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Can You Do Yandere Bts "when You Ignore Them" With Maknae Line Too Please?

can you do yandere bts "when you ignore them" with maknae line too please?

Yandere OT7: You ignore them~

Hyung Line

(Maknae Line)

A/N: here you go dear! Sorry for the wait! Also, it’s a little differently written to the Hyung line’s part, I was trying to go for a little more story telling kind of work…

Mentions: Jimin accuses reader with no evidence, Taehyung locks up claustrophobic reader, JK gets into a fight and lowkey manipulated reader.

Warning: This contains Yandere themes and toxic behavior. If you do not like/feel uncomfortable with this kind of content, feel free skip this post.


What? You’re ignoring him? Why? What did he do? Are you… cheating?

Yeah, that’s the first thing that goes through his mind when he sees you turning your back on him or avoiding his touch.

In his mind, he couldn’t have possibly done something to upset you to the point where you don’t want to acknowledge him.

It was simply impossible for him to be the culprit of your sudden mood swing.

“I hope you’re really happy,” he says, glancing at you while you were sitting on the couch. You said nothing and continued watching the series, but he knew you’d be listening.

“For how much time?” He asks, gripping onto the side of the couch harshly, waiting for an answer to come out of your throat. But nothing came.

He begins to get frustrated and angered, causing him to glare harshly at you.

You kept ignoring him though. He could glare at you all he wants, but there was no way in hell you were speaking to him after he embarrassed you at the store later that day.

“Talk to me or I swear on my mother’s life I’ll make you talk,” he threatens, but receives no reaction from you.

You knew him all too well. He did this so you’d give in. But you weren’t afraid of him. His threats were always empty words. He’d bark but never bite, so you didn’t expect much from him anyways.

“(Y/N), you’re such a fucking asshole,” he yells at you, grabbing the controller out of your hands and throwing it onto the floor. The lid came off and all the batteries flew and rolled into different directions.

Your eyes widened for a second at the sudden action, but with furrowed brows, you stand and try to walk away.

His body blocks you, which made you back away from him. The look in his eyes was nothing similar to your sweet boyfriend.

He grabs you by the shoulders and begins shaking you, yelling at you about all the things you were probably doing with the poor man who just asked you where the restroom was.

“You like people fucking you, huh?!” More similar things would come out of his mouth as he shook you.

When you finally break to tell him to stop, he gets even angrier. Something inside him just snaps at this point, he wasn’t even mad you were ignoring him. Instead, he was in this deep delusion where you’re cheating on him.

When you try to explain why you were ignoring him, he doesn’t believe you, instead he pushes you down onto the floor and begins telling you how ungrateful you were.

“Am I not enough? Have I not given you what you want? Are you this selfish?”

Tears would roll down his cheeks as he went on and on about your ‘disloyalty’ and ‘dishonesty’ in the relationship.

“You hate me don’t you? That’s why you love other people! That’s why you ignore me! You can’t stand me,”

As stupid as it might sound, you felt bad for him. And that’s what he wanted. He wanted to control you with his crocodile tears.

No matter how much damage he causes in your relationship, you’ll always come crawling back to him once he starts crying,

“Don’t lie to me (Y/N)! You hate me!,”

Finally, you break and try to embrace him, holding him in your arms while tears of your own fall from your eyes.

You’d probably learn your lesson from this moment. You’ll never ignore him. You felt guilty and he made you feel like it was all your fault.

“Why do you treat me like this..?”

Can You Do Yandere Bts "when You Ignore Them" With Maknae Line Too Please?


Oh no no no, don’t you dare ignore him. For your own good, you should just apologize immediately before he gets too mad.

“So you’re ignoring me for no reason?”

Well, it wasn’t for no reason. In fact, you had a pretty valid reason as to why you didn’t want to acknowledge him at that moment.

You turn your head and look away, trying not to give him the slightest bit of attention he craved—or well—demanded.

