
311 posts

Rap Is The Worst Music Genre No Actually Its Soul No Actually Its Jazz No Actually Its Ska No Actually

“rap is the worst music genre” “no actually it’s soul” “no actually it’s jazz” “no actually it’s ska” “no actually it’s r&b” hey guys do you notice a common denominator in the genres you hate or is it just me

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More Posts from Idontknowanametouse

8 months ago

MLB rewrite AU. Chapter 4: Dark Cupid

(Dark Cupid redesign inspiration @crimsonmonsoon)


Kim takes a deep breath, checking once again the ring he bought for Ondine. It's silver, with a small (fake) pearl on top and bluish details. She saw it in a store one day and loved it, but they were out of money at the time and she said to let it go. For today, he needs everything to be perfect, so it's better to give her something she already said she likes than to risk something else, right?

-Kim, how are you? – asks his Bô´, noticing his nervousness.

-Ah, yes, yes!! It's just… I'm going to ask a girl to be my girlfriend and… I just want everything to work out!!

-It's Ondine, right? – his dad smiled.

-…how did you know?

-You've only talked about her since you met, Kim. You don't need to be a genius to understand this.

-I noticed and told him. It'll be fine, son, don't worry. Then tell us how it was.

-And take her to get some ice cream!

Ondine arrives at class anxious, jumping up and down. Her best (and only) friend asks:

-Ondine-chan, what happened?

-Ah, hi, Kagami!! It's just… remember the boy I told you I liked, Kim? The athlete!

-I remember, yes, why?

-He asked me out today, on the Pont des Arts! I'm excited, I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend!! – the scholarship holder gives another little jump of happiness.

-Good, I'm happy for you. What time will it be?


-Just know that if he hurts you, I will kill him.

-No, don't do that!

-Alright, but just ask me and he will never be seen again.

-Can I ask you something? – Adrien says, sitting next to Nino.

-Of course, dude! What is it?

-It's something I've been asking myself since I met you. What botton is that on your backpack? – and points out the one.

-It's the non-binary flag, dude.

-Non-binary flag? What is that?

-Non-binary is a gender identity under the umbrella of the trans spectrum that includes any identity that is not one hundred percent within the binary of completely male or completely female.

-So… you mean… you're neither a man nor a woman?

-Uhm. I use pronouns he/him and they/them, these are the ones I like.

-Wait… – Adrien stops, his eyes, for the first time since Nino met him, wide. – Can you not be a man and also not be a woman?!


Adrien's jaw drops.

-And you can be called in a way that doesn't sound feminine or masculine?!


-I… I… – and he stops, in shock. – Nino, I think I'm non-binary.


-And I really like the pronouns they/them.

-Nice, dude! – and gives a high five.

Adrien smiles. They feel good about themself.

-Hey, Adrien! – Marinette says during the break. - How are you doing?

-Good, and you?

-Oh, I'm nervous about something, sorry, so I'll say it right away! – they exclaim, and hands them something. When they open their fingers, there is a ladybug botton there. – I made some friendship buttons for us!! Look at mine!! – and points to the suspenders, on which there is a black button with a green cat paw symbol. – This way, we always remember each other!!

-…thank you very much, Marinette! – and smiles. – Oh, I found out I’m non-binary! I use they/them pronouns!

-Ah cool! I'm trans too, and I use she/her and they/them pronouns!

Following Nino's example, Adrien raises their fist for a punch. Marinette does.

-Okay, Max, are you sure it's going to work? – Kim asks in front of the school, at the end of class.

-It will, I calculated this four times with different circumstances to make sure it will work.

-What is it? – Marinette asks, getting into the middle of the conversation and dragging Adrien behind her. Since it's only been three weeks since classes started, they don't know people very well yet, and Nino and Marinette have been trying to start their friendships with other people, since Chloé barely talks to anyone other than Adrien or Sabrina.

-Ah, hi, Mari! I'm going out with a girl today!

-It better be Ondine. – Marinette turns very serious.

-Wait, do you know each other?!

-We met at that swimming competition of yours.

