ilovefanfics2019 - Multi-fandoms

My name is Joy, 21 years old, 📍🇬🇧. bubbly, fun and I like to cheer people up. This page is a safe space. Fun fact: I'm weirdly obsessed over lemon meringue pie

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Twitter Profiles Part 3:

Twitter Profiles Part 3:

Twitter profiles part 3:

Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
Twitter Profiles Part 3:
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More Posts from Ilovefanfics2019

5 years ago

Updated about life

So my phone broke on Thursday night. It froze and died. So I had to get a new phone but I couldn't get one untill today. So if I've been inactive or ignoring u that's why. But I am in love with my new phone.

4 years ago

Her own path

Part 2: A caring mother figure

Warnings: Some angst. Mentions of torture. Mentions of abuse. Mention of injuries. Mention of blood, cuts and bruises. Fluff between reader and mum Kurogiri.

Characters: Shigaraki, Reader, mum Kurogiri and a mention of Toga and Dabi

Description: After another training/torture session the reader gets some TLC from mum Kurogiri.

Also: Y/n = your name, f/c = favourite colour and sf/c = second favourite colour.

Side notes: Reader doesn't like to acknowledge Shigaraki as her father so she doesn't call him dad or father a lot.

I hope you enjoy this part I worked hard on it 🥰

Deep in the league of villains base screams and crys of pain rang out echoing around the barren empty halls. The scream and cries coming from young Y/n Shigaraki being tortured for failing to follow orders given to her in another training session. The one doing the torturing is none other than her father Tomura Shigaraki even though the young girl will never class him as that.

Y/n's pov

Pain ran though my body after another punch was thrown to my side and followed by a series of more punches and kicks. This continued on untill my abuser had enough and I sank down to the floor laying on my back struggling to get my breath back after being punched and kicked multiple times. The cold flooring feeling nice against my bear arms as I welcomed the silence in the room. But that silence was soon broken by a voice. A voice that I hated and dreaded hearing everyday of my life from the age of 4.

"I really thought you learnt your lesson after last time but I guess not" a male voice rang out somewhere to the left of me. Footstep drawing closer to me.

"I can't believe you still disobeyed me during your training" the voice sounding closer. Untill the face of said voice appeared above mine staring down at me.

"You lucky we need you alive for the plan or eles I would of killed you along time ago" he said with a cold look. I sat up and stared directly at the wall in front of me refusing to look at him waiting for him to asked the same questions he always asked after torturing me.

"Why do you refuse? Your going to have to given in eventually you have nowhere else to go and your never leaving us" the voice stated.

"I refuse because I don't want to be like" I turned my body to face him and raised my eyes to meet his to emphasize on the last word "you" I sneered out meeting my green eyes with his red ones but it doesn't faze him but I continued to answer his last statement whilst slowing rising up from the floor.

"You know I could always go to the heros and tell them everything like how you kidnapped me. Killed my mother who was a pro hero. How you abuse and torture me. And how you plan to use me for your sick evil plan" fully standing my voice getting louder after each point I pointed out untill the last word rang out and echoed around the room. After the echo died out and faster than I could blink the male held me up by my throat with his pinkys held away not touching my skin. His red eyes stared down into mine as he chuckled out.

"Like they would help you after all why would they believe you a 11 year old who looks small and weak" I glared at him for mention my very small appearance. But he ignored it and continued on.

"Do you know why they also wouldn't believe you?" He asked then answered by himself.

"Your no more than a pune little villain and after all" he sneered out pausing. Bring his mouth up to my ear he continued.

"Being a villain is in your blood so no matter how much you try and refuse your future is already sealed which is to kill All Might and become the villain you are ment to be" he silently chuckled out. His face drawing away from my ear to lock his eyes with my wide ones. Dropping me to the floor as I winced in pain whilst trying not to cry. He walks to the door whilst putting on his special gloves so he doesn't disintegrate the door handle, as he puts his hand on the handle he turns to face me.

