Oropher - Tumblr Posts
Sauron's second age elf ratings
Gil-galad: dislikes meeting new people, crispy 3/10
Círdan: too overprotective 2/10
Elrond: always late, too good at hiding. Interesting nephews -1/10
Celebrimbor: very kind, good for hugs, smart, nice eyes, good with his hands More stubborn than Melkor, doesn't know what's good for him, good motivational banner 9/10
Galadriel: FUCK NO -1000000/10
Celeborn: bad taste in robes 1/10
Celebrian: hugger 2/10
Glorfindel: .....not this one again. Bleh. Bad hair. -10/10
Oropher: hasty, good at arguing, argued to much with Celebrimbor 7/10
Thranduil: annoys Celebrimbor -6/10
Maglor: wanders too much, STAY STILL 1/10

Le guerrier victorieux remporte la bataille, puis part en guerre. Le guerrier vaincu part en guerre, puis cherche à remporter la bataille.
The victorious warrior win first the battle, then go to war. The defeated warrior go to war first, then seek to win the battle.

You know, I like to imagine that Thranduil's mother, when she was pregnant with him, used to sing to him while still in her belly. I also like to imagine that Oropher played and talked with him. Damn, I want a fanart about this.
My Headcanon on Thranduil's Mother:
• I like to think she was one of Queen Melian's ladies-in-waiting.
• She had Baby Blond blonde hair and blue eyes.
•She and Oropher met in Doriath's palace and spent a lot of time flirting with each other, they loved each other very much and he used to call her "My Flower".
•She gave birth to baby Thranduil in the spring. She loved to sing to baby Thranduil, was very fond of taking care and playing with him, she also used to take him to the river to play in the water and was a caring mother and loved him very much.
•She wore the white gems every day and received it as a gift from Oropher.
• She and baby Thranduil along with Oropher managed to escape Doriath alive, upon arriving in Greenwood she became queen and ruled alongside her husband until his death which was when she died of sadness, both died when Thranduil was already an adult, the only difference is that she died shortly after Oropher.
•She was an archer, hunted with her husband and fought very well.

Tonight I found myself thinking about Oropher's hair color. In my headcanons, his father is Noldor, but his mother is Sinda. So, could he have silver hair with some black highlights? Yes! It would be cute, in my mind, it brings some cuteness looking to him and makes him a golden retriever himbo. But, there is a possibility that his hair is all black like his father's (with some hidden silver strands) and all softly wavy, like his mother's. But, with Oropher's hair being black, how could Thranduil's hair be platinum gold? Simply put, he inherited his hair color from his mother, Oropher's wife. Black haired Oropher brings me some "Do i wanna know?". Silver-haired Oropher is cool, but black-haired Oropher is just... DO YOU WANT ME CRAWLIN BACK TO YOU?

OK. That's my best idea. I can explain the "Princess of Lindon" in the picture of Thranduil's mother. My headcanon is that she is Gil-Galad's sister and that they (Gil-galad and Míriel) had a Sindarin mother, that's why she has white hair (but their father is Fingon). Anyway... This image is just part of a future fanfic project of mine, anyway, I only decided to post it here because I don't have anyone to put up with my outbreaks 🙃

Baby Thranduil with his mom Míriel 💜

Queen Míriel of Greenwood
Queen Míriel exuded an aura of pride and stubbornness, her every word tinged with a hint of petulance. Though she could charm with her grace, her temper flared at the slightest provocation, and she harbored grudges with a tenacity unmatched. As an exemplary and graceful queen, she demanded respect and offered none in return to those who dared to insult her. Her devotion to her only son, Prince Thranduil, knew no bounds. Míriel personally oversaw every aspect of his upbringing, fiercely protective of him against any perceived threat. Yet, beneath her overprotective facade lay a deep-seated resentment towards her daughter-in-law, Crown Princess Elindwen. Míriel's disdain for Elindwen was no secret, fueled by a fear of being overshadowed and replaced by a woman so vastly different in temperament, yet adored by many. In her role as a wife, Míriel displayed obedience tempered with unwavering determination. Her relationship with Oropher was a testament to their love, his endearment for her, "Wild Flower," a reminder of her untamed spirit. With but a snap of her fingers, she could command Oropher's attention, her will his utmost priority. Physically, Míriel was a vision of elegance, her long white (or some say golden) hair cascading around her high-backed nose and hourglass figure. Though some may have despised her, none could deny the power and presence she commanded as the queen consort of the realm.
(I'll post Oropher's tomorrow 🙃)
Oropher: Where the hell did we find this fuckin' kid, man?
Elrond: My mom threw herself off a cliff because she thought that my 'adoptive' fathers were after the rock she loved more than us and then you kinda just picked me up
Elrond: I remember that very vividly.
Gil-Galad: *Mildly horrified laughter*

When the burden is too heavy...
Picture with Oropher's spirit is here:
Oropher's grave swallowed by the Dead Marshes.
Animated version of one of my favorite pics. Always makes me so sad.
I have a story about them on AO3.
The Birth of a King
They are Thranduil's fathers.
Slash and Mpreg

Ereinion Gil-Galad x Oropher

The Line of Durin was Tainted by an Elf (Series)
Together Forever
Trying to Save His Friends
A Dwarf’s Declaration
The Portrait
Smaugs ~For Smoking Hot Bois and Gurls~
A Love Hate Relationship
The New Cute Boy
A Surprise Gift for Christmas
To Survive a Dragon
Happy Birthday T
There Once Lived Kings
Strong Like a Horse
Their First Meeting
Still Connected
A Love Lost During Battle
A Feather Will Do
In Dire Need of a Smith
Initium Novum (Series) WIP (Latest)

Meeting The March Warden of Lothlórien
Becoming a Father
Blonde Thieves
Rescue at Helm’s Deep
New Beginnings

Because You Are a Sindar Elf
New Beginnings
The Recital

Another Love

A Merry Christmas Indeed
A Visitor

The Birth of a King (Series) WIP

Thorin and His Burglar
Making the Right Decision

The King's Lover

You Should've Killed Me

The Loss of A Lover

Ethuil (Latest)

Read my new fic on AO3
The King's Lover
A love story between Elu Thingol, the Elvenking of Doriath and Oropher, a beautiful noble young elf.
Initium Novum (Series)
A new Alternate Universe Sci-Fi. The setting is in Space. See tags for characters. With Thorinduil, Russingon to name only 2 ships now available.
Read the 1st Part now on AO3!
The Great Journey
A story about Elmo and his partner. After the journey to Aman, they settled in Alqualondë. Then first kinslaying happened and Elmo's partner had to return to Middle-earth.
I've established this HC for Oropher, Thranduil's father. Now our favorite Elvenking has a grandfather too.
Read it on AO3