“This isn’t funny, you know you’re acting stupid, right?”

Your face contorts into an angered expression at the sudden name calling. This was one of the reason why you’d ignore him.

You were sick of being treated like a doormat. Like a stranger. He thought he could say and do anything just because, and you didn’t like it one bit.

He grabs your face and makes you look at him, “if you don’t cut it out, I swear you won’t be going to your little job any time soon,”

You wanted to yell at him so bad, but you stood your ground. You wanted to show him that he didn’t have control over you.

“Oh? So that’s how it’s going to be? Fine,”

He grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into the bathroom, pushing you inside harshly and locking the door from the outside.

This is where you begin to panic.

You’ll start banging on the door and calling out to him. Your voice would be ignored by him though.

He decided to actually leave the house and leave you all alone while locked up, knowing all too well how you were afraid of being alone.

A punishment like this would definitely put you in your place, he was sure of it.

Your throat would go dry as you refused to drink water from the faucet. Tears would fall out of your eyes and a loud sob echoed through the entire bathroom.

He wouldn’t come home for hours, and if he did, he would act as if you weren’t begging him to let you out of the lonely and almost suffocating bathroom.

Honestly, the wall seemed to be getting closer and closer as the bathroom became smaller and more crowded.

In your mind, the bathroom was beginning to become suffocating to you. You were panicking and getting claustrophobic.

Your swollen eyes would close shut as you began hyperventilating. You wanted to call out for help so bad, but nothing would come out of your throat.

The only time where Taehyung opened the door to check on you was when he didn’t hear anything coming from the bathroom.

Thinking you had done something to yourself, he bursts inside the bathroom and spots you balled up in the corner, head hidden between your knees.

You hadn’t even noticed him entering the room, you were currently lost in your own thoughts.

You snap out of it when a hand pulls you to stand up. Looking up at Taehyung, you immediately embrace him into a hug.

Even if he was the one to lock you up, you were glad you had someone with you. Finally.

“See? This is why you can’t ignore me. You’d be nothing without me by your side,”

Can You Do Yandere Bts "when You Ignore Them" With Maknae Line Too Please?


“What are you doing?”

“Is there something wrong…?”

“Can you please talk to me…,”

He’s definitely confused at first, so he tries to take the best approach to it. Interrogation.

It becomes obvious pretty early on that you have no intention on answering any of his questions, which only makes him frustrated with you.

He was very aware why you were ignoring him though. Deep down, he knew exactly why.

It was no secret Jungkook could be…. Overprotective of you, especially when it comes to complete strangers.

He’ll get into many fights which you’d probably have to break before the police got involved, but today was different.

Earlier that day, Jungkook had actually been arrested and taken to jail. You had to bail him out with your own hard earn money, and you weren’t pleased at all.

He felt bad of course, but he’d do it again and again. He couldn’t let nasty people catcall you right in front of him.

“Come on… don’t be mad. I’ll pay you back,” he puts a hand on your thigh but you slap it away.

You didn’t understand why he wasn’t taking the hint. You didn’t want to speak to him right now, but he kept on pushing and pressing your buttons.

Jungkook frowns at your actions and stands, making you glance up at him for a few seconds in confusion.

“You know I did it because I was trying to protect you, not because I wanted to embarrass you,”

You still gave him no response, making him clench his fists with slight annoyance.

“Do you like being catcalled? Is that it?”

Your eyes snap to look at his as you furrow your brows. Absolutely unbelievable.

When you open your mouth to speak, he shakes his head and puts his hand in front of him to stop you from speaking.

“No, you know what? Don’t even say anything. I’m going to my room,”

You couldn’t believe the nerve he had to sound so annoyed with you. It was supposed to be the other way around.

You get up to follow him to his room, beginning to tell him how unbelievable he was being.

“Baby, this is the problem! You ignore me and you don’t want to communicate with me! How are we ever going to fix any of our problems if you never want to talk about it!” He argues with you, standing in the doorway.