"Return to your room and stay there for the rest of the night" his cold voice says then he faces back to the door opening it and walks out closing the door behind him. As soon as I hear his footsteps disappear down the hall I breakdown bursting into tears I've been holding in. Tears from being in pain, tears from things he said and tears from not being able to do anything about this. I used to hate my father before but now after everything he had just said to me I hate him even more and I wish I could disappear and just be back in the arms of my loving mother which is impossible thanks to the devil himself. My father.

After composing myself and drying my remaining tears and throwing on my jacket that had been discarded before all of the torturing had began I returned to my room even if you could call it that. The room itself it's not that very big but big enough for a single bed, a small desk with a chair and a small nightstand. As soon as you walking into my so called room through the door the first thing you see is my small desk which has a small plant on it along with some art supplies that Kurogiri gave me for 5th birthday so that I wouldn't be bored and a chair with a pillow on the seat which Dabi and Toga got me. To the left of my desk is my nightstand which has a small lamp on it along with a pile of books which Kurogiri also gave me on one of my birthdays. To the left of my nightstand is my single bed which is pushed up to the far side of the left wall. Then on the right side of the room is a door that leads to a small basic bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and went over to my bed and collapsed onto it with my face buried deep into the pillows not caring if I got blood on it. A small gentle knock came from my door. My door then opened and closed I already knew who it was so I didn't bother look up. Footsteps came towards my bed then the person sat down on my bed rubbing small comforting circles on my back.

"He gave you a hard time again" the voice of a male spoke gently. I turned my head to face him as I gave him a glance with a look of 'what do you think' as his yellow eyes looking into mine. He let out a small sigh as he then ask what he always asked me after coming to check up on me after my training/torture sessions.

"How badly are you hurt this time?" He asked sadly. I just turned my head back into the pillows refusing to answer his question. He sighed a long sigh before speaking again.

"Y/n please show me" he ask the tone of desperation clearly evidence in his voice. I let out a small sigh turning and sat up to face him on my bed. At seeing my face his yellow eyes seems to give a look of shocked. The mist man looking shocked continue to sit there patiently waiting for me to make a move to show him any hidden injuries that were hidden by my clothing. Slowly I took of my jacket to reveal my bare arms then a small gasp was heard from the mist man. Many more gasp from the mist man soon followed as I rolled up my f/c tracksuit bottoms and as I took my sf/c vest top off leaving me in my black sports bra a large gasp left the mist man.

"Y/n" he said quietly his eyes seem to have a soft look whilst looking over my form.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up so we can patch you up" he said gently with a caring tone. We move to the bathroom and whilst he was running me a bath I took a look at my form in the mirror attached to the back of the bathroom door only to let out a small inaudible gasp shocked by my own appearance.

My legs had dried blood running down them mostly likely from the cuts I got when Shigaraki had thrown knives at me in an attempt to get me to use my Decay quirk. My arm had bruises that already had started to form along with small cuts that were still bleeding a bit. My face was littered with small cuts and dried blood coming down from a cut that was just under my bottom lip. My right side had an enormous bruise that had already formed and ran from under my arm to my hip. My hair was a mess stick up in all directions with dried blood and grime decorating it. I then turned and headed towards the bath when the mist man told me it was ready.

He left to go and wash my clothes whilst I washed myself gently and carefully and made sure to shampoo and condition my hair. Once done cleaning myself I climbed out of the now bloody bath water, drained it and wrap a towel around myself. After drying myself and my hair I then put on some clean panties and bra and I slowly exited the bathroom to see the mist man sitting crisscrossed on my bed that had new, fresh and clean sheets on with a med kit and hairbrush on my nightstand ready to use.

