Yoongi Soulmate Au - Tumblr Posts
Ahh I'm so in!!! 😍😍😍.

Summary: “You’re mine”. The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes. “That’s the first song I’ll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here”.
Chapter 2 (5.3k words)
Yoongi's POV
When my performance on the stage finally comes to an end, it's to the awareness of an indescribable feeling that's swarming my chest, a pull that comes from outside of me and right at my heart.
When I first started singing, beneath the adrenaline of being in front of such a crowd, I felt a growing panic unlike anything I'd ever felt before, and I couldn't even begin to understand what it was or where it came from that it was gone.
The small whisper of a voice had filled my mind, but it was so quiet in the loudness reaching my ears that I couldn't understand a single thing it said. Now that I'm done, of course, it's fully quiet.
Did I actually have my soulmate here and missed them?
I look over my arms from every angles possible once down from the stage, but there's nothing except for a hollow feeling in my soul. If it was truly my soulmate, and if that was the bond locking in place, I should still be feeling something, or at least hearing them, isn't that how the new bonds work?
Is it incomplete? Is that what this is? Because I didn't hear their first words to me?
I numbly make my way to the bar, my only comfort here being the man who once owned the entirety of my heart. It was at a time when I thought that I could live this life without my fated one by my side, until I realized that I was only scared and avoiding fate. I'd told Hoseok, and then took back only half of that heart.
He's always had a piece of it, I was never one to deny that kind of truth. I've missed him a lot despite having each gone our different paths, and I think it's fair to say that I might have at least half of his too.
I drop on one of the stools, guitar case propped against the wall beneath the counter before I'm looking over my skin once more, hoping somehow that I would have mislooked the first time. Alas, no, still nothing.
"What's wrong, Yoongi?" I hear Hoseok ask as he joins my corner, eyes looking me over with concern.
I sigh before shaking my head, I don't even know where to begin so I don't sound crazy. "I'm not sure, Hobah. I... fuck" I rough up my hair with my hands, I'm so mad at myself for not stopping everything sooner to find them, what if they're gone forever?
"I think... my soulmate was here, Hobah" I finally reveal, and his gasp encourages me to keep talking.
"I felt these emotions that weren't mine, but they were so weak that I barely sensed them, and that voice... so quiet, and I can't believe I didn't shut up for a second back there. It all stopped suddenly, I don't know who it could be".
"You don't know who it is?" he repeats, hands naturally grabbing my wrists to turn my arms over and have a closer look. "You didn't hear anyone speak? Didn't you see someone react to your voice when you were on the stage?" he asks in a hurry, scared for my sake, always such a nice guy, that Hoseok.
I try to think back to my quick scan of the room at the beginning, but I was so nervous that- wait. I did notice something strange, didn't I?
"That... there was a girl at the front desk, the... she wore the hostess uniform. I remember finding strange that she lost her balance after I spoke, but then she left to the kitchen and I didn't see her again after that" I mumble, didn't the voice and feelings dim around the same time?
"You mean Y/N?" Hoseok asks, face turning paler, yet tighter as he stares at me with a stiff look in his eyes, a tic in his jaw that I haven't seen often. "Y/N... she could be your soulmate, you say? Are you sure you saw that right?".
Taken aback by the sudden coldness in his voice, I gape at him for a few beats. "I- I don't know, Hobah. Maybe? Maybe not".
His gaze sweeps the restaurant then, and I do too, wondering where she could be by now. Maybe we'll have our answer if we ask her, and then he can tell me what's up with that reaction. He's never reacted that way towards me before, not a single time.
"Hoseok, have you seen Y/N? I can't find her. I first thought she went to clean the bathrooms, but she's not there" Namjoon takes that time to break the tensed silence when he comes over with worry in his eyes, and Hoseok perks up with renewed nerves when he shakes his head.
"Is she not near? Yoongi said that he saw her head to the kitchen, is she still there?".
"I'll have a look" Namjoon answers with a frown before running there, and we wait anxiously where we are, gaze looking over each tables and moving bodies, wondering where she could have disappeared to.
"It's not like her to leave without telling us... where'd you go, my sweet little sugar bear?" he mumbles under his breath, he looks so troubled that he can't see her right now, like an owner who can't find sight of their pup at the dog park.
"She went home, she told one of the kitchen staff. They said she was crying when she left".
My head quickly snaps back to Namjoon as he says those words, his face set in stone as he pulls his phone out of his pocket to send her a message, I imagine. Or a call, I rectify my thought when he brings the device to his ear.
"She was crying?" Hoseok's voice turns an octave higher, and I immediately recognize there the man who would've run out to find her if he wasn't tied here by his job. Does he like her? Are they dating? Is that why he's behaving this way?
"I don't know, it's still ringing- hey, bun? Hey, calm down, why are you crying?" Namjoon promptly falls into soothing mode when she accepts the call, and my heart stutters nervously as I instinctively lean closer to try and hear what they're saying.
My old friend's eyes fall on me in shock, and I stare back with round eyes as he nods his head softly. "I understand, baby girl. It's okay, I got this, don't worry. Have something warm to drink and don't overthink about everything, I know you. It'll be fine, everything will be fine, I promise".
Hoseok's pacing behind the bar by now, the other bartender's wary eyes on us as he listens silently. It looks like he's seeing the bigger puzzle more easily than we can, and I don't even know the guy. Is he a friend of theirs?
With the phone now put away, Namjoon sighs deeply before staring at Hoseok. "First of all, she's alright. Emotionally drained, but physically unharmed. She made it home before the rain got worse, she said she'll take a bath to warm up".
He heaves a long sigh of relief, one that seems to come from deep within his guts, and I purse my lips tightly. If the pieces of the puzzle I can see go where I think they go, we've got ourselves a big mess on our hands right now.
Namjoon now stares at me, and he looks very unsure of where to begin, something he's not known to go through much. "You're mine, she's got those words on her arm. She heard your voice in her head and felt your emotions. It got too much, so she left before it became any worse".
"Fuck" Hoseok whispers as he drops his head against the surface of the counter. He hits his forehead a few times over the cold marble, and I'd be tempted to stop him if I wasn't feeling so guilty right now. "Fucking damn it".
I stare at his form in silence, my own mind processing what Namjoon just said. She has my words on her skin, but instead of being happy about it, all I can register is that it drained all the joy and hope from the only man I ever loved.
"You like her" I comment softly, it's so obvious with the way he's drooping so powerlessly in front of me. It's just like when I put an end to what we had all those years ago, and I hate being behind that kind of sight a second time.
He stands back up, a hand running through his hair to free his gorgeous face that's currently glistening with sweat. He doesn't look me in the eyes, but he doesn't need to for me to see the emotions in them.
He's pissed.
"I do, and fate seems to find it incredibly fun to take everyone from me, one after the fucking next".
He sighs deeply, then finally dares to stare at me. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. It's not your fault. Y/N's a wonderful girl, you two will be good together. I'm just... fuck, there's no good way to say this. I really saw my future with her, and I was hoping that she would give me a chance if I kept being patient".
Well... fuck indeed.
He's literally letting me know that he hoped to take my soulmate from my hands. Not from mine personally because he didn't know, but still. He wanted her, and now I took her from him. Or the bond did, anyway.
"I feel terrible, but I can't give up on her, Yoongi. She's- she's my little angel, I can't let her go. I'm sorry" he adds in a guilty whisper that I can only acknowledge. God, I don't hate him for being so straightforward about this, but I don't know how to feel right now.
I want my soulmate, it was always what I wanted for my future, to be with them. Now, I'm closer to her, my good friends know of her, but they also want her. Or, Hoseok does, anyway. I don't know about Namjoon and that other guy.
How crazy... to think that Hoseok and I dated each other before. Not officially, we never called each other boyfriends or whatever title was needed back then, but our feelings were real, and they meant so much to me.
Now we're tied to the same woman, one with a bond, the other with the heart.
This isn't what I thought would result out of meeting him again tonight. I honestly don't know what I would've preferred to see happen, because it's not like we could resume dating each other anyway. I'm still and will always be firm on my wish to be with my soulmate.
"I get it, Hobah... it's okay" I let out with a sigh. I could never be mad at him.
"Well... that's not all" Namjoon takes that time to clear his throat, and the uncertainty is back on his face. The why isn't explained right away, but the lit up screen of his phone raises questions, especially when they seem to be pictures.
"Erm... does a... 'please look at me' ring any bells to either of you? She just sent me a picture of another mark on her other arm".
Hoseok's mind stops functioning altogether as soon as Namjoon says the small sentence, and the next thing we know, he's pulling on his sleeves with an urgency that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Tonight is a lot, in every possible way.
"Impossible" he mutters as he stares at his arms, eyes glancing from me to his forearms, and again, and again. "This makes no sense. Show me your arms again, Yoongi". Why can't things be happening normally, tonight? Were we always doomed to a chaotic and eventful life?
Not understanding the slightest bit what's going on, I obey, not seeing right away the new ink that has appeared on my skin while we weren't paying attention.
"This makes no fucking sense" Hoseok repeats, looking like he's been shocked out of his mind.
"What-" I begin, only to shut my lips at the sight of my words on his skin, from when I first saw him at the bar earlier.
I missed you, Hobah. That's what I'd told him.
You're home, Yoongi, he'd said, and here it is, now forever printed onto my body.
The words are there, as real as he is in front of me.
That should be it, except that there's another sentence on his other arm. What if it is fate.
What is going on right now?
"I did read something about this last night, while I was half asleep. I had to search a bit to find the article again, but this is it" the other bartender finally speaks as he shows us an article on his phone, as if he was ready for this.
Maybe he was, since he took the time to find this blog while we were talking. The title?
Bond adoption, a new bond type, a hope for the severed souls.
"What's this, Jin?" Namjoon asks as he joins his side to have a look, too involved with our mess to ignore an opportunity to understand what's taking place right now. Hoseok and I are staring at one another, then at the two other men, too baffled to say anything.
"It's an article that talks about... well, the title says it all, Joonie. Hoseok is without bond because it was severed a long time ago. It says here... yeah, see? Right here, that in the scenario of a new bond forming... oh, I don't know, you keep reading that. I'll deal with the customer here".
Jin entrusts his phone to Namjoon, then walks to the beer taps where someone is waiting for a drink order, and Hoseok joins him in reading the text while I impatiently wait on my stool, feet nervously tapping on the foot rest.
Of all things to happen tonight, this was not what I imagined.
Even after seeing Hoseok, this is still not what I imagined.
"Yeah... Jin is right. It says here that people like me, should they be near the formation of a new bond, risk being... pulled into said bond. A bond adoption, literally. It's still new and they don't have a lot of information, but it's happened a few times in the last two months already".
Hoseok frowns then, and I feel my heart getting ready for a leap of faith down an abysmal hole in the middle of nowhere. What? Why is he making that face when things are already getting out of hand? Can't I get some respite for one second?
"There's just something that bothers me about this, and I don't know what to think of it. It's about her mark. When Y/N told me those words, that wasn't the first time she'd spoken to me today. Far from it. We were mid-conversation".
Namjoon hums as he keeps scrolling down the article, looking in his element.
"Well, I'm guessing that adopting someone in the bond means, in some kind of way, going against the natural course of life. The bond must have been fluctuating around then to fit you in, so only a specific time allowed the words to register. Something must have been the trigger, like... emotions, desire. Of course, that's only my guess".
I'm going to get a headache, or I will puke, I seriously will.
I thought Hoseok and I were going to have to fight against one another for the same person, and now it ends up that he's suddenly... our soulmate? Was it only a last minute decision from fate, or was that always the plan?
The marks on his arms are as real as my own. What I don't understand, in that case, is why I wouldn't hear his voice in my head or feel his emotions like I did with Y/N. Does it not work the same if he was pulled into the bond when he wasn't meant to be in it to begin with?
Maybe it needs more time. The words did take longer to show up on us despite the fact that they were spoken a while ago. Same goes for Y/N, the pictures she sent Namjoon seemed to have shocked her, a new development that she hadn't seen coming.
Who would expect anything like this, if we're being honest for a minute? This night is enough to make a movie out of it, or at least a novel. People would give up a lot for that kind of plot, and here I am living it in real life. That shouldn't be possible, and yet it is.
"I swear, knowing that we won't have to fight over her is the best news I've ever had" I let out with a grunt and a rub of the hand to my tired eyes, "but I really could do with something strong to drink right about now".
Hoseok can't resist the snort that leaves him then, his nerves melting away now that he's been given what feels like a miracle. What's there to fight if he's part of the bond too? We'll get to walk forward together, why didn't we consider that as an option to begin with?
"Whisky? I can give you the strongest we have, but I can't guarantee it won't knock you out".
"Make it a shooter, I'll tempt fate. At this point, it's not like things can get any worse. Our problems got fixed right before our nose" I utter with a shrug that doesn't represent well the fear that was about to crawl up my guts just a moment ago.
"We haven't talked to Y/N yet, your assumption that there is no problem anymore doesn't hold" he counters calmly as he slides the shooter glass in front of me before finding the alcohol that will punch my guts out from within. Maybe it'll help me to wake up.
Or I'll just fall into a coma for the night, who knows. This feels like I'm throwing a coin in the air.
"Then we talk to her, and we make sure to be on the same page, the three of us" I retort again before downing the liquid once he's poured a small amount in it. The burn doesn't waste any time in dousing my throat with its liquid fire, and feeling it slide down all the way to my stomach feels...
Invigorating. Yeah, that felt great.
With my chin, I motion for him to fill it once more, which he does, not without a glance of curiosity at my face.
"If in... let's say ten minutes, you're still breathing, Yoongi, I will be seriously impressed".
"Go on, just say that you want me out of the picture so you can get your little angel to yourself".
"Don't tempt me, Yoongi. I might just pour that glass a third time, just to see what would happen".
We both huff, our usual easygoing back-and-forth taking over quickly now that the worst is behind us. We've always been easy creatures, I guess. Keeping grudges has never been a strong point of ours, otherwise, we wouldn't have been so happy to see each other to begin with.
I down the liquid a second time, then wince at the renewed fire. "Oh gosh, I think it's hitting for real now. I'm not driving home, am I?".
"You can bet your ass you're not driving. Just come to my place for the night, Yoongi, then we can talk with Y/N tomorrow. I mean, unless you're dead by then. I'll take good care of her if that happens, but feel free to haunt us if you want. It'll be like you never left".
"You're a bitch, Hobah" I throw his way when he snickers, "but I'll take the offer of sleeping at yours. I'll just... take the couch or something".
"I'm not keeping a drunk man in my bed, even if it's you. You were going to take the couch either way".
Great. I'd forgotten how cold he can be at times.
"Fuck off, man. Give me another shooter".
"You're choosing death, interesting".
Your POV
Waking up the next morning to both of my arms covered with inked words keeps my brain from working properly for a good hour as I remain in bed, my eyes glued onto each letters.
After I sent Namjoon the pictures, I went to have a bath before going to bed, mind shut off from any thoughts, I was that exhausted. I don't remember feeling my head hit the pillow, so I must have fallen asleep real fast.
I slide a finger over my arm with a sigh past my lips.
Yoongi's You're mine, and Hoseok's Please look at me, they both rest there with a truth that cannot be explained to my confused and exhausted mind. None of this feels real. I thought waking up would have brought things back to normal, but instead, the ink has simply gotten darker.
Yoongi, I can understand. But Hoseok? We've known each other for over a year, so why now? Not to mention that those words don't make sense. We've spoken a few times last night, but those weren't the first.
What the hell is going on?
I grab my phone to open Namjoon's messages when I find some I hadn't seen last night, which is when Hoseok's number calling me pops up on the screen. My heart skips a beat, then begins a tantrum in my chest that scares half of the butterflies resting there. They all fly off into the air, and my stomach fills with uncomfortable fluttering.
Great, that's just great. I thought that was supposed to stop once I'd get my soulmate? Soulmates?
I take in a deep breath, then answer the call, knowing that this can't be avoided forever. We're going to have to talk about this one day or another. "Hey, Hoseok" I whisper in greeting, nervous of the direction this conversation will go in. It can go bad or it can go great, and I'm hoping for the latter.
'Hey, my sugar bear'.
The use of his most endearing nickname has me melting right where I am, and I can't help it when my eyes fill with tears again, as if I hadn't cried enough last night. Namjoon told them about the marks, right? What is he thinking right now?
'Did you sleep well, honey?' he asks at my silence, and I hum through a lump in my throat, a sniffle before I pat my cheeks with the back of a hand. I bet I'm the only one who managed to sleep at all last night.
"I blacked out in bed, I don't remember falling asleep" I reply softly. "You- did you sleep well?".
He chuckles lightly. 'That's good, honey. I didn't really sleep, honestly. Yoongi got knocked out after drinking four shooters of the strongest whisky we have, so Namjoon helped me to carry him to my place after our shift. He's still sleeping on the couch'.
I purse my lips at that, oscillating between laughter and worry. It's a mix of both that leaves my dry lips, and I would cringe at the sound if I wasn't so scared right now. Is Yoongi not living well with the fact that we're soulmates?
'Jin found an article about our situation and made us read it. He said he would send it to you, did you see?'.
"Oh, I didn't have a look at my messages yet. I briefly saw Namjoon's, but you called when I was about to read them" I answer as I push myself out of bed to head to the kitchen, in need of a good coffee to start up my brain properly.
'I see. It's... well it talks about bond adoptions. You know that I am- was without bond, right? It got severed when I was in high school. The article basically explains that in case of a bond forming near such a person, it's apparently possible to be pulled into the bond now. It's very new, but there have been a few cases in the last couple months, or so the article says. Namjoon thinks that since it's an unnatural process, the words we ended up having weren't necessarily meant to be our first ones'.
I nod my head slowly, hearing an explanation, no matter how much of an incomplete hypothesis it may be, helps my brain to better understand what happened last night. Maybe it's not as random as I first believed that Hoseok liked both Yoongi and I.
I turn on the coffee machine, then turn around to lean against the counter while the water heats up.
Please look at me ironically stares back at me as I raise my arm. Were they chosen from all the other things we said because they were filled with the most emotions? "What words were you given? What- what are my words?".
'What if it is fate. With Yoongi, it ended up being our first words, strangely. I have I missed you from him'.
We're really ending up with the weirdest sentences on our skin, aren't we? But then again, it could be a lot worse. Some people try everything to alter their mark, without much luck. Not everyone is lucky when it comes to meeting their soulmate for the first time.
"What does Yoongi have?".
'From you, nothing yet, but he has you're home from me' Hoseok answers all my questions without complaining, his only hope being that I'm alright on my own. He doesn't know yet how I feel about all this and it's making him nervous.
"I have you're mine from Yoongi" I blurt out then, feeling awkward. "It's... I feel terrible, Hoseok. That kind of mark should be on you, not me-"
'No, Y/N, it's yours and things are perfect as they are, I promise' he counters my growing panic with a calm but firm tone, and I close my eyes as my heartbeat bounces left and right within my ribcage. 'I'm not mad at you, honey, nor is Yoongi. You didn't steal anything, or anyone for that matter'.
"I was so scared" I reveal after taking in a deep, shaky breath.
"Last night, when I saw the two of you, I thought... there, Hoseok can finally get his happily ever after since I can't give it to him. He deserves to be loved properly, and then I got Yoongi's mark and I- I freaked out. I couldn't face you, I felt like I'd taken everything from you and I hated that".
It's silent for a moment, and then I hear him sigh softly.
'I'm sorry for handling everything so badly yesterday. It was so sudden for all of us. I was happy to see him, and yes, it did bring back feelings that I had pushed aside. But Y/N, I swear to all that is good, I never even once thought getting back with him was a possibility because I wanted you. Hell, I was ready to rival against him to earn your heart once I found out that you were soulmates, I told him that I couldn't give you up, no matter what'.
My eyes widen at that, and the butterflies run rampant throughout the entirety of my body, so much so that I could probably fly if I gave it a try. I shall not, but the thought is there.
'Now, of course, if the three of us are in the same bond... I'm certainly not complaining. Yoongi's hopeful that everything can go forward with everyone happy from now on, but I didn't want him to take your approval for granted. You wanted your soulmate, but without a single warning, you ended up with two, one of them being me' he continues, needing to hear what I think of it all before he loses his mind.
'Is it... is it bad news to you? Do you wish it were only Yoongi?' he asks his last question with so much vulnerability in his voice that it physically hurts me to hear. He believes that I would be disappointed to have a bond with him?
"Hoseok... if only you knew the amount of times I wished you were my soulmate, just so I could finally stop fighting those feelings" I admit a truth that I only ever told Namjoon and Jin, and his breath itches in his throat. "Of course, I want to get to know Yoongi too, he's my... my soulmate too, but I could never see you as bad news".
'Thank goodness... this makes me so happy, Y/N, truly. Does that mean- are you willing to give this a try? The three of us?'.
The three of us... there's a nice ring to those words, strangely. A bond of more than two people is... rarely, if ever, seen. It's always been only two people, but if everything as we know them is changing, then it's safe to say that this will happen more and more from now on.
"I am. I'd be stupid to say no, I literally got all my wishes coming true in one night" I chuckle at the end, and Hoseok releases a happy laugh, letting go of every fear and nerves he had. The sound alone brings the sun back in my life, and it feels damn good.
'That's true. Fate was generous with us'.
Now feeling much better, I turn around to put a mug on the coffee machine, after which I press on the biggest size before walking away so the noise doesn't irritate his ears. It's always so loud, even for me.
'Should we meet up today before work? We could bring breakfast, or lunch, if Yoongi doesn't wake up soon. It would mean the world to me if I could be there while you get to know each other. You're both a little awkward with new people and I feel like someone will need to help you'.
I grunt low in my throat before grabbing my coffee once ready, and I carefully sip the burning liquid before answering. How dare he bring up my awkwardness into this conversation. "Only if you bring my favourite food, Hobi".
He chuckles, relieved and endeared all at once upon hearing my nickname for him again. Hobah from Yoongi and Hobi from me, he truly is a spoiled man.
'I'll even bring your favourite dessert, how's that?'.
'Good. I'll let you know when he wakes up, meanwhile I'll go get some medicine for his hungover. That silly bastard, if I knew he'd sleep so much this morning, I wouldn't have poured that fourth shooter. He's in for the worst headache of his life once he wakes up'.
"Don't speak badly of our soulmate, Hobi" I tease him, a giggle past my lips when he grumbles with more vigor.
'Because it's you... fine, I'll be nice. You have the rare opportunity to think about the first words you want to tell him, sugar bear, so you might want to think about it in the meantime, hm? You're of the few lucky ones, so don't let it go to waste'.
I gasp, the knowledge that I've yet to have my mark on Yoongi getting me anxious all over again in the blink of an eye, though this time there's also an excitement at the prospect of being able to choose.
How many get this chance?
"Shit, I almost forgot about that. I- I gotta go, let me know when you're coming!" I blurt out before ending the call abruptly, after which I get my notepad to write down every single ideas that are about to cross my mind.
I have the upper hand right now, I have the most power out of our bond, I can't let it go to waste!
"Let's find the best sentence... it's gotta be the best one".

