imanon17-blog - oh well
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If Anyone Has A Link To Season 3 Of Starstruck Please Hmu. PLEASE.

If anyone has a link to season 3 of starstruck please hmu. PLEASE.

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9 months ago

Okay I'm desperate so everyone please tag, comment or send me your favourite Aslaz fics please. I'm desperate.

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3 years ago

Valterri got sick of all the engine jokes, he pulled a Grinch who stole Christmas and stole everybody else's.

3 years ago
A Positive Of The Final Is We Got Pics Of These Boys All Dressed Up For A Football Date
A Positive Of The Final Is We Got Pics Of These Boys All Dressed Up For A Football Date

a positive of the final is we got pics of these boys all dressed up for a football date

2 years ago

I feel like my favorite Sterek trope is "Yeah, but I didn't think you would ACTUALLY do it!"

Where Stiles actually does what Derek tells him to do and Derek absolutely hates it. It's a surprisingly versatile trope.

1. Imagine the pack is infiltrated by a shapeshifter. Not only can it look like anyone, it can copy their scent, too. At some point, Derek tells Stiles, "It's too dangerous. Stay in the car." And Stiles just fucking does. Immediately, Derek is dragging him out by the neck, demanding to know where the real Stiles is because "Stiles would never 'stay in the car'. Especially if it was dangerous."

2. Or imagine Stiles is just not having a very good day and during a typical argument at a pack meeting Derek says "If you don't like it, you can just leave." Stiles thinks to himself I don't have to put up with this and walks out the door, leaving a stunned Derek behind.

Later Derek shows up in Stiles' room asking, "Why did you leave?"

"Um, because you fucking told me to?"

"Yeah, but I didn't really want you to go."

"Wha-? Then why the hell did you tell me to leave?!"

"Because you never do what I tell you to! I didn't think you'd actually leave! I thought you'd fight me on it like you fight me on everything!"

"So, you really want me at pack meetings?"

"Of course, I want you there."

"Are you sure? I'm just going to disagree with everything you say."

"I know," Derek says quietly, "That's why I want you there."

3. OR! Imagine that after dealing with the Nogitsune, Stiles stops talking. Not completely, he'll answer questions or relay information about cases, but he doesn't ramble. He doesn't yammer or rant. He doesn't get passionate anymore.

And it absolutely destroys Derek inside, because, as annoying as he could be sometimes, when Stiles talked, he was animated. He was excited and full of life.

It reminds him of the dead quiet after the fire. A whole house of bustling people, suddenly hushed. It's a silence so loud it makes his ears ache. It honestly hurts.

Derek sneaks into Stiles' room one night to confront him about it when it gets to be too much.



"Talk. I need you to talk to me."


"Anything. It doesn't matter. Tell me about your day. Tell me about what you ate this morning. I don't care, just talk."


"You've been too quiet, lately. It's driving me crazy."

Stiles huffs. "You're the one that's always telling me to shut up. I would've thought that you'd be overjoyed."

Derek scowls hard, shaking his head. "It's too quiet. I can't stand it. I just...tell me something I don't know...Please."

Stiles bites at his lip, hesitant and unsure, before opening his mouth. "Um...I...I was thinking of getting new shoes lately?"

Derek nods, trying for encouraging. A tenseness in the muscles of his chest slowly begins to loosen. "Tell me about that."


They sit there across from each other. Derek continuing to ask questions about Stiles' life. About what movies he's seen, what books he's read, what college he's looking into.

As he continues to talk, Stiles slowly grows more earnest as he starts talking about anything other than the past year, becoming more at ease as he notices his rapt audience. Derek thinks that maybe Stiles has missed speaking to another person too.

It isn't until Stiles starts going off about all the flaws of the national fingerprinting database in his familiar flail of limbs that it feels like all is right in the world again and Derek can finally breathe.

1 year ago
I Wanna Come On To Say That This Article Took Everything That Was Said On The Stream Completely Out Of

I wanna come on to say that this article took everything that was said on the stream completely out of context. The journalist did not include the obvious moments of giggles and where you could tell everything being said was a joke.

They even went on to use many people’s tweets without consent, and again without adding context. Using tweets of single sentences and nothing before or after Lando’s comments were said.

The title of the article is completely false and disgusting, he never considered a career in OF, he fucking joked about it. And They of course brought up the fact that Lando has many female fans which I feel is disrespectful towards us women who like the sport and like to watch it for THE SPORT, not because the drivers are attractive.

We’ve seen many drivers make sexual innuendos on lives or even saying sexual things, for example the time George said that Lando’s pc was broken from watching to much porn, but that’s okay right?

For those of us that watch Lando and have for a while know that he was just having fun with his friends, and these jokes aren’t random for him.

I feel like this is a disgusting, dishonest, and disrespectful article and it should be taken down and followed by an apology to Lando for making his humor into a cash grab and bashing him for having a good time.

Update, the journalist thinks it’s funny!

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