Sams Solar - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

not sure if i can talk to your solar but if so:

solar, how did you get those hips?! (Lol i’m prolly late for this🥲)

ofc u can! u can talk to them anytime! <3 doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna be nice about it.

Not Sure If I Can Talk To Your Solar But If So:

the answer is Eclipse btw.

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6 months ago

Solar you’re very pretty :3

i would like to apologize for the sins done on this great day of 22.08.2024.

Solar Youre Very Pretty :3

i'm so sorry the idea just wouldn't leave my head 😭

it looks even more cursed than intended wth-

anon what have you done

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6 months ago



*Solar runs away

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6 months ago
*Solar Has Found A Jesus

*Solar has found a Jesus



*Solar runs away

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6 months ago

solar? will you let me give you a smooch :3

"... fine... i suppose you may give a small peck-"

Solar? Will You Let Me Give You A Smooch :3

he's not used to intimacy like that

hell yeah Y/n time bby let's go

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6 months ago

pio you draw solar so cute i want to hold him gently like hamburger

and also give he a kiss Right on the forehead and tell him that we're all proud of him but yk


burgor & emotional support (AKA forcefully making Solar more used to physical affection thru kisses! :D)

Pio You Draw Solar So Cute I Want To Hold Him Gently Like Hamburger
Pio You Draw Solar So Cute I Want To Hold Him Gently Like Hamburger

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6 months ago

(I know I don’t really ask for drawings but I want to because I feel like trash and I know I’m going to have a bad day today)

Can you draw me giving a flower to Solar and kissing his forehead? He deserves all the love in the universe right now

hope u'll feel better <3

have these 2 doodles i speedran for u,

(I Know I Dont Really Ask For Drawings But I Want To Because I Feel Like Trash And I Know Im Going To
(I Know I Dont Really Ask For Drawings But I Want To Because I Feel Like Trash And I Know Im Going To

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6 months ago

*boops Solar*


y-you... you broke him....

*boops Solar*

he doesn't even have a nose-- wha-?????????

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5 months ago

no cuz why tf did today's ep legit almost make me cry- not even the 'what if' itself

it's the interaction between Moon and Solar at the end the ep was fine until literally last 3 mins shit broke me

No Cuz Why Tf Did Today's Ep Legit Almost Make Me Cry-not Even The 'what If' Itself

call me delusional abt this ship but it's making me go places them. not even in the context of the ship they're just so great tgt

Moon pretending to be the AI, waiting for him to be done, him himself already doing this before, knowing exactly what Solar wanted, the silent apology at the end- *fucking dies*

[EP: What If NEXUS WASN'T EVIL?!?! in VRChat (SAMS)]

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5 months ago

get turned into a marketable plushie idiot

Get Turned Into A Marketable Plushie Idiot
Get Turned Into A Marketable Plushie Idiot

i woulda make it a video but couldn't find the right audio tts does not want to cooperate either so when somebody gets me a good enough sound for this, i will do it

i also drew him w/ my own design at first cuz i did not feel like getting the png for his shirt but then realized too late i would have to do it anyway bc of the plushie so now i'm the idiot oh well


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6 months ago



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6 months ago


cant blame him tho

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1 year ago


Hit the nail on the freaking HEAD, my friend. You summed it up perfectly; I don't think there's any more to add. I can tell that you've got a lot of empathy and, while I'm not an expert at it myself, you really know your psychology.

On a separate note, I'm glad you're not afraid to say heavy words like people seem to be becoming (probably because most websites, particularly YouTube, are run by cowards that treat everything as an irredeemable swear word these days).

Also, on another separate note... I just want to give our boys a hug, a safe space, and piles and piles of indisputable proof that they're better than they think they are but also let them know their pain is completely valid.

Solar seems to cope similarly to Sun.. they both kind of repress their trauma..

And also they both view themselves as they're bad and not good enough and they blame themselves for things that went wrong..

I think that the difference is that Solar thiks that he's bad due to trauma and circumstances and it shows in the way of how he responds to our Sun..

He pushes him away because he doesn't want to go through the same thing like it was with his Sun and that's why he keeps Sun on distance and seems even sometimes passive aggressive towards Sun..

This is quite common thing for people who were traumatised the way Solar is.. Just avoiding the same circumstances that led to your trauma - even pushing someone away if needed..

Sun on the other hand seems to believe himself to be bad.. and it shows in the way he acts and in his general behaviour..

