idontknowanametouse - Hello


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Idontknowanametouse - Hello - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

Lovely supporter, I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and high spirits.

This is Eman Zaqout a Biotechnologist and PhD student from Gaza. I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world, after losing my house and my job in the genocide in Gaza and living in a life that you can't bear watch it behind screens.

I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile, and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.

Thank you for your continuous help for the Palestinian cause until freedom is achieved.

Please know that our campaign is verified by @90-ghost, @aces-and-angels

Unfortunately, I can't donate, but I hope anyone that sees my blog can.

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7 months ago

Initially I used It to see aus, fanart and that kind of stuff of Steven universe, but then It started being restricted to basically only users most of stuff and then I got in

reblog and put in the tags the real reason you joined tumblr no matter how horrible or embarrassing it is

7 months ago

Also Hadestown Road to Hell Reprise, it's all about "you know it's not gonna end pretty and well, but you still have hope, so you again begin to sing the story all over again because hope is stronger than the pain that you know will come"

Okay, fuck it, tell me about scenes from movies/tv shows/short movies, quotes and paragraphs from written media, paintings, news coverage, random ass videos on the internet, literally ANYTHING that gives you hope. I'll start:

Everything Everywhere All At Once's speech by Waymond, where he asks Evelyn to please be kind. Especially when you don't know what's going on.

The "two earthlings" painting.

7 months ago

I've got two from One Piece and one from Demon Slayer:

When Luffy says "I can't navigate, or cook, or heal or do what my companeers do! I know and am proud that I can't do anything alone!"

When Saul says to Robin "The sea out there is wide, little girl, and I'm sure that, someday, you will find companeers that will protect you, so, go after them. No one is born into this world to be alone"

In Demon Slayer, just the entirety of chapter 203. Even if you don't know anything about the story, you don't need that much context to feel your heart ache and then be cared for.

Okay, fuck it, tell me about scenes from movies/tv shows/short movies, quotes and paragraphs from written media, paintings, news coverage, random ass videos on the internet, literally ANYTHING that gives you hope. I'll start:

Everything Everywhere All At Once's speech by Waymond, where he asks Evelyn to please be kind. Especially when you don't know what's going on.

The "two earthlings" painting.

Tags :
7 months ago

MLB rewrite AU. Chapter 4: Dark Cupid

(Dark Cupid redesign inspiration @crimsonmonsoon)


Kim takes a deep breath, checking once again the ring he bought for Ondine. It's silver, with a small (fake) pearl on top and bluish details. She saw it in a store one day and loved it, but they were out of money at the time and she said to let it go. For today, he needs everything to be perfect, so it's better to give her something she already said she likes than to risk something else, right?

-Kim, how are you? – asks his Bô´, noticing his nervousness.

-Ah, yes, yes!! It's just… I'm going to ask a girl to be my girlfriend and… I just want everything to work out!!

-It's Ondine, right? – his dad smiled.

-…how did you know?

-You've only talked about her since you met, Kim. You don't need to be a genius to understand this.

-I noticed and told him. It'll be fine, son, don't worry. Then tell us how it was.

-And take her to get some ice cream!

Ondine arrives at class anxious, jumping up and down. Her best (and only) friend asks:

-Ondine-chan, what happened?

-Ah, hi, Kagami!! It's just… remember the boy I told you I liked, Kim? The athlete!

-I remember, yes, why?

-He asked me out today, on the Pont des Arts! I'm excited, I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend!! – the scholarship holder gives another little jump of happiness.

-Good, I'm happy for you. What time will it be?


-Just know that if he hurts you, I will kill him.

-No, don't do that!

-Alright, but just ask me and he will never be seen again.

-Can I ask you something? – Adrien says, sitting next to Nino.

-Of course, dude! What is it?

-It's something I've been asking myself since I met you. What botton is that on your backpack? – and points out the one.

-It's the non-binary flag, dude.

-Non-binary flag? What is that?

-Non-binary is a gender identity under the umbrella of the trans spectrum that includes any identity that is not one hundred percent within the binary of completely male or completely female.

-So… you mean… you're neither a man nor a woman?

-Uhm. I use pronouns he/him and they/them, these are the ones I like.

-Wait… – Adrien stops, his eyes, for the first time since Nino met him, wide. – Can you not be a man and also not be a woman?!


Adrien's jaw drops.

-And you can be called in a way that doesn't sound feminine or masculine?!


-I… I… – and he stops, in shock. – Nino, I think I'm non-binary.


-And I really like the pronouns they/them.

-Nice, dude! – and gives a high five.

Adrien smiles. They feel good about themself.

-Hey, Adrien! – Marinette says during the break. - How are you doing?

-Good, and you?

-Oh, I'm nervous about something, sorry, so I'll say it right away! – they exclaim, and hands them something. When they open their fingers, there is a ladybug botton there. – I made some friendship buttons for us!! Look at mine!! – and points to the suspenders, on which there is a black button with a green cat paw symbol. – This way, we always remember each other!!

-…thank you very much, Marinette! – and smiles. – Oh, I found out I’m non-binary! I use they/them pronouns!

-Ah cool! I'm trans too, and I use she/her and they/them pronouns!

Following Nino's example, Adrien raises their fist for a punch. Marinette does.

-Okay, Max, are you sure it's going to work? – Kim asks in front of the school, at the end of class.

-It will, I calculated this four times with different circumstances to make sure it will work.

-What is it? – Marinette asks, getting into the middle of the conversation and dragging Adrien behind her. Since it's only been three weeks since classes started, they don't know people very well yet, and Nino and Marinette have been trying to start their friendships with other people, since Chloé barely talks to anyone other than Adrien or Sabrina.

-Ah, hi, Mari! I'm going out with a girl today!

-It better be Ondine. – Marinette turns very serious.

-Wait, do you know each other?!

-We met at that swimming competition of yours.

-Oh, yeah…

-But Kim is not dating her yet, he is going to ask her to be his girlfriend today.


-Everything will be fine, Kim! Do not worry! – Marinette says, smiling at him. Adrien, behind her and without saying anything, gives him a thumbs up.

-Go now, otherwise you will be late at the Pont des Arts!! – exclaimed Max.

-Thank you guys!! – Kim thanks him, and runs away.

-…he's cool. – Adrien smiles a little.

-Yes, he is!! Chloé is calling you, right? See you tomorrow!

-See ya… – however, they stop. – Huh… where's Chloé? – and look at the message. She had said she couldn't take them today, as she was going to be at the Pont des Arts. - …Oh no.

Kim leans on the edge of the bridge, anxious, and then is startled when she appears at his side.

-Hey you!

-Ah! Oh, it's you, Chloé?

-You're in my class, aren't you? Kevin?


-Yeah, that's it, whatever. What are you doing?

-Not that it's any of your business, but I'm waiting for a girl.

-A girl? – and sees the box in his hand. – Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend? Oh, my dear, this won't work…

-Oh yeah? And may I know why? – he grumbles, already irritated.

-To begin with, you're a bit ugly, you're dressed like you've just left the gym, you're sweaty, stinky, and besides… - and she picks up the box, and, upon opening it, pushes it back to his hands. – My God, what an ugly ring!! No girl would want to be with you that way, wake up and try to improve all of this before asking anyone to be your girlfriend!!

-What the hell are you talking about…?!


The boy freezes when he hears her voice. No, please don't… But when he turns around, she is really there. And her eyes are watery.

-Ondine!! Ondine, this is not what it seems…! – he tries to explain, however, she puts one hand to her heart, another to her face and runs away.

He tries to run after her, he really does, but she is faster. And in the end, at the end of the bridge, he watches the girl he loves so much leave with a broken heart, along with any chance he might have had with her.

Marinette receives Alya's call not long after class ended.

-Look at my blog!!

-What? Why?

-Just look!

That's when she opens the blog.


-You saw it, right? Don't leave the house!!!

-Wait, what are you doing out there recording, then?!

-Do what I say, but don't do what I do!!

-Get out of there!!

However, Alya just hangs up on her and Marinette growls a little in anger. She turns her attention to the video on the blog. The dark, winged and large figure is not very distinct in the image, shooting something similar to black beams that she can't quite see what it is either, but it is obviously an akuma, because now, with Paris the way it is, what else it could be? Even more so because it’s on Ladyblog, under the caption “dark cupid”.

The girl transforms, frustrated, and goes to the place where Alya is apparently recording.

He looks like an emo album cover.

It is Marinette's first thought as soon as she sees him. The large black angel wings, the eye band, the black jacket, shirt and pants, complemented by the fact that he is barefoot. And, of course, she is obviously a little terrified that this is clearly Kim.

What happened? Why is he an akuma? The only plausible explanation would be that he was rejected by Ondine, but he would have to have made a phenomenally big mess for it to have gone so wrong for him to become an akuma.

Trying to get herself to focus on the current situation again, she tries to see what those arrows of his were doing, but she can't see from the angle she is at, but whatever it is, it can't be good. That's when she throws the yo-yo, which wraps around the villain's arm.

She starts to think about whether she should stop using this technique, since this is the second time that the villain is stronger than her, throws her away using the yo-yo string and laughs at her as she flies through the sky.

-How are you, my lady? – Chat Noir smiles, holding her by the arm and preventing her from falling to the ground.

-Ah… hi, Chat… – and, retrieving the yo-yo, they climb onto the roof where they were. - Thanks.

-No problem, that's what I'm here for.

-To stop me from falling off buildings?

-For anything. Where is the villain?

-I think coming after us, he… – however, she stops when she sees, for a moment, just one, Chat Noir's eyes wide. And, in the next second, they grab her and jump to the ground, as if protecting her, and she only has time to see the akuma's arrow dissolving against Chat Noir's back. – Chat Noir!! No!!!

-Ladybug… – they murmur, panting, their voice suddenly weak. – …you are my… my… my worst curse!

-What?! What did he do?! Chat Noir, stop that!! – she exclaims, trying to push them away, but they hold her tighter against them.

-You are the person I hate the most in theisworld, Ladybug!! You are nothing, not to me, nor to anyone!!!

In a panic, afraid of what Chat Noir might do, they bite them on the shoulder, making the cat miraculous move away a little and she has room to push them a little and kick their stomach, managing to free herself and get out of there, playing her yo-yo away.

When Ladybug finds herself alone in the middle of an alley, it takes her a minute to calm down. Okay, okay, okay. What should she do now? Chat Noir, after being hit by the akuma, apparently started to hate her. This makes several options of things that could go wrong come to hwe mind: she could be shot by an arrow, Chat Noir could kill or capture her, Dark Cupid could kill or capture her, they could both team up to corner her, she could…

Her train of thought is broken when she narrowly dodges one of Chat Noir's crutches.

-Chat Noir, stop!! I don't want to fight you!! – and throws the yo-yo to another roof, heading away from there. She doesn't know if she would even be able to beat them in a fight, since they were physically stronger than her.

-Aww, what a shame, is the ladybug afraid of being swallowed by the cat? How did your kwami ​​choose you, anyway? – and raises one of the crutches towards her, which she deflects, and leans on the other.

