illicthearts - Khushi

464 posts

Hi Khushi, I Just Wanted To Drop In And Say That I Read The Book You Recommended, Rukmini: Krishna's

Hi Khushi, I just wanted to drop in and say that I read the book you recommended, Rukmini: Krishna's Wife by Saiswaroopa Iyer. I found it very interesting. I loved that the book was so Rukmini-centric. And I loved Rukmini and Krishna's interaction before they got married. But after they got married I felt like they spent more time apart than together and their relationship felt more like siblings and/or roommates rather than spouses (except for the fainting scene, which I loved). I also missed the actual Shishupal Vadh (why would you write a book about Rukmini and not include Shishupal Vadh in it?) and also the Dantavakra Vadh scene made no sense to me (when he abandons her when she's literally dying after being stabbed). I actually liked the ending though, especially the part where Vajra recognises them and realises that they will always be a part of him. All in all, I enjoyed the book very much although I think the author made some very interesting choices, which I would not have. Anyway, I hope to keep writing more stories to fill the void in my life for more Rukmini content. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Love, Pri.

I completely agree, I did like their relationship in the beginning, I loved the opening scene but I was sad that the author decided to skip Shishupala Vadh, I was really looking forward to it, especially from Rukmini’s POV and the shows definitely don’t do it justice, they always make it about anyone but her when it should be about her.

I don’t remember much from the book, I’ve read it while ago but some things did seem confusing to me and overall I had mixed feelings about it.

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    vaidharbhe liked this · 7 months ago
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