-Oh, yeah…

-But Kim is not dating her yet, he is going to ask her to be his girlfriend today.


-Everything will be fine, Kim! Do not worry! – Marinette says, smiling at him. Adrien, behind her and without saying anything, gives him a thumbs up.

-Go now, otherwise you will be late at the Pont des Arts!! – exclaimed Max.

-Thank you guys!! – Kim thanks him, and runs away.

-…he's cool. – Adrien smiles a little.

-Yes, he is!! Chloé is calling you, right? See you tomorrow!

-See ya… – however, they stop. – Huh… where's Chloé? – and look at the message. She had said she couldn't take them today, as she was going to be at the Pont des Arts. - …Oh no.

Kim leans on the edge of the bridge, anxious, and then is startled when she appears at his side.

-Hey you!

-Ah! Oh, it's you, Chloé?

-You're in my class, aren't you? Kevin?


-Yeah, that's it, whatever. What are you doing?

-Not that it's any of your business, but I'm waiting for a girl.

-A girl? – and sees the box in his hand. – Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend? Oh, my dear, this won't work…

-Oh yeah? And may I know why? – he grumbles, already irritated.

-To begin with, you're a bit ugly, you're dressed like you've just left the gym, you're sweaty, stinky, and besides… - and she picks up the box, and, upon opening it, pushes it back to his hands. – My God, what an ugly ring!! No girl would want to be with you that way, wake up and try to improve all of this before asking anyone to be your girlfriend!!

-What the hell are you talking about…?!


The boy freezes when he hears her voice. No, please don't… But when he turns around, she is really there. And her eyes are watery.

-Ondine!! Ondine, this is not what it seems…! – he tries to explain, however, she puts one hand to her heart, another to her face and runs away.

He tries to run after her, he really does, but she is faster. And in the end, at the end of the bridge, he watches the girl he loves so much leave with a broken heart, along with any chance he might have had with her.

Marinette receives Alya's call not long after class ended.

-Look at my blog!!

-What? Why?

-Just look!

That's when she opens the blog.


-You saw it, right? Don't leave the house!!!

-Wait, what are you doing out there recording, then?!

-Do what I say, but don't do what I do!!

-Get out of there!!

However, Alya just hangs up on her and Marinette growls a little in anger. She turns her attention to the video on the blog. The dark, winged and large figure is not very distinct in the image, shooting something similar to black beams that she can't quite see what it is either, but it is obviously an akuma, because now, with Paris the way it is, what else it could be? Even more so because it’s on Ladyblog, under the caption “dark cupid”.

The girl transforms, frustrated, and goes to the place where Alya is apparently recording.

He looks like an emo album cover.

It is Marinette's first thought as soon as she sees him. The large black angel wings, the eye band, the black jacket, shirt and pants, complemented by the fact that he is barefoot. And, of course, she is obviously a little terrified that this is clearly Kim.

What happened? Why is he an akuma? The only plausible explanation would be that he was rejected by Ondine, but he would have to have made a phenomenally big mess for it to have gone so wrong for him to become an akuma.

Trying to get herself to focus on the current situation again, she tries to see what those arrows of his were doing, but she can't see from the angle she is at, but whatever it is, it can't be good. That's when she throws the yo-yo, which wraps around the villain's arm.

She starts to think about whether she should stop using this technique, since this is the second time that the villain is stronger than her, throws her away using the yo-yo string and laughs at her as she flies through the sky.

-How are you, my lady? – Chat Noir smiles, holding her by the arm and preventing her from falling to the ground.

-Ah… hi, Chat… – and, retrieving the yo-yo, they climb onto the roof where they were. - Thanks.

-No problem, that's what I'm here for.

-To stop me from falling off buildings?

-For anything. Where is the villain?

-I think coming after us, he… – however, she stops when she sees, for a moment, just one, Chat Noir's eyes wide. And, in the next second, they grab her and jump to the ground, as if protecting her, and she only has time to see the akuma's arrow dissolving against Chat Noir's back. – Chat Noir!! No!!!

-Ladybug… – they murmur, panting, their voice suddenly weak. – …you are my… my… my worst curse!

