My Hero Academia X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Her own path

Part 6: Class 1A. Younger? A plan.

Warning: Mention of Eri's bad dream/vision, de-ageing of a character, mention of pain, mention of cuts and bruises, Shigaraki being a bad father, some fluff, three caring villains, mention of Dadzawa, mumrogiri, soft Toga, soft Dabi, Shindenki implied, Tododeku implied and KiriBakugo implied.

Characters: Shigara, All For One, Kurogiri, Toga, Dabi, Shinsou, Aizawa, Present Mic, Eri, Mirio, Class 1A and Y/n

Description: Class 1A find out about Eri's dream/vision, something bad happens to Y/n and three caring villains come up with a plan to help Y/n.

Sorry I haven't updated a lot but I've been in and out of hospital with a family member so I haven't had chance to write but hopefully I will be able to update regularly. Please don't hesitate to comment or message me with any ideas you may have that I could use in upcoming chapters. Please enjoy๐Ÿฅฐ

Third person pov

The next day the sun shone through the windows of everyone wake them up so they could start a brand new day. People going about their daily business, heros going to the agency to get ready for patrols and the birds chirping sweet tunes.

The erasermic family woke up ready and excited to start the day well only two of them showed it, the other two looked sleepy as ever but don't get me wrong they were excited they just didn't show it. They set of to UA ready help get the festival ready to start. They weren't the only ones to arrive at UA early the other teachers also arrived early to help set up the festival. The erasermic family set of to the dorms to check on the students.

The eraser mic family arrived at the class 1A dorm and could hear muffled sounds from the other side.

"It looks like their awake and ready for the day" muttered Shinsou. Aizawa knocked on the door and the muffling seemed to quieten down and shuffling towards the door could be heard. The door opens to reveal Midoriya who looked as happy as always and behind him all of class 1A and Mirio sitting in the common room who looking like they were talking about how excited they were about the festival. The erasermic family walked in followed by Midoriya who closed the door behind them.

"Morning Everyone" Mic shouted which startled all of the students include Midoriya who was making his way over to one of the sofas. The student all replied with their own versions of morning to the loud teacher.

"Good morning students we are here to drop Eri off whilst we help the other teachers set up for the festival, so make sure you don't hurt her or lose her or eles" Aizawa informed his class with a glare which made the class nod their heads with most of them having a look of fear of their faces. Mic managed to drag his husband before he scared the kids to death whilst saying a goodbye to both Eri and Shinsou before leaving them with class 1A.

Shinsou pov

After the door closed Denki rushed over to me engulfing me into hug and giving me a kiss which I tensed up at before slowly returning the affections.

"Hi everyone" cheered Eri which a huge smile which seemed to make everyone including Bakugo melt. Everyone returned the greeting in their own way.

"So how are you doing this morning my lovely boyfriend" Denki whisper to me in my ear whilst still clinging on to me.

"In fine" I replied quietly.

"So Eri are you excited for the festival" Mina beamed with a close eyed smile.

"Yes" Eri replied just as cheerily as Mina whilst me and Denki sat down on the couch. Then everyone started to talk in the own little groups Midoriya and his boyfriend Todoroki with Mirio, Bakugo and his boyfried Kirishima, the girls with Eri and the boys talking with me and Denki, well Denki was talking I just imputed now and then. We then were all startled by the girls shouting at me.

"Shinsou you never told us you were getting another little sister" all the girls cried out. Everyone all turned to me with a look of shock across the faces.

"W-what" I stuttered confused.

"Eri told us that you were" Uraraka exclaimed excitedly. Eri looked towards me with a smile her eyes filled with happiness.

"Umm Eri why don't you go to your room you have here and pick out a nice dress for the festival and I'll come and help you in a minute okay?" I asked Eri.

"Sure" she cried out before making her way out of the common room giggling as I turned back towards everyone.

"So what Eri said is not exactly true" I addressed to the group before me.

"What do you mean by that?" Kirishima questioned me with a confused look.

"Well last night at dinner Eri was spacing out, thinking about something that was on her mind and obviously me and my dads asked her if she if she was okay and what was wrong but her replied made us worried a bit because, becaus-" I stated before trailing off at the end.

"Becasue of what?" Denki exclaimed leaning in closer to me with everyone waiting to see what I would say.

"Becasue she said she has this weird dream that she thought that might be a real vision" I exclaimed with worry lacing my tone.

"W-what sort of vision?" Midoriya stuttered. All of them looked at me again with their eyes begging me to continue. I sighed before telling them what Eri told me and my dads last night.

"Wow that's a weird dream to have sounds more like a nightmare" Sero pointed out.

"I know, me and my dads still don't know what that is about and don't tell anyone else about this I'm trusting you guys because you mean a lot to Eri" I stated.

"Of course we won't we all adore Eri" Uraraka cheered whilst all of the other nodded in agreement.

"Also last night before I went to sleep I hear my dads and Eri talking. Eri made wish on a shooting star which she wants to come true and shocked my dads to the core" I exclaimed the class leaned in waiting for me to continue.

"She wished for a sister a little bit older than her but younger then me" I declared.

"So what did your dads say" asked Denki with excitement.

"Well when they left Eri's room and went to theirs I heard them talking about it. Mic seemed happy about having another but Aizawa on the other hand not so much but still consider it, they both seemed to agree to talk about it more at a later date" I stated before finishing with a sigh.

"I hope they do I think it would be super manly for Eri to have a sister to play with" kirishima yelled which everyone agreed with.

"Well I better go and help Eri" I blurted before waking out of the common room to go and help Eri leaving the class and Mirio to their own devices.

Third pov

Class 1A and Mirio sat there is in thought before going to their own dorms to get ready.

~Meanwhile at the league of villains base~

Y/n woke up to Kurogiri shaking her up to get ready and telling her that Shigaraki wanted to see her after breakfast. After breakfast Y/n made her way to see Shigaraki.

~With Shigaraki~

All For One and Shigaraki were talking to one another about the plan they had for today.

"I'm a bit worried about the plan today" All For One stated.

"Whys that" asked Shigaraki confused.

"I'm worried that Y/n might do something to ruin the plan" All For One sighed which Shigaraki nodded his head to agree with.

"So how are we going to prevent that?" Shigaraki asked.

"Well I have an idea, you see children are much more easy to control and manipulate when their very young" exclaimed All For One.

"But Y/n is young" remark Shigaraki.

"Yes she is but not young another to control and manipulate if she refuses to cooperate which we have already seen with our own eyes" All For One informed Shigaraki.

"What can we do? It's not like we can make her younger?" Shigaraki questioned with a confused look.

"Ahh but we can" proclaimed All For One

"How?" Shigaraki asked confused.

"With one of the quirks I have. It's called de-ageing" All For One declared whilst Shigaraki gave him a confused look.

"Let me explain. This quirk allows me to de-age my victims with one touch. I decide what age I want them to be de-age to and once I do its irverable meaning no one can reverse the victims back to their actual age. The victim still have the same memories and mind of the actual age they once were, they are also still able to grow up" All For One explained.

"So your going to use it to de-age Y/n so that it's easier to control and manipulate her?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yes. Today the day were the symbol of peace has his last breath" crackled All For One which Shigaraki also did. They both then were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" command Shigaraki.

Y/n pov

After hearing Shigaraki command I walked in, the door closing with a bang behind me. I stood in front of All For One and Shigaraki waiting to see what they wanted to talk to me about.

"So as you know today is the day that we put the plan into action" All For One informed which I just nodded my head yes to.

"But there is a problem we have come across" stated All For One turning to face me.

"That problem is to do with you my dear daughter" exclaimed Shigaraki also turning to face me.

I'm a problem what do they mean by that?

I kept think of different things that could mean, I was worried but did show that to them I just kept up my blank dull state.

"You see my dear you could easily do things that we don't want you to do" exclaimed All For One, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You see in order to make sure this plan is a success you need to be younger in order for us to control you more easily" proclaimed Shigaraki.

"And to do that I need to use my de-ageing quirk on you on my dear" declared All For One before explain to me what the quirk was. After he was done explain I was shaking with fear. Shigaraki stood behind me holding by my neck with his pinky finger not touching me whist All For One stalked towards me slowly. Once he was in front of me his hand slowly reach towards my head whilst he started to speak again.

"Don't worry my dear it won't hurt ... not that much anyway" he chuckled before touching my head with his hand.

As soon as he touch my head pain started to flow all through my body. Shigaraki let go of my neck which made me crumple to the the floor. My body felt like is was getting squashed. I could feel my bones shrinking, I could hear ringing in my ears and I felt like I was on fire. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that it would help with the pain but it didn't. After about what felt like a hour of pain even though it was a minute the pain suddenly stopped. My body felt different from what I could tell. I definitely felt like i was small. I opened my eyes to see All For One and Shigaraki looking down at me, Shigaraki had a wicked smile on his face.

"It worked" Shigaraki chuckled evily whilst I struggle to my feet, it took me a few seconds but I managed to stand steadily on my feet. I then notice that I had indeed shrunk as I was much more shorted than before as I used to be up to Shigaraki upper half but now I was half way up to his legs.

Third pov

All For One put his hand on Y/n back and pushed her towards a mirror. She could now see how much she changed. Her face looked younger than before with still the same cuts and bruises as before, but they looked bigger now due to her face being a bit smaller. Her arm and legs were shorter and also liked her face had the same cuts and bruises but bigger. Her hair was still the same colour but now was longer in length as in now almost touched the floor. The girl now instead of being 11 years old was now a 4 year old. All For One and Shigaraki was please with the result as they now thought it would be easier to control and manipulate her.

Oh how wrong they are.

After Y/n transformation Shigaraki lead the girl back to her room before then going to get Kurogiri and explain the situation to him. After Shigaraki turn around and left, a very shocked and worried Kurogiri rushed to Y/n room only to be met with a now 4 year old version of the form 11 year old. Kurogiri hugged the young girl and kept muttering 'sorry' over and over again as he could believe the All For One would go this far and that Shigaraki would let this happen to his own flesh and blood. Toga and Dabi can to the room after eavesdropping on All For One and Shigaraki earlier. The three caring villains managed to find some clothes to put on her new small form but they were baggy with the t-shirt looking like a dress on her and the short sort of fitting her due to Toga managing to pin them up. After Dabi and Toga left Kurogiri checked the younger girl cuts and bruises over, the cut on her back looked much more bigger than before now the girl was smaller.

After leaving the small girl in her room Kurogiri, Toga and Dabi met up were they started to plan a way to help the girl get away. They end up coming up with a somewhat sort of a plan. Toga and Dabi packed a backpack with all the girls things that she had in her room that she owned. Toga gave the backpack to Kurogiri who put in a file that had all information about Y/n which included her background. He then let it hang in one of his warp gates ready for the plan. The three villains all joined the other villains in the main area where Shigaraki was also was waiting with Y/n by his side. He then commanded Kurogiri to use his warp gates which they all walked through ready for the fight ahead with all different thoughts in their heads.

Shigaraki thinks about finally ending the symbol of peace. The other villains thinking about how they can't wait to fight some heros. Kurogiri, Toga and Dabi hopping that Y/n will choose the right choice in order for their plan to work. Y/n thinking about what to do. Everyone hopping the fight will be over as soon as is starts especial Y/n who doesn't want to fight.

But little does Y/n know her fight is just beginning.