Summary: “You’re mine”. The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes.“That’s the first song I’ll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here”.
Chapter 1 (4.8k words)
Lost in my head, I'm setting my coat and bag into my locker in the back of the kitchen when a tap on my shoulder suddenly reveals Namjoon standing besides me, and I release a soft breath before shutting the metallic door, after which we walk out of the kitchen side by side.
"You got here early today, bun" he comments as we join Jin at the bar, where he's currently polishing the glasses with a smooth towel. He's got that habit of lining them up by the beer taps before his shift begins, knowing that his first half hour will go stress free until he needs to starts the first wash.
"I couldn't sleep that well, so I woke up early and decided to be on my way sooner. Figured I could take it easy with my only friends while we wait until the restaurant opens up" I answer with a little shrug that makes him hum in response.
"Switch the 'only' for 'best', and I won't complain about that sentence you just made". He throws in a wink at my endeared smile before guiding me to one of the stools at the bar counter while he takes the other. "Why couldn't you sleep? Did something happen?".
Jin pushes two glasses of water in front of us while listening in on our conversation, his eyes showing a similar concern as Namjoon when he hears that I've yet to get a good night sleep. It's been happening often, recently.
I met the two men when I got hired at NightSeoul about a year ago, and we've grown very close since then. Then there's also Hoseok, the other bartender and possibly the most handsome man I've ever met, who makes me feel ways I shouldn't. That part's a bit of a mess.
I drink some of the water as I think back to the last few days at Namjoon's question.
"You know, it's the usual. My heart stutters for no reason, like... palpitations. I feel like I have butterflies hatching from their cocoons every single night, except that they're released in my chest instead of outside, and the buzzing keeps getting worse as time goes".
They both look at each other, then at me again. Jin is the one to speak this time.
"Bunny... that could be sign that you're going to meet your soulmate soon. I've heard that it's a new symptom, doctors have been studying it since not too long ago and apparently, within the week, their patients usually state that the feeling has stopped after meeting their other half".
My breath gets stuck in my throat at the words he just said and I look up with round eyes. What?
"He's right" Namjoon insists at my face of disbelief. "I've read about that too, every articles have been backed by the Association of Soul Doctors. They say that the symptoms seem to have evolved, and by consequent, the bonds too. Existing bonds haven't experienced any changes yet, but new ones have been known to include more than the regular first words tattooed on your skin".
"Wait, what are you saying, guys?" I blurt out, this is all so sudden to me that I don't know how to process that new information. What do they mean, the bonds have changed? Are we going through a new era of soulmates? Is that it? How come I didn't see those articles?
Jin sighs as he adjusts his bow tie over the white collar of his uniform.
"It's different for each bonds. Your first words are still inked on the other's skin, but some people have reported being able to hear their soulmate in their mind, feeling their emotions, or even seeing them in their dreams, that kind of thing. The list is being built from scratch since this wasn't a thing before. New bonds are requested to inform the nearest clinic of any unusual details so they can gather more data".
Well, I'll be. "So you're saying that I could be meeting my soulmate within the week" I repeat, just to make sure that I understood that part well, and they both nod at the same time, their eyes showing that they believe that hard as steel.
"When did those symptoms start, bun?" Namjoon asks with a curious tone, now leaning over the counter to have a better look at my face. It shows that he's very interested in my situation, and I'm convinced he'd follow me home everyday just to be first to know any changes if he could.
"It was... four... no, five days ago?" I answer hesitantly, it's hard to put an exact date on it, but it's been a good week where I haven't been able to sleep properly. Is my soulmate stuck in the same boat, unable to have a full night sleep?
"Then you have, today included, three days left where you could potentially meet them" he utters with a look of awe on his face, something I wish I could reciprocate at the moment. This is all so... I wasn't expecting to hear that tonight.
"We'll see, Namjoon. Other case scenario is that I'm dying and we'll find out only once I'm dead".
"Oh, you" Jin scolds from the other side of the counter, a frown on his handsome face as he boops my nose gently. "Don't say things like that so seriously, you'll make us sad, and especially Hoseok. You know he has a feelings for you".
I throw my head back at that. Why did he have to hit me with that argument?
In actuality, Hoseok doesn't have to wait after his soulmate anymore ever since he found out that his bond has been severed, most likely due to his soulmate passing away. He isn't tied to anyone, so he's free when it comes to whom he wants to love.
The problem here is that it's harder to openly reciprocate those feelings when I still have a soulmate.
I feel like I would betray them if I were to choose someone else instead, even if I do have feelings for him, and I can't find it in me to do something like that. It wouldn't sit right with me, like I was doing something very wrong.
"Jin... if I'm going to meet my soulmate soon, the chance that Hoseok and I get together is even lower" I utter softly, then watch as both of their faces soften at my vulnerability.
Jin covers my hand with his while I continue talking, eyes fidgeting between their own. "I can't... I don't want to hurt Hoseok and give him false hope, so I should try to be with my fated one first. After, if it doesn't work out, maybe, if he still wants me. But not before I can meet them".
Lips purse, but no one speaks, knowing that I'm making a good point. It's not fair to Hoseok if I date him, fully aware that there's a chance I might dump him for my soulmate the next day. That would be vile.
There's only one person who doesn't think the same way, and he doesn't fail to let us know as he stops behind our group.
"So you are considering me, then. I wasn't sure anymore until now, that makes me feel better" Hoseok's voice speaks up all of a sudden, making me tense up immediately, and my eyes widen on Jin who sheepishly shrugs, he hadn't noticed that he'd gotten here either.
I turn around to stare at the tall man's athletic and toned body as he walks to the kitchen to put away his belongings like I did earlier, my lips pressed guiltily until Namjoon rubs my back in soothing motions.
I hate this situation, because I'm not indifferent to Hoseok. He's a really good guy and we get along well. He's caring, funny, talented. He makes me feel pretty and loved, and seeing him laugh whenever we joke around is honestly the missing rainbow in my otherwise bare sky.
I would be happy with him, I know that for a fact. He makes me feel good, he makes life shine brighter than ever, but the fact that he is without soulmates doesn't mean I am the same, and who's to say that I wouldn't fall head over heels for them upon meeting?
I can't break his heart, that would feel even worse than rejecting him now. It's just... what if it doesn't click with my soulmate? What if we don't get along?
I let my head fall in my hands, I hate that this is so complicated.
Why did my soulmate take so long to appear in my life? Had it been one year earlier, this wouldn't be happening right now. Hoseok wouldn't have fallen for me, he wouldn't have flirted with me, and I wouldn't be stuck having to say no to someone I have feelings for, someone who deserves all the happiness in the world.
"It'll be okay, bun. Do you want to wait with me at the front desk? It's just you and I working as hosts today, so we'll have the area to ourselves" Namjoon offers with a soft voice and a brush of his fingers over my burning cheek.
"Yeah, let's go" I murmur, thankful that he's offering to keep me company because he could've wanted to stay here. It'll be better if I stay away from where Hoseok works at the bar, it'll make things very awkward for Jin otherwise.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been best friends for years, way before I met them all. I heard from Jin that they went to the same university with a common friend. I honestly come to wonder sometimes, how can Namjoon not be mad at me when I keep putting his friend in that kind of emotional struggle.
I could clearly say no. I'll never date him and that's it. He would give up on me and eventually fall in love with someone else. Simple, right? So why can't I? Why can't I find the strength to make him give up on me?
There must be something wrong with me, I'm broken, or there's a big issue with my head, with my heart. Hoseok deserves better.
We reach the desk in silence, and I watch as Namjoon pulls the low bench closer before sitting on it, after which he pulls me over to sit on his lap with his arms protectively holding onto me, as if doing so could keep my heart from hurting any more.
I melt within his embrace, face tucked against his shoulder where it's warm and safe, and he sighs as we stay like that for many long minutes without speaking a word, uncaring of the other employees who come in for their shift from the entrance.
"The heart is a complicated matter" he eventually murmurs, voice quiet and meant only for me.
"But I believe that... as long as the decision made makes you happy, there is no wrong decision. Having a soulmate... that's not definitive. Some people find their comfort in their fated one, others prefer to choose who they love. There's no right or wrong options there".
I remain silent at first, because what do I say to that?
He makes a good point, but the simple thought of rejecting the one that fate had chosen for me makes my heart ache a thousand times. Have I been feeling like this all week only to reject the soul linked to mine?
Those butterflies... what if they're here to warn me of the feelings yet to come? What if they end up being just as strong as the flurries of wings fluttering within me?
"I don't know what to do anymore, Joon" I whisper. "If my soulmate came up to me and told me that they didn't want me, that they loved someone else, I would be physically, emotionally and mentally crushed. Yet, rejecting Hoseok crushes me too. It's unfair for him, and for me. It would have been easier if he were my soulmate, I wish he were".
Namjoon, big as he is, hugs me tighter, brows furrowed at the sadness he can hear in my voice. He feels torn between both sides, but ultimately, he knows that the final choice isn't his. No matter how easy he believes the decision to be, it isn't and he knows that.
He will never blame me for choosing my soulmate over Hoseok, but he would also regret to see Hoseok with a broken heart once more. We like each other, he can see it whenever we're together, no one is denying that, so why is it so hard?
We stay like that until it's time to get ready for the first customers, and once I'm up on my feet again, our shift officially begins.
Not many people arrive right away, but when they do, Namjoon and I follow the usual routine of splitting our work and tasks so that we never leave people waiting for too long. It's worked well for us for all this time, and we've no need to change anything.
For the next hours, the waiters and waitresses do their job, I do mine, and there's nothing else to think about other than whether or not that table is clean enough for the next customers. I like that, not having to think about complicated matters while I'm working.
Some people prefer a mental job, sat at a desk to play with paperwork and deal with numbers all day long, but I find my peace in needing only my body. I answer calls when the phone rings, I make people pay their bills at the cash register if they haven't done so at the table, and so on.
It's simple. Exhausting, yes, but simple.
The dining room eventually fills at what we consider 'Thursday top rush', and as I walk back to the front desk, I find a man dressed in black and white with a guitar case over his back walking in, guided by Namjoon. It looks like they're having a friendly chat, do they know each other?
I take place at the desk just in case, but I can't help but glance towards them every once in a while as they near the bar. Namjoon looks really happy, but I can't hear what they're saying. Maybe they were part of the same group friends, once.
It's right as I'm about to look away that I notice the way that Hoseok's eyes widen in shock once he sees him too, lips parting slightly as if he just saw a ghost, his brows nearly disappearing into his few loose strands of red hair.
The guitarist seems to freeze in place too, the two of them unable to look away for even one second, and then Hoseok is running around the counter to hug the newcomer, and I watch with a weird feeling settling in my chest as they hold onto one another tightly, almost desperately.
What's going on there?
Hoseok wipes his eyes with a nod of the head as they say something, and he quickly looks away when he finds me staring, a glimpse of unease flashing across his face that makes me feel as if I saw something I shouldn't have.
Namjoon looks back in my direction too, and his eyes fill with the same kind of glow. Wow... way to make me feel good right now. I'm starting to wonder if I should maybe have accepted to stay home after all.
There wasn't particularly a need for me to work today since they already had enough people, but I wanted the salary so my boss didn't keep me from coming in. I thought that was nice, but now... I don't know, tonight has been strange, I'm not feeling so well today.
No one comes over to explain anything so I try to ignore those feelings and focus on work instead, but there comes a time when one of the groups seated at a large table asks me to bring a bottle of wine that has turned back to the bar, and not having anything else to do, I can only accept even though half of me wants to avoid Hoseok at all cost.
If he's going to get all awkward on me because I saw him with an old crush or something, it'll be uncomfortable for me. I'd rather he be honest and tell me what's up, because if he leaves me guessing, we both know how far I can get with my imagination.
I make it to the bar with dragging feet, a look towards the stage kept at the end of the dining room showing that the guitarist is getting ready to play for the first section of the night, which is usually the shortest. I've never seen him before so he must be new in the field.
I set the bottle on the counter, inwardly swearing when Jin is the one most busy while Hoseok is cleaning glasses and shots at the sink. He looks up at the sound of the heavy bottle, then pauses what he's doing when he finds me standing behind it.
I look down to avoid his gaze, and he bites on his lips before putting everything away to get closer.
"One of the tables asked that I bring this here, so I did. They said that it turned, I figure you can just trash it if needed" I explain quietly as he keeps staring at me, the bottle the last of his concern when something worse is going on right now.
"Alright... thank you".
I nod briefly, feeling the tension so thick that I could slice it in half with a knife if only I had one. He really won't say anything, will he? I don't know if I should be relieved that he's setting that kind of boundary between us, or if I should be worried. What's there to be worried about, though?
"You two looked close" I blurt out while pointing at the guitarist.
Yeah, there you go, Y/N. Make things worse on your own, why don't you.
"Oh. Yeah, uh...".
Hoseok sighs, looking like he's coming to terms with having to tell me about it. I don't know what kind of past they have together, but it can't be small if he looks this hesitant. Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut, I ended up making him uncomfortable instead.
"Please look at me, Y/N. I don't like it when you avoid me like this" he pleads softly, but I childishly turn a blind eye to that request, needing more time to get myself back together before I can look him in the eyes.
I can tell that he'd prefer if I could hold eye contact with him as he speaks, which he often uses to prove his sincerity, but I can sense that my heart would make all sorts of unpleasant things if I did, so I keep staring at my feet instead. He sighs deeply, disappointed.
"Yoongi and I... we had a thing going on at university, only Namjoon knew about it. A situationship that lasted around a year. I really loved him, but he started feeling guilty about being with me while knowing that he had a soulmate he'd yet to meet, so he broke things off between us. I hadn't seen him since that day".
I nod, feeling bad now that I know he once had someone in his heart before me. It doesn't require someone very observant to see that he still has feelings for that man, and though my heart pinches at the knowledge, I smile through the pain.
I force my gaze up to meet his, and though I'm sure he can see everything in my eyes, I stay strong.
"What if it is fate that he's back here, on the stage of the restaurant where you work? Maybe this is your chance, Hoseok. Talk to him. Who knows what his life is like, now" I offer with a pat to his shoulder, then walk off before he can say anything else.
This is the best I can do for him. He loved that man and the feeling seemed mutual, seeing as they both couldn't let go of one another. Maybe this is a good way to end whatever exists between the two of us. My body thrums in disapproval at that thought, and I clench my jaw tightly.
God damn it, I hate this heart of mine.
I wish I could get rid of those emotions right away and show everyone that I don't care who ends up dating who, but it's far from the truth. Seeing him with someone else only made me more aware of those feelings.
I smile at Namjoon when we end up at the desk together for a couple minutes, and though I can tell that there are things he wants to say, I don't really give him the opportunity when I keep changing the subject to random things.
I feel like my sanity is barely holding on at this point.
We share a few more words, and then the mic turns on with the speakers resonating until the sound finally settles. A few taps echo in the room to test the sound, and I don't think much of it as I adjust the menus on the desk.
Namjoon walks away to have a look at the tables, and I remain behind on my own, unaware of the storm coming my way.
Once that guy has played for up to an hour, I bet he'll end up at the bar to talk with Hoseok and Namjoon. Jin will become friends with him quickly, he's like that. It's just me who struggles with making new friends, it's not something that comes easy to me.
I can't lie and say that I'm not scared of losing the only ones I have, but at the same time, I know that it's an unrealistic fear. Namjoon and Jin care about me, Hoseok does too. I won't end up pushed aside just because someone new appeared back in their lives.
If it happens, it will be solely my fault.
I look up towards the stage again, unable to resist the pull that wants to get my eyes there anymore.
What was his name already? Gosh, I forgot. He looks handsome with his black hair that shows some pretty curls at the ends, his black leather pants that stick to his thighs and his long white t-shirt that's ripped in some calculated spots.
He looks like the common bad boy from the university campus, for some reason. I can't tell if that's only his stage look or if he always dresses that way, but it's hard to imagine Hoseok dating someone like that. Maybe it's just my jealous mind speaking right now.
Jealous... as if I have the right to feel that way. Christ.
Suddenly, the guitarist leans over to the mic, and the first words he speaks leave me in complete chills, soul and heart swooning at the same time. There's a moment where I wonder if the butterflies will tear a hole through my chest to make it out, and then one where I wish they would to make this stop.
"You're mine". The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes. "That's the first song I'll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here".
By the time he's done talking, I've lost my balance and needed to hold onto the desk at the wave of dizziness that suddenly washed over me.
Not one of sickness, but rather one that would result from my senses all waking up at the same time. It's like fireworks are exploding in my head, their sound so loud that it being my heart would be unlikely, and yet, here it is, at the very source of that storm.
It thrums, twists and quivers in my chest, as if it too would rather flee than stay in this cursed body.
Yoongi's fingers pull on the first string of his guitar, and the melody begins to resound in the room, slow, soft and soothing. Then his voice begins to sing, and it fills my mind, all of it, crystal clear despite the chitchat of the customers eating in the room, and so many feelings merge within me all at the same time that for one second, I'm sure I'll throw up on the carpet.
The thrill of adrenaline and stress flood my veins until they're all I can feel anymore, and I don't hear the sound of my own voice even as I plead for it to stop, legs shaking beneath me as I try to avoid tumbling to the floor.
It's like my being has completely flown out of my grasp, as if someone took it from my body to do with it as they pleased, and the experience is excruciating. How do I make this stop?
Going to the bathroom in the kitchen has never been so complicated before, and I wilfully ignore the eyes that fall on me as I walk past them to push the door open. I lock it behind me, then fall over the sink to wash my face with cold water, the voice still as clear as when we were in the same room.
I can hear it in my head as if he's singing right beside me. Why? What's happening to me?
Namjoon and Jin's words come back to mind, reminding me of the new types of bonds, and then a flash of black ink on my arm suddenly catches my attention, and my heart rises to my throat when I look down to find the same words I heard a minute ago now written there.
You're mine.
Oh no.
No, this makes no sense.
Hoseok's ex is my soulmate?
I turn off the water and clumsily dry my face with the paper towels as my mind keeps running a mile an hour. This isn't right, fate must be playing a game on me, there's no other way.
What do I do? I can't go back out there, Hoseok will see my arm and he'll make the links right away. It's one thing that I reject him, but he was supposed to find his happily ever after too, if at least in the arms of the man he once loved. I can't be taking everything from him in a single night!
"I need to go home" I finally utter to myself as Yoongi's voice now continually flow into my head without resistance, the song that comes to an end merging into another one after he gives the title. I can't work like this, and I especially cannot face Hoseok.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I quickly make it to my locker where I wear my coat, needing to hide the mark first.
Then, after grabbing my bag, I head over to the back door leading outside after telling one of the kitchen staff to let Namjoon know I went home if he looks for me, and that I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly.
The door swings behind me as I begin to run down the sidewalk to get as far as possible, everything a blur around me even as I try to focus on the smallest details. It's not that dark out yet, but the clouds have begun to hide the sun, a telltale that it'll rain soon.
With distance, the voice begins to fade from my head, as do the feelings that weren't mine, which allows me to gain awareness of my own state. My chin is wobbling, tears falling down my cheeks, but I can't even remember when it started. Did I cry inside? Did they all see that?
Fuck this. How do I even begin to explain what happened once they ask me questions tomorrow? Did that guitarist feel the bond too? Or was it just me?
Maybe he didn't feel anything since he didn't hear my voice. My words won't be on his skin, so the bond won't have woken up on his end. Or is that not how it works anymore? I don't even know what to believe now, everything's becoming a mess.
Droplets of rain begin to fall onto my skin and I clutch my bag to my chest, hoping to get home before it gets any worse. It's a good thing that I live nearby.
I really should've stayed home after all, god damn it all.

