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𝑆ℎ𝑒/𝐻𝑒𝑟 | 18

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Forever&never | Jeon Jungkook

forever&never | jeon jungkook

Forever&never | Jeon Jungkook

summary: the line between friendship and more has always been a little blurred for y/n and jungkook. this time it’s basically been erased completely and in its wake is a huge mess of miscommunicated intentions. and as much as you tried, you’ll never be just friends again.

➣ friends to lovers/idiots to lovers

➣ 11.6k words

➣ best friend!jk x girl best friend!reader [she/her pronouns]

warnings: smut. mild angst. pretty soft acctually. jealousy. lack of communication. make out. heavy petting. oral sėx [f and m]. blowjøb. breastplay. protection sėx. riding. missionary. ass slapping lol. light dirty. roughish. both experienced. teasing.

song inspo: all I want — brent faiyaz, [lovers or friends, that all depends on you] just friends — hayden james [it started off just a touch, innocent like friends] billie bossa nova — billie eilish [i’m not sentimental but there’s something bout the way you look tonight]


The room was dark, well mostly dark. His single large window aimed straight across his bed. A small rectangle of light laid on his covers just over the bump of the sleeping form next to him. She was tucked under the sheets deep in REM turned on her side and away from him.

He stared at the ceiling in thought, one hand under his head pointing his elbow out and the other was holding the bright device. It was buzzing quietly and the time was replaced by an image. There was a name on the screen with a dumb emoji and the picture was of you. It was of your face with drool down your cheek, mouth parted mid-snore, and Jungkook holding up a peace sign.

Every time he looked at how ugly you slept it made him laugh, so he slid the button across the screen and answered, “Hello?”

“Finally,” you said with a sigh, “I’ve been calling for like a whole minute.”

“Poor you,” he whispered, turning on his side and away from the person sleeping on the other end of his bed, “Now what do you want?”

“Come pretend to be my boyfriend and act like you’ve just caught me cheating,” you said as if it was the most simple request. He scoffed, “It’s midnight.”

“So? Fine, no jaw dropping performance” You stared at your reflection in the women’s restroom mirror. Girls crowded around you touching up their makeup, talking loudly, “But can you still pick me up? Pretty please?”

He groaned, louder than intended as he flipped back onto his back, still in thought. The person next to him stirred, a sound coming from their lips that had Jungkook’s eyes squeezing shut. Your end went silent and he could practically see the wheels turning in your head. After a long moment of silence you released an annoyed sounding sigh, “Fine whatever, I’ll just go home with this guy if you’re going to be lame. If something happens to me I want you to know it’s all your fault.”

The call ended and he laid there for a couple seconds in disbelief.

Drama queen.

He made himself comfortable in bed, distancing himself from the girl next to him. He took a big inhale and released as he felt his body attempt to fall asleep but there was something in the back of his mind.

You called him. No, like, you called him. He’s your friend and you felt safe enough to call him this late to get you out of a tough situation. Whatever, he thought as he turned on his side.

It’s midnight, and you called him because you’re somewhere you don’t want to be with someone you don’t want to be with. Plus, you already jinxed yourself and him. You said if something bad happens then it’s his fault and he can’t have that on his conscience. With a groan loud enough to wake the sleeping person next to him, he was up and blindly searching for clothes.

“What are you doing? Come back to bed,” the girl grumbled in her sleep as his pulled on some black sweats and a hoodie. He was already grabbing his things and heading to the door.

“I’ll be right back, go to sleep,” he whispered back before leaving. She’ll understand in the morning.

It didn’t take him long to get to the address you sent him. He offered to go in and get you but shortly after you were walking out of the bar in an outfit meant for a night out. He wasn’t even parked, his car was just stopped at the curb and he lowered his window for you to see him.

You shivered hugging your arms as you jogged as best as you could in heels. They clacked against the pavement as you crossed the street to him and he watched you go over to the passenger’s side. You stuck a trembling hand into the door handle and pulled only for it to not open. You did it again, slightly more frustrated as the cold began to really hit you.

“Open the fucking door,” you whined moving to the back door and yanking. Jungkook just smiled as he watched you struggle, “Say the magic word.”



“Jungkook!” You shouted out in annoyance and his grin only grew wider as he finally unlocked it. You yanked it open and immediate closed yourself in, running your hands over your exposed legs for warmth, “It is so cold out there, asshole.”

“Nobody told you not to wear a jacket,” Jungkook said, reaching into the backseat for the jacket that’s been sitting in his car for days. You took it from his hands as you said, “It would ruin my outfit.”

He looked over to see what you were wearing. A little green dress that complimented your skin tone and accentuated your legs. It rode up on your thigh when you sat down but he tried not to notice. You got yourself situated by the time the car got moving, “Thanks for picking me up.”

“Yeah well you got me worried when you decided to put the blame on me so fuck you for that,” he did a U-turn with only one hand on the steering wheel and his other arm rested on the window ledge. You smiled cheekily, “Muah, you’re the sweetest. Were you with anyone?”

“Um,” he thought about it. Obviously he had been with someone but he’s not sure if he should say it. Well, there’s no reason he shouldn’t. “Yeah, but she’s asleep.”

“Oh my god, you should’ve told me! I would’ve called Hobi or something,” you said but he just shrugged in response. You bit your lip, “Anyone you’re serious about?”

“I don’t know, it’s the second time I’ve met up with her,” he answered honestly, shifting his gaze to you to see your reaction. You just gave a nod before looking out the window. His eyes went back and forth from the road to you wanting to know what you were thinking.

He cleared his throat, “It’s probably not going to go anywhere. I think we’re both just having fun.”

By the time you arrived to the front of your apartment, Jungkook put his car in Park and turned to you, “Text me when you get inside.”

You waved him off barely even listening to what he was saying as you felt around for your keys. Jungkook flicked your forehead making you glare at him, “I’m waiting here till you text me you’re inside, got it?”

“Yes, yes, whatever, I’ll text you,” you told him opening the door and stepping out. You leaned down so you could still see inside and gave him a smile, “Thanks for picking me up, Kookie.”

“Don’t call me that,” he groaned as you rolled your eyes in response. When you finally shut his door and made it around the car, you let out a squeal as he suddenly honked the horn. You turned only from him to be holding up a middle finger against the window which you gladly gave back to him before disappearing inside the building.

Finally inside your apartment, you sent him a text telling him you’re still alive and went to bed.

There’s one thing you can’t explain and that is your friendship with Jeon Jungkook.

It was just a friendship, nothing more, nothing less. It was fun and lighthearted, no hidden feelings, nothing. Neither one of you have made a move on the other and if one did neither of you noticed. As far as you knew, he was just a friend. Everyone knows that’s all you two were and that’s what made you content.

To you, he was a great guy friend. He wards off drunk guys at the club, he gives his honest opinion, and honest just a good guy. What you have is a genuine friendship in your eyes. He flicks your forehead, calls you a bitch during matches, plays mature pranks on, basically treats you like one of the guys.

You met him in a pretty average, boring way. It was in class last semester when you had an assignment together. You found out you had a close mutual friend, Taehyung, and things just went from there. You befriended some of his friends like Jimin, and you were invited to a lot of things. It was only natural you’d get close to him as a friend.

So, as your friend, he was really doing you a favor. When you came back from the kitchen you were hoping to return to your seat. Clearly that didn’t happen as some girl sat there sandwiched between Jungkook and Namjoon trying to make conversation. At first you had full intentions on finding the next available place but something stopped you.

Jungkook didn’t even bother looking at you as he listened to the girl. He was aware of your presence anyway, and he brought an arm up to stop you. His arm was on your thighs and he was slowly pulling you back to him. It was all the push you needed to sit down on his leg turning your body to face the people sitting on the other couch.

“So who’d you say your roommate was again?” Jungkook asked the girl as his arm pulled away from you once you were seated. He rested it on the back of the couch now while the other held a beer. The girl looked at you watching you on your phone texting someone, completely ignoring your new seat.

“Um, Jieun,” the girl said and Jungkook nodded in acknowledgement. His eyes wandered away from her taking a peak at your phone screen. You were on Instagram with some guy in your DMs and he acted.

The hand holding the cold beer came down to your thigh pressing the cold can against you. You jumped at the feel pushing his hand away and turning to him.

“Aren’t you friends with a ‘Jieun’?” He asked drinking his beer. You gave a nod looking between the two and the girl looked you in the eye. It only last a little before her gaze was shifting away. You looked to Jungkook waiting for him to go on but he only pointed to the girl.

“That’s her roommate,” he said in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone, slurring a little, “What’s your name again?”

You gave an unamused roll of your eyes at him before looking at her, “Yuna? I think Jieun’s told me that before.”

She smiled now, “Yeah.”

Jungkook tuned you out as you talked with Yuna and you moved over to his other leg to talk to her about some celebrity crush you shared. He got on his phone using your back as a shield and went through his notifications. He had plenty of messages but it took too much effort for him to answer right now. He was getting bored, and drunk, and not in the mood for social hour anymore.

After some time Yuna’s attention was called elsewhere and she left you with a smile and a wave goodbye. When she up you took the opportunity to finally get off Jungkook’s lap and sit back in your old seat. You kicked a leg over the other and slouched back in exhaustion, “Meeting new people is so tiring.”

“Aren’t you meeting someone new tomorrow?” Namjoon asked now that the person from outside their inner circle left. You looked at him, narrowing your eyes as he outed you in front of the others. His brows were furrowed in utter confusion still not understanding. You rolled your eyes staring forward, “I don’t know if I’m going to or not.”

“Are you gonna go see a guy?” Jungkook asked sitting up a little. Jimin looked between everyone before asking, “What’s his name? Do I know him?”

Namjoon’s eyes opened in realized, alright, so you only told him.

For clarification, you do have friends who aren’t male, but you mostly hang out with these guys. So naturally, you’ll confide in them for some stuff. You should’ve known Namjoon wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut so this is probably your fault. You didn’t even mean to tell anyone but you were talking with him on your way to class and it just sort of slipped out. Now everyone’s going to know why you didn’t want to go out for drinks tomorrow with the others.

“You don’t know him,” you said, but only more questions came. Jungkook was fully turned to you now , “How do you know him?”

“I don’t, he’s from Tinder,” You answered honestly and though you could tell he had more to say he let it go.

“Whatever, let's talk about the chick Jungkook is messing around with,” Taehyung said turning his attention to Jungkook now. He released an exasperated sigh and slumped back on the couch. He rolled his eyes, “It wasn’t anything serious. She got mad over something stupid and cut it off.”

‘Wasn’t she just over at your place last weekend?” You asked as you rose to your feet going for a different drink now. Jungkook just shrugged watching you. When he didn’t answer, you let it go, unaware of the his eyes followed your waistline and down.

Jimin chuckled, “Let me guess, you did something wrong?”

“Probably,” Jungkook tore his eyes off you when he couldn’t see you anymore and looked back to the others, “She got mad at me last weekend and we haven’t talked since.”

He wasn’t bothered by it, but it’s more the reason why that bothered him. He’s not usually a relationship guy but he could have a fling with someone for a while, a few weeks even and that’s what he had going on with this, Mina, girl. Right now he’s got nobody and he’s not in the mood to answer one of the dozen DMs in his inbox. “What happened last weekend?” Namjoon asked making Jungkook look up to see if you were coming back yet.

“Y/n called me super late on Saturday, she needed a ride,” Jungkook said and the others waited for him to keep going, “Mina was over and I told her I’d be right back but I guess she didn’t appreciate me leaving to getY/n.”

Jimin busts out laughing, “Well obviously, dumbass. You ditch a girl you most likely had just finished having sex with, to go take another girlfriend home.”

“It’s just Y/n though,” he said with furrowed brows making Taehyung groan. “Just Y/n? Yeah, that’s the problem. Y/n’s your friend, Mina probably thinks there’s something bet—“

“Shh,” Jungkook nodded his head just slightly to where you were starting to come back. He brushed his hair back looking at you now. You gave him a scowl probably thinking he was going to tease you about something before turning to plant your butt back down in the spot between him and Jungkook.

“What are we talking about?” You asked, your thigh pressed against his snuggly due to the tight space on the couch. He placed a hand down on your knee, “You.”

“Me?” Your brows furrowed looking at everyone else, ignoring the shake of your leg by his hand, slowing down and patting your thigh.

“Tell us the guy’s name. I just want to know if I know him,” Namjoon said, making you roll your eyes. “No.”

Jungkook wasn’t fully paying attention anymore, his eyes had drawn to the person across from him. Taehyung looked at him with an unamused expression that said, ‘seriously?’ which made Jungkook’s brows furrow. Taehyung’s eyes trailed to his hand and Jungkook looked down too.


He moved his hand off your leg moving to lean further against the armrest to put some distance. Look, you’re his friend, it’s not his fault he’s kind of a touchy person. It’s also not his fault that you don’t seem to even bat an eye so it makes him do it more. He still doesn’t get why it’s such a big deal that he went to get you the night with Mina.

You’re like one of his best friends, that’s all.

When it comes to friends, you feel like you’ve stumbled upon a great selection of them. You’ve got your coworkers, your friends from school, and random strays you’ve collected on the way. Out of all them you can only think of three who could help you out right now.

You tried Sora at first, her opinion was always helpful and blunt, but she wouldn’t pick up.

You tried your coworker, Yoongi, he’s usually an ass but he’ll tell you one just so you leave him alone. That would have been helpful because you’re very indecisive.

Now you’re trying Jungkook, listening to the phone ring praying he’d answer because if he doesn’t, you think you might have a mental breakdown and call the whole night off. You’re this close to doing so.

The familiar beep of the FaceTime connecting came and Jungkook was in front of you. He was sitting on his usual black couch, and a large painting above his head. His hair had been clipped at the sides by small bobby pins, only leaving the pieces that fell over his face. His hair was getting longer so it was curling forward just under his ears. He looked kind of pretty right now, like he was going to go out.

“Where are you going?” You asked jumping right to it. He looked taken aback for a moment, nervously playing with his lip ring, “I’m gonna go out for drinks with someone.”

Your eyes narrowed, “Someone? That one girl you were messing with?”

His jaw clenched for a moment as he looked away, “Someone else.”

“Hm,” was all you said, dragging your eyes away from the silver necklace that sat on his pretty neck. “Do you have a minute because I need your help and if I don’t get it I’ll cry.”

He rolled his eyes as a smile began to form on his face checking the time, “I’ve got time, what happened? Aren’t you meeting that guy tonight?”

“Yes, that’s why I need your help, nobody else was answering,” you said, moving your phone to your desk so he could see all of you. On the screen, Jungkook was leaning forward watching you as you stepped away from your phone giving him a good view from head to toe. You looked at your reflection on the full body mirror you had on your door beginning to talk, “So I want to wear this skirt but I don’t know what to wear on top. Here I’ll show you the options.”

Jungkook nodded in response watching you pick up a cream colored knitted sweater that paired well with the skirt you had up. It looked warm enough and it made you look way more put together than your messy life actually was. He watched you put it over the simple tank you had on just so you wouldn’t be naked in front of him. He hummed, “That looks fine.”

“Okay, how about this one,” you turned your back to him, yanking the next item on and looking at yourself. It was a little on the short side and the shade of the shirt matched your complexion well. It also puts an emphasis on your chest while also looking good with the skirt. Jungkook felt something run down his body.

Forever&never | Jeon Jungkook

“Turn for me,” he said but his eyes were glued to the shortness of the skirt, tongue slowly swiping over his lip ring. Something about the way you looked was really capturing his attention. You did as told, turning so your front was facing the phone but your head was turned to the side still looking at yourself. “Wait, I actually look really good in this. Oh my god.”

Jungkook scratched at the back of his neck, “Yeah,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “Let me see the next one.”

“You don’t like it?” You asked looking at him and he shrugged looking away, “Yeah but it’s not my first choice.”

How does he tell you, he really likes it but not for tonight. You looked unbelievably attractive and he can see you wearing that whenever you and him go out for drinks with the others. He can see himself placing his hand where that little sliver of exposed skin between your top and skirt would be. His finger would press against the lower part of your spine, just over where your tailbone will start. He could hear himself making an excuse to touch like having to pull you into his side when a drunk walked a little too close. He sees himself around you when you look this good.

He doesn’t want to picture another guy with you instead.

“No, this looks ugly,” you said finally wearing the last choice, “It looked better in my head. I think I’m going to wear the second one.”

“No,” Jungkook answered, making you look at him again, “Wear the first.”

“Really?” You asked, grabbing the first option you had, “You think this is better than the second?”

“I mean,” he leaned back on the couch, checking the time. He was already running late. “I mean you look good in all of them, I just think the first would… you know.”

“You don’t sound all that sure of the first one Kookie,” you tease. moving to sit in front of your friend. He rolled his eyes at that nickname. He seriously regrets telling you his childhood nickname.

“Alright, I like the second one more but I don’t want you wearing it tonight for some guy you just met,” Jungkook finally said.

Whatever, he’s just being honest but you didn’t get it. Part of you wondered what he meant and the other part felt like it knew. With curious eyes you said, “You think I look hot in it?”

He released a breathy laugh, messing up his hair, “Obviously. So, yeah, I don’t want you wearing that tonight. You don’t even know if the guy’s worth getting all pretty for, Y/n.”

“Ugh, okay—He’s here, oh my god I have to go,” you suddenly panicked looking around your bedroom, “I’m not even wearing shoes.”

“Be careful, bye,” he said, hanging up.

His phone sat on his toned chest as he sighed, he hopes you don’t wear his favorite outfit tonight. If you do choose to wear it or look that good in something, he’d like it to be for him.

Jungkook doesn’t like you, you’re his friend. A very good friend, a forever bestie, that’s all. You’re like one of the guys to him, he messes with you the same way he messes with Jin or Yoongi. He just likes to push your buttons because when you get annoyed, there’s this look in your eyes that makes him go crazy. It just makes you look so attractive but he would never go for you.

He’s not even interested in a serious relationship so it’d seem like such a waste to see where it could go with you. And okay if it just so happened to, you know, be great then maybe he would settle down in a relationship. That’s very unlikely—not like he’s been thinking about it. Not at all.

He especially doesn’t see you as anything other than a friend right now that you’re practically clinging to him, not even when his hand rests on your lower back wearing that outfit he liked the other night, all just for him. Your hand was on his chest, “You need to stop working out, you’re getting so big.”

With that, your hand trailed further down to where his abdomen was, going over the soft ridges of muscle toward his bellybutton. He held in a breath watching you with hazy eyes. He’s realizing now that it was a bad idea to come out for drinks with you and nobody else. Now you’re both a little tipsy and very touchy.

“You don’t like it?” He asked in a husky voice as he pulled you in just a little more when a group of girls walked by in search of the bar. You stumbled into him, “I do, that’s the problem. You’re looking too good.”

“That’s a real shame,” he chuckled breathlessly, licking his lips as he looked down at you with dark eyes, “You don’t want to find me attractive? Is it distracting?”

“Full of yourself? You know I think you’re attractive,” you giggled making him smile.

You’re his friend.

You’re just a friend.

You’re like a best friend.

He's not sure if he's the one who took the step forward but all he knew was that you two were moving closer. His hands were on your waist as his head dipped down to meet yours. Your mouth was on his in a second, hands cupping his cheeks as your lips met, hesitant at first before going all in.

It was messy, a little too eager for being a first kiss between you two. In his eyes, and maybe yours too, it had been a long time coming. His hands tightening their grip as he pressed you against him until your neck was angled so that you could kiss him despite your height difference. Your arms wrapped around his neck trying to pull yourself up to kiss him better and he eagerly granted you more access. It was a sight to be seen, the way his jaw moved so effortlessly in a kiss like he was hungry for your mouth, tongue licking along your bottom lip until your lips parted for him.

You let your tongue poke inside exploring the warmth of his mouth. His eyes fell shut deepening the kiss with his tongue and yours relishing in your make out. You kissed along the corners of his mouth, a hand flat on his shirt while you trailed down toward his jaw. He licked his dry lips when he felt the tender affections on the angle of his jaw as the hand over his t-shirt ran over his chest. He let his head fall back trying to catch his breath when you playfully nipped at skin, kissing away any pain and sucking lightly.

There was a small pause, pulling away to catch your breaths and this should have been a moment to reflect. You knew in the back of your mind that you and Jungkook have never kissed. Your friendship has been just that, a friendship, and not the kissing kind.

He always knew you were a great kisser. He had never kissed you before in the past but it's not like he didn't think about it. The few times he's seen you make out with a guy somewhere on campus or in the parking lot told him enough of that. He always walked past slightly annoyed but he always thought it was because he wasn’t getting any action. He didn’t think anything of the glare he’d send guys who approached you when you were out with friends. He must have misread it as being protective over his friend and not jealousy.

“Wanna get out of here?” He asked leaning in for a kiss, biting on your bottom lip as he tugged out making you sigh into it. You nodded in response and he smirked reaching down for your hand and led you toward the doors of the packed club.

The drive to your apartment was quiet aside from some music. Jungkook drove with his hand on your thigh, a firm grip on the soft flesh very close to where your skirt ended. He gave teasing strokes making you wiggle in your seat and without thinking you reached across the console and connected your lips with his neck for a quick moment making him bite into his bottom lip to concentrate on the road.

Once inside your apartment, you led him right to your room. Neither one of you were thinking about what this could mean, all you were thinking about was what it would be like to have him down between your legs. He sat on the edge of your bed pulling you down next to him and immediately connecting his lips with yours once more. There was a hint of a smile into the kiss as he deepened it, dipping his head low. His arm you'd been tracing made its way up to your face cupping your cheek keeping you close. You straightened your back hoping to get closer to him, your hands going to his thighs for support.

Just as you were moving closer to his groin area he reached for one of your wrists. Not stopping the kiss he pulled your hand away leading you to lay back on your bed. You followed his movements laying down as he effortlessly pushed you further up your sheets so he could hover over you. He kissed down your neck, sucking softly on a spot he felt you twitch at. Your hands tugged on his shirt and though it was a quick pace he sat up pulling the shirt off.

He yanked it off feeling your hands fly to his belt loop but he stopped you again. He was slightly out of breath as he spoke, "Y/n..."

He leaned over you trapping you under his hands which rested on either side of your head. “Take this off.” He motioned to your shirt which had been buttoned at the front and you brought your small hands to the top. He watched closely as you undid the first button slowly. Then the second, then the one just over your breasts which bulged through the opening making him lick his lips. You ran your finger teasingly down the valley between your breasts stopping at the next button and undoing it. His eyes were trained on what you were doing, letting his hips press down against yours.

Impatience coursed through his veins and with one hand he yanked on the last buttons pushing it off your shoulders making you lean up enough for him to take it off you the rest of the way. Now that it was out of the way he let his hand trail along your side and over your bra. His mouth left wet kisses down to your collarbone and between your breasts. You let out a sigh feeling his firm touch, big callous hands, from working out, touching the softness of your tits. You moved to unclip your bra, sliding it off. He left a gentle, teasing kiss on your right breast.

His hand cupped the breast kissing on the sides, "You gonna let me touch?”

His voice was airy as he let his tongue poke at your nipple. His thumb swiped over it feeling it begin to harden and let his other hand cup your other breast too. He repeated the actions a couple times letting his hair tickle your neck before his lips circled around the hardened bud, eyes locked on yours as he began to suck.

"That feels good," you whined, wriggling around a little for more. You have obviously never done this with him but his teasing pace was doing things to your body that you’re not used to feeling for him.

He looked up at you, tongue flicking your nipple as his other hand groped the flesh of your left breast. He didn't say anything but didn't move quicker. You wanted to rub your thighs together but with him laying between them it was hard to. Instead you ended up just trying to rut up against him.

When he pulled back a small string of saliva connected his bottom lip to your boob and before you could say anything he moved on to the other. You felt strange, getting so turned on with foreplay. You touched along his back wanting to feel more of him pushing your breasts in his face. He eagerly sucked on your nipples, coating them in spit that made you feel dirty in a good way. Once your nipples were as stiff as they could get he moved along down your stomach. He never once pulled his lips off your skin, not even when he tugged at the fabric of your little black skirt that hugged your ass so wonderfully that his eyes had been drawn to it all night. He yanked it down your legs sitting back again looking down at your wriggling body.

Below him you looked so pretty. Hair splayed across your bed sheets. Expression full of lust with darkened eyes. Exposed breasts moving with every pant of breath you took. Your frilly underwear that left little to imagination and with a smile he leaned forward to capture your lips with his again, “You’re so hot.”

“I know, I always feel your eyes on me,” you said between kisses as you let your tongue stick out past your lips for his to fondle.

A hand trailed down to the hem of your underwear. He relished every soft sound you let out, releasing his own sigh against your skin, "Because you like to wear those little skirts and dresses around me.”

You groaned letting your hips buck into him feeling the smallest hint of a bulge in his jeans. He grunted shortly, finally removing your underwear as he went back to your breasts hungrily latching onto a nipple again. He slid your right leg up until it was bent close to your stomach, exposing more of your wet pussy. Silky strings of arousal coated his fingers as he ran them between your folds and over your clit. At the hint of some stimulation you began to meet the efforts of his hands with a roll of your hips. Unable to keep himself from a taste he dropped to be faced with your cunt.

With a groan, he pushed his nose into the wet pussy and inhaled deeply. Some slick nipped at the tip of his nose. He just wanted to please you and make you feel good. He wanted to make you forget about any other guy and remember that if you want to dress like this he wants it to be for him. His mouth closed over the stiffened clit suddenly and he began to lick and suck you, feeling the outline of your slit get his chin wet. He was lost in his own world, hips rutting against the bed as his tongue worked to taste your raw essence.

You were the sweetest thing to ever grace his tongue. His thick tongue lapped at your juices, running through your slit and pushing into your warm hole. He was quite literally tongue fucking you with a hand to your chest groping your tits again. If he could suck on them while feasting on your pussy he'd be in heaven.

You were in ecstasy with his mouth slobbering all over your cunt making you fuck up into his face. He swirled over your sensitive bud using his other hand to spread out your soft folds. His tongue fucked into your pussy as far as he could go before feeling your walls clench around him. It only made the hand on your tits rougher groping more into his hand holding your hips anchored down to the bed as you began to shake.

"Koo—" you moaned softly hands in his soft dark hair keeping him in place. He stopped, still close enough to your pussy for his breath to hit your sensitive skin. He looked up, “How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?”

You rolled your eyes, “Shut up, Kookie,” with that you placed a hand over his head and led him back down to your pussy. Too distracted by the thought of making you cum on his tongue, he went back in. He focused on your clit, tongue flattening over it and shaking his head from side to side feeling your walls tighten. He repeated the action with more effort and then he felt it. Just under where he had been licking your little clitty, your release came. He kept going, feeling the slick coat his chin and drip further down your open legs before stopping it with his tongue so he could taste. He eased you through your orgasm with a hand stretched across your body letting your hips guide him in a rhythmic motion through your high. Jungkook pulled back a moment, swiping his tongue on his lip, licking a small drop off as caught your breath.

With an effort to lean up and kiss along your neck, you caught him off balance making him land on the bed instead. Quickly before he could try and stop you, you were yanking his Jean button open and tugging at the zipper. He hissed at the sudden friction of losing the thick layer of denim from his member. He let you slide them off, muscles tensing when he tried to lean up to kiss you.

You met him halfway, a messy tongue kiss mixed with the taste of your arousal and spit. Distracting him enough with the kiss you let your hand go over his bulge from his briefs.

His breath caught in his throat at the first feel of your palm over his cock. His eyes glazed over as you smiled seductively at him kissing the tip of his nose before letting your hand slide past the briefs and touching him directly. You start with a couple experimental strokes, his mouth drawn open in a silent moan, "Do you want me to stop?"

His brows are knitted together, a hand over your hair and the other fisted up to his forehead. He shook his head licking his lips, "I swear to God if you stop, I’ll…" his voice was hoarse, feeling you bring your face closer to his tip, licking it gently, tasting the bead of precum on your taste buds. “You’ll what?”

You flatten your tongue on the underside of his cock, a teasing long kitten lick from his base to his tip. You stopped at the head letting spit pool in your mouth and onto his cock keeping your eyes on his. Then, his eyes meet yours slowly and you swallow more of his length into your mouth. His eyes scrunched closed in pleasure, biting the back of his hand to stifle the loudest moan he's ever felt bubble up in his throat. It was something in the way you teased and looked him in the eyes while doing it.