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3 years ago

he sees your wings for the first time

prompt:ย โ€œyouโ€™ve got wings?!โ€

pairing: keigo takami x readerย 

word count: 961

warnings: reader is kind of insecure over their wings, reader is gender neutral but keigo calls them babybird and angel like, once

genre: fluffย 

NOTE: iโ€™m just going to hide the fact that i fell off the side of the earth for a week, lol. to make up for it, soft hawks!!! this is inspired by a textpost i saw once AND im sorry itโ€™s kinda short!!

you werenโ€™t always this insecure over your wings

that was until you met hawks, at least

in comparison to his large, red wings, you felt like you had nothing to offer with your, white, still-large-but-not-as-large wingsย 

so you just decided to bind them back whenever you saw him, always wanting to impress him :(

you just felt like the wings would hold you back from that?? for some reasonย 

truth is, your mom was behind all of this, always telling you your wings werenโ€™t good enough as a childย 

which led you to be convinced that your wings made you less worthy than you are

every time before you hung out with hawks you used bandages to bind your wings back as well as you could and opted for baggy clothes, which just led hawks to assume you were quirkless

him thinking you were quirkless made him pick you up at random times and fly you up into the air,ย  and in those moments there was nothing you wanted more than to spread your own wings and fly with him

hawks always thought the reason for your baggy clothes was because you were insecure over your own body, so he didnโ€™t push it too muchย 

he did feel a bit sad when you refused to share moments of intimacy with him, simply because he thought you didnโ€™t feel comfortable with him lolย 

usually, hawks would visit you at 9pm in the evening at the earliest, work holding him back from coming any earlier, so as of now you were curled up in a make-shift nest you created out of a bunch of pillows and most importantly, hawkโ€™s hoodies, your wings sprawled out over the entirety of the bedย 

it smelled like him and it was so comfortable

too comfortable

way too comfortable.

so you fell asleep


you fell asleep in a nest, wings sprawled out.

and hawks just happened to get off work early

he was so excited because he hadnโ€™t gotten off work this early in months

he stopped by the store to buy some snacks or you too before flying over to your place, letting himself in using the key you gave him after there was no response from you when he knocked on the balconyย 

he placed all the snacks down, removing some of the outer layers of his hero costume before gently knocking on your bedroom door, moreso as a warning that heโ€™s about to come in other than to ask for your permission to enter

when he opened the door he had to take a double-take

he froze for like, 3 minutes

you were in a nest.

a nest that smelled like him.

and you had wings.ย 

after staring until he was sure he wasnโ€™t seeing things, he spokeย 

โ€œyouโ€™ve got wings?!โ€

you jumped awake, ironically proving his point when your wings fluttered and flapped, bringing you up into a seated position, eyes wideย 

your heart was thumping in your chest, not knowing what to say


heโ€™s going to hate me.

heโ€™s going to hate them.

he took a step closer and you finally managed to choke out a few words, still not completely awake after your nap

โ€œ-โ€™m sorry.. i was scared to show you-โ€

his brows furrowed and he sat beside you

โ€œwhat? whyโ€™d you be scared, babybird?โ€

your eyes moved to look at him, pupils dilating in a quick motion, a bird-like characteristic that he never paid any mind to

โ€œtheyโ€™re not as pretty as yours..โ€

his eyes widened and he let out a little snarl,

โ€œbelieve me, my breath was taken away when i saw you and your wings looking absolutely angelic, whyโ€™d you even think mine are prettier?

he subtly pulled you back down, hugging you

โ€œdunno, my mom always said theyโ€™re uglyโ€ you snuggled your face into his chest

he scoffed and started peppering your face with kisses

โ€œangel, iโ€™m sorry but your momโ€™s opinion is absolute bullshit. your wings are beautiful. didnโ€™t know i got myself a cute bird partner thereโ€ he chuckled

you blushed lightly, sitting upย โ€œso youโ€™re not angry at me for hiding it?โ€

he shook his headย โ€œof course not, i understand where youโ€™re coming from- now, you know i got snacks right? letโ€™s go watch movies!!โ€ he stood up, walking to the living room where your snacks were already waitingย 

you smiled to yourself, feeling like a huge boulder was taken off your shoulders before you followed, settling on the ground in front of himย โ€œwhat are we watching?โ€

โ€œmm, i was thinking tangled?โ€

nodding, you turned on the tv,ย โ€œi still canโ€™t believe the audacity eugene had to cut her hair that short- have some respect!โ€

he cackledย โ€œyouโ€™re still angry about that?โ€

his fingers found their way into the base of your feathers, your wing letting out a small shudder at that - he started separating the feathers, removing fluff from between them and tidying themย 

he wasnโ€™t even paying attention to what you were sayingย 

โ€œkeigo are y- are you preening me?!โ€

โ€œso what if i am...โ€ he muttered


hawks grabbed your cellphone, shooting you a smirkย 

your eyes were already going wide, confirming your fear when he stepped out of the balcony and yelled outย 

โ€œcatch me if you can!โ€ before taking off into the air

โ€œkeigo, if you drop it iโ€™ll kill you!โ€

you ran after him, your own wings spreading and flapping, chasing him in the air

you were both laughing the entire time, hawks more often than not letting your phone go only to catch it a second later, your heart dropping every single time

the next day the news were full of videos of the both of you playing around in the air.

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4 years ago

Yo you should do headcanons with Class 1-A or Bakusquad with an s/o or a friend whoโ€™s a emergency medical responder during missions but is really goofy and what they overall think, I havenโ€™t seen anyone request this before and actually was thinking about the medical field myself! Love your writing ๐Ÿ’œ

hey cato! i think that itโ€™s really cool that youโ€™re thinking about the medical field, especially with everything thatโ€™s going on right now.ย 

also, this prompt works really well for mha!

here you go:

the prohero!bakusquad being friends with an emr!goofy!reader


in the first few seconds he saw you in action, he thought that you were unprofessional

you tried making him laugh? on duty?

but you quickly proved him wrong

war flashbacks to you scolding his compressions and how they were too hard when adminstering cpr

since then, you've grown on him

he smirks whenever he sees you pull up in your van and throw him some catty remarks

despite the scowl he gives you when you crack a joke

he realizes how much effort you put into your work

you're just as much of a hero as he is

plus, you're more tolerable than the rest of his coworkers

then again, all of his coworkers are idiots

loves hearing you laugh

but if you confront him about it

he'll suddenly have to go back to his agency


she can't understand how you find your area of work so interesting

and how you can lecture her for hours on how to splint someone and not get bored

you did that once

she simply nodded every other minute

please never do that again

she appreciates the fact that you can do what you do so well

but you know what she appreciates more?

your jokes

which are much easier to understand than "medical thingies"

she finds them hilarious

she'll retell them to anyone that is willing to listen

the first time you met

you guys hit it off really well

but she forgot to give you her phone number

big oopsies there

she had to ask around for weeks

was totally worth it though


likes you

a lot

a lot a lot

thinks you are the smartest person in the world

are we gonna forget about einstein

yes we are apparently

also thinks that you can bring people back from the dead

kaminari is going a bit too far with this one

he laughs at all your jokes

and will tell a few of his own

but not if you're in the middle of something

he knows that you need to focus for your work


kami would go to the ends of the earth to see you smile

he's not going braindead though

the one time he did that for you

he forgot that he was still on patrol duty

you had to shock him with your aed more than a few times


you guys have a secret handshake

friendship goals

it started off as a high five

and then it spiraled into a 30-second sequence

you will not talk to each other until youโ€™ve done the handshake

he needs to be in the mood to deal with your goofiness

so don't feel down when he doesn't laugh at one of your jokes

he's probably had a rough day

but when he's in a good mood

he'll chuckle and ask for another

on a couple occasions, he's texted you medical questions in the middle of the night

most of which you are not qualified to answer

"can i use cpr on giraffes?"

"do i look like a veterinarian?"

"is that a no?"

"i can't with you."


unlike mina

he would be willing to sit through one of your splint presentations

your splintations?

your splintsentations?

i think he'd actually be ecstatic to listen

maybe even take some notes while he's at it

he says that

โ€œi want to spend all the time i have with youโ€

"it'll come in handy in the field"

and it has

he's actually assisted you before

kiri's the kind of person who will send you a meme at 3am because he thinks you'll get a kick out of it

if you like getting your beauty sleep

he will apologize profusely in the morning

in the actual morning

when you're awake

and not half-asleep


she already has a bit of medical knowledge

so she likes checking information against you

like kiri, she's able to assist you in the field

there have been multiple times where you've asked her to monitor someone's pulse

and by using her quirk, she's able to hear it lots better

loves feeling useful

she'll smile at your jokes when she's on duty

she won't make any of her own though

she'd rather save that for a time that doesn't require any of her focus

d e d i c a t i o n

just make sure to brace yourself for infinite teasing when she's off duty

"that joke that you made earlier though, i-"

cue her bursting into a full-blown laughter

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2 years ago

(in)correct Bnha quotes Pt.2 +:-:+:-:+:-:+:-:+: unstable villains

(in)correct Bnha Quotes Pt.2+:-:+:-:+:-:+:-:+:unstable Villains

*at the hide out* Himiko : What cosmetic surgery would you do? Dabi: Totally my ass Himiko: For real? Dabi: yeah --silence-- Reader: Bitch , this face and body- and your ass is your biggest problem? ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผˆใƒป๏ผกใƒป๏ผ‰๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ Tomura: I have an ugly day Dabi: More like a ugly lifetime ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผˆใƒป๏ผกใƒป๏ผ‰๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ Magne: do you remember when you had that painful pussy cyst? Himiko: That was Herpes ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผˆใƒป๏ผกใƒป๏ผ‰๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ Twice: Did any of you have a pet or anything? Dabi: I had a lizard that I burned (Spinner shrieking in the background) Tomura: I turned my dog into dust Reader: I have a living chicken tho *pointing at Hawks*

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2 years ago

(in)correct bnha quotes Pt. 7 (เธ‡รฒโ–ฝรณ)เธงโ‰กเผ„เผ…เผ„.เผ….

(in)correct Bnha Quotes Pt. 7()..

Mitsuki: You are not a mistake Katsuki: โ˜บ๏ธ Mitsuki: You are a regret Katsuki: ๐Ÿ˜‘ โ—ยดI`โ—ยดI`โ—ยดIโ— Todoroki: What is wrong with you?! Midoriya: Ask what's right and the list would be a lot shorter๐Ÿฅฑ โ—ยดI`โ—ยดI`โ—ยดIโ— Reader: look at my new bathbomb! Kirishima: That's a toaster๐Ÿ˜€ Reader: .... Kirishima: Honey, are you alright? Reader, sobbing: Nah โ—ยดI`โ—ยดI`โ—ยดIโ— Reader munching on Todorokis Soba: nomnom Todoroki: Whatยดs in your mouth?๐Ÿคจ Reader: ....... your dads di- Todoroki: Choke on it you thief!๐Ÿ˜’ โ—ยดI`โ—ยดI`โ—ยดI`โ—

Kaminari: I love youโ˜บ๏ธ Jirou: I could see that๐Ÿ’… As you should๐Ÿ‘ธ

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1 year ago
Lucky Winner
Lucky Winner
Lucky Winner

lucky winner

users: piercer!bakugou x afab!fem!reader x tattoo artist!kirishima

internal warnings: descriptions of needles/tattoos/piercings as they occur, long fic, wow there's plot in this!, consensual threeway, established krbk, oral (m and f!receiving), piv, spit, size kink, light dacryphilia, spitroasting, inaccurate positioning, ask to tag

internal notes: three way won the poll so i went ham. my fault og. final word count somehow came to 5.2k ish.

new notifications: @kaedescara

Lucky Winner

you stared blankly at the notification on your phone, wide-eyed and jaw agape. you blinked slowly, rubbed a hand down your face, and then clicked your phone off and back on again. the screen lit back up to your screensaver and the single notification that sat covering it. โ€˜@sincitytattoojp tagged you in their story! check it out!โ€™

you looked up from your phone to your friend, who you now realized was calling your name and snapping her fingers. โ€œuh, hello? earth to y/n? whatโ€™s going on? did your ex message you or something?โ€

โ€œi think i won something.โ€ you mumbled, turning your phone to show your friend. she furrowed her brows together and took your phone from your hand, studying the notification before cracking a grin.ย 

โ€œis this that tattoo parlor in tokyo that you keep talking about hypothetically going to?โ€ she laughed as she punched in your passcode and opened up instagram, pressing on the icon to the parlorโ€™s instagram story.

you were quick to snatch your phone back to watch the story yourself, raising the volume on your phone to hear it. it was a video of someoneโ€™s hand reaching into a very full fishbowl of printed instagram handles, pulling out a tiny piece of paper and unfolding it to reveal your instagram username. the caption read in big red lettering, โ€œcongrats to @[y/n] for winning the human canvas raffle. reply to this post by midnight to schedule your slot.โ€

you swallowed thickly and looked up at your friend. โ€œi won the fucking raffle. i won the nine hour session.โ€

your friend sucked in a breath before laughing and lifting her glass to you. โ€œgodspeed, soldier.โ€

you looked back down at your phone and clicked back to rewatch your name be pulled from the bowl. you had entered the contest on a whim โ€“ you hadnโ€™t expected to win. you had reposted the parlorโ€™s picture and tagged your three closest friends to enter a bid into becoming a human canvas for a day, i.e. getting tattooed and pierced until you tapped out. the parlor owners couldnโ€™t seem to decide on whether to call it the human canvas contest or the no mercy challenge, not that it mattered. both fit the bill to describe what you had just won.

you swiped up on the story.

you: i dont know whether to be terrified or excited.

