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echoes stuck in time
when alex appeared on the boat–after riley leaves jacob behind–saying you shouldn't have to go alone, i was kicking my feet. but when jonas appeared saying "can i have like two real quick minutes with alex for a second?" at the dock, i was balling.
so what if we are forced to walk all the way to the beach, watching the beginning parts of oxenfree play out instead of only seeing jonas's segment before being glitched to the beach?
[ID: A predominantly black, white, and red comic of Riley seeing momentarily glimpses of the original Oxenfree kids on Edward's Island.
The first page has the background of a rundown Edwards Island sign and other miscellaneous objects that fade further down the page.
The first panel is of Riley–on the left–on her walkie-talking looking in confusion at a ghostly image of Jonas passing by to the right, saying, "Can I have two real quick minutes with Alex for a second?" (his words are italicized).
The second panel is of Riley pushing a large garbage bin to the right as a ghostly Ren argues, "I just... If you are thinking of leaving, I just hope you're doing it for the right reasons" (his words are italicized).
The third panel has Riley, far in the background, climbing down a cliff and staring at the ghostly images of a laughing Clarissa and a speaking Nona that are engaged in conversation: Clarissa's loud laughter is interjected with Nona's "Oh God." Clarissa follows up asking, "Wait. Have I told you about Brad's Car?" to which Nona exclaims, "What? No?! What happened" (their entire conversation is italicized).
The second page is completely white with a speech bubble in black saying, "Those people... They're your friends?" said by Riley, off-screen.
A back profile of a ghostly Alex with her head turned to the right. Two red text box say, "Kind of. Yes and no."
The third panel shows a side view of Riley to the left. Two red text box: "They– sighs."
The last panel has a zoomed out back-view of Alex on the left and RIley on the right with her putting a hand on Alex's ghostly shoulder. A red square text box saying: "It's hard to explain." End ID]

"Happy National Video Game day from all of us at Night School Studio to you. 🎮👾🕹️" from @nightschoolstudio's x/insta

We deserve to live
anyway i finished Oxenfree 2 and cried !!! I really wished they hugged at the end they needed it
Ghost garbage 🙄🙄
end transmission.
(This is also on YouTube!)
I don't think I've read a single fic about the event of Michael's death, like yeah I've seen ones that talk about it a bunch but like, not one where it shows him drowning and Alex screaming for him and watching him die and being unable to save him
Say what you want about Lost Signals it is definitely a game you can be subjective about and people have varying reactions but
I feel so bad for Alex being the only one of her friends that remembers the loops, like she's carrying the weight of those memories on her shoulders alone, and just has to pretend everything's alright and go back to the life she lived 5 years ago, which should be very hard to adjust to when she still has the memories
"it's kinda kitchy right? it's kinda kitchy?" "yeah it's uhh like a quiche" jonas i love you so so much.

The left I drew in summer 2017 I think? with the right being a piece I finished yesterday (summer 2023) !!!!! Progress is a wild thing

Sorry y'all but I don't care that much about Maggie lol, like she's a cool lesbian or whatever but how can I focus on her when ALEX

Alex from OXENFREE 📻
Me going to AO3 write a 200,000 word fic over the line "Why didn't I drown instead of my brother"

📻 Tune into the next chapter.
🔺 OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is available July 12th, 2023.
Pre-order it now on: Nintendo Switch: http://bit.ly/OX2Switch PS5 & PS4: https://bit.ly/OX2PS5
And play it on Netflix when we launch!
Happy Lost signals day! And congratulations to @nightschoolstudio for releasing such an amazing looking sequel. I'm sat waiting for it to release in my time zone now on the switch can't wait to get started.
Oxenfree one has a special place in my heart so seeing the sequel finally arrive has made my year.
Anyway this is 3/15 shots of a bigger animation project following Riley and Jason exploring Camena

i couldn't finish this oxenfree animatic in time for lost signals so here is a snippet
Thank fucking god that saving Alex is an inevitable scripted event and not something that can only happen in some endings