He’s been with a handful of girls, he’s obviously experienced and these aren’t new sensations. But there’s something about having the girl he’s just friends with, with your mouth around his cock, that turned him on so damn much.

Holding the base of his cock with one hand, you begin to bob your head setting a good pace, with your other hand on his thigh keeping yourself from losing balance. Your eyes lock on the obvious muscles flexing under your touch. Your hand helps jerk the rest of him, your other hand coming up to massage his balls.

Jungkook watches the way his cock disappears into your mouth, the feeling of your mouth, your hands working other areas. It took everything in him to not let out everything and instead released shaky breaths and soft groans. He was close thanks to the way you released those pretty little moans when he had you in his mouth.

You press into him, hand on his thigh once more as your nose pressed into his pubic bone. You took steady breaths through your nose doing your best to relax your throat and flatten your tongue. You stayed still for a second, letting yourself get used to his cock so deep in your throat, jagged breaths in and out. Jungkook pants lightly, feeling the throb of his cock as his tip hits the back of your throat, “That’s it, breathe through your nose baby, take it.”

You roughly swallow around him, suppressing a gag as you resume to deep throat him, spit bubbles gathering around his length.

"Fucking hell," he groaned tossing his head back in bliss. Moans were pouring out of his mouth, his groan muffled into his hand, "I'm so—close."

His pants come quicker, more jagged and out of breath. His mouth hung open, hips almost locking from how hard his muscles flexed. With his cock twitching in your mouth Jungkook slowly comes down from his high, hand petting your hair. His eyes were hazy and his mouth dry. It felt like he couldn't move a muscle and yet he was yanking you off his cock and smashing your lips onto his. He could taste himself on you and with your aftertaste on his he wished to kiss more. He was still hard, probably in anticipation when rummaging was heard.

Jungkook pulled back to catch his breath letting you search for a condom tearing into it immediately.

He hissed in discomfort as he dragged his body into a sitting position, back pressed against your headboard. He let you slide the condom on his member watching it come back to life at its full hardness. His eyes locked on the spread of your legs moving to sit on his lap. Jungkook kept a hand at his base and the other on your waist while yours gripped his shoulders.

He watched closely as you lined yourself up watching the head enter. He quickly looked at you as your mouth drew open, sinking down on his length. He didn't push to move even if he really wanted to and instead let you adjust. He wanted this to be pleasurable to you too. He whispered softly, "I want to make you feel so good. Will you let me?"

"Jungkook," you whined at the first expert roll of his hips, digging his cock a little further into your walls. You ground your hips letting your head fall forward when he took a boob into his mouth fucking up into you.

He nipped at the bud playing with it as he looked up at you to the best of his ability. Your pouty lips moaning softly has him pulling away to kiss you again, "Say my name, don’t stop.”

He groped at your ass, spreading the soft cheeks apart and rammed into you when you threw your head back in a moan, "Jungkook, you feel so fucking good inside me.”

You returned to him feeling lightheaded holding his face in your arms forcing him to look at you as he bounced you on his cock. A hand on your ass and another on your tit letting you pull his face into you. Your already erect buds tightening as he pinched and pulled at them. He left wet, sloppy kisses over your throat, moving his hands to grip your waist harshly. Jungkook's nail dug into your soft flesh as he lifted your hips up and down on his cock.

"Just like that," he bit into his lip, staring down at the way your hips gained a more determined rhythm to get him off. You pulled on his hair making him look at you, "I'm gonna cum."

“Already?” He teased, “Am I fucking you good? Is my cock fucking you just right?”

“Stop talking,” you moaned against his lips dragging him into a kiss, “I’m gonna cum.”

“Already?” He kept going, “My dick that good?”

His eyes locked on yours as he felt your warm walls begin to tighten around him. A familiar ring of nerves clenching around his member as it sucked him into your folds. He wasn't going to last much longer either, “Your pussy is so damn good, Goddamn.”

His thrusted slower but still rough, chasing his own high with the sponginess of your spent walls that hugged his stiff dick deliciously, enough to make his lips dry.

When you didn't respond and he felt himself at his peak he added, "I won’t last much longer, fuck.”

He let you snuggle your face into his neck, a hand still on your jaw as his forehead rested on your shoulder. His other hand was forcing your hips up and down roughly.

It was like a wave washed over you, the final words to put you over the edge. Just like that you were releasing, biting back a euphoric moan as Jungkook hugged your sides talking you through it. In all your past hookups not once did they treat you so softly while tossing you around too. It made you want to show him other sides to you too.

When yours had calmed enough, the last squeeze of the ring was enough for him to let go into the condom. He grunted softly into your ear guiding your hips up and letting himself slip out. Your thighs shook as you crawled over to the side of the bed taking a moment to catch your breath.

“Fuck, you’re rough,” you groaned trying to get yourself off the bed feeling sore. He just lied back on your pillows with a lazy smirk still fondling his sensitive cock, “But you liked it.” He leaned forward, spanking your ass hard as you bent down to get a pair of panties.

“Ow!” You squealed throwing his underwear at him and he laughed, “Asshole.”

“Want me to do it again?”

Teasingly, you bent forward again and he connected his hand with your ass just as hard, squeezing in the process.

Was it normal to continue like it never happened? That’s what you and Jungkook were doing.

It’s been a few days since the night he fucked you so good you were sore the next day, and yet neither one of you have brought it up. You weren’t avoiding each other either so clearly you just didn’t care to talk about it.

Now, this doesn’t mean you’ve completely forgotten about it. It’s hard to when his hand is on your thigh under the desk.

“So I told him, ‘Babe, I’m not letting you touch my tits in public’ ugh, Jimin needs to chill, you know?” Sora ranted during a lecture making your brows furrow. You looked at her, “What are you talking about?”

“Ugh, you’re not even listening to me,” Sora groaned with a roll of her eyes before looking over at Jungkook, “Why so quiet, you dumb bitch.”

“Sora, one of these days I’m going to tell Jimin that you’re breaking up with him if you don’t stop being mean to me,” Jungkook spoke up as the others around you began gathering their things. She only rolled her eyes, waving him off, “He won’t believe you, he knows I’m dick whipped.”

You were gathering your things and stuffing them in your backpack as you stood up making him move his hand, “Hurry up or I’m leaving you two, I want chicken.”

“Eh, I’m not worried,” Jungkook said with a shrug even as he got up, “If you ditch me I’ll just pick you up and K.O you until you apologize.”

“Jeez, why so rough?” Sora asked, missing the way he sent you a wink at what she had just said.

Alright, you’ll be honest.

It hasn’t completely gone back to normal, there’s still an intense sexual attraction between you two but nobody knows what you two did.

You groaned, “If I don’t get food into my system right this instant I’m going to be the biggest bitch.”

“You already are.”

“Bitch,” you glared at Jungkook just as you got to the front of the lunch room.

“Jungkook!” You all paused at the door, turning around to stare at whoever had just called your friend. Jungkook froze looking at her, “Mina.”

“Hey, do you have a minute?” She asked looking over to Sora and then you. You swear she glared at you. Jungkook looked back, catching your eyes, seeing if you had anything to say but you didn’t. What were you even supposed to say? He focused on Mina again, “I’ve got time, what’s up?”

“Come on let’s eat, I have to go to work after,” you told Sora ready to leave. She gasped, “Are you working with that new guy? Is he hot?”


Jungkook tried not to turn and ask you who, choosing instead to walk away with Mina. It’s not like the two of you were dating anyway, he can talk to her, and you can think about whatever guy you want. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t even want a relationship.

Not at all.

So when you FaceTimed him the next night looking for help again, he agreed.

“So what’s this for?” Jungkook asked on the same couch he was on last time looking the same as then too. The other day Mina asked him out on a date but he doesn’t go on dates. He did get drinks with her but that was it, he wasn’t even in the mood for sex and he kept thinking about who that coworker of yours was.

“I’m going out with a friend for dinner,” you said looking at yourself in the mirror. Jungkook’s tongue poked against his cheek in annoyance, “A friend? And you’ve gotta go all out for dinner?”

“Obviously, I can’t look ugly.”

“Why?” He asked even though he knew it sounded immature. You rolled your eyes pulling down the front of your top to show more taste, “Because I don’t know who might see me, duh. So how does this look?”

“Going out with a guy?” He ignored your question. Once again, you rolled your eyes, “Yes Jungkook, he's a friend with a dick, just like you.”

He scoffed, looking taken back, “Whatever, you look fine.”

“You’re being no help right now, you’ve said that like three times,” you groaned in frustration because if you don’t find an outfit right now you’re going to tell Hoseok you can’t see him tonight and will just see him the next time you work together. He slumped back, “You’re making me help you look good for some random guy, what do you want me to say? You look fine.”

You glared at him through the screen, “Fine whatever, thanks for your help, go call Mina or something then.”

Without a goodbye you hung up on him leaving him sitting there in disbelief.

“Fucking—ugh!” He groaned loudly, tipping his head back annoyed. Fine, you want him talking to Mina? He will.

He’s being so annoying right now. It’s not like you’re asking him to do something he hasn’t done before. Besides, that’s what friends are for.

It’s not like you’re doing anything wrong either. You did have sex but that was over a week ago and neither one of you has brought it up. And yes, you’ve been extra touchy with each other but still, it has no meaning. You haven’t gone out of your way to see if having sex with your best friend was something serious or not and until he brings it up, you won’t either.

Of course the sucky part is watching him talk with other girls wondering if that night was just a one time thing for you two or not. You don’t want a relationship right now but you also don’t want to watch someone you’re sexually attracted to with someone else. Plus, why is he giving you so much attitude on FaceTime like you’re doing something wrong.

If he didn’t like the idea of you getting pretty to go hang out with a male friend of yours then he’s being stupid. You dress up to go out when you’re with him and he’s just a friend too. You’re not even lying when you say you’re just friends with the person you’re getting dinner with so why did he seem so offended?

Hoseok is literally a friend. He just started working at your job and you clicked right away. If Jungkook would just ask you instead of getting all pissy with you then you’d tell him. But, in reality, you don’t owe him any explanation for who you go see. So, him saying, ‘You’re making me help you look good for some random guy, what do you want me to say? You look fine’ is such bullshit. Like, he’s helped you before so clearly something upset him and he won’t even tell you what.

Listen, he doesn’t know what. He doesn’t think he’s looking for anything serious even though he really enjoyed the night he spent with you. One could say he could easily look for a friends with benefits relationship with you but he doesn’t want that either. In his opinion that could damage your friendship more than being in a relationship will.

Like, if you could just not entertain any other guy but him then he’ll do the same. You’ll still be friends but at least he’ll know that if the time comes his chances won’t be ruined by another guy in the picture. He won’t have a problem doing the same with you as long as it’s mutual. But if you’re going to go out for drinks with other guys than he can do the same with girls who are clearly interested in him.

But he can’t. He can’t stop his mind from thinking about you and it’s starting to mess with his mind. This is normal for friends, right?


Not even in this friendly moment can he help himself. The others were around so he didn't think he should do or say anything but you looked so damn pretty. He was also sitting the furthest from you so it probably isn’t obvious, he hopes. He just doesn’t understand how things changed within him so much. Maybe he’s just finally realized how much he likes you and probably for a while now.

Obviously not to the extent of actually falling for you right off the bat but since the beginning he thought you were hot. He was always leaving small touches, he listens to you rant about your day, he tells you how pretty you look in basically anything, he kissed you and had sex with you and has yet to sleep with another girl since. He likes you a lot. Now how does he tell you so?

His love language is physical touch, not words of affirmation like you. This means, his way of showing interest or affection is by touch and he did a lot of that with you, always.

He’s not even trying to hide the fact that he’s been looking at you. It’s not like they didn’t know he’s always been close with you, they’ve seen him drag you into his lap, hand on thigh, all of it. Now do they know the extent he’s gone with you? No.

You obviously know he’s watching you, has been all night and it’s made you feel giddy. You still don’t know what’s going on between you and him but you do know that you want to kiss him again. So, you excused yourself to the bathroom sending him a small wink before leaving then when you got inside, you called him.

It was a little scheme and he picked up on it right away, “I’ll be back.”

“Who’s calling?” Sora asked, sitting on Jimin’s lap looking over to him. “None of your business,” Jungkook said ruffling her hair, making her hit him and Jimin laugh. He left down the hall looking at his phone and passing the guest bathroom, choosing instead to go to the one in Namjoon’s private one where he knew you’d be. He knocked lightly, turning the handle to catch you looking at yourself in the mirror.

He hasn’t brought up the other night on FaceTime because he knows he was being petty. He was just annoyed that he wasn’t the one going out with you. He smiled as he shut the door making sure to lock it, “You called?” A little pun because you obviously called and he ran right to you, like usual.

You faced him now, leaning back against the sink, “You make it very hard to concentrate when you’re watching me all the time.” You were teasing and he was stepping closer until his hands were on the counter behind you. There was a very short time before the others start to notice you’re both gone so he didn’t hesitate to close the distance between you even more, he dipped his head down until his lips were brushing over yours, waiting to see if you’d want this too.

You pressed yours against his giving him the go ahead to finally kiss you after weeks without doing so. His hands came down to your hips using no effort to lift you into the counter to have better access to your lips. You were on a time crunch so it was needy, messy, full of tongue. Jungkook was eager to feel you, trailing his mouth down your jaw, licking you with each kiss moving to your neck, hands grabbing at your shirt.

“Okay,” you sighed in disappointment, “I should probably go, Jungkook!”

“One more, one more,” he whispered, meeting your lips again, hand on your cheek before you were pulling away with a small laugh. He let you hop off the counter waiting inside the bathroom longer so that you could head back. You quickly fixed your appearance as you joined the others.

“Jeez, did you fall in the toilet?” Taehyung asked as you sat back down next to him. “I was taking a shit.”

“Did you at least spray my bathroom?” Namjoon asked looking disgusted and with a smirk you shook your head no. The conversation continued and it was only a couple minutes later that Jungkook came back.

“We need beer,” Jimin shouted from the kitchen looking over at you all, “Someone go get some.”

“Why can’t you go?” You asked, sitting up a little, making him narrow his eyes at you. “Why can’t you go?”

“In what car?” You gave the attitude right back to him making him shake his head as if he was talking back with even more attitude. You did the same making a little game of it since nobody else has spoken up.

“I can drive,” Jungkook volunteered after some time hoping nobody would hear the eagerness in his voice as he looked to you, “Do you want to go with me?”

“Sure,” you said, flipping Jimin off, “Even though he has a car and is also the one wanting more beer.”

You left the apartment with Jungkook going right to his car where he leaned over to plant another gentle kiss on your lips making you smirk, “You’re extra touchy today.”

His hand was on your thigh as he smiled back at you, “I’m just happy right now.” You turned away so he wouldn’t see the blush appearing on your face.

When you got to the store, you went down the snack aisle as Jungkook left to get the alcohol.


You nearly screamed, dropping a bag of chips as you heard laughter just behind you. You turned quickly, eyes going from scared to angry as you looked at the person behind you, “Asshole.”

“I scared you,” Hoseok laughed, “Good.”

“What are you doing?” You asked, looking at all the things in his basket before smirking, “Drinking?”

“I’m going over to Jin’s right now, I just got off and Yoongi’s there too,” he told you, referring to another one of your coworkers, “What are you doing tonight? Wanna come with?”

You smacked your lips in disappointment, “I would but I’m already hanging with some of my friends.”

Jungkook had only one box of alcohol, if the others wanted more they could come themselves but that was all he’s carrying. He knew where you were but he didn’t expect to see you talking with some guy. He came up behind you placing his free hand on your back capturing your attention, “Ready?” His smile was strained, not bothering to look at the two guys but neither one seemed to care.

“Ah, is this one of your friends? I’m Hoseok,” Hobi asked, taking a step closer, making Jungkook look at him. You gave a shy nod, unsure of what to say since it was clear he wasn’t going to introduce himself to Hobi. You didn’t even know how to respond. Jungkook was technically your friend. You’ve been hanging out as friends for a while but obviously things have been different lately. Even with that and all the kisses and touches you still don’t know what you are, so really, it’s not your fault if your response makes him unhappy if he doesn’t tell you what he wants.

“Um yeah, this is my friend, Jungkook,” you said, going based on what Hoseok asked, “Jungkook, this is my coworker.”

The guy flashed him a grin while Jungkook’s facial expression remained straight. There was something about being referred to as a friend that really just caught him off guard. You didn’t even have to say it, you could’ve just said ‘meet Jungkook’ and not be so quick to remind him. He turned away, tongue poking against his cheek in thought. Even after all the two of you have done, you still just see him as a friend? What else do you want him to do?

“I guess I’ll get going,” He said, sensing the awkward shift in the air, “Y/n, you should come over later if you’re free then.”

You and Jungkook got to the line to pay but you could tell Jungkook was being distant right now. After you paid you went straight to the car and this time around he didn’t kiss you or touch you at all. If anything, he seems to have scooted as close to the window as possible, making you confused.

You tried not to think about it but when you got to Namjoon’s apartment building it was hard not to notice that he was very clearly not even trying to talk to you.

“Why are you being so quiet right now?” You asked as you got in the elevator with him. He pressed the button to Namjoon’s floor as he said, “I’m not.”

“You are.”


You scoffed, is that really how he’s going to respond to you right now? You looked at him, “Are you mad at me?”

“Do I have a reason to be?” He was being condescending, he knew he was but he just doesn’t know what to think right now. Hearing you refer to him as just a friend really hurts his ego because he’s not thinking of you that way. He knows you’re more than that so for you to do that to him is just really… confusing.

“I don’t know that’s why I’m asking,” you responded to him slightly more defensive than before because why was he acting like all of a sudden? “Tell me. Was it something I said?”

Jungkook looked over at you standing even close in the small confines of the elevator, now he was only inches away making you look up at him as much as you needed to. He spoke, “That guy earlier, Hoseok or whatever his name, what are you?”

Your burrows knitted together in confusion, “What do you mean?”

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, looking you dead in the eye without breaking contact, “I mean are you seeing him?

“Obviously not.”

“So you don’t kiss him?” Jungkook answered your question with another question, neither one of you have given any answer yet. “Jungkook wha—“

“Do you sleep in his bed? Call him up late at night? Tell me Y/n, is he really just a friend?” Jungkook’s voice was bitter with a little bit of anger but he can’t tell if it was at you or at himself.

You stood there for a second trying to under why Jungkook was asking this stuff, a little annoyed that he even had the nerve to, “We’re just friends, Jungkook.”

He scoffed, ignoring the ding of the elevator, “Really? We do all that stuff, so how are you going to introduce me as just a friend?”

You looked taken back, uh oh. Was this the start of the long awaited conversation you two desperately needed. You shifted your gaze nervously now, “I didn’t mean it like that”

“So how’d you mean it then because you were pretty quick to call me that in front of your friend.” He emphasized the word that just loved to throw around despite everything you do.

“You’re kinda being mean right now,” you said. He huffed in frustration, “Because you tell me we’re not just friends but then you call me your friend in front of other guys.” His voice has evened out as he tries to explain but he still sounds irritated.

“What do you want me to call you then,” you said dumbly.

“Your boyfriend, Y/n,” he finally said, making your mouth part in surprise. Your face smoothed out in realization. The elevator doors opened with a ding filling that awkward stretch of silence. You shook your head finally getting out of the elevator and heading down the hall, “I’m not a mind reader, how am I supposed to know what you wanted?”

“Um,” his voice was sarcastic, “Maybe because I was pretty obvious about it.

He wants to say he’s always felt this way but he can’t because it wouldn’t be true. Since the beginning he’s been attracted to you as a person and he wanted to be friends with you. Sure, he thought you were attractive but he never let his thoughts and actions run past that. And now that they have he literally doesn’t know how to do this. “You’re the one who still treats me like a friend Y/n, that’s why I haven’t said anything.”

You turned to him, “Yeah well, I thought you only wanted to mess around since you never said anything to me.” It took you a while to realize it but the reason why you were so close to Jungkook was because he made you comfortable. He always has, so it was for easy your friendship to evolve and to just effortlessly succumb to each other’s bodies. The hard part had been knowing if it was just a simple tale of the extent of your friendship or if your feelings had gotten involved. They obviously had.

He combed his fingers through his hair as the two of you stood in front of the apartment. The conversation clearly wasn’t done but everyone’s waiting and they’ve probably already heard you arguing. You knocked on the door as Jungkook stood behind you looking just as defeated as he did.

“Fucking finally!” Jimin shot up immediately taking the beer from Jungkook leaving him empty handed. Sora clapped, “You brought food!”

You set the bags down in front of everyone moving to take your seat but before you could, Jungkook grabbed your hand, “Can I talk to you?”

“Yeah,” you sighed following him into the guest bathroom but this time for a completely different reason. You faced each other getting closer in this small space as Jungkook finally spoke, “Y/n, I’m crazy about you, okay? I said it, I don’t know how much more clear I have to be but I’m telling you right now that I want to have a relationship with you. I don’t want to just want to be your friend.”

He let you take in his words before continuing, “So I’m asking you now, do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow night ? Not as friends.”

You were smiling a little now. Yeah you wanted him to just tell you but the way he said it to you just now kinda made you giddy. There was just no room for misunderstandings. You smiled nodding your head unsure of how to say you feel the same.

“As your girlfriend?” You said in a final response to when he wanted you to say he’s your boyfriend. “Yeah.”

The two of you stood there for a moment, both pleased but unsure of what to do now. You could either keep this between you two until you really figure things or you could come out together and say it. Jungkook chose to kiss you instead, pulling you into his arms and kissing your lips with a new tenderness after finally expressing yourselves.

“They’re probably getting suspicious,” you said pulling away when he gave you another kiss and said, “They probably already are.”

You hated to admit he was right because the second you came back to everyone else they were all staring with knowing looks.

“So what were you two doing in the bathroom?”


“Oh were you just talking earlier when you both disappeared? Kissing!? Because everyone knows. Everyone knows.”

A murmur of ‘yes’s came about.

“Jimin,” you said in a warning tone but he gave you a look that said he couldn’t care less. Jungkook was sitting next to you, “How long have you guys known?”

“Since the other day in class where you basically eye fucked each right in my face,” Sora said pointing an accusatory finger at the two of you, “And then! I ask if your new coworker is hot an—“ “Babe.” “Jimin hush it was for research purposes,” Sora sighed, “And Jungkook looked like he was going to kill me for bringing it up! And then! Y/n looked mad when Mina came up to him! And then! You’ve been acting weird all day!”

Sora’s rant came to an end leaving all of you silent for a moment before Taehyung raised a hand, “You guys are very obvious.”

“Neither you or Jimin know how to mind your business,” Jungkook bit back starting the usual back and forth banter between him and Sora—who immediately responded with:

“Neither you or Y/n know how to communicate your feelings.”

Your jaw dropped, “Why—That’s not—Why am I being brought into this?”

“Alright, whatever!” Namjoon cut in, “There everyone knows. Nothing new. Nothing exciting. It’s literally not a surprise at all.”

“Well… we’re dating, everyone,” Jungkook said annoying everyone even more on purpose as he did a small clap. He smiled at you, placing his hand back down on your leg and bringing you closer a little.

Everyone was gagged.


a/n ok y’all. tell me jimin and sora aren’t THAT couple and it was merely a side plot

also idc idc idc this story makes me kinda happy 🤓like it’s cute but also kinda realistic???relatable??????????? tell me y/n isn’t the definition of the ‘girl best friend’ girlfriends be worried about 💀

taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @jeonjcngkook

respond to this post to be added to permanent taglist AND upcoming dilf Jk collab fics

also pls yall, feel free to tell me what u think <3 always luv feedback good or bad

jungkook on FaceTime with his bestie boo y/n who’s not his bestie boo and is actually his baby boo instead:

Forever&never | Jeon Jungkook

gif ©️ @jeonjcngkook

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More Posts from Iconicjk

1 year ago

Moonlight Reign Ch. 4

A/N: Here she is! Another heavy chapter LMAO pls heed all the warnings and put yourself first always! Also pls give me asks I am a rabid dog without them and will rattle my cage without them. I need the interaction or else I will frown. As always, everyone say thank you to my amazing beta reader and loml B @rapline-heaux

Moonlight Reign Ch. 4

Series Masterlist

Pairing: Yandere! Mafia! BTS x Reader

Words: 5.4k

Warnings: crime, sensory flashbacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior, pining, violence, past abuse, past neglect, crying, familial issues, abandonment issues, blood from biting own lip, covering ears, pinning someone down, mention of open relationship, threat of suicide but as a form of reassurance(?), allusion to possible past addiction, delusional thoughts and manipulation kinda, the yandere-ness has begun

You scrolled mindlessly through your phone, looking for any kind of distraction as the elevator ticked up at a maddening pace. You just wanted to be home without having to worry about what Jungkook was going to do–

And of course, he was slumped against your door. 

You heaved a sigh, swallowing down the pain of seeing him so dejected. Not that you had to try very hard as fear quickly replaced the emotion when you saw another man standing there next to him. You didn’t recognize the figure with an expensive suit, but you certainly had no desire to as he tried tugging Jungkook up. 

The two men’s eyes snapped to you the moment the elevator dinged, making your presence painfully known. Meekly stepping out of it, you gave the men a tight smile that you neglected to remember they couldn’t even see since it was far from reaching your eyes and you still had the mask on. The man standing regarded you lazily, looking you up and down for a moment before his gaze morphed into an emotion you did know quite well: hatred. Pure, unbridled, hatred burned in his gaze, making you feel warm beneath your mask.

But what the hell did you do to this guy? You don’t remember seeing him ever, especially not in your past. Almost everyone who’s seen your face is dead, trusted, or in hiding themselves, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to recognize you, at least not enough to hate you.

“Is this her?” His voice was deep and filled with a venom you were sure wasn’t warranted, but you had little interest in engaging. It did irk you when his eyes looked over your form and his snarl deepened. You just got off work, can’t he give your looks a damn break?

“Can I help you?” You responded with an equal amount of venom, internally cursing yourself. So much for not engaging, dumbass. Your pride was getting the better of you. 

The man before you cocked a brow, “Yeah, you could tell me why my boyfriend refuses to go back to his place until he speaks to you.” Jungkook did his boyfriend no favors in satiating his evident jealousy, his gaze only fixed on you with an emotion you knew nothing of.


That was a good question. A question that could cost your life, so you decided to tread lightly– or as lightly as you could considering how shitty of a job you were doing already. If this guy was one of Jungkook’s boyfriends, that meant there was a pretty good chance he was also a part of Bangtan, and you’ve poked that hornet’s nest more than enough. 

You cleared your throat, “Jungkook.” He nearly keened forward at your voice saying his name, and it made you sigh, “Go home, yeah?” He frowned, slumping back against your door childishly, making his boyfriend glare at you even harsher somehow.

“This is ridiculous.” He spat, eyes never leaving you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d take that as him calling you ridiculous and say something stupid. 

“Yeah? Imagine how I feel.” You sneered back. Obviously, you didn’t know any better right now. But goodness graciousness, this guy was shortening your temper at mach speed. You evidently had the same effect as he scoffed, “Look, what do you want from me?”

“I want my boyfriend to get up from your doorstep.” He hissed.

“Great.” You gritted your teeth, “Me too.” You stepped closer to them, “So why are you being such an asshole about it to me?” 

He rolled his eyes, and you wanted to badly to see him try to do that with a black eye, “Becuase obviously you did something to upset him.” It was your turn to scoff, “So fix it.” 

“Right, 'cause I’m the problem.” You muttered sarcastically. You were pretty used to being blamed your whole life for a whole number of things, but you took that shit because you had to. You didn’t know this guy, and you didn’t have it in you to care right now. 

“You saying he’s the problem?” He snarled, obviously protective of the man. The jealousy at the fact that Jungkook had someone who loved him so much when you didn’t even have a pet was quickly outweighed by your anger and a twinge of fear at this man getting in your face.

“Hyung, you’re making it worse.” Jungkook groaned, and you were a little surprised at how sober he sounded. You thought if he was leaning against your door he was trashed, or at least semi-drunk, but he was speaking clearly, “Just wait for me at my place, okay?” The older man ignored him, crossing his arms and keeping his hatred trained at you.