@sincitytattoojp: both, sweetheart. sign this and get it back to us [1 attachment]

Lucky Winner

you had gone through an extensive back and forth that night, printing and signing and scanning different waivers and papers to ensure that you would be able to handle an entire day of sitting in a chair getting poked and prodded with needles and getting art permanently printed on your skin forever. you were grateful that they took so much precaution in ensuring you were well aware of the situation you were putting yourself in, and getting ample consent confirmed ahead of time. you already felt comfortable as you stepped off the train in tokyo and started towards the shop.

sin city tattoo and body art. the small tattoo shop had garnered a massive following around the globe for the gorgeous work that consistently poured from the studio. the artists had never shown their faces on their page, but it was clearly just a two man show. sometimes one of them would film the other doing their newest piece on a client they handpicked from the waiting list, and it was clear that the two were a little more than close friends.ย 

you trusted their work. you were a new client, obviously, but after following their page for over a year, you knew you would be okay with going through with this. you were justโ€ฆ inexperienced. you had a tiny tattoo of a butterfly on your ankle and your ears double pierced in the lobes, but that was it.

you rounded the corner and saw the neon sign over the glass doors to the shop, the shutters pulled down. you took a deep breath and tried the door, mildly surprised that it opened up. a tiny bell chimed over your head as you stepped inside.

the shop was small, but it was clean. absolutely pristine. for a tattoo shop called sin city, you were expecting a bit more of a grunge theme, not exactly the creamy white walls littered with black picture frames of flash art available for purchase, a tall cabinet filled with various jewelry for fresh piercings, plants in the corners surrounding two chairs that were supposedly for a waiting area. there was a tall partition behind the front desk, and the shop stretched backward, most likely leading to a tattoo chair and then a piercing table, respectively.ย 

you stood awkwardly by the front door, gripping your bag in front of you. you had brought a few little snacks and some water in preparation for being there all day. you shuffled your feet as you heard footsteps coming up from the back of the shop, and suddenly you were reconsidering your outfit choice. you had tried to be helpful by going with a tight spaghetti strap tank top and a high riding skirt, knowing that you would probably need to shuffle clothes around during the course of the day.

your thoughts got clogged almost immediately when a brick wall of a man rounded the partition, scratching the back of his neck and staring down at you with big red eyes that looked curious, almost playful. he had to have been at least six-five, looming over you with broad shoulders and bulky arms that were covered in tattoos that went all the way down to his knuckles. his red hair was tied half-up half-down, the black roots at his forehead showing through.

you gaped at him like a fish out of water, face starting to feel warm as he glanced you up and down, and then smiled, revealing a wide set of sharp sharklike teeth. โ€œaye, kats! i think sheโ€™s here!โ€ he called over his shoulder before stepping behind the front desk. โ€œyouโ€™re our pretty contest winner, right?โ€


โ€œmy nameโ€™s eijirou kirishima. iโ€™m the main tattoo guy here.โ€ he grinned at you, boyish and peppy, and it stifled your nerves somewhat as you returned the smile, but you were flustered beyond belief. you had seen the videos of him tattooing, you knew at least that his hands were big, but not the rest of him.

โ€œah, yeah, hi. iโ€™m y/n. itโ€™s nice to see your fsce for once.โ€ you giggled nervously, and he laughed and nodded.

โ€œyeah, weโ€™re not all about showing who we are online. the page got too big, tokyoโ€™s a big place, we donโ€™t want the extra attention, yknow?โ€ he smiled warmly at you as he bent down and shuffled through some paperwork under the desk, pulling it out and gesturing for you to come closer. โ€œi know we already got a lot of your stuff online, but this is the last waiver. pretty much a final agreement that we get to do whatever we want to your body until you either tap out, or the clock hits six, whichever comes first.โ€ย 

you made a little squeaking noise at his phrasing, glancing at his face as he just continued to smile. he fumbled around for a pen and held it out to you, and you reached to take it, but he snatched it back and leaned across the desk. โ€œjust so you know, you can say stop at any time. weโ€™re not forcing you to be here. if you say no to an idea, we wonโ€™t do it. stuff like that. okay?โ€

you blinked at him. he seemed so genuine, really making sure he was thorough in his explanations of the paperwork and of your position in this. it helped you take a deep breath and nod. โ€œi know. iโ€™m all good.โ€

โ€œawesome. you seem like a real trooper.โ€ he chuckled in a deep, rumbly voice, and finally held the pen back out to you.ย 

you took it, your soft fingers brushing over his rough skin and making you feel like your hand was alight in flames. you signed your name at the bottom of the form, dated it, and slid it back across the desk to kirishima. he just grinned at you and shoved the paper into the desk again.

โ€œbakugou! come on, man! sheโ€™s all good!โ€ kirishima leaned his head around the partition, and you jumped slightly when the familiar voice of kirishimaโ€™s partner sounded from the back of the shop.

โ€œi fucking heard you the first time, iโ€™m not fucking deaf!โ€

โ€œwell, just hurry up!โ€ kirishima laughed and turned back to you. โ€œsorry, heโ€™s a real stickler for making sure his spot is all clean. iโ€™m clean, but heโ€™s a neat freak.โ€

โ€œwhoโ€™re you calling a neat freak, red?โ€ a slightly shorter man stepped out from down the hallway, and again you felt your breath catch in your throat.

he was still tall, but far more intimidating in his black wife beater and jeans. he took off his mask that had been covering the lower half of his face, revealing a nose piercing and snake bites around plush lips. his fluffy blonde hair was standing up in all the right places, piercing red eyes looking your form up and down as he cracked his knuckles. his arms were littered patchwork-style, much different than kirishimaโ€™s full sleeves, and he clearly liked to hit the gym seven days a week.

you gulped and shifted your weight as bakugouโ€™s eyes drifted over you. โ€œnameโ€™s katsuki bakugou. youโ€™ve already met red. didya sign the form?โ€

โ€œuh, yes. all of the forms.โ€

โ€œgreat.โ€ his eyes locked on yours. clearly, this guy was all about professionalism and business, at least while he was on the clock. then he turned his head to kirishima. โ€œso, where did you want to start her?โ€

Lucky Winner

you found yourself laid down on your chest, head turned to the side to stare at bakugouโ€™s back as he organized something off to the side. music was playing, but you could hardly hear it over the buzzing of the tattoo gun and the weight of kirishimaโ€™s hand on your back.

you chewed on your lip as you felt the needle trace over the skin of your lower back, occasionally lifting to get more ink, only to return and start the ministrations over again. it wasnโ€™t an easy spot to get ink done; tramp stamps were adorable and sexy, but the skin on that part of a personโ€™s back is notoriously thin. despite this, however, you always found the pain to beโ€ฆ enjoyable.ย 

you felt kirishimaโ€™s free hand slide over to the middle of your back, splaying out, applying some pressure to get a better angle as he leaned over you. if he wasnโ€™t wearing a mask, you would be able to feel his warm breaths fanning out against your sensitive skin. your eyes fluttered and you did your best not to move as your neurons fired over the sheer size of his hand against your back. splayed out like that, his fingertips were on one side and the heel of his hand almost felt like it was on the other. perhaps your perception was being warped on account of the buzzing needle poking your back, but you couldnโ€™t be entirely sure.

kirishima added more pressure even as the needle lifted away from your skin, pushing you down into the bed, making you squeak softly. bakugouโ€™s head turned briefly to you, glinting in the white overhead lighting almost devilishly, before turning away again.

โ€œso,โ€ kirishimaโ€™s low voice made you flinch slightly, having been entranced by the weight of him looming over your form, โ€œi donโ€™t really see any ink on you. is this your first time?โ€ you heard him chuckle into his mask as he waited for you to relax again, his thumb rubbing circles into your skin to calm you down, before pressing the needle down again. โ€œsorry, didnโ€™t mean to scare you, hun.โ€

you felt like some kind of high schooler talking about her virginity. โ€œitโ€™s- itโ€™s fine. no, itโ€™s not my first, but itโ€™s my first big one. iโ€™ve got a little one on my ankle.โ€

โ€œyour ankle?โ€ he repeated, still pressing the needle to your skin and definitely coloring a shape in. โ€œwho did that for you? wasnโ€™t us.โ€

โ€œright, yeah.โ€ you giggled slightly, really trying not to move as you wiggled the foot that held the little tattoo. โ€œjust an old friend who was an apprentice somewhere else.โ€

โ€œankleโ€™s a rough place for a first tattoo,โ€ grumbled bakugou, finally turning towards you and sitting down in a chair a little ways away, manspreading in your peripheral. โ€œhowโ€™d you sit for that?โ€

โ€œit hurt, but i liked it.โ€ you mumbled back honestly, glancing back when you felt kirishima put the tattoo gun down and reach with a gloved hand towards your ankle, bending your leg at the knee to study the work.

โ€œhm. itโ€™s real cute on you, but i wouldโ€™ve done it a little different.โ€ his thumb brushed over the tattoo, over the thin skin of your ankle, sending a spike of heat through your body. โ€œi could touch it up later.โ€ he guided your leg back down and brushed his hand over the back of your thigh briefly before picking his tattoo gun back up and reapplying that heavy pressure to your back again.

โ€œyeah, okayโ€ฆโ€ you murmured breathily, feeling small underneath kirishimaโ€™s weight and the power of bakugouโ€™s gaze where he was staring at you, at kirishima, at how kirishimaโ€™s hands left indents in your skin as he worked.

your mouth felt like it was full of cotton, your head feeling like all the blood had drained from it and gone south. you shouldnโ€™t be thinking like this, feeling like this, not while effectively getting stabbed thousands of times per minute.

bakugou hummed as he stood up again to get within your line of sight. โ€œyou said you liked the pain, huh? you one of those weird people that gets a high off of getting ink done?โ€

you felt your face burst with heat, unable to move as you opened your mouth and stammered. kirishima chuckled behind his mask.

โ€œdonโ€™t tease, kats.โ€

โ€œโ€˜m not teasinโ€™. i was just sayinโ€™ that i agree with her.โ€ bakugou smirked at you before stepping around the wall to go get a water from the fridge.

kirishimaโ€™s free hand slid from your middle back to just above your ass, his thumb rubbing into the fabric of your tight skirt as he worked.

โ€œyouโ€™re sitting really well for this, doll. โ€˜m proud. probably one of my favorite things to do is back tattoos. especially these.โ€

you hummed softly in the back of your throat, probably mumbling a thank you that just made him laugh again.

you didnโ€™t say anything when his free hand squeezed your ass as he leaned back to get more ink in the gun.