Summary: “You’re mine”. The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes.“That’s the first song I’ll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here”.
Chapter 1 (4.8k words)
Lost in my head, I'm setting my coat and bag into my locker in the back of the kitchen when a tap on my shoulder suddenly reveals Namjoon standing besides me, and I release a soft breath before shutting the metallic door, after which we walk out of the kitchen side by side.
"You got here early today, bun" he comments as we join Jin at the bar, where he's currently polishing the glasses with a smooth towel. He's got that habit of lining them up by the beer taps before his shift begins, knowing that his first half hour will go stress free until he needs to starts the first wash.
"I couldn't sleep that well, so I woke up early and decided to be on my way sooner. Figured I could take it easy with my only friends while we wait until the restaurant opens up" I answer with a little shrug that makes him hum in response.
"Switch the 'only' for 'best', and I won't complain about that sentence you just made". He throws in a wink at my endeared smile before guiding me to one of the stools at the bar counter while he takes the other. "Why couldn't you sleep? Did something happen?".
Jin pushes two glasses of water in front of us while listening in on our conversation, his eyes showing a similar concern as Namjoon when he hears that I've yet to get a good night sleep. It's been happening often, recently.
I met the two men when I got hired at NightSeoul about a year ago, and we've grown very close since then. Then there's also Hoseok, the other bartender and possibly the most handsome man I've ever met, who makes me feel ways I shouldn't. That part's a bit of a mess.
I drink some of the water as I think back to the last few days at Namjoon's question.
"You know, it's the usual. My heart stutters for no reason, like... palpitations. I feel like I have butterflies hatching from their cocoons every single night, except that they're released in my chest instead of outside, and the buzzing keeps getting worse as time goes".
They both look at each other, then at me again. Jin is the one to speak this time.
"Bunny... that could be sign that you're going to meet your soulmate soon. I've heard that it's a new symptom, doctors have been studying it since not too long ago and apparently, within the week, their patients usually state that the feeling has stopped after meeting their other half".
My breath gets stuck in my throat at the words he just said and I look up with round eyes. What?
"He's right" Namjoon insists at my face of disbelief. "I've read about that too, every articles have been backed by the Association of Soul Doctors. They say that the symptoms seem to have evolved, and by consequent, the bonds too. Existing bonds haven't experienced any changes yet, but new ones have been known to include more than the regular first words tattooed on your skin".
"Wait, what are you saying, guys?" I blurt out, this is all so sudden to me that I don't know how to process that new information. What do they mean, the bonds have changed? Are we going through a new era of soulmates? Is that it? How come I didn't see those articles?
Jin sighs as he adjusts his bow tie over the white collar of his uniform.
"It's different for each bonds. Your first words are still inked on the other's skin, but some people have reported being able to hear their soulmate in their mind, feeling their emotions, or even seeing them in their dreams, that kind of thing. The list is being built from scratch since this wasn't a thing before. New bonds are requested to inform the nearest clinic of any unusual details so they can gather more data".
Well, I'll be. "So you're saying that I could be meeting my soulmate within the week" I repeat, just to make sure that I understood that part well, and they both nod at the same time, their eyes showing that they believe that hard as steel.
"When did those symptoms start, bun?" Namjoon asks with a curious tone, now leaning over the counter to have a better look at my face. It shows that he's very interested in my situation, and I'm convinced he'd follow me home everyday just to be first to know any changes if he could.
"It was... four... no, five days ago?" I answer hesitantly, it's hard to put an exact date on it, but it's been a good week where I haven't been able to sleep properly. Is my soulmate stuck in the same boat, unable to have a full night sleep?
"Then you have, today included, three days left where you could potentially meet them" he utters with a look of awe on his face, something I wish I could reciprocate at the moment. This is all so... I wasn't expecting to hear that tonight.
"We'll see, Namjoon. Other case scenario is that I'm dying and we'll find out only once I'm dead".
"Oh, you" Jin scolds from the other side of the counter, a frown on his handsome face as he boops my nose gently. "Don't say things like that so seriously, you'll make us sad, and especially Hoseok. You know he has a feelings for you".
I throw my head back at that. Why did he have to hit me with that argument?
In actuality, Hoseok doesn't have to wait after his soulmate anymore ever since he found out that his bond has been severed, most likely due to his soulmate passing away. He isn't tied to anyone, so he's free when it comes to whom he wants to love.
The problem here is that it's harder to openly reciprocate those feelings when I still have a soulmate.
I feel like I would betray them if I were to choose someone else instead, even if I do have feelings for him, and I can't find it in me to do something like that. It wouldn't sit right with me, like I was doing something very wrong.
"Jin... if I'm going to meet my soulmate soon, the chance that Hoseok and I get together is even lower" I utter softly, then watch as both of their faces soften at my vulnerability.
Jin covers my hand with his while I continue talking, eyes fidgeting between their own. "I can't... I don't want to hurt Hoseok and give him false hope, so I should try to be with my fated one first. After, if it doesn't work out, maybe, if he still wants me. But not before I can meet them".
Lips purse, but no one speaks, knowing that I'm making a good point. It's not fair to Hoseok if I date him, fully aware that there's a chance I might dump him for my soulmate the next day. That would be vile.
There's only one person who doesn't think the same way, and he doesn't fail to let us know as he stops behind our group.
"So you are considering me, then. I wasn't sure anymore until now, that makes me feel better" Hoseok's voice speaks up all of a sudden, making me tense up immediately, and my eyes widen on Jin who sheepishly shrugs, he hadn't noticed that he'd gotten here either.
I turn around to stare at the tall man's athletic and toned body as he walks to the kitchen to put away his belongings like I did earlier, my lips pressed guiltily until Namjoon rubs my back in soothing motions.
I hate this situation, because I'm not indifferent to Hoseok. He's a really good guy and we get along well. He's caring, funny, talented. He makes me feel pretty and loved, and seeing him laugh whenever we joke around is honestly the missing rainbow in my otherwise bare sky.
I would be happy with him, I know that for a fact. He makes me feel good, he makes life shine brighter than ever, but the fact that he is without soulmates doesn't mean I am the same, and who's to say that I wouldn't fall head over heels for them upon meeting?
I can't break his heart, that would feel even worse than rejecting him now. It's just... what if it doesn't click with my soulmate? What if we don't get along?
I let my head fall in my hands, I hate that this is so complicated.
Why did my soulmate take so long to appear in my life? Had it been one year earlier, this wouldn't be happening right now. Hoseok wouldn't have fallen for me, he wouldn't have flirted with me, and I wouldn't be stuck having to say no to someone I have feelings for, someone who deserves all the happiness in the world.
"It'll be okay, bun. Do you want to wait with me at the front desk? It's just you and I working as hosts today, so we'll have the area to ourselves" Namjoon offers with a soft voice and a brush of his fingers over my burning cheek.
"Yeah, let's go" I murmur, thankful that he's offering to keep me company because he could've wanted to stay here. It'll be better if I stay away from where Hoseok works at the bar, it'll make things very awkward for Jin otherwise.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been best friends for years, way before I met them all. I heard from Jin that they went to the same university with a common friend. I honestly come to wonder sometimes, how can Namjoon not be mad at me when I keep putting his friend in that kind of emotional struggle.
I could clearly say no. I'll never date him and that's it. He would give up on me and eventually fall in love with someone else. Simple, right? So why can't I? Why can't I find the strength to make him give up on me?
There must be something wrong with me, I'm broken, or there's a big issue with my head, with my heart. Hoseok deserves better.
We reach the desk in silence, and I watch as Namjoon pulls the low bench closer before sitting on it, after which he pulls me over to sit on his lap with his arms protectively holding onto me, as if doing so could keep my heart from hurting any more.
I melt within his embrace, face tucked against his shoulder where it's warm and safe, and he sighs as we stay like that for many long minutes without speaking a word, uncaring of the other employees who come in for their shift from the entrance.
"The heart is a complicated matter" he eventually murmurs, voice quiet and meant only for me.
"But I believe that... as long as the decision made makes you happy, there is no wrong decision. Having a soulmate... that's not definitive. Some people find their comfort in their fated one, others prefer to choose who they love. There's no right or wrong options there".
I remain silent at first, because what do I say to that?
He makes a good point, but the simple thought of rejecting the one that fate had chosen for me makes my heart ache a thousand times. Have I been feeling like this all week only to reject the soul linked to mine?
Those butterflies... what if they're here to warn me of the feelings yet to come? What if they end up being just as strong as the flurries of wings fluttering within me?
"I don't know what to do anymore, Joon" I whisper. "If my soulmate came up to me and told me that they didn't want me, that they loved someone else, I would be physically, emotionally and mentally crushed. Yet, rejecting Hoseok crushes me too. It's unfair for him, and for me. It would have been easier if he were my soulmate, I wish he were".
Namjoon, big as he is, hugs me tighter, brows furrowed at the sadness he can hear in my voice. He feels torn between both sides, but ultimately, he knows that the final choice isn't his. No matter how easy he believes the decision to be, it isn't and he knows that.
He will never blame me for choosing my soulmate over Hoseok, but he would also regret to see Hoseok with a broken heart once more. We like each other, he can see it whenever we're together, no one is denying that, so why is it so hard?
We stay like that until it's time to get ready for the first customers, and once I'm up on my feet again, our shift officially begins.
Not many people arrive right away, but when they do, Namjoon and I follow the usual routine of splitting our work and tasks so that we never leave people waiting for too long. It's worked well for us for all this time, and we've no need to change anything.
For the next hours, the waiters and waitresses do their job, I do mine, and there's nothing else to think about other than whether or not that table is clean enough for the next customers. I like that, not having to think about complicated matters while I'm working.
Some people prefer a mental job, sat at a desk to play with paperwork and deal with numbers all day long, but I find my peace in needing only my body. I answer calls when the phone rings, I make people pay their bills at the cash register if they haven't done so at the table, and so on.
It's simple. Exhausting, yes, but simple.
The dining room eventually fills at what we consider 'Thursday top rush', and as I walk back to the front desk, I find a man dressed in black and white with a guitar case over his back walking in, guided by Namjoon. It looks like they're having a friendly chat, do they know each other?
I take place at the desk just in case, but I can't help but glance towards them every once in a while as they near the bar. Namjoon looks really happy, but I can't hear what they're saying. Maybe they were part of the same group friends, once.
It's right as I'm about to look away that I notice the way that Hoseok's eyes widen in shock once he sees him too, lips parting slightly as if he just saw a ghost, his brows nearly disappearing into his few loose strands of red hair.
The guitarist seems to freeze in place too, the two of them unable to look away for even one second, and then Hoseok is running around the counter to hug the newcomer, and I watch with a weird feeling settling in my chest as they hold onto one another tightly, almost desperately.
What's going on there?
Hoseok wipes his eyes with a nod of the head as they say something, and he quickly looks away when he finds me staring, a glimpse of unease flashing across his face that makes me feel as if I saw something I shouldn't have.
Namjoon looks back in my direction too, and his eyes fill with the same kind of glow. Wow... way to make me feel good right now. I'm starting to wonder if I should maybe have accepted to stay home after all.
There wasn't particularly a need for me to work today since they already had enough people, but I wanted the salary so my boss didn't keep me from coming in. I thought that was nice, but now... I don't know, tonight has been strange, I'm not feeling so well today.
No one comes over to explain anything so I try to ignore those feelings and focus on work instead, but there comes a time when one of the groups seated at a large table asks me to bring a bottle of wine that has turned back to the bar, and not having anything else to do, I can only accept even though half of me wants to avoid Hoseok at all cost.
If he's going to get all awkward on me because I saw him with an old crush or something, it'll be uncomfortable for me. I'd rather he be honest and tell me what's up, because if he leaves me guessing, we both know how far I can get with my imagination.
I make it to the bar with dragging feet, a look towards the stage kept at the end of the dining room showing that the guitarist is getting ready to play for the first section of the night, which is usually the shortest. I've never seen him before so he must be new in the field.
I set the bottle on the counter, inwardly swearing when Jin is the one most busy while Hoseok is cleaning glasses and shots at the sink. He looks up at the sound of the heavy bottle, then pauses what he's doing when he finds me standing behind it.
I look down to avoid his gaze, and he bites on his lips before putting everything away to get closer.
"One of the tables asked that I bring this here, so I did. They said that it turned, I figure you can just trash it if needed" I explain quietly as he keeps staring at me, the bottle the last of his concern when something worse is going on right now.
"Alright... thank you".
I nod briefly, feeling the tension so thick that I could slice it in half with a knife if only I had one. He really won't say anything, will he? I don't know if I should be relieved that he's setting that kind of boundary between us, or if I should be worried. What's there to be worried about, though?
"You two looked close" I blurt out while pointing at the guitarist.
Yeah, there you go, Y/N. Make things worse on your own, why don't you.
"Oh. Yeah, uh...".
Hoseok sighs, looking like he's coming to terms with having to tell me about it. I don't know what kind of past they have together, but it can't be small if he looks this hesitant. Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut, I ended up making him uncomfortable instead.
"Please look at me, Y/N. I don't like it when you avoid me like this" he pleads softly, but I childishly turn a blind eye to that request, needing more time to get myself back together before I can look him in the eyes.
I can tell that he'd prefer if I could hold eye contact with him as he speaks, which he often uses to prove his sincerity, but I can sense that my heart would make all sorts of unpleasant things if I did, so I keep staring at my feet instead. He sighs deeply, disappointed.
"Yoongi and I... we had a thing going on at university, only Namjoon knew about it. A situationship that lasted around a year. I really loved him, but he started feeling guilty about being with me while knowing that he had a soulmate he'd yet to meet, so he broke things off between us. I hadn't seen him since that day".
I nod, feeling bad now that I know he once had someone in his heart before me. It doesn't require someone very observant to see that he still has feelings for that man, and though my heart pinches at the knowledge, I smile through the pain.
I force my gaze up to meet his, and though I'm sure he can see everything in my eyes, I stay strong.
"What if it is fate that he's back here, on the stage of the restaurant where you work? Maybe this is your chance, Hoseok. Talk to him. Who knows what his life is like, now" I offer with a pat to his shoulder, then walk off before he can say anything else.
This is the best I can do for him. He loved that man and the feeling seemed mutual, seeing as they both couldn't let go of one another. Maybe this is a good way to end whatever exists between the two of us. My body thrums in disapproval at that thought, and I clench my jaw tightly.
God damn it, I hate this heart of mine.
I wish I could get rid of those emotions right away and show everyone that I don't care who ends up dating who, but it's far from the truth. Seeing him with someone else only made me more aware of those feelings.
I smile at Namjoon when we end up at the desk together for a couple minutes, and though I can tell that there are things he wants to say, I don't really give him the opportunity when I keep changing the subject to random things.
I feel like my sanity is barely holding on at this point.
We share a few more words, and then the mic turns on with the speakers resonating until the sound finally settles. A few taps echo in the room to test the sound, and I don't think much of it as I adjust the menus on the desk.
Namjoon walks away to have a look at the tables, and I remain behind on my own, unaware of the storm coming my way.
Once that guy has played for up to an hour, I bet he'll end up at the bar to talk with Hoseok and Namjoon. Jin will become friends with him quickly, he's like that. It's just me who struggles with making new friends, it's not something that comes easy to me.
I can't lie and say that I'm not scared of losing the only ones I have, but at the same time, I know that it's an unrealistic fear. Namjoon and Jin care about me, Hoseok does too. I won't end up pushed aside just because someone new appeared back in their lives.
If it happens, it will be solely my fault.
I look up towards the stage again, unable to resist the pull that wants to get my eyes there anymore.
What was his name already? Gosh, I forgot. He looks handsome with his black hair that shows some pretty curls at the ends, his black leather pants that stick to his thighs and his long white t-shirt that's ripped in some calculated spots.
He looks like the common bad boy from the university campus, for some reason. I can't tell if that's only his stage look or if he always dresses that way, but it's hard to imagine Hoseok dating someone like that. Maybe it's just my jealous mind speaking right now.
Jealous... as if I have the right to feel that way. Christ.
Suddenly, the guitarist leans over to the mic, and the first words he speaks leave me in complete chills, soul and heart swooning at the same time. There's a moment where I wonder if the butterflies will tear a hole through my chest to make it out, and then one where I wish they would to make this stop.
"You're mine". The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes. "That's the first song I'll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here".
By the time he's done talking, I've lost my balance and needed to hold onto the desk at the wave of dizziness that suddenly washed over me.
Not one of sickness, but rather one that would result from my senses all waking up at the same time. It's like fireworks are exploding in my head, their sound so loud that it being my heart would be unlikely, and yet, here it is, at the very source of that storm.
It thrums, twists and quivers in my chest, as if it too would rather flee than stay in this cursed body.
Yoongi's fingers pull on the first string of his guitar, and the melody begins to resound in the room, slow, soft and soothing. Then his voice begins to sing, and it fills my mind, all of it, crystal clear despite the chitchat of the customers eating in the room, and so many feelings merge within me all at the same time that for one second, I'm sure I'll throw up on the carpet.
The thrill of adrenaline and stress flood my veins until they're all I can feel anymore, and I don't hear the sound of my own voice even as I plead for it to stop, legs shaking beneath me as I try to avoid tumbling to the floor.
It's like my being has completely flown out of my grasp, as if someone took it from my body to do with it as they pleased, and the experience is excruciating. How do I make this stop?
Going to the bathroom in the kitchen has never been so complicated before, and I wilfully ignore the eyes that fall on me as I walk past them to push the door open. I lock it behind me, then fall over the sink to wash my face with cold water, the voice still as clear as when we were in the same room.
I can hear it in my head as if he's singing right beside me. Why? What's happening to me?
Namjoon and Jin's words come back to mind, reminding me of the new types of bonds, and then a flash of black ink on my arm suddenly catches my attention, and my heart rises to my throat when I look down to find the same words I heard a minute ago now written there.
You're mine.
Oh no.
No, this makes no sense.
Hoseok's ex is my soulmate?
I turn off the water and clumsily dry my face with the paper towels as my mind keeps running a mile an hour. This isn't right, fate must be playing a game on me, there's no other way.
What do I do? I can't go back out there, Hoseok will see my arm and he'll make the links right away. It's one thing that I reject him, but he was supposed to find his happily ever after too, if at least in the arms of the man he once loved. I can't be taking everything from him in a single night!
"I need to go home" I finally utter to myself as Yoongi's voice now continually flow into my head without resistance, the song that comes to an end merging into another one after he gives the title. I can't work like this, and I especially cannot face Hoseok.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I quickly make it to my locker where I wear my coat, needing to hide the mark first.
Then, after grabbing my bag, I head over to the back door leading outside after telling one of the kitchen staff to let Namjoon know I went home if he looks for me, and that I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly.
The door swings behind me as I begin to run down the sidewalk to get as far as possible, everything a blur around me even as I try to focus on the smallest details. It's not that dark out yet, but the clouds have begun to hide the sun, a telltale that it'll rain soon.
With distance, the voice begins to fade from my head, as do the feelings that weren't mine, which allows me to gain awareness of my own state. My chin is wobbling, tears falling down my cheeks, but I can't even remember when it started. Did I cry inside? Did they all see that?
Fuck this. How do I even begin to explain what happened once they ask me questions tomorrow? Did that guitarist feel the bond too? Or was it just me?
Maybe he didn't feel anything since he didn't hear my voice. My words won't be on his skin, so the bond won't have woken up on his end. Or is that not how it works anymore? I don't even know what to believe now, everything's becoming a mess.
Droplets of rain begin to fall onto my skin and I clutch my bag to my chest, hoping to get home before it gets any worse. It's a good thing that I live nearby.
I really should've stayed home after all, god damn it all.
Sutures - Chapter One: Broken Hearts Club

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): alcohol consumption, sexual references, references to a one night stand, cursing, hospitals
Synopsis: "A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." --Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
Series Masterlist | Next

Min Yoongi was done with relationships. It seemed they were always after money or fame, or they couldn't deal with his schedule and began to look elsewhere.
At first, he thought since Jihee was an idol, she wasn't after his money or fame. That she understood how the life left little time for a relationship. It was the first relationship he'd ever gone public with; his fans reacting surprisingly well. Dating another idol made it easier, she wasn't subject to more attention that she was not already used to.
But the one downside to dating an idol was that when they cheated on you, there was photographic evidence. He gave her the benefit of the doubt; it was probably a cousin or an old friend. However, then he came into her apartment earlier that night after dance practice. The true nature of the relationship was revealed.
"Yoongi!" Jihee called. "I'm sorry! I don't expect you to take me back. Just please, keep this quiet."
Her image mattered more to her than his heart. Just like everyone else.
Yoongi drank the rest of the glass, the burning in his throat he'd felt at the beginning of the night subsiding. The bar was one far away from the dorm, almost on the outskirts of the city. A place nobody would think to find him. It was busier than when he'd first come in, but still nothing like the bars and clubs downtown.
Music started up and he cringed as one of his own songs came through the speakers and reverberated off the walls. Min Yoongi couldn't escape himself even if he wanted to.
Nobody seemed to be eyeing him or trying to capture his attention by requesting the song. In fact, no one seemed to be paying any attention to him at all. A small solace.
Most of the other patrons danced. The majority offbeat and already off their face from soju or whatever their drug of choice. He noticed a girl sitting at the corner of the bar--she seemed uncomfortable--trying her best to pull down the short black dress she wore. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, ending just below her chest. She wasn't drinking anything, hooking her heels into the barstool, and watching the dancers.
Yoongi felt a small pull in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was from the heartbreak or from the way the black dress hugged her curves. Honestly, Yoongi didn't care.
"Another," Yoongi said, motioning to the bartender.
"Sumi!" your friend said, rushing over to the edge of the bar where you had perched. "Come dance! You're never going to get over him if you don't let yourself go."
"I don't want to get over him, Eunji," you said. "I want to get back together."
"No," Eunji said, her forehead wrinkling, a sign she was serious. "I'm not letting you get back together with that deadbeat. He was holding you back and you've taken him back too many times."
You sighed, unhooking your heels from the rung of the barstool. Your best friend had a point. You'd given Minki--your ex--hundreds of chances. The first time he cheated on you, you'd believed him when he said that it was a mistake and it would never happen again. And it didn't, for another year. The second time, you swore you'd never take him back. But a month later, you did.
"Come on, let's go show him what he's missing," Eunji said, grabbing hold of your hands.
"He's not here."
Eunji scoffed and pulled you up. You stepped out of your heels and stood on the ground with just the thin material of your tights between your skin and the sticky ground.
"You know what I mean! Now, come on!"
She pulled you onto the floor and to your surprise you actually enjoyed yourself. You'd forgotten what it was like to simply dance like no one was watching. You didn't care that your dress was slipping up again, or that you'd worn holes in your tights on the bottom of your feet.
Eventually, Eunji brought you a drink. You assumed it was water, but as you drank, the liquid burned your throat and you nearly spit it back out.
"Eunji!" you exclaimed after swallowing. "Vodka? Really?"
"It used to be your favorite," she said.
"Yeah, not when I'm expecting it to be water."
You laughed slightly, throwing it back.
"Water won't help you forget Minki."
"This is why my parents thought you were a bad influence, you know?"
Eunji laughed, ordering herself a drink.
"Yeah, well, I don't think their judgment was the best."
You laughed.
"Thanks," you said, squeezing your friend's hand. "I really needed this."
"You know what else you need?" your friend asked about twenty minutes later. Her words beginning to slur, her lipstick smearing. "A good f---."
You covered her mouth before she could finish the word. Your eyes were wide and you were sure you were blushing. You, too, were starting to feel a bit tipsy. But, unlike your friend, you got tired when you drank.
"I'm going to get another drink," you said, wanting to escape the smirk that had broken out across your friend's face.
You walked backward for a couple steps, despite the fact you weren't drunk yet, you stumbled and fell backward. You landed straight into the lap of a stranger, who luckily caught you, his arm around your back.
You felt yourself blush as his dark eyes made contact with yours. His white hair partially covered them, but you could still feel his glazed gaze boring into you.
"A drink?" he asked. "All you had to do was ask."
A smirk broke out across his face, not unlike Eunji who winked at you from a couple of barstools away.
Eunji (11:01 pm): I think he's an idol.
You looked across the bar at your friend who had ordered some food to sober up.
You (11:01 pm): I don't think so. He doesn't seem like an idol.
Eunji (11:02 pm): Who else would dye their hair white?
You (11:03 pm): I don't know. Does it matter?
Eunji (11:04 pm): Only if you care that you're about to hook up with an idol.
You rolled your eyes and turned your phone to silent.
You stifled a moan as he kissed your neck and you fiddled with your keys, trying to unlock your front door. You eventually managed to turn the key into the lock and the two of you practically fell inside your apartment.
"What about Eunji?" you asked, as he closed the door and pushed you against it.
"The bartender's going to take her home," he answered. "Don't worry."
He kissed your lips this time, effectively shutting you up and smearing your lipstick on his own lips. His hands roamed up and down the fabric of your dress. But, he was patient, he didn't just rip the fabric off you like Minki would've.
"Only tonight," you said, your voice breathy.
"Only tonight," he repeated.
The promise you'd made each other before you'd left the bar. Neither of you wanted a relationship, rather proof that you could still be loved.
His lips roamed back down to your neck, it seemed to be his favorite spot. Somehow you managed to collapse onto the couch, wrapping your legs around his waist. You dug your heels into his hips and laughed.
"What?" he asked, smirking against your collarbone.
"I forgot my shoes at the bar."
He pulled his lips away from your skin. His hand reached up and moved your hair off your shoulders and out of your face.
"Good, means I won't have to take them off."
Yoongi woke up the next morning. He glanced over at your sleeping form. He smiled and reached to move the hair from your face, but his fingers stopped midway, remembering the promise you'd made each other the night before. Only tonight.
He got up and collected his clothes. His phone was still in the pocket of his jeans, nearly dead. He slipped on his jeans and glanced down at his phone.
"Shit," he mumbled, seeing the multiple text messages from his band members asking where he was and telling him he was late for practice. He shot a quick text to Namjoon explaining that he was on his way.
Yoongi quietly walked out of the bedroom and closed the front door, trying not to wake you up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black mask that he kept on him in case he needed to walk in public without too much notice.
He slipped into the crowd. He placed his hands in his pockets and looked around, hoping to eventually catch a taxi. But, just in case someone had followed him, he wanted to get as far from your apartment as possible before he hailed a taxi.
The heartbreak from the day before seemed to have dulled inside him. It was still there--it probably always would be--but it wasn't ruling his thoughts anymore. He smiled as he thought back to the night before, seeing you dance so well, even though you had been reluctant to. When he'd originally spotted you across the bar, he decided to ignore you, but when you landed in his lap; a little tipsy, your hair just the right amount of messy, and your bare feet swinging just above the ground, he couldn't resist you.
With each block, Yoongi felt an odd sensation in his chest. It wasn't heartbreak, it was something else. Something he couldn't describe and something he'd never felt before. It didn't hurt at first, but after a couple more blocks, he stopped, clutching at his chest.
He breathed heavily, his thoughts racing, trying to find some sort of explanation. He managed a few more labored steps before collapsing on the sidewalk.
Yoongi opened his eyes. He looked down at the IV in his arm and glanced over at Taehyung who sat beside his hospital bed.
"Yoongi! You're awake!" the boy said.
Taehyung immediately stood up and yelled out into the hallway. Yoongi could hear the rushing of his band members as they barreled down the hallway towards his room.
"What happened?" Yoongi asked, as soon as they were in the room. "I just remember walking and then my chest hurt."
"You collapsed," Namjoon said. "They brought you here in an ambulance. The doctor told us it wasn't a heart attack, but said he didn't want to explain anything until you were awake."
The boys fell silent as the doctor and Bang PD walked into the room. BTS scrambled to the far side of the room, allowing the doctor to examine Yoongi.
"It would appear," the doctor started. "You are very lucky man. Not many people find their soulmate in this world."
"What?" Yoongi and the members said at once.
"When someone meets their soulmate, choosing to leave them behind can be deadly for both parties. The only reason you aren't experiencing pain right now is because you don't have a choice in where you are."
"Wait, so how am I supposed to live my life then?" Yoongi asked.
"It's complicated," the doctor answered. "There shouldn't be a reaction for anything work-related for either of you. However, you will have to remain in close proximity to each other in your free time. That's not to say you will have to spend every waking moment together, but..."
"We need to know who this girl is, Yoongi," Bang PD continued. "If you want your career and your life to continue, we have to find her."
"So, you're saying the guy I met last night? He's my soulmate?" you asked, once the doctor had explained everything.
"Most likely," the doctor said. "It is extremely important we find out for sure, though. It is a matter of life and death."
You took a deep breath, allowing the weight of everything to fall on your shoulders. It was supposed to be a one night stand. Only tonight.
You weren't supposed to discover your supposed soulmate. What would that even mean? You hardly knew the guy! How did your body somehow know he was the one?
Eunji was sitting in the corner. You could tell she still had a headache from the night before, but when you'd called her in a panic, she'd still managed to rush over to your apartment and find you passed out, eggs black and burnt on the stove.
"I don't even know his name," you said, looking down. "I--I don't know how we'll find him."
"Well," the doctor said. "There's only one other person in the city who has been admitted for finding their soulmate today..." The doctor trailed off and pointed up at the TV where a news report was talking about how a famous idol had met his soulmate, but that they needed to find her.
Eunji looked at you, her eyes wide, the news sobering her up immediately. She reached out for your hand.
"Fuck," she said, "you're Min Yoongi's soulmate."
Sutures Masterlist