I sat down on the bed in front of the mist man facing him as he attended to my leg wounds first taking great care when doing so. Once done with my legs he gave me some long f/c pj bottoms to put on and then started on my arm mostly just put some cooling gel over the bruises then doing same to the big bruise on my right side. He then asked me to turn around, with my back now facing him he lifted my long hair over my shoulders so he could see my back. He let out a loud gasp making me ask him.

"What's wrong?". But he didn't replie. So I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to look at my back in the mirror. My eyes widen seeing why his reaction was what it was. I had a huge deep gash on my back that went diagonally down from the bottom of my left shoulder and stopped above my right hip. I left the bathroom with the look of shocked still plastered on my face as I sat down with my back facing the equally shocked misty male.

"I'm going to have to stich it" the misty male said gently and carefully trying to gage my reaction. I gave him a small nod as permission to do so. He stitched it up whilst talking to me to keep my mind of the pain then once he was finished he wrapped it up with a bandage. He then gave me my long sleeve f/c top to put on then started to brush out my long light blue pinked streaked hair before tying it into two pigtails. He then stayed to talk to me whilst I ate the buttered toast and drank the hot chocolate he had made me.

Third pesron pov

After chatting some more and giving the young girl some medication to ease the pain he tucked her into bed with a cuddle and a somewhat form of something that classed as a kiss from him to her forehead.

"Thanks for your help again Kurogiri" Y/n said sweetly to him.

"Its okay I take great pride in caring for you" he replied caringly.

"Goodnight Kurogiri" the young girl yawned. Kurogiri lets out a quiet chuckle.

"Goodnight Y/n" Kurogiri said quietly and gently before making his way to the door. Before closing the door the male with a sad and gentle look glanced back at the young girl who was settling down for the night before letting out a small inaudible sigh before closing the door and leaning back on it before saying to himself.

"One day I hope she get the chance to get away from here so she can change her life for the better and become someone who she want to be" before letting go of the door handle and continuing to say.

"But untill that day I will still care for her as I love her like she was my own daughter" Kurogiri exhaled a small breath before retreating down the hall to his own room. Whilst the young girl in question was snuggled up with her blanket in hand given to her by her new mother like figure preparing for the long night of nightmares ahead she too wishing she had a better chance of life.

But little do both of them know their wish would soon become true. In the form of a bunch of teenage trainee heros, a loud mouth of a teacher, a very tired caterpillar teacher, a tired looking indigo haired boy and a small one horned girl who may just become the young girls new friends and family after a evil plan gone wrong.

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4 years ago

Her own path

Part 3: The plan and scars

Warnings: Some angst. Mention of attacks and killing.Bad flashback. Mention of injuries. Mention of cuts and bruises. Mention of a knife. Mention of scars. Some fluff between mum Kurogiri and reader.

Characters: Shigaraki, All For One, Mum Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga and mention of the rest of the league.

Description: The league disscuss the plan, mum Kurogiri comforts the reader and the reader has a flashback.

Also: Y/n = your name and f/c =favourite colour.

Side notes: By the way this story is set after Eri is rescued. So I know All For One is ment to be in prison but he got out of prison somehow (shhh is for the story).

I hope you enjoy this one and ask me if you like to be tagged for the next ones 🥰

Kurogiri was almost to his room when a certain black hair male with purple scars stopped him in his tracks.

"What do you want Dabi" Kurogiri sighed out, he was tired and want to go to bed.

"Boss needs all of us for a meeting" grunted out Dabi who was fed up with having to tell everyone in the league the same message, lucky Kurogiri was the last one he had to tell. They both made their way to the meeting room where the others were waiting.

"Now that everyone is here we can discuss the plan for defeating All might" Shigaraki announced turning towards All For One.

"The plan is simple so there is no way for you idiot to mess it up" said All For One make sure to emphasize on the words 'mess it up' to make sure they understood that they were not to mess up this plan like all of the other plans they have messed up.

All For One then gave a signal to Shigaraki to explain the plan to the others. "In two days time UA will be hosting a festival for all students and staff to celebrate their so called achievement they have had so far". Shigaraki paused to make sure they that the were all listening. He then continued on.