Lucky Winner

kirishima had spread the second skin across your pretty new tramp stamp with precision, making sure it wouldnโ€™t wrinkle or peel away until your tattoo was healed. you were given a snack of chips and a bottle of water to recuperate while bakugou prepped his area, pulling on a mask and snapping black latex gloves over his hands. โ€œso, how ya feelinโ€™?โ€

โ€œgood,โ€ you took a breath as you capped your water, sitting quietly on the tattoo bench and waiting to move to the piercing table. โ€œready to move on, i guess.โ€

โ€œhope you donโ€™t mind, but i took some photos when red was doing you.โ€ he glanced over his shoulder, and you smiled and waved it off.

โ€œi donโ€™t mind at all. my friend didnโ€™t believe me when i said i was actually gonna come.โ€

โ€œthat so?โ€ bakugou cocked a brow, his mouth hidden behind the black mask. โ€œanyway, whatโ€™re you thinking for this next bit? industrial? nose?โ€

โ€œah.โ€ you shifted on the bench, glancing away from him as kirishima rounded the corner. โ€œi was, uh. i was thinking i could get myโ€ฆ i could get my nipples pierced first? get the worst ones out of the way?โ€

kirishima blinked once and immediately shot a look to bakugou, who made eye contact. it was like telepathy; there was a silent exchange between them before bakugou nodded and waved for you to step over. โ€œsure, whatever. itโ€™s definitely not the worst pain, though.โ€

โ€œreally?โ€ you stood on jelly legs and walked over to the piercing bench, sitting down in front of bakugou, who pulled a chair over to sit.

โ€œmhm. worst i would say for a girl is the clitoral hood.โ€

you flushed and shook your head. โ€œno thanks. i think iโ€™ll stick to this for now.โ€

โ€œokay.โ€ bakugou sat back in his chair, staring at you. you stared back, tilting your head. bakugou furrowed his brows and clicked his tongue, making an โ€˜upโ€™ motion with two fingers. only then did it click that you needed to take your shirt off.

you looked around as you started to tug your tank top up, looking over at kirishima, who was leaning against the wall with fascination. โ€œah, sorry! if you really want, i can leave.โ€

โ€œno! no, itโ€™s fine.โ€ you shook your head, and finally got the courage to lift your tank top up and over your head. in preparation for this, you had simply forgone your bra in the morning.

you were left in just your skirt and panties, essentially. kirishima hummed low in his throat, earning him a glare from bakugou. you felt like you were on fire when bakugou reached a hand out to your shoulder. โ€œlay back. slow.โ€

you shuddered under his grasp and laid back on the table, bringing your feet up and bending your knees to be a little more comfortable. your nipples pebbled and hardened from the cold air of the parlor.

bakugou studied your tits with an intense gaze, clearly focused on his job in a way that kirishima was not. where kirishima was flirty, groping and grabbing, bakugou was cold and practiced.

โ€œso this is gonna go something like this. one of these is gonna hurt more than the other. when i tell you, you gotta breathe in, and then breathe out all at once. itโ€™ll make the pain a little easier to handle.โ€


โ€œiโ€™ll be quick, but we gotta do one at a time.โ€ he grabbed a skin safe marker and finally his hands reached for one of your tits, rubbing his thumb into the skin as he marked where the needle would enter and exit. you felt like you were shaking, being grabbed and examined in such a professional manner.

โ€œyou canโ€™t have any fuckinโ€™ saliva or jizz or whatever touch these till theyโ€™re fully healed, you got that?โ€

you squeaked, almost jumping in surprise at his words, before laughing and shaking your head. โ€œno worries there.โ€

โ€œyou sure?โ€ bakugou tilted his head, eyebrow raised, and kirishima laughed as he walked over towards the bench.

you didnโ€™t get a chance to answer bakugou, because kirishima was by your head, offering his massive hand to you. โ€œyou can squeeze my hand so you donโ€™t pass out.โ€

you looked up at him through your lashes, squirming on the bench as bakugou squeezed your tit. you didnโ€™t answer, just reaching your hand up to hold onto kirishimaโ€™s. his hand was large, warm, and so rough. you wanted to feel his-

โ€œalright sugar. take a deep breath in for me.โ€

you sucked in a breath through your teeth, and then suddenly a white hot pain shot through your body, something never experienced before. your vision whited out and you may or may not have cried out and dug your nails into kiriโ€™s hand, gripping it tightly.

your head swam as you were encouraged to breathe, and then to breathe in again as the wide bar was slipped through the new piercing. you yelped and jerked on the table, making bakugou put his gloved hand flat between your tits to try and ground you. โ€œrelax, brat. stay fucking still. gotta get this stupid ball on.โ€

โ€œaw, sheโ€™s cryinโ€™.โ€ kiri chuckled and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. your cheeks did feel wet as the pain subsided slowly. you whimpered as bakugou leaned away from you and reached to grab another needle package and the second bar.

โ€œone more, drama queen. you can do it. just one more.โ€

โ€œalready?โ€ you whined, shaking your head at him as he scooted his chair closer to get a better angle on your other nipple.

you did not get a chance to beg for mercy. โ€œbreathe in deep, good fuckinโ€™ girl.โ€

you screamed this time. bakugou had been right, one hurt more than the other. your head felt so light all of a sudden, your vision blurring as you gripped kirishimaโ€™s hand like a vice and shook. your breath punched out of you when the bar was pushed through and the little ball at the end was screwed on.

you stared up at the ceiling and tried to get your bearings as kirishima let go of your hand to pet your hair and keep it away from your tears. โ€œyou did it, pretty girl. you got it. just breathe. did such a great job, yeah?โ€

you gathered your thoughts together as you listened to bakugou get up and take his gloves and his mask off, tossing them away, ever the professional. he walked back over to where you were laying and held up a mirror over you to show you your new jewelry. the sight made the pain worth it; your nipples, perky and red and hard, glittering with bars pushed through.

โ€œwhat do ya think?โ€ bakugou cocked his head at you, and you let out a deep breath.

โ€œthey lookโ€ฆ really nice.โ€

โ€œreally sexy, more like.โ€ kirishima chuckled over you as he openly ogled your chest.

you made a noise of surprise, which was immediately followed by your voice getting caught in your throat when bakugouโ€™s free hand moved to start rubbing up and down your thigh. โ€œyou okay?โ€


โ€œyou need a break?โ€

โ€œi think so.โ€

bakugou nodded and looked to kirishima, who broke into a grin and bent over you just a little, his voice dropping an octave. โ€œletโ€™s take a nice long break, then, huh doll? you think you might wanna relax a bit with us? take your mind off the pain?โ€

โ€œwhat?โ€ you shifted to sit up on your elbows, wincing from the pain in your chest, looking between them.

kirishima laughed, โ€œcome on, doll. i know you didnโ€™t come in here wearing just that tiny skirt for nothinโ€™.โ€

โ€œyou can say no.โ€ bakugouโ€™s hand moved off your thigh, clearly the more level headed of the two. โ€œweโ€™ll take a break and come back in a half hour to keep going-โ€œ

โ€œwait.โ€ you flushed and put up a hand to make him shut up, glancing between them. โ€œyouโ€™re not- together?โ€

โ€œwell, yeah, fucking obviously we are,โ€ bakugou rolled his eyes at you while kiri chuckled, โ€œbut if we see a hot chick, weโ€™re not gonna say no.โ€

โ€œtrue.โ€ kiri was practically purring.

they were standing over you, broad shoulders and tattooed hands and muscle, red eyes honed in on your shirtless form, and for some reason you allowed your inhibitions to fall away.

you took a deep breath and pouted. โ€œjust donโ€™t make me get an infection on my new piercings.โ€

โ€œnever.โ€ bakugou cracked his first real grin, foxlike and dirty, already moving back down towards your legs to start pushing your knees apart. you sat up a bit more, onto your hands, sucking in a breath when the bench dipped under bakugouโ€™s added weight as he pushed your knees far apart and revealed your plain cotton panties with an obvious wet spot in the crotch, your pussy throbbing with the realization.

bakugou hummed as he slid rough fingertips down the insides of your thighs. โ€œlook at that shit, red. sheโ€™s already soaked. got this pretty pussy all needy even after pokinโ€™ her.โ€

โ€œfigured as much. she was all spaced out during her tat.โ€ kiriโ€™s meaty hand slipped around the column of your throat, practically engulfing it in one palm as he turned your head to make you look up at him.

you gasped, and kirishimaโ€™s mouth came crashing down onto yours; he had to practically crouch to get even close to you where you were sitting. your hands flew up to his hair, body twisting slightly as bakugou started to work his fingers along your hips to further push your skirt up around them.

you felt yourself start to whimper as bakugou pushed your panties to the side and slipped two fingers through your wet folds. you shook and moaned as his fingers skillfully rubbed slow circles into your clit, making your hips jerk.

kiri laughed against your lips and squeezed his hand slightly around the column of your throat, pulling away from your mouth to look at your dazed expression. โ€œlay back, doll.โ€

he guided you back to lay on the bench again, letting go of your throat only for a moment to start unbuckling his belt. โ€œkats, iโ€™m takinโ€™ her mouth first, mkay?โ€

โ€œhm?โ€ bakugou glanced up from where he was licking his lips, about to press his nose to your pussy. โ€œoh, yeah sure whatever. iโ€™m getting a taste first.โ€

โ€œsomeoneโ€™s got an oral fixation.โ€

โ€œshut the fuck up, you red-haired loser.โ€

you felt yourself start to giggle at their interactions, but suddenly there were lips wrapped tightly around your cliff and a fat cock hanging over your face, drooling with pre.

you swallowed as your mouth practically started to water. your head was spinning as bakugou worked his tongue against your clit, a finger starting to push its way into your right, wet heat. you moaned and felt your eyes flutter, fingers curling into the sides of the piercing bench. โ€œah, i-i donโ€™t know if i can fit-โ€œ

โ€œshh. all you gotta do is swallow. can you try just the tip?โ€ kiri cocked his head at you, suddenly all puppy eyes as he stroked his cock to his boyfriend eating you out.

you whimpered and nodded. how could you say no? you ground your hips against bakugouโ€™s face as your lips parted, and kirishima pushed just the fat head of his cock past them with a low groan.

you felt full. bakugou started to push a second finger into your weeping hole, drool and your juices dripping down his chin and dotting the bench as he ate you out and found the spongy spot within you that made your back arch off the bench, knees attempting and failing to snap shut around his head. bakugou growled against your pussy, unhappy with you disturbing his meal.

you couldnโ€™t respond what with kirishima shallowly thrusting into your mouth, working inch after inch into you. you felt his heady tip hit the back of your throat as your head hung down over the edge of the bench, and you coughed and sputtered.

โ€œshh, careful, careful. breathe.โ€ his hand returned to your throat, feeling the way he slipped further and further in. his balls hung down in your face as he started to effectively fuck your throat, groaning when you whined around him.

you did your best to suck his cock, slobbering and drooling down your cheeks as your eyes rolled back when bakugou removed his mouth and rubbed circles into your clit with his thumb. โ€œshe tastes fuckinโ€™ good.โ€

โ€œyeah? yโ€™think so?โ€

โ€œyeah,โ€ bakugou breathed out, almost like an offering, and as he pulled his fingers out of your wet pussy, he shoved them directly into kirishimaโ€™s mouth.

kiri groaned loudly and sucked on bakugouโ€™s fingers with the eagerness of a dog, gripping your throat with one hand and bakugouโ€™s wrist in the other. he made sure bakugouโ€™s fingers were clean before letting go and rolling his hips against your face. โ€œshit.โ€

โ€œmhm.โ€ bakugou was panting as he hurriedly fussed with his jeans, shoving them down enough to get his cock free. it was difficult, positioning himself on the bench, but he made it work as he slapped his tip against your clit.

you cried out and gagged again on kirishimaโ€™s fat cock, gurgling pathetically while they both laughed at you.