-Have you even stopped to listen to yourself?! You look like a fucking incel! Just yesterday you were talking about that anime movie where you cried because of the power of friendship in it and… – and she stops trying to move away. – Lä shî. I… I'm really going to have to do this… CAT, COME HERE!!

-Wait, what? – Chat Noir mutters, then widening their eyes and running away. - What's that?! Get out, you savage!!!

-COME HERE AND TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!!! – and, chasing them through Paris, they throw the yo-yo and manage to tie up their body, keeping them hanging over a post, like a pulley.

-No, no, no!!! – Chat exclaims, trying to get away from her.

-Ok, I don't know how to do this. Should I hug you or something? I don't know what people consider an act of friendship or what you would consider or… – suddenly, she is cut by an arrow that almost hits her, taking her away from Chat Noir. - Caralho! Mas que pau no cu!

She moves away, pulling out her yo-yo and freeing Chat Noir, letting them fall to the ground. Ladybug runs from Dark Cupid, who shouts:

-Chat Noir!! Come!!

-I'm going!!

Shit. So they actually ganged up on her. Ladybug calls out the lucky charm, becoming confused when she sees a manga volume. When she sees herself being chased by the two incels, she leafs through the manga in her hands as she runs, trying not to trip, avoid her pursuers and think about what that talisman is for at the same time.

That is when Ladybug notices that this is the manga that originated the film that Adrien talked about yesterday. And, when she skips to the end of the volume, she sees how the best friend let themself be hit for the other, and how, however, they didn't die, because they had chosen to sacrifice themself for someone they loved.

At that moment, she falls to the ground with something on her back knocking her down hard, and her body turns upwards abruptly. Chat Noir stands over her, a hand hovering over her chest as the dark energy she recognizes as the cataclysm envelops it. Their canine teeth are bared in a macabre smile, drool running down them and landing near her face. She hears Dark Cupid saying that, if they kill her, they must bring him the body so he would take it to Hawk Moth so that he can absorb their kwami.

Fear fills her heart. The lucky charm should certainly bring her a solution, but the only one she can see will almost certainly end with her dead.

The lucky charm wouldn't kill me. Chat Noir will return. They need to.

-CHAT NOIR, YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I TRUST YOU!!! – and, grabbing their arm, pushes the cat's hand towards their chest, cataclysms their own heart.

The girl howls in pain as she feels the destructive power being pumped through her body and distributed throughout all her cells, making her almost wish she would die all at once so she wouldn't have to feel such pain inside her. Her tightly closed eyes release involuntary tears, and she feels small drops falling over them.

When she opens them, she looks at Chat Noir's face, with an expression of pure shock and their eyes watering, muttering at what they had done:

-No, no…

-Chat… you're back… – she sighs with relief, and uses the little strength she has in her deteriorated lungs and throat to scream: – IT'S THE RING!! IT'S IN THE RING!! I HAVE EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL, JUST GO THERE!!

-O-okay… okay!! OK!! – and jumps on top of Dark Cupid. There are some banging sounds, until Chat shouts: – I BROKE THE RING!!

Seeing the white butterfly approach her, still lying down, Ladybug feels like she is going to faint as she throws the luck charm up to use miraculous ladybug. As soon as the magical ladybugs touch her, however, all the pain disappears and she is able to stand up with the same ease as before. Sighing in relief, she runs up to Chat Noir and Kim, and asks:

-Is he ok?!

-I think so…? Hey, man, are you okay? – asks Chat.

Kim then, looking a little confused, looks at the two of them, and his eyes start to water and he bites his bottom lip. Ladybug saw that expression before. He really, really wants to cry.

-Oh my God!! What happened?! Why do you want to cry?! Is there anything I can do to help you?! – she asks, panicking a little because she doesn't know if she should help so much because she's Ladybug at that moment.

-The girl I like now hates me!! There was a big mess and she must never want to look me in the face again!!!

-Kim? – murmurs a voice. The three turn in that direction and see Ondine, timidly entering the street that they ended up unintentionally emptying when they took the fight to there.

-Ondine!! You have to listen to me!!! I swear it was a misunderstanding! – he runs towards her.

-Who is this? – Chat Noir whispers in Ladybug's ear.

-His swimming buddy. You know, the girl he likes.

-I saw the akuma on the ladyblog and he looked just like you, so I ran here… I thought that, as you turned into an akuma right after that happened on the bridge, there must have been something that I didn't understand…?

-I think we can leave them alone, because I want to talk to you about something. – says Ladybug.

-Okay, I also wanted to talk to you. Where are we going?

-My home. I think I'll detransform soon.


As soon as they find themselves on the roof of Marinette's house and she detransforms, she turns around, looking very angry with them, and exclaims:

-What the hell was that?!

-What?! What are you talking about?

-Why did you throw yourself in front of the arrow to protect me?! You could have just gotten me out of the way or whatever!! You didn't know what was going to happen to you! We can't keep sacrificing ourselves for each other, my miraculous ladybug doesn't resurrect people and we don't always know what a villain is going to do to us!!

-But you also sacrificed yourself!! You pushed my cataclysm straight to your chest!! Do you have any idea that you could have died?! I really could have killed you!! I thought I killed you!

-But I didn't die, right?!

-That's not the point!! You didn't know you weren't going to die!

-Yes, but the lucky charm showed that that was the only way out, so I knew I would somehow be able to use the miraculous ladybug later to solve this!! And you, why did you sacrifice yourself?! Why did you throw yourself in front of that arrow for me instead of just pulling me away?! Huh?! Huh?!

-I… I don't know, I didn't actually think at the time! I didn't realize I could pull you away! Besides, I thought that… that…

-That what?!

-I don't know, it would be better for me to be hit than you!! I'm not good in this superhero thing, have you noticed?! I don't know how to make plans, I can't fix things, I don't have a way to always win somehow, you're much better at this than me!!!

-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I wouldn't have been able to make those plans if it weren't for you! Two weeks ago, I couldn't do anything against Stormyweather and you were the one who saved everyone! We are partners, we have to do things together because NONE OF US IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER!! Never say again that you are worse than me or that it would be better for you to be hit than me!!!

-…alright. Sorry. I'll try not to do that again. If I do, it won't be intentional, I promise.

-OK. I'm sorry I made you think you killed me. Let's agree to never again sacrifice ourselves for each other without doing it in a way that we know is strictly necessary for our victory and know that everything will work out and return to normal in the end. Promise?


-Pinky promise? – and extended his own.

-Pinky promise. You are one of my best friends.

Chat Noir leaves Marinette's rooftop.

-…this is weird.

-Why? – asks Plagg in his human form.

-You, here, in my room.

-I'm your new social worker, kid. It's a completely plausible reason for us to spend time together.

-Yeah, the fact that you are a primordial god of destruction, my kwami ​​and my social worker is what is strange.

-At least, I can keep an eye in that shit father of yours.

-Hey, father is not that bad.

-Whatever you say, kid. – and turns into a cat. – But seriously, do you like her?

-Holy hell, you don't speak but the meaning enters my head! That's bizarre! – Adrien feels a shiver. – Wait, what? Like who?

-Marinette, obviously!

-What? No! She's just my friend!

-I was thinking about the whole thing today, that guy turned love into hate… you love her, don't you?

-Yes, but it's not romantic!

-Hmmmm… – and looks at them with very narrow eyes. Then they walk away. – As you wish, kitten. Where is the camembert cheese?

-Do you like someone romantically? – asks Tikki, in her ladybug form next to Marinette on the rooftop, at that night.

-I do not think so.

-Not even Adrien?

-What, Adrien? They are amazing and all, but we're just friends. There's nothing much about us.

-You need a strong connection with a person to be able to do what you did today, and I've never seen such strong trust in such a recent friendship.

-Sometimes this happens, Tikki. I don't know what else to tell you.


Dark Cupid is here! Yay! Things are starting to get really good! This was a really fun one, and I had a hard time with having them have a (for now) platonic friendship and platonic act of love and trust, but I did it! Remember that cataclysm, you might recall it someday... evil laughter. Kagami and Ondine first appearances, though Kagami will only come back at Revenge (Riposte), the concept of them being classmates is @zoe-oneesama's. Also, Chloé is still a bitch, but she is not the fucking criminal of canon and she WILL have a redemption. Next one is Loverbug (Anti-Bug), in which I hope to get you to understand her, at least a little. Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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8 months ago

Miraculous Rewrite AU. Chapter 3: Stormyweather

(homophobia, autistic meltdown, implied ableism)

(stormyweather redesign inspired by @miraculous-metamorphosis and @wormzandgutz)

-You ready, love? – asks Mireille, opening the door and entering Aurore's dressing room.

-Almost. – she sighs, irritated, closing the makeup kit. – Honestly, why do they want to do this poll? It was already decided that they liked us equally, that's why we present the program together!

-I don't know, it must be something to increase the audience or something. But everything will be fine, our contracts do not allow for a dismissal like that, so out of the blue, for no reason at all. Let's go?

-Let's go. – and smiled at her girlfriend, holding her hand for a brief moment before they went to the set where the program would be broadcast live.

-Welcome back, viewers!! – Alec exclaims, and Aurore has to stop herself from rolling her eyes. God, how she hates that man's voice when he is on TV. – As we said in the last block, you will vote for your favorite weather girl on our channel: Aurore Beaureal or Mireille Caquet, and also for the one you want to stay on the program!


They both look at each other, eyes wide, having no idea how to react or what to do in this situation. They can't ask Alec, what the fuck? Nor can they stop the program or the vote from taking place. If they do anything, they will be fired. Which isn't much, since one of the two is apparently going to be fired anyway.

They can't do anything. After all, they are just weather girls.

As soon as the broadcast ends, along with her promise of a good future in her career in meteorology, Aurore goes to Alec and hits him on the knees with her cane. Marching angrily to the elevator, she waits for the door to close behind her, with Mireille trying to catch up to her from the hallway, so she can scream in fury.

She isn't mad at Mireille, she would never be mad at her because of that. She is mad with that shitty presenter who worked for the shitty enforcers of this shitty network.

When she arrives at her building, all she wants to do is get to her apartment, lie in bed and cry in frustration. And then the elevator stops and the lights go out.

-AH, FUCK YOU! – she exclaims, sitting on the floor, boilling in anger. Feeling her cell phone vibrate, she takes it out of her dress pocket and sees that it's Mireille. She answers, her voice defeated. – …hi, Mimi…

-Aurore, I heard one of the executives talking to an investor, from what I understand, they did all this shit because we are publicly dating and this investor threatened to stop the sponsorship because of that.

Aurore's blood boils. Is that why they destroyed her future? Because of some old, homophobic, jealous piece of shit who couldn't stand her and her girlfriend being happy?

She fees her breathing quicken, fury rising in her chest. She can't hear what Mireille says, and only stops when she sees it.