“I’m saying no such thing, fuck.” You huffed, “If anything, I’m saying you’re acting like a real dick right now, and I’m not in the mood.” You explained harshly, “Take your jealousy or whatever the hell your problem is with me somewhere else.” 

“Jealousy?!” He guffawed, “Me? Jealous of you?!” Ouch, damn. The way he could knock down your self-perception with three words was almost a talent. The power of tone never ceased to amaze, and especially at this moment, wound you. You knew he was more attractive than you. You had eyes after all, but evidently you struck a nerve with him to warrant that response. 

“Oh, my bad.” You sarcastically mocked, “You’re seeming real secure right now. I must be mistaken.” You could hear Jungkook sigh, undoubtedly regretting helping you with your sarcastic tone years ago.

“Do you think I’m enjoying this? He looks miserable.” He grunted, pointing to his dejected lover.

“So leave then.” You challenged.

“Is that what you do to people you care about?” He spat, “Leave?” 

Okay, that struck a nerve with you, “You don’t know a thing about me.” You fumed. You didn’t want to leave anyone, least of all Jungkook, but you also weren’t too keen on sticking around and getting yourself killed. You didn’t anticipate Jungkook not giving you the choice. 

“Well from what I’ve seen, I can’t say I see the appeal.” He retorted. Is this guy calling you ugly or a bitch? Or is it both? 

“Taeyung!” Jungkook scolded his boyfriend.

Your eyebrow twitched at the thought. Fuck this stranger to all hell, “You’re not doing yourself any favors either, I can promise you that.” You looked him up and down, forcing an unimpressed look on your face, and you could see him bristle at your actions. 

“Y/n, come on.” He sighed. Great, now you both know each other’s names. Just what you needed right now. More fucking knowledge.

You sighed, not wanting to upset Jungkook anymore than you were about to by fighting with his boyfriend,  “If I talk to him, will you get the fuck out of my face?” You prodded. 

Taehyung clenched his jaw. God, you were the worst, even worst than he and Jimin thought. You had the worst personality and your face… It would only be fair for you to be as ugly as your attitude, and the fact that you weren’t only pissed him off more. Even worse, you were stunning with a mask on. He swallowed hard, “Fine.” 

“Yipee.” You deadpanned, turning to Jungkook, “Ready?” You asked and he scrambled to get up, taking your bag of takeout from you so you could fish out your keys. 

“Is that a routine you have or something?” Taehyung seethed quietly. 

“I’m just being considerate, hyung.” Jungkook shot back, “Especially when her guest is being so mean.”

“The last thing I’d consider him is a guest, Kook, don’t worry.” You rolled your eyes, taking off your mask so you could put it away before you forgot. Taehyung already had your first name, address, and how your eyes looked, Showing him the rest of your face wouldn’t make you any more in danger than you already were. 

Taehyung wanted to punch a goddamn wall when he saw your the rest of your face. You were stunning and instead of shrinking away from him and out of his lover’s life, Jungkook was clinging to you, and you were more than holding your own. You matched his energy, calling attention to how much of a dick he was being, and he didn’t care for the mirror you proved to be. Even with that stupid piece of tissue clinging to your lip, saturated with blood, you looked beautiful, and it pissed him off. 

“What happened to your lip?” Jungkook asked worriedly, making Taehyung fume even further. 

It took you a couple seconds before you remembered, and you sighed, “Just bit it earlier, that’s all.” You explained, taking the tissue off before flicking your gaze to Taehyung, snapping him out his angry hypnosis with your face, “Bye.” You urged him. 

“Watch yourself.” He warned, making you scoff.

“Thanks for the concern.” You quipped back as you unlocked your door, walking in to let Jungkook bid his stupid boyfriend adieu.

Jungkook watched you retreat into your room before looking back at his boyfriend, “You know better than anyone you catch more flies with honey.” He remarked, making Taehyung huff.

“She’s mean.” He simply said, and this made the miserable man snort. You were anything but mean, your kindness was one of the many things he admired about you. It was effortless, you weren’t even trying to be good. You just were. It scared and enticed him so.

“She’s really not.” The younger man said, “You were really mean, and I’m literally the one who taught her how to be mean back, a little too well obviously.” 

“Taught her?” The man echoed his lover. What, were you a child? Why did his boyfriend need to “teach” you anything? And why the hell did it bother him so much?

Jungkook shook his head, “Nevermind. What I mean is she would’ve been way more receptive had you just been a bit more polite. Then you’d have something to report to Yoongi.” He sighed, irked at the fact that his boyfriend’s kept prying about you since his mood has been sour these days.

Taehyung chewed his lip, obviously guilty, “We’re just worried–”

“Sure.” He cut Taehyung off, making the older man scowl, “Just go wait for me, alright? Let me handle my own things.”

“So she’s yours now?” Taehyung bitterly remarked.

“Tae, please.” Jungkook sighed, “You’ve never been the jealous type like this, so I have no idea where this is coming from.” He grit out, and Taehyung bristled at this, the words on the tip of his tongue but before he can even think to say them, Jungkook spoke, "Just go, okay?” The older man rolled his eyes but followed his orders, the doors to both apartments closing at the same time.


You had changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt the moment you got in. Not only was it because you didn’t want to overhear what Jungkook and Taehyung were talking about, but you also knew this conversation was going to drain you beyond belief so you wanted to be prepared to go straight to be afterwards. 

You entered your living room right as Jungkook closed your door, and you plopped onto the couch, already tired of this, “I don’t know what you want me to say.” You huffed, sending a glare to your turned-off TV. Should’ve never gotten the damn thing if it was going to be the catalyst for this much grief. 

“You know what I want you to say.” He sighed. All the desperation from earlier in the day seemed to have tapered off and now you were both just left tired. Part of you was thankful he wasn’t freaking out like that right now, you rarely saw him like that. In your years of friendship, Jungkook and you basically never fought. You could count the number of times on one hand. Most often, the moment a disagreement arose, you dealt with it then and there. Keeping distance and being dismissive was new between the two of you, and it drained you both, “Tell me why, and I’ll let it go.” He professed and you scoffed. You weren’t sure how much you believed him judging by the dark circles blooming beneath his barely subdued crazed eyes.

“What difference does it make?” You refused to meet his eyes even as they burned holes in your cheek.

“You said you weren’t scared of syndicates or mafias.” He blurted, and you stiffened, “So tell me why.” 

You shrugged, “I lied.” It was a half-truth, but you knew it wasn’t enough. Gone were the days when cagey lies and half-truths were sufficient between the two of you.

"We've both lied to each other enough, but it's time to stop, yeah?" He asked, and you could tell his sanity was toeing a very thin line but you simply huffed, “Come on.” He groaned, “Why won’t you tell me?” 

You remained staring at the TV, “I can’t.” 

“Can’t or won’t–”

“Both.” You crossed your arms, “The more we talk about this, the worse it’ll be for me.” You added, “And you, probably.” 

“Fine.” He hissed, and for a moment you thought he was going to leave, “Then I’ll tell you what I know.” He pushed off of your door and walked to stand in front of the TV. It sounded like a threat, and in a way, you knew it was.

You swallowed hard, “Don’t you dare tell me a thing.” You warned. Knowledge is almost everything when it comes to risk assessment. If you knew too much, there would be no running away, there would be a chase. You could not afford to be chased. Hell, you couldn't afford to even be having this conversation in the first place.

“Why?” He challenged, eyes colder than you’ve ever seen. You pressed your lips together, not wanting to entertain this, "What's the harm in knowing things?" He was prodding you to show your understanding. He was baiting you and when you remained silent, he flashed a bitter half-smile before speaking, “Very well. I know that I am Jeon Jungkook, cyber specialist of the Bangtan syndicate, one of seven leaders.” 

You dug your nails into your palms and fought the bile that rose up in your throat. One of your worst nightmares come true, and yet, you were stuck. Your body was rigid and your mind could barely process the million ways the reality of the fact could and was actively ruining you.

His words made your chest seize, and you wanted to throw up. The fucking cyber specialist, a whole leader, of the most powerful syndicate in the country had been coming to your apartment every week? How stupid could you be? “Stop.” You seethed.

“I know that you acted weird when the camera panned to the audience during the fight on Friday.” He took a step forward and you pressed yourself further into the couch, “I know that you said it was because you saw a teacher in the crowd, but that wasn’t true.” 

“Enough.” Each word was like a stab to the chest. In more ways than one, you were sure nothing would be left of you by the time this conversation was over.

He wore that bitter smile so seamlessly, “I know it wasn’t true because I checked every single person in that fucking crowd, not just teachers.” 

“Please.” You pleaded, pressing your nails so deep you could almost feel the acrylic snap.

“The only one who called into work that day doesn’t know you.” He spat, and you felt utterly ill.  

“Jungkook.” You croaked.

He pressed on without a care in the world, eyes trained on you, “You wanna know who was in that crowd?”

“No.” You protested.

He clicked his tongue, “Too bad, it–” 

You shook your head, covering your ears, “Shut up, shut up!” You exclaimed, palms pressing to muffle him. 

In no time, he pinned your hands to your side, hovering over you with a fierce glare, “I can’t let you run away from this.” He snapped, “Not from me.” 

“Why not?” You hissed.

“You mean too much to me.” The vulnerability and the sheer honesty in his voice, made you regret asking. Your heart cried out for more as your mind begged to run and never look back. 

You struggled against him, significantly harder to hold your own against him when he was sober, “Let go of me.” You pleaded, your words having a double meaning that he didn’t care to listen to.

“Never.” He huffed like it was a promise, plucking at your heartstrings, “I can’t.” He said quietly, making your hairs stand on end, dropping his head to rest on your head, “I just can’t.” He breathed, lips moving along your crown.

“Can’t or won’t?” You mocked him, tears stinging you at the affection while he let out a humorless laugh.

He slid his hands from your wrists to interlace his finger with yours, still holding your hands down in a fierce grip, “Both.” He breathed. You hated your body for wanting to relax against his touch.

“You’re making a mistake.” You admitted solemnly, “You shouldn’t–”

“Enough of that.” He snarled, stunning you silent, “As I was saying,” He continued, pulling back but hovering over you still, “There was a certain Moon Byungjoo in the crowd.” Your uncle’s name made your stomach tighten and you internally begged Jungkook not to notice. The man in question quirked a brow at you, “That name mean anything to you?” You opened your mouth to deny it, but he shook his head, “Just stay quiet if you’re going to lie.” The venom in his tone hit your heart, the pain radiating to your throat.

“That’s not fair.” You whispered, “Like you’ve never lied to me.” You spit out, glaring at him, trying to look anything but how petrified you are.

“I’m not anymore.” He shot back, and you rolled your eyes, but he remained headstrong, “I’ll ask again, does that name mean anything to you?” 

A mix of anger and betrayal filled you, “You know the answer already, don’t you?” You hissed and he flashed you that sickening smile again.

“He called you that day I was here, didn’t he?” He asked, and you kept your mouth shut, blinking the tears back as your carefully woven mundane life began to unravel, “Now, I didn’t know what you could possibly have to do with Byungjoo. I even went as far as researching you, and you know what I found?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as he spoke, but his eyes never broke contact with yours, “Nothing.” He sighed, “You basically didn’t exist until you enrolled in school.” 

“That wasn’t fair.” You whimpered, trying to keep your tears in, “We promised we would stay out of each other’s business–”

“I can’t lose you.” He quickly interjected, his shield cracking for a moment to show you the desperation in his gaze, “So I did what I had to do, for us.” 

You swallowed thickly, “What us, Kook?”You hissed, trying to hurt him even if it tore you down too, “We’re just friends is all.” You fixed a cold gaze on him, “Just study buddies who stuck around too long.” However, his grip only tightened on your hands.

“Friends?” He spit the word bitterly. He gave you an incredulous look, “Be honest with yourself for once, and then try to tell me that again.” He breathed, mere inches from your face now, and you had nowhere to sink into any further. 

You wanted to protest again, tell him that he was being crazy. You wanted to say that he was looking for more in the relationship you shared than what was there, but he was no fool. It didn't take a genius to know that the feelings you held, the bond you both shared, the feelings you had wasn't mere friendship. The trouble was you didn't know what the hell it was. It was the deepest connection you'd ever had and yet, you had no idea where to place it. 

He sighed, eyes cast down for a moment, “I didn’t want to do that, you know?” He admitted, pulling back a little, “When the guys found out I made a friend they insisted on doing a full background check, a week of tailing, and even random bout of tailing, but I told them to stay out of it.” He admitted, and your body shivered at his protective tone, “Our relationship was too important to jeopardize.” This made you grind your teeth in frustration. Maybe he should've let them dig into you or drive you away, save you both this grief.

“And now?” You pressed.

“Now,” He echoed, “It’s too important to lose.” You didn't get it. You knew why Jungkook’s friendship was so important to you, he was essentially all you had, but he had much more than you.

“What if it’s lost already?” You glared at him, but he didn’t seem shaken.

“It’s not.” He affirmed, and you didn't get how he was so sure, “We can rebuild, stronger than ever.” 

You shook your head. He wasn’t thinking clearly. Something had to be wrong with him with the way he was talking like your relationship was so profound and… Your own lies tasted bitter on your tongue. It was hard to think clearly with him this close and with this much fear coursing through your veins, but even with all that, you knew. You knew he was right, and it made you sick to your stomach.

“I searched and I searched for any connection to Byungjoo and you and then…” You started squirming, wanting a head start before being viciously hunted, but he only pressed his arms into your legs, hands still holding yours, “Did you know that the first record of you started almost exactly five years ago?” He trailed off, eyes scrutinizing yours, “And I mean actual record, not the fake ones that were made also exactly five years ago.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. It was over. Truly, madly, deeply, over, “You know what five-year anniversary is coming up?” He asked and you tried to stand, tried to run, but it was no use. None of it was ever any use, and you knew it.

In the blink of an eye you were pinned to the floor, his legs locking yours in place as his hands stay intertwined with yours, “Don’t do this!” You cried, and the tears finally fell, “You don’t understand–”

"I couldn't believe it at first." His face was stone as you tried to look away from him, unable to face him now that he knew who you really were, "My y/n? The girl who I had to teach sarcasm to? The girl who needed me to show her how to use a coffee maker?" You struggled against him, wanting more than anything to cover your ears and just fade away, “Originally I thought you were amish or something, but a cold-blooded killer? A child progidy asassin?” His words were like fire, and you wanted to be swallowed whole by it, “How could that be when you were scared of your ice maker for almost a year?” What was once funny memories turned into stark reminders that this life had never really been yours to begin with. Your life would never be your own.

"Stop it, please."  You sobbed, embarrassment crushing your chest as you squeezed your eyes shut. In your childhood it was all about the mission, and any other knowledge would just get in the way. You didn't learn how to properly write until you were a teenager, let alone interact with people your age. It was Jungkook who painstakingly helped you learn the most basic tasks and subtle inflections. He never once got frustrated or gave up on you and here he was, his palms pressing against yours as he tore your walls to shreds.

“And then… he said your name.” Your whole body froze, your thrashing coming to an end, but the tears never stopped. “He said it to me, and only me, but it’ll be no time before the other guys question him.” He explained, eyes still unbelievably cold as he regarded you. Byungjoo, that fucking rat. You should’ve known, but what made it worse was that if you never befriended Jungkook, your name wouldn't matter that much. They wouldn't know your birthday or your address or anything, but you put a target on your back the moment you let him into your apartment all those years ago.  

"I'm dead." Tears kept falling, but your body was stone now, and it would be soon. All those years of trying to survive and be somebody outside of your father, would be for nothing. You couldn’t outrun your past, and you felt stupid for ever trying.

He ignored your words, but you felt him squeeze your hands a bit harder, “At first I thought you were playing me," He grit his teeth, making you shiver. You wanted to protest, but he just pressed on, "but then I understood.” You finally looked at him, confusion filling your eyes with the tears as his gaze softened. He leaned down to your ear, “It was fate.” The way he said it nearly made you teares freeze on your face. Something about it sounded almost sinister, but what was worse is you could tell he genuinely meant it. 

“What?” You squeaked out, and he chuckled darkly. You could hardly recognize him like this, and you wondered if the Jungkook you knew was nothing but a facade or if this was just another part of him.

“Come on, two mafia darlings finding each other against all odds and genuinedly not knowing who the other was.” He pulled back to look at you, eyes transparent now as his pupils dilated, “We’re perfect.” He breathed. You could see he wasn’t angry, but you couldn’t recognize that look in his eyes, “No more running, green girl.” The nickname made your body tremble beneath him. 

“Just let me–” 

He quickly cut in, “I’’ll protect you.” He kissed softly at the tear running down your cheek.

You shook harder, “They’ll kill me.” You cried softly, “I don’t have anything to offer. I don’t know where my father is and–”

“Shh, shh.” He soothed you, but it did little to help, “I won’t let them kill you.” He promised, and you weren’t sure how much he could keep the promise, “If they do, I’m going with you.” Your eyes bulged at this.

“You can’t mean that.” You tried to reason with him, but he simply shook his head.

“I mean everything I say to you.” He leaned his forehead against yours, breathing you in deeply, “You’d do well to remember that, okay?” He pressed another kiss to your forehead, “I’m gonna go talk to them in a bit.” He sighed, not looking forward to it.

“T-Tonight?” You asked. 

He hummed in agreement, “No time like the present, huh?” He sat up, finally releasing your hands, but keeping your legs still as he sent you a sharp look, “No running, okay?”

“I don’t have anywhere to go.” You ruefully responded, nerves running on overdrive.

“Oh come on, I know Eunhwa worked for your father.” He tsked, and you flinched, not noticing the way he softened at your fear.

“Not even she is willing to risk her life to help me right now.” You snapped,looking away from him in shame. You had no one, no one except him. Even if you did try to run on your own, it would be two seconds before a bounty the size of Seoul was on your head. You’d be found by someone else, but you couldn’t help but feel like Jungkook would stop at nothing to find you first regardless, “We originally agreed to wait a few weeks since anniversary week is kind of…” 

He snorted, already knowing the situation. He was one of the men that helped craft it. Nothing involving your family happened during that time, which made you all so hard to find, but obviously not hard enough, “Lucky me then.” He finally released your legs and you scrambled away from him. A flash of hurt came and was gone from his pupils before he extended his hand to you, “I never wanted to do any of this.” He reminded you, finally sounding like the Jungkook you knew but it did nothing to ease you, “I never wanted to scare you like that, but it was the only way to–”

You hugged your knees curling into yourself, "But you did." You sighed, feeling so unbelievably empty, as you struggled to take in a breath, “Just go.” Your voice cracked, and he recognied the tone immediately. 

“No, I’m not going to leave you like–” He tried to offer to help but you just covered your ears as you cried into your knees. 

“Leave, please!” You rasped, and that’s when it hit him. Regardless of the affection you both felt for each other, your relationship was fundamentally changed. You were no longer each other’s escape, you were the grizzly reality. 

“No.” He seethed before crumbling down next to you. Despair washed over him at the reality of your relationship, but not even that could get in the way of his need to be close to you. What he had with you transcended wrong and right. You were tattooed into his psyche.

“Haven’t you done enough?” You croaked before his body covered yours. Even if you had the energy, you weren’t planning to fight his embrace, not when your traitorous body managed to relax as his mahogany and rain scented cologne invaded your senses, allowing you to take your first real breath since this whole ordeal. 

“I won’t leave you like this.” His voice was muffled as he pressed his palms over yours to quiet the outside world, “Even if it’s my fault.” His breath hit your forehead as he kissed the skin, “Even if it makes you hate me.” He promised, “I’ll never leave you like this.” He began his rhythmic tapping, just like he always did, and the familiarity brought you both comfort, even if just for a moment. 

“I hate this.” He let out a small sigh of relief when your hate wasn’t explicitly directed at him, “I’m scared, and I never wanted to be that girl again.” For the first time, Jungkook found himself wondering what exactly happened those five years ago. He wanted to know every little thing about your life before him. He wanted to know why you were alone, if you were loved, if someone hurt you, and most importantly, he wanted to know who, “I’m dead.” You cried into his chest. 

“No, you’re not.” He all but promised, “I won’t let them.” He pressed a too-sweet kiss to your forehead.

“Why?” You asked again, even though you knew you weren’t ready for the answer. 

“Because…” He trailed off, trying to think of what to say, never letting up on his taps, “You’re mine.” He mused, and you succumbed to your despair even further as your body shook violently. 

“And what do I have then?” You sobbed, “What’s mine then?” Your life had never been yours, and you suddenly felt so foolish to think it ever would be. Made to be a puppet and cursed to never cut the strings. 

“I am.” He immediately responded and you shook your head, but he only held you tighter, “Don’t be scared.” He breathed, “No matter what happens, I’ll always be here.” He promised, and it broke your heart that the notion both scared and eased you. You simply nodded as you both stayed that way and then once your breathing stabilized, he let you be alone.

“I don’t know how I’m going to forgive you for this.” You admitted, the both of you hurting from your statement.

“I know.” He looked to you with a soft smile, “But you will eventually, and that’s all I care about.” 

He set his jaw before taking his leave, and he could hear your breathing trying to steady even as he closed the door. He leaned against the wood, sighing as he closed his eyes. It was just a rough patch. You just couldn’t see how good this was for both of you. Even if he had to rebuild your relationship all by himself, he would. He’d do anything if it meant keeping you. Maybe he was an addict down to his core, trading one vice for another. He didn’t care either way.


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1 year ago

red string 1


“our connection is determined by a tiny invisible string”

summary: you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought. 

genre: soulmate au, red string of fate au, poly au, 

pairing: BTS (Yoongi centered) x Reader 

status: ongoing (random updates)

warnings: slight yandere themes, smut, insecure reader, alcohol, talks of jealousy, soul bonds, mentions of past abuse,

chapter warnings: soul pain, first meetings, running away, mc didn’t really want a bond, cinderella-esque plot line, small panic attack, mc is cynical, allusions to past abusive relationship, 

I am not going to have a taglist for this fic. I will only be using the permanent taglist as its intended for all of my fics.

permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​ @yourleftsock​ @skyys-universe​ @cryingpages​ @strxwbloody​  @drissteele​ @dustyinkpages​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @crushedblackroses​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @blaaiissee​  @iiitsmaria​  @carolinexkpop​  @azazel-nyx​ @strawberry-moonpies​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​ @knjkitten​ @foreverweareyoung7​ @lachimolala22019​ @namuficxs​ @94z-93​ @kimgmzmc​ @thenaverse​ @dahliasbouqet​ @black-rose-29​ @tinyoonsblog​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @stellauniverse​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​ @tinyoonsblog​ @veronawrites​ @tatyhend​ @singukieee​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​ @exfolitae​ @butterymin​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ 

masterlist // part 2


Being in your twenties was weird. You went from being in a structured routine for twelve plus years, having to ask to go to the bathroom, to being on your own and having to make mistake after mistake until you get the hang of being an adult (even if you never actually figure it out).

Being in your twenties also meant something else to most of the world’s population. The tiny string of fate that was always thought of as a fantasy would solidify, only visible to you and the person or people on the other end. The string was supposed to lead you to your soulmate/s, but sometimes only served to be a reminder of what you couldn’t have.  

Some people are lucky enough to already be with their soulmates and receive their string when they meet them, even before their twentieth birthday. You were not so lucky.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Trouvaille - Chapter Two

Trouvaille - Chapter Two

Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader

Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance

Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Word Count; 20.8k

Trouvaille Masterlist

Trouvaille playlist

Updates on the 7th of each month

Hi everyone, Dana here again! Welcome to Chapter Two, and thank you for reading and sending lovely responses to Chapter One. In this chapter, you'll meet more members, and the plot will continue to thicken in the coming installments. If you have any questions or comments about this fic, I'd love to hear from you. Again, if you'd like to be added to the taglist for Trouvaille, just let me know! Please enjoy this update, and thank you for your support :)

Trouvaille - Chapter Two

Two hours of sleep revived Y/N enough to wake up feeling somewhat alive again, a nice, hot shower rinsing the scent of bruise cream down the drain. Wiping condensation from her mirror, she tightened the towel wrapped around her body before hastily slapping jasmine lotion on her skin. Though it was the end of August, late afternoons had started to become breezy with the bite of autumn in the air, a gentle draft floating in from the rickety window in her bathroom. 

Fresh with a new pair of waffle-knit cream sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and a soft gray long sleeve tee, she reveled in wearing loungewear in the middle of the day for once – no more itchy scrubs! Satisfied with her comfortable clothing, Y/N scooped up her laptop off of her crowded desk, humming a tune while heading out to check on Seokjin again. She wondered where the other two were and if they decided to take a nap as well, or if they were wandering around the house. There were many nooks and crannies she hadn’t included in her tour, opting to show them just the bedrooms and living spaces. That way, they had more things to explore themselves. 

Tiptoeing into the entryway of the green room, she nearly dropped her laptop in surprise. Seokjin was sitting upright, head turned to look out the only window unobscured by the drawn curtains. His ear flickered, picking up on Y/N’s sharp intake of breath, and gripped the water bottle he was holding tightly as his head swiveled to look in her direction. 

It was the first time she got a good look at his face, full lips dropped open in shock, wide vibrant orange eyes rimmed with black lashes, sharp jawline set bracingly. His coloring seemed to be back to normal, but she wanted to get closer to make sure the fever was on its way out. Although, now that Seokjin was awake, Y/N wasn’t really sure what to say to him.

“Hi, sorry I startled you,” Y/N broke the ice, Seokjin twisting the material of the Good Charlotte shirt in his hand nervously. Tentatively, she placed her laptop on the table in the hall next to a vase. “Can I come in?”

Seokjin cleared his throat after attempting to croak out a response, beginning to move from the bed, something Y/N wished he wouldn’t do so soon. 

“Y-yes…” he hoarsely replied, face screwing up in discomfort as he tried to swing his legs out from under the comforter. Y/N hurried into the room, holding her hands out in alarm. 

“Oh please, don’t get up just yet! I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” Y/N exclaimed, rushing to the side of his bed while he halted his movements. She noticed how he froze as she got closer, so she refrained from getting too near at first. 

“I… don’t even remember getting here,” Seokjin confessed, continuing to wind the shirt in his fist. 

“You fell asleep on the ride back, Hoseok and Jimin helped you in and out of the van. I think you might have gotten a fever from having to shift suddenly when you changed at the shelter. I’m sorry, that was foolish of me to ask of you,” Y/N hung her head low, busying her hands by collecting the used facecloths on the nightstand. 

“No! I mean, um, it's alright. It’s actually pretty uncomfortable to be shifted into animal form for extended periods of time,” Seokjin assured her quickly, his hand shooting out to touch her wrist briefly so she could lift her head, features melting into a sheepish expression. Shellshocked by the contact, her skin tingled where his gentle fingers had brushed for a split second before they were gone. Y/N searched his eyes, watching as he averted her gaze distractedly, focusing his attention on the window outside once more. His expression was still melancholic as he watched the breeze rustle the foliage in the backyard, eyes far away. 

“How’s your side?” Y/N asked gently, tossing the face cloths in the hamper by the door. Ear twitching again, Seokjin’s lips turned downwards into a frown. Not exactly the reaction she was looking for. 

Seokjin, fingers trembling, lifted the bottom of his shirt, exposing the patch of gauze, a little gasp falling from his mouth. The gauze was clean, bleeding stopped, and Y/N was proud of herself for cleaning up the site so well, her nerves dissipated a degree. 

“You– did you do this?” Seokjin’s fingers grazed the gauze, shoulders sagging as his hands stopped shaking at once. 

“Uh… yes, I did. Again, I’m sorry, I don’t usually touch people without their permission, but I wanted to make sure infection didn’t set in so you could heal quickly,” Y/N felt like sticking her head in sand with the flow of the conversation. 

Seokjin shook his head quickly, back to fidgeting with the shirt. “Oh, I’m never any good at saying what I mean, I’m grateful that you fixed it… thank you,” he scolded himself under his breath, Y/N’s eyebrows pulling together in confusion. It was instances like this that made her desperate for a little background information on the hybrid’s history, so she could understand why three out of seven so far seemed guilty for receiving kindness of any sort. 

“Seokjin, how are you feeling, fever-wise? Do you need some Advil, are you hungry?” Y/N inquired, setting a new bottle of water on his nightstand. He eyed the bottle as she spoke, seemingly neither here nor there. 

