ididthisat3am - Confused simp
Confused simp

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Slowly Falling Into Art Block

Slowly Falling Into Art Block

Slowly falling into art block

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More Posts from Ididthisat3am

1 year ago
Reblog To Hit Lucifer With A Slipper

reblog to hit lucifer with a slipper

1 year ago

Egg Waffles, anyone?

[TWST AU]: MC/Yuu sells waffles (and other desserts) to get by.

[Synopsis]: In this timeline, what if MC/Yuu starts selling the Hong Kong-styled Waffles and other delicious snacks from their home world? That way it can provide enough Madol for both Grim and themselves than whatever allowance Crowley has given them. (Cheapskate bastard-)

[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]

[TW]: Little bit of Ace slander

[(A/N)]: I actually work at my mom’s dessert bar and we make fresh waffles with ice cream + toppings or just plain with the option of adding sugar powder. Another note is if you don’t know what it looks like. It’s something like this:

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

[Original Image Source]:

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

[(A/N)]: There’s also a recipe I found that maybe anyone can try out.

[Egg Waffle recipe]:

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

Ever since falling into Twisted Wonderland, MC/Yuu and Grim were the only ones staying at the abandoned building widely known as the Ramshackle Dorm at Night Raven College.

With money being tight and Crowley who probably is a stingy crow, the two need to find a solution for their financial troubles.

Then MC/Yuu remembers something: The Egg Waffles.

MC/Yuu: Wait! I have an idea to earn more Madols!

Grim: Really?! What?

MC/Yuu: Egg Waffles!

Grim: *Confused* What waffles?

MC/Yuu: They’re waffles that were sold back in my home world. They’re delicious. It’s like mini edible pockets: crispy on the outside, fluffy in the inside. I don’t think anyone around here thought of this. Come on. Let’s experiment.

For the next week, the Ramshackle Dorm is filled with the scent of freshly made waffles.

The smell even attracted some troublemakers: The ADeuce Duo.

You see, Ace and Deuce only want to visit their friends as someone wanted answers for Professor Trein’s history assignment. (Looking at you, Ace. You jerk /j.)

Deuce only came along to try talking Ace out of cheating- Taking advantage- purposefully finding answers without effort.

*Sighs* Who am I kidding? He will and always find shortcuts to everything- Little Bastard Boy…

Anyway, the two Heartslabyul students are heading to the ol’ dorm and when they arrived, the fresh smell of Hong Kong style-Waffles hits their olfaction receptors.

Ace: Prefect, we need your-

MC/Yuu: Ace, Deuce! Thank god you’re here. Quick, try these samples. *Shoves some waffles in their mouths*

Deuce: *Muffles* Mm! These are…delicious!

Ace: *KOFF!* *KOFF!* What was that for?!

MC/Yuu: Sorry. I needed honest reviews for these waffles. I’m planning to sell some so Grim and I won’t suffer in money troubles.

Deuce: They tasted amazing. What kind of waffles are they?

MC/Yuu: They’re called Egg Waffles that originated from a country back in my world. Traditionally eaten as plain, but they are trendy with ice cream and other toppings added inside. Anyway, there’s work to be done before it’s ready for everyone.

Ace: Wait. Before you continue these experiments, you did the assignment for Professor Trein’s class, right?

MC/Yuu: …Do you want another waffle shoved up your a-?

Anyway, the ADeuce duo left, with some waffles.

The following week, MC/Yuu asked Crowley if they can open a small business within their dorm so they won’t pester him every time for allowances.

Surprisingly he let them. (Not for their sake, but he also heard rumors within the school that the Ramshackle Dorm is scented of baked goods. He wanted to try them.)

Now, business is open!

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

[Waffle Joys Official Opening!]

MC/Yuu: I can’t believe this isn’t a dream. We’re gonna be okay, Grim.

Grim: You said it! Can’t wait for limitless tuna… *Salivating from the thoughts of tuna cans*

[Doorbell jingles, revealing the First Years as the first customers.]

MC/Yuu: Welcome to Waffle Joys!

Ace: Yo, MC/Yuu!

Deuce: We came by to congratulate you on opening day.

