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#1 Li Jing Hater

268 posts

I Miss Kaldur's Season 1 Characterization.

I miss Kaldur's season 1 characterization.

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8 months ago

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I Beginning To See Why People Confused The Two In Sa2...
I Beginning To See Why People Confused The Two In Sa2...

i beginning to see why people confused the two in sa2...

8 months ago

I should be writing and definitely need to be asleep right now but I just saw a comment and realized, "I haven't bitched about this yet," so let's go. Spoilers under the cut btw. And again, same thing. You disagree with my opinion, talk about it somewhere else.

The popular excuse I'm seeing people use right now to explain Li Jing's portrayal in season 5 is, "It's a children's show, obviously they can't show him being a bitch."

And I think it's laughable at best because if Lego Monkie Kid was "just a children's show", they most certainly wouldn't have such insane world building and lore at this point. I'm certain half of the fanbase are adults, myself included, that have stuck around this "children's show" because the lore is better than even most shonen anime nowadays.

I can see why the excuse makes sense. Nezha's story in the original was if I'm not mistaken about filial piety and just obedience and all that, but well.

It's also stupid, if you recall the fact DBK (under the influence of Lady Bone Demon) was absolutely nasty to Red Son in season 1 episode 10. (PSA on this; I recall a comment on a Red Son fic I wrote on AO3 where someone said the English version made Red's parents a lot harsher than in the Mandarin dub too, so there's that). There's also Spider Queen's death + the other spiders in season 2 as well and how they went out gives you horror movie vibes definitely not suited for children. Then there is season 4 and the ink demons vs MK, bringing back good old fashion trauma. There is also, within s5, a lot of elements you wouldn't see normally in a children's show like PTSD (I think), and yadda yadda.

And you can tell me the points I've brought up are absolutely fine for a children's show because they're not THAT bad, but.

The point I'm trying to make is. Li Jing's character is absolute dogshit.

Before anyone complains, no. I am not saying I hate Li Jing because of the treatment he gave Wukong, because by that logic I should hate Tripitaka too, but I don't, because from a writer's perspective, of COURSE they're going to put a circlet on the guy that literally beat up Heaven. Wouldn't you put a collar and leash on a dog that constantly bites??

Making Li Jing act as this tough, loving dad persona makes me incredibly annoyed because it just doesn't make sense, at all. His entire presence in the show made no sense. He provided very little to the plot aside from helping and-slash-or taking over Nezha's position if I'm not mistaken in keeping the Jade Emperor's power safe. And aside from suddenly helping the team fight Xianglu, that was about it. Li Jing and Nezha together had very little relevance to the plot, and that alone is disappointing.

But, I'm getting off topic. I'm a fanfiction writer but even I could've thought of subtle ways to hint to the audience that Li Jing is an awful FATHER without actually showing abuse going down. There were so many ways to show Li Jing being an absolute asshole not counting doing his duty- subtle ways like belittling/berating Nezha whenever they're on screen, refusing to listen him even coming down to episode 8 to 10 because Nezha had shitty judgement in the past, he's done enough, blah blah.

"But he DID do that-" No, he didn't. Li Jing was doing his JOB in the show. And even then, I'm still trying to process WHY he was chosen, and not someone who has more relations with Sun Wukong AND Nezha, like, I dunno, Erlang Shen perhaps??

Genuinely, I don't understand people trying to defend the writer's sorry excuse at their portrayal of Li Jing. I don't understand how anyone can actually sit behind their screens and admit they like whatever this thing is.

And see. I think I could've worked with Li Jing being this tough loving dad if Nezha had a different personality in the show. Li Jing unable to express his feelings but attempting to be a good father would've worked if Nezha wasn't a stressed, on edge grown ass man that has a short temper.

"B-but- he's so stressed with all the duties he has-" be so fucking for real, that's a stupid ass excuse. Nezha's portrayal personality wise in LMK is the sole reason why I've always wanted to see Li Jing in s5, because it made sense. It would've made sense Li Jing put so much pressure on Nezha-; not because he's trying to be a good dad or doing his job, but because Nezha has two older siblings that had never brought him shame like Nezha had. Nezha wouldn't even BE Li Jing's favorite at this point. Wouldn't it have been so much better to add Nezha's brothers as well, to show the favoritism? And even then, if the show didn't want to add them, why couldn't they have, again, SUBTLY HINTED AT IT??????

LMK Li Jing feels like the writers saw the Nezha 2019 movie, and decided that they wanted to try copying that Li Jing to make it work in the series, and it ultimately fucking failed.

I'm not even gonna complain about the characters that could've made this season better, nor would I bring up characters I'd like to see, because LMK writers have a bias. I thought of it for a long time and now, it's confirmed my suspicions. They just pick any random characters from JTTW or whatever and sometimes, like in the case of Lady Bone Demon, it works!! This time, like Li Jing, it didn't, and it's pathetically sad at this point.

I may have gone wildly off-topic here (yikes), but I genuinely stick to what I said. Li Jing's character is absolute dogshit. I absolutely hate how he's portrayed, I despise it with every fiber of my being. To the rest of you dick-riders fighting for excuses about why he deserves to be written like this, I wish I had a simpleminded brain as you. Genuinely, I wish I could look at LMK Li Jing and think, "God yeah, this guy is so well written-" I wish. I so, so wish I could be like you.

But I can't and I'm glad that I won't be. I don't want to hear the nonsense excuse of LMK being a children's show because can we even call it that when the show's popularity is insane with adults specifically?? Can we even call it a children's show when the lore is better than so many other pieces of media??

Again. I'm not bitching about Li Jing because of his treatment to Wukong. If any other character had done it, it's the same reaction as a huge Wukong fan; I don't care. I love Wukong, but if I had a dangerous dog known for biting strangers, I WILL put a collar and muzzle on him. I'm bitching about Li Jing because dickriding fans think using the excuse of the show being aimed for children is plausible for his pathetic character.

Any comments I see whining about how I'm wrong, your ass is getting deleted and blocked. I don't care about what you have to say at this point. You people in this fandom genuinely sicken me as is. I've already come to terms that the only people in this fandom are me, myself, and I.

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7 months ago
Resting After A Long Battle

resting after a long battle