-What the fuck is that? – she murmurs, taking the umbrella in her hand to try to ward it off. It looks like a big, black insect, but

Suddenly, Aurore remembers what happened a week ago, above the Eiffel Tower. That horrible face made of black butterflies.

Horrified, she tries to swing the umbrella to hit the insect or at least make it go away, but it is in vain. That blackness merges with the umbrella, blurring Aurore's mind.

-Love? Aurora? – Mireille mutters, in panic. She hears something she can't understand, then hears a name she started to fear a week ago: “Hawk Moth.” – Shit. No no no no.

She realizes she needs to do something. In panic, the girl almost flies to an empty studio. She needs a camera that can broadcast to the entire city.


-Girl, did I tell you that your outfit is really cute?

Marinette fees her cheeks warming up and a slight smile appearing on her lips. She is very happy that Alya noticed the outfit she thought of for the day, as it is one of her favorites, particularly. Even though it is simple, they find it adorable: it is a sailor school uniform, like the ones in anime, black with green details complemented by a black belt with green details and a bow on top of her head, her hair arranged in a small braid at her back.

-Ah, thank you very much… you also look very beautiful!

-Oh, do you think so? Thanks!

Alya really looks beautiful, simple and gorgeous, with a white sweatshirt, a short black skirt and a headband of the same tone holding back her curly hair.

For the last week, after the whole thing with Stoneheart, Marinette has been looking like a nervous wreck, thinking that an akuma would appear at any moment, and in fact it could happen, but she really needed to relax. It was actually a good idea to invite Alya to spend some time there on Sunday, as she, despite being very electric, brings peace to their heart.

Unfortunately, this tranquility soon evaporates, as the TV broadcast is “hacked” by someone, with the image suddenly changing and showing… Mireille, one of the girls at her school who is Alya's friend and also the weather girl, looking like about to have an anxiety attack…?

-LADYBUG, CHAT NOIR! – she shouts, her eyes filled with despair. – THERE IS AN AKUMA IN PARIS! I don't know where she is, or what she looks like, or what powers she has, but I know she's coming here, to the broadcaster!! Please come quickly before something very, very bad happens!!


What was she going to do? What was she going to do? She couldn't reveal her identity to Alya like that, but she also couldn't go away out of the blue without any explanation! Only if…

-I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM! – she suddenly exclaims, getting up and running over there. She locks the door from the inside and exclaims, in her best possible voice: – Oh, no!! I think I got stuck!! Alya, can you try to find the spare bathroom key in my room?! Unfortunately, I don't remember where I left it!!

And, knowing full well that that key doesn't exist, she transforms into Ladybug and leaves through the window.

She and Chat Noir meet at the top of the building.

-How are you doing, my lady?

-Hi, Chat. Let's try to do it quickly this time, okay?

-What's the rush, Ladybug? The akuma hasn't even gotten here yet.

-I think it's Aurore Beaureal.

-How do you know?

-Intuition. Anyway, I have some things to do, so let's do it quickly.

-You really don't like this?

-Do you like?

-To be honest, one of the reasons I accepted was so I could decide something about my own life and act like myself for at least a part of the day.

-…that…is very sad, but we need to talk about it later.

-…are you really okay, Mari?

-Don't call me that when I'm Ladybug!!

-I'm sorry, but did something happen? You seem really nervous.

-It's nothing!! I just want to finish as quickly as possible!! – he's so fucking annoying, can't he see that she just wants to do it quickly and be left alone?!

-…I'm sorry, Ladybug.

He looks a little upset. Shit, she fucked up, didn't she? She didn't know how to socialize outside of her trusted circle, and now, because of that, she hurt Chat Noir. Before he can even apologize, the two hear a loud bang below and see the studio door flying away, pushed by strong winds.

-Fuck. She is here.

They immediately start going down the stairs, nervousness seeming to speed up her heart more and more, and stop on the top floor, where the station's owners work, prepared for when she appears in the elevator.

Well, she shows up. It is just a little scary.

She was definitely Aurore, just a much darker version of the girl. Her pigtails were transformed into lightning bolts, constantly changing in a crazy zigzag. The skirt was made of dark clouds, occasionally releasing small storms at her feet, which floated, never touching the ground. Her skin was gray, her ears were pointed, and her eyes were completely white. She wore a dark leather coat open, revealing an outfit tailored like a rag doll's, black and white striped tights and black pointy flats.

Ladybug swallows. She knows Aurore. Maybe she can talk to her.


-Stormyweather. – the voice, despite still being hers, sounds like thunder. However, it is also cold, completely different from her usual expressive tone.

-Mireille called us to help you.

-You'll help me if you get out of my way and let me destroy this bastard.

-He's not here anymore.

-Then, I destroy the tower. It will be enough.

There is no way to talk to her, Ladybug realizes and understands this. She makes a slight sign with her hands. Chat Noir sees it and attacks.

As soon as she sees him coming towards her, Stormyweather creates a gale so strong that it pushes them back and destroys the lamps in the corridor, leaving them in the dark.

-Where is she?! Where?!! – Ladybug screams, her voice bordering on despair, only increasing when she feels a fast wind passing by her.

-Calm down, I have night vision!! I'll take you!! – Chat Noir then grabbs her arm and starts running.

She hates it.

They hate that with their entire being, feeling the two bodies rubbing together painfully, feeling everything heightened.

Please no, please no… I can't deal with this right now…

-Go quickly!! – she exclaims, trying to hold back the pain. – What if the military arrives, like that time?! They will kill her!!

-They won't!! We will arrive first!! They know that only we can fix everything!!

-Still, what if they arrive?! What if… – she is interrupted when he opens the door.

She hated being in the dark, with her hand being grabbed and being dragged to places she didn't know. It was almost painful, almost too much. But it gets much, much worse when they get back to the roof.

Stormyweather created a real storm, almost a hurricane, above the building. There is lightning and thunder and wind and sounds of wind and cold and heat and ice and rain and light and bangs and things touching and it is all way too much.

She starts blinking uncontrollably. Involuntarily, their feet go further and further back, seeking refuge on that staircase. Her eyes begin to fill with tears, and she feels a scream threatening to escape her throat. Desperately trying to protect herself from the sensations, protect herself from everything, she crouches on the stairs, starting to rock, back and forth, and slams her hands against her ears and screams and tries to just stop feeling.

-…! Ladybug!!

Chat Noir tries to grab her hands in panic, but this only makes Ladybug scream even more, tears escaping from her squeezed tight eyes and her feet hitting the stone floor.

What should he do?! What is that?! Why is this happening?! How should he act?! He is starting to panic, until something falls in front of him.

A towel.

Even in that state, she called lucky charm. She trusts him. She knows she can't fight Stormyweather, so she trusts him to do it.

He will.

He, not knowing if he should interfere, carefully closes the door behind him, returning to the collapsing ceiling with the towel in his hands.

-I will take care of everything, my lady. Do not worry. – he murmurs, perhaps to her, perhaps to himself.

Chat Noir quickly realizes that he doesn't have the same ability to create complex (and somewhat insane) plans as Ladybug, so he decides to do everything in a… simpler way, let's say.

By climbing onto an almost collapsing billboard, running over it towards Stormyweather, jumping on top of her and using the towel to cling to her and have an opening to cataclysm the umbrella in her hands.

Of course, he panicks slightly when the two started to fall, but he manages to use one of his crutches to stabilize his descent and hold Aurore (who is screaming a lot) with his other arm.

-C-Chat Noir? – she murmurs, shaking a little. - What happened?

-Don't worry, we've already solved everything. Can you wait a little here? I'll be right back.


Chat Noir heads to the stairs, gently opening them and asking in a whisper:

-My lady?

-Hmm? – Ladybug replies, raising her head.

-How are you?

She does not answer.

-Could you call the miraculous ladybug, please? Then I'll take you home.

She holds out her hand and he throws the towel to her. She throws the towel up again, and the object turns into a billion ladybugs.

-Do you want help getting up?

She shakes her head and goes to him, her body curled up, as if protecting herself from something, and they both return to the roof. To his surprise, from the newly repaired elevator, Mireille appeared, and is now talking to Aurore.

-… cyan dress with white cloud pattern on the skirt, baby blue flats…

-Hmm? – Chat Noir's attention turns to Ladybug, who is whispering to herself. Then, he notices that she is describing Aurore and Mireille's clothes.

-Tea green sweater, skirt in the same tone with a white lightning pattern, gray tights, white ankle boots, sun pendant around the neck…

Realizing that she must be doing this to self-regulate in some way, they leave, with her hugging him and clinging to him.


The girl is startled when she hears her own name, and, as she turns towards the repaired elevator, she mutters:


-Are you okay?! My god, I thought something really bad was going to happen!!

-I… don't remember… what… – suddenly, a flash of memory. – That son of a bitch took advantage of me and turned me into something?!

-…yeah… at least you looked prettier than that first guy. Anyway, let's leave soon, I resigned.

-What?! Mimi, no!! Why?! Just because of me?! You shouldn't have done that!!!

-Love, listen to me: firstly, I would never work for a broadcaster like that if I knew that shit, and I know you wouldn't either. Secondly, I was already going to be fired after taking that camera and breaking into the broadcast out of nowhere without anyone knowing.


-Do you want to go get ice cream to calm down a little?

-I want to, but… can you carry me? I left my cane in the elevator of my building… which is broken…

-Of course, sweetheart.

As soon as they land on the roof, Ladybug mutters:



-For that thing. For letting you down.

-Why apologize? You were clearly not well. I took care of the situation myself and it wasn't a problem, and if you're about to have it happen again, just let me know. But… can I ask a question?


-What happened?

-Hm… I didn't want to say that so as not to change anything between us, but now there's no way I can do that… I'm autistic, and at the time I was so stressed about things and anxious and there ended up being too much around me, and that happened… it's called meltdown…

-Why didn't you want to talk? It wouldn't change anything.

-Wait, seriously?

-Yeah. You are my friend and even though I don't understand much about it, I will try my best to help me, you just need to let me know. Also, don't we have other autistic classmates, if I'm not mistaken? I would be a fucking asshole if I treated you differently because of this.

-…thanks. You are the best.

-Don't exaggerate, come on.

-At least the best partner.

-We only work together for a week.

-Stop contradicting me. – Chat Noir turns to go. – Hey, wait!

-What happened, Buggaboo?

-Stop that. You said a bad word, I'm proud of you.

-I learned from the best. – and smiles as he leaves.

Ladybug, using her poor climbing skills, manages to hang from the wall of the building to the bathroom window, entering, detransforming and exclaiming, upon opening the door:

-Oh dear!! The door unlocked by itself! It's a miracle!!

Alya strokes Marinette's hair while she naps on his lap and watches TV, until her cell phone rings loudly (and even then, Marinette doesn't wake up) and she answers:


-Hi, Alya, it's Aurore.

-Ah, hi, Aurore! Is Mireille there with you?

-Yes she is!

-I'm sorry about what happened to you.

-It's okay, we're over it. Here, y'know that news blog of yours?