Sun also tries to avoid the circumstances that led to bad things that happened before.. but you can clearly see from the way Sun responds to events that are happening in his life that Sun thinks that no matter what he'll do or say he'll always mess up..

The difference between feeling that you're bad and believing that you're bad.. is that the first one is simply normal response to trauma and typical for many mental issues.. the second one on the other hand isn't a normal thing.. you believe yourself to be evil without a reason (some reason can also be there but your mind just always exaggerates everything to absurd scale)..

But funny thing is that you're trying your best to be good.. but in your mind you'll never be able to do something good not because you're not doing good things.. but simply because your mind will always find something to complain about you.. for example:

You: I'm going to buy this lovely present for my bestie <3

Your mind: You're only doing this because you want them to perceive you as a kind friend.. but actually you're doing it to boost your own ego.. you're definitely not doing it because you simply like your friend...

Or another example:

You: "I love you, mom" <3

Your mind: Why did you say that if it's not true? Cause if you genuinly loved your mom you wouldn't act like you do...

It's simply that that you don't believe that you have any good intentions ever... Unlike in first case when you believe that you're not good enough so you try harder and better and even sabotage yourself.. in the second case it's just everything can be fine, you can have good grades, be a good parent, spouse or kid or sibling.. but in your head you still view yourself as the most awful being.. your life can be good but you won't stop believe that you're evil...

In both cases 1) when you feel like you're bad and 2) when you believe yourself to be bad.. you're unable to accept kindness of others and happiness in your life which applies to both Sun and Solar..

In second case people also often perceive you as dishonest and two-faced.. just like many assumed about Sun at the beginning of the show.. iykyk💀

And also the anger issues and people telling you "you need to chill" - happened to Sun and me as well..

Cause I'm talking from my experiences..

Also when you believe yourself to be evil you often times let other overstep your boundaries cause when you speak up others often read that as you being too pretentious and/or angry..

That's why Sun most the time doesn't tell people to stop treating him the way it hurts him because he feels that it's both deserved and it would be seen as if he's asking for too much (even if in reality that's not true)..

Also did you realize how Sun always seem to be concerned about Moon's safety whenever the things about Old Moon are brought up? He rarely says that he's scared that Moon will start to abuse him once again.. It's more like "I'm scared that Moon will start acting like Old Moon and do something rush and endanger himself" (not real quote but example).. It's almost never about how Moon treated Sun but how Moon will potentially do something that may lead to him being harmed or even to his another death...

I don't even know if Sun fully processed Old Moon's abuse and aknowledged it as something true that happened.. Remember like Sun hallucinated Old Moon and he told the hallucination that Moon wasn't like that.. "maybe at the beginning but he changed".. and it was a response to what OM's hallucination told Sun that he represents Sun's fear that Moon never loved him.. and Sun later said "I loved you.. I did"

Also the example I gave with telling your mom that you love her also fit Sun's situation - remember how many times Sun told Moon "I love you"? Compared to how many times Moon told that Sun it's like he almost never told that (on-screen, Sun told Moon that he used to say that more often but Moon didn't like hearing Sun saying that)..

I believe that Sun wasn't saying that many times that he loves Moon because he simply felt that it is fake due to how he was unable to help Moon and how many times he screwed up everything..

You may think that I'm exaggerating but.. the fact is that I know that it bothered people - the fact that Moon who isn't as emotionally open up as Sun says that more often than the supposed to be more emotionally open up Sun..

And I can't blame them, it's like I said people viewed Sun at not so kind and as if he hides a dark side to himself or that he's straight up two-faced because of how more Moon talked about his feelings and how little of Sun's p.o.v. we've ever gotten..

Sun tries his best but whenever he messes up even something insignificant and small or when things are going downhill he immediately takes the blame (internally) on himself and try doing things from a different angle and then again and again and again.. and list of ideas for what to change in himself and how to approach this problem differently for all those previous times that ended up horribly are getting shorter and shorter and shorter.. until you don't know what to do.. and everything is crushing you from the inside and often times you start to think that the only solution to all the problems is to kill yourself - not only because you want to end your own suffering but also because you don't want to be a burden and a problem for others...

I hope that what I wrote makes any sense.. even a little bit and I hope that I didn't make mistakes cause English isn't my native language.. QwQ

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7 months ago


Today Moon did the very thing I'd endlessly wanted Nexus to do since the star incident, over a year ago.