“I’m better, I think, the chills are gone. Really, I don’t want to trouble you with cooking for me,” Seokjin mumbled, cheeks going pink. Y/N scoffed watching the shadow of doubt cross over his face. 

“And I don’t want you to worry about something silly like that. Before I saw that you were awake, I was going to check on you and make some lunch for all of us,” Y/N explained, watching the wheels turn in his head. “I’ll bring your’s to you in a bit.”

Seokjin pushed the comforter off of himself, growing antsy. Anxiety rolled off of him in tangible waves, etched in his features. 

“Should I help?” Seokjin tried very hard to keep discomfort off of his face as he twisted to get off the bed once more, stubbornness in his personality becoming apparent to Y/N. It was endearing, if anything. She stopped him by dragging the comforter back over his legs, and before thinking too much about it, placed a light hand on his shoulder to ease him back against the pillows. His ears twitched in reaction to the touch, small protests coming from him as she uncapped the fresh bottle of water and placed it in his hands to replace the empty one. 

“While I appreciate the offer, you should rest for a little while longer. How about this, instead of bringing lunch in here, I can help you out into the kitchen when it’s done, and you can eat with us all,” Y/N compromised, knowing that eating alone can be alienating for some. Besides, being cooped up all day was likely making him feel stir-crazy in an unfamiliar home. 

Seokjin brightened a little with her offer, the corner of his mouth curling upwards shakily, shimming downwards into the bed a few inches. Obediently, he took a few swigs of the water. 

“Alright, I can do that,” Seokjin conceded. Giving him a bright smile, she walked over to the bookcase in search of something to keep him busy.

“By the way, sorry about your shirt. I had to fish out one of my old concert tees after patching you up, the other one had gotten stained…” Y/N scanned the bookshelf, plucking the one she was searching for off of the middle shelf. “How about a book while you wait for lunch?”

Turning back to him, Seokjin was pulling the shirt away from him so he could examine the print, an odd look on his face as he read the text. Back at his side, she presented him with the embossed copy of The Fellowship of the Ring. He took it carefully, palm sliding over the gilded cover. Y/N switched the lamp on beside him so he could read. 

“Thank you…” Seokjin cracked the book open, bringing it up close to his face so he could stare at the illustrated map of Middle Earth. His eyes were clouded with something she couldn’t place; something between nostalgia and grief. “I’ve heard of these movies, before.”

“I have the extended version box set on DVD. We could watch it, sometime,” Y/N grinned, Seokjin’s cheeks rounding out as he broke out into something adjacent to hope.

“I’d like that,” he replied quietly, Adam’s apple bobbing, eyes downcast.

The last thing Y/N wanted was to make Seokjin cry, though she had no idea why he had reacted to the subject of Lord of the Rings the way he did. There was no way she was prying, but it almost seemed like he was flipping through a scrapbook of memories from the past rather than a novel. 

Sticking around felt strange, and Seokjin was absorbed in the map still, so Y/N decided to take her leave. Inching towards the door, she wondered how, or if, she could avoid provoking such a melancholy reaction from Seokjin in the future. 

“I’ll come and get you in a bit!” Y/N called, leaving the door open. Retrieving her laptop from the table, she resumed her journey to the kitchen. Along the way, she kept her eyes peeled for Jimin or Hoseok; the basement door was left partially open, but there was no sign of the fox hybrid. The hallway and foyer were empty, so she assumed the two were still in their rooms. 

In the kitchen, she set up her laptop for later. She wasn’t quite sure what to make for lunch, as it had been a while since she had gone to the grocery store. On the island, there was a large loaf of Italian bread and some lovely heirloom tomatoes her mother dropped off two days prior. Y/N was fairly sure she had some more ingredients to make sandwiches out of the bread, if she cut it lengthwise and then into four. 

Checking out the sad state of the fridge, shelves empty but a few bottles of condiments and cartons of fruit, she groaned. While working at the hospital, she often got pizza locally or ate with her parents – and her cabinets reflected it. Spotting a package of mozzarella and a little jar of pesto, she pulled them from the fridge, humming as her stomach growled uncomfortably. It had been hours since she had eaten, herself. 

After laying down a thick layer of pesto on the bread, layering mozzarella slices with the tomato, she seasoned everything with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and olive oil before separating the loaf into four even sandwiches. She stuck the sandwiches on a baking tray to crispen up in the oven, and emptied a large bag of kettle-cooked potato chips into a bowl, placing it on the breakfast nook table for everyone to help themselves. Getting plates out from the cupboard, Y/N sliced a few peaches from the fruit basket and arranged them on the plates and set the table with napkins, silverware, glasses and a pitcher of water. 

With the sandwiches in the oven for fifteen minutes, she had enough time to prioritize items on her list on her laptop. The most important: calling her family, Ben, and the bank, which she’d tackle after lunch. Second, was ordering the phones and at least a week’s worth of clothes for all seven hybrids. She would make the haircut appointments last, and maybe even poke around on hybrid databases to see if she could get more information about her hybrids. 

There was a website that hybrid owners could plug in the specific number that gets mailed to them shortly after adoption along with the official papers, not unlike a social security number. Once plugging in the number to the database, medical history becomes available to the owner, as well as information relating to the hybrid’s past, and upbringing. Of course, she would have to wait at least a week for the official adoption papers to come in the mail, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t check out some of the other features of the databases. 

Contemplating on whether or not to draft up a script to read to Ben simply to get through the phone call later on, she passed a hand over her face. She had never kept a secret from him, and though it was only several hours after the adoptions, making a major life decision without consulting him even once made her feel rotten. Besides, she hadn’t called to check in on how Daisy was faring, which made her feel even worse. Talking to her parents was a whole other ordeal – her mother, she predicted, would be thrilled that Y/N decided to adopt a hybrid. However, the fact that there were seven of them, and they were all men, might temper her excitement. Her father, as she could only guess of his reaction considering he ran hot and cold most of the time; would either call her crazy or ask if any of them needed a heart check-up. Groaning, she dreaded both phone calls equally. 

The scent of basil and toasted bread began to perfume the air, alerting her of the perfect time to round up the hybrids for lunch. Pushing herself off the barstool, she headed to Jimin’s room first. Past the closed door of her grandfather’s old office, the late afternoon light illuminating the house from the sunroom at the end of the hallway, the door to Jimin’s room was sandwiched between the two. It was the part of the house that got the most sun, perhaps why Jimin had chosen the blue room in the first place.

Stopping in front of the door, Y/N took a deep breath in, hoping she wouldn’t be waking him from a nap, and knocked twice. 

“Jimin? Lunch is just about ready,” Y/N called, blinking as she waited for a response. Seconds passed, before she heard a scuffle against the floor and the closing of the bathroom door within his room. The door opened, the scent of lavender shampoo smacking her in the face, Jimin’s serene face appearing in the doorframe nearly making her swoon. He’d showered, judging by the wet strands of sandy hair that were slicked back, allowing Y/N to get an unobstructed view of his sculpted face. She was at a loss for words, Jimin placing the towel around his neck on the door handle to dry as he stepped out into the hallway. 

“It smells good, what did you make?” Jimin asked, giving her that same intense eye contact he had in the van as he stared down at her. Gulping, Y/N recovered by tearing her eyes from him, picking imaginary dust off of her shirt. 

“Caprese sandwiches! I have a bit of grocery shopping to do, the fridge is looking a little depressing. I’m thinking of ordering everything online, but in that case we can’t pick our own produce. Then again, we could go to the farmer’s market tomorrow,” Y/N babbled while Jimin made a noise of approval, trying her best not to walk stiffly next to him on their way down the hall. She was rambling, the way she always did when she was nervous, but it was hard to calm down with such a handsome man clinging on to every word she spoke. 

Jimin followed her towards the basement in tandem, a sort of bow-legged shape to his stride, hands clasped behind his back. It was a shame he had to put the clothes he traveled in back on after his shower, Y/N hoped that she could overnight some other options for everyone. 

“I heard Hoseok in the kitchen earlier, getting water, so he should be awake,” Jimin informed her, studying the way she lifted her hand to knock on the door with minor amusement. “He’ll hear you if you call.”

“Um, okay,” Y/N laughed shakily, not entirely comfortable with both yelling down to Hoseok and the way Jimin watched her so closely, like she was some kind of colorful lizard. Wedging the basement door open a bit more, she called, “Hoseok, come get some lunch!” Cringing at the sound of her voice echoing down the stairs, she swore she heard a light snicker from Jimin, but didn’t dare turn to blind herself with his megawatt smile to confirm.

The sound of Hoseok’s light footsteps bounded up the stairs two at a time, and Y/N figured she should go ahead and get Seokjin. Hoseok’s flushed face appeared from the top of the stairs, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple, and Y/N wondered if he was the first one to make use of the gym. 

“I’m gonna go get Seok–” Y/N started, turning on her heel, before squeaking in surprise at the sight of the very hybrid she was about to fetch leaning against the staircase landing. Sleek black tail flicking back and forth lazily, he regarded the three of them with an expression that almost read smug. 

“H-how long was he standing there?” Y/N murmured to Jimin, who looked like he was biting back a shit-eating grin. So this was how it was going to be. 

“The whole time,” Jimin answered, Hoseok cracking up behind her. Face scarlet, Y/N felt a little foolish for babying Seokjin so hard when he could clearly get up and about, and was even more embarrassed she hadn’t even realized him standing there in the first place. Too busy trying not to trip under Jimin’s gaze, she supposed. Regardless, she was slightly humiliated. 

“I’m okay now, I swear,” Seokjin assured, speaking directly to Y/N. Standing on his own two feet, Seokjin was tall and even broader than she originally thought, the material of her old shirt pulling against his shoulders and across his pecs. Overwhelmed, Y/N nodded dumbly, a shock of electricity shooting through her as Hoseok brushed past her, his hand briefly steadying her shoulder as he went. Hell. 

“With the way you were passed out in the car, I thought you were on the precipice of death,” Hoseok clapped a hand over Seokjin’s back, the latter’s tail swishing in an agitated manner contrary to his amicable expression.

“Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky I didn’t puke on you,” Seokjin pushed Hoseok away, trailing after him in the direction of the kitchen. 

“Actually, it was Jimin who was cradling your top half, Jin. Try again,” Hoseok sang, reaching back to grasp his tail so Seokjin wouldn’t get a hold of it and yank. Stunned at the spectacle, Y/N peered up at Jimin curiously, who was politely waiting for her to lead the way. Finally unfreezing, she hurried to the kitchen.

“Jin?” She whispered to Jimin, who stooped to hear her. A strand of his damp hair fell forward, brushing the side of her neck.

“Those two arrived at the shelter together. They were one of the first ones of us there, took a liking to each other,” Jimin spoke softly in her ear, husky voice making her shiver. It was relieving that the three hybrids that she had brought home first all got along well, but it did concern her that she’d potentially be disturbing the easy peace so soon by bringing home others. She’d pick their brains later that night to get a sense of the others, considering Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin didn’t have a problem interacting with her. 

In the kitchen, she showed them where to sit at the breakfast nook while she pulled the sandwiches out of the oven. They were perfectly toasted, and the scent alone triggered a loud grumble from her stomach, which she was positive the hybrids could hear. Hurriedly, she placed the baking tray on the island, using a spatula to slide the sandwiches on the plates with the peaches. They were chatting, too quiet for her to hear, but she adored the way the kitchen was already filled with life, loneliness be damned. 

Balancing three plates in her hands at once, she carefully made her way to the booth, putting a plate in front of each hybrid, excited for them to finally get some food in their stomachs. Hoseok whistled again, a particular tune becoming familiar to her already, and she dashed to retrieve her own plate and settle down next to Seokjin. Pouring herself some water, she wiggled in her seat happily as she reached for some chips for her plate. Napkin in her lap, she paused, noticing the sudden silence around her, and lack of chewing. Looking up from her plate, she frowned. 

“Something wrong? Does it smell funky?” Y/N sniffed the sandwich, wondering if the cheese had gone bad, but it smelled heavenly. Jimin ducked his head, clearing his throat awkwardly. 

“No, no, we were just waiting for you to start first…” Hoseok fiddled with the stem of his water glass, face closed off a tad. Frowning further, Y/N recalled this habit from her father’s friend’s hybrid, who would never begin eating until he did. It was something they were trained to do as children in labs, she was told by her father, which always made her stomach turn – and she couldn’t believe she forgot. 

“Oh, God. You don’t have to do that, ever, dig in while it’s hot! Please,” Y/N pleaded, already hating when people watched her eat, and wanting to sink into the floor. Glancing at each other sideways, they hesitantly began to help themselves to chips, Jimin spearing a peach on his fork slowly. Deciding to speed up the process, Y/N took a larger-than-normal bite of her sandwich, trying not to moan from the flavors melting on her taste buds. The last thing she remembered eating was a sad hummus wrap during her lunch break yesterday, so the cheesy sandwich was exactly what she needed to soak up any gin left in her body.

Seokjin’s elbow kept brushing her side as he ate his sandwich, cheeks filled with food as he ate with gusto. In fact, the three of them ate with such speed, Y/N found herself the last to finish her own sandwich, Hoseok batting Seokjin’s hand away for the last few salt and vinegar chips. She giggled at Seokjin’s offended expression, eyes blown comically wide, Hoseok shooting her a wink. Thankfully, she had swallowed the peach she had been chewing, because she definitely would have choked with that whole exchange. 

“That was delicious. Ah, I forgot how good tomatoes can be,” Hoseok sighed in satisfaction, passing a hand over his stomach as he leaned back on the cushy booth. Y/N caught Jimin catching a drop of peach juice dripping down his fingertip with his tongue, averting her gaze quickly before he could realize he was being watched. 

“Our neighbors grew them in their garden. The Robinsons, I’ll introduce you to them, they’re very kind. Mrs. Robinson is my mother’s closest friend,” Y/N informed them, chewing on her last peach slice thoughtfully. She had been meaning to go over to her neighbor’s for a few weeks for tips on starting a garden next spring, and how to go about restoring the rusted greenhouse towards the back of her property. It would definitely be a fun project to include the hybrids in, gardening was rewarding and would be very convenient to be able to pick an abundance of produce for the growing number of mouths to feed in the house. 

“So, you’re close with your parents,” Hoseok said this like a confirmation of a fact, rather than a question, but it didn’t bother Y/N. The assumption he made was correct, her parents were ever-present in her life and constant support, and even thinking about them briefly made her feel uncomfortable for not consulting them about the adoptions. She nodded, collecting plates and utensils from the hybrids. 

“Yeah, we’re pretty close. They come around here frequently, so I ought to beat them to the punch and pay them a visit before they surprise us,” Seokjin handed her his plate, thanking her quietly as she stood to take them to the sink. Spinning back to the fridge, she opened up the freezer, the suspicion that she had chocolate coated ice cream bars under a bag of frozen dumplings confirmed. “Ice cream, anyone?” 

The hybrids were by her side as soon as the words left her mouth. Apparently, these were the magic words, and she tucked that information away for later.  

Handing each of them a wrapped bar as they loitered around the kitchen island, she got to work on rinsing the plates and shoving everything in the dishwasher. Seokjin sunk into a barstool across from her, memorizing the details of the kitchen appliances and the way she loaded dishes into the machine. Meanwhile, the other two began to bring leftover items from the breakfast table to the dishwasher, ice cream coating their lips as they bickered back and forth. Cleanup went a lot faster with a few additional hands, even if they were preoccupied with enjoying their frozen treats, and it felt like they had enjoyed hundreds of meals together before. 

“Y/N, can we take Jin on the tour of the place?” Hoseok asked suddenly, after tossing his popsicle stick in the garbage drawer Y/N was scraping chip crumbs into. Brightening, Y/N saw this as the perfect opportunity to slip away and make her phone calls. Now behind Seokjin still slouched on the barstool, Hoseok playfully rubbed his shoulders, the former blushing and attempting to peel Hoseok’s hands away from him. “Now that he can walk, of course.”

“Oh, go ahead! You can pick a bedroom you like, just like they did, too – you don’t have to stay in my old childhood bedroom,” Y/N dried her hands on a kitchen towel, promising herself she would clean out that old wardrobe as soon as Seokjin moved out of the green room. Stumbling to his feet, Seokjin tried to catch Hoseok by his ear, hobbling after him. The men started to head towards the hall, Jimin pausing next to Y/N while Hoseok’s lively laugh echoed in the foyer. 

“Are you coming?” Jimin asked, head cocking curiously. Shaking her head, she pocketed her phone, which was practically burning a hole in her thigh. 

“I have to make a couple of calls, I trust you and Hoseok to show Seokjin around just as well as I could,” she assured, leading him out into the foyer. Jimin scratched the back of his neck, Y/N smiling fondly at the sound of Hoseok’s bright laughter as Seokjin pushed him around. Jimin joined the others, Hoseok eagerly ushering Seokjin down into the basement and waiting for the coyote hybrid to follow. 

Sighing, Y/N dragged her feet to the patio, deciding she might as well get comfortable if she was in for an earful. Calling Ben, first, was likely her wisest option, considering he would definitely be the more disapproving between him and her parents. She groaned as she unlocked her phone, four messages since last night left unread.

Ben Alpin: Morning, granny! Someone is settling in nicely~ 

The first message had an attached image of Daisy seated at Ben’s glass dining room table, a comically tall stack of fluffy pancakes in front of her. She had on a pair of Disney princess pajamas Roy had picked out on a trip he had gone on with Ben months ago on a whim – talk about foresight. 

Ben Alpin: You must be hungover, huh? Give me a call so we can check in, we want to see you Sunday for brunch!

Ben Alpin: Y/N, are you okay?? 

Ben Alpin: Call me!!!

She could put off the call no longer, she had a feeling if any more time passed, Ben would end up on her lawn. Settling on a lounge chair, noticing the sun starting to set sooner now that the summer was coming to a close, she took a deep breath and let the line ring. He picked up on the second ring.

“Jesus! Did you just wake up? How many episodes of Hell’s Kitchen did you watch while polishing off that bottle of Hendrick’s last night?” Ben bypassed hellos, the sound of a tinkling baby xylophone and childish giggles coming through the receiver. 

“No, no! I’ve just been a little busy today, I’m sorry for making you worry,” Y/N breathed, wondering how the hell she would even breach the subject of her last 12 hours. “How’s Daisy?”

“Y/N, she’s an angel, I swear. Did you get that picture? I actually cooked this morning, can you believe it? Roy almost died from shock,” Ben gushed, and Y/N couldn’t remember the last time he sounded so joyful. 

“Those pancakes looked delicious. I can’t believe those pajamas fit her so perfectly, too,” Y/N stalled, smacking herself in the face. She had to just bite the bullet. 

“Roy’s out shopping for her clothes now. I wasn’t allowed to come, he said I’d go over budget,” Ben chuckled, saying something unintelligible to Daisy while leaning away from the receiver. 

“Uh… Ben, I have to tell you something,” Y/N rushed out, biting down on her lip hard. 

“What? Do you need Roy to swing by and fix something?”

“No, that’s not it. Listen, it’s about last night at the shelter.”

“...What about it?” Ben asked slowly, the sound of him walking into another room making her even more nervous.

“Well, I wandered off while you two were meeting Daisy, remember? I didn’t go to the bathroom, I found another room in the back. Hybrids were in there,” Y/N murmured into the phone, eyes squeezed shut. Ben was quiet on the other line for a moment, waiting for her to continue.

“There were more hybrids,” Ben confirmed, sounding confused. “The shopkeeper said they only had one, Daisy.”

“The room was sectioned off for aggressives and exotics, and the shopkeeper already had a potential buyer. I looked into the room, and saw them all in their shifted forms, I saw an injured jaguar, there was a wolf…”

“Wait, wait, wait. Why didn’t you say anything last night? Why do I have the feeling you did something very, very stupid?” Ben exclaimed, alarmed. Y/N swallowed, bracing herself.

“Don’t be mad, please! I had to do something, the man picking them up was going to use them for hunting,” Y/N whined, curling in on herself on the lounge chair. 

“Did you adopt them?” Ben’s voice pitched upwards in surprise, however, he didn’t seem to sound angered. 

“Yes,” Y/N whispered back, almost tearing a hole in her lip.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it. I’m almost proud you did something without making a pros and cons list and presenting it to me first. But still, Y/N, this is crazy. Are they with you now? You said a wolf and a jaguar?” Shocked by his reaction, Y/N breathed out heavily in relief. 

“I took three of them home today. I have to go back for the others,” Y/N answered, relaxing back on her chair. 

“Three? The others?” Ben repeated, astonished. 

“Actually, there’s seven of them. I adopted seven,” Y/N rubbed her temples, realizing that saying this out loud sounded a lot more insane than it did in her head. 

“Seven!? You adopted seven hybrids?” Ben hollered through the phone, cursing as he shut himself into a room, likely to yell at her away from Daisy’s ears. “What were you thinking? Do you have any idea how much responsibility and work comes with taking care of that many hybrids?”

Chastised, Y/N sucked her teeth, not liking the tone of condescension threading his voice. She was optimistic, not stupid, and knew that she had her share of difficulties ahead of her. 

“Of course I know. I couldn’t just let them get shipped off to their deaths, Ben. Especially when I have the means to care for them,” Y/N ground out through her teeth. 

“I get that, Y/N, and I’m aware that you have space for them in that house, but I’m just worried for you, that’s all. I don’t think you’d be too thrilled with me if I informed you I had just adopted seven aggressive hybrids out of the blue,” Ben drove home, a stab of annoyance jolting through her as she reluctantly agreed with him.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t be. But Ben, I promise you, it’s been so far so good today. The three here with me now are nothing but sweet,” Y/N sighed, hoping she could wrap up the conversation before the sun went down. 

“I don’t know, Y/N. Part of me is happy for you, but I’m still concerned about how you’ll manage to juggle this. You just quit your job, for Christ’s sake! Can I come by this week to meet them?” The sound of Ben scratching his beard anxiously crackled through the phone. 

Meeting the hybrids would likely set Ben’s mind at ease, and Y/N was hoping her friends would welcome them into their circle down the line anyways. Besides, Ben would never stop badgering her about making a half-cocked decision until he sized them up, confirming they were no threat to her. Y/N’s main concern was the wolf hybrid, who had regarded her with hostility; convincing Ben that he was harmless would be no easy feat when she didn’t even know that herself yet. 

“Why don’t you come by on Friday with Roy. We can have our end-of-the-summer cookout. I think it would be nice for the hybrids to meet you and enjoy themselves. It’ll give them some time to get acclimated here before then, too.”

Ben exhaled slowly, and Y/N could picture him shaking his head disapprovingly. She picked at her fingernails waiting for his response. 

“I forgot about our cookout, of course we’ll come. You have to call Laura and Alice, though. I won’t be the messenger for this bombshell,” Ben warned, though a hint of a smile came through his voice. Relieved, Y/N fist-bumped the air, the worst of the scolding over with. 

“Can you bring those special cupcakes again?” Y/N requested cheekily, mouth already watering over lavender cake and s’mores flavored cupcakes – Ben always bought an array.

“I’ll put the order in today. I’m going to have to order about a hundred for the additional mouths, aren’t I?” Ben switched to speaker mode, fingers tapping away at presumably the bakery’s website order form. 

“Get extra strawberry ones! Also, bring Daisy along to the cookout. Laura will be bringing Kai, maybe they can be friends,” Y/N offered, hoping to cut some additional tension. Ben chuckled.

“Brilliant idea, Kai’s only a year or so younger than Daisy, and at that age children learn from each other. We’ll be there. Listen, Y/N – I gotta fly. I think Roy is home,” Ben rushed, Roy’s voice floating through the townhouse looking for him. “Be safe. And call me if anything happens.”

“I will. Talk to you tomorrow,” Y/N bid goodbye, Ben calling out to Roy before hanging up. A significant weight lifted off of her shoulders, and her newfound excitement for the cookout next week had her itching to break out her cookbooks. 

Every year since she was a kid, her grandparents hosted an end-of-summer cookout at the house. Ben had been attending the cookout for as long as she had, when they were young her grandparent’s friends, her parents, and neighbors filled the backyard with music, good food, and a toasty bonfire. As her grandparents got older, the cookouts became smaller, between Ben, her parents and perhaps a few neighbors, before the event stopped when her grandparents moved out. When Y/N moved into the house a year ago, she and Ben had decided to continue the tradition again, something her parents adored, and neighbors appreciated. Everyone brought something to contribute to the meal, and it was a memorable event Y/N was eager to share with the hybrids. Easing into plans for the cookout seemed to be the way to go when calling her parents, before telling them about the new additional guests. 

Standing, Y/N stretched her arms, making her way to the long picnic dining table by the largest willow in the backyard. It could comfortably seat about 30 people, made years ago by her grandfather’s close woodshop hobbyist friend, and was as good a place as any to sit and talk to her parents. Putting the phone on speaker, she brushed a few leaves from the table and noted that it needed a good scrub.

“Honey? How are you?” Her mother picked up her father’s phone, the two always together since his semi-retirement. 

“Hi mom! I’m great, is dad with you?”

“Yes, he’s right here! We’re out on the balcony having some tea, autumn is in the air, honey!” Her mother exclaimed, a huge fan of the seasonal holidays. 

“Hey, sweetheart! What are you up to? Are you going to host our cookout next week?” Her father piped up, sounding somewhat far away. 

“I’m sitting at the cookout table now, dad! How’s Friday looking? That’s when I’m planning on having it,” Y/N shouted like she was trying to reach someone on Mars, her father a bit hard of hearing. 

“Friday’s good, honey! Full moon that night, I’ll bring some cards,” her mother crooned. Her mother was a pagan, and often liked to include others in moon rituals when she could; it was very fun growing up. 

“Okay, good,” Y/N chuckled, pushing hair from her face. 

“Your dad will make the famous mac and cheese! And we’ll bring all of the buns, too, and your mother’s black bean burgers,” her father shouted, his throat hoarse. 

“About that… Could you make some extra? There’s going to be a few more people than last year,” Y/N braced herself, hoping that they’d take the news better than Ben.

“Sure, honey, who else will be there? Did you invite your ex-coworkers?” Her mother asked, slurping her tea noisily.

“No, actually. I have some new housemates,” Y/N replied, hiding behind her hands like her parents could see her. 

“Oh that’s wonderful, Y/N! Where did you meet them?” Her father exclaimed, joy coloring his voice.

“Well, to tell you the truth, they’re hybrids. I’ve made some adoptions.”

Her mother gasped delightedly, the sound of a teacup clattering onto a saucer making Y/N’s ears ring. 

“You did? Oh, darling, didn’t I tell you she would? Didn’t I?” Her mother gushed to her father, who was laughing heartily. That was definitely not the reaction she was expecting, but her mother had been known to have her random premonitions. 

“You’re not mad?” Y/N confirmed, eyebrows up in her hairline. 

“Of course not, honey! How many are there? We’ll make enough for everybody. I’m signing them up for my book club too! When can I see you for all the details?” Her mother rambled like Y/N did, a habit passed down. 

“Seven. I’ll swing by at some point this week and bring them along,” Y/N promised, her father asking her mother loudly how many pounds of pasta he should make. She had severely underestimated her parent’s attitudes towards the adoptions, and had a suspicion they were talking amongst themselves about her solitude behind her back. 

“Seven! My goodness, I’ll have to make some more bean burgers and get them in the freezer. Make sure you do some shopping, honey, your fridge is barren. Absolutely barren!” 

“Yes, mom. I’m working on it, I’m hoping to get to the store tomorrow,” Y/N rolled her eyes with amusement, swatting a mosquito away from her wrist. 

The sun had sunk behind the trees, it must have been close to 4:30, and Y/N’s to-do list was still stretching on and on. With the coming of evening, she started to get even more antsy for the upcoming morning return to the shelter. She wondered who would come back with her, and she hoped they all would.  

“I should get going, you guys. I’m going to order some takeout and make a few online orders, the hybrids need a few sets of clothes between now and when we go to the shopping center,” Y/N dragged herself off of the bench, noticing a few lights on on the second floor of the house. The sight warmed her heart, and she was ready to return to the three hybrids waiting for her. They must have finished their tour by now. 

“Alright, honey. Give us a call sometime in the next few days, we’re looking forward to seeing you and your new friends! Love you,” her father made a kissy sound through the phone, voice muffled as her mother fumbled for the phone. 

“Love you both!” Y/N sang, laughing as her father hung up before her mother could steal her attention for twenty more minutes. 

