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Heya guys! I’m back with another post! But this one is about Fedora Perry! If you guys wanna ask Perry and his siblings questions, I’m deciding to make posts about Perry and Sibs so you could get to know them before asking them questions! Next we have the cute fedora tipping platypus herself, Fedora Perry the Female Fedora Tipping Platypus aka Agent FP!

Heya Guys! Im Back With Another Post! But This One Is About Fedora Perry! If You Guys Wanna Ask Perry

Name: Fedora Perry

Gender: Female She/her

Age: 15(currently in 2023)

Physical Appearance: Fedora Perry is a greenish-teal female platypus with yellow fingered tangerine webbing only on her back feet. She has tiny black hairs on her head, long low salmon-orange beaver tail, shining cute brownish black eyes in an unnatural walleyed position making her look mindlessly stupid and derpy as a pet, cute black eyelashes, a duck bill that matches her webbing color, and she mainly wears a 1940's fedora on her head as a pet and as Agent FP. Under her fur, she has a siren pendant, and wears a greenish-teal bra that blends in her fur to make her more feminine cuz she’s a female. Around her neck, she wears a cyan/sky blue mouse necklace and on her fedora she wears 2 cyan ladybug earrings which are her miraculouses in camouflage mode.

Height: 2 feet (60.96 cm)

Nemesis/Enemies: Dr Doofenshimirtz(formerly) Rodney, Drill Sergeant, L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., Dennis the Bunny, and Professor Parenthesis

Friends/Allies: Doof, Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Major Monogram, Carl, Monty Monogram, Lyla Lolliberry, Stacey Hirano, Milo Murphy, Diogee, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Ortan Mahlson, Pinky the Chihuahua, the other agents, Perry, Groucho Perry, Female Perry, Bunka da Bunkaquan, Parable the Dragon-pus, Master Perry, Fez Perry, Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus, Perry the Platyborg, Sweary the Swan, Perry 2(cousin), Peggy, Ricardo, Agent Kelly, Penny/Phyllian, Whitney, Mishti, Dairry, Emily, Rose, Amy, Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), Percy(dad), Lilith(lover), Maria the Energy Monster, Cozy Glow, Little Bits(best friend), and Tikki and Mullo(kwamis)

Family: Perry(big brother), Groucho Perry(big brother), Female Perry(sister), Agent Kelly(sister), Bunka da Bunkaquan(brother), Parable the Dragon-pus(brother), Master Perry(brother), Fez Perry(brother), Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus(brother), Perry the Platyborg(brother), Sweary the Swan(brother), Perry 2(cousin), Peggy(cousin), Ricardo(cousin), Penny/Phyllian(sister), Whitney(sister), Mishti(sister), Dairry(sister), Emily(sister), Rose(sister), Amy(sister), Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), and Percy(dad)

Nationality/Species: Australian(native to) American(domesticated in) , Female Platypus, half dream demon, and half siren

Born: March 12th 2008

Occupation: Top Secret agent of The OWCA, Household pet, Top watchdog spy of the Hater Empire, Leader of the Watchdog Spies, Lieutenant General of the Hater Empire, Fedora tipper, and holder of the ladybug and mouse miraculouses

Affiliations: The O.W.C.A.(Organization Without A Cool Acronym), Flynn Fletcher Family, and the Hater Empire

Hometown: Danville

Boss: Major Monogram

Owners: Phineas and Ferb

First Appearance: Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!

Alinement: Good(in PaF) and Evil(Only as Queen Of Mean and LadyFedoraMisfortune and In WOY)

Likes: Tipping my fedora, hanging out with my brothers and sisters, music, fedoras, and making dramatic entrances, Favorite Songs: Feeling So Blue by Michael Mind Project feat. Dante Thomas(main), Queen Of Mean by Sarah Jeffrey, Animals by Maroon 5, Immortals by Fall Out Boy, One Kiss by Sofia Carson, Dove Cameron, and China Anne McClain, Welcome Home by SquigglyDigg and GabeCastro, Other Friends by Steven Universe and Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Dislikes: Someone finding out my secret which is tipping my fedora, the evil tip(evil version of her signature normal tip), herself when shes evil as her evil personas, and seeing my brothers fight