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: alcohol consumption, sexual references, references to a one night stand, cursing, hospitals, some slight smut but nothing explicit, other warnings posted at beginning of each chapter
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
Sutures - Chapter Two: Conjugate

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): invasions of privacy
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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You sighed as the nurse pulled the IV out of your arm. The muscles in your body relaxing for the first time in hours.
"There we are," the nurse said. "Looks like you'll be out of here in a few hours. Just make sure not to get too far from that man of yours."
You smiled up at her, not wanting to explain that he wasn't your man and that you'd only just learned his name from a news broadcast a few hours ago. When Eunji had texted you that he was an idol, you'd thought she was joking. She was drunk after all and probably would've called any guy flirting with you an idol.
"This is crazy," Eunji said. "What're you going to do?"
"I don't know," you said. "I guess I'll have to contact him somehow."
"Did you get his number?"
"No, we never intended to see each other again."
"Well, he's looking for you."
"Jang Sumi?" a man asked, knocking politely as he entered.
He bowed politely as he entered.
"I'm Bang Sihyuk, CEO of BigHit Entertainment," he said.
Your eyes grew wide and you immediately bowed, feeling slightly embarrassed you hadn't recognized him and done so before.
"We would like to discuss a proposal with you. If you'd please sit down," he said, pointing to the newly made hospital bed.
You sat down and the man sat down in the chair Eunji sat when you first awoke. "We have reason to believe you are Min Yoongi's soulmate. I'm sure the doctors have already explained that this means the two of you must remain near each other."
You nodded.
"In order to protect his career, we would like you to move into the BTS dorm. We will pay you and compensate you for any trouble."
"What about my career?" you asked.
The man nodded, his shoulders relaxing as if he'd expected you to question him.
"We've done our research and you're an English tutor? You can continue online sessions and do occasional in-person sessions away from the dorm. We don't want to take away your livelihood by any means. We want to protect both of you."
Your mind overflowed with thoughts. You'd be living with seven guys. Seven idols. Would girls get jealous? Would their fans even know? You had too many questions for the man to possibly answer.
You could certainly use the extra money and without having to pay rent, it would allow you to begin saving money. Something you'd wanted since you'd moved out.
You'd have to work less though, but you were sure the compensation that BigHit offered would be more than enough to make up for the fewer hours.
"All right," you said. "As long as I can keep my job, I agree."
"Boys, this is Jang Sumi," Bang PD said.
You bowed to the seven boys in front of you, secretly wishing the much more charming Eunji hadn't gone home. Even though it was obvious they had rushed to the hospital based on the various array of sweatpants and messy hair, they all still looked gorgeous.
The boys bowed back and their gazes wandered down to your neck, their eyes wide. You hadn't noticed the bruises there from the night before. You shyly broke eye contact and looked over to Yoongi who sat with his feet dangling off the hospital bed.
You met his dark eyes. Instead of the mysterious and hungry look they'd held the night before, they now looked exhausted and slightly annoyed. His gaze left yours momentarily as his eyes looked down at the bruises on your neck. His face remained expressionless except for a small flick of his tongue between his lips.
"The doctors need to run a few more tests and talk with Yoongi and Sumi," Bang PD said. "We should leave them alone"
The six other boys filed out of the room and you took a seat on the bed next to Yoongi, leaving a large space between you, so that it would be nearly impossible to accidentally brush against one another.
"Hi," you said. "So, it's been an interesting day, huh?"
The boy didn't respond and before you could make more futile attempts to fill the silence two doctors walked into the room.
"Min Yoongi and Jang Sumi?"
You both nodded and bowed.
"All right, I know this is all a bit overwhelming right now, but once we all discuss and decide on the various options, I'm sure you'll feel better." The doctor flipped a few pages on his clipboard before looking back up at you. "So, as you both know, this is still a fairly rare condition. Finding one's soulmate and having it cause heart attack like symptoms is not well understood. Due to this, we request at least monthly check-ups for at least the first year for both of you to ensure your heart is okay and to check your overall health. The rest depends on how the two of you choose to proceed. Are you two currently in a relationship?"
"No," you both answered.
The doctor nodded.
"The easiest and best way to proceed is to attempt a relationship. While it might be awkward at first, for your overall general health, it will be the best way to adjust and will allow the withdrawals to be less frequent and violent in the future. If--"
"No," Yoongi said. "We can't do a relationship."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your head whipping around to face him. The last thing you wanted was to be in a relationship with a man you barely knew, especially the day after you'd officially ended it with your ex. But if the doctors said it was the best way to deal with the situation, you were inclined to listen.
"It's for both of our own good," he said. "You have no idea what a relationship with an idol would be like."
"Well, there are other options," the doctor said, glancing between the two of you. "If you truly don't want to be together, we can work on trying to weaken or even sever the connection between you. It is rare and difficult to do, but it has been achieved. You will have to stay in the same building as the other person most of the time. There do seem to be some exceptions such as work or situations where the other absolutely can't be present. However, at first, these withdrawals will be powerful and you may not be able to leave the building without the other person at all. For the first week, we suggest not doing so.
"In order to attempt to sever the connection, we will have to monitor your mental health and work to keep the relationship on track. While you don't have to remain distant from each other, it is important to not have feelings for each other, or else it will not work. You will have monthly or bi-weekly appointments with a psychiatrist who is trained to work with cases like this.
"You will also experience something we like to call urges. These are instances of extreme attraction to one another. It will be extremely difficult to be apart from each other during these times. It is important that you be together in these times, but if you are choosing not to pursue a relationship, you must do your best to resist the attraction."
After the doctor was done explaining everything and had recorded your decision to attempt and sever the connection, they drew blood from both of you and allowed you to leave.
You'd spent the rest of the day packing. Your things were going to be confined mostly to one room, meaning you had to downsize and choose what was most important to you.
You heard a knock on the door and before you could answer it, it was already open and Eunji and the entirety of BTS came through your door.
"Sorry if I scared you," Eunji said. "I let them in."
"Sumi," the tallest one said. He was the leader, Kim Namjoon, according to Google. You figured you should at least try to learn your new roommates. He introduced himself and the rest of the boys, other than Yoongi. "We decided to help you pack up before the movers get here. I'm sure it's quite overwhelming to have to move all of a sudden."
"Yes," you said. "This is very sweet. I guess, um, you could help clean up a bit? I haven't had a chance to clean the kitchen since I got home. And, maybe someone else wouldn't mind getting dinner?"
"No problem," Namjoon said, motioning to the members.
"I'll be in my bedroom if you have any questions or need me for anything."
Eunji was already bonding with the younger members of the band and showed them where all of the cleaning supplies were kept. You smiled at her ability to make friends quickly and headed back to your bedroom.
Your suitcase laid open on your bed as you sorted through your clothes, trying to decide what to keep. You'd already packed the essentials, the rest of your closet spread out around the suitcase.
You felt something soft beneath your foot. You bent down and picked up the fabric, recognizing it as the dress you'd worn out the night before. You hated to leave it behind it, but you weren't sure you would need such a nice dress again. And if you did, you could just borrow one of Eunji's. You folded the dress and were attempting to make a decision when a knock sounded on your door.
"Come in."
The door opened and Yoongi walked in. He wore a beanie, a sweatshirt, and a pair of jeans. You almost liked the more casual look on him more than the slightly more dressed up look he'd worn when you first met. You weren't sure if you truly liked it better or if it was just the connection between you talking.
"Sorry to intrude," he said. "I was just wondering if you needed any more help? The rest of the boys pretty much have it handled out there."
You tried to put aside the resentment you felt for the boy from earlier in the day when he so bluntly decided not to follow the best option and try the relationship.
"You can pack up my knitting stuff," you said pointing over to your desk in the corner where you kept yarn, knitting needles, and the various guides. "Just be careful not to tangle the different yarns together."
He nodded and grabbed an empty box and carefully placing each skein in the box. You turned back to the dress in your hands. You fingered the soft fabric and sighed as you went to set aside. Before you could set the dress with the rest of your discarded clothes, you felt a hand take it from you. You looked up at Yoongi, who held the dress and placed it into the suitcase.
"It looks good on you."
"You like to knit?" Yoongi asked, a few minutes later.
"Yeah," you said. "It calms me down when I'm stressed."
He nodded as he placed the rest of the items from the desk into the box.
"Sumi!" someone called from the hallway.
"What do you want us to do with this?" one of the boys asked, you believed his name was Jimin, followed by a blond-haired boy, Taehyung. Jimin dangled your stuffed cat in the air, a smirk across his face.
"Hey!" you said. "Don't hold Kitty that way!"
The boy laughed as you snatched the stuffed animal from him. One of Kitty's button eyes was loose and dangled slightly, causing her eyes to look uneven.
"You named it Kitty?" Jimin asked laughing.
Eunji came into the room. She seemed slightly annoyed with the two boys who had run off from their duties.
"I was four!" you said, looking down at the stuffed cat. "Besides, it's an English name!"
"All right, all right," Jimin said, relenting his taunts. "Do you want to take Kitty or not?"
You made eye contact with Eunji who's eyes were wide. She knew what Kitty meant to you, but Kitty was also falling apart. Her eye was the least of her trouble, you'd sewed the majority of her seams back together multiple times. You didn't want to risk Kitty getting lost or falling apart altogether. You knew it was time to let her go.
"She is pretty old and I'm getting too old for toys anyway. Um, I guess put her in with the donation pile." You handed the stuffed animal back to Jimin who took it and hesitantly walked from the room.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes, but you held them back and went back to sorting through your clothes. The task felt harder all of a sudden, but eventually, you finished, zipping up the suitcase.
It was late by the time you arrived at the dorm. It was huge, the biggest apartment you'd ever seen. It was surprisingly clean for being inhabited by seven boys, but you figured they were just too busy to cause much of a mess.
The extra bedroom they'd been using as storage was already clear for you. You made your bed and then opened your suitcase and began emptying it into the dresser.
"Need some help?" Namjoon asked, standing in the doorway.
You smiled at the boy as he began sorting your clothes, making it easier for you to put away.
"Thank you," you said. "I'm exhausted and I'm honestly dreading the rest of the boxes getting here tomorrow."
He nodded.
"We've moved a lot," he said. "Sometimes I feel more tired after moving than dance practice."
You both laughed lightly.
"They told me you're an English tutor?"
"Yeah," you said.
"It'll be nice having someone else who can speak English."
"None of the other boys can?"
He shook his head.
"No, they all understand a little. But none of them are fluent."
"We'll have to change that then," you said, laughing.
"How'd you learn it?"
"My mom grew up in the US. Her parents were from here but moved to the US when my mom was a baby. She met my dad when she was here visiting family and she ended up moving when they got married. So, I grew up speaking both Korean and English. My parents recently moved to the US actually, to be closer to my grandparents."
"Wow," he said. "That's a better story than mine. I just watched Friends."
You laughed.
"That's more impressive though. You taught yourself. I kind of just learned it the same time I learned Korean."
You felt some of the nerves you'd felt coming into the dorm beginning to leave you. While you were sure it would talk longer for you to adjust, the boys had all tried to be as helpful and welcoming as possible. Even Yoongi. Despite the fact he'd barely talked to you, he still helped pack up your apartment.
"Sumi," you heard another voice say. You turned around and saw Yoongi standing in the doorway, his eyes focused on his phone. "We have a problem."
"What?" you asked, your eyebrows knitting together.
"Someone found your shoes."
"My shoes? You mean, the ones I left at the bar last night?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Someone is selling them online. They're using the connection to me to get attention. The bidding ends tomorrow."
You grabbed onto the dresser and tried to steady yourself. You'd expected something like this to happen eventually, but just twenty four hours after you'd even met Min Yoongi?
You heard Namjoon say something to Yoongi, but you didn't catch what it was. You felt a hand on your shoulder and saw the leader looking straight at you.
"We're going to get this figured out."
All you could do was nod.
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind.
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found.
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out.
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him.
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes.
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light.
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest.
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly.
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans.
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened.
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom.
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else.
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were.
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them."
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension.
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy."
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute.
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button.
"That's too much!" you said.
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place."
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right.
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it.
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated.
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it."
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone.
"I'll try and see if I can see who won."
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then."
The members groaned.
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked.
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink."
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first."
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung.
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest.
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand.
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her.
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply.
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile.
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members.
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk.
"How's Yoongi in bed?"
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed.
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked.
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy.
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished.
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer."
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you.
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..."
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest.
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom.
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching.
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks.
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed.
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out.
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself.
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye.
Sutures - Chapter Four: Urge

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of hickeys, Sumi’s ex is a dick, making out, heavy petting, smut lead up, smut themes
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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You hugged Kitty to your chest and made your way to the kitchen. You heard the rustling of pots and pans and Jimin's laughter. Even though you'd only known Jimin for under two days, his laughter quickly become one of your favorite sounds, something that never made you smile. However, most of the time you weren't horrendously hungover.
"Morning," you said, trying to muster a small smile, even though your head was pounding.
Three of the seven boys who lived in the dorm turned to look at you. Yoongi was already sat at the table, scrolling through his phone, a bowl of fruit in front of him. Hoseok was in the kitchen and Jimin sat on the opposite end of the table from Yoongi, his legs swinging freely. You smiled at how close the boys were and how comfortable they were with each other. It made you feel even worse for intruding in on the bond.
"Good morning," the boys said, nearly in unison.
"Jimin," you said. "Did you put Kitty in the box to come here?"
Jimin shook his head, glancing down to the stuffed cat you held in your arms.
"No, I put him in the donation pile as you wanted."
"Huh," you said, holding Kitty out in front of you and smiling at her fondly. "Well, I'm glad she found her way here anyway."
Jimin smiled at you, his eyes some mixture of happiness for you and worry.
"Did we get internet back?"
The boys exchanged glances and nodded.
You looked over to Yoongi, who was now looking up from his phone. His dark eyes were boring straight into you, and you suspected he already knew what you were going to ask.
"Did you find out who got the shoes?"
The room fell silent, except for the tap which Hoseok accidentally left on as he had looked up at you. You didn't know who it could possibly be that would elicit such a response, but Yoongi's face softened as he stood.
"Park Minki."
You blinked in disbelief, wondering if the hangover had somehow messed with your hearing. Yoongi's eyes were softer, the softest they had been in the seventy two hours you'd known him.
"My ex?" you choked out.
Yoongi nodded.
You took a deep breath as you stood in front of the full length mirror and strategically placed the scarf around your neck. The bruises weren't as prominent as the day before, but you feared Minki would still notice them. The rest of your outfit was quite simple, a pair of jeans and a nice top. You wore your hair down, hoping it too would help hide Yoongi's marks on your neck.
When you'd broken up with Minki, you'd thought you'd never have to see the boy again. While you still loved him, you knew seeing him again would hurt you, but you wanted to handle this yourself. For whatever reason bought the shoes, you knew it couldn't be settled with money. He wanted to see you again, wanted you to see him again.
While you normally would just forget the shoes, Yoongi's reputation was on the line. And yours for that matter. You may not be an idol, but the fact you were connected to one, could be enough to destroy you.
"Do you really want to look that good for your ex?" Yoongi said, entering your bedroom with a soft knock on your open door. He was dressed wearing just a simple sweatshirt and jeans, a snapback covering his dyed hair and a mask pulled down under his chin.
"What? Jealous?" you smirked, giving up on arranging the scarf and turning to face him.
"No," he said. "I just thought you didn't care what he thought anymore." He walked closer to you, the faint smell of his cologne tickling your nose. His fingers reached up and moved the scarf so it that it covered the half of a hickey that was still partially visible. "Obviously, you do."
He stepped away from you the scent of him still lingering in his place. You were almost disappointed when he stepped away, wishing you could fall asleep in his scent.
"I'm sorry you have to come," you said. "And miss out on work."
"I can work when we get back," he said. "Besides, it would be a whole lot worse for both of us if I didn't come." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mask. "Wear this, if we run into any paparazzi it will be harder for them to identify you."
You nodded, looping the mask around your ears and pulling it up over your mouth. Yoongi pulled his up and nodded to you, asking if you were ready.
You nodded in affirmation, but you felt the butterflies in your stomach. You didn't think you would ever be ready.
You entered the cafe first. You spotted Minki almost immediately, he was seated at a table near the middle, you could see the shoes placed on the table. You already felt a twinge of embarrassment, knowing he'd displayed them so publicly.
You pulled down the mask and sat down across from him. His mouth widened into a smirk when you sat down, something you used to love about him, but now it just felt like he was mocking you.
"You look nice," he said.
"Thanks," you said, trying not to meet his gaze.
You noticed Yoongi walk past you and sit at a table behind Minki's view, but facing you. You met his eyes momentarily but didn't want Minki to see your wandering gaze. Minki had a temper occasionally, and while he had never hurt you, you feared he wouldn't hesitate to hurt Yoongi. And even though you and Yoongi weren't exactly friends, you still didn't want him to get hurt because of you.
"So, why'd you leave the shoes at the bar?" Minki asked.
"Does that really matter, Minki? They're mine, I just want them back."
"You fucked him? Didn't you?"
You clenched your fists and looked at the black pumps sitting on the table. You sighed and tried to collect your thoughts.
"How'd you know they were mine?"
"You don't think I wouldn't recognize the shoes I bought you for your birthday last year?" The smirk was on his face again, like a mosquito that you wanted to kill, but that was just out of your reach. "I picked them out especially for you, remember?"
You did remember. How he told you that he went to multiple shoes, trying to find the perfect shoes. Settling on a pair of black pumps. "Simple, like you," he'd said when he gave them to you.
"Now that we've broken up, they're mine now? Since I paid for them?"
You wanted to bang your fists down on the table and scream at him until he was as scared of you as you were of him. You wanted to swat the smirk from his face. You wanted to point out all the things you'd bought him. All the baseball game tickets. The T-shirt he wore. Half the down payment on his car.
"I don't care," you said. "Do whatever you want with them. I just want to leave."
Minki softened then. He'd seen you break down multiple times before, he knew the signs. The way you hid your face. The way you tried to curl yourself into a ball, no matter where you were.
"He's here, isn't here?" your ex asked. "You're not mine to protect anymore." His hand cupped the fabric of your knee. You felt shivers run down your spine as tears pricked at your eyes.
You noticed his eyes wandering down to your neck and where the scarf had moved aside. There was no sense in trying to deny what the scarf revealed.
"Huh," he said. "You never let me do that."
"I never was yours to protect," you said, your eyes red and tear stained, trying to ignore his last comment. You reached down and moved his hand from your knee. You felt his palm beneath your fingertips and the sensation ran through your body. You felt his hands on you again, your body grew warm, but not in the pleasant way. You needed to get out. Without any more thought, you grabbed your things and ran from the cafe.
Yoongi's body stiffened as he watched Minki's hand grab your knee. He wanted to push Minki away from you, shield you from ever having to feel the other boy's touch again. He saw the way your cheek's flushed, although not in the cute way. He saw as you tried to shift away, he could feel your discomfort.
Your scarf had slipped slightly, revealing part of one of the bruises. Yoongi knew the other boy saw based on the way he shifted forward.
"Huh, you never let me do that," the other boy said.
Yoongi's jaw stiffened. Part of him wanted to rip him apart for bringing attention to something that you obviously hadn't wanted Minki to see, but there was a small buzzing inside of him. One night and you allowed him to do something you'd never allowed your previous boyfriend to do for years. He repressed the pride as you tearfully ran out the door.
Yoongi waited a moment to get up and follow you, not wanting to draw too much attention. He made eye contact with Minki as he walked past, pulling down his mask momentarily, but pulling it back up as he walked through the door of the cafe.
You curled yourself into the car seat, pulling your legs into your stomach and hiding your face against the car door. You put on your seatbelt, knowing Yoongi would follow you out.
Yoongi opened the car door a minute or so later, greeting the driver as he did so and telling him to take both of you back to the dorm. He pulled down his mask and put on his seatbelt.
"Why do you let him talk to you like that?" Yoongi asked.
You scoffed, trying to hide your tears. The last thing you wanted was Yoongi to see your tears, you felt like if you allowed yourself to cry in front of him, it would somehow strengthen the bond. Yoongi was so strong and allowing him to see your weakness terrified you.
"He's my ex for a reason, okay?"
"Well, we still need to get the shoes back somehow. You sure money won't work with him?"
"He just wants to humiliate me," you said, choking slightly on the words. "Do we really need to get them back? I mean, they're just shoes. How much harm could really be done?"
Yoongi's eyes widened and his form stiffened.
"You really don't realize, do you?" He looked out the window in slight disbelief before turning back to you. "I guess, this explains how you didn't recognize me."
"Even just the rumors of what happened between us could destroy both of us," he said. "My fans need someone they can trust and look up to. Most of them don't even know I'm not with Jihee anymore. They know about the soulmate thing, but we only used that to find you. We're going to deny it later, anyway."
"You didn't have to sleep with me then," you said. "If you would've just pushed me off your lap, none of this would've happened."
"If you wouldn't have fallen in my lap, none of this would've happened."
You sighed, silence ensuing. The road noise the only sound. Even the driver was silent from behind the partition.
"Sumi..." Yoongi said, his hand suddenly coming to rest just above your knee. His fingertips digging into the fabric of your jeans. His touch was warm, but instead of overheating as you did with Minki's touch, your temperature matched his.
"What?" you asked, but your question was soon answered as you felt heat rise in your stomach. Suddenly, Yoongi appeared less like the image obsessed jerk of a few minutes ago and looked more like the man you met at the bar three days ago.
You unhooked your seatbelt and straddled Yoongi's lap, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks as his ran up to play with your hair. Your lips connected and nearly immediately his tongue slipped between yours.
Yoongi's hat--which you hadn't paid much attention to before--suddenly was in your way. You ripped it off, exposing his messy hair. It was obvious he hadn't styled it before putting on the snapback, but you liked it better that way, it allowed your fingers to tangle in his hair.
"The windows?" you asked, falling back onto the seat as Yoongi unhooked his seatbelt and hovered over you.
"They're tinted," he said, grabbing hold of your scarf and pulled it over your head. It landed somewhere on the floor of the car, out of sight. "Don't worry, no one will see."
He leaned down and latched onto your lips once again. His hands wandering under the hem of your shirt, causing it to ride up slightly. You splayed your fingers against his firm chest, causing him to stop momentarily.
"What?" he asked.
"I think...I think this is what the doctor was talking about..." you said. "I think we need to stop."
Despite your words, your hands slipped underneath his sweatshirt, feeling the warm skin beneath. You wanted to feel that skin against you, but before you could pull it over his head, he surprised you, by pulling up your shirt, exposing your stomach.
"I'll do it lower this time," he said, his voice raspy and lower than normal. "So you don't have to worry about hiding them." His lips latched onto the skin of your stomach, causing you to release a small moan as you ran your fingers from his hairline and down to the nape of his neck.
"Why'd you have to wear that perfume for him? It drives me crazy."
He curved his two index fingers into the belt loop of your jeans and tugged slightly, not to pull them down, but rather to tease you.
"You're for my eyes only."
"Yoongi," you said. "We need to stop."
Yoongi pulled away, a sheepish look crossing his face. He pulled down your shirt and sat back in the seat.
You, too, sat back up, trying to catch your breath. Your heart was racing, partially from the thoughts of the feel of his lips, but you were scared. You felt so out of control, something had taken you over entirely. It wasn't a secret that you were attracted to Yoongi, you did willingly sleep with him, but the urges pulled you together, even when you least wanted it.
"That was...that was...weird..."
Yoongi nodded in agreement, reaching down and retrieving your scarf. You did the same with his hat and you exchanged the items.
You watched out the window as the car pulled into the driveway of the dorm. You glanced back over at Yoongi, noticing a bit of your lipstick managed to cling to his bottom lip. You chuckled slightly before reaching over and using your thumb to wipe it from his lip.
He watched you, not making any movement to stop you, but your gaze shifted downward, not able to meet his eyes.
"Lipstick," you said.
The driver opened the door and the two of you walked back into the dorm.
Jihee (9:02 am): Good morning handsome :)
Jihee (11:15 am): I heard about the shoe business. You always use to complain about having to take off mine.
Jihee (11:17 am): You should tell her to be more careful though. :)
Jihee (1:20 pm): Babe...please just respond to me...
Jihee (1:21 pm): You're making me seem desperate.
Jihee (4:45 pm): Her picture's out there now, you know? Some guy saying she cheated with you.
Jihee (5:00 pm): She doesn't look like the type to cheat.
Jihee (6:34 pm): The more I think about it...the less she seems like your type. Especially for a rebound.
Jihee (7:00 pm): You could do much better if you wanted to Oppa. She's kind of pretty and all, but don't you think she's a little simple?
Yoongi (7:02 pm): Whatever this is, is between us. Leave her out of it.
Sutures - Chapter Six: Locked In Love