He cared about Sun. Moon was empathetic and gentle, all of his focus was on comforting his brother. Helping Sun let out the pain, hugging him, trying to cheer him up a little.

And not a single selfish, insensitive action that hurt his brother.

The last time I felt Sun got this kind of compassion and care was with Jack. That childish, gung-ho, knife-fingered goofball can be really insightful when the time calls for it--as confirmed with him comforting Dazzle. I know Original Moon didn't make Jack, but Solar and Nexus made him, so... like nephew like uncle, I guess???

Sun talking about the kids... that was so bittersweet. I don't even have the words for it. I genuinely don't; the scene speaks for itself and I love that.

Also, the name Evelyn... I know there's a song called "Evelyn, Evelyn" and it's about conjoined twins (I think?). I wonder if that's either a coincidence or a reference considering Sun and Moon are twins and they both know and feel the weight of what happened on that day.

EDIT: (SPOILERS) I just thought of something! Jack listening to Sun and comforting him, what if that was foreshadowing for Moon doing the same thing!? They both knew Sun's emotions were the priority and didn't mention a single thing about themselves, after all! LIKE UNCLE, LIKE NEPHEW, BISHES!

Could I just be stretching things and seeing things that aren't there? Very most likely, but... just let me have this! XD



Vahbsbsndndndj these episodes where wholesome ^^

It was painful but also comforting 💗

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6 months ago

Okay. I NEED to see Solar playing Gang Beasts with Lunar at least once.

I NEED to see Solar witnessing Buffy the Flying Walrus get constant concussions from street signs.

Even he wouldn't be able to resist laughing and I NEED TO SEE THAT.


Okay. I NEED To See Solar Playing Gang Beasts With Lunar At Least Once.

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5 months ago

Um, I hope this counts.

I have a headcanon that Solar (and, by extension, Eclipse) are the type to try to hide their reaction to something really funny. Like Ryan Stiles and the "tapiooooca~!" joke on Whose Line is it Anyway.

I'm just imagining Lunar and Earth roping Solar into playing Gang Beasts and their antics are just making him fight SO HARD to keep his composure. Then they get to the street level and Buffy the Flying Walrus gets hit by signs. Many, many times.

I'd imagine Solar would be dumbfounded at first, but as it keeps going he's eventually just trying (and failing) to hide his laughter through breathing. He's trying to take steady inhales, and then disguise his laughing with long exhales.

Earth and Lunar know this and they are NOT HELPING. THEY WANT TO BREAK HIM WITH SILLINESS. XD

Challenge for the next few months?

Send in your most joyous or uplifting confessions on Tsams and put a smile on the mods' faces~☆


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11 months ago

Solar + cured!Ruin (Solin ...Idk)

Solar + Cured!Ruin (Solin ...Idk)
Solar + Cured!Ruin (Solin ...Idk)

(click on it to view in better quality!)

Hi again! Some Solar x cured!Ruin art! Or Solar & cured!Ruin art for platonic shippers! (The poses they're drew in can be seen as either or.)

Think I prefer calling Ruin 'Twilight' instead, it's kind of a cute fitting name for them! (Maybe an AU with cured!Ruin having a new name and technically they're good and perhaps they wanna start anew, who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

These two could have a potential dynamic (w/ Solar being levelheaded and Twilight being happy go lucky, they'd make a cute pairing). Maybe they could hang out at the fazcade etc etc (these are just headcannons btw).

Also- gave Solar freckles because why not :)

୨୧ Do not repost! ty! ୨୧

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10 months ago

The Celestial's All Here! (I guess hehe)

The Celestial's All Here! (I Guess Hehe)

(click to view in better quality)

Hello! Back with some SAMS art, featuring the celestial animatronics! :) (this is more of a "behind the scenes" thing/au, so they'd be chillin and hanging out outside of lore) I kept it simple because there are a lot of characters here lol

There's a lot of lore going on in this show (which is crazy but in a good way) especially with Ruin but if they ever get a redemption (which is unlikely but it really depends on the plot), I can see them being at most an ally to the celestial animatronics (unless feelings change to friendship or familial)

Eclipse's there because he's likely to have an redemption arc (again depending on the plot and no, not like the April Fools episode lol) and can be seen as a brother of sorts (especially to Earth and Lunar) :)

୨୧ Do not repost! ty! ୨୧

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