-Uh, yes, why?

-Does he perhaps need two presenters who hate TV channels a lot

-…Yes. – and a smile emerged on his lips.


That one was really quick, but I really liked how it turned out! I think it was a nice introduction to Ladynoir dynamic and also Aurore and Mireille (they'll have other appearances in the future). Next chapter is Dark Cupid, which means things are going to start to get really good!

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8 months ago

Miraculous Rewrite AU, chapter 2: Stoneheart

(mentions of child abuse, trauma and actual consequences for akuma)

When Adrien wakes up, the sky is red.

He sits and looks around. The sun has practically disappeared completely, but there is still color in the sky.

In the distance, he sees the Eiffel Tower and the partially destroyed Montparnasse Tower.

Standing up, he moves a little closer to the edge and looks at the streets. There isn't a single person as far as he can see, the only cars driving around being police ones. The houses also seem to have no people inside, several with empty garages, others with their doors open, as if the residents had run out in panic. In the distance, he can hear something almost similar to an echo:

“Evacuation protocol. Public emergency. This is not training. All citizens, leave the city. Repeating, all citizens, leave the city. Evacuation protocol. Public emergency…”

Adrien turns to Marinette, who is still sleeping, and pokes her:

-Marinette. Marinette. Hey, Marinette.

-Hmm…? – she murmurs, rubbing her eyes. For a second, she looks at Adrien without understanding what's going on, and then quickly stands up. - Puta merda! Where is he?!

-From the trail of destruction and the direction where the police and press cars are heading, I think the champ des mars.

Marinette looks at him, a look of defeat on her face.

-I will give up.

-…you think you failed.

-I really did. We spent hours off and look at all the damage that has been done!

-…I can't deny that… it really seems like this isn't going to work… not with us…


They both look in the direction of the voice. Plagg and Tikki, in their human forms, glare at them.

-Is it serious that you are going to give up because you made mistakes?

-Our mistakes cost several people their lives!!

-Child, I'm sorry, but… you can't save everyone. Not when there's a crazy person out there taking advantage of other people's feelings to cause destruction. You have as much guilt as the person inside that stone armor, which is to say, none.

-You are trying to save and help people! Even if you fail, it will never be your fault, understand?!

-We never make mistakes when it's about connections. Even when the person didn't accept it, we knew we still had it. You can quit if you want. We can find other people. But know that you were chosen for a reason.

There is a moment of silence. Then, suddenly, Tikki's form disappears and Marinette transforms.

-Marinette? – Adrien murmurs.

-Ladybug, actually. – and turns to him. - I have an idea. And I need you as my partner.

Suddenly, seeing that look on her sparks something again in Adrien. Something that sparked earlier when Plagg revealed himself. Something that hadn't been lit for years, until that day. And that compelled him to rise up and transform.

-What's the plan?

-I need four very long ropes, this inflatable mattress here – and they took the previously invoked talisman. – my yo-yo, the Eiffel Tower, your cataclysm and… sorry about that… your willingness to be caught in the hand of that thing.

-…I like your way of thinking, my lady. – and gave her a Cheshire smile.

-My lady?


-Stop that.

-What about Buggaboo?

-I'm going to punch you. Let's go. Are you in or not?

-Ladybug… I promise that I'm always in with your plans! – and gives her a thumbs up.

-…thanks. Now, let's get this shit done.

When the weapons are turned towards them, they both expected it. This way, they are faster, following a zigzag pattern until they are in a part of the Eiffel Tower out of the reach of the bullets. It is at that moment that Heart of Stone approaches, but, just as they are about to put the plan into action, the villain opens his mouth and a thousand black butterflies come out of it, gather on top of the Eiffel Tower and form a giant face.

-…was that in your plan? – mutters Chat.


Things only get worse when a press helicopter approaches the giant head and it spoke.

-People of Paris, I am Hawk Moth.

-Hawk Moth? – they both murmur, still kinda schocked with the whole "butterfly-made talking head" thing.

-I'll only make this stop if you bring me the ladybug and cat miraculous. You two must turn yourself in, as you have already caused too much damage to this city.


Everyone's eyes – Hawk Moth's, Stoneheart's, Chat Noir's, the military's, the press', everyone who left's and everyone who stayed in Paris' – turn to the girl dressed as a ladybug in the center of the Eiffel Tower.


With this last sentence, she throws the yo-yo towards the head, dispersing the butterflies and pulling the weapon back to herself.

-How rude! Let's get this over with, Stoneheart is already coming here! – Ladybug exclaims, making a slight pout and turning to Chat Noir. – Get up there, and do as we agreed!!

-Okay… okay… – he says, without realizing that, beneath the mask, there is a slight blush over his freckles.

As Ladybug said, Stoneheart starts climbing the Eiffel Tower, going after them, and Chat Noir hits him with his crutches to draw his attention. Both begin a chase up the tower, meanwhile, Ladybug ties the ropes to the ends of the inflated mattress and then ties the other ends to the string of her yo-yo, forming a complex geometric pattern of a string as she crosses it between the pillars of the Eiffel Tower.

As soon as he reaches the top, just before the villain does, Chat Noir activates his cataclysm (being very careful this time not to touch the wrong place) and destroys the tip of the tower. He quickly descends, jumping towards Stoneheart, who, surprised, grabs him, but also opens his left hand so that he can grab the part of the tower that falls over him.

With that, a small blackened paper ball falls down the tower, with Ladybug catching it in her hands and… well, there's no other way to put it. She tears apart the paper with her teeth.

A small butterfly emerges from the torn object. Initially dark, it almost immediately turns white, flying away. Black smoke surrounds the figure of Stoneheart, and Ladybug sees Ivan, falling through the bars of the Eiffel Tower.

Alarmed, she prays that her plan works, and is relieved to see her friend falling onto the mattress firmly tied to the string of their yo-yo. Just as planned, Chat Noir quickly descends the tower, sliding on his crutches. Ladybug already has the ropes that hold the mattress together in her hands, as if it were a little bundle. She asks:

-Are you ready?

-Yes, but they're going to come after us… and after him. – He points to the military forces and the police, who are getting closer and closer to the base of the tower.


-Don't worry, I'll solve this.


-Just follow the plan and hold on to me, and it will be fine.

-…okay, I'll trust you.

-Hey! Dude! Hold on there!!

Ladybug, just as they agreed, hugs him, holding him tight, and Ivan, without understanding anything of what is happening, clings to the mattress.

Chat Noir feels something inside him, almost like an itch. Something that compels him. Something that somehow makes him sure of what to do.

Something similar to a black hole.

Ladybug, Ivan and a few others scream as a huge ball of darkness envelops them. They can't see anything inside, there's an absolute lack of light around them. Taking advantage of the gap, Chat Noir uses his crutches to get out of there quickly, then returning to the area of ​​light and out of sight of the army. He doesn't stop until they reach a safe location, close to the school where it all started.

-…what was that? – Ladybug asks, her knees still shaking slightly.

-I… I don't know, I think I unlocked my other power? I just… thought about a black hole and out of nowhere, all the light disappeared… it must work like that. Kind of.

-Ah… – she turns to Ivan. – I… I mean, dude, are you okay?

-Hm… I think so, but… – he murmurs, looking at the floor. - …what happened? I can't remember…

-Oh… what's the last thing you recall?

-I… I received a call… about my mother and then… I had an anxiety attack, and… I only remember until that part.

-Hm… okay, ok, it's… sorry, I really don't know how to tell you this…

-We are heroes. – says Chat. – Okay, I think you already got that, but we showed up here in the city to fight a villain, called Hawk Moth. From what we know, he takes people's negative emotions and uses this to control them and turn them into villains. I'm… I'm really sorry that he did this to you.

Ivan seems to take a few seconds to process the information, and then his face changes. First, he appears to remember something. Then shock crosses his face. Finally, an expression of despair takes over him and he lowers his head, burying it in his hands.

-Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. – calls Ladybug, trying to get his attention. – It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, Hawk Moth is the only one to blame.

-But I… I… still… I… – his hands are shaking. – I saw… the damage, on the way… I did this… I… I can't fix this… everyone will know… that I was the monster who did this…

-You are not a monster. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm absolutely sure that you're not a monster. The only monster is Hawk Moth. Plus, we can fix everything, or at least a good part of it.


She then takes the air mattress, deflates it, throws it up in the air and it turns into a billion ladybugs.

As if that weren't enough, the ladybugs spread and, wherever they go, structures are reassembled and injured people are healed. Not everything can be repaired, the few people who died do not return, but the repair is so impressive that it astounds everyone in the city and beyond.

-I call it Miraculous Ladybug. From what I understand, it quickly fixes everything that can be repaired by human hands.

-…that…is very impressive…

-Listen, we need to leave now. Will you be fine?

-…I think… so… – Ivan muttered.

-Are you sure? – he nodds. - Alright then. Take care of yourself.

The two heroes move away, climbing onto the roof of Marinette's house, close to where they left Ivan.

-I live here… – she yawns. – I'm going to go in and sleep while I wait for my parents, then I'll make up some excuse that I hid and went home and they were not here…

-Okay, I'll meet you tomorrow.


-Bye. -Wait! – and raised their fist. - Fist bump? He smiles, tired but happy, and touches his fist with hers. -Fist bump. And he leaves.

The next day, people are allowed to return to the city, but at school, it's possible to see that some are still hesitant to leave home, due to the absence of some students. Even before class starts, it is possible to feel the tension among the students, not only because of the situation itself, but also because it all started at that school.

Marinette arrives a little later than usual, but never actually late, and is faced with a crowd of reporters in front of the school. Before they can ask themself what is happening, they see the journalists walking away because of a red-haired figure. One she only met yesterday, but whose face is etched in her memory.

Her literature teacher and responsible for the class this year, Professor Bustier. And she looks like she's about to hit the reporters.


Looking very reluctant, the reporters begin to walk away, and, turning to Ivan, the teacher asks:

-Ivan, are you okay?

He nods slightly and murmurs:


-You don't need to thank me. Now, go inside, it won't be long until class starts.

He nods and starts to go inside, turning around a little later when he feels someone poking him. At first, he doesn't see who it is, until he looks down at Marinette.

-Ah. Hi, Mari.

-Hey. How are you?

-…I don't know.

-…you know it's not your fault, right?

-…I was told, but it's hard to believe.

-If you need to talk to someone, I'm here. Always.

-I know. You always have been. Thanks.

He walks away. Marinette sighs. She had never been the best at cheering people up, especially now when something nearly impossible had just occurred.


Today was probably the day Ivan spoke the least in his entire life, and it's not a small competition. When someone asked him something, he simply didn't answer and walked away. Last night, he dreamed about what happened. It was strange and confusing, many things were practically incomprehensible, but there was one thing he managed to remember very well.

When he appeared in the courtyard, many students looked at him in terror. And she was there.


He knew her struggles with fear. He knew how much she had severe anxiety that stopped her from doing many things. He knew how terrified she was in unfamiliar situations.