With the phone calls out of the way, Y/N felt like she had climbed a mountain. Crickets began to chirp pleasantly in the uncut lawn, dusk quickly approaching, and Y/N made her way back to the kitchen door and into the warmly lit kitchen. Rummaging through the “junk drawer” under the coffee maker, Y/N grasped the takeout pamphlet for her favorite Thai restaurant in town, thanking the sky for their speedy late-night deliveries. She felt like treating the hybrids to a cozy movie night with some yummy food, curled up in the cushy parlor room browsing menswear on her laptop, before getting a good night’s sleep to prepare for the morning.

Making her way out into the hall, she followed the sound of Jimin’s rugged accent to the sunroom, which was soaking up the height of the evening’s sunset. The red brick flooring cast terracotta about the place, houseplants turning the glass room into something like a cozy treehouse. Seokjin was actually misting a plant with the little glass bottle she had left on the wooden coffee table, Jimin explaining something to do with horse training to Hoseok. The three hadn’t noticed her standing in the doorway, watching as they stood around the spider plant. 

Clearing her throat, three pairs of ears twitched right on cue, Seokjin immediately setting the mister down and meeting Y/N halfway across the room. For some reason that surprised her, Seokjin seemed to like having close proximity to her already despite his initial anxiety. His eyes were trained on the pamphlet she was holding.

“I was thinking about watching a couple of movies tonight and ordering out, if you guys want to join me? This Thai place is one of my favorites, it's right in the center of town,” Y/N gave the pamphlet to Seokjin, who brushed his fingers over her’s accidentally, electricity zapping through the skin once again. He hummed looking at the delicious plate of pad see ew on the front of the menu, evidently not noticing the effect his casual touches had on Y/N’s already frazzled nerves. 

“Yeah, that sounds really nice,” Jimin confirmed, trying to peer over Seokjin’s broad shoulders at the pamphlet he was holding. “I’ve never had Thai food.”

“Me neither,” Seokjin murmured while he flipped through the menu, quickly handing it to Jimin so he could follow Y/N making her way to the flatscreen in the other room. Hoseok was telling Jimin to get some khao soi, trying to steal away the menu, and Jimin wasn’t having it as he tried to step on Hoseok’s light foot.

The four headed into the parlor room noisily, the large velvety sofa stacked with plenty of cozy knitted throws and fluffy pillows and simply begging to be sunk into. Y/N chose the leather recliner next to the sofa to comfortably surf the web without disrupting the others, pulling a throw over her legs and listening to Hoseok recommend dishes to everybody. Seokjin awkwardly perched himself at the end of the couch closest to Y/N’s recliner, flinching as Hoseok tossed a blanket over his lap for him.

“So jumpy,” Hoseok remarked, wasting no time getting comfortable in the center of the sofa, feet propped up on the upholstered ottoman. Jimin, distractedly lowering himself at the far end of the couch away from Hoseok, continued to flip through the Thai menu with a torn expression – Y/N has been there before trying to pick from the 100 menu items.

She stretched for the remote on the side table beside her and switched the television on. Suddenly, she had that feeling when she was watching something with her parents, saddled with the task of putting something on that everyone could enjoy, and she had no idea what that could be at the moment. 

“Uh… what should we watch?” Y/N mumbled, embarrassed. Flicking through her movie library slowly, she noticed that she had been on a crappy 90’s sci fi binge for the past few months, mortification washing over her. 

“Anything but that,” Hoseok gasped, lip curled in disgust, pointing at the thumbnail of The Bride of Chucky. Jimin shuddered as he looked up to see what Hoseok was referring to. Pity. 

“Okay, so no dolls. Or horror? How about Harry Potter?” Y/N wondered aloud, scrolling to the series’ page. Seokjin shifted beside her, curling his legs underneath him and adjusting the chunky knit throw tighter around his body. 

“I’ve only seen bits and pieces of one of them as a kid. Why not?” Hoseok finally tore the menu from Jimin, who was fluffing a pillow next to him to burrow into. 

“I’ll watch anything, we didn’t watch much other than local news at the ranch,” Jimin added, reaching to fiddle with the silver hoop in his left ear. Y/N wondered if hybrids could hear from both their animal and human sets of ears, but decided to look it up later rather than ask them. 

“Sound good, Seokjin?” Y/N leaned towards him, his sunset eyes darting over the summary of the film on the screen. Ears fluttering, he nodded, offering her a small half-smile. 

“Okay! There’s a lot of them, so we can probably get through two of them tonight,” Y/N queued up the movie, readying her laptop as well. “I’ll order the food in like an hour?” 

Hoseok gave her a thumbs up, another throw blanket pulled up to his chin like a little burrito with fox ears. There was a pad of paper and pen on her side table, and she passed it to Seokjin to write down his order. 

“Put down whatever you’d like here for the order, don’t worry about ordering too much because believe me, I can eat a bottomless amount of Thai food,” Y/N joked, hoping it would inspire them to try whatever they wanted and alleviate Jimin’s indecision written across his face. 

With that, Y/N started the movie, kicking up the footrest of her recliner. The hybrids settled into silence, Seokjin hastily scribbling his order down so he could focus on the opening scene with rapt attention. 

While the sandwiches were in the oven earlier, with a little research, Y/N had discovered she could simply request the hybrid credit cards using the bank website, saving her from a third lengthy phone call after lunch. Logging onto the website for her local bank, she followed a link to hybrid finances, where a form popped up requesting her to link her account to the applications, as well as the names for the intended hybrids to be printed on the card. At the shelter that morning, Y/N wrote down all of the hybrid’s names in a notes app, so she diligently plugged in all of the necessary information on the forms, picked a reasonable limit for the cards, and selected an emerald green color for the plastic. Double checking all of the spelling and details before submitting the form, Y/N happily checked off one of her to-do’s while making a reminder to be on the lookout for the parcel of cards in the mail over the next couple of days. 

Next were the phones. She could get a really great discount ordering seven at once through her grandfather’s company, which was how she got her own phone, plan, and upgrades. Company phones certainly came with perks, but she often found one of her cousins would steal her upgrade – unluckily for them, this time around Y/N would be stealing all of their upgrades for the next few years. Ordering the latest version of the phone she had herself, she figured the hybrids could customize their phones with cases later on rather than picking ones for them. Eyes glazing over at the price even with the company discounts and data plan fee subtracted, she worried at her lip over finding another job as soon as possible. 

The phones were to arrive as soon as Monday. Y/N hummed along to the tune playing while Harry and the other first-years crossed the lake into Hogwarts in boats, the soundtrack as familiar as breathing, while googling for a good hybrid menswear website. After a few clicks, she found a site with quality fabrics and next-day shipping, perfect for what she was looking for. Along with the hybrid’s names, she had copied down their measurements and sizes so she could get them things that fit well. 

Hoseok, perhaps subconsciously, began to whistle along with Y/N’s humming to the movie. Already, Y/N felt much better having the three hybrids with her – there was something so comforting about the presence of others in the home with her, making the atmosphere feel safe and cozy. Tucking away the warm and fuzzy feeling for later, she got down to business picking out some basic outfits. It was nice to have Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin physically there, so she could take their colorings into account when picking out shades for garments, but she found herself wishing she knew what the other four looked like. She’d stick to neutrals for them, maybe picking one or two bright items for fun. 

Her cart filled up quickly. For all of them, she selected a pack of socks, undershirts, and underwear to last them for about a week, as well as three sets of checked pajama pants and soft sleep shirts. Keeping in mind the current climate, which was the last gasp of a humid and sweltering summer, she avoided sweaters and thick trousers, as hard as it was to pass up a maroon sweater that would look perfect on Hoseok. She was sure that they would end up picking up fall attire of their own choosing later on, however, Y/N was surprised that it was so difficult to suppress her urge to pick out entire wardrobes for them in one go. 

A pair of jeans for each hybrid in a classic wash seemed appropriate, as well as two pairs of shorts, another pair of sweatpants, and some linen pants to beat the heat. Moving onto shirts, Y/N picked out three basic tees each, a hoodie, and one long sleeve heavy cotton shirt per hybrid. For Seokjin, she added a lavender v-neck that would complement his fiery eye color, a rustic looking beige linen button down for Jimin, and a sage green thin thermal for Hoseok. She randomly picked other shirts that caught her eye for the remaining four in their sizes, hoping that the colors weren’t ones they despised, and added some basic slides for each of them for kicking around the house. Before she could go too crazy, she checked out and made sure the order would be on the doorstep come morning.

“Who’s that?” Jimin vocalized suddenly, confusion dripping from his tone. Y/N peeked up at the screen, shooting a glance at the three sprawled on the couch, Hoseok tsking at Jimin. 

“That’s Dumbledore, from the beginning, remember? He’s the headmaster,” Seokjin replied, not even sparing the coyote hybrid a glance. Y/N snorted softly, Jimin’s eyebrows still pulling together in perplexion. Seokjin, it seemed, was trying very hard to analyze every detail of the movie as if he was going to be quizzed on it.

“Yeah, Jimin, get with the program,” Hoseok chided, elbowing him in the rib and joining Y/N in her snickers of amusement. 

“Should I order the food now?” Y/N checked her watch, it was half past eight, and her stomach was already starting to rumble again. She was also dying for a Saturday night cocktail.

“Sure – Jin, give her the paper,” Hoseok lobbed the pad of paper at Seokjin’s shoulder, crossing his legs so he could tuck them under himself. Lip curling with annoyance at Hoseok, Seokjin leaned down to pluck the paper that had floated to the floor and offered it to Y/N, eyes wandering curiously over her laptop. 

“Thank you, Seokjin,” Y/N murmured, careful not to touch his skin again. The last thing she needed was another round of flustering emotions coursing through her. 

Skimming the list of orders written in three unique hands, Y/N hid a small smile behind her laptop at the items they had picked. Some of them were her favorites, others she hadn’t had the chance to try yet, and they had picked out a pretty decent spread. She would definitely sneak in a few more appetizers and a dessert as a treat, bringing up the ordering website and filling out the delivery instructions. It would take a little less than an hour for everything to arrive, and Y/N was feeling thirsty, so she set her laptop aside and got up from her chair to skip over to the bar cart by the TV. 

“Do you guys drink?” Y/N wondered aloud, assessing the dwindling supply of liquor she had left. She had felt Jimin’s stare boring into her back as soon as she approached the bar cart, hoping that he’d be brave enough to speak up if he wanted a drink.

“What do you have?” Jumping at Hoseok’s voice beside her, like he had materialized out of thin air, she pressed a hand to her chest as he winked apologetically. Recovering, Y/N kneeled, sifting through the bottles of bitters and mixers. 

“Hmm… I have some vodka, a little gin, and there’s some whiskey back here, too. I might have a few stray bottles of beer in the fridge, maybe a bottle of wine as well?” Y/N was repelled by the gin from her adventures the previous night, selecting the vodka and cranberry seltzer for herself. Hoseok was examining a highball glass, offering Y/N a hand getting up while she struggled with the two bottles. He took the handle of vodka, firmly grasping her hand and pulling her up.

“I’ll have what you’re having,” Hoseok’s warm hand slid from her’s, turning to look back at the couch. “Jimin, let me guess. Whiskey,” Jimin looked like he wanted to throw a pillow at the fox hybrid, cheeks red. Y/N assumed Hoseok had guessed correctly. 

“I’ll get some ice,” Y/N began to move towards the kitchen before Hoseok grabbed her by the hand again. Whirling, Y/N wondered how long she could take Hoseok’s cheeky winking. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll go get it,” Hoseok stopped her, swiftly disappearing down the hall. Stunned, she tried to shake off the way stars seemed to dance in his warm eyes whenever he caught her off guard. 

He returned almost as quickly as he left, somehow locating the ice bucket she stashed away under the sink, and with the chilled bottle of pinot grigio tucked under his arm. Thanking him, she plunked ice into three small tumblers, pouring a generous amount of whiskey for Jimin and mixing the cocktail for herself and Hoseok. The latter wordlessly poured a nice glass of wine into a glass from the back of the cart, ambling over to Seokjin.

“For you, Jinnie,” Hoseok extended the glass to him, trying his best not to block Seokjin’s view of the movie. Hesitantly, he accepted the drink, shooting Hoseok another dirty look at the nickname. 

“Don’t call me that. It’s horrendous,” Seokjin scolded, taking a sip and pushing Hoseok away with his foot. Ducking under the screen, Y/N delivered Jimin and Hoseok their drinks, Jimin gratefully taking the glass with another blinding smile. 

After returning to her chair with her drink, Y/N sighed happily, keeping her laptop powered down. Her eyes were starting to cross from staring at it for too long, and she wanted to enjoy the most exciting part of the movie. Sipping her drink, she tapped out a quick email on her phone to the local salon, inquiring about stylists available for seven cuts next week, effectively accomplishing all she had set out to do that day. 

Curling up, Y/N cradled her drink as she focused back on the movie. She stole a few glances at the three on the couch, light from the TV illuminating the perfect upturned slope of Hoseok’s nose and Seokjin’s dark lashes. They looked very cozy, blankets and pillows strewn about and cheeks rosy from their drinks.

Y/N couldn’t believe how well things were going so far. A tiny part of her was set on edge, preparing for something to go wrong – perhaps her saying something to offend or a fight between the hybrids themselves. Trying to push away thoughts that had little evidence to support their outcome, Y/N instead began to think about the four hybrids back at the shelter. Guilt still festered within her that they had to stay another night, but she would have felt worse if she had forced them all to come with her right off the bat. In fact, she counted herself lucky that three with her currently seemed to like her already, which was infinitely better than the forced toleration she thought she was going to receive. She was trying to find the words she would use later on to ask them about the others in the shelter, without ruining the comfortable ambience they had built up. 

Onscreen was Harry facing off Professor Quirrell in the climax of the film, the only sounds coming from the dialogue and Hoseok graciously pouring Seokjin another glass of wine. Their dynamic was interesting; Seokjin seemed to regard Hoseok as an overactive little brother, while the fox hybrid definitely enjoyed pushing the jaguar’s buttons and catering to him at the same time. Jimin, at the other end of the couch, still looked lost trying to keep up with the movie plot, his wrist dangling over the armrest swirling whiskey around in his glass contemplatively. His butterscotch eyes were narrowed, a pointer finger tracing over his lower lip slowly while bright lights of the onscreen magic cast beautifully over him no matter the color. 

Moments later the heavy brass clanging of the knocker affixed to the front door made Seokjin cringe out of his seat, panic settling over his smooth features and miraculously not spilling the glass of wine in his hand. Alarmed, Y/N stood, assessing the frightened flicker of his tail and the way his ears pressed flat against his skull, the other two alert from the source of the sound but watching Seokjin with concern. 

“Seokjin, honey, that’s the Thai food,” Y/N said gently, a tentative hand on his upper arm as she offered him a small smile. He uttered a small oh, hastily putting his glass down, expression still scandalized. The sudden loud noise triggered a response within him that Y/N had seen before in animals she had treated, usually ones that came from zoos that had trick shows. Tabling the issue, and not wanting to make assumptions, Y/N gave his arm a final pat, heading to the front of the house to relieve the delivery man. 

“H-hold on, I’ll help,” Seokjin hurried after her, shaking his head quickly as if to compose himself. 

Feeling him at her heels, Y/N hummed a tune, swinging the heavy front door open. To her surprise, the delivery man had left the two large paper bags stuffed with containers, as well as a small plastic bag filled with freebies, right on the porch. Before she could move, Seokjin darted out to the porch, scooping up the two paper bags and blowing his overgrown wavy bangs out of his eyes. Giggling, Y/N thanked the universe he had recovered from his fright almost as quickly as it happened, waiting for her in the threshold as she scooped up the bag of sauces, chopsticks, and free mango sticky rice the restaurant owners generously added to her large order. 

Holding the door open for her, Seokjin closed it after she hopped into the foyer with his hip. Back in the living room, she had him set the bags on the table, her mouth salivating as the scent of lemongrass filled the room. Unpacking the containers one by one, she admired the spread: pad thai, tom kha kai, pad see ew, a few containers of khao pad, two curries, three orders of spring rolls and the mango sticky rice. Y/N had no idea where to start, figuring they could all have bites of everything, and sat directly on the floor in front of the coffee table. 

The second Harry Potter movie was already queued up, Y/N dialing the volume down while they ate so she could finally fish around for information about the remaining four at the shelter. Seokjin eased himself down next to Y/N, his tail curling around the foot of the coffee table. Jimin, in a similar fashion, dropped to the floor on the other side of Y/N, back to the movie. Grinning to herself, she concluded that he had given up on following the plot. 

A strong hand placed her drink down in front of her, refilled and even containing a straw. Looming over her was Hoseok, enjoying his own beverage, humming in acknowledgement of Y/N’s surprised thank you. With him sitting across from her, she motioned for them to dig in, taking a nice sip of her drink while watching Jimin inspect a crispy spring roll. Hoseok made the cocktail taste leagues better than she ever could, somehow. 

Munching on a bean sprout from the pad thai in front of her, Seokjin broke apart his wooden chopsticks and accepted the container khao pad Jimin passed to him. Minutes passed of the four exchanging boxes of food and little cups of sauce amicably, Hoseok going straight for the mango sticky rice before anything else. 

“Guys, can I ask you a few questions about the others back at the shelter?” Y/N swiped a spring roll in the carton by Seokjin, trying to look as nonchalant as she could. Jimin made a noise as he chewed on a mouthful of rice, nodding while Hoseok surreptitiously shoveled a giant clump of noodles past his lips, ducking his head.

“Well, I only got to the shelter a little over a week ago. Seokjin and Hoseok were already there, and I think that Yoongi has been there the longest…” Jimin recalled, staring up at the ceiling in an attempt to remember the sequence of events. “I like Yoongi, he’s the only one who would actually talk to me, apart from Hoseok and Seokjin, of course,” he finished, taking a long sip of whiskey. 

“Yoongi’s alright. Doesn’t get my jokes, though,” Hoseok added, pushing a sprig of cilantro around on a takeout lid. 

“How about Taehyung?” Y/N pressed, setting her chopsticks down.

“He was brought in on the same day as Jeongguk– the elk– on Monday. He hasn’t spoken a word, even when he shifted a few times and I asked where he was from,” Jimin answered, dabbing the corner of his mouth with a napkin. Y/N poured him a new glass of whiskey, hoping she wasn’t liquoring them up too much. 

“That kid is strange. Like, more bizarre than Jin,” Hoseok stressed, face screwed up in over-dramatic seriousness. Seokjin threw a napkin in his face. 

“Maybe he just doesn’t trust you, nasty fox,” Seokjin scolded, clearing away a polished off container of spring rolls into one of the paper bags, ignoring the genuinely insulted expression on Hoseok’s face.

“Alright, enough of that, you two,” Y/N warned, turning to Jimin for the more detailed answers to her questions. “The shopkeeper didn’t seem to like Taehyung very much. In fact, he didn’t want to be within ten feet of him, any idea why?”

“I’m not sure why. He did show up with some bloody clothes, though, maybe he got in a fight on the street. The humans couldn’t have seen the blood, I think it was probably still on the black jacket he was wearing, but we all could smell it. Human blood,” Jimin grimaced, leaning back on his palms. Seokjin shifted next to Y/N uncomfortably. 

“Well, since we don’t know what happened, I wouldn’t race to any conclusions. For all we know, he could have been defending himself,” Y/N encouraged cheerily, Hoseok shaking his head while stabbing a piece of mango with his chopsticks.

“As for Jeongguk… what little he has said, well, I’m not about to repeat in front of a woman,” Jimin sighed, watching Seokjin continue to busy himself with cleaning up the coffee table. Y/N scoffed, not having the heart to tell him she swore like an 18th century sailor. 

“Jeongguk is definitely an angry son of a bitch. He and Yoongi had a spat the day Jeongguk arrived,” Hoseok voiced, downing his drink and pulling his eyebrows together at the bitter vodka floating at the bottom of the glass. Jimin frowned at Hoseok’s cursing, but chose to hold his tongue. 

“About?” Y/N wondered, helping Seokjin pick scraps off of the table. 

“Who knows? I was in the bathroom when they started hissing at each other. Yoongi is pretty mild-tempered, so it must have been over something personal. Jeongguk makes a lot of assumptions, when he does open his mouth,” Hoseok waved his hand, Jimin nodding in agreement. 

“I was pretty out of it, even then. Jeongguk said something about Yoongi being pampered, which is rich considering Yoongi looks like he hasn’t had a square meal in months,” Seokjin added surprisingly, a dark look crossing over his face. So, Jeongguk was not well liked. 

Considering this, Y/N stirred her drink, savoring the last of Hoseok’s creation. She could handle bickering, but often got herself in trouble by being unable to back down from confronting bullies. The last thing she wanted was to get on the bad side of any of the hybrids, but she wouldn’t allow them to tear each other to pieces, verbally and physically – she foresaw some altercations between herself and the elk hybrid already. As for Taehyung, the little information she got wasn’t entirely helpful at the current moment, but certainly triggered her curiosity. She was set at ease by the hybrid’s insistence that Yoongi was amicable, at least. 

“Then there’s Namjoon,” Seokjin reminded her quietly, eyeing Hoseok, who was suddenly immersed in the movie on the screen, ears angled to the television. Namjoon, the wolf hybrid, the one Y/N was most nervous to bring up. Noticing the way she clumsily dumped some bean sprouts from a takeout lid on the floor at the mention of the wolf hybrid’s name, Seokjin reached back, offering her a sip of his wine by bringing the glass close to her face. Humming, Y/N took the glass without thinking too much about it, the cool sweetness of the wine braving her. 

“I don’t think he likes me,” Y/N lamented, giving Seokjin his glass back. Chuckling, Seokjin took the last sip of the wine, his thick lips wrapping around the same spot her’s had touched seconds before. Tips of her ears burning, she stole some mango from Hoseok while he studied the movie a little too hard.

“Don’t worry, he doesn’t like anybody,” Seokjin assured her, pouring yet more wine for himself. 

“He was the last of us to get to the shelter. They brought him in Thursday morning, the day before you came in,” Jimin recounted, stretching his arms out languidly. “Brought him in as a wolf, which was pretty bizarre. The rest of us were shifted when we first came in, but Namjoon hasn’t shifted at all since he got to the shelter. Don’t even know what he looks like, honestly, I thought he was just an actual wolf, at first.”

Hoseok was stiff as a board, his usual lax posture replaced with a rigid spine and white knuckles gripping his empty glass. Y/N blindly reached for the vodka handle on the bar cart, wordlessly pouring a heavy handed shot into his glass across the table. Forcing a tight smile on his face, Hoseok basically poured the liquor down his throat, remaining silent. 

“So, you guys know about as much as I do about him, then,” Y/N tried to keep the disappointment out of her tone.

“All I can say is, he definitely behaves like a wild wolf that I’ve seen at Yellowstone. Ornery and distrustful,” Jimin rubbed his eye, stifling a yawn. It had gotten pretty late, but Y/N was feeling wired, armed with a few new bits of information to ready her for the morning. Hoseok’s silence on the topic of Namjoon had also given her an inkling that the two had an instance of bad blood, but he was sufficiently clammed up and wouldn’t even make eye contact with her as they all began to return to their previous seats on the furniture. 

Once the conversation surrounding the hybrids back in the shelter had ceased, Hoseok slowly unthawed, cracking a few more jokes at Seokjin’s expense as the jaguar hybrid’s eyes began to slip closed periodically even as he tried very hard to follow the rest of the movie. When the credits rolled, Hoseok carted the used drink glasses to the kitchen and washed them while Jimin arranged the bottles of booze back on the bar cart. 

“What time do you want to head out in the morning?” Hoseok asked Y/N upon his return to the parlor, his flushed face sleepy and softened. Balancing a wobbling tower of leftovers, Y/N calculated travel time with traffic.

“I think seven will give us plenty of time to get there when the shelter opens, I’ll meet you by the front door,” she replied, wanting to push away the stray lock of hair over his eye. 

“Sounds good. You should get some more sleep, now,” Hoseok steadied her for what seemed the thirtieth time that day, his solid grip on her waist preventing her from crashing into the coffee table. Sheepishly, she ducked her head, agreeing, and pondered if she should take up yoga again so she would stop wobbling all over the place like a lunatic.

“You too. Goodnight, Hoseok,” she smiled, Hoseok returning the sentiment, before disappearing in the direction of the basement. Jimin, in a similar manner, bade her a good night and thanked her for the delicious dinner, promising to write a list of necessities for the morning trip to the drugstore upon her request. His eyes were almost shut completely as he stumbled his way out of the parlor, taking a wrong turn down the hall before correcting himself in the opposite direction.

Seokjin stayed behind, carrying the garbage to the kitchen while Y/N stacked the leftovers in the fridge. Beside her, Seokjin slid the near-empty bottle of wine into the fridge, his hip accidentally bumping her into the shelf door. He was tipsy, apologizing profusely and giggling uncontrollably all the while. Y/N tossed him a bottle of water, which he caught against all odds, leaning back against the stove while he uncapped the bottle. She was still bothered by Hoseok’s sudden change in demeanor earlier, considering he was the one who kept things upbeat the whole day. Seokjin, under the influence and apparently eager to assist, was the perfect candidate to squeeze out a reason at the moment– his closeness with Hoseok the cherry on top. 

“So… what was with Hoseok when you brought up Namjoon?” Y/N asked, only feeling partly guilty for taking advantage of Seokjin’s relaxed demeanor. Fiery eyes narrowing as he processed the question, Seokjin considered while peering into the foyer to ensure the basement door was closed. Slyly, he put a finger to his lips, motioning her closer with the same finger. Curiously, Y/N approached him as he stooped down to whisper to her, hand on on her shoulder to keep her put. 

“Hoseok… he’s terrified of wolves.”

Trouvaille - Chapter Two

In the snow, Y/N could hardly see a foot in front of her as she ran, sharp shards of ice raining down from the sky paving her precarious path and stinging her eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks hotly, chest tight as she tried her best to dash away, away, but her legs were never fast enough. At least, not fast enough to make an escape, to outrun her pursuer, and he was hot on her heels. As she turned back to gauge his distance through the withered trees, a furious roar from inches away wracked a sob from deep within her. Her foot got caught in an exposed root as she desperately tried to get away, a sickening crunch and agonized scream ripped from her throat as she dropped like a rock. Her ankle bone had broken through the skin grotesquely, the tendons raw and exposed piercing through her flesh. As blood pooled around her trembling form, her vision grew blurry, hot breath by her neck as her pursuer closed in on her, saliva dripping from blood-tipped fangs. Tearfully, she knew this was the end, the creature snapping its jaw, tasting her blood as it soaked the snow around her. In her final moment, she wanted to look her executioner in the eye; the last glimpse of the golden sun held within them.

Gasping, Y/N shot up in bed, heart pounding as she pressed a shaky hand to her chest. With the other, she tore off her quilt and examined her right ankle, which was very much still intact. A horrifying nightmare to say the least, Y/N pressed both hands to the back of her cold-sweat soaked neck shakily. She hadn’t had a nightmare like that in years, catching her off guard completely. Blinking rapidly, Y/N pulled her quilt up around her shoulders, scanning the room to calm herself down. Returning to sleep was not an option after all of that, but luckily a drizzly dawn had begun to trickle through her curtains. It was a hell of a way to start the day, especially with her itinerary, but the silver lining was more time to prepare herself for the morning. 

Showering off the nightmare seemed like her wisest choice, inhaling the calming scent of eucalyptus hanging from her showerhead as she boiled her skin under steamy water. For some reason, she could tangibly feel the blizzard from her dream sinking into her bones, her subconscious torturing her for late-night drinking two days in a row, presumably. 

Drawing her curtains open to peek at the sky, inky clouds hovered above the treeline, light rain falling. Gingerly, she sat on her bed in her towel as she applied her lotion, hearing a soft thump from the basement. Her heart began to race again before she remembered Hoseok, who was probably getting ready himself, and cursed herself for being so jumpy. In the mirror over her dresser, dark circles and a pallor to her complexion reflected her jarring wake-up call. Mumbling, she rubbed some blush onto her cheeks and dotted concealer under her eyes to mask the evidence, throwing on a thin hooded sweater and jeans. 