MC/Yuu: Aww thanks guys.

Sebek: What are the specials? I must know as I heard you can make some with ice cream inside. Not because of me, but for Waka-sama.

Epel: Yeah! I want one before Etiquette class.

Jack: Small snack after practice.

MC/Yuu: Coming right up! They’re based on familiar desserts.


Cherry Pie Waffle

Purin Waffle

Cinnamon Apple Waffle

Sweetened Pear Waffle

Macaron Delight Waffle

[After waiting for their orders, they got their respective desserts and thanked their friend before heading out back to their usual routines.]

MC/Yuu: *Counting the money* You think this will start a successful business one day?

Grim: I think so? Whatever. As long as I get tuna.

MC/Yuu: *Sighs* You and your tuna.

Egg Waffles, Anyone?


MC/Yuu: Welcome to Waffle Joys! Wait, Azul?

Azul: Charmed to see me, Prefect~?

Jade: It’s a pleasure seeing you again, Prefect~

Floyd: Hey, Koebi-chan!

MC/Yuu: Azul, I’m not falling for another deal after what happened back then. What is the real reason why to came to Ramshackle?

Azul: Oh, how harsh of you to assume I would drag you into another deal.

MC/Yuu: Just spit out what you want.

Azul: I want your business to collaborate with the establishment of the Monstro Lounge.

MC/Yuu: *Wields up their waffle iron* Absolutely not. First of all, I started this business because Grim and I aren’t getting enough support from Crowley and second, how do I know I’m not trapping myself into another unfortunate end because of you?

Azul: I’m not making you a deal. I only decided to come by because, well…

MC/Yuu: *Realization hits them* I’m stealing your customers, aren’t I.

Azul: *Grasps on their shoulders* How did you do it?

MC/Yuu: Easy. I just remember something nostalgic and whipped them up with modern takes.

Azul: *Lets go* I need you at Monstro Lounge. Now.

MC/Yuu: No way. If you want your “precious regulars” back, how about advertising both our respective eateries and with a fair price on our ends. Is that fine with you?

Azul: Hmm…If it attracts more customers, then it’s a deal.

MC/Yuu: *Slams an unsigned contract in front of Azul* By my contract, not your Unique Magic.

Azul: *Taken aback* How long were you holding this?

MC/Yuu: Since I first experimented, I knew you’ll come around.

Egg Waffles, Anyone?


MC/Yuu: Welcome to Waffle Joys!

Crowley: Greetings, Prefect!

MC/Yuu: Crowley, this is surprising to see you as you’ll only come because of “favors.”

Crowley: Oh no no! I only came to try this Egg Waffle because some students were posting pictures on MagiCam and it’s trending.

MC/Yuu: Well, I did ask permission and you given in the idea. So what waffle would you like to order?

[10 minutes later]

MC/Yuu: Here’s your waffle, Headmaster Crowley! Enjoy your order!

[He ordered a Charcoal Black waffle with Black sesame ice cream and sliced toasted almonds, sprinkled with powdered sugar. On top of that is drizzled with condensed milk.]

[Now Crowley joined the Waffle Frenzy.]

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

Now I’m imagining that if an Overblot breaks out, MC/Yuu would pull out their waffle iron.

Then, “WHAM!!!”

Knocks over the person in despair, coughing out a Blot stone (Which they caught before Grim could eat it).

The Overblot victim comes back to their normal state, and MC/Yuu gives them a waffle as an apology since they “didn’t know their own strength.”

Egg Waffles, Anyone?

✨[Reblogging helps creators and creates more content.]💫

1 year ago

Home Depot!yuu

idk if anyone else had this thought but I need a Home Depot worker Yuu where she is a average sized girl who looks like she reads and write for fun just schooling all the NRC men on what type of wood to use. Just like ace comes over to ramshackle and sees a new shelf and asks abut it and Yuu is just like “yea I built that last night”. Like one day let’s say the house wardens come to ask her to join the next meeting and they see her adding a whole workshop area onto ramshackle.