And he destroyed a wall in front of her while transformed into a giant stone monster.

She would never look him in the face again. And he didn't blame her for that, such was his certainty in his own guilt.

Well, at least, that's what he thought until she came after him in the middle of recess in the school's newly repaired basement (thanks to a bunch of magical ladybugs).



-Wanna talk?

-…you wanna?

-Of course, why wouldn't I want to?

-…it's just… yesterday… what happened…

-I wanted to talk about it, actually.


-That heroine, Ladybug, said that Hawk Moth creates villains out of people's suffering.

-…did she… say that? I don't remember exactly.

-Yes, she did… how are you? Really.




-Something in specific?

-I think… scared of myself. – he swallows hard. – I was always afraid of hurting other people. Everyone was always afraid of me, so… I guess I started to be afraid of myself because of it? I think so. I think I always felt guilty about things I didn't do but could have done that made others fearful when they thought about me. Besides… there are… some things going on at home…

-You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

-No, it's okay, I… – and swallows. – …my mother is not very good. I think… you already knew that. Yesterday, my neighbor called to tell me about something, and I was scared to go home, I had an anxiety attack and it ended up… happening… that…

-…I'm sorry that bastard used that against you. Yesterday, I wanted to tell you something, but all this mess happened and I couldn't… but… do you remember when you gave me that botton? You know, your favorite band's?

-I do, but why…?

-So, I… wanted to give you something of mine too, even more so after all this… here. – and, feeling her face heat up, she hands him something, pushing the small object into his closed hand.

Ivan opens his hand, without understanding, and feels his heart speed up and his face redden when he sees the small ring. It's handmade, carved from wood, and has a small pink paper flower glued on top.

-I… wanted… to tell you that you are very special to me and that I'm very happy that we became friends in sixth grade… and that I think I love you very much… and that… that… – she swallows and exclaims: – I WANT TO DATE YOU, DO YOU WANT TO DATE ME?!



-YES!! B-but… you… really didn't give up on it after yesterday?! B-because I would completely understand and…

-NO, YOU IDIOT!! – and immediately covered their mouth with their hands, in panic. - Sorry!!! Sorry, that was mean!! But that whole thing wasn't your fault, it never will be!!! And it changes in nothing how I feel about you, we can get through all this together, okay?! Let's… let's learn to deal with all these changes, which are really scary, together!!!

-…ok… I… can I hug you?

-Of course you can.

He hugged her gently, relieving himself of everything he had been feeling for a long, long time.

You don't have to act like you have a heart made of stone.

-I love you.

-I love you too.


Adrien and Marinette end up being the last ones to leave, at the end of class. Interestingly, as soon as they leave, it starts to rain.


-I have an umbrella. Do you want it?

-Oh? Oh no, you don't need to!!

-It's alright, no problem. I can buy another one, anyway.

-Ah, okay, then…

When Marinette takes the umbrella in her hands, however, it closes over them, trapping the two together.


-Wait, let me try to open it!

-No, calm down!

-How do you do it?!

-Can you just press the button again?!

-I don't know, let me try!!

Fortunately, they soon manage to get out from under the umbrella. Suddenly, to Marinette's surprise, Adrien begins to have a fit of laughter.

In fact, it also makes her laugh a little. And the way his face, previously looking so expressionless, suddenly got bright, made her happy.

-I… – Adrien takes a deep breath to calm down, but continues smiling at her. – …I have to go, my best friend must be waiting.

-The… girl you entered the classroom with?

-Yeah. Chloé. She is like my sister. In fact, I think she's my only friend until yesterday, when Nino offered to be my friend too.

That was definitely like Nino.

-I can also be your friend.


-Yeah. We're going to be superhero partners, so I think we kind of need to get along, right?

-OK. You're cool, I would like having you as a friend.


-I'll see you tomorrow, my lady.

-Ha, ha, very funny. You are never stopping that?

-Never. – and sticks out his tongue at her, who reciprocate as Adrien walks away.

That umbrella somehow felt perfect in their hands. It was almost as if she couldn't let go of it anymore.


And chapter 2 is out! I'm trying to give some spotlight and kind of dive into all the teens, so I decided to make this one about Ivan and kind of about Myléne too, do you like it? Also, umbrella scene is here! Although, not how you may expect it...

Translation to Marinette swearing:

Lä shî - from what I could find, this is chinese for "shit". Correct me if I'm wrong.

Puta merda - holy shit in portuguese

Vai tomar no cu - go suck your own ass

Cagar na calça - shit your pants

Merda - shit

Tags :
8 months ago

Happiness is not the same as joy. People often confuse both, but they are different. Joy is the feeling you see in inside out.

Happinness is something very, very deep. It is when you achieve your dreams or are with the ones you love or is satisfied with some aspect of yourself. Happiness is there even when you are not feeling joy. Hell, even when you are depressed you can have happiness.

Because happiness is what makes you keep going. It's when you refuse to give up and, in the end, you thank yourself for that. It's knowing that, even in some way, things can get better and you can fight so they get better.

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8 months ago

Miraculous Rewrite AU. Chapter 1: Origins

(character redesigns are based off @aoberiart work)

(long post under the cut)

(tw/cw: slight mention of ableism, alcoholism, child neglect, child abuse, anxiety crisis and manipulation)


Gabriel takes the grimoire in his hands. He looks at the container in front of him. It comes close to exploding, the being whose pure essence is the concept of transmission trying to break free from the technological prison created by the Tsurugi Industries.

Taking a deep breath, he reads the spell in the grimoire, which unites a kwami ​​with a human, forming a miraculous, and connects the device that binds the cosmic being to the bionic syringe. It takes no more than a few seconds for the needle to pierce through his skin and the light to leave the inside of the mechanical box.

Gabriel lets out a howl of pain, feeling something inside him almost shatter. However, keeping his goal in mind, he persists. He can't let that destroy him, not if he wants to get her back.

It seems to take a thousand years and one second. And when he least expected, it stopped.

Gabriel flexes his fingers covered in a mesh that wasn't there before, feeling his body, which no longer burns in pain. He focuses on his veins and feels the power coursing not through his physique, but through his soul. He feels the creature tied to him and its insistence on trying to escape, completely in vain.

He turns to the mirror, until he realizes that, in the midst of his transformation, he broke it. Looking at the shards on the floor, he notices his reflection in them. Despite the fragmented appearance, he can see the outward representation of his power.

Gabriel gets up to tell Nathalie that it worked.



They get up, alarmed, until he sees her.


-There is something happening.

That's when Plagg feels it.


-This happened before. With Duusu. And with you.


-And you know what that means.

-…sometimes, it's not good to be the strongest.

-It's our duty, Plagg. Destruction and creation, remember?

-I was talking about our miraculous.

-…in fact, it will be bad for them.

-Do you know someone? Do you have a person in mind?

-Yes. But…


-She is only fifteen years old.

-…I see.

-Do you have someone who can do this?

-Yes. He's… also a child.

-We shouldn't do this to them.

-But there's no one else in this city, right?

-No. Not someone who has such a connection with us.

-Let's take care of them. I, at least, know that I will take care of mine. And you?

-I already take care of her. And now, I will care like I never did before.

-See you around, sugar cube… or Thérese.

-Likewise, stinky cheese… or should I call you Paul?

-You know you can call me whatever you want.


-There are no foolish cats, my dear ladybug.


Marinette thought a lot about her first school day outfit. After all, it will be the outfit she wears for class for most of the year. Finally, she manages to make up her mind, after a long time of doubt.

The shoes are black and doll-like, covering the instep engulfed by white striped socks. The skirt is also black, with pleats, and the light pink dress shirt has a red bow at the neck, complemented by black suspenders. She chooses to leave her hair loose, as she got tired of the pigtails.

They get dressed after breakfast, picking up their backpack and going down the stairs to the bakery and the street. They cross the intersection quickly, then enter the school gate and head towards what they were told to be their class.

As always, because she likes to get there early and lives close to the school, she is the first to arrive, seeing, little by little, her classmates fill the room. Taking out her notebook, she starts drawing sketches of her friends' clothes, after all, she always likes to sew new ones for them and has to know what kind of things they like to wear.

Nino greets her by kissing her on the temple, to which she laughs, looking at the bell-bottom jeans, the light green t-shirt with a sunflower print, the white and green striped long-sleeved blouse, the red headphones and, of course, the occasional flowers in their hair. People say the flower shop smell on him is as strong as the bakery's in Marinette.

Nathaniel blows her a kiss from afar, which she reciprocates. He wears a burgundy jumpsuit over a white long-sleeved shirt, his hands wrapped in black fishnet gloves and, on top of his head, a gray beanie. They also got a new piercing in their eyebrow, and the jumpsuit, despite being new (after all, Nath always repeats his clothes and Marinette has never seen that one before), already has small drops of dried paint noticeable on it.

Juleka gives a slight nod when she sees her, and Marinette waves her hand. Juleka's style has been the same since she was eleven years old: fishnet tights, black boots, a black pleated skirt (like theirs!), a purple off-the-shoulder sweater over a black top, silver necklaces and bracelets and black spiked chokers. Despite her appearance, Juleka has always been very kind, just like her brother.

Rose, on the other hand, comes in already hugging her. She doesn't mind Marinette hugging her back awkwardly, because, in her words, "a hug is a hug." She wears a short jeans jumpsuit over a pink blouse, with white socks and pink boots with a flower print, accompanied by a daisy in her hair.

Sabrina waves at Marinette, receiving the same gesture in return. Her white stockings are long, reaching halfway down her thigh, and a daisy adorns her hair, and she looks beautiful in the short white lace dress under a green sweatshirt. On her lap, she carries a photography camera, the same one she always carries with her.

Alix high-fives them, calling her, as usual, “the radest designer ever”. They wear a gray shirt accompanied by a green crop top and a green and black coat with a snake pattern, in addition to their pants having various designs, and their gray, black and green sneakers are highlighted by black socks. And, as always, there's their trademark gray and black cap along with their skates and magenta hair.

Kim and her also high five, which looks a little strange from the outside, given their height difference. He always has the same style of clothing, and it's always simple, which isn't a bad thing: a red sports sweatshirt over a black blouse, with black pants and wristbands, complemented by red sneakers.

Max gives her a categorical nod, to which Marinette responds with a wave of her hand. Like Kim, he doesn't tend to change his clothes much, not that this is a problem. He wears a green blouse accompanied by brown pants, a black belt, a brown tie and dark suspenders.

Ivan hugs her silently, without much force, but lovingly. He is always misjudged because of his appearance, despite being one of the sweetest people Marinette knows. Today, he wears black shorts accompanied by white socks and brown boots, as well as a black blouse with crossed bones under a black coat.

Myléne gives her a typical handshake, which Marinette responds to enthusiastically. She has dreadlocks this year, apparently differentiating herself a bit from last year. She wears a brown skirt with a white dove design next to a wide green blouse over a black top, the blouse with some buttons, some necklaces on top, several bracelets on her arms, pink sunglasses on her face and a pink band holding her hair back.