โ€œpoor babydoll,โ€ bakugou hissed, pressing his tip to your entrance, โ€œshe can hardly breathe, eiji.โ€

โ€œsheโ€™s doinโ€™ a good fucking job. i can feel how deep i am in her throat.โ€

โ€œi can fuckinโ€™ see that.โ€ bakugou snapped right back before taking a deep breath and sinking so slowly into your pussy.

your walls fluttered around his cock as he sheathed himself inside you, one hand gripping your hip dangerously tight and the other reaching to grab for kirishimaโ€™s free hand. โ€œfuck, red, she feels so fucking tight.โ€

โ€œif- if you think her pussyโ€™s tight, wait till you feel her throat.โ€ kiri panted lowly as he grabbed his boyfriendโ€™s hand over you.

you felt like an object, a plaything, lightheaded and so, so full, almost screaming when they both started to fuck into you at once; they were slightly off pace, both focused on their own pleasure, chasing their highs and smothering you all the while.

kirishimaโ€™s hand slid from your throat to the middle of your chest, a compressing weight that left you truly breathless as his balls practically smacked into you. you did your best to try and suck his cock, really, you did, but it was so difficult when bakugou was bullying your pussy and making you shake and cry out.

kirishima was the first to falter, his hips starting to jerk erratically as your vision blurred from tears of pleasure. โ€œoh fuck yeah, fuck, โ€˜m gonna cum-โ€œ

โ€œalready? pathetic.โ€ bakugou snapped, only egging kirishima on and making him whine as he tossed his head back and came deep in your throat, making you gag and choke.

he didnโ€™t pull out until the thick, heady ropes of his cum were seated on your tongue, taking a step back to let his fat cock slap wetly against his thigh. it was clear, then, that his refractory period was short; he was already at half mast again as he watched bakugou fuck you into the bench, hiking one of your legs up around his waist to get deeper.

you cried out loudly, voice ragged and ruined as bakugouโ€™s thumb returned to your clit.

โ€œcome on pretty girl, lemme feel you cum around my fuckinโ€™ cock first. come on. i know youโ€™re close. i can feel ya squeezinโ€™ me in. shit, baby, fucking cum for me.โ€

your back arched off the table and your eyes rolled back as you came hard around his cock, your vision going white as you jerked and spasmed on the table. bakugou moaned and dropped his head forward, holding on until the last second when he could pull out and cum all over your twitching cunt, jerking himself off all the way. thick ropes of cum splattered against your skin and made you shiver, all parts of you sensitive.

kirishima, cock still out and hard again, stepped over to swipe his fingers through your pussy and get a taste of yours and bakugouโ€™s cum, groaning deep in his throat as he pressed an almost chaste kiss to bakugouโ€™s cheek. โ€œyou wanna fuck her throat next?โ€

โ€œfuck yes i do.โ€

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1 year ago

๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ฉ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐๐œ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ฌ

Kaminari Denki x reader x Ashido Mina

tags: gender neutral reader, polyamorous relationship, fluff

originally posted on my old blog in 2021


โ— Both Mina and Denki are bisexual, so your gender doesnโ€™t matter to them.

โ— It was your idea to get together. After the three of you started hanging out more, you fell for both of them.

โ— You asked them to hang out at an arcade, and while you were there, you asked them how they would feel if this was a date.

โ— Mina initiated the first kiss. She was so excited when you confessed to her and Denki that she kissed both of you.

โ— Nobody was that surprised when the three of you ended up together. People saw you with Mina first saying, โ€œOkay, that makes sense.โ€ Then they saw you with Denki and thought, โ€œThis also makes sense, but what happened to Mina?โ€

โ— Todoroki was the first person to notice but didnโ€™t say anything, mostly because he had no clue how to explain it.

โ— After the three of you explained what was happening, everyone joked that they should have seen that coming.

โ— The three of you have a group chat that is never silent. Your phone shut off once because it couldnโ€™t handle the amount of notifications you got.

โ— Denki offers to charge both your phones. If someone asks him to charge their phone, he asks you and Mina your battery percentage, saying that he โ€œneeds to take care of his babies first.โ€

โ— Both Denki and Mina thrive off of physical affection. They are clingy with you as well as each other.

โ— Cuddles are a must. Mina insists on having a cuddling session every night because it โ€œhelps her sleep.โ€

โ— You are sorely mistaken if you think you have even the slightest chance at a healthy sleep schedule. Denki never sleeps, and Mina bounces off other peopleโ€™s energy.

โ— Denki never shuts up about you two. Everyone knew that once he found someone, he would be annoying. But with two partners, itโ€™s doubled.

โ— Bakugo kicked him out of the Class 1A group chat on your six-month anniversary because he was โ€œtoo annoying.โ€

โ— The three of you have weekly study sessions, which is mostly you trying to force Mina and Denki to study.

โ— Denki was a little nervous the first time you and Mina had a solo date night. But he got over it as soon as the two of you came back and ran over to kiss his cheek.

โ— Jealousy is not an issue in your relationship. Sometimes, one of you will get insecure, but it never lasts long. It helps that the three of you prefer to do as many things together as you can.

โ— When the three of you go out, Denki sits across from you and Mina to โ€œsee his beautiful dates.โ€

โ— Most other times, Denki prefers to be seated in the middle. He likes holding both your hands, too.


thelegendofhowyoudisappeared 2021/2023

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9 months ago
your-minenow - yaachan


(โ โ˜ž๏พŸโ ใƒฎ๏พŸโ )โ โ˜ž helloo! (โ ๏ฝกโ โ€ขฬ€โ แด—โ -โ )โ โœง

you can call me yaachan! i'm 16 and a filipino-french, I'm not good at english I'll be it, but I'll try my best!

โ†’i write for all fandoms and js an ask away, i hope i can be well done with all requests and asks๐Ÿซถ

โ†’i dont write for oc's.. and most of what i write are blurbs and fanfictions of characters in fandoms

โ†’askbox and dms are always open, so don't be afraid to share anything!

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5 months ago
Guys I Really Need A MHA Story Where The Reader Is AFO's Daughter But AFO Doesn't Like Her. He Sends

Guys I really need a MHA story where the reader is AFO's daughter but AFO doesn't like her. He sends her on a mission to UA to try and use her to get information but then she realizes how bad he actually is and then like the UA staff finds out that she is AFO'S daughter.


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5 months ago
Thinking About Best Friend!denki

thinking aboutโ€ฆ best friend!denki

m. masterlist mha. masterlist

best friend!denki who was instantly smitten with you when he first saw you at the u.a. entrance exam, nearly running into eijirouโ€™s back since his focus was on you and not where he was walking.

best friend!denki who was determined to be your friend, basically following you around like a lost puppy everywhere you went.

best friend!denki who screamed into his pillow back in his shared dorm room with tenya when you agreed to be his friend, earning worried glances from shouto and izuku who were studying with tenya. (tenya had become accustomed to the yellow haired maleโ€™s antics, so he didnโ€™t bat an eyelash at his outburst.)

best friend!denki who was convinced he was dying when he noticed his heart would start beating faster, his hands got clammy, and his quirk started to run rampant whenever he merely caught sight of you. (eijirou nearly had a heart attack when denki came rushing into his dorm room he shared with izuku claiming he was dying, then earning a blast from katsuki who had a panicking izuku banging on his door.)

best friend!denki who became a nervous wreck (added to his previous problems) around you once mina made him realize he had a crush on you and wasnโ€™t dying. (he still feels like he is.)

best friend!denki who started to avoid you like the plague when he could, afraid that he would mess up and confess to you, or even accidentally hit you with his quirk. (he did it to eijirou, thankfully not around any teachers. though he did have to bribe tenya from going to aizawa and ratting him out.)

best friend!denki who wholeheartedly wanted to shock himself to death when you locked himself and you in an empty classroom to ask him why heโ€™s been avoiding you, if you had done something wrong.

best friend!denki who dropped to his knees in front of you while clasping his hands together in front of his chest, rambling about how you had done nothing wrong and it was all him. he was talking so fast you could hardly make out what he was even saying, until he said โ€œiโ€™m just in love with you and i have no idea how to control my nerves when iโ€™m around you.โ€

best friend!denki who looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar once he realized what he had said, your expression mirroring his own. he started to stutter out apologizes and tried to (key word: tried) get your attention off of what he had said by telling very embarrassing stories about hanta and eijirou. (of course you would later use that information against the two of them, even at the expense of your best friend.)

best friend!denki who convinced himself that your silence meant you didnโ€™t feel the same way about him, but when in reality it was because you couldnโ€™t believe he felt the same way about you.

best friend!denki who silently stood up and looked down at his hands as he picked at his skin, waiting for your inevitable rejection.

best friend!denki who nearly passed out when he felt your hands envelope his own, causing him to look up at you. he swore he did in fact die and went to heaven, because you looked nothing short of an angel.

best friend!denki who felt his quirk send small sparks across your guysโ€™ hands when you softly smiled at him, trying to pull his hands away while apologizing for zapping you; dumbfounded when you refused to let go of him.

best friend!denki who was sure god was testing him when you shyly looked to the side, a light hue of pink dusting your cheeks as you confessed that you felt the same way.

best friend!denki who didnโ€™t hesitate to lift you up with his arms tucked around your knees, smiling brightly as you giggled.

best friend!denki who was sure you were the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with when your eyes met, and all he could see was pure love and affection in them.

best-friend boyfriend!denki who didnโ€™t hesitate to take the blame as to why you two were in an empty classroom when tenya loudly knocked on the door.

boyfriend!denki who slapped mineta on the back of the head (and maybe zapped him in the process) when he tried insinuating that you and him were doing more than just talking in the classroom.

boyfriend!denki who would literally kiss the ground you walked on if you asked him to. (of course you would never, but the offer is always there.)

Thinking About Best Friend!denki

ยฉ sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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4 months ago
Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

shinsou as your boyfriend

m. masterlist mha. masterlist

boyfriend!shinsou who wouldnโ€™t hesitate to defend you if anyone decided to talk shit about you.

boyfriend!shinsou who would be a nervous wreck for the first year of your relationship, still trying to get used to the fact that you were his boyfriend.

boyfriend!shinsou whoโ€™s not the biggest fan of pda, but wouldnโ€™t bat an eye when slipping an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your hip after he noticed someone eyeing you too much for his liking.

boyfriend!shinsou who would always remember to tell you he loved you before bed (at least when you go to bed), knowing that you needed verbal affection more than anything.

boyfriend!shinsou who would make sure you two went on a date at least once a week during your free time, wanting to spend as much time together as possible. (earning teasing from eijirou once he caught wind of this, receiving a through scolding from tenya.)

boyfriend!shinsou who goes to aizawa for advice when it comes to your relationship, seeing as he was the only person he trusted enough to do so. (shouto is a close second, but he didnโ€™t want to take the chance that one of his nosey friends wouldnโ€™t hear.)

boyfriend!shinsou who got the relationship talk from aizawa about you, as if he was your dad instead of shinsouโ€™s.

boyfriend!shinsou who sneaks into your dorm room in the middle of the night when he canโ€™t sleep, finding that he has no trouble sleeping when heโ€™s in your arms. (cue scolding from tenya once he wakes up, seeing as he was your roommate.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is already planning your wedding 2 months into your relationship, along with how many cats you two will adopt when you move in together. (heโ€™s dead set on 4, he doesnโ€™t abide by the stupid rules of how many pets he can have.)

boyfriend!shinsou who pays diligent attention to your likes and interests, determined to make sure every gift that he gives you is top tier. (he could give you a rock for your birthday and you would be happy.)

boyfriend!shinsou who proudly tells people youโ€™re dating, not caring about how people wonder โ€œwhy you would date shinsou out of everyoneโ€. (he has to hold you back from plummeting them into the ground when you catch wind of their comments, much to your dismay. youโ€™d gladly get expelled from defending his honor.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is astronomically down bad for you, and isnโ€™t afraid to admit it.

Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

ยฉ sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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4 months ago

Ah yes.. mutuals taking my blurbs and it comes alive!

Yes, yes very good ใƒŸใƒฝ๏ผˆใ€‚๏ผž๏ผœ๏ผ‰ใƒŽ

Ah Yes.. Mutuals Taking My Blurbs And It Comes Alive!
Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

Hi there, my non-existent fans, I have came back from the dead (laziness) to make @kaged-kitty idea come to life. Shinso is my fav so obviously I had to write about him, headcanons werenโ€™t enough for me so here u go, a one-shot (or part 1, who knows ?) of Hitoshi Shinso x Glitch reader.

Side note, I loved scaring my friends by appearing behind them cause Iโ€™m short and they donโ€™t notice me, so I guess kitty stalked me or somethingโ€ฆ

(Haven't watched the anime this far but I have been spoiled so forgive me if I forget some details or get things wrong)

Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

It hasn't been the easiest experience, but Shinso was slowly and steadily transitioning into the hero course, getting acquainted with his classmates and putting extra effort in his training.ย 

One day, he was patiently waiting in class for Mr. Aizawa to finally come, when he saw you, zipping between the sea of students in the corridors before disappearing from his view with a bunch of pixels left floating behind.

Now Shinso didn't mean to stare, but man he was doing it in such an obvious manner that Izuku had to come and check if everything was alright. Who the hell stares so attentively at nothing ?

โ€œYeah, I'm okay justโ€ฆ There was a girl who used like a teleportation quirk or something ? She just passed.โ€

โ€œOh, you mean [Reader]. She's a transfer student from the US in class B. And she has a glitch quirk, kind of like teleportation, but from what I'm guessing it's more minimal and kind of like deteriorating reality in a sense.โ€

Now, Shinso was not the most social guy in the school, everyone knew that, but that didn't stop him from stealing glances at you whenever you appeared in his line of sight. You were from the US, so automatically you stood out like a sore thumb (Obviously you have blond hair and blue eyes because what else is a US citizen supposed to look like in an anime ? /j) but also he developed a certain interest towards you. He didn't know if it was because of your interesting quirk, or maybe because his heart rate speed up just a little every time he caught sight of you.

A little while after he developed his interest, he was talking to Izuku and some other classmates when you suddenly glitched in the middle of the conversation. He was so startled by your presence that he even jumped out of fear. Everyone else obviously laughed, who wouldn't after this type of reaction ? But Shinso couldn't understand your reaction. You had the biggest smirk on your face while looking at him, like you've accomplished something, and that annoyed him.

He still had that deep interest in you, but his days would be much better if you would just stop scaring him for no reason at any given moment of the day. Worst of it is how you acted so nonchalant about it, making small talk after you've almost given him a heart attack. You were confusing to him.

So obviously one day he decided that he had enough of it, and he wanted to confront you about your odd behaviour. The very next moment that he saw a pixel appear next to him, he turned around in time to grab you by the wrist and pushing you down on a bench near the two of you.

โ€œHey ! What the hell dude ?!โ€

โ€œI wanted to ask you the same thing. Tell me, do you get some twisted sense of pleasure when you scare me, or do you perhaps hate me ?โ€

He expected any type of answer to his question, but definitely not every reaction, and seeing you blush and avoid making eye contact caught him off guard.

โ€œI just wanted to befriend youโ€ฆโ€

He blinked a couple of times and looked at you like you just said the most dumb, awful and embarrassing joke that has ever come out of someone's mouth.

โ€œYou are weird, you know ?โ€ He said, stepping away from you.

You turned towards him to protest, but seeing the devilish grin on his face made you just stutter and then glitch away.


Hi There, My Non-existent Fans, I Have Came Back From The Dead (laziness) To Make @kaged-kitty Idea Come

Enjoyed ? Check out myย bnha masterlistย 

Wanna know what else I write ? Check out myย M. Masterlist

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4 months ago

โ€œAwh you guys look absolutely amazing!!โ€ Mina squeals at the sight of you and Izuku in yourโ€”finally completedโ€”couples costume.

What could you possibly be? Itโ€™s quite cute actually.

Izuku shifts his white hood as you thank Mina for the compliments. โ€œCan you guess what we are Mina?โ€ You grin, eyes squinting as your cheeks cover them with how big your smile is.

โ€œThose characters from Adventure Time, right?โ€

โ€œWe are Finn the human and Jake the dog!โ€ You say with such enthusiasm. You quickly link arms with your green haired boyfriend make him yelp and almost trip.

Izuku looks down at you, your face paint so simple, yet cute. Makes him all giddy inside!!

Awh You Guys Look Absolutely Amazing!! Mina Squeals At The Sight Of You And Izuku In Yourfinally Completedcouples

(Me and my boyfriend are actually going as Finn and Jake for Halloween Iโ€™m so excited >_< !!)


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4 months ago

So I just finished watching the episode where Katsuki heart is wounded and I will blow up actually!! Katsuki, pookie, come on honey wake up๐Ÿ™‚ wake up or Iโ€™ll cry and sob and blow up your house!!

Sweet cheeks youโ€™ll be okay I promise ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

(Iโ€™m actually just have a severe par-asocial relationship with animated characters, please come sedate me.)

So I Just Finished Watching The Episode Where Katsuki Heart Is Wounded And I Will Blow Up Actually!!


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7 months ago

I love you thank fyou for this ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŽ€



A/N: request for shigaraki with a reader who speaks multiple languages!

โฅ Heโ€™s genuinely in awe of you when you were recruited to the League. You became quite the asset in case they needed to speak to anyone overseas.

โฅ Heโ€™ll get this wide eyed look when you speak in one of them, he just canโ€™t himself when he catches himself staring which dabi of course likes to point out like an asshole.

โฅ Once you two start dating, he just canโ€™t get enough of you speaking in your other languages, he thinks you sound so pretty and cool.ย 

โฅ Loves when you speak to him in your other languages, even if he doesn't always tell you how much he loves it.

โฅ Demands when you say "I love you", to say it in each of the languages you know or else he's gonna be extra grumpy.

โฅ Wants you to teach him all sorts of swears and insults so he can say them to other people whether online or in person.

โฅ Secretly learns compliments in your other languages so he can randomly use them on you just so he can surprise you, he really does love that smile you get.

โฅ Lowkey thinks it's hot when you get pissy with him in other languages, he'll act irritated just to rile you up more so you yell at him more.

โฅ He just overall thinks itโ€™s very impressive since he really only knows some english, but itโ€™s really only the basics, swears, and other insults that heโ€™s learned through his gaming.

โฅ He SO brags about you to everyone. You truly are like the coolest person he knows, and he believes everyone else should too.

โฅ His favorite thing when it comes to your skills has to be when it comes to his online gaming. If someone is being an asshat and happens to speak one of your languages, he has you chew them out on his behalf.


You were peacefully chatting with Kurogiri about some stuff when your oh so grumpy boyfriend came storming into the bar area, headset around his neck and a pissed off look in his red, bloodshot eyes.

โ€œI need you, now.โ€ His tone held no room for argument as he grasps your wrist with his index finger raised as he drags you along with him to his bedroom while you apologetically wave to Kurogirii since your conversation was interrupted.

After all, when Tomura wants you, heโ€™s gonna get you whether you like it or not. Not that you ever complain, of course.

He shuts the door behind the two of you once you two enter, revealing his dim bedroom, the bright light coming from his computer screen being the only thing illuminating the messy room. Thatโ€™s when you realize heโ€™s playing League of Legends and you know exactly what he wants.

He slips his headset back on, clicking a button on his keyboard to enable the voice chat once again. โ€œWill you shut the fuck upโ€ฆ yeah Iโ€™m backโ€ฆ listen here fuckface my partner speaks English.โ€ With that, he slipped his headset off completely as he held it out to you expectantly. You already knew the drill at this point as you slipped on the headset.

Tomura watched you with that same look of awe as you went off on the person, pride swelling in his chest as you defended him and roasted whoever was giving him issues. No one ever stood up for him the way you do, getting mad at whoever on his behalf when they insult him.

He doesnโ€™t think he deserves you at all, but heโ€™s far too selfish to ever let you walk away.


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4 months ago

Hey, my little blood suckers, this account was supposed to be creepypasta only, but I'm thinking of writing for My Hero Academia too as it's my main Hyperfixation at the moment. If you have any requests, it'll be the same as the rules here. I have no specific character list currently, so request anyone up to season 5 as that is where I'm at :)

Dosen't have to be anything fancy either, just gimmie some ideas so I can write something (My life WILL be yours if you do)

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8 months ago

๐ป๐‘– ๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘’, ๐‘›๐‘ฆ ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘  ๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘โ„Ž ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐ผ'๐‘š ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘ค! ๐ด๐‘›๐‘‘ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’'๐‘  ๐‘Ž ๐‘“๐‘’๐‘ค ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘–๐‘›๐‘”๐‘  ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘š๐‘’ :)

 , ' ! ' :)

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 , ' ! ' :)

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5 months ago

Hey guys! So I started working on a dabi x reader and it's a hero x villian story so it should be released sometime this week!

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6 months ago

fandoms I will write for + characters

Fandoms I Will Write For + Characters




yumiko ( wlw )

gawain ( platonic ONLY )



tenya iida

izuku midorya

mina ashido ( wlw )

mei hatsume ( wlw )

shouta aizawa

ochako uraraka ( wlw )


armin arlert

eren yeager

sasha blouse ( wlw )

hange zoe


maka alburn ( wlw )

soul eater evans


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4 years ago

Bakugo x Reader: Confession

Summary: After Bakugoโ€™s mental breakdown with Midoriya outside the dorms, you take it upon yourself to get him to open up. Of course it isnโ€™t easy, but you two had known each other for years. Bakugo realises how he really feels and claims you as his own.

Rating: SFW

Genre: Fluff, angst, lime

Word Count: 4.7k

A/n: I love comfort fluff and tending to wound tropes... and I also used the headcanon that Bakugo needs hearing aids, so that is included in this fic. Iโ€™m also sorry about the slow updates... Iโ€™ll have some headcanons out for haikyuu in the new future so stay tuned!


The crisp night air flooded through the open windows as you held a warm drink in your chilly hands. A fluffy blank landed on your shoulders as Mina deposited them off to everyone. You shifted yourself to meet Minaโ€™s extraordinary eyes, nodding in thanks. Mina returned with a cheery smile of her own.

All the girls of 1A populated the couches, basking in the much needed warmth. A few boys sat amongst you, such as Kaminari, Kirishima, Ojiro, and Sero. Mineta desperately cried for help, wrapped in a cocoon of Seroโ€™s tape after a perverted comment directed at Momo. Todoroki did as he always did, awkwardly standing slightly adjacent to the lively group, a keen but kind eye flickering between classmates as they contributed to the conversation.

โ€œEveryone!โ€ Iida marched up to your group, โ€œLeaving the windows open in this weather is incredibly irresponsible! You will all get a cold!โ€ His rapidly chopping hands paused momentarily to hurriedly pull all the windows shut.

โ€œThanks, emergency exit!โ€ Kirishima waved at the class representative. A satisfied expression washed over Iidaโ€™s face.

You rolled your eyes, slightly smiling at them, before taking a prolonged sip of your warm beverage. Without spilling it, you pulled your legs up on the couch to cross them.

The class was happily celebrating a successful hero licensing exam. All but Bakugo and Todoroki. Hagakure and Momo had insisted they could join you too. It didnโ€™t surprise you that Todoroki showed up but Bakugo didnโ€™t, for one of them took it a lot worse than the other.