Miraculous: Ladybug and Mouse Miraculouses

Kwamis: Tikki and Mullo

Hero Persona: FedoraBug(when using Ladybug Miraculous main), MultiFedoraMouse(when using Mouse Miraculous temporarily), and MultiFedoraBugMouse(when unifying both Ladybug and Mouse Miraculouses temporarily)

Villain Persona: FedoraQueenOfMeanPerry(formerly) and LadyFedoraMisFortune(when using Ladybug miraculous for evil)

Powers/Abilities: Multiplication and Multitude(as MultiFedoraMouse), Lucky Charm and FedoraBug’s Yo-yo (as FedoraBug), Expose the truth, Anti Charm, Antibug Sword, and LadyFedoraMisfortune’s yo-yo(as LadyFedoraMisfortune), Apportion, Clairvoyance, Cross-Dimension Awareness, Illusion manipulation, Intangibility, Innate Capability, Nigh Omnipotence, Laser Manipulation, Levitation, Molecular Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Inducement, Possession, Pyrokinesis, Size Shifting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Mind Reading(as half dream demon) enchanted singing voice which allows to manipulate or control others’ actions with its compelling tones. The more of the negative energy she consumes, the stronger her voices becomes, and the farther she could spread her good magic for everyone to enjoy(as half siren but uses it for good)

What her speaking voice sounds like: Cool, calm, collected, and high pitched to sound cute cuz she’s the cute one the Perry Family and she has a high pitched chatter just like her big bro Perry when he was a baby

Voiced by/Speaking and Chattering Voice: Tiffany Westfall/Tiffany Hefflinger(when speaking. She’s the actress who played Perry in Phineas and Ferb: The Best Live Tour Ever in 2011 to 2012)Dee Bradley Baker(when chattering)

Singing Voice: Christina Vee

Personality: Fedora Perry can be best defined as “The Dramatic Cute Entertainment" younger sister of Perry. She is very dramatic when she makes dramatic entrances and can very cute while she’s tipping her fedora. She loves tipping her fedora while smiling cutely shaking her fedora with her hands as she’s saying “Helloooooo!”. When she is tipping her fedora, it represents she is very positive and very happy. When she is not on secret missions with her siblings, she is usually hanging with her older brothers, Perry and Groucho Perry. She can be reassuring to her siblings when they are feeling sad and she gives really good advice. While she's on secret missions with her siblings, she's very serious and very determined. She loves spending time with her siblings and she doesn’t like it when she sees them fighting. As Agent FP, she is proud of her abilities as a fedora tipper and wants to prove herself to Perry that she can be a good secret agent for the O.W.C.A. As a dream demon, she gets nervous about making a mistake when using her dream demon powers but she’s always determined to get herself together. Whenever she’s making a deal with someone, her greenish teal hand starts burning with cyan flames. As a siren, she’s really excited to show everybody her singing and feeds on the negativity around her. When she turned evil as the Queen Of Mean out of jealousy with her wielding the staff of the OWCA(a powerful staff that gives a person infinite power and grants them to do anything but can also be used for evil), she was mean and harsh wanting to take over the entire Tri-State-Area for herself only. As LadyFedoraMisFortune, she uses her ability to make people tell the truth and nothing but the truth and to get her hands on the miraculouses.

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2 years ago
Ya Los Haba Publicado En Twitter Pero Pens Por Que No Tambin Mostrarlos Aqu
Ya Los Haba Publicado En Twitter Pero Pens Por Que No Tambin Mostrarlos Aqu
Ya Los Haba Publicado En Twitter Pero Pens Por Que No Tambin Mostrarlos Aqu
Ya Los Haba Publicado En Twitter Pero Pens Por Que No Tambin Mostrarlos Aqu
Ya Los Haba Publicado En Twitter Pero Pens Por Que No Tambin Mostrarlos Aqu

Ya los había publicado en Twitter pero pensé por que no también mostrarlos aquí

Mis rediseños de personajes de Miraculous Ladybug

Espero les guste 🐞🐈‍⬛🐝🦊🐢

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1 year ago

People have to understand when this topic come to Chloe and Zoe

Good person≠ Good character

-Be a good person doesn’t mean is a good character, they need to have more than that

-Be a bad person also can coexist with being a great character

Look Belos from The Owl House, he is the villain and he was way to far to be a decent human been and was an asshole to the end and he was an awesome character

And Luz is a sweet person but she have more character than just being nice, her character development with the other cast was brilliant

Miraculous doesn’t have ither of that

Chloe was so wasted, she has more character and charisma then the whole cast and then got replaced with another goody goody nice girl because god forgive this show to have a neutral character that is not an angel but ither a demon

Because seriously, all the characters are annoyingly nice that is make me sick

Zoe is nice and then? What else?

