Well hello hello! It seems that you've stumbled upon my little corner of the internet! My name is Rose, and I am just your friendly neighborhood transfemme enby mess of a person! I'm also autistic and nuerodivergent, so there's that :)I love video games, sleeping, listening to music, as well as watching YouTube and TikTok! If you'd like to get to know me, I LOVE making new friends, so don't be shy! I also love to listen, so tell me about your current hyperfixation(s)! I love learning new things too, so my mind is always open to new experiences! ^~^
114 posts
Editing Problems...
Editing Problems...
Sooooo I made a post about this on my Twitter, but I wanted to say it on here as well. I have been having issues with the ediitng software for a long while now and have been fighting with it almost ever since my first video. Unfortunately it's been getting in the way of me uploading more often, as I normally have to wait almost a day for the problems to go away, but then they end up coming back again after only adding a couple of clips onto the sequence for the next video
If anyone else out there is a video editor, what kind of software do you use? I'm thinking about changing mine, but of course that means changing some things around in my videos. If anyone has suggestions, please don't hesitate to tell them to me, any help is greatly appreciated!
More Posts from Ichigobara
Hiya roze buds! I hope everyone has been doing well! I'm sorry for disappearing from this page, I didn't mean to totally abandon it. But I want to spread my content again and show you all how much i've been working on! I hope you all enjoy the videos, and I'll catch you guys in the next video!
This was also a celebratory video put out for you guys as thanks for 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel! Thank you, thank you all so very much for all the support you've given me so far, and I hope that you all continue to support me in the future!
This hurts me more than you know...
Pineapple is okay on pizza because tomato is also a fruit.
Hey! Have you seen this video yet? If not, you should definitely check it out! I hope you enjoy!
Life Update!!
On the third of this month, I had officially moved out of my parent's house and into my own apartment! I am still working on getting things set up and cleaned, but it is coming together! Yesterday I did go out and I got my own wifi and such, which means that I am all connected again!
Now that means I can go back to working on more videos and stuff again for you all! I'm also planning to work on more content for you guys, but that's still far in the future. But just be prepared this year! Catch ya later roze buds~!
Senpai! The moon looks great tonight! Oh, did you watch that video that I sent you? No? Can we watch it together? I hope you enjoy it, and have a great rest of your day/night!