-What?! What did he do?! Chat Noir, stop that!! – she exclaims, trying to push them away, but they hold her tighter against them.

-You are the person I hate the most in theisworld, Ladybug!! You are nothing, not to me, nor to anyone!!!

In a panic, afraid of what Chat Noir might do, they bite them on the shoulder, making the cat miraculous move away a little and she has room to push them a little and kick their stomach, managing to free herself and get out of there, playing her yo-yo away.

When Ladybug finds herself alone in the middle of an alley, it takes her a minute to calm down. Okay, okay, okay. What should she do now? Chat Noir, after being hit by the akuma, apparently started to hate her. This makes several options of things that could go wrong come to hwe mind: she could be shot by an arrow, Chat Noir could kill or capture her, Dark Cupid could kill or capture her, they could both team up to corner her, she could…

Her train of thought is broken when she narrowly dodges one of Chat Noir's crutches.

-Chat Noir, stop!! I don't want to fight you!! – and throws the yo-yo to another roof, heading away from there. She doesn't know if she would even be able to beat them in a fight, since they were physically stronger than her.

-Aww, what a shame, is the ladybug afraid of being swallowed by the cat? How did your kwami ​​choose you, anyway? – and raises one of the crutches towards her, which she deflects, and leans on the other.

-Have you even stopped to listen to yourself?! You look like a fucking incel! Just yesterday you were talking about that anime movie where you cried because of the power of friendship in it and… – and she stops trying to move away. – Lä shî. I… I'm really going to have to do this… CAT, COME HERE!!

-Wait, what? – Chat Noir mutters, then widening their eyes and running away. - What's that?! Get out, you savage!!!

-COME HERE AND TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!!! – and, chasing them through Paris, they throw the yo-yo and manage to tie up their body, keeping them hanging over a post, like a pulley.

-No, no, no!!! – Chat exclaims, trying to get away from her.

-Ok, I don't know how to do this. Should I hug you or something? I don't know what people consider an act of friendship or what you would consider or… – suddenly, she is cut by an arrow that almost hits her, taking her away from Chat Noir. - Caralho! Mas que pau no cu!

She moves away, pulling out her yo-yo and freeing Chat Noir, letting them fall to the ground. Ladybug runs from Dark Cupid, who shouts:

-Chat Noir!! Come!!

-I'm going!!

Shit. So they actually ganged up on her. Ladybug calls out the lucky charm, becoming confused when she sees a manga volume. When she sees herself being chased by the two incels, she leafs through the manga in her hands as she runs, trying not to trip, avoid her pursuers and think about what that talisman is for at the same time.

That is when Ladybug notices that this is the manga that originated the film that Adrien talked about yesterday. And, when she skips to the end of the volume, she sees how the best friend let themself be hit for the other, and how, however, they didn't die, because they had chosen to sacrifice themself for someone they loved.

At that moment, she falls to the ground with something on her back knocking her down hard, and her body turns upwards abruptly. Chat Noir stands over her, a hand hovering over her chest as the dark energy she recognizes as the cataclysm envelops it. Their canine teeth are bared in a macabre smile, drool running down them and landing near her face. She hears Dark Cupid saying that, if they kill her, they must bring him the body so he would take it to Hawk Moth so that he can absorb their kwami.

Fear fills her heart. The lucky charm should certainly bring her a solution, but the only one she can see will almost certainly end with her dead.

The lucky charm wouldn't kill me. Chat Noir will return. They need to.

-CHAT NOIR, YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I TRUST YOU!!! – and, grabbing their arm, pushes the cat's hand towards their chest, cataclysms their own heart.

The girl howls in pain as she feels the destructive power being pumped through her body and distributed throughout all her cells, making her almost wish she would die all at once so she wouldn't have to feel such pain inside her. Her tightly closed eyes release involuntary tears, and she feels small drops falling over them.

When she opens them, she looks at Chat Noir's face, with an expression of pure shock and their eyes watering, muttering at what they had done:

-No, no…

-Chat… you're back… – she sighs with relief, and uses the little strength she has in her deteriorated lungs and throat to scream: – IT'S THE RING!! IT'S IN THE RING!! I HAVE EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL, JUST GO THERE!!