Yawning as she left her bedroom to find some sneakers to slip on, Y/N tried her best to tip-toe past Seokjin’s closed door, not wanting to disturb him at the early hour. Before she and Hoseok left, she wanted to leave out something for the other two hybrids to have for breakfast. Blindly, she searched the cabinets in the kitchen for anything worthwhile, coming up with a jar of granola. Setting it on the bar with dismay, she wrote a note using a sticky pad, noting that there were eggs and a stray tub of vanilla yogurt in the fridge they could help themselves to. Maybe they could make a parfait with the fruit left in the bowl next to the sink, or a few scrambled eggs with toast in the breadbox. She turned on the coffeemaker so they could have some hot coffee when they woke up, hoping it would make up for her and Hoseok making a Dunkin’ run without them. 

Y/N heard the basement door gently close, quickly dashing into the hallway to meet the fox hybrid. Standing by the front door, Hoseok had a lock of hair sticking straight up on the back of his head, rubbing his eyes with his fists. 

“Good morning,” Y/N whispered, peering down the hallway to make sure she hadn’t woken Jimin. Hoseok yawned, tail stiff as he stretched his arms behind his head sleepily.

“Morning, you were up early,” Hoseok remarked in a sleep-thickened voice, watching her skitter away from his searching eyes to grab her car keys off the peg by the door. Grimacing, Y/N grasped a couple of umbrellas, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

“Mm. I guess I’m still used to my morning routine from work,” Y/N answered softly, unlatching the front door and letting Hoseok out. He made a small noise of surprise on the porch, pointing at the ginormous box sitting on the stoop. That would be their clothes, right on time. 

“Oh! I should probably bring this in, I don’t want it to get wet,” Y/N eyed the rain leaking in from the weathered slats of the porch roof. The box was cumbersome, Hoseok shaking his head and chuckling at her as she attempted to heave it over the stoop. 

“Are you going to let me help you, or should I watch you struggle?” Snapping her head up, she shot Hoseok a look somewhere between disbelief and a scowl, his arms crossed while leaning against one of the porch beams. A smirk danced upon his lips, eyes teasingly squinted.

“Help. Please,” she hung her head in exasperation when she saw the fox hybrid wasn’t budging upon her silence.

Clearing his throat lightly, he was at her side in an instant, bending down to lift the box with her into the entrance of the house. A sharp grunt coming from the back of his throat, lean muscle strained the sleeves of his tee as he lowered the box on the floor, careful not to drop it on Y/N’s foot. 

Gravel crunched wetly under Y/N’s sneakers trudging to her car, still reeling from Hoseok’s shameless provocation. It had been an embarrassingly long time since Y/N had interacted with men apart from Ben, Roy, and her father; she had lost her ability to engage in flirtatious banter, if that was what that was. Hoseok was heartbreakingly beautiful and clever as a whip, in comparison to her bumbling rambling and clumsiness Y/N was downright disappointed in herself. What happened to the girl in undergrad who threw caution to the wind and slipped sexy bartenders her number, who challenged herself to charm the subject of her desire into putty in her hands? Was she really that out of touch with her romantic skills? Rain soaked through her hood, dampening her mood further as she considered listening to a god-awful podcast for flirting tips in the future. The thought made her miserable. 

She led Hoseok to her car, a powder blue 1986 Toyota Land Cruiser that belonged to her father, which had a rear window that would not open and a dented fender. Y/N preferred the look of older car models, more like works of art rather than gray lumps of chrome, and her dad’s old car was free. It made her feel like she was in an old storm chasing movie from the 80’s every time she went for a drive, which was a fun bonus. Unlocking the doors, Y/N slid into the cigarette scented leather seats, the worn material soft and comforting. Hoseok climbed in next to her, twisting around to check out the back seat, empty besides a stray serape blanket for her occasional picnics. 

“Wonder who will come with us today… probably Yoongi. I don’t know what was with the pouting yesterday, he could have eaten something other than a ham sandwich Gerry threw at us twice a day,” Hoseok fastened his seatbelt, bringing an ankle up to cross over his knee. 

“Are you serious? That’s all you got?” Appalled, Y/N turned the engine over, jaw hanging loose. She felt like running Gerry over with her Land Cruiser. “What the fuck is wrong with that guy? He ought to be shot.”

Hoseok made a startled noise in the back of his throat, studiously looking out the window as he appeared to be holding back a laugh with his ears turned down. Away from Jimin, she felt she could swear freely again without him clutching his pearls– though he’d hear them soon enough, she predicted. Starting down the road with rain pelting the windshield, the wipers dragged through the water sluggishly, needing a replacement. 

“Well, I’m sure Jeongguk would agree with that sentiment. He’s missed a few sandwiches for telling Gerry to pound sand up his ass.”

“I’m liking Jeongguk a bit more now.”

“Oh yeah? Hopefully you won’t have to eat those words,” Hoseok raised an eyebrow playfully, Y/N rolling her eyes as she passed through the town center. 

“I grew up with a lot of male cousins, a lot of them talked trash constantly. I can handle a brat,” Y/N responded, recalling her eldest male cousin’s jabs directed precisely on her insecurities. Her skin was thicker because of it, at least. 

“Brat is a generous word for Jeongguk. Dick suits him just fine,” Hoseok mused, expression thoughtful. 

“We’ll see, maybe he’ll have a fit or two and get it out of his system. I can hope, at least,” Y/N sighed, giving Jeongguk the benefit of the doubt until she spoke to him herself. Hoseok fell quiet, checking out a paperback book Y/N had left on the floor by his feet. She wasn’t sure what book it was, she prayed it wasn’t a trashy romance novel recommended to her by the internet. 

The best part of the morning was the promise of not having to deal with Murphy and his precarious driving skills now that she was driving in with her own transportation. There was enough space for the remaining four hybrids to sit in the back of the car, thankfully. She’d rather chew glass than ask Gerry for any more favors; he’d be lucky if he had teeth by the time she finished business with him.

“Oh, this is from Jimin. He brought this down to me late last night,” Hoseok pulled a folded piece of paper from his sweatpants pocket, placing it in the cupholder. “All he wrote was ‘toothbrush and toothpaste’, humble cowboy.”

“We’ll stop by CVS on the way back for toiletries, I should get some more gauze for Seokjin. I’m sure you need some things as well, Hoseok,” Y/N grinned, noticing his ear twitching out of the corner of her eye. Chortling, Y/N shook her head, halting at a red light and gesturing to the glove box.“I have some CDs in there, wanna pick one?” 

Curiously, Hoseok leafed through the plastic cases, the clacking sound of him rapidly searching through the albums making her wonder which ones she still had in her car. Hopefully not just Christmas and midwestern emo music. The light turned green, and she was forced to tear her eyes from Hoseok’s contemplative profile. 

“Metallica, Dio, Black Sabbath… What year were you born, again?” Y/N winced, feeling like she was in high school band class again with Beatles snobs. 

“Listen. Sometimes you just need to blow off steam screaming to War Pigs after a bad shift!” Snorting, Hoseok continued to sort through the CDs while Y/N drove on.

“I suppose, if you’re a father of three in the eighties,” Hoseok murmured, flipping over the back of an unlabeled mixed tape. 

Moments later he slid a CD into the player, tucking the case under his leg. Trying to peek at what he picked out, she squeaked as his palm came up next to her face, blocking her view. 

“Eyes on the road, darling, it’s a surprise!” Hoseok exclaimed, fingers punching buttons on the radio and jacking up the volume. He was lucky she didn’t drive off of the road with that remark, her face so hot she had to roll the window down, not caring if rain soaked her to her bones. Hoseok didn’t seem to notice her fluster as she leaned out of the window, nearly swerving off of the highway as a motorcycle zoomed by and startled her. The Beach Boys began to play sunnily through the old speakers, a smile spreading across her face as the rain ran down her cheeks, cooling the flesh. 

“Good choice,” Y/N praised, unable to look him in the eye yet. Pretending to focus on navigating the highway into Boston, she hummed along to the opening track. 

“Since summer’s almost over, it was only right.”

“Is summer your favorite?”

“Of course! Who doesn’t like more sun, longer days, and fruit?” Considering this, Y/N agreed with him, however partial she was to autumn. 

“You have a point, you’d get along well with my dad for those reasons alone,” Y/N pulled off the ramp into Chinatown, only minutes away from their destination. She started to get antsy in her seat with anticipation. Hoseok drummed his fingers against the door to the tune of the music, apparently satisfied with the amount of teasing he doled out. 

Before she knew it, they were parked in front of the shelter, Y/N nervously straightening out her sweater. Hoseok stared at the weathered shop sign with disgust, grip on one of the umbrellas tightening and untightening. 

“Shall we?” Y/N cracked her door open, Hoseok giving her a tight nod before exiting the vehicle with the umbrella. 

The shop was open already, the door propped open with a wooden wedge and Gerry stocking boxes of shoes into the cubbies by the window. Hoseok slowly entered the building behind her, sticking close to her proximity. A loud football game played on the tiny TV mounted to the wall, Gerry grumbling at it when he spotted Y/N and Hoseok.

“Ah! My new favorite customer,” Gerry exclaimed as they floundered near the register, palpable anxiety radiating from Hoseok. “I see youse brought one back, how’s he holdin’ up for you?” Gerry looked Hoseok up and down with a suspicious glint in his eye, Y/N grinding her teeth as she bit back a curse directed at the bastardly old man. 

“He’s great, thank you,” Y/N managed.

“Go on and ‘ead to the back. Need me to call up Murph again?” Gerry asked eagerly, reaching for his phone on the desk. Y/N shook her head, jabbing her thumb towards her car parked outside. 

“I have my own transport, from now on,” Y/N began towards the back room, carefully watching Hoseok drag his feet next to her. Gerry shrugged and remained in the front of the store, shouting at the TV. 

The door to the four remaining hybrids was already open, keys to the cells handing tantalizingly from the knob. Hoseok ran a hand through his mahogany locks as he looked to the ceiling like he was praying for an angel’s protection, and Y/N was reminded of Seokjin’s words from the night before;  Hoseok… he’s terrified of wolves. Pocketing the keys, Y/N pushed her way into the room, butterflies rattling around in her stomach for both herself and the fox hybrid. 

“Hate to say I told you so after all your bitching, Jeongguk. She even came back with Hoseok alive,” a gravelly, unfamiliar voice chided to her left, Y/N seeking the owner of the voice straight away. 

On the bed, a lithe figure leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, a long spotted tail flicking languidly like a satisfied cat. Probing hazel-green narrowed eyes watched her with an arched brow, a smirk pulling up the corner of his mouth. His ears were similarly spotted to his tail, blending into the long black tresses framing his face, and he was fully dressed in the outfit Y/N had picked out the day before. 

“Yoongi, why would I be dead? Does she really look like a murderer to you?” Hoseok pulled his eyebrows together incredulously, cocking his head. Yoongi stood, nodding to his right. 

“No, but he said you all were off to the chop shop,” Yoongi leaned against his cell door, veined hands coming through the bars to clasp together on the outside. Floored, Y/N stepped out from behind Hoseok, wanting to get a look at the elk hybrid and ask what about her read Freddy Kruger. 

Sitting on the edge of his bed was Jeongguk, a man about the same age as Y/N. Most notably as far as his appearance went was the pair of elegant velvet antlers encircling his head like an esoteric crown amongst layered mixed chestnut hair. Heavily tattooed elbows leaning on his knees, Jeongguk was shaking his head at the floor, a deep scowl darkening his face. Backtracking on her confrontation, noticing the ring hugging his lower lip, Y/N inched closer to Hoseok, who peered down at her curiously. 

“Hardly. What, do you think we’re living in a James Wan film, Jeongguk?” Hoseok’s hands landed on his hips, tutting at the elk hybrid. Finally snapping his head up to curl his nose into a snarl at Hoseok, Y/N caught the glint of a barbell threaded through the arch of Jeongguk’s left eyebrow. 

“I’m not one to be as trusting of a fool as you, fox,” Jeongguk bit back, midnight eyes boring a hole into Hoseok’s face. His sight landed on Y/N, tugging on the hem of her sweater, uncomfortable with the clear distaste written all over his face while assessing her. “How am I supposed to know the motivations behind a girl so injudicious as to adopt seven male hybrids without even meeting them first?”

Blood draining from her face, Y/N took a step backwards at the venom dripping from his tone. So, her few hours conflict-free had ended, and she was in the line of fire. Stiffening, Hoseok cast a look back at her, offering her a soft half-smile; hopefully you won’t have to eat those words. 

“Oh, just shut up, would you rather be running in the woods from some asshole in a polo shirt with an automatic rifle?” Yoongi groaned, running a wiry hand through his hair tiredly. Jeongguk cursed at Yoongi under his breath, then fell back into silence. Swallowing hard, Y/N tried to piece together the fragments of her courage, seeking out the other two hybrids behind her. 

Watching the spectacle unfold quietly was Taehyung on the bed in his corner cell, laying on his back with his hands clasped on his stomach. His expression was placid as he twiddled his thumbs, cocking his head as his eyes caught Y/N’s. Roaming over her, he absently wet his lips with a sliver of tongue, his strange red-brown irises soulful and deep. Y/N recalled that he hadn’t spoken at all during his time spent at the shelter, so she was highly doubtful that he would chime in on Jeongguk’s verbal evaluation of her, though it looked like he had questions burning in his eyes. 

“Yoongi, how long do you plan on staying here? Are you coming today?” Hoseok spoke up, tapping a foot on the concrete floor. Y/N nodded once in hello to Taehyung, who blinked at her stoically, blowing a piece of dark hair from his eyes.

“Well, she seems persistent; I thought for sure she’d be back by late afternoon yesterday to dump you all back here. Now that you’re here and breathing… I can’t choke down one more of those sandwiches,” Yoongi complained, although not confirming he was to join them outright. 

Y/N stalked off to the far corner of the room, mustering up the confidence to say hello to Namjoon, equally as silent as Taehyung and out of view. Stopping short, she squeaked, noticing the neatly folded pile of clothes and shoe box still sitting outside of his cell, untouched. Disappointment sunk in her stomach, peering into Namjoon’s cell, where he was curled up in a ball, facing away from the center of the room. She knew he was awake, the exchanges between everyone not exactly whispers, so he was actively ignoring them. Still in his wolf form, Y/N wondered how long he could sustain himself, Seokjin’s confession that hybrids staying in their animal form for too long became uncomfortable popping up in her subconscious. Shuffling her feet, Y/N tried not to look crestfallen, returning to Hoseok’s side. 

“So, will you come with us, Yoongi?” Y/N asked hopefully, pushing away the possibility that she may have to return to the shelter for several days to come. She wasn’t sure what she could do to win enough trust from Namjoon to at least look at her, let alone shift, but she was beginning to worry for him. If he had arrived on Thursday, he would have been living as a wolf for two whole days already, and possibly longer.  

Yoongi considered for a moment, casting a look around his cell, before shrugging. 

“Might as well,” he conceded, hands diving into his sweatpants pockets. Smiling as brightly as she could, she retrieved the keys to his cell from her own pocket, freeing him from the space, watching him stroll out lazily. With narrowed eyes, he looked down at her, kaleidoscope eyes taking in her likely poorly masked worry. 

“You said it’s Y/N, right?” He confirmed, crossing his arms over his chest. 

“That’s right,” she shifted her weight, the hollowness of his cheeks making her heart clench. Clearing her throat, she gazed past him, reading the expectant look on Jeongguk’s face. 

“How about you, Jeongguk? I can see you’re not a fan of me, but at least you can get out of here,” she stated bravely, proud that she could keep her voice from wavering. An eyebrow arched with her words, Jeongguk rose to his feet, studying her head to toe once more. 

“Fine,” was all he said, after a deep sigh. Tentatively, she unlocked his door as well, letting him push the iron bars towards her. He was even more intimidating inches away, muscular and imposing, making his way to the mouth of the door leading out. Hoseok patted her back awkwardly, as if to congratulate her on her bravery. She was extremely grateful to have him with her at that moment. 

Taking a deep breath, Y/N shook off her nerves, making her way back to Taehyung, who was standing by his door with his graceful fingers wrapped around the bars. 

“You too?” She exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. Blinking at her again, he gestured to the lock, which she hastily made short work of with the keys. Hoseok was snorting with laughter, saying something to Yoongi about making up a sign language to interact with the bear hybrid. 

Taehyung quickly left his cell, expression relieved as he walked into the open area of the room, but kept his distance from everybody. Y/N could hardly see his rounded ears atop his head, hiding amongst a cloud of curly black hair, and if it weren’t for the day before seeing him in his other form she would have written him off as fully human immediately. 

“Good luck with him,” Yoongi nodded towards Namjoon, looking pointedly at the stack of clothes outside of his cell. Gritting her teeth, she stood a little taller, preparing to give another speech to someone who couldn’t (and wouldn’t) respond. Fishing around in her pocket, she grasped a hold of her car keys, approaching Hoseok. 

“Here, Hoseok. Do you mind starting up the car for me? I’ll be out in just a minute,” Y/N sighed, the fox hybrid examining her face with an ounce of concern. He took the keys from her hand without a word, and she offered Yoongi the umbrella she was holding. Yoongi stared at her incredulously, gaze shifting from her to Hoseok suspiciously, tucking the damp umbrella under his arm. 

“The asshole who runs this dump has some of my stuff in a bag in his office,” Jeongguk spoke from the door suddenly, eyes trained on the door down the hall. “He’s got everything we all had when we got here.”

Astounded, Y/N curled her hands into fists, so ready to beat an old man it wasn’t even funny.

“Jesus Christ, that guy. That would have been good to know,” Y/N muttered. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab the bag before I meet you in the car,” Y/N promised, ignoring the yeah, right look on his face. 

“Come on, let’s go,” Hoseok pushed Yoongi to the door, Jeongguk already disappearing from her sight. Taehyung followed suit slowly, gazing down at his shoes. The room suddenly filled with deafening silence, Y/N returned to Namjoon’s cell. 

“Namjoon,” she started, the wolf’s ear turning towards her but otherwise remaining rooted to the corner of his space. “I’m going to have to keep coming back here until you agree to return with me. I don’t mind, but Seokjin told me that it can be uncomfortable to stay shifted for so long– that worries me. I can’t stand Gerry, this shelter is terrible, and I want to get you out of here, so I guess you’ll have to put up with me bothering you every morning until you decide to trust me a little.”

Namjoon lifted his head, turning it to lock eyes with Y/N, her breath caught in her throat. He was truly a beautiful wolf, dark with amber honey eyes, a small chunk of his left ear missing that she had not noticed before. He wasn’t growling at her, but his face was certainly guarded and calculating, which made her grow quite hot in the chilly cinderblock room. 

“I’ll be back tomorrow morning, Namjoon,” Y/N sighed softly, accepting that today wasn’t his day. He watched her as she went, shutting the door to the room behind her with a solemn clang. 

Returning to the storefront where Gerry was stuffing a Subway sandwich in his face, Y/N leaned against the register with her mouth screwed up to prevent expletives from falling out. 

“They’re still there,” Gerry said through a mouthful of salami. “Pretty bold of youse to trust a fox with car keys.”

“Hoseok is trustworthy,” Y/N insisted harshly, slapping her hands on the tinny table. Startled, Gerry put his sandwich down. “Give me the bag of their belongings, please.”

The rusty wheels in Gerry’s brain turned slowly, appearing to not understand, before grumbling and retreating to his office. He came back with a large half-filled black garbage bag of items, thrusting it into her arms. Disgusted with the treatment of the hybrids, she all but spit on the floor, heading to the exit. 

“Don’t forget the wolf, tomorrow. I’m tired of feeding ‘im,” Gerry called, jacking up the volume to his football game. 

Aggravated, Y/N stomped through the rain to her car parked on the street, yanking the trunk open and sliding the bag gingerly next to her spare tire. Rain soaking her hair, the precipitation much heavier since she and Hoseok arrived, she finally indulged her desire and spat on the sidewalk by the entrance of the shelter. Rounding the front of the car, she climbed in, the heat turned on blast and The Beach Boys playing once again. Aware of Hoseok eyeing her in the passenger seat, she hastily buckled in, wet hair sticking to the back of her neck. In the rearview mirror, the backseat was crammed with the other three hybrids, Yoongi squished in the middle seat while Taehyung and Jeongguk flanked either side, both of them trying their best to glue themselves to the doors to get some space. 

“I got your stuff, bastard put it all in a trash bag,” Y/N huffed, backing out of her space, twisting around to look out the back window. Jeongguk was rolling his eyes, chin resting in his palm, his white tee shirt soaked with rain. Yoongi, tucking a long strand of inky hair behind his ear, was attempting to warm himself up by sticking close to the vent blowing hot air into the cab. 

“Let’s stop at Dunkin’ before we head to the drugstore,” Y/N pulled out into the street, anxious to get some food into Yoongi as soon as possible. Tension was palpable in the car, with Taehyung’s silence, and Yoongi and Jeongguk’s tangible strain between them. Again, she was grateful for Hoseok, with his sunny, encouraging smile and whistling to the CD playing softly. 

One didn’t have to drive very far to find a Dunkin’ in Boston; they were practically on every block. The one she chose shared a parking lot with a Chinese restaurant and a drugstore, and she was attempting to find a spot closest to the doors. Once stopped, she rifled through the center console for her wallet, tucking it into her pocket with Jimin’s list and rubbing her eyes– itching for some caffeine. 

“Okay, time for some breakfast,” Hoseok spoke suddenly, clapping his hands together. He headed out into the parking lot, followed by Taehyung pushing his way out of the car, arms over his head to shield his face from the rain. Watching Yoongi slink out of the backseat, Y/N scrambled to catch up with everyone, locking up the car after Jeongguk begrudgingly trudged behind her. She felt a little awkward with the atmosphere, Jeongguk clearly unimpressed and Taehyung stone-cold, and was hoping Hoseok could work his magic to lighten up the mood once in the coffee shop. 

Confectioners sugar and toasty coffee perfumed the thick air inside of the Dunkin’, the scent bringing her back to pre-class breakfast runs. Jeongguk plopped down on a chair by the door, arms leaning on the coffee-stained table, watching Y/N suspiciously as she set her umbrella down next to him. Deciding to kill him with kindness, she flashed him her best shit-eating grin, joining Yoongi and Taehyung by the menu signs while Jeongguk gaped after her. 

“What are we getting?” Y/N pondered, knowing that she was going to dive in on the hash browns. Additionally, she planned on getting a half dozen donuts for Jimin and Seokjin waiting at home. Yoongi hummed, arms coming around to hug his midsection. 

“How’s the matcha latte?” Hoseok inquired from behind Y/N, his voice right next to her ear. 

“Mmm. Not that great,” Y/N grimaced, Yoongi snickering next to her. After a few moments, she had Hoseok and Yoongi’s order, sending the fox hybrid over to Jeongguk to get his as well. Turning to Taehyung, who was smiling softly at a little kid eating munchkins with his parents nearby, Y/N said his name a couple of times before he realized she was trying to get his attention. 

“What would you like?” Y/N asked, assuming he would point at the menu. His angular face turned thoughtful as he considered the menu once more, surprising Y/N by opening his mouth to speak.

“Sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant and a macchiato, please,” the deep timbre of his voice shook her to her core, nearly keeling over as soon as he spoke. Nodding dumbly, Taehyung gave her a curious glance and made his way to the table the others were sitting at. 

Standing at the window, Y/N made the lengthy order, the cashier exasperated as she continued to add items to the tab. She handed Y/N the beverage tray of assorted hot and iced drinks, Y/N taking an indulgent sip of her sweet iced coffee and sighing happily. Making her way to the table, she dished out the drinks; a boring black coffee for grumpy Jeongguk, a fruity Coolatta for Hoseok, Yoongi’s iced americano, and Taehyung’s macchiato. She lowered herself down next to the latter, wondering if he’d begin to join in on conversation or lapse back into silence as he stirred his coffee. 

“So, what exactly made you want to adopt seven hybrids?” Yoongi deadpanned after a moment, Y/N choking on her sip of coffee and pounding her chest to clear the liquid from her lungs. She wasn’t expecting to be asked a question like that in broad daylight, that soon. Hoseok cleared his throat, looking extremely uncomfortable with Yoongi’s directness, while both Jeongguk and Taehyung read bored and absorbed in their drinks. 

“Uh… to be honest with you, I’ve been looking for roommates for about a year now. I haven’t had much luck; most of my friends have either moved states after college or started families of their own. Everyone else I’ve met from placing internet ads claims my house is either too old or ‘seems haunted’,” Y/N made air quote motions with her fingers, Hoseok snorting softly. “I thought of the off-chance of seeing you all in the shelter that night as a lucky find,” fiddling with her straw, Y/N cringed at her choice of words, unable to come up with anything else. 

With narrowed eyes, Yoongi considered her explanation, appearing to not wholly believe it. Thankfully, before he could respond, the cashier was calling out her order number. Jumping up, a nonplussed sound coming from Taehyung at her clumsy movement tripping over the chair, Y/N made haste for the food. On her way back to the table, she caught Hoseok reaching across the table to smack Yoongi’s arm, teeth gritted. 

Setting the box of donuts for Jimin and Seokjin down, Y/N began rattling off the various sandwiches in search of each respective owner, grateful for the temporary pause of difficult inquiries. Placing the bag of hash browns in the middle for everyone, Y/N got to work on unwrapping her sandwich. 

“Why would people think your house is haunted?” Taehyung spoke again, Y/N halting her chewing and throwing him a sideways glance. In the harsh lighting of the room, the shades of carmine in his eyes became more pronounced. Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a look of utter disbelief at the sound of Taehyung’s voice, a hashbrown hanging limply from the leopard hybrid’s mouth in shock. 

“Christ, he speaks,” Jeongguk muttered through a mouthful of bacon. Ignoring him, Y/N set her sandwich down. 

“It’s an old house, I’ve been restoring it but it still needs a fair bit of work. The yard is all overgrown, and it’s at the end of a dead-end street…” Y/N sipped her coffee thoughtfully. “Besides, it’s filled with my grandmother’s old antiques. You can get lost in some of the back hallways, and there’s the occasional odd noise with no known source every now and again. I suppose there’s a number of reasons people think it’s haunted,” she answered truthfully, Taehyung chewing lightly on his straw with pointed cuspids while she spoke. 

“Shit. Maybe we are living in a James Wan film now,” Yoongi joked, wiping grease from his fingertips on a stray napkin. Hoseok frowned, his thunder stolen as Y/N giggled at Yoongi’s amused gummy smile. “Have you ever seen a ghost in the house?” 

“Well, no, not recently at least,” Y/N’s eyes glazed over, memories from her childhood locked away in the darker recesses of her mind coming to the surface. “When I was a kid I thought I saw spirits, but that could have just been childish imagination.”

She was aware of Jeongguk staring at her now, suddenly interested in the turn of conversation. Still holding a grudge about the way he spoke about her in the shelter earlier, she refused to give him the satisfaction of looking embarrassed with his examination of her side profile. 

“The bar I used to work in was haunted as hell,” Yoongi volunteered, sitting back in his chair. Curiosity piqued, Y/N leaned forward, wondering if she had ever been to that bar during a paranormal tour in college. As Yoongi looked out the window, she got a good look at him; there was something familiar about his face, but she doubted that she had ever met him before as the amount of bars in Boston was astronomical and the chances were slim. Even drunk, she believed that she would have remembered someone as strikingly unique looking as Yoongi. 

“Ah, so you worked at a bar? Did you know Jimin was working as one of those National Park hybrid rangers? All the way in Montana, too. I keep trying to ask him how he ended up all the way here, but he won’t tell me,” Hoseok pouted, slurping his Coolatta noisily. Taehyung’s hand crept across the table comically slow to grab a bag of hash browns, eyes flickering between everyone as if he was stealing from somebody. 

“That’s why he’s weird. He’s one of those guys,” Yoongi’s eyes were wide, Y/N missing the piece of information that caused understanding to wash over everybody else’s features. 

“I’m sorry. What do you mean?” Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N gathered up trash from Jeongguk, who was rolling his eyes at her again. 

“Hm. You don’t know about the hybrid rangers, huh?” Yoongi tossed his sandwich wrapper in a high arc across the table, somehow perfectly landing in the trash can beside Hoseok. “Something like fifty years ago they passed a law that hybrids can be employed in National Parks with a bunch of perks. I’m sure you know hybrids cannot work as humans do, unless they sneak around and find under-the-table type situations– like me. At the moment, being a hybrid ranger is the only legal form of employment a hybrid can take up; and you’re pretty much born into it. My guess, Jimin’s family is all back in Montana, living in a cozy little cabin paid for by the U.S. government. Why he left, that’s beyond me. Most hybrids would kill to be one of those rangers,” Yoongi muttered the last part of this statement, eyes downcast. 