"But during the festival the brats of 1A will be at the stadium helping to set up a stage and fireworks for a show later on in the evening. This is when we attack them" Shigaraki explained but then was interrupted by Toga.

"Why are we attack them? Aren't we ment to be attack All Might to get rid of him?" Asked Toga with a confused look on her face.

"Use that useless brain of yours and think" Dabi sighed whilst hitting Toga on the back of her head.

"All Might will be blending in and socialising with the other teacher, if we attack the 1A kids especially the broccoli head boy then All Might will show up to help save them like he normally does" explained Dabi.

"And that's when we attack him" exclaimed Toga.

"No you guys will be distracting the brats of 1A by attacking them" declared Shigaraki.

"Then what will you be doing" demanded Toga. Shigaraki let out a evil chuckle whilst lowering his head.

"Me my dear band of idiots will be keeping an eye of the one who will attack and defeat All Might for good" Shigaraki then paused before raising his head to meet all of the other eyes in the room that were watching him.

"My dear daughter ... Y/n" he shouted making Y/n's name echo around the room. The room was silent after the echo disappeared untill a voice broke that silence.

"What happens if she doesn't want to do it?" Kurogiri mumbled out. Shigaraki turned to face his companion.

"She has no choice it is her destiny after all" insisted Shigaraki before contine on.

"And if she refuses then ... she will die" declared Shigaraki whilst looking at his hands.

"Just like her mother" he deeply chuckled making everyone in the room feel uneasy.

The next morning Kurogiri went to check on Y/n and to bring the young girl some breakfast. He knocked on the door gently before opening only to see the young girl still asleep. He chuckled quietly as he closed the door gently behind him before setting the girls breakfast on her desk. He then made his way to her to shake her awake gently.

Y/n's pov

I was awoken from my slumber when I felt someone gently shaking me. I slowly sat up whilst opening and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Once my the sleep from my eyes was gone I saw Kurogiri in front of me, his eyes looking at me softly.

"Morning sleepyhead" chuckle Kurogiri.

"Morning" I yawned out. He chuckled as he helped me out of my sheets that I became tangled in during the night, due to me tossing and turning through the night with nightmares. I went to the bathroom to relive myself and to get dressed whilst Kurogiri made my bed. After returning from the bathroom dressed in a f/c vest top, grey/black shorts and fluffy white warm socks I sat down at my desk to eat my breakfast. Whilst eating Kurogiri checked the gash on my back and gave it a clean bandage.

"I wasn't sure if you were still in pain but I brought you some more painkillers to take if you are" Kurogiri told me whilst handing me some water. I gladly accept the water and took some painkillers as I was still in a bit of pain. After thanking Kurogiri and finishing my breakfast I threw on a creamy coloured cardigan which Toga had giving me one day and sat down on my bed with Kurogiri.

"So I just wanted to tell you the plan will be happening in two days so Shigaraki and All For One won't be training you, as they want you to rest so you will be at your best on the day" Kurogiri explained after telling me the plan. 'Well that nice of them. Not!' I thought. Then I just signed as Kurogiri started to brush and style my hair for the day.

"Why me? Why can't he just do himself" I questioned, sighing Kurogiri replied with.

"I don't know sweetie you really do deserve better than this" he said sadly. We both fell silent whilst Kurogiri countined brushing my hair. After Kurogiri styled my hair into two plats I turned to face him with tears starting to escape out from the corners of my eyes, before launching myself at him into a hugging position. Kurogiri stroked my hair and back in a comforting way, whilst I buried my head in the shoulder of his outfit bursting out into a full on crying session. Kurogiri keep comforting me and whispering soothing and caring words to me.

After a while of Kurogiri comforting me I finally calmed down. He left to take the dirty dishes away after asking me if I was okay with him leaving which I gave him permission to. After a moment of silence I went to the bathroom to clean my face up. After drying my face I looked into my bathroom mirror to examine myself.

