Just a random girl that likes Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Harry Potter, especially J.R.R Tolkien's world and is an elves fangirl. (Obs: Sometimes i can be very strange. Don't be scared, i am just a crazy fangirl)
30 posts
You Know, I Like To Imagine That Thranduil's Mother, When She Was Pregnant With Him, Used To Sing To
You know, I like to imagine that Thranduil's mother, when she was pregnant with him, used to sing to him while still in her belly. I also like to imagine that Oropher played and talked with him. Damn, I want a fanart about this.
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More Posts from Ilovetheelves

The Midle Eart
Eä is the name of the Universe, while arda, (meaning the Realm, coming from Primitive Elvish gardā, adapted from valarin Aþāraphelūn) is, at first, the name used to designate the Solar System, but it can also be used specifically as a name for the Planet Earth. According to Tolkien's mythology, Arda was created through the composition of a magnificent song, Ainulindalë, when Ilúvatar asked the Ainur, a species of angels, to create together a grandiose melody, with the inspiration of the Imperishable Flame.[1] It was always the target of Melkor's covetousness, whose objective was to rule it. However, Manwë was appointed to be lord of the kingdom of Arda. He called to himself many superior and inferior spirits, who descended to the fields of Arda and helped in the realization of the project envisioned in the Great Music, preparing Arda for the arrival of the Children of Ilúvatar.
Although 'Middle-earth' strictly refers to a specific continent (called Endor in Elvish Quenya and Ennor in Sindarin, both designating "middle land"), representing what we know as Eurasia and Africa, the term is often used to mean the entire 'land' (correctly called Arda), or even the entire universe in which the tales take place.
If the map of Middle-earth is projected onto our real Earth (an imperfect approximation, at best), and some of the more obvious climatological, botanical, and zoological similarities line up, the Shire (County) of the Hobbits would be in the temperate England, Gondor in the Mediterranean Italy and Greece, Mordor in the arid Turkey and Middle East, the South of Gondor in the deserts of North Africa, Rhovanion in the forests of Eastern Europe and in the steppes of Russia Iceland, Foral and Southern Bay in the fjords of Norway.
According to Tolkien, the Shire is supposed to be located approximately in the area of central England (specifically Warwickshire), while Minas Tirith in Gondor is comparable to Venice, and Pelargir to Byzantium (Constantinople).
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are presented as the achievements of Bilbo, Frodo and other Hobbits, and are intended to be a translation of the Red Book of Westmarch. Like Shakespeare's King Lear or Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian, the tales occupy a historical location that could not have really existed. The dates for the length of the year and the phases of the moon, along with descriptions of constellations, firmly establish the world as being Earth, no more than a few thousand years ago.
Tolkien wrote extensively on linguistics, mythology and earth history, which formed the backbone for his stories. Most of his books, with the exception of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, were edited and published posthumously by his son Christopher.
Notable among them is The Silmarillion, which describes a larger cosmology that includes Middle-earth as well as Valinor, Númenor, and other lands. Also notable are Unfinished Tales and the multiple volumes of The History of Middle Earth, which include incomplete histories and essays as well as detailing the development of Tolkien's writings from early drafts to the last works in his life.
The finest plot

I am seen.

Leanor and Rhaenyra holding hands✨️
Now that I watched it again and closely I can see blood on Joffrey hair... You can understand that Alicent didn't even allowed her one minute to be with her newborn..
I could say many things for this moment alone but I'm getting tired.. Alicent Hightower was cruel. She had NO REASON or EXCUSE to call a maid and go get the baby from the mother seconds after she gave birth to him!
It's one of the reasons I get angry to those who ship Alicent × Rhaenyra because they like to say all the time that Daemon "groomed her" but why is no one talking about the way Alicent abused Rhaenyra?
Are they forgetting the things Alicent did to Rhaenyra?
Do you know that Rhaenyra could have died after this? Rhaenyra was still bleeding and you are telling me Alicent couldn't have went herself to visit Rhaenyra and the baby?
I didn't know Alicent had a problem with her legs? Now I get it! It must have been her many visits to Larys whoring herself for information or spreading rumors against Rhaenyra that have tired her legs.
Seeing my people coming home is priceless ❤🇧🇷

this little cutie is one of the brazilian citizens that were brought home from gaza
when you read that 4000 children were killed by israel remember they were little kids like this one, they’re not numbers, they’re not just corpses, they were people that could and should be alive and safe just like her right now
My Headcanon on Thranduil's Mother:
• I like to think she was one of Queen Melian's ladies-in-waiting.
• She had Baby Blond blonde hair and blue eyes.
•She and Oropher met in Doriath's palace and spent a lot of time flirting with each other, they loved each other very much and he used to call her "My Flower".
•She gave birth to baby Thranduil in the spring. She loved to sing to baby Thranduil, was very fond of taking care and playing with him, she also used to take him to the river to play in the water and was a caring mother and loved him very much.
•She wore the white gems every day and received it as a gift from Oropher.
• She and baby Thranduil along with Oropher managed to escape Doriath alive, upon arriving in Greenwood she became queen and ruled alongside her husband until his death which was when she died of sadness, both died when Thranduil was already an adult, the only difference is that she died shortly after Oropher.
•She was an archer, hunted with her husband and fought very well.