Her problems were solved in one episode and in the next one she become the new bee miraculous

And that’s another problem I have

Does so called “character development” only last one episode and is just another “they were good a along 🥺”

Chloe’s development feels more genuine because it wasn’t just one episode, it was more, almost the whole second season

If you like Zoe that’s fine

If you don’t like Chloe that’s also fine

But please, you have to understand that if a character is a good person that doesn’t mean is automatically a good character 🐝💛🖤

People Have To Understand When This Topic Come To Chloe And Zoe
People Have To Understand When This Topic Come To Chloe And Zoe

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1 year ago

So now that I talked about my ideas for the new superpowers for the miraculous

Now is time to show my idea for the main five

They’re mostly the same but with some changes

Here we go

Ladybug 🐞: Creation (Life), the power allow them to create objects, BUT first the holder needs to pay attention to the situation and try to think of what they would need, when the object is build they need to figure out how to use it, in some cases the object is already made and can be the object they wanted

-For power up, the holder can re-create what was broken and destroy, like buildings, vegetation, also can make flowers and plants glow were ever they are walking, in a rare case, a creature that never exist

Cat 🐈‍⬛: Destruction (Dead), the holder is capable of destroy things, but isn’t just that, they can make a major damage, almost destroying an whole building, if a human received a cataclysm, their skin gonna start to rot until they die, a painful and slow death

-For power up is that with their energy they can destroy a lot, almost like a earthquake and also they can make persons, plants and objects to age more faster

Both 🐞🐈‍⬛: Restoration (Order), with both holders together, everything would back to normal, fixing everything, but that’s only if the damage is mayor, also with both combined a person can make a wish, but there is a consequence to have a balance

So yeah, no more “Miraculous Ladybug”

Bee 🐝: Subjection, When the holder hits an enemy with their sting, the victim wouldn’t move for few seconds, but then they would start moving again but now they are under the holder’s control, doing what they said and follow their lead

-They also have little bees who works as solders and would fight against the enemies to protect their owner, also can make honey to make shields to protect them or make the enemies be stuck in it

Fox 🦊: Illusion, people with this power are smart and knows how to trick people, so the fox allows the holder to make distractions, like making copies of them or things that aren’t even there

-They can also make fake scenarios, like making the victim living a fake fantasy or make them see something that didn’t even happen, and even fake their own voice

Turtle 🐢: Protection, the holder is allow to make shields to protect them and their team, but they can also make giants walls or even make for themselves an armor

-They can make a bridge to try to pass to another side and make a giant sphere to walk inside it and don’t get hurt

So here they are

I make the Ladybug and Cat to be both as powerful so they would be treat as equals

My original idea for the bee was if the victim got sting, if they tried to move they would get pimples but I decided to change that

And yeah, I kinda give the Ladybug the power of the peacock with creating a living creature, but in my defense, make sentimonsters is kinda like literally creation

So yeah, that power should be for the Ladybug, but does creatures work different from sentimonsters

Hope you like those ideas

Deer out 🦌

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4 years ago
Its Miraculous That I Finally Finished This For Anon

It’s miraculous that I finally finished this for anon

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2 years ago

I have really comfortable pokemon pajama pants and I want miraculous pajama pants just like them but all miraculous pajamas are only for kids 😭 I want adult miraculous pajamas so bad 😭

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1 year ago
Ive Finished Miracles Ladybug And Have Had No One To Talk To About This

I’ve finished miracles ladybug and have had no one to talk to about this

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5 years ago

*after watching the Felix series*

first impression

*after Watching The Felix Series*

but then you are so...

*after Watching The Felix Series*

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