I started by examing my legs which were exposed due to me wearing shorts. The cuts on them that were made yesterday were now healed over and will soon start to fade away to join the past cuts that once too littered my legs. The bruises were still visible but they will too soon fade away. My arms that are covered by the sleeves of the cardigan that I know have cuts and bruises similar to my legs, will have the same faith as the cuts and bruises on my legs. The bruise on the right side of my torso however will take a while to fade. The cuts on my face have already started to fade leaving no trace behind. The gash that I know is on my back however will leave behind a scar that will add to the memory of why I should not disobey my father, just like another scar I have. This scar is on my face that runs across my nose and serves as a terrifying remind never to use my Decay quirk on a certain person. Let me explain.


One day when I was 6, Shigaraki and All For One was trying to train me to use my Decay quirk. Keyword 'trying' as I was refusing to use it. Anyway after they kept trying to get me to use it, I start to get very frustrated and annoyed so I did use it but not on the fake dummy that I was ment to use it on. No no I used it on the person that was annoying me the most. Can you guess who it was? No not All For One although I was think of doing that. But no the person I used it on. Was my so called devil of a father. Tomura Shigaraki. Lucky for him I only Decay apart of his hair but he was still furious. He grab a very sharp knife and he slashed it across my nose creating a large cut. I was terrified after that and he made me promise not to use on him again which I never did. Overtime it healed but left a scar remind me of that promise.

End of flashback

After looking at myself in the bathroom I exited and sat down at my desk and started to draw and imagine what my life would be like if I ever left the league. I internally chuckle whilst think 'that would never happen' as I would never have the courage to run away from Shigaraki.

Third person pov

Little does the young girl know that after a special discovery she makes and a plan in two days time will change her life forever.

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4 years ago

Her own path

Part 4: A secret discover

Warnings: A bit of angst. Mention of killing.

Characters: Shigaraki, someone special to the reader, mention of mum Kurogiri, mention of the league and the reader.

Description: The reader makes a secret discovery about her mother nature quirk and Shigaraki seems worried about the reader.

Side notes: Shigaraki may seem a bit soft at the end but not. Hope you enjoy it 🥰

It was the day before the plan was happening. The villains went over the plan one last time to make sure there were no way for them to screw up tomorrow. Meanwhile Y/n was in her room.

Y/ns pov

I was drawing when I relised that I need to water the flowers Kurogiri got me. They were blue forget me nots. I used my Mother nature quirk to create a small rain cloud above the flowers so that they could get some natural rainwater. Once the flowers had enough water I made the rain cloud disappear and after I did that I let out a gasp.

The flowers looked like they were glowing blue but I couldn't tell if it was real or my imagination. So I grab the pot the flowers were in and moved it towards me. Once they were in front of me I could see they were actually glowing. I reached out my right hand and moved it towards the flowers. The closure my hand got to them the brighter they started to glow. I used my index finger to gently touch one of the flowers once did the glow became blinding so I had to shut my eyes.


I opened my eyes to see I was not in my room anymore but in a beautiful green field that was filled with forget me nots that were all different colours. There was also a magnificent blue waterfall that when down into a beautiful lake.

"Wow this is amazing" I whispered amazed at the sight from on top of the hill that I was on.

"Indeed it is" a gentle female that voice spoke out. The voice sounded familiar but I can't figure out where I have heard it before.

"Who's there?" I said with worry as I looked around panicking untill I saw a white floating orb far away from me near the edge of the lake.

"There's no need to worry or panic Y/n" calmly said the orb. At least I think it was the orb who was speaking.

"How did you know my name" I questioned the orb again with worry still in my voice and took one step back getting ready to run if needed. The voice then sighed before replying.

"A mother never forgets her daughter" the orb said gently before glowing and growing big. As the glowing faded there stood someone I never expected to see again.

"Mum" I gasp as I took one step forward.