You look down at your feet, thinking about it. What you failed to notice was him playing with your head. He wanted to get you like this.

You tell him he’s right and sigh, sitting down on the bed next to him and almost forgetting why you were ignoring him in the first place.

Once again, you forgive his violent actions with the excuse of him being way too overprotective over you… but oh boy, was it more than that.

“Let’s not fight anymore, we can talk about this tomorrow,”

Can You Do Yandere Bts "when You Ignore Them" With Maknae Line Too Please?

Tag list: @mwitsmejk @minshookie29 @articpup @silversparkles11 @kookiwu @jeonenjoyer @bunzom

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More Posts from Igotsoulbutimnotasolider

10 months ago



Summary: Your stepson, Yoongi, fucks you in the kitchen while your husband eats breakfast. 

Pairing: Fem! Reader x Yandere Min Yoongi

Warnings: murder, pseudo-incest, smut (penetrative sex, oral sex - fem receiving, slight choking, creampie), yandere behaviour, y/n does not have the best husband 

Word Count: 3.7k 

A/N: absolutely no one asked for this but i wrote it to get out of writer’s block 🥺 thank you if you read it <3


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You lived a clockwork existence. You rose with the sun, made his breakfast and prepared his lunch before he left for work every morning. You ensured that his clothes were ironed, that his coffee was warm and his dinner was made. Your hands polished his shoes and prepared his baths until your fingers were wrinkly like prunes.

But his sandpaper lips never kissed your fingertips despite the way he once gazed upon you like you were the flower he wanted on his lapel. A place which you’d never bloom but only wither for he was careless and undeserving. His lips (once soft and delicate with every inch of your skin) gruffly demanded your hands to knead his flesh despite the ache in your muscles (and your heart) as he laid in a porcelain bathtub, filled to the brim, like a king.

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10 months ago

Art History, Philosophy, and Scientific Periodicals // K.NJ

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Warnings: Reference to sexual assault (it doesn’t happen, but it’s implied it could have), swearing, guns (make an appearance, but they aren’t used in the story), fighting 

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 Author’s Note: Inspired by Close to You by hollyhomburg on Tumblr (I just checked, and I think she might have deleted, so if anyone can find a link, that’d be really cool!). A really cool concept that I obviously enjoyed, haha! Also I intended this to be a little warm-up piece that was maybe 2k, but uhhh, that obviously didn’t happen (it was still a bit of a warm up, it was just a warm up that lasted about 2 weeks…) 

Photo isn’t mine!!


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10 months ago

disclaimer: pls do not proceed if you’re under 18

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“Kitten, when I say No… it isn’t a suggestion.”

“Good, I didn’t ask for one.”

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“No, baby, you don’t.”

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10 months ago

𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭:

𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐕

⚠️: if you’re a softy, keep scrolling. If you click ‘keep reading’ don’t complain.

𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

Pairings: Taehyung x female reader

Do not request for ‘Pick Your Split’

Word Count: 2.9k 

A/N: y’all already know I had to do this with Taehyung. The “Meeting V” part was suppose to be in point form but, I hit the limit and had to change it. So the writing is pretty shitty. Sorry! Not edited 

~ NSFW ~


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10 months ago

Right Here, Right Now {M}


what if little Red wants to get eaten by the big bad wolves?

pairing: rapline x reader genre: smut, pwp, humor words: 8k contains: werewolf au, college au, massive 🍆s, knotting, oral (f & m), dirty talk, too much talk about bulges, a bit of a breeding kink, double penetration, humor, it’s me so they’re still kinda sweet, not actually a fairytale au a/n: my brain decided it was time to (temporarily) throw all plot out the window & indulge in some pure filth. i have no excuses. enjoy!!


Whoever invented sweatpants, specifically the light grey ones (Emile Camuset), can fuck right off. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Fuck right off. Because if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be sitting here under your best friend’s arm, trying your best not to stare at the bulge that seems determined to steal your attention.

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