Agender they/them. I crochet and draw. I just post whenever lol.

309 posts

Doodle The Clown

Doodle the clown

They just a little honker

Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown

They can shrink or grow at command. They only communicate through honk. They can interact with any fandom, just mostly make them meet Sams lol.

Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
Doodle The Clown
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More Posts from Im-just-a-dumb-gay

1 year ago

I love how you drew us! (the tiny fandom characters just being grabbed by us lol)

I am ready for Sonic Movie 3. I need it! I need to see my boi Shadow!(looks at article over Transformers one) wait...they're gonna go into Functionalism maybe? Yes! Show both sides of the war!



Drew me and my siblings [@im-just-a-dumb-gay and our smol bro] being excited for what’s to come!

Darxifer being happy for Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire along with the soon book Brave Like Godzilla! :D

Calcifer ready for Sonic Movie 3 and Transformers One! :>

And me, (Nazrafer) hyped up to see Fang the Hunter and the Dog Man Movie! ^ ^

Loving the news we’re getting so far, really hoping for some good content out of it!

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1 year ago


could you make a lesbian and agender Shadow icon please? Happy pride month!

Could You Make A Lesbian And Agender Shadow Icon Please? Happy Pride Month!

Happy pride month! I hope you like it!💖

so sorry for the wait as well ^^

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1 year ago

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

I finally saw the movie (took me long enough lol) and....AHHHHHHHHH YYYEEESSSSSS

Idk if this counts as spoilers but I am so glad the movie didn't do that trope of "aliens build this" when talking about the achievements of actual people. The trope doesn't necessarily ruin a movie for me but it's so nice that the movie actually had it stated that the Nazca lines were actually made by the Incas.

Also, seeing an actual festival of Peru made me so f**cking happy. And seeing more to Peru than just Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an important to Peru, but it was so nice to see other landscapes and again...THE FESTIVAL!

I also did not expect to hear actual Quechua either!

And yes, Peru does have good food (if you know you know)

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10 months ago

Sams Dragon au

Backstory: Savio (Creator) is a human who gain immortality and is a Dragon Hunter. His goal is to find the fabled "Dragon's Lair." He uses the assistance of his most loyal Wrym, Clovis (KC), to hunt dragons. Wryms are used due to years ago when Hunters discovered that they secrete a venom that weakens dragons and that they naturally prey dragons for blood. Usually, Wyrms do not kill their prey. This is because they want the dragons alive for later blood to be drawn. However, once Hunters started to breed Wyrms, they bred them to be more violent as well as obedient.

When Savio tried to find the Lair, he first used the bodies of 2 adolescent dragons he already killed and brought them back to life. He hoped to use them under his power, however, the melded dragon fled his grasp. Later, when hunting a mother dragon, he decided instead to raise dragon eggs in the belief that the lair was found through instinct. These dragons were Aelius (Sun) and Narvi (Moon). To keep control of the two dragons, he binded Aelius wings to keep him grounded and kept a leash around Narvi. The young dragons, though uncomfortable, didn't resist.

Under orders, Clovis was not to eat them so he mostly ignored the 2 or scare them for slight pleasure. At some point Aelius and Narvi saw Savio murder a dragon, including the young, and started to fear for themselves. Clovis and Savio found the 2 and, since they longer listened to orders, Savio let Clovis chase them. The 2 fell in the rapids due to the binds and leadh. Narvi hit his head and was unconscious. Savio felt the rapids would drown the 2 and left with Clovis. Instead, the two were found by a kindly Wood Nympth, Hortensia (Earth) who just woke up a few days ago. She healed the two and they stayed with her until they were too big and needed to leave due to the local dragons protecting their territory.

At some point in time, a dragon raided a village, burning it to the ground. The only survivor was a young elf, Brandr (Eclipse) . (Might make it Aelius and Narvi who did it, by accident, however I don't know yet. I just know for a fact that Brandr was the only survivor). Brandr was found by Savio and taken as an apprentice. His goal is to never be vulnerable to a dragon again. Once he was considered good enough to be independent, Brandr was given the offspring of Clovis, Karro and Kanik (Bloodmoon twins).

At some point, Brandr also teamed up with a Lightning Elf village and worked alongside with Merriweather (Lunar). The two worked together and were able to catch 2 dragons, one with golden scales and another with dark blue and white. The reason Brandr didn't immediately kill them was because he wished to become invulnerable. Savio was immortal, but could still die to an arrow in the heart. Brandr wanted to never be vilnerable, so he found a way to drain the strength and power of dragons through a powerful stone. While holding the 2 dragons, Brandr let Merriweather weaken the blue one with Kanik while he himself used Karro to weaken the golden one.

Over time, Merriweather felt unloved by Brandr and gained sympathy for the blue one. Brandr, on the other hand, would let Karro terrorize the golden one and keep it submissive. Merriweather at some felt had enough of Brandr and escaped with both dragons. Later on, find Hortensia and Merriweather learns the dragons' names are Aelius and Narvi.

The story goes forward with the 4 traveling together and finding new friends along the way while Brandr tries to hunt specifically Aelius and Narvi because ego. (And potentially if their the reason his village burned down). Merriweather meets Cole(Solar), a blacksmith who ran from home as his mother blamed him for his father's death. Hamel(Ruin), a forced fushion of a human and dragon years ago, was found under a dark spell that was healed by likely Hortensia. Cole finds a skeleton dog and adopts him (Jack). Hortensia meets an Aligator and falls in love. A Fox adopts a kit and learns of a skeleton dragon in the woods that seem to be attached to the kit. A Water Nympth makes themselves known (nightmares seem to be less present now....). A Skeleton Deer befriends the Skeleton Dog. The Aligator has an adopted human child that also befriends the dog. Brandr meets an annoying bird creature. (These events are not in order lol)

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11 months ago

I'm a UFO!

I'm A UFO!

thank you for the tag @smol-stargirl and @heatedpirate!!

quiz link

Thank You For The Tag @smol-stargirl And @heatedpirate!!

hm I don’t know about the sarcasm part. people tend to take me literally when I’m being sarcastic, so I’ve cut that down to nearly nil.

and I don’t think I’m “kinda mean”. but I guess that depends on your definition of mean

@kapalattee @rainonthehillside @coffeeforkai @waitingforthesunrise @demigoddess-of-ghosts @ryuryuryuyurboat @call-me-copycat

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