"Yes dear" she said happily with a smile. I bolted down the hill running towards my mum who was kneeling down with her arms open. When I was close enough I jumped into my mums awaiting arms as she pulled me into hug. We both cried as we hugged.

"I've missed you mummy" I cried into her shoulder.

"I've missed you too sweetheart" she replied crying into my hair.

After a few minutes of hugging we pulled away and looked at each other as we wiped our teary eyes. My mum then stood up after giving me a kiss to my forehead.

"We haven't got a lot of time the vision will end soon" my mum said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I question her, wondering what she ment by vision? She then explained to me that I was having a vision. A vision that only my mum side of the family who inherit the mother nature quirk can have. The vision happens when the present mother quirks users touch any sort of forget me not flowers or like my mother did, the past mother quirk users can make the forget me nots glow that are near the present users if they need them to have a vision.The vision allows past and present quirk users to talk to each other about things.

"So why did you want me to have a vision?" I asked confused.

"Because I need to talk to you about what is happening tomorrow" she responded.

"But I already know about the plan and what I have to do tomorrow even though I don't want to be apart of it" I declared.

"I know that why I wanted to talk to you. I know you don't want to do it so I want you to do something for me" she stated.

"And that is?" I question curiously.

"I need you to fight and stand up to Shigaraki, don't let him him use you and turn you in to someone you don't want to be" she spoke with worry.

"But I can't, I'm not strong enough" I admitted.

"But you are promise me you will try" she asked.

"Okay I promise" I sighed.

"I have to go now" she signed.

"What no I just got to see you again you can't leave" I cried. She bent down to pull me into hug and kissed my forehead. She then stood.

"I promise we will talk and see each other again okay" she said sadly.

"Okay I love you" I croaked out as everything started to fade away including her.

"I love you too, forever and always" she cried before completely fading away.

End of vision

My eyes shot open. I saw that I was back in my room still in the same position before I had the vision. I removed my finger from the plant before getting up and putting on my f/c pyjamas on. I sat down on my bed cuddling my blanket Kurogiri got me, think about some memories that I have with my mum before Shigaraki killled her and took me. Although there weren't many since I was very young when he took me. A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts.

Third pesron pov

"Come in" Y/n said politely. The door open to reveal Shigaraki standing there.

"What do you want?" Y/n muttered whilst not looking at him.

"Just came to let you know that Kurogiri wouldn't be able to tuck you in tonight he is busy with other things" Shigaraki replied.

"Okay anything else" she replied sadly still not looking at him.

Shigaraki POV (weren't expecting this were you)

After Y/n replied to me I looked at her sad form.

"No just make sure you get some sleep we have big day tomorrow" I told her.

"Yeah whatever" she muttered still not looking at me. I closed the door behind before making my way to my room. I sat down on my bed a let out a sigh as I can't help feel something bad is gone happen tomorrow. Now don't get me wrong I may not be much of father to Y/n but she still my daughter and a small part of me love her and regret doing what I did to her. But this plan needs to happen once it does I will be able to try and be a good father to her.

Third person pov

As Shigaraki, Y/n and the villains fell asleep all of them had different wishes for tomorrow. Shigaraki and the villains a successful plan. Kurogiri that Y/n would be safe. Y/n wishing and hoping to keep her mothers promise. But little did they know far away in the Erazermic household a certain one horned little girl was wishing for an older sister.

A wish that may or may not come true depending on a big life decision that a little 11 years old Y/n will have to make tomorrow when the time is right.

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3 years ago
Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:

Intoducing Sisterhood group chat:

Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:
Intoducing Sisterhood Group Chat:

Fun facts:

The girls especially Y/n have an addiction to cute stationary stuff.

The girls buy new outfits nearly ever season.

The favourite place is small cat cafe located near Origiri Miya that they accidentally stumble upon one day and kept going there ever since then. The cafe owners made them official gold whiskers members.

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