-O-okay… okay!! OK!! – and jumps on top of Dark Cupid. There are some banging sounds, until Chat shouts: – I BROKE THE RING!!

Seeing the white butterfly approach her, still lying down, Ladybug feels like she is going to faint as she throws the luck charm up to use miraculous ladybug. As soon as the magical ladybugs touch her, however, all the pain disappears and she is able to stand up with the same ease as before. Sighing in relief, she runs up to Chat Noir and Kim, and asks:

-Is he ok?!

-I think so…? Hey, man, are you okay? – asks Chat.

Kim then, looking a little confused, looks at the two of them, and his eyes start to water and he bites his bottom lip. Ladybug saw that expression before. He really, really wants to cry.

-Oh my God!! What happened?! Why do you want to cry?! Is there anything I can do to help you?! – she asks, panicking a little because she doesn't know if she should help so much because she's Ladybug at that moment.

-The girl I like now hates me!! There was a big mess and she must never want to look me in the face again!!!

-Kim? – murmurs a voice. The three turn in that direction and see Ondine, timidly entering the street that they ended up unintentionally emptying when they took the fight to there.

-Ondine!! You have to listen to me!!! I swear it was a misunderstanding! – he runs towards her.

-Who is this? – Chat Noir whispers in Ladybug's ear.

-His swimming buddy. You know, the girl he likes.

-I saw the akuma on the ladyblog and he looked just like you, so I ran here… I thought that, as you turned into an akuma right after that happened on the bridge, there must have been something that I didn't understand…?

-I think we can leave them alone, because I want to talk to you about something. – says Ladybug.

-Okay, I also wanted to talk to you. Where are we going?

-My home. I think I'll detransform soon.


As soon as they find themselves on the roof of Marinette's house and she detransforms, she turns around, looking very angry with them, and exclaims:

-What the hell was that?!

-What?! What are you talking about?

-Why did you throw yourself in front of the arrow to protect me?! You could have just gotten me out of the way or whatever!! You didn't know what was going to happen to you! We can't keep sacrificing ourselves for each other, my miraculous ladybug doesn't resurrect people and we don't always know what a villain is going to do to us!!

-But you also sacrificed yourself!! You pushed my cataclysm straight to your chest!! Do you have any idea that you could have died?! I really could have killed you!! I thought I killed you!

-But I didn't die, right?!

-That's not the point!! You didn't know you weren't going to die!

-Yes, but the lucky charm showed that that was the only way out, so I knew I would somehow be able to use the miraculous ladybug later to solve this!! And you, why did you sacrifice yourself?! Why did you throw yourself in front of that arrow for me instead of just pulling me away?! Huh?! Huh?!

-I… I don't know, I didn't actually think at the time! I didn't realize I could pull you away! Besides, I thought that… that…

-That what?!

-I don't know, it would be better for me to be hit than you!! I'm not good in this superhero thing, have you noticed?! I don't know how to make plans, I can't fix things, I don't have a way to always win somehow, you're much better at this than me!!!

-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I wouldn't have been able to make those plans if it weren't for you! Two weeks ago, I couldn't do anything against Stormyweather and you were the one who saved everyone! We are partners, we have to do things together because NONE OF US IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER!! Never say again that you are worse than me or that it would be better for you to be hit than me!!!

-…alright. Sorry. I'll try not to do that again. If I do, it won't be intentional, I promise.

-OK. I'm sorry I made you think you killed me. Let's agree to never again sacrifice ourselves for each other without doing it in a way that we know is strictly necessary for our victory and know that everything will work out and return to normal in the end. Promise?


-Pinky promise? – and extended his own.

-Pinky promise. You are one of my best friends.

Chat Noir leaves Marinette's rooftop.

-…this is weird.

-Why? – asks Plagg in his human form.

-You, here, in my room.

-I'm your new social worker, kid. It's a completely plausible reason for us to spend time together.