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of sex, therapy, being chased by a cop (no violence occurs)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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"Hello?" you said, as Skype connected you to your client. He said he was a college student in the emails you'd exchanged. When his face appeared on the screen you smiled and waved politely. He bowed, which looked awkward over the screen, but it made you laugh. "Kim Jinwoo?"
"Yes!" he said, his eyes widening his eyebrows brushing the ends of his hair which lay over his forehead. "Nice to meet you, Teacher."
"Please call me, Sumi," you said. "No need for the formality."
He nodded.
"So, today I'm not going to go over much English with you, but I want to ask you a few questions just to get to know you and find out how I can best teach you."
You opened up your notebook where you had previously written down the questions you wanted to ask. It would certainly be possible to have your clients fill out a form with all of this information beforehand, but you liked to ease into it and allow them to get comfortable. You couldn't help but smile when you felt the familiar weight of the pen in your hand, something familiar in such an unfamiliar place.
"Why are you learning English?"
"I'm studying abroad in America in a couple of months," he said. "I want to have a good grasp on the language before then."
You nodded and wrote down his answer. "Have you ever taken an English class before?"
"The required ones in school," he said.
You continued on with the questions pausing only to write them down. Your first meeting went well and you waved goodbye to the boy. He smiled at you, his lips full and his teeth white.
"I'm excited to begin our sessions," he said. "I wasn't expecting my tutor to be someone my age."
"I'm still older than you," you said, laughing. "Even if it is only a year."
The boy joined in your laughter. "I'll send you my schedule so we can set up our next meeting."
"Sounds good."
"I'm looking forward to it," Jinwoo said, his voice slightly deeper than before. "Noona."
You and Yoongi sat on a plush love seat. Each of you clinging to either arm to prevent your thighs or arms from brushing. Yoongi barely looked at you; his face settled in a pout.
"So," the therapist said. "I've already talked with both of you individually and now we will focus on dual therapy. If either of you needs individual counseling, feel free to contact me."
The therapist was a young woman, older than both you and Yoongi, but too young to be either of your mothers. She had a friendly smile and a voice that cut through the air like a knife through butter; but you still found yourself fiddling with your fingers, digging your fingernails into the skin of your fingertips.
You'd thought about bringing your knitting needles giving yourself somewhat of an escape from the stagnant air surrounding you, but you didn't want to be rude. So, rather, you stewed in the stagnant air.
"Have you had your first urge yet?" The therapist's pen was poised on the notebook and her eyes flicked between both of you.
"Y-yes," you both managed to say.
"The first one is usually the hardest to control. Were you able to stop things before they went too far?"
"We didn't have sex if that's what you mean," Yoongi said. Your eyes widen and you want nothing more than to sink into the couch cushions. "Other than when we first met."
The therapist nods and writes something down on her notepad. "This will continue to be difficult for both of you, which is why it's important to have a close relationship, even though the end goal is to break this biological bond between you. What would each of you say is the hardest part so far?"
You both remained quiet. You still fiddled with your fingers wishing now that you'd brought your needles along. You felt a warmth come over your left hand briefly. You caught the sight of Yoongi's hand moving back to rest in his lap. His gaze, however, was still on you and your now still hands, his momentary warmth calming your restless limbs.
"We don't really know each other," Yoongi said. "We met only a few days ago and it's hard to find comfort in each other if we don't really know each other. And--"
"And we both got cheated on," you said. "It's hard to trust someone again."
Yoongi's gaze was on you again, burning a hole in your profile. You secretly wanted to reach out for his hand again and cling to it, because even if you weren't friends, even if you hated each other, there was still something that made you feel safe when your hand was in his.
"That's understandable," the therapist said. "Why don't each of you plan a date? Don't look at as a romantic gesture, just something you can do together to get to know each other a little better."
You nodded, but Yoongi shifted uncomfortably beside you.
"I thought the point was the break whatever bond there is."
She nodded towards Yoongi. "It is," she said. "But, you have to remember it's imperative to build an emotional connection with each other, because as the biological bond breaks it can cause severe mental health issues, which is why I'm here to help you. If you have a separate emotional bond, even just as friends, it will make severing the biological bond easier."
You and Yoongi nodded and you felt as he relaxed back down into the couch. Despite saying he didn't know you well, it seemed like he didn't want to know you.
Yet, you remember waking up that morning on the couch in his studio. At first, you didn't know where you were, not able to see much in the dark, but then you caught the faint glow of the computer screen and Yoongi's huddled shape in the chair. A blanket curled around his form and he clicked away aimlessly on the desktop, unknowingly bouncing his head to a beat you couldn't hear.
It was early in the morning. He either had gotten up early to work or had stayed in the studio with you the whole night. You weren't sure which was worse.
"You must be careful not to develop romantic feelings because the bond can still break and if someone has lingering feelings, it can cause them to continue to experience the withdrawals, which often in those cases is deadly."
You glanced at each other and smiles broke on both of your faces, the previous tension in the room dissipating into the air.
"I don't think that will be a problem."
It didn't take you long to figure out what you wanted to do with Yoongi on your "date". You saw him slouch as soon as the two of you stepped onto the bus. He'd worn a hat and a mask attempting to hide his identity as much as he could. You couldn't help but crack a smile at the way the boy sat at the very back of the bus. You sat beside him, the rough fabric of his black jeans brushing against the bare skin of your knees.
Even though it wasn't a real date, there was part of you that wanted to date again. Not Yoongi or anyone in particular, you just wanted to feel cared for again. You wanted to have someone who would wrap their hands around yours when you didn't have your knitting needles and felt anxious, someone to tell you everything will be okay. Another side of you wanted to be single, you'd been with Minki for three years, you'd forgotten what it was like to be alone.
The bus neared your stop and you softly tapped Yoongi's knee to signal it was nearly time to get off. The bus pulled into the stop and the two of you climbed off.
"We'll walk the rest of the way," you said. "It's not far."
"Would it have killed you to use one of the company cars?" he asked.
"This is my date," you said. "Now come on."
You were in central Seoul in the middle of the city and you felt Yoongi tense beside you. You looped your arm through his and walked in the direction of Namsan Tower.
"Hey!" he said, his arm squirming in your grip. "If someone gets a picture, this will look bad."
"We'll just look like a normal couple," you said. "If anything they'll pay less attention to you."
Yoongi sighed, his arm relaxing. You heard a small grunt of disbelief from underneath his mask, but he relented and allowed you to interlock your elbow with his.
You approached Namsan Tower--a large arrow-shaped building that jutted out from the middle of the city--and felt the wave of deja vu wash over you. The last time you were here you were gripping Minki's hand, a smile on both of your faces. You weren't really happy, you didn't realize it then, of course. You always told yourself Minki was the one, you told yourself that Minki was perfect. But, if the boy next to you now was any indication, you'd been lying to yourself.
"Don't tell me we're doing one of those stupid lock things," Yoongi said as the two of you entered the elevator and you pressed the button for the second floor.
"No," you said. "We're removing one."
When you got to the Locks of Love, there was more than you remember, locks running all along the rooftop deck. There were so many locks it looked as if the walls of the observation deck were made from the locks.
Despite the mass of locks, it didn't take you long to find the one you and Minki had picked out. It was near the top of the short wall, pale pink in color with yours and Minki's initials written on it and a heart drawn around them. The rain had caused the Sharpie to fade slightly, but the initials were still clearly visible.
You removed a bobby pin from your hair, a shorter piece of your hair falling into your face. You tucked it behind your ear and wiggled the bobby pin into the lock.
"I'm guessing you didn't keep the key?"
You smiled sheepishly and laughed at your own stupidity. "We threw it in the Han."
Even though Yoongi still wore a mask, you could see his plump lips forming a smirk underneath it.
"What?" you asked. "We thought we were in love."
"You weren't?"
You sighed. "I don't know. I at least thought I was."
Yoongi didn't react, but you felt his eyes watching intently as you wiggled the bobby pin back and forth, trying to get the lock to release. After a few minutes of struggling, Yoongi stepped in front of you, his keys in his hand.
"Sometimes if you have a similar key you can trick the lock into unlocking," he said. He tried a few of his keys, a small one eventually slipping in the lock. He jostled it, but to no avail.
"How do you know that?"
He raised his eyebrow. "You really want to know that?"
You noticed a few people looking at the two of you suspiciously. The last thing you needed was attention, it was a risk to come to such a busy place with Yoongi anyway. You nervously turned the bobby pin around in your fingers.
"You think if we just pulled on it long enough it would come off?"
You laughed, only causing more eyes to dart your way. You sighed and tried the bobby pin again, not managing to unlock the lock. Frustrated, you threw it to the ground.
"I should've made a copy of the key," you said. "I couldn't have been so stupid to think it would really last?"
You knew you had been that stupid. You thought Minki was the one even though the moths in your stomach always told you differently.
"Hey!" you heard someone shout from the other end of the deck. "You can't remove those!"
You noticed the man--a cop--run towards the two of you and before you could process what was happening, you were running down the stairs and back down to the street.
At some point, your hand had fallen into Yoongi's. His hand gripped yours tightly as you followed only slightly behind him. You eventually fell into the crowd of central Seoul and ducked into an alleyway.
You both breathed heavily and Yoongi pulled down his mask to breathe more freely. His lips and face red, his lips in a pout. His hand still holding yours and your bodies mere inches apart, feeling each other's warmth.
"I'm so sorry," you said. "I didn't realize it was illegal and I thought it might be therapeutic to remove it. If we get caught, I'll take the blame, cause you're an idol and I've already caused you too much trouble..."
Yoongi laughed. "Shhhh, we'll get caught if you keep rambling." He let go of your hand and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. His chin rested comfortably on the crown of your head. His heart beat against your ear, in near rhythm with your own.
"Don't worry about the lock," he said, whispering, his breath tickling the skin of your ear. "Just because it's there doesn't mean anything. You don't have to love him, or ever have."
His arms loosen around you and you look up at him. You'd never seen him like this before; his voice deep and calm, his eyes calm and kind, his fingers lightly twisting the ends of your hair. His skin shone in the dimly lit alley and his back was against the wall.
"I think we're safe, now," he said. "I'll get us a taxi." He pulled the mask back up and held his arm out for you, allowing you to loop your arm through his again.
You walk down the street to find a taxi, most of which were full in the late afternoon. People push past you and vendors yell out their prices to potential costumers. You don't pay much attention to anyone or anything as you walk, but your eyes flit to a newsstand with its glossy magazine covers and airbrushed celebrities.
You suddenly catch sight of your face on the top right of a magazine cover. It was next to Yoongi's. You stopped, even the tug of Yoongi's arm didn't startle you from your thoughts.
You picked up the cover and felt tears coming to your eyes as you take in the headline, "Jang Sumi Cheated On Her Long Time Boyfriend With Min Yoongi?!" A small mention of Yoongi's ex was mentioned as well.
"Sumi," Yoongi's voice cut through your thoughts. "Come on, I'll explain everything in the taxi."
He tugged on your hand lightly and after a moment you place the magazine back on its rack and follow him, his hand completely enveloping yours. His hand was your only anchor in the choppy sea.
Eventually, Yoongi manages to wave down a taxi and the two of you climb in. His hand leaves yours as he tells the driver directions and suddenly you are overboard.
Everything that had threatened to spill over on the street now spilled over on your cheeks. You turned away from Yoongi, quickly wiping away the hot tears, wondering why it seemed you always cried in front of him when he was the last person you wanted to see you cry.
"I didn't want to tell you," he said. "I was hoping it would die down before you found out." He paused, taking a deep breath. You turned to face him, it was barely evident you had cried at all, but you felt some tears still threatening to spill over. "After everything with the shoes, Minki's been saying some things. He's saying you were still in a relationship with him when you slept with me. Don't worry, we haven't confirmed anything, most people think he's just a jealous ex, and intend to keep it that way, okay?"
"Everyone knows we slept together?" you asked. "They think I cheated?"
Yoongi reached out and moved the piece of hair your bobby pin freed and tucked it behind your ear. "I'm going to take care of it," he said. "Don't worry, everything will be over when we come back from Japan."
You nodded, wishing more than ever you'd saved the key, so you could unlock the lock and destroy it. Never having to think about Minki again.
Sutures - Chapter Seven: Knotted

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): eavesdropping, angst, Yoongi kinda being a dick but not too bad lol
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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The warm water ran down your skin and onto the tiled floor of the shower. It was odd having a shower where you could stretch your arms out wide in, you were used to small showers that barely allowed you to shave your legs without hitting your head. But, the shower at the dorm was huge and you couldn't help, but stay in for much longer than was needed, allowing the water to massage your shoulders.
After finding out that all of South Korea (and probably beyond) knew your name and thought you cheated on Minki, you'd curled up on the seat of the car. If you hadn't let Eunji drag you to the bar that night, none of this ever would've happened. You never would've met Yoongi.
Your heart pained when the thought crossed your mind. Never meeting Yoongi. Despite the fact, he seemed to be more trouble than he was worth, there was part of your heart that didn't want to let go of him. And, it was the part you knew you needed to suppress.
You heard a soft knock on the door, barely audible over the sound of the water. You knew it was him before he even spoke, you weren't sure if it was due to the soulmates thing or if your heart truly was betraying you because as soon as you heard his voice, all the stress you held in your chest released.
"Sumi? Is it all right if I come in?"
"Yeah," you said. You weren't overly worried about Yoongi catching sight of your naked body. There was enough steam on the shower doors to disguise you, and it wasn't like he hadn't seen it before.
"We can do my--uh--date once you get out," he said. "It's nothing much, but I hope it's okay. I brought you some clothes."
"Do you prefer coffee or tea?"
"Okay, when you're done just come to my studio. I've left you a note with the code."
You finished a few minutes later wrapping your hair up in a towel. You glanced down at the clothes he'd left for you, smiling when recognized them as pajamas with Shooky, his BT21 character on them. You smiled.
You changed and braided your hair so that it would stay out of the way and would be easy to tend to the next morning before the flight to Japan. After washing your face, you reached into the pocket of the pajamas and pulled out the sticky note with the code to Yoongi's studio.
Despite having been in his studio before, it felt odd entering the code yourself. You held your finger gingerly above the keypad and entered each number slowly, scared that if you messed up the code an alarm would go off.
The lock released and you heaved open the door surprised that it was so heavy. When you walked in, you found blankets on the couch and a laptop perched on the desk a couple feet from the desk. You smiled and sat down on the couch, crossing your legs, and pulling a blanket over yourself.
Despite having been in the studio before, it seemed dirtier than before. Papers were scattered across his desk and a few coffee cups that escaped the trash. Ever since you had come together, it was obvious he wasn't getting as much work done, and that that was frustrating him.
You also noticed the three framed photos near his main computer. One of him and the other members all wearing leis and posing in what you assumed as a Hawaiian airport. The other was of you presumed his family; his parents and what looked like an older brother. Yoongi was still a teenager in the picture and you couldn't help, but smile at how awkwardly adorable he looked with hair that stuck up and a face that wasn't quite adult yet. The third photo was that of a brown poodle puppy.
You glanced down at the desk and noticed a photo peeking out from underneath a handful of papers. You pushed it aside and gasped when you saw that it was actually a print off of an email with a photo attachment. A photo of you and Yoongi from the alleyway. His arms around you and his mask down beneath his chin. From the angle, it looked as if he were kissing your forehead and you sighed, knowing Yoongi would probably not do such a thing in public, even if your relationship was completely real and straightforward.
You noticed the email address came from the presumed photographer and your chest tied in knots as you hoped that meant Yoongi was trying to prevent the photo from being released. You heard the code being punched in and quickly shuffled the email back under papers and picked up the picture of Yoongi and his family and pretended to study it intensely.
"Hey," he said, holding two mugs, making you curious as to how he opened the door in the first place. His eyes widened slightly when he saw you holding the framed photo.
"Sorry," you said, placing the photo back on his desk. "Your family looks nice."
Yoongi smiled. "They really want to meet you," he said. He handed you the hot mug of tea. "I didn't want to pressure you, especially since we're trying to sever this."
"My parents have been the same," you said. "They're so happy about this whole soulmate thing. They didn't even care that you were an idol."
"My parents were happy you were normal."
You laughed. "Are we watching a movie?"
"Yeah," Yoongi said. "I have a couple things to finish up first if you don't mind. You can pick something while you wait, it should only be a few minutes."
You nodded and started scrolling through Netflix on his laptop. You scrolled through the various offerings, unsure of Yoongi's preferences. Would it be inappropriate to watch something romance heavy? Would it make him uncomfortable?
Yoongi seemed like the type of guy to like a classic gangster movie, but that wasn't something you were into. Although, you were fairly certain neither of you were huge fans of horror.
You eventually settled on a movie somewhere in the middle with a smattering of everything. A little action and a little romance, but not so unbearably cheesy that you wouldn't enjoy it.
When you glanced up at Yoongi, he was seated at his desktop with headphones perched atop his gray hair. His head bounced slowly to a beat you couldn't hear and you could see bits of sounds and recordings that he was arranging on his screen.
You took a sip of your tea and waited.
"Thanks for meeting up with me on such short notice," you said, adjusting the laptop screen so that there wasn't a glare on your face. "My schedule changed and I'm going to be out of the city for the next week."
"It's not a problem," Jinwoo said, smiling, a pen in his hand and just the corner of his notebook visible. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?"
"Japan," you said, not thinking much of your answer.
"Oh wait," Jinwoo said. "Jang Sumi? I think I saw you on a magazine cover? With Min Yoongi?"
"Oh, uh, yeah," you said. "That's me."
"So, you're his soulmate? How does that work?"
"I don't really want to talk about this right now," you said. "Unless you can do it in English." You tried to lighten the mood, tried to make it sound like the fact your client knew what was happening in your personal life didn't make a rock sink low in your stomach.
Jinwoo laughed. "It's okay, I understand. I imagine it's hard having to uproot your life just because of your biological soulmate or whatever."
You smiled, his flippant tone catching you off guard. "It would really help if he wasn't so busy. I can't blame the guy, he has a fantastic career, but it's hard on me."
"You're still wearing his pajamas though."
"Shooky," he said. "Suga created that character."
"Oh," you said. "He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something."
"Or, he likes you more than he lets on."
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Your lips tightened when you finished the sentence. You'd only talked to Jinwoo once before and your heart pounded as you realized what you'd just said. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to."
"It's all right," he said. "I like to think we're friends, so it's okay."
Yoongi realized you were gone after almost two hours. He took off his headphones and glanced down at his watch and cursed.
If it weren't for the crumpled blankets on the couch, he'd never know you'd ever been there. He knew he'd let you down, it was a simple movie, two hours at the most. He couldn't even spare two hours for you?
He exited his studio and headed down the hallway towards your room. He could hear your laugh, which made him smile. Thankful the hallway was abandoned, lest his smile due to your presence be discovered, he pressed his shoulder against your door frame. Your door was cracked and he could see you seated at your desk. He raised his hand to knock lightly on your door when he caught a look at your computer screen.
It was another boy. He was young and Yoongi didn't like the way his eyes seemed to devour you, even through the screen.
"He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something." You looked down at the pajamas you had on and ran your thumb over the collar.
He couldn't hear the boy's response, but your eyes widened and your shoulders tensed.
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Yoongi balled his fists. You were being reckless. It was obvious that you were uncomfortable with all the media attention, but you were doing nothing to help yourself. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to."
Yoongi left your doorway and rambled back down the hallway.
"Hey Jiminie, can you pass me the other end?"
Jimin sat on the opposite of the couch in the living room. He was in the middle of slurping up noodles, but quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks to hand you the end of the scarf.
"Jiminie? I'm older than you, right?"
"Oh, I guess you are," you said. "But, you're so cute, it's easy to forget. You don't mind, do you?" A smirk broke out on your lips.
"No, I like it actually."
Jimin had just picked up his bowl of ramen when Yoongi came into the room. You could practically feel the anger rolling off him in waves.
"Sumi," he said. "We need to talk?"
You looked up at him, your eyes large and confused. "About what?"
Jimin had taken an interest, obviously noticing the older boy's anger. He sat down his ramen and scooted closer to you. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"
Jimin's question only annoyed him more. His body stiffened and his eyes looked nearly black.
"What's wrong? She's so worried about her image and all the publicity, but yet is telling one of her clients all about us."
"Were you spying on me?"
"I came looking for you after--"
You looked up at him, your arms crossed. "I never would've left if--"
"That's not the point!" Yoongi's voice raised slightly. Although, he wasn't yelling. He didn't seem like to yell when he got angry, rather he sizzled in the heat until he popped like a popcorn kernel. "You can't just tell someone like him! You have no idea who this guy is! What if he goes to the press? We'd have another Minki on our hands! Are you stupid?"
Tears pricked at your vision and you felt Jimin's hand on your wrist, but it left as soon as you moved to rub your eyes.
"Yoongi, calm down. She's not used to all this. She just made a mistake."
"I didn't go on that date to watch you work, Yoongi. I'm sorry if I got frustrated and vented to someone who listened. But, this never would've happened if you would've just watched the movie. We were supposed to get to know each other."
"I guess you know who I am now."
"I'm sorry, Sumi," Jimin said, following you into your room and plopping beside you on your bed. "Yoongi sometimes gets like this. I promise he'll get over it in a couple days."
"I really don't want to go to Japan, Jimin. I don't want to be around him." Your face fell into your hands. "But, I have to."
"Shh, Sumi. It'll be okay. Just try to get some sleep. I'll stay with you if you want."
You shook your head. "No," you said. "Thank you though. It just doesn't feel right."
He nodded, seeming to understand and left you alone.
You laid down and pulled the covers to your chin. You hated to turn Jimin away. The last thing you wanted was to be alone, but ever since that night with Yoongi, only his arms made you feel safe.
You silently cursed and pulled Kitty to your chest.
Jimin shut your door quietly and shook his head. He hated to see you and Yoongi fight. From the day he met you, he could tell there something odd about your dynamic. The quiet understanding of each other, but yet the fierce opposition.
He passed by Yoongi's studio, the light on. Jimin knew Yoongi would probably spend the rest of the night there, not wanting to step foot in the hallway due to the fear of facing you again.
Jimin smiled as he remembered your ragged stuffed cat. He'd done just as you had asked and placed Kitty in the donation pile. It was only later when making another trek into the living room to place more into boxes that he noticed Yoongi slipping the stuffed cat into his bag.
He hadn't said anything then, but the morning you asked him if he was the one who'd saved the hapless creature, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the true savior who hid his smile behind sips of morning coffee.
Sutures - Chapter Eight: Bypass