In her limited research of hybrids over the past years thanks to Ben’s interest in adoption and at her father’s insistence of reading interesting articles, Y/N hadn’t come across the law Yoongi was referring to. When it came to the many government legislations regarding hybrids, it was unsurprising that Y/N had not a clue about a legal employment option for them. She did know about illegal hybrid labor in corners of the country, which often made front-page news, as well as laws stating unadopted hybrids roaming the street would be brought back to shelters once discovered. 

“Hence why he’s ‘weird’. He wasn’t raised in labs like the rest of us likely were; he acts more human than hybrid,” Hoseok added helpfully. Y/N hadn’t really had the same thought process– her brief time with Jimin wasn’t enough to make an accurate judgment on his behavior compared to the other hybrids. 

With the food finished by now, she noticed Jeongguk getting fidgety, she figured it was a good time as any to move onto their drugstore run. Hoseok gathered up all of the trash as Y/N stood, feeling sluggish after the greasy and sugary breakfast, scooping up the box of donuts for Seokjin and Jimin. Tossing her empty coffee cup, she felt Taehyung looming behind her like an apparition, shuffling his feet against the scuffed floor. Hoseok held the door open for everybody, Jeongguk muttering ‘kiss ass’ the whole way out into the rain and through the doors to the pharmacy. 

The blinding lights of the pharmacy had spots appearing in Y/N’s vision after being in the grayness of the rainstorm, the medicinal smell of VapoRub making her feel slightly ill. Handing out baskets to the hybrids, she told them to get what they needed, Hoseok trailing after Yoongi down the shampoo aisle and Jeongguk disappearing to the back of the store where the vitamins were. Taehyung remained by her side, and shrugging, she pulled out Jimin’s scant list and started towards the direction of dental care. 

Humming, she examined the toothpaste options, selecting the best one and plopping two in her basket. She would have to shop for Seokjin, as well– and upon further consideration, she added a third tube for Namjoon. Taehyung was quiet beside her once more, watching her pick out a pack of charcoal toothbrushes, hardly placing anything in his own basket he had set on a display of paper towels. Seeing his disinterest in filling up his basket, unlike Hoseok who zoomed by to pull a mouthwash off the shelf in a flash, Y/N sighed and turned to the bear hybrid with a fourth tube of toothpaste.

“Taehyung, is this toothpaste okay for you? I think it’s probably the best one, the all-natural brand tastes terrible,” Y/N waved the tube around, Taehyung now leaning against the display with his hands buried in his pockets. 

“Yeah, that’s fine. Floss too?” Taehyung suddenly lurched forward on the balls of his feet, the movement graceful, hand skimming past her face and plucking a pack of floss off of the shelf. Dropping the item into her basket, Taehyung peered into it, before grabbing a wooden-handled toothbrush for himself and adding that as well. Blinking rapidly at the speed at which he could move at the drop of a hat, Y/N eyed his side profile with awe. 

“Hmm. What else should we get? Jimin didn’t write as detailed of a list as I would’ve liked…” frowning, Y/N looked to Taehyung for advice; she wasn’t sure what sort of things the men would need right away. 

“Body wash. Maybe some lotion, deodorant. Razors and shaving cream,” Taehyung spoke very slowly, ticking off items on his long fingertips as he rattled them off. Grateful for his input, Y/N nodded enthusiastically, waving him to follow as she weaved through the aisles to retrieve everything. 

He pointed out the best brands for items such as the razors and shaving creams, which she would have been puzzled over for minutes pondering over the sheer selection. Balancing the basket on her hip, she filled it with several bottles of body wash from the top shelf, nearly dropping it while trying to juggle the box of donuts she was still holding. Taehyung gently took the basket from her, slinging it over his forearm, and reached the last bottle she couldn’t grasp. 

“Thanks, it’s not too heavy?” Y/N gestured towards the basket, feeling flustered all over again under Taehyung’s stoic stare. He shook his head, one of his ears twitching as a loud peal of Hoseok’s laughter came from the next aisle over. Grinning at the sound, Y/N set off to find him, hoping that everyone had gotten what they needed. 

Yoongi was deliberating between two different hair brushes with Hoseok, who was insisting on a boar-bristle. 

“Yeah, I get what you’re saying about oil distribution or whatever, Foxy, but the plastic brush is literally half the price. I just need it to work,” Yoongi was insisting, plopping a little plastic brush into his half-filled basket. 

“Hi, guys! How’re you making out?” Y/N asked, Hoseok releasing the brush hanging on a hook he was checking out upon hearing her voice. 

“I think I’ve got everything I need, just trying to help Yoongi out with proper hair care,” Hoseok squinted at Yoongi’s long hair with distaste. 

“More like trying to lord over my choices,” Yoongi murmured, organizing the things in his basket gingerly. 

“Where’s Jeongguk?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, not having seen the elk hybrid since they arrived. Standing on her tiptoes, she tried to look over the shelves for any sign of antlers peeking out from an aisle. 

“By the counter already,” Yoongi pointed, expression turning disdainful. 

At the register, the three hybrids bumbling after her, Y/N felt relief wash over her when she spotted Jeongguk with his basket already up on the counter. While she didn’t believe that he truly would have ditched them, she was still nervous around him and the thought did cross her mind at least fleetingly. In his basket was the bare minimum, a bottle of saline like Y/N used for her new cartilage piercing, allergy tablets, a stick of deodorant, a package of BIC lighters. He was staring at the shelf behind the register with longing, Y/N following his gaze curiously as the teenage boy at the register began to ring all of the items through. 

“What brand?” Y/N asked slyly, eyes roaming over the shelf of cigarette cartons. Stiffening, Jeongguk shot a sideways look down at her in surprise. 

“Marlboro. Reds,” he answered, biting down on the ring hugging his lip. 

“Three packs of the reds, please,” Y/N asked the young boy, who dropped them into a plastic bag and handed it to Jeongguk. As soon as Y/N stuck her credit card into the reader for everything, Jeongguk was gone, his silhouette visible through the window as he broke into one of the packs and his new lighters. Y/N would have loved to enjoy a cigarette at that moment, but wouldn’t dare ask for one from Jeongguk after his almost frantic dash to the sidewalk. 

Taehyung hefted six bags onto his arms himself, leaving only two for Yoongi and Hoseok to grab before Y/N could reach for one. She followed after them heading to the exit, doing her best to shield the donut box from the rain with her arms. Cigarette smoke from Jeongguk wafted in a cloud as soon as she got out onto the sidewalk, rain soaking his hair and face as he cupped his hands to light what she presumed to be his second. 

“You guys wait here, I’ll pull the car around,” Y/N shouted over a clap of thunder, Hoseok catching her by the hem of her sweater before she could dash out into the parking lot. Puzzled, she stared at him with wide eyes, him slotting one of the open umbrellas under her arm to keep her dry. Throwing him an appreciative, embarrassed smile, she stepped directly into an ankle-deep puddle, getting away as quickly as possible before he could laugh at her. 

Stashing the donuts away, Y/N pulled up to the curb to the hybrids waiting under the awning of the Chinese restaurant. This time, before Hoseok could reach the passenger door, Taehyung beat him to the punch and clambered in next to Y/N, Hoseok whining behind him. With a tight-lipped smile, Taehyung shut the door in his face, brushing droplets of rain off his arms and stowing the bags he was carrying by his feet. 

“Fucker,” Hoseok muttered acidically, sliding into the back seat next to Yoongi. Trying not to look amused at Hoseok’s bitterness, Y/N peered into the backseat through the rearview mirror, making sure everyone was present. Jeongguk looked significantly more relaxed than he had earlier in the morning, however, a thin veil of annoyance still blanketed his features as he fumbled with one of the packs of cigarettes in his hand. 

“Alright, let’s head home,” Y/N murmured, mostly to herself, the rain getting heavier and more difficult to navigate through. 

“Your wipers need a change,” Taehyung commented, leaning forward to squint at the way they uselessly flung small amounts of water off of the windshield. “I know how to do that,” he added. 

“Really? I’d need to get the parts, though,” Y/N raised her eyebrows, wondering how she would find wipers for a car from 1986. 

“You’ll find them in a junkyard, if there’s one around here,” Taehyung informed her, as if he had read her mind. Tapping her fingers against the steering wheel, she made a mental note to call up the junkyard in her town later on to save herself a trip if they didn’t have the wipers she needed. 

Traffic was slow as she tried her best to see out of the windshield, rolling down her window to poke her head out occasionally to get a better view of the road. It seemed others on the road were taking precautions in the downpour by crawling on the highway, Y/N impatiently squirming in her seat. She started to feel bad for leaving Jimin and Seokjin alone, especially without many groceries in the house. 

Y/N desperately needed to get to the supermarket; she had no idea what to make for lunch, let alone dinner. With the weather, the last thing Y/N wanted to do was lug paper bags back and forth to her car, but they couldn’t live on takeout forever– she thought for some ridiculous reason the hybrids would think she was incapable of feeding herself, and therefore themselves. Maybe one more night of pizza delivery before she could stock up wouldn’t be the worst, but it was the less than ideal option for her. 

By the time they had made it about halfway home, Y/N’s phone began to ring, making her curse under her breath as she blindly grasped for it in the cupholder. 

“Hello?” She breathlessly answered, not able to check the caller ID due to her focus on the road. 

“Honey, it’s me!” Her mother replied, urgency lacing her tone. Y/N could hear her tinkering with what sounded like metal bowls. 

“Hey mom, what’s up?” Y/N brightened her tone, switching to a slower lane to get off the highway shortly. 

“I’m just letting you know, I’m coming over to the house in an hour or so. I went to the farmer’s market this morning to buy you some groceries and I packed up some meals for your freezer,” her mother said breathlessly, the snapping sound of plastic tupperware coming through the receiver. 

“What!?” Y/N squawked, alarmed that she’d have to introduce her to the hybrids so soon. Running an anxious hand through her hair, she felt Taehyung jump next to her at her outburst, Yoongi and Hoseok making noises of confusion. 

“I knew you weren’t going to make it to the store in the next few days. I could hear it in your voice. Honey, you can’t live on calzones, much less expect your new friends to eat takeaway every night,” her mother explained calmly, Y/N’s face becoming hot as she realized the hybrids could probably hear every word her mother was saying. 

“A little head’s up would have been nice,” Y/N spit through her teeth, humiliated. Her mother laughed, the sound mirthful and easy. 

“That’s what this is! Anyways, I’ll see you soon. I’ll even send you a message before we walk over.”

“We?” Y/N squeaked, mortification flooding into her even more quickly by now. 

“Honey, are you becoming hard of hearing like your father? He’s coming with me, I need some help carrying the containers of bean burgers,” her mother sighed, tutting at her. 

“Uh. Um, okay… I-I need to focus on driving, here, please text me before you leave,” Y/N rushed, on a new mission to get home as quickly as possible. Her mother said goodbye, promptly hanging up, Y/N stiffly placing her phone back in the cupholder. 

“What was that all about?” Hoseok asked from the back seat, though she knew he could hear every word of the conversation through the phone. Grimacing, Y/N sped up the car, tapping her left foot against the carpeted car floor impatiently. 

“Looks like you’ll all get to meet my parents today.”

Trouvaille - Chapter Two

Taglist; @blancflms @grazysf @sbromp @jaxavance @sunderlight @ot7nem @mageprincess7 @wittyreader @drenix004 @mayla548 @skyys-universe @ddaeng-angmoh @trtlthts @exfolitae @kalala22 @xiusmarshmallow @bangtans-momma @zae007live @paigetj

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1 year ago

Public Enemy (Part 3)

Public Enemy (Part 3)

Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Pairing: Namjoon x Reader

Genre: Smut , Angst, Detective/Mafia!Namjoon Detective!Reader

Warnings: nipple play/sucking, fingering, unprotective sex, edging, breeding kink, creampie, manipulation,

Word Count: 9,532

Description: Your life was going great. You’ve been promoted from police officer to detective - something you’ve worked hard for. Your first case was to solve a murder of a local drug dealer brought to the hospital who you suspect foul play from.

Public Enemy (Part 3)

You trailed inside the large building, your eyes scanning the large ceilings windows displaying the sunny day sky and adding a great amount of natural light to the area. The flooring was marble and you noticed the heels of your shoes clacking against it. The walls were white and covered with many paintings - some colorful and some going for a more neutral tone of greys and blacks.

The art gallery opened not too long ago in the heart of Seoul. The amount of people inside already admiring the work in hushed tones was enough to know that whoever this belonged to had to be popular and ooze out wealth and luxury. You placed your hands in your jacket pocket and hum lowly to yourself as your eyes glance to a couple - one man with blond hair and a bright smile, his hands lowly placed on the woman next to him - the same woman you were here to see.

"Excuse me?" you smile as you get the attention of the couple. "All of this art is so amazing. Do you know the owner, by chance?" you ask, though you know your answer.

The woman smiles brightly, her eyes glancing up at the man who does the same down to her. "We are the owners." she tells you, a nervous look on her face.

"Just her." the man says, he pulls her close. "I'm just a supportive partner. Which piece is your favorite? She's painted all of them."

You hum, surprised. The amount of art displayed here was amazing, but the fact in knowing that she painted each piece was astonishing. It appeared as if it was years of hard work - now paying off.

"Wow," you look at her intently. "your work is amazing, truly. Do you mind if I speak with you about one of your pieces?"

The man steps away with a nod of his head. The two of you stroll away, your body feeling the mans gaze on you.

"I'm sure you had an abundance of buyers." you make small talk as you halt in front of a painting. "You truly are amazing."

The woman laughs lowly and offers a polite nod. "I do. I'm new to all of this so selling my art is not something I can do at the moment."

You furrow a brow and nod along with her. "New. I see." you glance behind her to the man - who you assume is her new boyfriend. "You moved on fast." you tell her.

"E-Excuse me?" she murmurs, her smile lowering.

"You moved on from Shin." You tell her. "For the better, of course, Shin couldn't do all this, surely."

You watch as the girl is taken aback, her mouth opening and closing as if attempting to find the correct words to say to you. She doesn't - but you knew well enough that she would rather not be in your presence.

"My name is Y/L Y/N." you tell her. "Detective. I'm investigating the murder of your boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend." you say, scanning her features for any hints she could possibly give you.

"I-I...Shin has been dead for months." she tells you, shaking her head. "You're investigating now?"

You shrug. "You know what they say. Rome wasn't built in a day." you offer a smile. "Neither was this art gallery. How did you obtain it on a student salary?"

She steps back, the look of terror evident in her eyes. It was as though you had accused her of murder - you hadn't yet, but the poor girls mind was already there. "Wait, I forgot. You are no longer a student." you step closer to her. "I spoke to the University of Seoul and they informed me that you were expelled. And you quit your job not too long after that."

"Is there something you're trying to say, Detective?" the woman is in disbelief.

"Well, as part of the investigation is to speak with those involved with the victim."

"Shin was no victim." she hisses but the way her eyes widen, the look of realization kicks into her. She knew she shouldn't had said that.

"Ah, but you are." you nod. "I know the situation about the other women. A total of 4 is hectic." you cross your arms. "Surely anyone would be angered."

She nods her head, her eyes on the ground. "I...was. I didn't think I would be in that situation." she admits.

"I can't imagine what I'd do in that situation, either." you watch her expression for anything you can pick up on. "If it was me, I'd be glad he was gone."

The girl places her eyes back on you. You tilt your head

"I know he moved weight around Seoul. Got into it with pretty shady people, right?"

The woman shakes her head, she takes another step back.

"It's safe to say that maybe they caused this. He was nothing but a low-level drug dealer moving the product for the higher ups? Disposable."

"I-I don't understand-"

"So disposable that you wouldn't care if he lived or died."

"That's not how-"

"I mean, after all, he cheated on you with other women. Left you with nothing."

"I'm aware that-"

"Things seem easier after his death, don't you think?"

"Is everything alright?" the man enters between the two of you, his arms now wrapped around his girlfriend. He offers you a tight (fake) smile. "Is she trying to buy a piece?"

You know his tone is evident - you weren't welcome here anymore. You shake your head. "No, I'm a detective."

"Oh," the man is taken aback, but his eyes scan over your figure. "I knew you looked familiar."

You furrow a brow. "Excuse me?" you question.

"Jimin..." the girl murmurs, shaking her head. "I need to go to the restroom. Excuse me, Detective." she appears sick and queasy as she strolls away.

Jimin, you recalled that name. Said man turns towards you, his lips turning to a straight line. "Can I help you, Detective?"

"Just doing my job." you tell him. "Investigation calls."

"Ah, does it?" Jimin scoffs. "Why are you interrogating my girl? She's been through enough."

"Is there a reason I shouldn't? She's apart of the investigation, Jimin-ssi."

Jimin furrows a brow. He tilts his head. "You look different when you aren't at my club. More...stressed. Bland." he shakes his head. You bite your tongue, taken back by his words. "Surely after that night with my Hyung you wouldn't act as such."

Your throat dries as he gives you a satisfied smirk. "Tell Namjoon-hyung that I'll be speaking with him shortly. And you're always welcomed at my club, Y/N-ah." Jimin turns away slightly. "Just tell the bouncers who you're bouncing on, okay?"

Public Enemy (Part 3)

"Y/N?" Namjoon asks over the loud music of the club. He ponders why his brothers decided to meet here instead of anywhere else. Namjoon parts ways with his brothers, a sigh leaving his lips. He shakes his head - already knowing what Jimin would be doing in there in no time. He had enough of his brothers and their love interests tonight. From Jungkook having a gun to his head to Jimin getting a bottle crashed upon his own head - he didn't want to hear what Taehyung and his own girl was into.

"Namjoon-ssi!" your cheeks redden at the familiar face. You stand straighter, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. "W-What are you...um, hello." you bite back your question, finding it idiotic. He was doing the same as you - possibly better.

The night was young for you. You weren't a partier by any means necessary and if you knew yourself enough, you'd know you would possibly end the night early. However, your sister wouldn't allow that so you'd remain here until they closed - unfortunately for you.

"Here!" your sisters screams into your ear over the loud music. She passes you a shot glass with clear liquid in it. "We need a shot of celebration!"

You smile awkwardly at Namjoon who offers you a smile in return. "I see. You're celebrating your promotion." he tells you.

Your sister notices Namjoom now and tilts her head. She eyes you and then him before offering a sinister smile. You knew that smile - and it wasn't anything good.

"Who are you?" she asks (rudely) to Namjoon, who ignores her rudeness and bows his head.

"Kim Namjoon." he tells her. "Detective alongside your sister."

She nods her head, the gears in her mind turning. She glances at you and before you can tell her to not speak, she does. "So you're the hot detective she wants to fuck-"

You managed to grab your sister's neck, wide eyes and mortified. She drops her shot glass on the ground, but you don't care. She hisses as you drag her away. "Are you crazy?" you scream at her as you enter the restroom, a few women leaving as you entered. "I have to work with him!"

Your sister massages her neck, a glare on her eyes. "So?" she retorts. "You need to get fucked. Give that vibrator a break."

You shoot her a glare, your hands inching to strangle her. However, you didn't need a scandal when you just managed to become a detective. You take a breath and look at her. "I understand. But out of all people there, my superior? How can I see him at work when you're drunk exposing me?"

Your sister laughs, her giggles irritate you. "Okay, I'm sorry." she says, hands up in surrender. "But, if not him at least someone. You're going to be a detective and you'll be even busier." she turns to look at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair as she spoke. "Let loose just for tonight."

Namjoon waits close when you drag your sister away, embarrassed. He had licked his lips when he admired your body in the dress. He has seen you many times for years now, the suits or officer uniforms, never in casual clothing or something so sensual as now. You wore a silk, burgundy dress that stopped mid thigh, backless and the way your breast pushed together, it was amazing how he managed to keep his eyes on your face. Your heels looked painful, but all heels did to a man, but the way they straps wrapped up your ankles he deems complete the look.

"Y/N-ah." Namjoon's voice interrupts you as you walk out the restroom, your sister slipping past the two of you and throws a wink over her shoulders. "Are you alright?"

You laugh nervously, not expecting to see him again for the rest of the night. You had full intentions of ignoring his prescence all together. "I'm okay, Namjoon-ssi." you assure. "I was just leaving eventually."

"Leaving?" Namjoon furrows a brow. "So soon?"

You nod. "Clubs aren't really...my thing." You were awkward now and mentally slapped yourself. Namjoon was an intimidating man, his eyes pierced into yours and even though he was just that, intimidating and full of masculinity, he was a man after all. An attractive man with broad shoulders, tall and muscular physique. The dimples and the smile was another thing added onto the plate that made Kim Namjoon, and you had to leave before you ended up on your knees for him.

"Same." Namjoon offers that smile to you, the smile you adored because his dimples popped and his eyes squinted. "I'm here with my brothers after all."

You nod. "My sister is around here somewhere." your eyes scan the crowded club for your sister to find her at the bar with a man. Your head tilts as you see the man dip down to her ear and whisper something to her.

"Ah," Namjoon hums. "Yoongi-hyung has found her."

"That's your brother?" you ask. Your sister was her own woman so you wouldn't stop her from doing anything, but that also didn't mean you were going to leave without her. It wasn't the first time you waited for your sister while she fucked her brains out - unfortunatly.

"Yes. He doesn't usually entertain anyone here." Namjoon knows the glint in Yoongi's eyes, it was the same one he notices in Jungkooks, Jimins and now Taehyung. The fire that drove them towards a woman - possibly the same glint in his eyes when he looks towards you. "Do you want to...dance?"

Namjoon wasn't much of a dancer - that wasn't to say he couldn't, he just didn't prefer to if it wasn't jokingly. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you, but he was willing to if that's what you wanted to do.

You gulp and shake your head. "I-I'm not much of a dancer." you kick yourself in the leg mentally, the act of dancing closely with Namjoon was the moment you needed. Yet, you weren't drunk enough to be that close and not feel nervous. "We can drink? Maybe until my sister is ready to go."

That wouldn't be anytime soon, Yoongi had already sat her on his lap as she downs shots, his eyes sparkling.

You were more surprised to know that Namjoon took you to a private room, the lights dim and atmosphere much quieter. You let out a sigh of relief as you sit upon the leather couch. Namjoon takes a seat beside you. Since it was only the two of you in the private room, your nose catches his scent. It's an earthy scent that smells heavenly fresh and refreshing, clean. Namjoon always smelt the best when it came to the men at work - maybe it was his age. The man you worked with in your department always smelt flat and bland, no hint of freshness or livliness to them.

"Shot?" Namjoon asks. Theres bottles scattering around the large round table with a few shot glasses. He grabs a random bottle, not bothered with looking at the name of it before he's pouring two shots. He hands you yours with a small smirk on his lips.

You take it in your hands nervously. With a small nod, you both down the shot. It's smooth, yet still hits your throat. It makes you feel warm and soon, you and Namjoon are taking shots back to back, both smiling and laughing. You felt more relaxed to be around him, your mind hazy instead of conscious and always on the lookout. You two talk between shots - about anything. Work, hobbies. He speaks of his brothers just as highly as you speak of your sister.

Your mind couldn't help but do back flips when Namjoon removes his suit coat, the tight fitted black shirt he wore underneath did things to you. It shots a warth straight to your core and now you're clenching your legs together like an obsessed school girl.

"Are you alright?" you hear Namjoon's voice but your head doesn't register it fast enough. Your hands have a mind of it's own when you reach out to touch his tone chest. Namjoon chuckles, his large hands place itself on yours. "You're having fun now. I like it."

You nod your head, eyes now meeting his. You gulp. His eyes are share when they stare into you.

"Do you need something?" Namjoon speaks after an intense staring match. He leans closer, his eyes scanning your lips. "You're tensing up again."

You lick your lips and snap your head away from him, cheeks reddening.

"You're supposed to be having fun." Namjoon quips.

"I am." you assure.

"We can have more fun." you feel Namjoon's hands on your knee, he doesn't take his chance to go higher until he knows you feel the same as him. "Would you like to have fun with me, Y/N?"

Your head is nodding frantically, seemingly desperate. You were tipsy so you ignored it. Namjoon lets his lips smile, the dimples on his cheeks making you flush.

"Come here." Namjoon taps your knee, hands reaching to your outer thigh. He motions for you to sit on top of him and you do. You can feel his bulge when you sit on him. "Kiss me."

And you do, your mind twirling. You couldn't believe what you were doing. Any relationship outside of friendship when it came to co-workers was prohibited by you - even when it was Kim Namjoon, the attractive detective who happened to be your superior. You couldn't allow any distractions or rumors to have you caught up.

But, Namjoon was a good distraction for the night. His hands rubbed along your exposed thighs and settled them on your hips afterwards. He grips upon them and starts to move you at a slow pace against his clothed cock. Your tongues are dancing against one another, hot and hungry for one another. Your own hands feel upon his chisled chest, then to his biceps; admiring the solid figure he possessed.

"Let me taste you." Namjoon heaves. He breaks the kiss, his hands roaming to your breast. He grips them, not waiting for an answer before aggressively pulling them out. He moans, his eyes darkening at the sight of your exposed, hard nipples. His tongue reaches out to swirl around them, his breathing increasing at the sweet melody of your moans. He pops them from his mouth after a few minutes, eyes dark when he glances up at your flushed appearance.

Namjoon grabs the alcohol bottle once more, bringing it to your lips. He enjoyed the tipsy part of you that didn't stiffen and shy away, much like himself. He tilts it to have you sip from the light liquid. You do, droplets falling from the corner of our mouth and down your chin, to your neck and your exposed breast. You giggle at the feeling.

Namjoon's tongue licks up the droplets, not having any self control. He trails his tongue back up to your mouth, his tongue on your lips. His right hand grips your ass while his left squeezes your breast. You let out a few swear words, Namjoon being the first man you been with in a while and the experience - while intoxicated - was amazing.

"I want you naked." Namjoon's voice is deep and rushed, leaving no time for you to react before he's tugging at the burgundy dress, leaving you in nothing but the thong you wore for the night and the strapped heels. Feeling your naked skin beneath him while he was fully clothed gave him the control he needed, he craved for, when it came to you. "You're so beautiful for me, Y/N." he murmurs against your flushed skin.

Namjoon now knows that he loves to touch you, but adores licking you. There was something in the way you squirmed and moaned when his tongue touched your skin. It encouraged him to continue, his tongue licking your nipples, your shoulder, between your thighs - wherever it led him. Now, his tongue has led itself to your clothed clit. You widen your legs for him to adjust perfectly between them. He places a kiss, his eyes watching you suck in a breath, before he moves the the panties to the side and marvels at how wet you were.

Your back arches when Namjoon's tongue flicks against your clit. He doesn't waste any time in devouring your clit, his sucking aggressive and loud. He had your knees pinned to your shoulders - because why did you keep trying to close your legs as if he was done with you? His hair bounces with him when he hastily shakes it from side to side, tongue sucking against your clit.

Namjoon tried to hold back, he did. He didn't want to be too aggressive for the first time with you. He wanted to be gentle, show you how he felt when it came to the beauty that was you. Maybe after the first few times then he would show you just how he wanted you. But the alcohol in his system, the lack of sex and the way you appeared filthy for him - moaning and grunting his name, begging for him to allow you a release...it made something in his flip. He was going to fuck you tonight - the way he desired for far too long.

Namjoon removes himself from your clit just as your orgasm was hitting in. You cry out, your pussy clenching around nothing. Namjoon chuckles darkly. He kisses your lips, your juices coating your lips as it does his. "Were you about to cum?"

You nod, eyes low.

"Why would I let you cum, Y/N?" Namjoon tsks. He hovers above you, his fingers trailing around your entrance. "You didn't even ask."

"Please." you moan, not caring if you sound desperate at this point. Your desire for Namjoon over the years had all poured out in one night. "Please make me cum, Namjoon-ssi."

Namjoon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He had to stop himself from fucking you right now - he had to be patient with you.

"I will." Namjoon chuckles. "After you promise to give me what I want."

"I promise." you cry out, feeling Namjoon's fingers enter you. He starts off with a punishing pace, your walls clenching around his fingers. His tongue is on your clit, rubbing it as his fingers pound inside of you. "I-I promise, Namjoon-ssi."