Tags :
1 year ago

Twst Incorrect Quotes part 8

Ace: *about to say something smart*

OB! Dragon Malleus: *pissed that the rebellious group is winning* SHUT UP! *huffs and puffs* I'm going to kill the next person I f***ing see I swear to god-*gasp*

Yuu: Hello! Hi! I'm so happy to see you! :D

Rebellious Sleeper Group: WHHEEZZEE HAHAHAHAHA!!! >X'D

OB! Malleus: *sweating nervously and turns into humanoid form* hhheeeyyy omg OuO'///

Rebellious Sleeper Group: *dying of laughs more*

OB! Malleus: omg, what's going on? \(OuO'////)/

Yuu: Wow I'm so happy to see you *continues to be silly* X3

Silver & Sebek: *who hasn't laughed once* can you guys please take this seriously =-='///


Yuu: *seeing Stitch for the first time in IRL* STITCCCCHHHH!!! :D

Also Yuu: *realizing that both Grim and Stitch are chaotic Gremlins* NOOOOO!!!! My vacationnnnnnn ;A;'/// *curls up into a ball* ;m;


Ruggie: 1+1 *gives a drum beat*

Kalim: 2 *dancing*

Ruggie: 2+2

Kalim: 4! :D

Ruggie: 4+4

Kalim: 8

Ruggie: 8+8

Kalim: I don't know :D

Ruggie: YOU DON'T KNOW?! >W>'///

Kalim: Idk ;v;

Ruggie: weojagowaiegjaw You don't know?!


Crewel: aren't you a little young to be a guidance councilor?

MC/Yuu (14-18): yes. Yes I am. :D

Crewel: well I'd say I'm very impressed ._.


Crewel: Aren't you a little young to be a guidance councilor

Mc/Yuu (20+): No. No I am not U_U


(this one is going to be long so....I apologize/not apologize Chapter 7 spoilers)

General Lilia: *see's a bubble* HEY!!! WHO BLEW THIS BUBBLE!!!? *pops it* YOU ALL KNOW THE RULES!!! >:(

Soldiers: All bubble blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able bodied patren in the camp

General Lilia: THAT'S RIGHT! SO WHO BLEW IT!? D:<

MC/Yuu, Sebek, Silver, and Grim: (>m>'///) (<m<'////) *starts popping the bubbles around them*

General Lilia: OH! So NOBODY knows-

Soldier 1: maybe it was-

General Lilia: SHUT UP! *throws a chair* SOMEBODY IN HERE AIN'T A REAL MAN! D:<

MC/Yuu, Sebek, Silver, and Grim: *about to leave* OmO'///


All: *does as told* ;-;'///

General Lilia: BAUL!!! TIME FOR THE TEST! >:D

Baul: *gives the thumbs up and plays the song*

General Lilia: No baby can resist sing along to this! >:)

MC/Yuu: *whispers*'s the heigh ho song!!! ;m;'///

Silver: *whispers back* I know ;-;'///

General Lilia: *walking around checking to see who it is* >:(

Soilder 2: *coughs*

General Lilia: IT WAS YOU! YOU'RE THE BABY!? D:<


General Lilia: *gives the I'm watching you face and leaves* Baul turn up the song louder!!! D:<

Solider 2: *quiet* phew

Silver: *whispers* don't sing a long guys ;-;

Sebek & Yuu: *whispers* We're trying ;m;'///

Grim: *whispers* trying so hard ;m;

General Lilia: *stops at the 4 kids and since menacingly* We dig up diamonds by the score, A thousand rubies, sometimes more, Though we don't know what we dig 'em for, We dig, dig, dig-a-dig, dig, Heigh-ho - >:D

4 Teen: GAAASSSPPP!!!! OAO'///

???: Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh ho, Heigh-ho, heigh-ho It's home from work we go! :D

All: <.<

General Lilia: Well well well >:D *goes over to the fake guards* Which one of you babies was it?!

Owl Guards in disguise: It was him! Um! He did!...I've never listed to Heigh-ho, It's home from work we go! *covers their mouth*


Soliders: *crack their knuckles and start beating the tar out of the two soldiers*

Grim: we should go...O-O'///

Yuu: yeaaaahhhh >m>'///