfy on the opposite side of the couch, feet firmly planted in Harry's lap as the first movie started, grabbing a handful of sweets to nibble on. He laughed at the expression of your face as the opening credits rolled, you looked so excited. He couldn't look away. He really was in love with you.
Harry slowly looked at you, savouring the view of you, etching you into his brain. He wanted to remember this moment as you sat there, you were so beautiful. He wanted to give you everything he could. The changing expressions that crossed your face and your amusing commentary as the film progressed caused him to feel dizzy, how could have fallen so hard and fast for you?
You could feel his eyes on you, you'd given up trying to get him to watch the film after softly kicking him a few times and not managing to get any response other than him laughing to himself. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore and paused the film, turning to look at your doting boyfriend.
Your breath hitched slightly as you looked at him. Had all the stars always been in his eyes?
Harry's face was that of a man in love and in his eyes, there was only you. You imagined that your face had become somewhat similar. You were deeply and heart-wrenchingly in love with the man in front of you. There were no two ways about it. You knew it. Park Junwon was it for you.
For a moment you both just sat there, looking into each other's eyes. No one and nothing else mattered. In the whole universe only you and Harry existed in that moment.
Finally breaking the moment, slowly and cautiously, you moved your body inching towards Harry. He was impatient and reached forward, pulling you directly into his embrace. His body was warm and inviting and the material of his hoodie was comfy as you had expected, it was perfect to you. Just like him. You snuggled up into his side and put the movie on again. As you got engrossed in the movie Harry pulled you closer into his arms, pressing soft kisses to the crown of you head. He snuggled his face slightly into your soft and fragrant hair.
His caress was gentle and loving as he turned you to face him, his hands carefully tracing your features like an artist studying his muse. Harry pressed his lips to yours. This wasn't a fiery or passionate kiss by any means, this was different. This was slow, patient and wanting. This was a proclamation of love. Meant only for you to understand.
As you separated, Harry breathed out deeply. “I'm in love with you." He whispered, as though testing the taste of the words in his mouth. He nodded to himself, if there was one thing he was sure about, it was this. "I'm in love with you." He said it again, this time much louder and assuredly.
You shyly looked down; you had never had anyone look at you the way Harry did. "I'm in love with you." You replied, moving to cup his face with your hands, trailing your fingers down to his neck and lightly touching the tattoo at his throat, the very word 'love' etched there for all to see.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his neck where his tattoo lay, your feather-light kiss imprinting onto his skin. You moved away leaving a trail of kisses from his collarbones, to his neck and back to his face. Harry's eyes had closed from the sensation against his skin, he relished in the feeling.
"Harry," You called out his name, his eyes fluttering open at your voice, "I love you.”

these are both looks of true love, i don’t make the rules these are just the facts
Why is she soo fk beautiful

TITANS 3X07, ’51%’
I really need Anders parents going on holidays and Omar finding a way to stay at his place a few days
smushhedprompts; 5
(sksksiejueej not even joking i had this one planned and completely forgot,,, tysm for reminding me)
fandom: elite/élite
pairing: omar/ander (omander)
nadia/omar & ander’s parents are all out of town for a long weekend (friday - monday) for a school event. nadia agrees to cover up for omar when their dad calls home, so he sneaks over to ander’s (he has the place to himself) with quickly packed bag of clothes. omander cuteness commences, obviously:
- ander borrowing the few hoodies that omar brought with him & not having shoulders as broad as his boyfriend’s, making them oversized - which results in constant sweater paws (‘that’s adorable.’ ‘shut up, i’m badass. i’m not adorable.’ ‘…your absolute denial makes you 10x more cute, i can’t control the laughing please stop hitting me—’), the hood pulled up and falling over his curls & forehead, the bottom hem slightly under his waist (‘i thought you were the tall, badass jock?’ ‘babe! it’s not my fault your clothes are so large.’ ‘no ones making you wear them, you know,’ ‘shut up, i love them.’)
- omar washing ander’s hair in the bathtub, while his boyfriend leans against his chest and babbles rants about how much better his life is without tennis, his latest favourite song/color + maybe omar teasing him about it (‘yellow, really? wouldn’t have called that,’ ‘come on!! have you seen sunflowers?? they’re so pretty, how could you not like yellow?’ ‘i do like yellow, mi corazón, i’m just teasing, oh my god’) and other random things because he just feels so relaxed & at home in omar’s arms.
- omar beating ander at a game of cards, and being ridiculously proud of it, while the latter just laughs because he cares a lot more about the fact that the former is happy than a stupid game.
- both of them struggling to cook pasta (‘it says boil for 50 minutes!!’ ‘50 minutes?? it says 5.0! how long have you had that on there for, babe?’ ‘why the fuck would they put a decimal in there?’ ‘calm down baby, it’s literally just pasta hah— FUCK i spilled cheese in the sauce bowl,’) & just ordering pizza and watching a movie cuddled up instead.
i’ll just…leave this here then…& maybe add more to it later…
lmao i’m screaming i went crazy with this one, write it and i’ll probably love you forever. it’s a bit long haha but if you like it, please don’t hesitate to make any changes, or just write it the way it is if you’d like :) ♡
My thought / opinions on omander
( S1)
For me season one is my favourite season when it comes to the omander story line because just seeing two teenage boy from different backgrounds and my lifestyle come together trying to find them and their sexuality was just so amazing and how them were able to grow within themselves you know actually who they are especially Omar was breathtaking.Seeing Ander not giving up on Omar like even when he would yelled at him saying he couldn’t be with Ander all cuz he was afraid of his family finding out.
Like seeing them being all cute and fluffy was just… Don’t get me started guys
At start of season two was amazing they kind of give us in season one vibes but then as the season progress I was disappointed, especially with Ander behaviour to towards Omar, it was just disgusting.  Also he calling Omar too gay because he dressed in drag. I wish Ander went to Omar and told him how he felt without laughing about it with his friends. ( I kind of understand where is coming from.. like he just came out and he has a boyfriend who is living with him and he found out that one of his bestmate killed his BFF sister… So yeah I know he was going though a lot but that doesn’t excuse him for his behaviour.
Also after everyone found out that polo was one who killed marina and Ander told Omar that he knew… I wanted both of them to talk like a talk Omar tells that he didn’t like the way he has been acting towards him like making fun of his dress code, laughing behind his back… just him being too moody. After they settle everything, I also wanted Omar to stop living with Ander like he could have moved to another room or move in with Samuel.. because them living together was too toxic
* I will continue my thought on S3 later cuz I’m too lazy 😭😌*
Kiss me like omander 🌈🥺🔥

I’m obsessed with how Ander looks at him. His face just gets so soft.

élite: ander and omar’s instagram profiles

September 6th