I've decided to actually post on this website. here I go... multifandom blog: currently watching all of Star Trek in order of release (im watching Discovery rn), Legends Of Tomorrow, (because of) The Flash, (because of) Supergirl, The Arrow (because I'm already watch all the others) and Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (season 2) so spoiler alert! (I'm actually behind on that oops) I love Sanders Sides and Marvel and anime, books and musicals... and alot more but those are the main things.
90 posts
When Almost All Of My Mistakes In Doulingo Is Because English Is My Second Language And My Grammar Isn't
When almost all of my mistakes in Doulingo is because English is my second language and my grammar isn't the best...
lazyassmermaid liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Ijustgothere-thisisamistake
I just got Star Trek Deep Space Nine Enigma Tales and I'm not even in chapter 1 yet and I'm gonna cry
Not me watching the first season of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series in one night after only watching the 1st movie and barely remember the 2nd.
Nope. Not me.
When I was 17 my appendix ruptured because I thought I was just having period cramps and didn’t go to the hospital so don’t tell me PMS symptoms are no big deal