Finally, Alya arrives, also hugging her and sitting next to her, just like she did last year to start their friendship. Her best friend wears ripped jeans, an orange sweater with white details, several bottons on her chest and her typical fox pendant necklace, as well as earrings, rings and bracelets.

Marinette is relieved that her entire class is there. She knows that it is likely that new students will enter the class, but she thinks it will be okay, since she has known the majority of that class since childhood and they are friends, being the most constant things in her life besides her parents and her home.

That's when, just before the bell rings, the two enter the room.

The girl appears to be wearing designer clothes, with a white coat resting over her elbows and showing her shoulders, a yellow high-necked and sleeveless blouse with black details, black pants, white boots and a black beret on her head, as well as light golden makeup. The boy has much simpler clothes, with just black pants and shirt under a light green coat.

The two stop in front of the room and the girl whispers in the boy's ear. He nods and they separate, taking the only two free seats: the girl is next to Sabrina, who immediately starts to chat with her, and the boy is next to Nino, just in front of Marinette.

Before the teacher enters the room and the class begins, Marinette frowns, smelling a faint smell of… camembert cheese?


Adrien wakes up at five in the morning, so anxious is he. He packs his backpack and his own clothes several times, barely able to wait until Chloé comes to pick him up. Don't get him wrong, he loves Placide, but he really needs to go to and from school with Chloé. The reason? Simple: he has no experience with going to school and Chloé has to teach him how to behave. Ok, her entire life's experience was at a military school, but still, it's better than nothing, which is his case.

Seeing the morning sun begin to rise, Adrien heads to the living room, but not before leaving some camembert cheese in his bedroom. In recent months, a stray cat has come into his room to eat, and it seems to especially like that kind of cheese. Adrien has no reason to send him away or stop feeding him, so he takes care of him when he comes there. And, just in case, he leaves the cheese there in case the cat comes over during the day.

-Adrien – calls Nathalie, at the bedroom door. – Come and have breakfast. Your father…

-…he's not there, right?



Honestly, today, Adrien is relieved that his father isn't there. Most days, he would be uncomfortable and then conform, but since Gabriel was very reluctant to honor his agreement with his son to let him go to high school, it's good to avoid that situation and leave without being noticed by him. Even more so because he plans to use his crutches at school, as he wouldn't be able to spend so much time without them, and his father… wouldn't like that…

Chloé arrives soon, and Adrien is able to take a deep breath and relax in the presence of his best friend. At home, even when he knows his father isn't there, he can't help but think he's being watched. Being away and by his best friend's side is a relief.

-What is it? – Chloe asks.

-Hmm? Nothing.

-Why that face? It looks horrible. Did you put on makeup?

-No. I do not know how to do it on my own, you know that.

-You should learn. At school, appearance is everything.

-Wasn't your school military?


-They banned makeup.

-I would pass some that no one would notice, just so I'd not have that horrible sleepy look like that one in your face. Now, ready for class about school?

She talks a lot in those fifteen minutes they stay in the car, and Adrien understands almost nothing, but thanks her anyway at the end. Chloé said he can sit next to her in the room, which relieves him, since it seems like this sitting next to someone thing is important.

However, his hope is shattered as soon as they reach the room and see that no two seats next to each other are empty. Adrien feels a slight nervousness inside him, but Chloé leans into his ear and whispers:

-Stay with that guy over there – and points to someone with headphones. – and I will stay there. – and points to a girl with a daisy in her hair.


Adrien feels a little uncomfortable sitting next to someone he doesn't know, and is surprised when the one next to him catches his attention.

-Hey there.

-…hey. – Adrien feels his face heat up. He doesn't really know what to do in that situation. This wasn't like the times his father took him to parties and events, where he memorized what to do. Here, he really has no idea how to act.

-What's your name?


-Hi, Adrien. – he… doesn't recognize him? Internally, this brings a little relief to Adrien, because at least one person won't see him as his father wanted them to. – I'm Nino. – the boy next to him smiles. His clothes don't really look like what someone who knew his father's work would wear.

-…hi, Nino. – Adrien extends his hand, as he is used to always doing. The confusion on Nino's face leaves him panicking, thinking he's made a terrible mistake. However, Nino smiles and squeezes his hand tightly.

-Wanna be my friend?

-Huh? – Adrien mutters, the shock running through his body and almost paralyzing him.

-Sorry, was that too fast?

-Do you… really want to be my friend?

-You wanna?

-Hum, yes. – he murmurs, his eyes going to his fingers, full of cuticles from the times he pulls them. – I… would really like that. I… I've only had one real friend my whole life, so… yeah.

-Oh. I can introduce you to my friends if you want! – and smiles again.

-…thank you.


Ivan receives the call during class break.

-…ms Florence? – he feels his hands shake as he answers his neighbor’s call. Calm down, calm down.

-Ivan. Your mother left again. – he swallows hard. No, not again… – The smell of alcohol is strong. I… really don't recommend you go home now. There's a man knocking on the door, talking about your father.

He freezes. With a lot of effort, he manages to mutter:

-Thanks for letting me know.

-Take care of yourself.

He turns off his cell phone and puts it away. He puts his hands in his jacket pockets. He tries to pay attention to the ground and ignore how it's going round and round.

Ivan runs as discreetly as he can to the school basement. It's only used to store trash and useless things (just like him), no one goes there. Nobody will find him. No one will disturb him.

He sits in a forgotten, dusty corner and hugs his knees. His heart is racing too much. His breathing is shallow, and his eyes are blurring.

The extremities of his body are becoming numb, so much so that he may not even notice anyone touching him.

Ivan squeezes, his hand searching for the bottom of his jacket pocket, a small ball of paper. That, that little ball of paper that he keeps there, and that when he feels like screaming and breaking and crying, he squeezes and squeezes and squeezes.

Don't show that you are angry, you will be threatening. Don't show that you are sad, you will be weak. Don't show yourself to be anything other than a heartless and emotionless stone, it will be against everything they thought of you your entire life.

Don't feel it, don't feel it, don't feel it, you don't have to feel it, you shouldn't feel it, don't feel it, don't feel it…

“Stoneheart, I am Hawk Moth”

He suddenly feels an outside interference. No, it's not, it's internal, he knows it's inside, because he can feel all the barriers he once created, all the secrets and things he's kept to himself his entire life, falling before that interference. That presence.

The one which, suddenly, knows his whole soul.

“You feel fragile because of people who didn’t care about you”

The voice enters his brain like the flutter of a butterfly's wings, dripping through his neurons and flooding everything, making his thoughts more brittle and forgettable.

The voice… no, the butterfly says something that is true. To the surface of his consciousness come all the times his mother and the people who claimed to work with his father hurt him. All the times he couldn't get the smell of alcohol out of his nose, all the times he had to knock at Mrs. Florence because his mother kicked him out of the apartment.

All the times he wished he could just be strong enough to stop feeling all that pain.

“I can give you the power to leave any weak feeling behind and never suffer again”

Could it do this? Could it do this?

Of course it could.

The words of that butterfly are so true that they make everything else in the world seem like a lie.

-…ok… – his voice is hoarse and terribly broken. As soon as he utters that simple word, the teenager feels his body, mind and heart sink into darkness.


Marinette is inside the bathroom, washing her hands, when it happens.

First, it's something similar to an explosion, and the ground shakes. Then, an inhuman voice shouts something she can't understand, and a bizarrely loud sound of footsteps follows. The girl, with no understanding, quickly goes to the door, and can see, in the distance, someone running.

Something running.

It has a vaguely humanoid body, however, made entirely of rocks and absurdly large, in a way that no person could be. All the students scream and run away from the thing, which goes towards the exit and breaks down the school gate with a single punch, leaving it in the middle of the street and, with that, starting even more screams, along with the sound of cars braking and crashing.


Marinette's heart is so fast that she's afraid it will stop. The girl stumbles backwards, feeling her back wave until she touches the back wall of the bathroom, sensing her hands shaking and her breath failing. She screams and screams and covers her face with her hands, feeling the horror of something that should be impossible penetrating every inch of her brain.

-Marinette! Marinette, look at me! Look at me! Breathe deeply!

Her throat, at least, stops making sounds, but the girl is still shaking, her face covered by her hands and tears. The voice, which seems slightly familiar, says:

-Breathe with me. Don't think about anything else, just breathe with me, pay attention here and now. One two three. One two three. One two three…

With much effort and many minutes, Marinette manages to calm her breathing and heartbeat. Finally gaining courage, she opens her eyes, and sees…

Her psychologist.

-T-Therese? – she murmurs, her voice hoarse from the screams and tears. – Wh… what… what are you… I… that… that thing…

-Listen, Mari, I know it's horrible to be here right now. I know this is all horrible, and unbelievable, and confusing. But you need to focus on me, now. Only on me.

Marinette hesitantly nods her head. Therese gives them a gentle smile.

And then she turns into a ten-centimeter big-headed creature.

Marinette screams.


Adrien barely feels his body.

He just witnessed a giant creature made of stone run out of the school. He panicked and went into the bathroom to hide, and found the cat that always visited his room. It's not a similar cat, it's exactly the same.

Maybe the absurdity of that situation made his brain shut down. The fact is that Adrien is standing in the middle of the bathroom, staring at that cat.

And then the cat turns into a person.

The two pairs of green eyes stare at each other.

-What? – Adrien murmurs, fearing that he has finally lost his sanity.

The person, still sitting like a cat, mumbles:

-Hi, kitten. – and sighs. – We have a lot to talk about.


-You are a cosmic entity denominated kwami ​​and your name is Tikki.


-You are the representation of the concept of creation and have existed since the beginning of the universe.


-You choose people who have a strong connection with your concept and transform them into “miraculous”, giving them powers.


-There are other kwamis and one of them is forcibly being used in some way by a person who, through their power, created that thing made of stone that I just saw out of someone else's negative feelings.


-And you chose me to be a miraculous.


-But… but… but why me?! What's so special about me?! Why not literally anyone else?!

-I don't know why, Marinette. Connections are one of the few things in this universe I have no idea about.

-…do you really want this? Do you want me to do this?

-You need to accept it.

-How am I going to become, I don't know, a superhero if I can barely deal with my anxiety problems?!

-Marinette, you are one of the youngest people I have ever felt a connection with, but I know that if this happened, it is because you are capable. The choice is yours, but know that I believe in you.




Tikki smiled.

-You are extraordinary, Marinette.

A red explosion enters her soul.


-…what's your name?


-…okay, Plagg. I'll do it.

-Really? Are you sure you're ready for this?

-I think this is the thing, the reason to my life, I've been waiting for for such a long time. I didn't know what it was, but now, it feels like that's it. Plus… it's nice to be able to choose to be something instead of being forced to for once.

Plagg lets out a sigh that sounds more like a chuckle.

-Kitten, you have much sharper claws than others may think.

His soul merges with the blast of darkness.