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): angst, invasions of privacy and personal space
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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You awoke with a pounding headache. Looking down at your phone, you noticed the reason why: around 10 text messages from Namjoon.
Most of them were just general greetings or texts to wake you up, but one of them piqued your interest.
Namjoon (6:50 am): I would come wake you up, but I think Yoongi is going through something related to the whole soulmate thing. I don't want it to hurt if I touch you.
Did it hurt for other people to touch Yoongi? Even in innocent ways? You felt guilt run down your spine, despite knowing it wasn't your fault. It made you wonder if it was related to the fact that you felt safest when you were in his arms, no one else could compare.
You sent him a quick text to let him know you were awake, before rubbing your temples and rubbing your eyes. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Normally, on a flight, you wore sweats or leggings, but because you were bound to run into paparazzi, you wanted to look at least presentable.
You already felt your stomach turning. You hadn't been on a plane for two years--since you last visited your family in the US--and you remembered the way your heart beat out of your chest at take off and you were convinced you would never touch the ground.
When you finally emerged from your room, you found the members waiting in the living room. All but one set of eyes darted to you when you walked into the room, Yoongi appeared immersed in his phone.
"Hey Sumi," Jimin said. "I saved you a banana."
"Oh, that's sweet, Jimin," you said. "But, I'm not really hungry."
Yoongi's eyes were on you now. You felt as his eyes took in your face: still red eyes, bare skin, and the baby hairs that curled around your ears. You forced yourself not to look in his direction, despite everything telling you to meet his eyes. Even your neck ached as you kept yourself from turning it.
"Are you sure?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, honestly, don't worry about it."
"All right, the members will all go through the main entrance," their manager explained. "Fans and reporters are already waiting, so as soon as BTS is out. We will drive around and--Sumi--you will go through the side entrance. Hopefully, this will prevent too much issue and we and we can all get on the plane without too much hassle."
Everyone nodded, but you still felt doubt in the pit of your stomach. You watched as the van approached the main airport entrance. The screams were louder than the radio and nearly deafening as the van came to a stop.
Despite the tinted windows, you still ducked down behind the seat and waited as the members climbed out. Screams and camera flashes were all you could hear and you were thankful that you weren't the one facing the crowd. Yet, your heart still panged as you thought about the members essentially distracting everyone so you could get through without being swamped.
"We have a bodyguard for you," Se-jin, the band's manager said. "If anything happens, he'll make sure you get through the crowd and onto the plane. Everyone is already pre-checked, so you should be able to pretty much walk on the plane."
You nodded, clasping your passport and ticket tightly in your hand. The van stopped at the side entrance and you climbed out. No one was outside of it, except for airport security, so you rushed to grab your suitcase and head inside the airport.
"Good luck," Se-jin said, giving you a sympathetic look as you approached the entrance.
You walked through the door and they came out of nowhere. Paparazzi mostly, their cameras blinding you as you attempted to move forward.
"Sumi! Is it true you cheated on Park Minki?"
"Do you really love Yoongi?"
"Sumi! Look here!"
"Sumi, talk to us!"
The whirlwind of flashes and yells were too much for your headache and you closed your eyes for just a moment. When you opened them, you felt yourself colliding with another figure, your shoulder slamming into their bicep, which resulted in hot coffee on your white T-shirt.
"I'm so sorry, Sumi," the figure said.
You turned to look at them, only to have a camera snapped in your face. Blinded, you turned around and stumbled towards where you remembered the security clearance to be. You felt someone grab your arm lightly and looked up to see the bodyguard they'd assigned you leading you through the mess.
"What happened?" Namjoon asked as the bodyguard ushered you through the first class curtain and into your seat.
"Paparazzi spilled coffee on her so he could get a shot," the bodyguard said, standing at the doorway of first class and watching as you sat down in the window seat next to Taehyung.
"Sumi, are--?"
Taehyung was interrupted by the intercom and the captain telling everyone to buckle in and stay in the seats as the plane prepared to take off.
Your heart was already beating so quickly it almost felt like when you and Yoongi were separated the morning you found out he was your soulmate. You thought you were dying as your heart beat so quickly.
You closed your eyes and took a breath as the plane engine rumbled behind you and the plane began accelerating down the runaway.
“Tae," you said, your voice sounded desperate and as if you were about to cry. "C-Can you hold my hand? Just until the seatbelt sign is off?"
Taehyung didn't respond, but took hold of your hand and intertwined your fingers. You sat for a few seconds as the plane jolted into the air.
"Ah!" Tae pulled his hand away. His palm was red and his hand shook in shock. You reached to examine his hand. "No, no," he said.
"Did--did I do that?"
"I think so," he said. "I know you didn't mean to."
"I'm sorry."
You sighed and brought your knees to your chest and rested your head on them as you glanced out the window. You were almost above the clouds, the plane skimming the very tops. Watching the clouds--while it didn't necessarily relax you--it did allow you to get out of your mind enough until the seatbelt light clicked off.
You unhooked your seatbelt and walked past the members and to the first class bathroom. You were stunned when you entered to find it at least double the size of the typical economy class bathroom, but the thought soon passed as you caught sight of yourself in the mirror.
A large brown stain nearly covered the entire front of your T-shirt and your hair was falling out of its ponytail. You sighed, realizing you hadn't grabbed a new shirt out of your carry on. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, only to reveal Yoongi standing in the doorway.
His hands rested on either side of the door and he looked up at you, your eyes meeting for the first time since the fight.
You backed into the bathroom and Yoongi followed you in, closing and locking the door behind him. "Take your shirt off," he said.
"What?" You instinctively crossed your arms as he reached from the hem of your T-shirt.
"Did it burn you?"
You uncrossed your arms and allowed him to lift your shirt over your head. He tossed it aside and unbuttoned his own as he looked over your torso. No burns, only the fading hickeys he'd left earlier in the week.
He finished unbuttoning his flannel--revealing his own white T-shirt underneath--and draped it over your shoulders and began to button it.
"Won't they notice when we get to Japan that I'm wearing your shirt?"
"What's happening? I hurt Tae and Namjoon mentioned something about not being able to touch you," you said, focusing down on his hands as they finished buttoning the flannel. He was careful not to allow his touches to linger too long, but whenever he pulled away, it felt as if your heart was going to come out of your chest and follow him.
He rolled up the sleeve of his T-shirt exposing a fresh red burn that looked much like the one you'd unintentionally given Taehyung.
"It happened when Namjoon tried to wake me up," he said. "I think it has to do with the argument we got into last night."
Your gaze fell to the floor as he mentioned the argument. "So, do we have to work it out, or is it a permanent thing until we figure out how to sever the connection?"
"I don't know," Yoongi said. "But, I have a fan meeting tomorrow and I feel like my flesh will burn off by the end."
You smirked and couldn't help the chuckle in the back of your throat. "Is that the only reason you're here? So, your hand doesn't burn off?"
Yoongi's eyes widened. You realized the harshness of your words only after you had said them, but you didn't regret them. You straightened your back and kept your eyes locked on his.
When he grabbed your hand, your muscles relaxed and the exhaustion you'd felt from the previous days overwhelming you. Your eyelids drooped and you barely felt how your head came to rest just below his collarbones and his arms interlocked at the small of your back.
"No, I really am sorry, Sumi," he said, his voice barely audible over the sound of the plane's engine. "I regretted everything as soon as I said it. I was unfair."
You opened your eyes, but couldn't bring yourself to look at him. You simply caught a look at yourself in the mirror. Yoongi's flannel coming down to your thighs and the way your arms wrapped around him completely.
"I shouldn't have said anything to him," you said. "I wasn't thinking."
"Shhh," Yoongi said, one of his hands coming to play with your falling out ponytail. "Jimin told me you were crying last night." You didn't respond but rather turned your face into his chest. "Don't cry over me, okay? Especially if I'm being stupid like that. I'm not worth it."
Tears tickled your eyes. "You said I was stupid--"
"I didn't mean it. Sumi, you speak two languages and you teach English. You're so smart and you don't even know it. I never should've said anything."
You pulled away from him, but the air felt lighter around you. You glanced at yourself in your mirror.
"My god," you said, in English, pulling out your ponytail and allowing your hair to fluff out around your face. You used your hands to smooth back the hair, but stopped when he placed his hands on top of yours.
"Let me do it," he said. Yoongi took hold of the hair tie and did the same motion with his hands, but due to his vantage point, he was able to pull your hair tighter.
"How about on our day off in Japan I take you on a proper date?" he asked, tying up your hair.
"I'd like that," you said, turning around and smiling up at him.
He only responded with the smile you'd come to love.
Sutures - Chapter Nine: Lost In Japan

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): chest pain, health problems, getting lost
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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When you landed in Japan, your phone was already blowing up with notifications.
"Jang Sumi Seen With Min Yoongi's Bodyguard"
"Jang Sumi Joining BTS In Japan For Promotions"
The cameras already waited when you stepped into the airport. You were in the middle of the members, and instead of stopping for pictures like normal, bodyguards flanked in between the eight of you and the cameras.
You felt as Yoongi reached down and softly took your hand. You looked back at him with a confused look and he just shrugged.
"They all have their assumptions anyway," he said. "Just keep going. They'll try to get in our way, but just keep going. They won't bother you if you're with me."
You moved through the crowd with Yoongi's hand as your anchor. You heard the various fans gasping and screaming and the paparazzi asking questions and trying to provoke you and the members into a response, but before you knew it, you were in the back of a van and fastening your seatbelt. The satisfying click making you smile. You made it.
Yoongi was beside you. He still held your hand and you wondered if he noticed. His thumb rubbed lightly over your knuckles in a quick, sweeping motion. You didn't necessarily mind him holding your hand, it was just that there was no use for it now.
The van door shut as Jimin got in and plopped down beside you. A few seconds later, the van was moving.
"My phone blew up when we landed," you said. "Apparently, the bodyguard who helped me through the airport was your bodyguard?"
"Oh, yeah," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"What did you do then?"
"Eh, we had plenty of bodyguards," he said. "Since we were in a group, it was unnecessary to have mine."
"But, Yoongi, I know things have happened to you in airports before. You're an idol. You're a bigger risk."
"Sumi, I lent him to you and something still happened," Yoongi said, his thumb brushing over your knuckles again, but slower this time.
"You really don't have to worry about us, Sumi," Jimin said. His eyes were closed and you'd honestly thought he was asleep. "We have enough bodyguards and we have Jungkook." Jimin kicked the back of the youngest's seat, who sat in front of him.
You laughed and dropped the subject and instead gazed out the window at Tokyo. You'd only truly been to the city once when you were a kid, although you'd had many layovers in the Tokyo airport on your flight to and from the US.
"There's a problem with the hotel," Se-jin said, coming back out to the van. Most of the members were barely awake due to their busy schedules and how they'd gotten used to sleeping on most forms of transportation. "A fire sprinkler in Sumi's room burst and it flooded the whole room. The flooding is contained in her room due to the staff. Are you okay sharing a room, Sumi?"
You nodded. "Yeah," you said. "That's fine."
"All right, does anyone--"
"I will!" All of the members shouted at once. You were amazed that despite their perceived states of sleep, they all appeared to be awake and fully listening. You laughed.
"She'll stay with me," Yoongi said.
You turned to look at him surprised. "But, what about the rumors?"
"They know we're soulmates at this point. And, if you got caught staying with one of the other members, what do you think they would think?"
Your brow furrowed. They already thought you had cheated on Minki with Yoongi, but if the media began circulating that you were cheating on Yoongi, you could only imagine the backlash you would receive.
"Yeah, okay," you said. "I'll stay with Yoongi." Se-jin nodded and closed the van door as he went back into the hotel to finish checking in.
"We've rented out the whole floor, so there should be no way anyone will find out," Yoongi said, giving you a small smile.
"Then, why couldn't I stay with one of the other boys?" you asked, your lips curving into a smirk.
Yoongi's ears turned red and he looked between you and the other members who watched in loving amusement.
"Just in case."
By the time you all got checked in and everything unloaded, the sun was beginning to set. You saw no point in unpacking your suitcase completely when you were only staying for four days. However, you unpacked your toiletries and headed to the bathroom.
"Do you need to shower--?" you ask, but the words are left in the air as you notice Yoongi dropping the extra pillows and blankets from the closet onto the couch. "What are you doing?"
"Setting up my bed." He smoothed out the blankets and placed the pillow on one end of the couch.
"You don't have to sleep on the couch. I trust you. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before."
"It's not that," Yoongi said. "I don't trust the urges. We've only had one, but I'm afraid if we lay together in bed. It would just trigger something."
You nodded. "You're right. But, I'll sleep on the couch. This is your room."
Yoongi shrugged and shook his head before falling back onto the couch and crossing his hands over his stomach. "Go take your shower."
You sighed and went into the bathroom and took the shower you'd been long awaiting. Despite the coffee having been spilled on you hours before and changing into Yoongi's shirt, you could still feel the sticky cream-filled coffee on your skin. You undressed and folded Yoongi's shirt and placed it on the counter so that it wouldn't get wet and continued to undress. Only when you had finished did you realize that you'd forgotten to bring your pajamas with you.
"Yoongi?" you asked, peeking your head out the bathroom. "Are you awake?"
Yoongi chose not to respond as you emerged from the bathroom in one of the hotel's white bathrobes. He didn't respond because he wanted you to strip in front of him, but rather, he was hoping to be asleep within a few minutes anyway.
As he heard you shuffle back towards the bed, he heard a small scuffle and you curse under your breath. He opened his eyes to see you standing by the bed as nothing happened. You unfastened the robe and allowed it to fall.
Yoongi only caught a glance of your bare back before he shut his eyes again, although he felt a stirring in his stomach. He could only curse in his head as he attempted to focus on anything else. He didn't catch a glimpse of anything super sexual, but it didn't matter. Yoongi hoped this wouldn't lead to another urge. While he wanted nothing more than to pull you into him and kiss you up and down your body, he knew he couldn't for the sake of severing the soulmate bond.
There were a few seconds of silence. He figured you'd finished getting dressed, but the light was still on and he hadn't heard you climb into the bed. He opened his eyes only to be met with a pillow to the face.
"I knew you weren't asleep!" you said, holding the pillow above your head to bring back down upon him. Yoongi acted quickly and sat up and grabbed the pillow and tossed it to the side.
You were dumbfounded for a second until you heard Yoongi laugh. "What was your plan exactly?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to prove you were being a creep." You wiggled your eyebrows as a smirk came over your face.
"Hey! I didn't see anything. I kept my eyes closed."
"Mmm," you said. "I don't believe you."
Before Yoongi could respond, a silence came over the two of you as you both simultaneously realized that you were straddling his lap and you could feel him pressing into you.
"Sorry," he whispered as you climbed off of him.
You shook your head. "No, it's okay. You didn't mean to. Let's, uh, let's go to bed."
"Wait, Sumi, what are your plans for tomorrow?"
"I just plan on going out and exploring a bit. I've never got to explore the city. Probably do some shopping, visit temples." Your eyes narrowed in curiosity. "Why?"
"I'll be working," he said. "Just make sure to get back here before me so we don't risk anything. I'm supposed to be done with the fan sign at five."
You nodded. "You don't think being away from each other in general will cause anything?"
It was only then that Yoongi realized that you hadn't been away from each other for nearly two weeks. While you might not be physically together, you were always within the same building or space. "I think it's been enough time."
You nodded as you climbed under the covers of the bed and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. Even in the dark, Yoongi could make out as you pulled the covers up to your chin and turned on your side. It made him smile.
"Goodnight, Yoongi."
Your knees ached by midday, but your day alone in the city had been one of the best you'd had in years. You hadn't been truly alone for what felt like months. Sure, you slept alone and you could easily duck in the bathroom for five minutes of peace, but this was freedom you didn't think you'd have after the whole soulmate thing happened.
Yoongi was gone when you'd woke up that morning, the blanket tossed to one side of the couch. Not neat, but not exactly messy. It was odd, not feeling the aching in his chest when he was gone. You knew there were exceptions for when you were obligated to be apart, but since Yoongi worked so much, maybe it wouldn't be so horrible.
Your mind had still wandered to Yoongi throughout the day. Occasionally, you'd see a BTS ad campaign or someone wearing merch, but what really caught your attention was a small Kumamon figure. It was clearly meant to act as a paperweight or just to decorate a desk. You'd noticed that Yoongi seemed to like the character and after a quick Google search, it was confirmed. You bought the figure and tossed it into your purse.
With shopping bags in your hands and your camera in your hand, you managed to use your one free hand to pull out enough money to buy a taiyaki. You thanked the woman who handed it to you in your best rudimental Japanese.
You were a few blocks away and halfway through your taiyaki when you thought to check the time. You nearly dropped the sweet bun when you realized it was 4:50 pm. Yoongi was due to be done in ten minutes and you were at least a half hour walk from the hotel--if not more.
You rush out to the side of the road and attempt to hail a taxi. The first few passed you, but eventually one stopped and you frantically told the driver the name of the hotel.
Within five minutes, the driver only managed to get a few blocks because of rush hour traffic. With nowhere to go, you were stranded. You'd gone the whole day without making a scene or being recognized (although maybe because you wore a baseball cap and mask), despite your face on the cover of magazine articles everywhere. And, you were afraid that you were going to have to end up on more of them to get out of this.
You waited another five minutes before handing the driver a wad of cash that was definitely too much and apologizing as you got out of the cab. Carrying your bags and purse on your arm, you ran across the stopped lanes of traffic and tried to ignore the car horns and confused shouts. You checked the time. 5:01 pm. You ran and pulled up the GPS on your phone and entered the hotel address.
Your vision blurred and you felt a small pull in your chest. It was warning you.
Something felt off as the van pulled up to the back door of the hotel. His palms begin to sweat and his heart beat against his chest as if he were sprinting. The door to the van opened and Yoongi didn't even remember it stopping or the rest of the members climbing out.
"Yoongi?" one of the members called.
Yoongi managed to his feet and out of the van but nearly collapsed against Jin, who grabbed him by the shoulder to stabilize him. He doesn't get far before he collapses against the wall of the hotel, his neck lulling back.
"Yoongi, what's wrong?"
"Sumi...she must not be back yet..."
Yoongi hears some talking and shuffling, but barely understands anything as two of the boys lift him up and inside the hotel.
"They're going to look for her, Yoongi. It will be okay."
You'd made it a few more blocks, although you could barely tell. You were running, even though your vision was so blurred you could barely see. You used the buildings on the side as your guide and hoped you wouldn't bump into anyone.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you honestly couldn't tell if it was because of the running or that Yoongi was back at the hotel. You felt lightheaded and even with your headphones in you could barely hear the directions your GPS was telling you.
The edges of your vision begin going black and you feel your knees hit the pavement. This was it. You hoped a passerby would stop and at least call an ambulance.
"Sumi!" someone a short distance away shouted.
You couldn't make out their faces, but you could see figures running through the crowd towards you. As you slumped against the nearest wall, you felt yourself being scooped up.
"Sumi, Sumi, it's okay. We're not too far away. Come on, stay awake."
You recognized Jungkook's face and allowed your face to fall against his T-shirt. It felt warm, but as you neared the hotel, your senses clearing a tiny bit, you realized it was a little too warm. You remembered back to the day before when you'd accidentally burned Tae's hand.
"I-I'm sorry," you said. "It doesn't hurt does it?"
"It was just the T-shirt. Don't worry about it, Sumi."
His voice is soft and you can barely hear him over the commotion you're approaching. You can already hear the slew of photographers who are inside the lobby of the hotel and outside on the sidewalk. They haven't seemed to notice you yet, as their camera flashes and yells are aimed elsewhere.
"Jungkook! Jimin!" Se-jin called from the alleyway where he held open a service door normally only used for employees. While your vision had cleared, you still felt out of breath and your heart still convulsed in your chest.
Jungkook ran towards the door and immediately into a service elevator. He didn't drop you back on your feet like you had expected him to. His arms were slung under your knees and around your shoulders. You wondered why you weren't burning his arms. Maybe because he wasn't touching your skin? Maybe the soulmate curse somehow recognized that he was helping you get closer to Yoongi? Whatever it was, you were thankful that beyond burning a small black hole in his T-shirt, you hadn't hurt him.
The elevator dinged and Jungkook rushed you into your hotel room. Yoongi was already on the bed, a cloth on his forehead. He was sweaty, his shirt pulled up, exposing his stomach and his hair pushed back.
Jungkook plopped you down on the bed beside Yoongi. Your breath evened out and your muscles relaxed, but the dull ache in your chest remained.
"Do you guys need anything?"
"Just some water."
Jungkook went to the sink and filled a glass with water and set it on the bedside table beside you. "Just text or call one of us if you need anything."
You nodded and Jungkook left the room. As soon as the door shut, Yoongi's arms around you and your face in his chest. His lips came to your forehead and you released a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding.
"I lost track of time," you said. "I tried to take a taxi, but it was rush hour."
"It's okay. It's not your fault. It was harder than we thought it would be."
"Do you think we'll ever break it?" you asked. "If this was so difficult, if we can't even be apart due to a simple mistake, even if we were in love, how would we fix this?"
"I don't know. But, you should get some sleep."
"You too."
You rested your head on Yoongi's shoulder, his arm slung around you comfortably, fitting perfectly against your waist and in the swell of your hips. It was the only place your body would allow you to be, but even if it was just the soulmate curse, even if you didn't love Yoongi, you knew there was no other place you wanted to be than his arms.
You fell asleep long before Yoongi did. Your small breaths tickling the skin on his neck and you were so still in his arms, only the way your chest moved slowly up and down indicated that you were still alive.
He'd never tell you, but he loved the way you looked when you slept. You scrunched your face up like a fussy baby and sometimes you'd make small moans in reactions to whatever happened in your dreams.
It was nearly 1 am and Yoongi couldn't sleep. There were still pangs in his chest, but he wasn't sure if it was due to the earlier ordeal, or something else. He looked down at your sleeping form and carefully tucked stray hairs behind your ear. The ends of your hair were still a little damp with sweat, but he didn't care.
You smiled at his touch and burrowed deeper into him. So deep, in fact, Yoongi wasn't sure you'd ever come out.
Sutures - Chapter Ten: Amiodarone