You aren't aware of your words, agreeing to whatever the man wanted as long as he made you cum - maybe it was dangerous, but you weren't scared. You felt utterly protected now with Namjoon and your intoxicated mind would give him whatever your sober mind wouldn't.

Namjoon removes his fingers from inside of you. He slaps your clit roughly, chuckling at your scream. You were now twitching, your orgasm left behind once more. "P-Please, Namjoon-ssi." theres tears in your eyes and if your sober self could look at you, you'd be humiliated and ashamed.

Namjoon tilts his head at you. "Do you promise to give me whatever I want, Y/N?" he murmurs.

You nod hastily.

Namjoon tuts. He leans closer to your ear. "I want your pussy wrapped around me." Your breathing quickened. You wanted that, as well. The idea of Namjoon filling you up made you wetter.

Namjoon plays with his belt before shoving his pants down, the sight of his bulge makes you licks your lips. "Can I suck it?" you slur, trying to get on your knees before he can respond.

Namjoon stops you. "Next time." he says with a dimpled smirk. "I want to fill you up now."

And you allow him, opening your legs so he could do just that. Your mind doesn't question anything, not even if a condom was involved. All you do know is that Namjoon's pushing into you and you've never felt so whole before. "Shit," Namjoon hisses, his eyes blownout. "you're so tight."

Namjoon enters you fully when you respond, "I haven't had sex in a while." you admit.

Namjoon buckles his hips. He knows, of course, but to hear you say it makes his heart (and cock) leap. He thrusts a few times to get you accustomed to him before he quickens his pace. The filthy sounds of your pussy are evident throughout the quiet room, you don't hold back any of your moans. Namjoon's eyes couldn't help but watch you - the way your lips are opened wide to release the strings of moans. Your breasts are bouncing in unison of his thrusts. He grunts, his mind imagining how they would look full of milk; how your stomach would look carrying his child.

His left hand strokes your stomach, his imagination running while. You'd look perfect for him, round carrying his child he'd fucked into you. Your breast would be swollen with the milk you needed to feed his child. You'd look so beautiful.

Namjoon removes himself once more, you weren't going to cum until he allowed you to.

Namjoon wraps a hand around your throat, squeezing enough for you to look at him. When your eyes meet his he has to stop himself from fucking you. "Why should I let you cum, Y/N? You haven't agreed to give me what I want."

"What do you want?" you cry out, the tears from your lack of orgasm now staining your cheeks. "I'll give you whatever you want, Namjoon-ssi." you slur your words, begging for him to just fuck you until you came hard around him.

"Whatever I want?" Namjoon hums, and at your nod he flips you around. He sends a hard slap against your ass, having it echo throughout the room. He enters you once more, not halting for you to adjust to him - after all your pussy was leaking for him already. He wraps a hand around your neck and brings you close to his chest so he can whisper into your ear, his thrust never stopping. "I want you to give me a baby, Y/N." he whispers into your ear.

It sends shivers down your spine - the way his voice rasps as he speaks to your intoxicated mind. And what intoxicated you desired was whatever Namjoon himself desired. You couldn't help but moan in reaction to his words.

"I want to fill you up with my cum, Y/N. You'll look so beautiful with it inside of you - with our child inside of you." Namjoon squeezes your neck more, his free hand playing with your clit, his powerful thrusts never cease. "Our baby will be so beautiful, Y/N, I want them to look just like you."

Your about to cum, Namjoon's kinks coming out - and you enjoying it - is sending you over the edge. Your pussy clenches around him, as if telling him to breed you. Namjoon growls loudly, you feel so heavenly around him. So wet and tight - your pussy being his and his only to fuck, to breed into. Being able to fuck his child into you - or children, the more the merrier - and witness your hips and stomach grow, your breast swell, it makes his high come near.

"Cum in me." you choke out, your senses out of your mind. All you did know was that Namjoon was fucking into you so good that you'd agree on anything right now. "Please, Namjoon-ssi, I want you to get me pregnant."

Your words make him cum, the two of you doing so at the same time. He makes it his mission to push you roughly against the couch and cum deep inside of you, making sure there was no cum left inside of him.

Public Enemy (Part 3)

"You go around telling everyone I fucked you?!" you hiss, phone pressed to your ear as you turned your car on. "I just became a damn detective a few weeks ago, Namjoon, I can't have my credibility ruined because of you."

"Y/N-ah..." Namjoon's voice is deep and soothing, but stern. "Calm your tone, please."

You take a deep breath. You sit your head against the window and let out a shaky sigh. You were a woman who fought too long and hard to even get considered in being a detective - the last thing you needed was a man coming between that. The session between you and Namjoon, though amazing, was nothing you could repeat.

"I don't go around telling my personal business. Jimin is a brother to me."

"And that makes it better?" you snap. You shouldn't have really - you and your sister talk all the time - mainly her speaking of her sexual adventures and the life she lived opposite to you.

"I'm saying what we have is safe with me, Y/N-ah." Namjoon voice makes your core quiver and you knew it was time to wrap this conversation up. You were needed around Seoul to continue your investigation. "Are you hungry? We can go out for lunch-"

"No." you interrupt. "We can't keep doing this. Pretending you weren't between my legs."

"Then don't." Namjoon words were dismissive. "I believe you're making it more complicated."

"I'm not. I have to go. I'll see you around, Namjoon-ssi." You don't wait for a response when you hang up.

You begin to drive, your hands wrapped around the steering wheel far to tight. You knew there was something about Jimin, something sinister in the way his eyes were on you. His girlfriend, a coincidence that she was apart of this investigation, had a nervous look in her eyes. You believed she knew more than what she led on, but was she the source of your curiosity- no. There was 3 more girls to investigate, after all.

You stopped at the large estate belonging to a newly engaged couple, one being another of Shin's girlfriends. You learned she was a high school sweetheart, having left her own home town and found herself in Seoul - now with a new partner. You parked outside the estate, the line of black cars with tinted windows didn't go unnoticed at your entry.

You make your way towards the front door, the large modern door opening before you can knock.

"I don't know how this man survived this long without a woman in his life." a girl hisses as she waves her hand around. "Bring that damn couch and put it somewhere else!"

You note that its Shin's girlfriend, just the one you were looking for. She places her hands on her hips and let lot a sigh. "My furniture delivery should be here soon and all of this has to be out before that." she tells the men - all in dark suits - with a shake of her head.

"Yes." the men say in unison. She leans against the door frame, her eyes now catching your attention.

"Hello?" she says with a head tilt. "Kookie isn't here. You just missed him actually." she huffs. "I'm sure he'll be back shortly."

You shake your head. "I'm here to see you."

She huffs. "Do we know each other? I booked a nail appointment and I don't think you're her." she smiles as she speaks.

You shake your head. "No. I'm a detective investigating Shin's case."

Her expressions turned and you swore her eyes darken. "That asshole." she rolls her eyes. "Well if you're here to question me come in." she strolls inside the large estate, she calls out for someone who comes rushing in. "Can you bring me some wine? And for..." her eyes turn to you.

"Water is fine." you say and the man scurries off in a hurry. She leads you to a seating area. "I'm sorry for the lack of decor. My fiancĂŠ didn't have anything here prior to me moving in. A few mattresses, couches and god ugly chairs."

"He's a man after all." you assure her, you both seated on stools. "How did the two of you meet?"

She sighs, a smile on her lips. "Dinner. Shin stood me up." she was quick with her words, more confident. "After the funeral we met again and I suppose we clicked. I know it's too soon..."

You shake your head. "Everyone grieves differently." you assure her. "But, I still have to ask a few questions."

The man returns with bottled water - an expensive brand you'd never think to buy - and a tall glass of red wine. She grabs it hastily and sips upon it. "What I need during an interrogation."

"It's not a full interrogation, surely. You're in the comfort of your home not in the interrogation room." you smile at her and she does the same. "But, as you know I have to ask you the usual questions."

"Yes. Where was I?" she sips her wine. "I was at home waiting for the man. Bought a new lingerie set for nothing."

You nod your head. "And how did you find out about him being shot?"

"Well, I got the phone call. I came as fast as I could but when I got there he was...gone." she lowers her eyes. "I didn't know about the others until the funeral. Imagine us all crying for the same dead man." she scoffs bitterly.

She lifts her eyes at you and shrugs. "Well, everything happens for a reason I suppose."

"Is that how you feel?" you question.

She gives a throaty laugh. "Yes and no." she sips her wine some more. "All I do know is that he is the reason I met Kookie - his selfishness. I left everything behind and risked being shunned by my parents for him to not even be faithful to me. But Jungkook is different, he caters to me but mostly he listens to me and there isn't anyone but me."

You took your own sip of your water. You felt for the woman - for all the women he toyed with. It was unsure if he felt any feelings for them outside of lust. But she were different - she was his high school sweetheart after all.

"I admit it's a shame how his death occurred." She stands, as do you. "Over the phone I was told he was going to survive when I spoke to the nurse. A little over 30 minutes later he was dead. It all happened so fast."

You hum, your eyes scanning her.

"It was as if a blink of an eye everything changed. I went through a lot just by his death and I'm sure the other women have, as well."

"My love!" a loud voice booms through the empty estate. You turn to see a dark haired man walk through. "You threw everything away?"

"They were trash. Why did you have 3 different color couches?" the woman groans and rolls her eyes.

"For the aesthetic." the man retorts as if it was obvious. His eyes turn to you and he smiles. "Ah, Y/N-ah! What brings you here? How did you two meet?"

"You know the detective?" the woman asks. "She's investigating Shin's case..." she trails off.

You furrow your brows at the man, though familiar, you couldn't bring yourself to remember from where. It was as if he knew you more than you did him.

"Detective...?" he tilts his head. "I didn't...know. Namjoon-hyung told us all about you..." he eyes his girlfriend, who does the same. "Said we'd be meeting you soon."

Your fist clench and now you're ready to physically attack Namjoon. This was the second time he made it into your investigation- you not being known as a detective but as someone associated with him. And you never told the man that the two of you were anything but friends - the sex being a one time thing only. His speaking of you to his brothers about meeting was something that would never happen outside of working hours.

Yet again, this isn't something you need to take lightly. Both of his "brothers" were also part of the investigation by simply being associated with the prior girlfriends of the victim. One girl was a coincidence - two now made an investigation that you weren't allowing it to be brushed away.

"Thank you." you bow your head. "You helped greatly in my investigation."

Jungkook watches you turn and walk down the hall. He follows you quickly. "How is the investigation going, noona?" he speaks.

"It's going...what was your name? Seeing as everyone knows me but I don't know anyone." you bit, making sure to talk to Namjoon eventually about his behaviour.

"Jungkook." he answers lowly. "What do you know so far about Shin's murder?"

"That's private, Jungkook-ssi. You surely know." you scold him, your hand on the door knob. You twist and open the door. "I suppose it was nice meeting you. I don't intend on returning unless I have more questions."

Jungkook nods. He waves as you walk down the stairs of his estate. "I'll be seeing you soon, noona." he says, as though he was sure of it.

Public Enemy (Part 3)

"Would you like anything to drink?" you ask the girl as she sits, arms crossed and eyes low.

She shakes her head - she's nervous, you note.

"You came here stating you had information on the case of Chang Shin." you tell the woman, sitting across from her. The interrogation room felt intimidating to anyone being questioned. It was cold, set that way to make anyone unsettled while being questioned. 

While you were out the day questioning those close to Shin, you brought yourself to Seoul's hospital to speak with one of the interns involved. After your talk with Jungkook and his fiance (surprisingly Shin's high school sweetheart) you take your notes to the hospital, your mind telling you foul play was involved. You questioned everyone involved with Shin - from the paramedics on duty that night, to the nurses who searved all the way to the Surgeon who operated on him and the intern - surprisngly a girlfriend of his, as well - that assisted. At your arrival, the intern appeared uneasy - fidgety. She couldn't look you in the eyes when she responded to your questions nor would she go into details about the surgery or what exactly led to his death. 

Kim Seokjin - the surgeon who operated on Chang Shin - had made himself present and it was no surprise that the man knew you, of course - thanks to Namjoon. However you had no time for introductions when you were on the clock  - you asked the question needed and as you expected, he was calm and collected; far more than his intern. His eyes never left yours and he even made a few jokes to make the situation light-hearted. His answers were quick and short, but well thought out. You were almost - keyword: almost - convinced until you noticed his eyes glance at the intern. His eyes linger a second too long and it tells you exactly the situation.

It was the same look Jimin and Jungkook gave.

"Ah, yes." the woman nods. She takes a breath before continuing. "My name won't be involved in this, right?"

"Is there a reason why?" you ask her. "Whatever you can give me now would be helpful but I'll need something to get back in contact with you incase I have any more questions."

"I can give you my number." she murmurs. "But my name...I really don't want to be involved. I don't know about these men I seen."

Your ears perked at the new found information. "What men?" you ask her. You take your phone out to start recording for your notes. 

"Um, I was walking and I saw these two men roughing up another." she says, her eyes glancing around the room. "Um, I stayed behind because, obviously and..."

You lean back into your chair. Hearing her words, you believed her. However, there were holes in this timeline that you had to address. "What time was this?"

"Um," she sighs. "in the middle of the night, maybe? Around a month ago."

"And why were you out in the middle of the night, may I ask?" you watch her lips catch between her teeth. A clear sign of nerves, and now you had to be intentive with whatever information she gives you. "Did you know any of these men prior to coming between them?"

"No." the woman answers far too quickly. "Um, I was...trying to find my boyfriend."

"In the...middle of the night? Alone?" you stretch out, raising a brow. "Did you recoginze any of these men?"

The woman shakes her head, but you notice how her breathing quickens. "I-I..."

"Calm down." you raise your hand at her. "It's okay. Take your time and remember, alright? The more you explain the more we can piece everything together."

"Okay." she nods. She leans in closer to the table, her elbows on them as she massages her temples. "I was looking for my boyfriend because he suddenly left in the middle of the night. I followed him for  at least 30 minutes, making sure I wasn't too close." you are certain that the woman would rather be anywhere else but here now, deciding if she should be talking or not. "But um...I saw him that night. He was with another guy...I couldn't see his face. They both had ski masks on."

"So how did you know it was your boyfriend?" you ask her. "May I have his name?"

The woman hesitated but continued. "Jung Hoseok." she murmurs. "They um, roughed him up a bit. They didn't kill him though...they took money and stuff."

You nod, your ears listen closely to the new information. This was a step forward into your investigation. 

"Are you still with your boyfriend? Did you ever confront him?"

"No. I left that same night...and when I saw the news about the man I...it took me a while to come but I couldn't stand it anymore." the woman appears torn. Her boyfriend could be involved with a murder and that fact could be eating her alive. You got the name, Jung Hoseok, and once you search deeper you'll see if he is in the database. You contemplate asking Namjoon if he knew the name - it was as though he knew everyone partially involved in the investigation. But you decide against it, this wasn't his investigation and you didn't need it being sabotaged. 

"Do you have a picture of him?" you lean forward. "If you mind sending it to me, I'll put a face to the name. It'll be much easier that way."

She nods, gulping. She goes through her phone to find a picture of the man and shows you. You hum, squinting your eyes. He was attractive, sure, with a wide smile with a pair of perfect teeth. Your mind swirls at where you seen him and immediately your gut is telling you a certain Kim Namjoon.

Your eyes reach hers and she averts her eyes out of uneasiness. "Is that all you needed?"

You nod your head. "Yes. It is. But if I may ask...are you safe?"

The woman gasps lowly. "Why wouldn't I be?"

It was a question you asked yourself after it came from your mouth. This investigation was deeper than anyone would know - involving ex girlfriends and new couples, people who were far too familiar (yet you couldn't put your finger on where). What you did know everything led to the same person in the end - Namjoon and his connections.

"It's my job to make sure." you offer a short smile. "Your help is appreciated. Please, we can exchange numbers in case something else breaks with the case."

Public Enemy (Part 3)

"I said we aren't fucking killing her!" Namjoon screams, his voice snapping aggressivly at the younger man - Taehyung.

"Then keep your bitch on a leash." Taehyung retorts with an eye roll. 

Namjoon stands, as does Taehyung. 

Jungkook raises his hands and cuts between them. "You two are being irrational right now." he shakes his head. "Hyung..." his eyes are on Taehyung. "You shouldn't have said that."

"Maybe not. But am I the only one thinking about the family?" Taehyung looks around to his brothers who all sit around them. 

"The family?" Hoseok scoffs. He was quiet up until this point. "You care about the family as if you aren't the reason we're in this damn mess now?!"

Namjoon nods his head in agreement. "Pussy had you roped up like the rest of us. The difference is the leash was around your neck." Namjoon snickers.

Yoongi sighs, his head was starting to hurt. Every time the 7 of them were together it was as if they did nothing but argue.

Taehyung lets out a bitter laugh. "Another difference is...she's at home. Regardless if the leash is around my neck or hers." his eyes glance between Hoseok and Namjoon's. "Your girl," he points at Hoseok. "is M.I.A for the last month and yours," he points to Namjoon, "is a detective investigating a murder we all had a hand in."

"And by the looks of it, she's on a roll of cracking it." Jin pipes in. "If she managed to see each of us in under one day then imagine just what she knows."

"Does it matter what she knows?" Jungkook steps away from his three brothers. He shrugs and chuckles. "Namjoon-hyung is apart of the same agency. He's gotten rid of informaton on us before."

"You're right there." Jimin hums, he places his phone on the table and nods. "But who knows what she found out and who she told."

"Or who else she interrogated." Hoseok hisses. "I have enough shit to take care of, I don't need to deal with this drama now."

Namjoon scoffs. "You should've chipped her phone when I told you to." he tells him. "But that doesn't mean she still can't be found. She can't get far."

"Right." Jimin nods, a smile forming onto his lips. "She doesn't have a car anymore."

"Did you freeze her cards like I told you to, Hyung?" Jungkook questions. "That's the only way to make her eventually come back willingly."

"If not, force is always best." Yoongi shrugs.

"Worse comes to worse, hyung, release a sextape." Jimin jokingly giggles, the memories coming back to him. "Ruin her reputation."

Namjoon drowns out the conversation. He needed to find a way for you to speak with him that wasn't over the phone. You managed to ignore his presence while at work and get away from him the first chance you had. His mind couldn't stop recalling the memories of weeks ago - you were right where he wanted you.

Namjoon wouldn't say he was obsessed with you - no. You interested him years ago when you joined the force. You were headstrong and determined to get where you were at now, a detective. You took the job seriously and the many moments he spoke with you prior, he knew just how interligent you were. Your ability to solve problems with little evidence was what got you the position as detective.

No, Namjoon was not obsessed. But he knew the way your eyes lit up when you found clues to whatever you were investigating. He knew how you enjoyed your coffee (or tea) before a long day and would often skip lunch to continue your work. When you did eat, you chewed on the same side each time and the pout on your lips he found adorable.

Maybe he was a little obsessed - only a little. But how couldn't he be?You weren't the same as his brother's girls (not that there was a problem with them). You had a job you worked hard in and dreams you followed. You adored your sister (who he was sure Yoongi was adoring but refused to say) and was protective over her - meaning that when he finally had you, you'd be the same with him and your child together.

"What are you thinking so hard about, hyung?" he feels hands around his shoulders. Jungkook eyes him.

"Maybe ruining her reputation is too harsh." Namjoon mumbles. "She worked far too hard for it."

Jimin rolls his eyes but doesn't respond.

Jin crosses his legs. "Then don't let it get too far."

"I agree." Yoongi nods. "She can be with you and keep her job."

"You'll just have to find a way for her to not leave you once she finds out the truth."

"Good luck with that." Hoseok scoffs, a bitterness and a hint of sadness in his own voice.

"Think of it as an eye for an eye." Jimin suggest. "You have something on her, right? You have to. Use it against her and make sure she doesn't think about leaving." Jimin then smirks. "I have the video of you guys fucking in the private rooms. Do you want to use that against her?"

Yoongi snorts.

Namjoon shakes his head. He knows you well enough now - just as much as you knew yourself. It's been weeks since he fucked you in that room. He knew well enough that you have yet to have your period and this would be his moment.

"Well, if that doesn't work, Hyung, then maybe ruining her reputation is where it needs to be." Jimin shrugs. "After all, she can't need you for anything if she has her own."

Public Enemy (Part 3)

You release a sigh as you enter your office. You weren't feeling like yourself. You took medicine to help with your upcoming cold - you were sure it was a cold. Your head often spins, you no longer drink coffee and stick to tea - only iced however - and feel light-headed more times than you can count. You told yourself it was the stress of the investigation and once you solved it, you'll be better than ever. 

You open your desk drawer and take out the small familiar packet of birth control. You leave it at work, taking it at the same time every day. You drown it down with the iced tea and shake your head. You proceed to go through your notes of everything you encountered through the last few weeks. Things didn't make much sense, however you knew one key factor was Kim Namjoon and his brother - two of who you met, Jimin and Jungkook, one who you seen at the club with your sister (who promised she wasn't involved with him), Yoongi. You suspected that Kim Seokjin was a part of the mix and a Jung Hoseok, the man suspected of robbing Shin and caught by his girlfriend. 

It didn't make any sense, however, how they were all involved with a drug dealer. Namjoon was a detective, Seokjin and surgeon and by the information you gathered on Jugnkook, he owned several businesses and properties around Korea. Jimin owned bars and nightclubs, the party life making him an abundance of money. Jung Hoseok was one of the same, his business being in foreign cars. Why would someone as rich and successful as them be entangled with the likes of a drug dealer?

There was a knock upon your door. You sigh, not looking up before responding. "Come in."

The door opens and close and when the person doesn't speak, you raise your eyes and freeze. 

"Y/N-ah." Namjoon stands tall above your desk. "You've been avoiding me."

"Why would you think that?" you retort, gathering your notes so he wouldn't have a glimpse of them. "I've been busy with the Chang Shin case."

Namjoon nods. He notices the way you close the notebook and gather up any notes you had. It amuses him that you think he doesn't know what you're up to - or what you already know. 

"What can I help you with, Namjon-ssi?" you ask him, your annoyance is growing. "I'm busy-"

"Why do you think you can push me aside after I fucked you so good, Y/N-ah?" Namjoon's demeanor changes as he stalks closer to you. "After you begged me to cum inside of you? I fucked you all night." 

You are startled by his words and change of appearance. He appears pissed, his eyes glaring daggers at you. 

"You came home with me and I fucked you all night, Y/N-ah. I know you enjoyed it - cumming around my fingers. On my lips, around my cock."

"Get out!" you hiss at him, lifting yourself up from your seat. "Get the fuck out before I-"

"Before you what?" Namjoon chuckles. This act you put on is adorable to him, but he was done tolerating it. "You walk around here as if you earned this job, Y/N and didn't fuck me to get it."

You slap Namjoon across the face. The audacity of this man. You regretted sleeping with him, but you knew your promotion came prior to you ever laying with him. This man befoe you wasn't the man you worked alongside of for years. 

Namjoon's eyes turn to slits as he eyes you. "I'm the one that gave you this position, Y/N." he says lowly, so low and filled with venom that it makes you step back. "You'd still be a useless police officer if I didn't give you this raise, never forget that. I can't take all of this away from you." he snaps, his hands flying around the room. "You should be a little more grateful for what I've given you."

You step back again, Namjoon's anger flying around the room. 

"Everything I've done was for you!" he roars, not caring if anyone was outside to hear. "I got you this job as a detective. I allowed you to be the highest paid police officer and now detective in this agency! And yet and still, you push me aside as if I'm nothing?"

You stiffen at his words. His admition - that you didn't work hard for where you got, you were given it just because he liked you enough to do it. 

"I didn't ask you to." you spit back. Now you were disgusted  - with him and yourself for not seeing who Namjoon truly was. "Demote me back to a police officer for all I fucking care."

You go around and grab your jacket, fresh tears tickling the corner of your eyelids. You felt horrible now in knowing that you weren't promoted for your abilities, for your intelligence but because this man knew how you viewed him and preyed upon it. 

"Where are you going?" Namjoon grasps your wrist and spins you around, and when he does you punch him in the nose. You don't stop, your anger gets the best of you in this terrible situation.

Your tears are now falling and you scream at him. "Get the fuck away from me!"

Namjoon manages to wrap his arms around you. He holds you close to his chest, shaking his head. He doesn't fight you, not even when your thrasting against him hissing out every swear word you could to get away from him. 

Namjoon strokes your hair. "Calm down. You're going to upset the baby."

You freeze on the spot. His hands then rub your back. 

"You don't think I'd allow you to leave me willingly?" Namjoon chuckles darkly. "No, I've planned this far ahead. Not even someone as amazingly intelligent as you wouldn't have figured it out."

Namjoon allows you to push away just enough for your teary eyes to look up at him in confusion. 

"I know you take your birth control here every morning. So much so that you even get it delivered every end of the month before your old one is finished. It's a hefty job to change those pills to sugar ones, but I do it. Every month. I know when you get your periods and when you're ovulating - you're my girl after all." Namjoon offers you a crazed smile, the dimples you once loved showing. "How do you think your sister was able to get into Persona for free of charge? She didn't tell you she," Namjoon raises his hand to do air quotations "won free entry and free drinks all night and she could bring one guest? Especially around the same time you got your promotion."

Realization dawns upon you. You asked your sister, but she never told you how. Your knowledge of the club was that it was high end and expensive, somewhere you'd never be again. But as Namjoon speaks, you couldn't help but feel your world crumbling around you. 

"I admit, when I saw you come through the door wearing that dress..." Namjoon shakes his head. "I wanted to fuck a baby into you right then and there. But I was patient, for you. I got what I wanted, Y/N. I managed to fuck a baby into you and now we can be the family we always wanted."

You push against his chest. "Get-"

"Don't." Namjoon hisses. "You have two options. You can keep this position as a detective. I'll give you another case to work on, of course, my brothers are quite upset that you manage to find them out so easily." Namjoon smiles at your wide eyed expression. "Or...you can be a part of a scandal. Someone will accidentally leak you getting fucked at Persona and you'd be publicly embarrassed and fired." Namjoon shrugs his shoulders. "It's your choice after all, my love. Just remember, think of the baby and yourself. I can give you an amazing life, Y/N, all you have to do is let me."

Your tears fall silently as your eyes stare at Namjoon. Never would you have thought the man would be like this, manipulating you into bearing his child and being with him. This wasn't the man you grew to have a crush on - the man with the dimpl smiled who destroyed everything accidentally on sight. Who would gift you little plants and bonsai trees whenever he seen them "just because". 

You cried harder, burying your face into his chest. Namjoon shakes his head with a frown. "I hate seeing you cry, my love." he sighs, his lips turning to a smirk. Why? Now he knew that you were his and he was yours - the way you cried close to him, fingers clenching his shirt told him everything he already knew you'd do. 

Public Enemy (Part 3)



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1 year ago

two point five. (m) jjk.


pairing. handyman!jungkook x reader genre. smut word count. 21.3k warnings. jungkook is very charming and very sweet, oral sex, face riding, slight size kink, unprotected sex, lotsa messy kisses, multiple orgasms summary. who would have thought booking a handyman from an app would lead to this. sure, you wish he’d mount you instead of just your television, but you could totally be friends. right? note. this story was born from an ask game (a long time ago im so sorry) so thank you to the angel that gave me the fic title and all you cuties for helping me flesh out our handyman through asks hehe i hope you like the introduction to him™ because i’m sure there will be more of him soon hehe. also thank you to my angel bby loml @kithtaehyung​ for making the most beautiful banner ever ily!!<3


The sound of your power drill fills up the space of your apartment, the whirring coming to a quick stop only for the laughter of your friend to follow. There’s a brief moment where you forget she’s not in the room with you, actually watching you attempt to drill holes into your new apartment instead of in her home in a completely different state. The small ache in your chest is still felt when you remember this, not yet accustomed to being so far from home, but you push it away as you stare down at your device and see her face on the screen propped up a few inches away from you. 

“I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” she laughs, and although you agree you simply wave her off with a smile. 

“I hung up that tiny mirror the other day—oh, and that shelf!” You point to the side, staring at the shelf you had placed near the kitchen. Sure it was a little crooked, and you’re not exactly sure how much weight you could get away with placing on it, but it was only meant for cute decorations so really, you didn’t do a bad job. 

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