Marinette looks at herself in the bathroom mirror, shocked. It's exactly how she imagined. How she designed her magical girl dress when she was eight. The dress she never showed to anyone else.

The red tutu dress has three large half circles at the hem, with a black ribbon at the waist tied in a bow at the back, and the upper half of the torso is black with a V shape, covering her torax to her neck. The tights are black, the shoes are doll-like and red gloves cover their forearms up to the elbow, with their hands completely black and a black circle on their elbows. On their face, there is a domino red mask with a black stripe in the middle and two black spots on the sides. Her hair is tied with a black band in a bun.

Her fingers delicately pass over the mask, still trying to understand the situation. She feels something on her thigh, and, reaching for it, she notices something wrapped around it. She carefully unwinds the thread and feels the weight of the object at the end of it in her hands, revealing…

A yo-yo.

Tikki warned her that it would seem… unexpected, at first, but that it would work, like, in her words, “that Spider-Man thing that you youngsters like”. She also said that Marinette would have access to two powers, one of them being the Lucky Charm, which created a specific object that, in some way, would be able to save her from the situation she was in. The other power would be exclusive to Marinette, and there was no way for them to know what it was until it manifested. Also, after she used her powers, she would feel a great loss of energy, especially since she was a teenager, and would need to rest for a few hours.

A little excited and a little terrified, the girl comes out of the bathroom, and sees no one in the half-destroyed school yard. Then, she takes a deep breath, throws the yo-yo as far as she can and feels a pull, then being thrown towards the direction she launched her “weapon”.

The girl screams.


When Adrien looks at the mirror, he doesn't recognize himself.

It's different from basically everything his father wants him to be. It's different from what others expect from him. And it's exactly how he wishes he could be.

The black hood has a cat bell at the neck, one of the sleeves being short and the other long. There's a kind of… black belt (?) on his chest, and his sweatpants are wide, reaching down to his ankles. Around his waist, there are some wide black belts with one of them unbuckled, looking like there is a cat's tail behind him. He wears black gloves, one of them fingerless and the other with small claws, and black boots. On his face, there is a black domino mask and, from the middle of his hair, two black cat ears emerge.

Adrien moves on his crutches. They're also black now, with bright green accents, and both have a button near the rest area for his hands. Plagg said it would help him move around Paris faster, which is a relief, honestly (even though Adrien has no idea how). He also said that he had two superpowers, one of them being secret and only Adrien's, and the other called Cataclysm, which could destroy anything he touched.

Coming out of the bathroom, he finds himself next to an open window. Probably a student opened it to escape. Adrien, not quite sure what to do, tilts his crutches towards the window and, holding tight to the hand rest, presses his thumbs against the buttons.

He is launched upwards, through the open window and across Paris' sky.


Marinette holds onto the gargoyle tightly.

She is at the top of Notre Dame Cathedral. And trembling with fear, because if they slip, they could fall to their death. In fact, she spent the last five minutes clinging to the statue, eyes closed.

Why did she think she could do this? Why did she think she was good enough to be a hero? She's the opposite of functional in everyday life, for God's sake! How did she expect to be able to fly around Paris, let alone fight villains?!

Marinette is about to start crying when she hears the scream. Which gets closer and closer.

And suddenly, someone in a black suit falls right on top of the gargoyle next to them. A black cat costume. Someone Tikki talked about.

-H-hello? – Marinette murmurs, but the wind at that height makes the person, who clings to the gargoyle just like her, not hear her. Taking courage, she exclaims: – Hello!!

The person dressed as a cat was surprised and then turned to her, giving a slight wave:


-Are you the cat Miraculous?!

-I am!! You're the ladybug, right?!


-I'm… – and he stopped for a moment, then exclaiming: – Chat Noir!!!

-Huh… – she stops for a moment to think, but no particularly creative option comes to mind. – Ladybug!!!

-Nice to meet you!!

-Me, too!!

-I would extend my hand, but we must be about five meters away from each other!!!

-How do we get out of here?!

-I don't know!! How did you get here?!

-With that yo-yo!! And you?!

-My crutches!! I think… there shouldn't be any limits for these things, so… maybe we just need to leave the same way we came?!

-Almost throwing ourselves out of the building?!

-Like that!!

-But shouldn't we fight the villain?! The akuma guy?! How are we going to find him?!

-Shouldn't the police be after him?! Or the army?!


-Just go wherever they are going!!

She released the yo-yo and he pressed the buttons. They went, clumsily crossing the sky and howling, to the place with the most screams in the entire city.


People ran, getting away from the villain's enormous stony figure. The strange thing was that he didn't actually attack anyone, just the occasional police car that tried to stop him. In fact, he seemed to be trying to go to the least populated area possible.

And Marinette couldn't help but feel sorry, because… something about him reminded her of someone, but she couldn't tell who.

-We need to break… the “akumatized object”, right? – she murmured.

-Yes, but what object? He's not holding anything.

-His left hand doesn't open at all, while the other is almost always open… he must be holding the object there.

-And… how do we make him open his hand?

-I can use my power, but… I don't know how…

-What does it do?

-Um, Tikki, my kwami, explained that it creates an object that will help me in the situation, but I don't… know how to call it…?

-Try… to think hard, I guess? Try that.

Marinette then closed her eyes and imagined, with force, some object of an indefinite shape that would help her. A… lucky charm.

Something fell into their hand.

They both looked at the object in shock.

-That's… an inflatable mattress.

-…I think your power is a little broken or something.

-I… maybe I can create a plan, but… I think it's better if we attack him first? It is better.

It was a disaster.

When Adrien called the cataclysm, he accidentally broke a mailbox he was leaning on and, because of this, he could no longer use his power. When Marinette tried to wrap her yo-yo around the villain's arm and pull it away, he swung his limb and threw her away. And, what's worse, when Adrien tried to attack him with his crutches, as soon as he was hit, he got bigger.

And he was coming towards them.

It was then that the two realized it was time to get away. Quickly.

They moved as far away as they could and found an isolated building in the middle of a residential area, which they landed on. Both felt the weight of using their powers on their bodies, energy being drained and tiredness falling over them. Interestingly, as soon as they just wanted to detransform, it happened.

-…Hey you…


-Aren't you… one of the new students? The ones that started in class today?

-In… François-Dupont? Yes it's me. What's your name?

-Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

-Adrien Graham de Vanily.

-You… aren't you the model?

-…yeah, I am.

-Ah… now that I noticed… I sit… right behind you…

-…cool… where are our kwamis?

-There's a black cat right there, on the edge of the roof – and they pointed at Plagg. – and a ladybug that's hitting my head, so… maybe it's them?

-She told you about tiredness, right?

-Uhum… can we just… sleep? Until we recover?

-I think it's better…

They lay down on the concrete, and, with fear and worry still rooted inside their hearts, ended up falling into a deep sleep. The two cosmic beings remained on guard, waiting for the young ones to wake up.


I think it was a decent introduction. Probably won't take long until chapter 2 is out.

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8 months ago

big fan of liars. big fan of characters whose entire existence is a facade. love it when everything's stripped away from them and the lie is the only thing left of their identity. love it when the lines between an act and the truth are blurring. are they even them without the lie? the lie doesn't become the truth per se, but it's now such an intricate part of them it might as well be.

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8 months ago

What's atomoromantic? Google does not come up with anything when I searched jt

Basically, it means the person only feels romantic attraction towards one person in their entire life.

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8 months ago

Physical forms of the kwamis

(the kwamis use any pronouns btw)

Tikki is a ladybug, the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a fat and tall black woman on her 60s, with 3 vitiligo patches on her face (two on her cheeks and one on her forehead), black hair in long box braids (some of them dyed red and others gone grey), dark blue eyes and freckles through her body. She usually wears white blazers with black and red details.

Plagg is a stray black cat, the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a small person, almost underweight, with unknown age, dark skin, messy black hair and bright green eyes. He is always wearing black hoodies and clothes that seem to have been taken out of a trash can.

Pollen is a bee, the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a short and fat white woman on her 30s, with blonde hair that has black parts on it, blue eyes and vitiligo patches through her body similar to stripes. She commonly wears designer clothes.

Trixx is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a tall, thin indigenous person on their mid 40s, with black hair dyed orange, unshaven beard and dark blue eyes. They are always wearing loose handmade clothes with small, intrincate details.

Waizz is a turtle, the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a stocky chinese person on their 90s, with pale skin, wrinkles, thinning gray hair and green eyes. His clothes are always made with crochet.

Ryujinn (originally named Longg) is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a tall and thin japanese man on his mid 50s, with pale skin, wrinkles, long straight black hair on a ponytail with a few colorful parts and dark eyes. He is usually wearing traditional aikido uniform.

Sass is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a small arabian man on his mid 60s, with dark skin, dimples, long black hair tied up and honey eyes. He commonly wears loose clothes.

Roarr is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a tall and strong indian person on their early 20s, with short black hair, vitiligo patches similar to stripes and brown eyes. They are always wearing sportive clothing.

Daizzi is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a short and fat white person on their mid 30s, with a vitiligo patch around their eye, short blonde hair with some parts dyed pink and blue eyes. They commonly wear white and pink dresses.

Xuppu is the little form of canon and a human. As a human, it is a thin chinese man on his early 20s, with tan skin, long messy black hair and dark brown eyes. He likes dressing up as Overly Sarcastic Production's Sun Wukong (yes, that was totally self indulgent, you can judge me all you want).

Kaalki is the little form of canon and a juman. As a human, it is a tall and thin black person on ther mid 40s, with unshaven grey beard, curly brown grey hair and dark green eyes. They always wear ellegant and formal clothing.

Mullo, Duusu and Nooroo are a mouse, a peacock and a butterfly, respectively. As I already said before, Stompp, Fluff, Ziggy, Orikko and Barkk are not in this AU. Sorry, Stompp, Fluff, Ziggy, Orikko and Barkk fans.

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8 months ago

Character designs for my MLB rewrite

(Clothing and suits will not be included, as they will be described in chapters)

Marinette is blasian, with brazillian and black heritage from her dad and chinese heritage from her mom. She is small, with dark eyes, black hair that hits their shoulders and freckles through her arms and shoulders.

Adrien is white. They are thin, almost underweight, with blonde, wavy, messy hair that hits around their chin, green eyes, freckles through their face, eyebags and a piercing in their ears.

Alya is black, with martiniquan heritage from her mom. She is chubby, has brown afro hair, brown eyes, long nails and wears glasses.

Nino is black and brazillian, having immigrated at 4 years old. He is tall and thin, with long, dark afro hair, black eyes, vitiligo patches on their right eye, forehead, cheek and chest and wears glasses.

Chloé is white. She has a mid height, with long, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, pale complexion and a beauty mark over above her upper lip.

Kagami is japanese, having immigrated one year ago. They are short, have black straight hair usually tied in a braided bun, black eyes, pale complexion and muscled arms.

Luka is black. He is tall and thin, has black hair in short locks with dyed tourquoise hair ends, one eye green and the other brown and many piercings through their body.