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): family member hospitalization, therapy, angst if you squint
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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The first thing you felt--before you opened your eyes--was Yoongi's white T-shirt against your cheek and the warmth of his skin beneath it. His arm was around you and his hand rested on the peak of your hip. You opened your eyes and looked up to see his hair splayed across his forehead and his lips pouted.
You smiled as you slowly removed yourself from Yoongi's arms. He stirred as you stood up and were away from his grasp, but he softly moved as he rolled onto his side and his arms reached for where you had once been. You could get used to waking up next to Yoongi every morning. Something about the way he missed you--even when he wasn't awake--made your heart swell.
You quickly pushed those thoughts away as you took two mugs from the table and flipped them right side up. While you were used to cheap hotels with packages of instant coffee and--if you were lucky--an electric tea kettle, this hotel, however, had a full coffee maker and a few coffee brands to choose from. You chose a brand you recognized and placed it in the coffee maker.
It wasn't long before the entire room smelled of coffee. As you were pouring the second cup of coffee, you felt a soft touch on your waist and turned to catch Yoongi's soft smile and messy hair as he reached for one of the mugs.
"Thanks," he said, his voice raspy and deep.
You nodded and took a sip of your coffee and sat down at the table, Yoongi soon following and sitting across from you.
"You like it black?"
"Yeah," you said. "My dad would always drink it black and when I was old enough that's how he made it for me. It just kind of stuck."
"Do you miss them?"
"Of course," you said. "It's hard when they're so far away, but I don't regret staying here. I can make a living here, more so than I could in the US."
"When did you see them last?"
"Around a year ago. Minki came with me and it was the first time he'd been to the US and the first time he met my family. They didn't like him that much. I guess I should've listened to them." You chuckled sardonically and took a large sip of coffee, creating a silence--while not uncomfortable--had a small bit of tension laced in. "What about you? You don't get to see your family much either, right? Being an idol and all?"
The question caused him to sit up straight and meet your eyes before quickly looking back down at the wooden table. "Uh, yeah, we usually see our families a couple of times a year. Usually towards the end of the year and then sporadically throughout. Some see their families more often cause they live near Seoul, but getting to Daegu is hard. We didn't always get along when I first moved, so it was hard for a while."
"Oh," you said. While all families fight and disagree, you couldn't imagine not talking to your family or not having their support. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he said. "We've moved past it. It was a long time ago. We talk more often now and they really want to meet you."
You laughed, not sure if it was from the nerves of thinking about meeting his family or simply because the idea itself was laughable because you weren't in a relationship. "Why? I mean, they know what we're trying to do, right?"
"Yeah," he said. "They're convinced it won't work though. We're soulmates. We'll always come back to each other."
"It's worked before. Pairs of soulmates able to distance themselves and move on. I think we can do it."
"Yeah," he said, his words punctuated by sips of coffee. "Yeah, we can." There were a few moments of silence before he set his mug down and his eyes met yours. "So, I promised you a proper date, but after everything that happened yesterday, do you want to risk going out into the city?"
"Not really," you said. "I don't even want to leave the room. I want to see the city, but it makes me nervous just thinking about going back out there."
Yoongi reached across the table, his fingers brushing over the back of your hand. "I'll bring you back someday when we can properly wander the city."
Your stomach flipped. You knew it was probably just an empty promise and supposed to be comforting, but considering you had just talked about distancing yourselves from one another, it seemed unwise to promise, even something empty and trivial.
Two hours later and the two of you were laid on the bed, close, but not touching. Empty plates littered the bedside tables and each of you held a wine glass in your hand. You smiled as you sipped the deep red alcohol and felt as a buzz came over your senses. It wasn't unpleasant, just like a small vibration in your head. The same one that had convinced you to sleep with Yoongi the first time you met him.
"You're sure this isn't too much?" you asked, glancing down at the nearly three hundred dollar room service bill.
Yoongi laughed. "You really don't have to worry about it."
"It makes me feel bad," you said. "Will you let me pay for something later?"
"If it makes you feel better." His fingers glided over the skin of your left hand that rested on the bed, dangerously close to his thigh.
The couple in the movie you were watching kissed and you felt a stirring low in your stomach. It had been so long since you'd felt Yoongi's lips on yours. You knew he was feeling the same way, as he squirmed slightly beside you.
"You feel it, too?"
"Yeah," he said. "We need to try and resist it."
"Didn't the therapist say to try and get through it with mainly friendly things?"
"I think so."
His arm came around you and his skin felt like ice on a sunburn. You nearly let out a moan. You wanted to feel his lips on your neck and his hands on your thighs. The bruising way he grabbed your skin without leaving any bruises. How his hair looked pushed back and the way his lips swelled after even the softest of kisses.
"Yoongi, can--can I kiss you?"
"I don't think that's exactly friendly."
"Just one," you said. "It'll be less than we did last time this happened."
"All right," he said. "But, we can't let it go too far."
You nodded and shifted so that you faced him, the front of your body pressed into his side. His hand came to rest on the small of you back and his lips came to meet yours before you'd fully closed your eyes.
They were soft, like always. You could taste the red wine on his lips and the hesitation as he pushed the tip of his tongue into your mouth. His hand bunched the fabric of your T-shirt and your hands laced in his hair. You never wanted to let go.
Yoongi pulled away first, although his eyes were pained as he did so. He reached up and smoothed your hair back.
"Damn," he said. "If only I'd met you before Jihee."
"Yoongi, you can't mean that."
"Maybe if it was a different time, or if I wasn't an idol, I don't know, but I like to think there's a universe where we work out."
Your lips formed words you hadn't thought of yet when your phone vibrated on the bed beside you. You reached for it and saw it was your mom. It was nearing 9 p.m. in Los Angeles and your mom normally called you just after dinner.
"I--uh--have to take this."
You walked into the bathroom and answered the phone as you shut the door.
"Mom? Hey, what's going on?"
"Sumi!" Your mom's voice sounded panicked. "Are you still in Japan?"
"Yeah, we're flying back to Korea tomorrow?" You paused. "Is everything okay? You don't usually call me at this time."
"Well, I don't want to worry you. I want you to enjoy the rest of your time in Japan, okay?"
"Grandma fell and is in the hospital. She broke her wrist and the doctors say her blood sugar was too low. They don't know what caused it yet, but they're going to monitor her for a few days."
You nodded and already felt the tears forming in your eyes. Your grandmother was nearing ninety and you knew your time with her was limited, but she'd been the one to encourage you to stay in Korea and do what you wanted. She always knew and wanted what was best for you and you loved her more than anyone for it.
"Okay," you said, your voice cracking. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Call when you get back tomorrow. If she's feeling better, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you."
"Of course. I'll call as soon as I'm back." You reached up and wiped the few tears that had managed to squeeze out. "Just keep me updated."
You heard a soft knock on the door as you hung up the door. You opened it and met with a soft-eyed Yoongi, his arms almost immediately coming to rest on your hips.
"Everything okay?"
"Uh. yeah," you said. "My grandma's in the hospital. It's not too concerning at the moment, I just, uh, get a bit emotional when it comes to her."
He nodded and led you back to the bed. He didn't say anything else, just electing to keep one of his arms around your shoulders and turn the volume on the movie up. He handed you an unopened bag of cookies as if he knew it was exactly what you needed.
A few days later
"So, how are things going?" the therapist asked, her notebook resting on her lap and her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose.
"Uh, well, we get along better now. I-I think we understand each other better now. But, we've run into something a little more worrisome."
"What's that?"
"Well, we had a fight a while ago. I'm fairly close with his other members and one of them was trying to comfort me and when he touched me, I burned him."
"Yeah, I also have a weird emotional attachment to her. Like, my emotions are tied to hers. If she's sad, then I feel overwhelmingly sad until she's happy again."
You turned to Yoongi with your lips pursed in curiosity. "What?"
"Oh, I thought you'd caught onto to that."
You had noticed that Yoongi had seemed to understand you better recently. He was always there whenever your mood flatlined, you soon found Yoongi coming with a snack or a cup of tea. Sometimes he stuck around and sometimes he didn't, but he never failed to jumpstart your mood.
"Is this happening constantly or only after a conflict?"
"I'm always tuned into her emotions. However, negative emotions always come through the strongest, whether caused by me or not."
You felt him looking at you and it caused your cheeks to heat. "Oh, the burning happened twice. Once as we mentioned and the second time I burnt through another's T-shirt, but I didn't actually burn him."
The therapist nodded and chewed on the end of her pen. "There aren't many precedents for these sorts of things, as you know, soulmates are rare. It's even rarer for a pair to decide they don't want to be together. The physical symptoms we've seen before were not that different from the ones you're exhibiting." She jotted down a few notes and flipped back to a previous page. "Now that you're exhibiting these symptoms though, it means that you've grown to the stage where we can begin to back off the connection.
"The only things you two need to do is to try and minimize the conflict between the two of you, continue resisting urges to the best of your ability, and we will be prescribing some medication. Since such a high profile soulmates case has come up, the interest in research recently has increased and so your medical treatment may change. So, you'll need to go in for a checkup in after about a week on the new medication."
"I have a quick question," Yoongi said. "My, uh, parents really want to meet Sumi. They know we're trying to break this and everything, but we have some time off and I was wondering if that would hurt things if she came with me to Daegu?"
The therapist shrugged. "I don't see why it would. It's perfectly fine for the two of you to act as friends and you have to stay together until the bond is completely severed. However, if something feels off during the visit, leave."
You looked at Yoongi. He'd left you speechless for the second time during the appointment. He never brought up meeting his parents, only that they wanted to meet you. Your palms went clammy and you began to pick at the skin around your fingernails. You wished you'd brought your needles.
"You never mentioned actually meeting your parents," you said, carrying your prescription and ducking into the car before anyone could catch sight of you and Yoongi.
"I didn't really think it was happening, but, I don't know. If we only have one soulmate, I want them to meet mine."
"Okay," you said. "I-uh-I just don't have much time to prepare."
"What? Why would you need to prepare?"
"So they'll like me."
"You don't need to worry about that, Sumi. They'll love you."
Mom (3:45 am): Sumi!
You (3:47 am): Yes? Is everything all right?
Mom (3:49 am): Hey, isn't it early there? Shouldn't you be asleep?
You (3:50 am): It's all right. How's Grandma?
Mom (3:52 am): Oh, she's fine. She's getting discharged now. She's actually in fairly good spirits. You'll never guess what arrived this morning.
Sumi (3:53 am): What?
Mom (3:55 am):

Mom (3:55 am): From Min Yoongi. It made her so happy. Give him our thanks.
Sutures - Chapter Eleven: Right Place

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of anxiety (sort of), exes who won’t leave you alone, family hospitalization, mentions of death
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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You swung your legs towards the seat across from you, but they were just barely too short and they fell straight back down which caused Yoongi to chuckle. He sat diagonally from you with his feet resting on the seat beside you. He wore headphones and had his laptop in front of him. You hadn't even realized he was paying attention to you.
You held your knitting needles and your creation was nearly done. Yoongi had told you about his family dog--Holly--and you remembered seeing his picture in Yoongi's studio. You were knitting a small scarf that would tuck easily around his collar. You wished you had more time to make him something like a jacket, but Yoongi had sprung the trip on you, planning and taking on a large project like that took weeks to complete.
The scenery on the train flew by so quickly you could hardly make it out and it made your head spin if you tried for more than a few seconds.
"You seem quiet," Yoongi said. He hadn't taken his headphones off and you laughed at the thought that he simply had them in as a habit.
"You were working. I didn't want to disturb you."
Yoongi shrugged and lowered his laptop screen and allowed his headphones to fall around his neck. "You seem nervous." His gaze lowered down to your fingers that continued knitting as you spoke and looked into his eyes. You hadn't even noticed the way your fingers continued the pattern.
"I mean, I want to make a good impression on your family. I know we're not really together or anything, but I'm your soulmate and if they don't like me--"
"Exactly, you're my soulmate," Yoongi said. "Finding each other was less than one in a million. Almost less than one in a billion. And, don't they say that soulmates are often not just compatible with the person, but their family as well?"
"That's been the case so far," you said, remembering reading the Wikipedia article on the handful of other soulmate couples. "But, soulmate science is new and imprecise. And, I imagine for those who are different from their families or don't have good relationships with them, that can't always be true."
"I have a feeling they will like you," Yoongi said. "You don't have to worry."
You didn't get a chance to respond as the train lurched to a stop and announced its arrival in Daegu. The doors opened and you stood up. You and Yoongi had had the train car to yourselves, so you were able to stand up and grab your suitcase immediately.
"Are the press gonna be here?"
"I don't know," Yoongi said. "We didn't officially announce this trip, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone is following us."
You nodded. It was becoming familiar to see camera flashes and your face used as a cover photo. The thought of growing used to it sent a shiver down your spine as you extended the handle on your suitcase.
Yoongi stood beside you and your eyes met briefly causing his lips to turn upwards in a small smile. He reached up and pulled the mask you'd forgotten was looped around your ears and hanging around your chin up over your lips and nose.
"Just in case," he said.
You hadn't seen a single camera as you neared Yoongi's parent's place. You weren't sure if it was a blessing or a curse. Just because you couldn't see the cameras, didn't mean that they weren't there. You half expected to see a picture of you and Yoongi getting off the train in Daegu pop up in your newsfeed.
"We're here," Yoongi said. The car stopped and Yoongi was immediately out and walking around to open your door. You stepped out and gripped the handle of your suitcase, the bones of your knuckles feeling like they were about to burst through your skin.
Yoongi walked slightly in front of you and opened the door. The first thing you heard was a high-pitched barking and before you could catch sight of Holly, the brown full-sized poodle was jumping up on you in greeting.
"You must Holly," you said, crouching down and allowing the dog to rest its front half on your lap. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Ah, I'm right here." Yoongi's face contorted into a look of simultaneous amusement and jealousy.
You laughed as you ruffled the dog's ears and crouched down so he could lick your chin. "Oh, you're so sweet." You reached into your purse and pulled out the scarf you finished on the train ride and carefully tied it around his neck.
"Oh!" you heard someone exclaim from the other end of the room. "I wasn't expecting you two for another hour. Dinner isn't done yet."
"It's fine. We have to get settled anyway."
Yoongi's mother's eyes widened as she met yours. It was as if she had just noticed you. She stood just a few inches shorter than Yoongi and you could see they shared many features. From the slope of the nose to the way her eyes seemed to narrow in on you, the same way Yoongi's did in certain moments.
"You must be Sumi," she said. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
She reached out and pulled you into a hug. You tensed as she wrapped her arms around you. From everything Yoongi told you about his family, they were not outwardly affectionate people and so you had expected at most a firm handshake.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I just feel like you're part of the family already." She glanced over at Yoongi and back at you. "I haven't seen Yoongi this happy for a long time."
"Oh," was all you could get out. Yoongi had told them you were trying to sever the relationship, right?
Yoongi met his mother's gaze. Her eyebrow slightly arched, a look Yoongi had seen many times. Holly broke the silence with a bark signaling for you to reach down and pet him again. You crouched down so your face was level with his and allowed him to lick your chin.
Yoongi couldn't help but smile as he watched you. Your hair was ruffled from the train ride and he noticed the way your shaking hands calmed as they ran through Holly's fur. He crouched down next to you and met your eyes, a small smile simultaneously appeared on both your faces.
"I've never seen him warm up to someone so quickly," Yoongi said, ruffling the dog's ears.
"I guess he just likes me."
"Yeah," Yoongi said, his voice an octave quieter. "I guess he does."
Yoongi's phone buzzes in his pocket. His hand reaches for it, but he doesn't want to leave this moment. It wasn't like he was reliant on his phone, but with an upcoming album and the other members working on it in his absence, he couldn't ignore it.
Jihee's name appeared on his screen and his widened. He hadn't blocked her number purely because the texts after the break up stopped and with the whole soulmates thing, he'd honestly forgotten.
Yoongi opened the text and found a screenshot from Instagram where she'd posted a picture of herself laying on a bed with her legs straight up in the air. It wasn't the familiar slope of her calves or the arch of her back that caught his eye, but rather the black pumps she wore.
He recognized them instantly as the ones you'd worn and abandoned the night he'd met you and the ones you'd failed to get back from Minki. Yoongi had no idea how Jihee got a hold of them, or how she even knew their significance.
He screenshot the text and emailed it off to the legal team at BigHit. He knew the post would probably gain some attention, but he trusted it would be seen for what it was, an attempt to seek attention.
Blocking her number, he slid the phone back into his pocket. Yoongi knew he should tell you, but watching the way you adjusted the scarf around Holly's neck, he decided he'd tell you later.
Yoongi was starving and watched as each dish was placed on the table. His parents had made a bit of everything and as soon as everything was set he quickly reached for braised pork and his mom's homemade kimchi.
You grabbed a bit of everything and mixed it together with your rice. Yoongi reached out and grabbed a few more pieces of meat and set them in your bowl.
"You didn't eat much this morning."
Your eyes widened and Yoongi thought he caught your lips curl into an embarrassed smile.
"Sumi," Yoongi's mother said. "I'm so happy you came into Yoongi's life. We were getting a bit worried Yoongi would never find someone who made him truly happy." She glanced over at Yoongi's father. "Even in his past relationships, I never saw Yoongi like this."
Yoongi felt the heat rush to his ears and his feet fidgeted under the table.
You--despite Yoongi seeing the way you fiddled with your chopsticks indicating your nerves--smiled. "Well, I didn't really have a choice." You laugh, which normally made Yoongi's heart jump, this time made it fall.
While it was entirely true that you and Yoongi hadn't a choice in getting to know each other, there was a part of Yoongi that didn't want this to end. He wanted to see you play with Holly, see your hair splayed over your face in the morning, and your small smile when he gave you more meat.
"I am happy I met Yoongi though," you said. "Even if we can't spend the rest of our lives together and this is all some weird biological thing, these past few weeks getting to know Yoongi have convinced me that we are truly soulmates. I don't think soulmates always have to be romantic or end up together, we just get each other."
The table fell silent. But, it was content and for the remainder of the meal, the only sounds heard were light conversations and the sounds of eating. Yoongi couldn't help the swelling feeling he felt in his chest. He worried he would suddenly float off the seat like a balloon if he didn't try to stifle it.
You set down your chopsticks. "Thank you for the meal. I'll clean up my things and head to bed."
"Oh, no need to clean up. You're our guest. Yoongi, why don't you show her to your old room? I'll set you up a bed on the couch."
"Ah, mom, we're soulmates. Is that really necessary?"
"Yes," his mom said. "Maybe the poor girl wants a break from you."
His mom's quip made you laugh and he let out a sigh. "All right," he said. "Come on."
Yoongi led you to his childhood bedroom. When he opened the door, you were met with Epik High posters and notebooks lining the shelves of his bookshelf. You smiled at how distinctly Yoongi it felt. While it obvious his room hadn't changed much from when he first left home, you could still see hints of the man Yoongi would become. From the basketball trophies to the books about music production.
"Hey, I need to talk to you about something."
Yoongi's demeanor changed as he closed the door. "I got a text from Jihee earlier. She somehow got ahold of your shoes and posted with them. I sent everything to the company and I'm sure they will take care of it. I just wanted to warn you in case this blows up--"
"I trust you, Yoongi," you interrupted. "They've already said everything they could. It can't get worse than it already is and I know you'll do your best to take care of it."
You flopped down onto the bed and patted the bed beside you. Yoongi laid beside you. Your bodies were centimeters apart, but you didn't touch.
"Your parents didn't like Jihee, did they?"
Yoongi shook his head. "No," he said. "They tolerated her because I liked her, but they said they never pictured her as part of the family."
"Mine never liked Minki either." You were silent for a moment. "Maybe they knew somehow."
"Maybe," Yoongi said, his fingers brushing against yours. You turned and noticed he was still looking up at the ceiling, seemingly not noticing how his hand wandered to find yours. You wondered if it was a side effect of being soulmates. Your hands would always find each other.
The moment was severed when your phone rang. It was your mom and your stomach turned as you realized it was 5 am there.
"Hello?" You didn't care that Yoongi was in the room anymore. In fact, something kept you clinging to his hand.
"Sumi? You need to get here. Grandma's in the hospital and they don't think she has much time left. We're gonna leave her on life support until you get here because we know she would want you here. I don't know if it's possible without risking your own health and Grandma will understand--"
"No, I'm coming. I'll find a way. Give me a couple days. I'll be there, okay?" Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears and after you said your goodbyes, they rushed out. You weren't cognizant, but when you opened your eyes, you were folded into Yoongi's chest.
"Did you hear everything?"
Yoongi nodded. "I've already called a car to take us back. We'll be back in Seoul in a few hours."
"Yoongi, what are we going to do? You have a comeback soon. You can't just come with me to California."
"Shh, we'll figure it out. Just get your things together, okay?"
You nodded and got off the bed to collect your things. "Yoongi," your voice was still hoarse and barely there. "Thank you."
Sutures - Chapter 12: Cardioplegia