-Yeah, the fact that you are a primordial god of destruction, my kwami ​​and my social worker is what is strange.

-At least, I can keep an eye in that shit father of yours.

-Hey, father is not that bad.

-Whatever you say, kid. – and turns into a cat. – But seriously, do you like her?

-Holy hell, you don't speak but the meaning enters my head! That's bizarre! – Adrien feels a shiver. – Wait, what? Like who?

-Marinette, obviously!

-What? No! She's just my friend!

-I was thinking about the whole thing today, that guy turned love into hate… you love her, don't you?

-Yes, but it's not romantic!

-Hmmmm… – and looks at them with very narrow eyes. Then they walk away. – As you wish, kitten. Where is the camembert cheese?

-Do you like someone romantically? – asks Tikki, in her ladybug form next to Marinette on the rooftop, at that night.

-I do not think so.

-Not even Adrien?

-What, Adrien? They are amazing and all, but we're just friends. There's nothing much about us.

-You need a strong connection with a person to be able to do what you did today, and I've never seen such strong trust in such a recent friendship.

-Sometimes this happens, Tikki. I don't know what else to tell you.


Dark Cupid is here! Yay! Things are starting to get really good! This was a really fun one, and I had a hard time with having them have a (for now) platonic friendship and platonic act of love and trust, but I did it! Remember that cataclysm, you might recall it someday... evil laughter. Kagami and Ondine first appearances, though Kagami will only come back at Revenge (Riposte), the concept of them being classmates is @zoe-oneesama's. Also, Chloé is still a bitch, but she is not the fucking criminal of canon and she WILL have a redemption. Next one is Loverbug (Anti-Bug), in which I hope to get you to understand her, at least a little. Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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8 months ago

Miraculous rewrite queer headcanons

Marinette: she/they, trans, biromantic, asexual, polyam

Adrien: they/them, nonbinary, queer, polyam

Alya: she/he, bigender, bisexual, polyam

Nino: he/they, nonbinary, pansexual, polyam

Chloé: she/her, lesbian, polyam

Kagami: they/it/she, demigirl, lesbian, polyam

Luka: any pronouns, pangender, pansexual, polyam

Nathaniel: he/they, trans, gay

Marc: any pronouns except she/her, transmasc boyflux, gay, asexual

Juleka: she/her, trans, lesbian

Rose: she/xe, demigirl, pansexual

Lila: she/her, bisexual, grayromantic

Sabrina: she/her, lesbian, demisexual

Alix: they/them, nonbinary, aromantic

Kim: he/him, cishet ally

Max: he/him, trans, asexual

Ivan: he/him, asexual

Myléne: she/they, girlflux, panromantic, aegosexual

Ondine: she/her, trans, straight

Aurore: she/her, bisexual, polyam

Mireille: she/her, lesbian

Zoé: she/he, bigender, lesbian

Félix: he/she, gay

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8 months ago

Ok. If I, IN A HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO, decided to rewrite miraculous, would you rather it be on my main blog or for me to do a side blog for it? Because I have A LOT of ideas and kinda afraid that this blog might get too stuffed if I say them here.

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7 months ago

Lovely supporter, I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and high spirits.

This is Eman Zaqout a Biotechnologist and PhD student from Gaza. I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world, after losing my house and my job in the genocide in Gaza and living in a life that you can't bear watch it behind screens.

I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile, and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.

Thank you for your continuous help for the Palestinian cause until freedom is achieved.

Please know that our campaign is verified by @90-ghost, @aces-and-angels

Unfortunately, I can't donate, but I hope anyone that sees my blog can.

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8 months ago

Happiness is not the same as joy. People often confuse both, but they are different. Joy is the feeling you see in inside out.

Happinness is something very, very deep. It is when you achieve your dreams or are with the ones you love or is satisfied with some aspect of yourself. Happiness is there even when you are not feeling joy. Hell, even when you are depressed you can have happiness.

Because happiness is what makes you keep going. It's when you refuse to give up and, in the end, you thank yourself for that. It's knowing that, even in some way, things can get better and you can fight so they get better.

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