Nathaniel has latin and bulgarian heritage from his parents. They are tall, thin, have wavy, black hair dyed ginger with a long bang in front of his left eye, blue eyes, a piercing on their eyebrow and wears glasses.

Marc is biracial, with chinese heritage from his mom. He is small, has short black hair, green eyes, pale complexion, long nails and wears glasses.

Juleka is black. She is tall, has black hair in locks with dyed purple hair ends shaved in the left side, black eyes and piercings on her ears.

Rose is white. She is small, has short, messy blonde hair, blue eyes, pale complexion and many band-aids and small bruises through xer body.

Lila is italian with brown skin, having immigrated this year. She is chubby, has straight dark brown hair usually braided, hazel eyes, pale complexion, scars through her body that she hides and wears glasses.

Sabrina is white. She is short, has curly ginger hair that hits her chin, blue eyes, freckles on her shoulders and wears glasses.

Alix is white, with arabian and russian ancestry. They are small, with short, messy brown hair dyed magenta, green eyes and small scars and bruises through their legs.

Kim has vietnamese heritage from his dads. He is tall, strong, has black straight, short hair shaved on the side with highlights, brown eyes and is athletic.

Max is black. He is small, has short, curly black hair, black eyes, a beauty mark on his cheek and wears glasses.

Ivan is white. He is big, has black hair shaved in one side with highlights, clear eyes and freckles through his body.

Mylène is birracial, with black heritage from her dad. They have curly brown hair in colorful locks, honey eyes and freckles through her face.

Ondine is white. She is tall, strong, has short ginger hair, blue eyes, freckles through her body and is athletic.

Aurore is white. She has a mid height, long, straight blonde hair she usually keeps in pigtails, blue eyes and usually flushed cheeks.

Mireille has chinese heritage from her parents. She is small, has straight black hair that hits her chin, black eyes, tan skin and a beauty mark on her cheek.

Zoé is white. She is short, has wavy, short blonde hair with the tips dyed light pink, green eyes, pale complexion, some tattoos and piercings through his body.

Félix is white. He is thin, has wavy blonde hair that hits her chin, blue eyes, eyebags, scars through his body that she hides and wears glasses.

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8 months ago
US Helplines:
US Helplines:

US Helplines:

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433

LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255

Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386

Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743

Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438

Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673

Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272

Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000

Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253

Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453

UK Helplines:

Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail

Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111

Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail:

Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463

b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail:

b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)

Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail:

Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600

Drinkline: 0800 9178282

Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail

Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight

India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614

India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669

Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868

FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:

Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430

Australia: 13-11-14

Austria: 01-713-3374

Barbados: 429-9999

Belgium: 106

Botswana: 391-1270

Brazil: 21-233-9191

China: 852-2382-0000

(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)

Costa Rica: 606-253-5439

Croatia: 01-4833-888

Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67

Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908

Denmark: 70-201-201

Egypt: 762-1602

Estonia: 6-558-088

Finland: 040-5032199

France: 01-45-39-4000

Germany: 0800-181-0721

Greece: 1018

Guatemala: 502-234-1239

Holland: 0900-0767

Honduras: 504-237-3623

Hungary: 06-80-820-111

Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90

Israel: 09-8892333

Italy: 06-705-4444

Japan: 3-5286-9090

Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292

Malaysia: 03-756-8144

(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)

Mexico: 525-510-2550

Netherlands: 0900-0767

New Zealand: 4-473-9739

New Guinea: 675-326-0011

Nicaragua: 505-268-6171

Norway: 47-815-33-300

Philippines: 02-896-9191

Poland: 52-70-000

Portugal: 239-72-10-10

Russia: 8-20-222-82-10

Spain: 91-459-00-50

South Africa: 0861-322-322

South Korea: 2-715-8600

Sweden: 031-711-2400

Switzerland: 143

Taiwan: 0800-788-995

Thailand: 02-249-9977

Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800

Ukraine: 0487-327715


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8 months ago

Disabled Characters in my MLB rewrite

As a part of the disabled community, it seemed pretty obvious for me to include disabled characters. Ableists can leave right now.

Marinette, Adrien, Chloé, Kagami, Marc, Juleka, Max and Myléne are autistic. Juleka is non-verbal and uses AAC most of the times to communicate.

Adrien has depression and uses crutches most of the time due to a spinal cord injury. Some chapters might have representations of ableism due to Gabriel's behaviour, so, please, be careful.

Alya has ADHD.

Adrien, Chloé, Lila, Zoé and Félix have PTSD.

Marc has anxiety.

Rose has gastroparesis, chronic fatigue, weak immune system and arrythimia and uses a hand wheelchair, a heart pace and a nasogastric tube.

Myléne has dwarfism.

Mireille has ehlers-danlos syndrome and uses a wheelchair.

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8 months ago

Ships in my mlb rewrite au

(there will be polyamory, in case you don't know yet)

Marinette x Adrien

Marinette x Kagami

Marinette x Luka

Marinette x Zoé

Adrien x Nino

Adrien x Luka

Alya x Nino

Alya x Zoé

Chloé x Kagami

Chloé x Sabrina

Kagami x Aurore

Nathaniel x Marc

Juleka x Rose

Kim x Ondine

Ivan x Myléne

Aurore x Mireille

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8 months ago

Miraculous rewrite queer headcanons

Marinette: she/they, trans, biromantic, asexual, polyam

Adrien: they/them, nonbinary, queer, polyam

Alya: she/he, bigender, bisexual, polyam

Nino: he/they, nonbinary, pansexual, polyam

Chloé: she/her, lesbian, polyam

Kagami: they/it/she, demigirl, lesbian, polyam

Luka: any pronouns, pangender, pansexual, polyam

Nathaniel: he/they, trans, gay

Marc: any pronouns except she/her, transmasc boyflux, gay, asexual

Juleka: she/her, trans, lesbian

Rose: she/xe, demigirl, pansexual

Lila: she/her, bisexual, grayromantic

Sabrina: she/her, lesbian, demisexual

Alix: they/them, nonbinary, aromantic

Kim: he/him, cishet ally

Max: he/him, trans, asexual

Ivan: he/him, asexual

Myléne: she/they, girlflux, panromantic, aegosexual

Ondine: she/her, trans, straight

Aurore: she/her, bisexual, polyam

Mireille: she/her, lesbian

Zoé: she/he, bigender, lesbian

Félix: he/she, gay

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8 months ago

Some things about my Miraculous Rewrite AU:

In this post, I will basically explain how the universe works and some of the major changes I will make so you guys don't go without any knowledge about it.

The miraculous as magical jewelry don't... actually exist. Let me explain. Kwamis are gods, but, when they decide to manifest in the same reality as humans, their powers get very limited and diminished. All of them have 4 fourms: their little one (the one we see in the series), the eldritch being one, the animal one and the human one. Kwamis chose their holders, here called miraculous, to which they "amalgamate" themselves, uniting the human soul with that divine power. Kwamis don't actually need to recharge, but humans do, so, when they detransform after using the powers, they sleep heavily for 2-5 hours so their body can rest from the whole thing of using divine powers. There are no guardians or miraculous boxes, the kwamis are free to wander the entire world and choose whoever they want as their miraculous.

When a human and a kwami amalgamate, the kwami chooses to submit to the human's will until the last one gives up on the power or dies. Gabriel forced Nooroo to amalgamate with him by ways will be revealed in the story, so, his powers are kind of fucked up by it and he's slowly dying. He wants the other miraculous powers so he can bring Emilie back (she's not dead here, just in coma), heal himself and, also, the whole power thing.

All miraculous gain a power that is just theirs, so, they will have the normal power (example: cataclysm) and a new one that just this one miraculous will have in whole history. Akumas also don't need to be purified. Also, miraculous, after being amalgamated with a kwami, start having animal characteristics, which is kinda unhinged.

Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Nino, Chloé, Luka, Kagami, Juleka, Rose, Kim, Max and Myléne are becoming miraculous. Adrien, Félix and Kagami are not sentimonsters. The peacock is here, but I will not say where or who. The story will all pass within one year. Marinette and Adrien will know each other's identities. The teens are 15-16. There will be Chloé and Lila redemptions.

Character designs will be changed. There will be bad words (they are teenagers, obviously they swear) and, maybe, some sexual connotations, but never anything explicit. There will be disabled characters. Basically all of the teens will be queer, I don't make the rules (I lied, I make the rules and they are all queer now). There will be some personality changes, some slight and some kinda brutal (those are the ones of Chloé, Zoé, Lila and Sabrina more specifically, as I hate how they were treated by canon). No teen will be irredeemable. Character relationships will be changed. There will be polyamory and queerplatonic relationships. There will be some darker themes, like child abuse (specially when it comes to Adrien), so, I will put trigger warnings on those chapters.

I think it's needless to say, but, if you don't like the changes above, don't read. I am not forcing you and you can have your own opinion on the series. Just don't be a jerk because of the changes I made on a personal project without any will for it to substitute the original material. This is only for people who like it and want to read it.

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8 months ago

“rap is the worst music genre” “no actually it’s soul” “no actually it’s jazz” “no actually it’s ska” “no actually it’s r&b” hey guys do you notice a common denominator in the genres you hate or is it just me

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8 months ago

reblog if you’re NOT tumblr famous, but you ARE tired and kinda gay

8 months ago

Masterpost for my Miraculous rewrite

Once I post each chapter, I will insert the links here. They will all be released on Tumblr. Other kinds of posts related to the au will also be here. Also, some of the chapters will not be named that way, but I'm naming them like this so you know which episode is equal to which chapter.


Queer headcanons



Character designs (suits not included)

Kwami designs

Chapter 1: Origins

Chapter 2: Stoneheart

Chapter 3: Stormyweather

Chapter 4: Dark Cupid

Chapter 5: Loverbug (Anti-Bug)

Chapter 6: Lady Wi-Fi

Chapter 7: Volpina

Chapter 8: Revenge (Riposte)

Chapter 9: Zombizou

Chapter 10: Sapotis

Chapter 11: Anansi

Chapter 12: Reverser

Chapter 13: Sandboy

Chapter 14: Style Queen

Chapter 15: Queen Wasp

Chapter 16: Malediktator

Chapter 17: Silencer

Chapter 18: Partycrasher

Chapter 19: Desperada

Chapter 20: Star Train

Chapter 21: Ikari Gozen

Chapter 22: Guiltrip

Chapter 23: Megaleach

Chapter 24: Crocoduo

Chapter 25: Wishmaker

Chapter 26: Kuro Neko

Chapter 27: Passion

Chapter 28: Reunion

Chapter 29: Emotion

Chapter 30: Revelation

Chapter 31: Representation

Chapter 32: Chat Blanc

Chapter 33: Epilogue

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8 months ago
How To Spot Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 

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8 months ago

Ok. If I, IN A HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO, decided to rewrite miraculous, would you rather it be on my main blog or for me to do a side blog for it? Because I have A LOT of ideas and kinda afraid that this blog might get too stuffed if I say them here.

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8 months ago

seriously thinking of rewriting MLB

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