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of family member death, medical procedures, ANGST, hospitalization, references to memory loss
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Note: Before y’all demand my head on a stick for this ending, please note that there is an epilogue and bonus part still to come.
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"Min Yoongi? Jang Sumi?" the doctor asked, carrying a clipboard in his hand. "So, I hear you have some concerns you need to discuss with me?"
You recognized the doctor from when you'd ended up in the hospital after the night you met Yoongi. He seemed to be the only soulmate bonding specialist in the whole city and your stomach turned. You wanted your needles.
"Yes," Yoongi said. "You see, an urgent family matter has come up for Sumi and she has to fly to the US as soon as possible." The doctor nodded. "The issue is that due to my schedule, I can't go with her. I know you said there were exemptions for work, do you think this would cover that?"
"It's hard to know," the doctor said. "It's possible you would have no problems as the conflict involves your work. But, for Sumi, there's nothing obligating her beyond the love for her family. I fear it would be risky. We wouldn't know until Sumi is on the plane and if you both have a reaction, it's likely Sumi wouldn't be able to get to a hospital in time."
"Then, no," Yoongi said. "What are the other options?"
"Wait," you said, touching Yoongi's bicep lightly. "What are the chances I have a reaction on the plane?"
"I'd say a 70% chance you react, 30% you don't. If it'd been over a year since you'd met, it would probably be 50/50. As the years go by, reactions become less likely. At least in the limited experience and research, we have from soulmate couples. Every couple is different."
"I'm willing to take the chance. Maybe we could hire a doctor to fly with me--"
Yoongi's hand shot to grip your thigh cutting off your words as your jeans rubbed against your skin where his fingertips touched. Even with the fabric between his skin and yours, it still felt like sitting too close to a fire. The sparks flying just over your head.
The doctor arched his eyebrow. "There aren't a ton of options. We are researching drugs right now to help curb reactions in situations like this, but since the reactions are individualized in some ways, it makes it hard to develop one drug that will work for all."
"I can come with you," Yoongi said, "It's the only option." You saw in the way his lips were in a slight frown that his thoughts were racing. His voice quieted. "And you'll need me."
"Yoongi, I-I don't know how long I'm going stay. You can't stay forever and I might."
Yoongi's eyebrows rose as his lips fell into a frown. "You want to stay?"
You felt the atmosphere lose color. The vibrant scene slowly turning black and white. Yoongi's hand still rested on your leg like it belonged there.
"I could teach Korean. Do translation work. I don't know. But, I miss my family and knowing things can happen so quickly and I could lose them, I just..." Unlike all the other times, there were no tears. You couldn't cry over this. You wanted to cry, grab the closest objects and fling them at the wall until they dented it, or at least chipped the paint. You wanted to grab Yoongi and kiss him, tear off his shirt, pull on his hair. But you couldn't. The only thing you could do was sit and listen to the doctor say you had to choose.
"Can we talk about this privately?"
"Before you make any decisions," the doctor said. "I should inform you that we have been working on an experimental cure. We haven't tested it on any human subjects yet, but we could use you if you consent. We can't guarantee it will work, but if it does, it would solve your problems. We don't know what side effects would be, but we would keep you for 24 hours for monitoring."
"Is it safe?"
"We believe it is. We've done animal trials and while they don't have soulmate connections like you do, they have not shown any side effects that we're concerned about." The doctor stood up to leave. "I'll give you some time. I know this isn't an easy decision, so take your time."
Once the door closed, you and Yoongi turned towards each other, your knees knocking together. His hands found yours, but you felt his gaze on your face which was angled downward, your eyes focusing on the way his thumb moved slowly over your knuckles.
"Yoongi, I don't know what to do. I need to see my grandma. I wish this wasn't so complicated and I'm scared cause what if the cure doesn't work or it gives us weird side effects. I mean, technically we could die. Yoongi, what do I do? I'm gonna lose my grandma. I-I don't want to lose you too."
"Hey, hey," he said, letting go of your heads and pulling you into his chest. You heard his heart beating against your ear and how his fingers shook slightly as he ran them over your hair. "It's going to be okay. Let's just think about this."
He was silent for a few moments. You didn't even hear the doctors and nurses rushing past the room or the beat of your hearts.
"We were working to sever this anyway. We won't lose each other. I'll still be here for you. You can still call or visit. I'm just concerned if something bad happens with the cure. Are you willing to risk everything for your grandmother?"
"Yes, of course."
“Then, we'll try it. I want you to be happy, Sumi. I want you to be able to see your grandmother, okay?"
You nodded. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"If it's what you want, then I'm sure."
"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I know you--"
"Shh," he said, smoothing down your hair and bunching it up and curling it around his fingers. "Let's just enjoy this last moment, yeah?"
You burrowed into Yoongi's chest. You would truly miss his warmth, the way his heart beat in time with yours, how he noticed when you were anxious, and handed you your needles. You weren't sure someone like him would ever walk into your life again. And here you were, allowing him to walk out.
"Thanks for coming," the doctor said, nodding towards Namjoon and Eunji who stood off to the side, sharing furrowed brows and concerned glances between you and Yoongi. "Since we don't exactly know what state they'll be in after this we want to make sure they have someone to look after them after."
While the doctor continued explaining worrisome symptoms and aftercare protocol, Yoongi turned towards you and grabbed your hand, slipping a folded piece of paper into it. You flashed him an odd look before pulling your hand away and unfolding the paper, finding a plane ticket to Los Angeles.
"I've made the arrangements. If you miss that flight, I'll get you on the next."
"Yoongi, you didn't--"
"Yeah, I did. Now, you don't have to worry, okay?
The doctor finished talking to Namjoon and Eunji and turned towards you. "Are you ready? We need to induce a reaction for this to work, so I've made arrangements for one of you to receive the treatment at another hospital nearby. Which one--"
"I'll go." Yoongi got off the bed and met your eyes. You'd already said goodbye, but it didn't feel like enough. There was a chance one or both of you could die. That it wouldn't work at all. There was an even greater chance that it would work and all the things you felt for the man in front of you would dissipate like fog in the afternoon.
You'd miss the way you longed to run your hands through his hair. How your stomach flipped when he smiled at you or the way you felt his touch linger long after he pulled away. The way he could calm you with just a look or how he allowed you to fiddle with his fingers when you didn't have your needles.
"Bye, Sumi. Call me whenever you need to, okay?"
You nodded and clasped your hands together tightly. He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to your forehead and left the room before he could look back.
Namjoon met your eyes and offered a sad smile. "Take care, Sumi."
"You too, Namjoon."
Namjoon followed after Yoongi and it was just you, Eunji, and the doctor. "Once her symptoms begin, we'll administer the cure. We'll then just monitor her for any reaction and go from there."
Ten minutes later, it started. You felt the tightness in your chest, sweat pricking at your hairline, and your legs were restless, wanting to move wherever Yoongi was.
"Eunji, hold her hands, help keep her still."
Eunji was hesitant, but she walked over and held your arms flat against the bed. "It's gonna be okay, Sumi. Just breathe, okay? Just keep breathing."
You flinched as you felt the needle in your arm and fluid spilling into your bloodstream. It was hot--not hot enough to burn--but almost. Your heart slowed, but your breathing didn't catch up.
"Sumi, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" the doctor asked. You could vaguely make out the two figures hovering over you. Your vision went black around the edges and your legs went numb. You felt yourself falling and the two figures became smaller and smaller.
You woke up. White sheets surrounded you and the room was dark except for the light peeking in from the hallway outside. You heard Eunji in the hallway. It sounded like she was talking on the phone as you didn't hear another voice.
"What do you mean, Namjoon?" Her voice sounded distressed. Worried.
You glanced down at the IV in your arm. Your head hurt and you couldn't remember why you were here or how you got there. How long had you been here?
"He-he's okay, though? I mean, other than--"
Eunji's voice was now hushed. You strained to hear, but the machines connected to you began to beep. Eunji rushed back into the room, flipping on the light.
"Sumi!" Before you could blink she had her head pressed to your chest and was hugging you the best she could without disturbing all the needles and cords attached to your body. "When you passed out I thought you were going to die and I didn't know what was going to do without my best friend."
"Eunji--what--what happened? Who's Namjoon?"
Eunji's face fell. "Oh, uh, that's not important. Let me get the doctor."
The doctor examined you. His eyes caught yours, a sad look crossing over them momentarily before he pulled away.
“You seem perfectly healthy," he said. "I'm going to discharge you, but if you start having odd symptoms of any kind get to an emergency room. Okay?"
You nodded, not fully understanding. "Wait, how long has it been? How long have I been here?"
"It's only been a few hours, why?"
"My grandma," you said. "I need to get to the airport and get a ticket and--"
Eunji reached into her purse and pulled out a slip of paper. "You have a ticket. The flight's in a few hours. If you hurry you can make it. I'll send your stuff along later."
"You didn't buy this, did you?"
"No, Yoo--you really don't remember?"
"Eunji, what aren't you telling me?"
Your friend glanced over at the doctor who mouthed something you couldn't make out.
"It's not important right now," Eunji said. "Come on, you need to get to the airport if you want to get to the airport on time."
"I'll miss you," you said, pulling Eunji in for a hug. "I'll call you when I can."
"Take it easy, okay? You just got out of the hospital."
"I still don't remember what happened, Eunji. Why can't just tell me? Was it an accident? I must've hit my head."
"The doctor thinks it'd be too stressful on you right now. Maybe I'll tell you someday, okay? Just go be with your grandma."
You nodded, even though you overflowed with questions, something made you feel at peace as you stepped onto the plane and into your window seat. Normally, this is when you'd begin feeling sick. You settled into your seat and pulled your flannel closer around you. You didn't remember owning a flannel with the sleeves cut off. It must be one of Minki's old ones that you'd stolen, but for some reason, it kept you calm as the plane rocketed off the runway and into the air.
Sutures - Epilogue: Counter Shock

Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of memory loss, mentions of alcohol
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Note: Thank you all for the amazing support and sorry this took so long. There is one more bonus part coming, but thank you so much for your kind words and sharing. Please feel free to let me know what you think 💜
Previous | Series Masterlist | Next

3 years later
"Sumi!" Eunji shouted from across the terminal.
You weren't sure how she spotted you, especially since you were tired--your hair pulled into a messy ponytail and your hood pulled over your head.
Her arms around you before you could pull your hands out of your pocket. You couldn't help the smile that crossed your face. Despite talking to her nearly every day, you still missed your friend. While you had friends in the US, none took the place of her.
"Come on! We have to go out for real Korean food and you have to come see my new place!" She smiled, the first thing everyone noticed about her. She'd recently cut her hair in a bob, accentuating her toothy grin.
"Real Korean? Oh, come on, Eunji," you said, laughing. "I have been craving buldak. It's never spicy enough in the US.
You headed away from the gate and picked your suitcase off the belt. Eunji's hand shot out as you set the wheels on the ground and extended the handle in a fluid motion.
"What's that?"
Eunji already had her fingers around it the cookie shaped keychain attached to your suitcase. Her face was unreadable. Something felt off in the pit of your stomach, but you were just jetlagged.
"Oh, isn't it cute? It was in the K-pop section and I don't even know who it's related to, but I couldn't just leave it."
Eunji nodded, her face falling. "Yeah, it is cute."
"You know the best way to combat jetlag?" Eunji asked, her eyebrows raising.
"Alcohol and clubbing!"
"Eunji, I'm tired. I just want to sleep."
"Aww, okay, maybe later."
The Uber driver turned the volume up on the radio, seemingly annoyed with Eunji's words that bubbled like champagne. The song ended and another began. It sounded vaguely familiar, but you couldn't place it.
"Hey, uh, can you switch the station?" Eunji asked. Her demeanor switched in an instant. Just seconds before she had slouched in her seat and scrolled through her phone. Now, she sat straight and her fingers curling around her phone.
"Wait, why?" you asked. "I like it. It's soothing."
Eunji sat back in her seat. Her eyes looked you up and down as if you'd just fallen and hit your head. "Okay," she said. "We can listen to it."
"Are you feeling all right?" you asked. "You're acting kinda weird."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just happy you're back is all."
Two orders of buldak, rice, and kimchi were spread out in front of you and a historical drama played on TV. You didn't think your happiest night included anything else, but there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that told you differently.
"Yeah?" Her mouth was full of rice and kimchi and she didn't take her eyes off the screen, probably because Park Bo-gum's face was on it.
"What happened the day I left? You said you'd tell me one day."
Eunji turned to meet your eyes, her dark ones becoming sad. "Sumi, I don't think it's a good idea. And, I don't think you'd believe me anyway."
The drama went to commercial and while your curiosity nagged at you, something pulled your attention to the TV. It was just a cellphone commercial, but your heart quickened at the idols on screen. You were aware enough to recognize the idol group, but something pulled at you. Like someone was pulling out long-forgotten stitches and re-opening a wound.
"The one with blue hair," you said. "He's kinda cute."
Eunji's chopsticks paused in midair, but after a few moments, she grabbed a piece of chicken. "Eh, I like the tall one."
"Goose," Eunji said. She held her hand over her mouth and the phone to muffle the sound, hoping her friend couldn't hear her talking from the bathroom. "We have a problem."
"Is Sumi okay? She was coming back to Korea, right?" Eunji heard doors shutting on the other end of the line, signaling that Namjoon was moving away from the other members.
"Yeah, but she keeps...I don't know. She has a Shooky charm on her suitcase and any time your songs come on or you're on TV. She just changes. It's like she goes into a trance or just becomes really calm. It's weird."
"Wait, they're all like coincidences, right? Like she just stumbles upon something or just gets something for no reason?"
"Yes! Exactly like that!" Eunji clamped a hand over her mouth.
"Yoongi is doing it too."
"I know it's here somewhere--" Yoongi said as he reached under his bed. He normally was a neat person, but moving dorms meant that things sometimes ended up dropped behind desks and under beds. "Ah, here."
Yoongi stood up and pulled out a small stuffed cat from under his bed. He went to hand it to Namjoon, but his face twisted as he realized it wasn't the object he was looking for.
"What's this?" he asked. "A fan must've given it to me--"
Namjoon looked down at the stuffed cat and he felt a small pang in his chest. You'd been without it for this long, you might even miss it, but he knew there was no way he could return it--even with Eunji's help--that wouldn't possibly dredge up memories.
The doctors had told him to monitor Yoongi. Don't allow him to remember too quickly, maybe not at all. Eunji would do the same with you. Part of Namjoon wished that they would eventually remember, but then he knew what it would do to Yoongi to know that he lost his soulmate.
Yoongi went to toss the stuffed cat aside but paused. Instead, he set it gently on the bed, his eyes lingering on it for an extra moment.
"Hold on, the move has everything scattered."
"It's okay, Yoongi. Just let me know if you find it later."
"Hey Yoongi," Namjoon said, knocking on the open studio door. "Almost done setting up?"
Yoongi gave his bandmate a small smile. "Yeah, got all the equipment set up. Just finishing up the extras."
Namjoon looked around at Yoongi's new studio. It looked nearly identical to his old studio other than it was larger and he had bought some black and white art for the walls. Namjoon's eyes wandered to the two large shelves on the opposite wall of the room full of mostly photos and trophies, but on one of the shelves sat Kitty. Her eye still drooped, but the black threads still held on.
"You put it on a shelf?" he asked, walking towards it and stroking Kitty's head.
Yoongi shrugged. "I needed to fill the spot and an Army gave it to me, right?" The question floated in the air and Namjoon knew that Yoongi didn't expect an answer.
Namjoon slowly studied Yoongi. Something changed every time he brought up Kitty. While Yoongi was normally calm, there was something else there. Sadness? Confusion? Frustration? Namjoon couldn't explain and he worried that it would eat Yoongi alive.
"Namjoon, what should we do? It's obvious something is happening. Do you think they'll remember? Is it dangerous?"
"I'll talk to the doctors. It doesn't seem to be harming them right now, but we should keep a close eye on them."
"Do you think they'll ever get their happy ending, Joon? It was so obvious that day at the hospital--"
Namjoon was silent on the other end of the line. "I hope so, Eunji. I hope so."
Normally, you wouldn't bother with the tourist spots of Seoul. But, there was something romantic about returning to Namsun Tower, single. Last time, you'd secured a lock with Minki, but he was long out of your mind. You heard he'd gone on to date an idol who quit the industry.
The locks were normally cleared every couple years, so you doubted your and Minki's lock was still there. You'd become content with the idea that no love was eternal. You could lock locks onto a fence, wear promise rings, and vow to love each other forever, but it didn't mean a thing.
The elevators opened and you got out and looked out over the city. It'd been years, but your feet seemed to remember the path you and Minki took. The two of you had wanted your lock to be as high up as possible so that it could overlook the city and where the two of you were within it. You'd passed the locks below the tower and come all the way to the top where there was limited space.
You came to the short wall and near the top, the pale pink lock hung. Your initials were faded and it seemed impossible the lock was still there. You reached out and touched its smooth surface.
Footsteps approached from beside you and you caught a figure out of your peripheral vision. Normally, someone so close to you would make you recoil backward, but something about him made you feel like he hadn't even noticed you.
You turned to see a man wearing a black mask and beanie. Small tufts of blue hair stuck out around the edges and his eyes were trained down at the city. Something about him felt right.
"Look out!" someone shouted over the crowd. As you turned, someone barrelled into your shoulder and straight into the blue-haired guy. His coffee spilling down the front of you.
His arm had come around your back and after the commotion passed, he helped you back to your feet, leaning you against the railing.
"Are you okay?"
You looked up and met his eyes. Something clicked. Like gears in an old clock, a flat-lined heart monitor coming back to life, the intricate alignment of the planets themselves.
"Do I know you?"
"I don't know. I think so."
(m. list) kiss it better | myg

🠒 summary: you're one of the lucky ones, everyone else tells you. finding your soulmate the day you turn 18 isn't something that happens to a lot of people... but you and your other half are going to have to make a lot of progress to be able to tolerate each other.
or, you and yoongi can feel everything the other feels, and you're hell bent on causing each other pain.
🠒 pairing: yoongi x reader
🠒 genre: angst, fluff, e2l!au, soulmates!au, college au, crack?
🠒 warnings: profanity, implied smut
🠒 notes: i own up to being a soulmates!au hoe... and here is the attestation for it. i hope you enjoy reading this!!!

🠒 01 | one gaze
🠒 02 | two band-aids
🠒 03 | three roses
🠒 04 | the four of us
🠒 05 | five dates
🠒 06 | six idiots (plus yoongi)
🠒 07 | seven o'clock
🠒 epilogue | lifetime with you

taglist: open, just send an ask!

red string 1

“our connection is determined by a tiny invisible string”
summary: you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought.
genre: soulmate au, red string of fate au, poly au,
pairing: BTS (Yoongi centered) x Reader
status: ongoing (random updates)
warnings: slight yandere themes, smut, insecure reader, alcohol, talks of jealousy, soul bonds, mentions of past abuse,
chapter warnings: soul pain, first meetings, running away, mc didn’t really want a bond, cinderella-esque plot line, small panic attack, mc is cynical, allusions to past abusive relationship,
I am not going to have a taglist for this fic. I will only be using the permanent taglist as its intended for all of my fics.
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @yourleftsock @skyys-universe @cryingpages @strxwbloody @drissteele @dustyinkpages @iamkookiesforyou @crushedblackroses @fluffy-canada-pancakes @blaaiissee @iiitsmaria @carolinexkpop @azazel-nyx @strawberry-moonpies @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i @knjkitten @foreverweareyoung7 @lachimolala22019 @namuficxs @94z-93 @kimgmzmc @thenaverse @dahliasbouqet @black-rose-29 @tinyoonsblog @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @stellauniverse @stupendouscookiehumanmug @tinyoonsblog @veronawrites @tatyhend @singukieee @m0v3m3ntsblog @exfolitae @butterymin @queen-in-the-shadows
masterlist // part 2
Being in your twenties was weird. You went from being in a structured routine for twelve plus years, having to ask to go to the bathroom, to being on your own and having to make mistake after mistake until you get the hang of being an adult (even if you never actually figure it out).
Being in your twenties also meant something else to most of the world’s population. The tiny string of fate that was always thought of as a fantasy would solidify, only visible to you and the person or people on the other end. The string was supposed to lead you to your soulmate/s, but sometimes only served to be a reminder of what you couldn’t have.
Some people are lucky enough to already be with their soulmates and receive their string when they meet them, even before their twentieth birthday. You were not so lucky.
Keep reading
| yoongi | soulmate tears
Yoongi x reader
Master list
Summary→ there were many ways people connected with their soulmates, hearing them sing, hearing their laughs, feeling their joy so Why was yoongi cursed with hearing your cries every night.
A/n: sorry for the amount of yoongi content lately just got inspired from a tikok. Please hype this up I'm so proud of it :D

Ever since yoongi was the tender age of seven yoongi heard stories of how people met their fated soulmate. he dreamed of how he would meet his maybe he would be able to hear them sing, hear their laughs, or even feel their joy.
Everyone began their search for their soulmate when they turned seventeen his best friend seokjin began his a few months ago, he was blessed with the ability to smell their scent and perfumes, now it was final yoongis turn. His friends and family gathered around him as they sang happy birthday he blew out the candle with a big smile hoping he would have his dream fulfilled,
"Do you hear anything?" his friend asked as the room fell completely silent. He waited to hear something or to feel something but nothing ever came, he turned to his friend a shock his head with a frown. "Maybe they're asleep right now" seokjin tried to comfort him. A small and thankful smile formed on yoongis face.
A few hours later all his family left his apartment aside from his roommate. Seokjin placed a hand on yoongis shoulder "don't be disappointed, they'll wake up soon just be patient" yoongi nodded. They were chilling out on their phones as the clock struck twelve when suddenly a noise caught yoongis attention.
A whining, harsh breathing, was somebody sobbing? Yoongi placed his phone to his chest as he listened. Was it coming from the walls, next doors maybe? "Do you hear that?" He asked abruptly "hear what?" Seokjin questioned."That sobbing" seokjins eyes widened "do you think... It's your soulmate's cry?" Yoongis heart sunk almost missing a beat, yoongi was cursed with hearing his soulmate's pain.
He wished his wish never came true because every night he was forced to listen to his soulmate sob in agony, he covered his ears with his pillow but it never worked. He just wanted to find you he knew you'd be so much happier if you were with him, you'd both would be so much happier. He couldn't help to feel anger not at you but at the world, why did the world have to curse him like this, why had the world have to be so harsh on you.
It was another night and the cries had already begun, he laid in bed and tried to ignore them but he couldn't help but notice the cries were louder than usual tonight. Your poor soul, he just wanted to find you and shield you from whatever was causing your pain. Your cries suddenly became louder, closer, they sounded so loud like they were right behind walls. The cries didn't keep there distance though becoming closer by the minute until he couldn't take it.
He threw his sheets off of him and ran from his room, you were close. He reached his door flinging it open, he breathe suddenly hitched as he saw you. You slowly walked down the apartment hallways with shaking legs and whimpers coming from your lips. He slowly approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder, You turned around whipping your tears. "Hi" he shuddered out, you gave him a confused look eyes still full of tears "hi?" You were beautiful.
"I think you're my soulmate" he blurted out. Your eyes widened as you sniffed "what?" You questioned. " you're my soulmate" he couldn't comprehend a full sentence with his heart beating out of his chest. "Would you like to come in?" He asked awaiting your response. You nodded as he leads you into his apartment, you took sat on the plush bed as he prepared you a hot chocolate. "Thank you" you mumbled as you reached for the drink.
Silence filled the room until you spoke up with a trembling voice "you said you were my soulmate? How did you know?" Yoongi tapped his glass as he thought of his response "i could hear your cries.." He spoke "oh, I'm sorry that must have annoyed you" you said with an awkward laugh at the end "no not at all!" He quickly reassured you. He didnt want you to feel bad just wanted you to feel better.
"Why..have you been crying so much?" He asked "i um" you laughed once again "i just got out of a bad relationship" he nodded allowing silence to take over again as he tired to sort his thoughts into sentences "I'm sorry" was all he could come up with. His emotions unexpected intensened as he saw your bottom lip quiver. He bit his bottem lip before placing both your drinks down and wrapped you in his embrace. "I promise I'll make you happy, all i want to do is make you happy" it took a few seconds for his words to process in your head before slowly relaxing in his embrace, your soulmates embrace.
After a few seconds you both pulled away with a slight smile as his thumb whipped away your last tears. "I just noticed we haven't said names, I'm yoongi" you giggled a genuine one "I'm y/n, nice to meet you yoongi" God he was gonna love you forever.
red string 1

“our connection is determined by a tiny invisible string”
summary: you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought.
genre: soulmate au, red string of fate au, poly au,
pairing: BTS (Yoongi centered) x Reader
status: ongoing (random updates)
warnings: slight yandere themes, smut, insecure reader, alcohol, talks of jealousy, soul bonds, mentions of past abuse,
chapter warnings: soul pain, first meetings, running away, mc didn’t really want a bond, cinderella-esque plot line, small panic attack, mc is cynical, allusions to past abusive relationship,
I am not going to have a taglist for this fic. I will only be using the permanent taglist as its intended for all of my fics.
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @yourleftsock @skyys-universe @cryingpages @strxwbloody @drissteele @dustyinkpages @iamkookiesforyou @crushedblackroses @fluffy-canada-pancakes @blaaiissee @iiitsmaria @carolinexkpop @azazel-nyx @strawberry-moonpies @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i @knjkitten @foreverweareyoung7 @lachimolala22019 @namuficxs @94z-93 @kimgmzmc @thenaverse @dahliasbouqet @black-rose-29 @tinyoonsblog @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @stellauniverse @stupendouscookiehumanmug @tinyoonsblog @veronawrites @tatyhend @singukieee @m0v3m3ntsblog @exfolitae @butterymin @queen-in-the-shadows
masterlist // part 2
Being in your twenties was weird. You went from being in a structured routine for twelve plus years, having to ask to go to the bathroom, to being on your own and having to make mistake after mistake until you get the hang of being an adult (even if you never actually figure it out).
Being in your twenties also meant something else to most of the world’s population. The tiny string of fate that was always thought of as a fantasy would solidify, only visible to you and the person or people on the other end. The string was supposed to lead you to your soulmate/s, but sometimes only served to be a reminder of what you couldn’t have.
Some people are lucky enough to already be with their soulmates and receive their string when they meet them, even before their twentieth birthday. You were not so lucky.
Keep reading