Bakugo was your childhood friend, knowing him since forever. There wasnโ€™t a time you didnโ€™t know each other, but not quite outdating him knowing Midoriya. You never really announced yourselves as โ€œfriendsโ€, per se. It more so happened by consistently interacting, never really introducing yourselves. One of those friendships that โ€œjust happenedโ€, neither of you remembering when you really met each other. Turns out, your mothers had been friends for years prior.

As you two grew older, and Bakugo became more and more like... himself, you did not condemn for anything he would say to Midoriya, being quirkless. Luckily, you happened to manifest a fairly powerful quirk, so he never judged you for it. He could never find himself to explode at you whenever you told him to back off. He may yell, but it never went further than petty insults. Of course, Mitsuki would have been appalled with him if he did. She definitely had a soft spot for you.

Once starting at UA, Bakugoโ€™s ego slowly but surely began to deflate. He began to obtain standards, something that surprised you plenty. You noticed how he acted around Kirishima. That was when you realised the difference between how he treated all his peers. He seemed to rank them - most worthy of his friendship and time to least. Upon witnessing Kirishima - someone pretty high in those โ€œranksโ€ - interact with him, you noticed the outside perspective. How nice he was to you and Kirishima, compared to people like Midoriya.

Eventually, you grew an odd feeling in your chest whenever he showed up to class. Top buttons undone and without a tie. Or when you caught a glimpse of his ember swirling eyes. Not to mention during training, rocking up in that hero costume of his.

You even began to play a little game. Testing him to see how long you could pester, order, or genuinely annoy him before he literally exploded at you. More and more of late, that time stretched. Unfortunately, your little experiment didnโ€™t go unnoticed. All the girls of 1A knew, questioning you about it. You passed it off as something you thought would be funny. Only Mina saw right through you. She knew you liked him and constantly teased you about it to no end. Midoriya and Kirishima were the only others to notice you pushing his buttons more than usual lately.

Urarakaโ€™s voice broke through your elaborate train of thought, โ€œY/N...โ€

โ€œYeah?โ€ You answered.

โ€œDo you have any idea where Deku is?โ€ Her voice trembled slightly, her cheeks going slightly pinker as she rubbed the back of her neck. She couldnโ€™t be more obvious about her crush on Midoriya, so you had nothing to worry about. โ€œHe hasnโ€™t come back since Bakugo said he wanted to talk to him. Iโ€™m kind of worried about him.โ€

A huff left your lips, โ€œIn all honesty, I am too. Thereโ€™s no telling what Bakugo wanted to talk to him about.โ€

โ€œHe might be seeking girl advice,โ€ Mina chimed in, sending a sly wink in your direction.

You immediately took a long sip of your drink, hoping the cup hid your slight blush as you furrowed your eyebrows at Mina.

โ€œI highly doubt it,โ€ Tsuyu placed a finger to her chin in thought, โ€œIโ€™m not sure that Bakugo would need that kind of advice. Especially not from Midoriya.โ€ Your gaze fell.

โ€œHe probably wants to kill him,โ€ Jirou shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip from her own drink.

Jirouโ€™s comment silenced the group of 1A girls. Only condescending sipping of drinks and the guys chattering filled your ears. Your attention left your drink to the sound of shuffling feet approaching. Bright yellow eyes met yours when the source of the shuffling feet sat beside you.

โ€œLadies,โ€ Kaminariโ€™s smooth voice wooed as he rested his arms on the back of the couch, โ€œWhatโ€™re you guys talking about?โ€

Dyed red hair, held up by a graphic bandana, flashed your peripheral vision as Kirishima took a seat next to you. He pouted slightly when you flashed him an almost sarcastic smile. The pout couldnโ€™t mask that he could see right through you. Worry for Bakugo plagued your mind. There was no doubt Midoriya had improved his ability to use his quirk. If Bakugo had indeed wanted to fight him, he definitely underestimated him.

โ€œIโ€™m sure heโ€™s just in bed, Y/N,โ€ Kirishima placed a hand on your shoulder, โ€œIt is way past eight-thirty.โ€

You stifled a small giggle, nodding at Kirishimaโ€™s words and mentally thanked him for his optimistic nature. You continued to sip your drink in silence, occasionally tuning in to Mina and Kaminariโ€™s chaotic conversation. Overall, you felt the homeliness of this family created through 1A. A homeliness soon to be destroyed.

A loud bang caused everyone to close their mouths, the worst case scenario filled your head. Luckily, when you followed it to its source, it came to a slammed door. An easy answer came to your mind; the wind. However, standing before the door stood Bakugo and Midoriya. Both definitely looking a bit rough around the edges. A gauze on each cheek, they looked defeated. They refused to reach each otherโ€™s eyes, or any other pair staring them.

You cautiously planted your cup on the coaster before you, as if you were afraid of agitating Bakugo, easily spotting the anger and emotion in his ruby eyes.

โ€œBakugo and Midoriya!โ€ Iida rushed over to them in a flash, his arms chopping up and down in anger, โ€œWhere on earth have you been? Why do you look like you just got into another brawl with some villains?โ€

โ€œShut the hell up, four-eyes,โ€ Bakugo snapped, grumbling to himself. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, before storming past the couches.

Before anyone could stop you, you leapt to your feet. Your drink left behind, you rushed after Bakugo. The blanket around your shoulders flowed behind you like a cape, you called out to the angry blond, โ€œBakugo!โ€

Bakugo ignored you, continuing up the stairs. Hurriedly, you sped up the stairs and overtook him.

Your body blocked his, โ€œBakugo, what the hell happened?โ€

His head continued to hang low, his blond hair falling to obscure his eyes from view as you desperately tried to meet them. Scratches, grazes and cuts littered his face and arms, some covered up with gauze. The two gauzes on his cheeks mirrored each other, lightly stained in blood. Dust and dirt smudged up his arms; his wounds werenโ€™t properly cleaned. His hands stuffed in his baggy sweatpants shook slightly, from both physical and emotional pain.

โ€œShut up, Y/N,โ€ Bakugoโ€™s wavering voice protested, failing at any attempted aggression, โ€œI donโ€™t need to tell you shit.โ€

You heaved in a shaky breath, โ€œTrue, but I want to know. I might be able to help you.โ€

โ€œYou canโ€™t help me,โ€ his voice raised, causing you to step back. You really wished you could see his eyes, to see what kind of pain he was in.

โ€œYou wonโ€™t know that until you tell me whatโ€™s wrong,โ€ you sighed, trying your best to stay calm and not snap back.

โ€œGet out of my way...โ€

Bakugo harshly barged his shoulder into yours, causing you to stumble to the side slightly. You stepped after him as he continued to his dorm, the most likely place you imagined he would storm off to. You caught up again, flinging an arm out in front of him. His warm, sweaty hand latched onto your forearm. Your heart skipped a beat, relishing the ironically soft touch.

However, the softness of his touch contradicted his tone, โ€œY/N, move... right now...โ€

โ€œBakugo!โ€ You cried, not afraid of the slightly startled boy before you.ย 

You didnโ€™t budge or flinch as you laced your fingers between the ones he gripped onto your forearm with. With a soft touch, you lifted his chin upwards to get a perfect view of his face.ย 

His cut up face held the softest expression you had ever seen. No crease sat between his eyebrows, grazes over his forehead. The gauzes taped to his cheeks hid the worst of his face injuries, letting a small amount of blood to seep through it. His eyes glistened with tears, about to be spilt. They stung red, from previous tears.

Katsuki Bakugo stood before you, with tears in his eyes.

The Katsuki Bakugo.

โ€œYou can tell me, you know,โ€ You hushed, once his bloodshot eyes met your sympathetic ones, โ€œIโ€™ve always been there for you, like when you got your hearing aids.โ€

One hand still holding his, you let the other one slip up to expose the small black device in his left ear. It wrapped around the back, resting behind his ear. A soft sympathetic smile graced your features, as Bakugo squeezed his eyes shut. He entered a vulnerable state, allowing you to wrap an arm around his lower neck and pull him into a hug.

โ€œPlease...โ€ You whispered, โ€œItโ€™s better if you let it all out.โ€

Bakugo awkwardly stepped out of the hug, slipping his hand out of your grip. His eyebrows creased again, squinting his eyes to hold back any tears. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and refused to meet your eyes again.

โ€œIโ€™m just fucking pissed!โ€ He raised his voice again, โ€œIโ€™m pissed at myself. At damn Deku! How did he become someone so damn special? And I didnโ€™t!? When I finally get fucking recognised for something... itโ€™s because Iย ended All Might! Why me?โ€

Your breath hitched. All of Bakugoโ€™s pain unloaded onto you. All Mightโ€™s end happened a small while ago. He held this guilt in for that long? No wonder he was angry. In a way, you felt privileged and relieved Bakugo opened up to you. You always tried to be there for him. You wished you could have been there earlier, to stop him ever feeling like this in the first place.

โ€œBakugo...โ€ You hushed his uneven breathing. It almost sounded like he was about to have a panic attack, โ€œYou couldnโ€™t have prevented it. No one knew that it was going to happen. The last person who should be blaming themselves is you.โ€

โ€œI could have done something! All I did was stand and watch. I left as soon as I saw you call out to me. Damn it!โ€

โ€œLook at me, Bakugo,โ€ digging into his pockets, you removed his hands from them and held them in your own, โ€œIf you didnโ€™t leave when I called you, not only All Might would have ended. You would have too. And I donโ€™t know what I would ever do if you did.โ€

A sharp inhale came from Bakugoโ€™s parted lips, before he trailed off, โ€œDa-damn it...โ€

โ€œI care about you, Baku,โ€ you let your thumbs run small uncoordinated circles on the back of his warm veiny hands. You couldnโ€™t force yourself to look into his eyes, afraid of how he would respond. โ€œI care more than you can ever imagine.โ€

โ€œI- I-, fuck...โ€ He couldnโ€™t form sentences, let alone words. You, of course, couldnโ€™t blame him. Not only because of his current emotional state, but you knew it would take a little bit more to get something so sincere out of Bakugo.

โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ you finally met his red eyes, trying to mask the glossiness of your own, โ€œItโ€™s okay if you donโ€™t return my feelings... I wonโ€™t take it too harshly.โ€

A small cocky grin slid its way onto Bakugoโ€™s disheartened features, โ€œWho said I didnโ€™t, baka.โ€

Little giggles left your mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck. A newfound sense of confidence filled you. Not only did you let the burden of your confession lift off your chest, but he reciprocated the feelings. You couldnโ€™t wait to tell Mina all about it.

โ€œNow...โ€ All sadness and sorrow had drained from Bakugo, a sudden huskiness melted off his words, โ€œLet me claim you as mine.โ€

โ€œWait, wha-โ€ Without warning, Bakugo cut you off by pushing you forward towards the elevator at the end of the corridor. A small laugh left you again upon witnessing the determination - no matter what it was for - return to Bakugo. The Katsuki Bakugo you knew and loved was back.

Without letting go of your wrist, Bakugo frantically pressed the elevator button, โ€œHurry up, you damn elevator!โ€

โ€œYelling at it want make it come faster, you know.โ€

โ€œShut up, Y/N.โ€

Once the elevator pinged, the doors slid open. Bakugo rushed you inside, turning around to watch as the doors slid shut again. No words were spoken, both of you urgently watching the elevator travel up to the level his dorm stood located in. You adjusted your hand in Bakugoโ€™s grip, only for him to squeeze your hand tighter. The small action caused a tiny smile to tug at your lips in satisfaction. Damn, it felt good to finally have him.

The travelling between the elevator and Bakugoโ€™s dorms happened so quickly it was all a blur. The only thing you knew was the sound of the door slamming behind you, before you were back up against the wall beside it.

Bakugoโ€™s rough, calloused hands pinned your wrists to your side. There was no time to protest before the gap between you two closed. Your lips roughly fought against his a loosing battle. His lips felt chapped but soft at the same time. The taste of nitroglycerin lingered between your lips, the smell of caramel wafting into your nostrils. His hands let go of your wrists, finding a new home firmly on your hips only to press you further against the wall. Hands now free, they rushed into his hair. Silky blond locks weaved in and out of your fingers before you ran them down his neck to grip his shoulders.

The tickling of his tongue on your bottom lip begged your lips open, allowing it to slip inside your mouth. You desperately fought against his rough movements, only to lose. He took complete dominance as he slipped a knee between your thighs and propped you even further up the wall. In retaliation, you wrapped your legs around his waist, so he supported your full weight. Your crotch shamelessly pressed against his lower abdomen.

A gasp left your mouth as his warm hands glided up your curves and beneath your shirt. Bakugoโ€™s skilled fingers ran patterns on the soft skin of your back, sending countless satisfied shivers up your spine. Your mouths continued to move in sink as his fingers slid along the skin just beneath your bra. The moan that escaped your mouth sent a wicked smirk onto Bakugoโ€™s lips. Without warning, Bakugoโ€™s lips left yours and attached to the soft skin of your jaw. You tilted your head to the side to give him more access to trail kisses down the curve of your neck. At the same time, one of his hands ran to the clasp of your bra. He fiddled with it, desperately trying to unclasp it before he gave up and detached his warm mouth from your neck.

โ€œDamn it,โ€ his warm moist breath tickled your neck, โ€œHow does this shitty thing work?โ€

You let a laugh leave your lips as you arched your back for your own hands to slip up your shirt. In an instant, you had detached it. The bra lacked straps, causing it to immediately drop to the floor.

A growl left Bakugo as he began sucking on the soft flesh of your neck. His warm, wet tongue pressed and flicked against it. The occasional sensation of his teeth grazing over your neck made a shiver slide up your spine. Bakugoโ€™s large hands travelled back to the front, fanning over you exposed breasts. They travelled over them until he lightly fondled them in his hand, squeezing gently. Your hands on his shoulders quickly gripped onto the fabric of his black tank top. One of his thumbs flicked over your hardened nipple, causing his name to fall from your mouth in a pleasurable moan.

Bakugo greedily grunted, whispering against your neck, โ€œYeah, I like that, Y/N...โ€

His tongue continued to trail over your skin, sucking and flicking until he pulled away. Your eyes fluttered open, leaning down to press your forehead against his. Slowly, Bakugoโ€™s hands trailed back down your sides and pulled out of your shirt. Your feet made it safely back down to the ground. When you attempted to meet Bakugoโ€™s eyes, you found them trailing over purple bruises covering your neck, continuing up to the start of your jaw.

โ€œNow youโ€™re mine,โ€ Bakugo brought you into a safe hug, letting you rest your head into the crevice of his neck. Your eyes squeezed shut again, delving yourself completely into his sent of caramel.

โ€œAs far as first kisses go,โ€ you teased, letting a cheeky grin slide onto your face, โ€œthat wasnโ€™t half bad.โ€

โ€œDamn well, it wasnโ€™t half bad!โ€ His voice lifted higher, a familiar angry tone taking over. An even bigger smile came to your face once you realised he had almost completely forgotten the predicament he was in previously. โ€œThat better have been the best kiss ever!โ€

A little string of laughs left you, โ€œYeah, yeah. It was the best. You got me there.โ€

The silence continued for a little longer, until Bakugo retreated out of the hug. He cleared his throat before turning away from you. You took the opportunity to rush to his mirror, observing the damage he had done. A dozen or so purple hickies littered across your neck. They travelled all the way to your jaw and almost your ears. It would take a lot of foundation to cover those up, you thought.

โ€œIโ€™m definitely yours, it seems,โ€ you turned to Bakugo, who only grunted, โ€œI almost look as beat up as you.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m fine,โ€ came his reply.

โ€œYou still need to clean those wounds and cover them up.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t need Recovery Girl.โ€

โ€œNo, we shouldnโ€™t bother Recovery Girl right now.ย Iโ€™d be happy to do it for you in the girls bathroom. Mr Aizawa is long gone, donโ€™t worry about him catching us.โ€

โ€œWhat about your annoying extras?โ€

โ€œIf any of the girls come in, Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll understand and make a pretty quick exit. I promise.โ€

Bakugo huffed in reply as you tilted your head in the direction of the door. You made your way to the door. As you reached out for the door handle, a bundle of black was thrown at you.

โ€œCover up, damn it,โ€ Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets and joined you by the door, โ€œYou donโ€™t even have a bra on.โ€

โ€œOh, yeah,โ€ you hurriedly unfolded the black clothing item, to find it was one of Bakugoโ€™s plain black hoodies. You slipped it over your head and let it drop down a little further than your hoodies usually would. Caramel scent engulfed you, making it clear it hadnโ€™t been washed since the last wear. Normally, that would disgust you, but it was your boyfriendโ€™s. You plotted how long you were going to hold onto it in your head as you bundled the hood around your neck.

You gestured to yourself, only to receive a shrug from Bakugo. The shrug couldnโ€™t hide the tiny reddish tint on his cheeks from the sight of you in his clothes. A victorious smile made it to your face, and you opened the door.

The journey to the girlโ€™s bathrooms was uninterrupted. You led him there, linking pinkies the whole way. He hesitated to walk through the door, after all it was the female bathroom. The door shut suddenly behind you as you pointed Bakugo to sit on the bathroom counter. Swinging open the cabinet above the sink, you pulled out a small box of first aid supplies. You placed you hands on your hips after allocating the box a spot next to Bakugo.

โ€œTake your shirt off,โ€ you demanded, the authoritative tone desperately hiding the redness of your ears.

โ€œWhy?โ€ Bakugo grumbled, mocking you with arms crossed.

โ€œSo I can see if you have any further injuries,โ€ You opened the first aid box, pulling out a dry rag. Out of the corner of your eye, you spied Bakugo lifting his tank top over his head to reveal his toned chest and abs as you ran cold water over the rag. Wringing it of excess water, you turned to see him checking himself over for any injuries.

โ€œNothing,โ€ Bakugo bluntly replied.

โ€œYes, but your ribs are bruised,โ€ you pointed at the green patches of flesh along his sides. The mirror didnโ€™t indicate any wounds or bruises on his back. Without warning, you dragged the moist rag over the bruises. A few droplets of water rolled down his chiseled stomach as he pulled back.

โ€œThat shit is cold!โ€ Bakugo exclaimed, โ€œIโ€™m getting wet now, damn it!โ€

โ€œItโ€™s a rag with water, what did you expect?โ€ You hummed, continuing to trace the bruised ribs softly with the rag. You leaned over the counter to grab hold of his closest hand, resting your sover it. โ€œStay still.โ€

Once you had finished, you gently gripped one of his forearms. The cloth traced his skin, washing it clean. You had to scrub it softly at some points, but avoided any of the open grazes and cuts. You travelled the cloth to run over his biceps, this time lightly dabbing at the largest graze. Your skilled hands couldnโ€™t hide the blush on your face, especially with his fiery eyes watching your every move. They occasionally shifted to your concentrated features.

The cloth quickly passed over his shoulders and chest, before repeating the process on his other arm. This one wasnโ€™t as scratched up as the other, making your job a lot simpler. Once you finished, you took a step back over to the sink.

โ€œYouโ€™re probably gonna hate what Iโ€™m about to do,โ€ you sighed, wringing out the rag after rinsing it.

โ€œWhat are you gonna do?โ€ He demanded, less agitated than he usually would be.

You didnโ€™t answer with words but with your actions. Stopping the dripping of the rag, you dragged it around the gauze on his cheek. His hand swiped up, grabbing your wrist and pulling my hand away from his face.

โ€œDie shitty rag! How dare you come near my face!โ€

A full hearted laugh left your lips, your head tilting back, โ€œIโ€™m trying to help you, baka. Please let me.โ€

Bakugo studied your face for a short while, until he ripped his eyes away, โ€œFine.โ€ He left his cheek exposed, letting you place the rag back onto it. All the dust and ash had been scrubbed from his cheeks and nose. You softly dragged the rag over his forehead, softly dabbing it over a shallow graze. Once, your hand pulled away, you leaned up to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

โ€œAre you done?โ€ Bakugo rolled his eyes, pressing his bare back against the mirror.

You shook your head, โ€œNope. Not even close.โ€ You placed the damp rag in the sink, digging around in the first aid box again. Bakugo groaned in annoyance, causing you to smile and shake your head again.

Cold plastic slipped between your finger tips - a small bottle of antiseptic. Pulling it out, you placed a few cotton balls next to it. Carefully, you dropped a small amount of antiseptic onto the cotton ball. You lifted it towards Bakugo, who grimaced at the sight.

โ€œI canโ€™t promise this wonโ€™t hurt,โ€ you hissed in empathy, hesitantly detaching he hand from the counter. Pulling his arm closer, you dabbed the cotton ball onto one of the shallow grazes on his forearm.

Bakugo immediately pulled back, โ€œAntiseptic can die!โ€ You smiled, knowing that was his way of saying that it stung.

โ€œItโ€™s gonna sting a little bit,โ€ you rolled your eyes, โ€œI did tell you that.โ€

Your hand swiped out to grab his wrist in it again as he constantly ripped it away, โ€œKatsuki Bakugo! Itโ€™ll get infected and hurt even more if you donโ€™t let me do this!โ€ You exclaimed in a playful seriousness.

โ€œSay that again,โ€ the grimace on Bakugo!s face dropped, his features now softer.

โ€œItโ€™ll get infected?โ€

โ€œNo, baka. My name.โ€

โ€œYour name? Katsuki Bakugo?โ€

The smirk on his face now unmistakable, he placed a hand on your waist, โ€œYeah, call me Katsuki. I like when you say my name.โ€

A similar smirk crossed your face as you placed a hand over his on your waist. Without warning him, you took the cotton ball and frantically dabbed it onto the next graze. Katsuki grunted, whipping his arm out of your reach.

His eyes remained glued in the victimised graze, โ€œWhat the hell? That was a dirty trick!โ€

โ€œIt worked, though,โ€ you replied, drenching a new cotton ball in antiseptic, โ€œThatโ€™s all that matters.โ€


Eventually, he gave up fighting against you, allowing you to finish applying antiseptic to grazes and cuts on his arms and shoulders without much fuss. You left the injuries covered by the gauze on his cheeks alone, immediately tending to the largest and most tender graze on his forehead. With your free hand, you pushed back his blond hair that shaded it. You kept that hand lovingly caressing the start of his hairline, while the other hesitantly dabbed at the graze.

Katsuki hissed through his teeth, causing you to slip your hand down the side of his face. You held his cheek in your palm and sent him an apologetic look.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ you placed the cotton ball down into the small pile of used ones under Katsukiโ€™s observant gaze.

โ€œI think Iโ€™m going to leave that one exposed. It needs to dry out to heal properly,โ€ you explained thoroughly. A grunt left Katsuki as you pulled out more gauzes and a roll of bandage.

After a silent moment, you had successfully wrapped up his entire right forearm in a bandage. A large gauze covered a wide but shallow graze on his left shoulder and a couple of smaller ones littered over some small ones on his left bicep.

As you began to quietly pack up the first aid box, you felt a pair of arms slide around your waist. You stood on your tippy-toes to place it back in the cabinet, only for the limbs to wrap around you tighter. Katsukiโ€™s breathtaking red eyes met yours in the reflection of the mirror, where you swayed in his arms in contentment.

โ€œWhen Iโ€™m let off this shitty house arrest,โ€ Katsuki grumbled into your marked neck from your previous activities, โ€œIโ€™m taking you out.โ€

โ€œYeah,โ€ you laughed, leaning your head against his, โ€œIโ€™d love to, Katsuki.โ€

โ€œIt wasnโ€™t a choice.โ€

A giggle left your lips, leaving both of you happy as you stood in each otherโ€™s arms.

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