imjustagayfish - I wanna beat everyone up, affectionately
I wanna beat everyone up, affectionately

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Sometimes I Think About That Fic I Read Where They Called A Womb A Fertile Baby Chamber

Sometimes I think about that fic I read where they called a womb a fertile baby chamber

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More Posts from Imjustagayfish

2 years ago

Oli Empires season 1 lore headcanon

Oli: He was found asleep at the bottom of the sea and Lizzie and Jimmy took him in and decided he was their cousin. Oli was the child of a younger amphibious being who lived next to the jungle. The amphibious being died trying to protect him and Oli then fell into a deep slumber. He grew up loving music and was always interested in pandas and his favorite flower was the lotus. He stayed with Jimmy when Lizzie left the ocean but a curse laid upon him made him go into a deep slumber at the bottom of the sea, only to awaken when Queen Lizzie put the curse away.

More about the curse: Oli has a curse on him that can only be temporarily cured by Lizzie and his mother. The curse happened as an act of retribution against his mother who lied to one of the ocean gods, that is also why Oli was the only egg his mother laid. Olis mother was an axolotl siren who tricked a god to get what she wanted.

More about his relationship with Callum: Oli was very interested by Callum and his six tails, they looked so fluffy and so did his ears. Callum doesn’t really like water but was quite intrigued, he always had an interest in fishfolk because they were quite similar too him. Outcasted. And Oli was so sweet to Callum and Callum was very soft towards him and even let him touch his tails.

The Ending for Oli: As the ocean empire drained and Lizzie forgot who she was Oli fell into a deep slumber while Callum held him in his arms screaming too not leave him as he sat in front of his burning empire.

Grian Lore Headcanons

Grian: He’s not related to the Seablings but he is a cod hybrid. Who helped Lizzie protect Jimmy’s egg and he is like a brother to them. Although he was much more rude then either Seablings he was very close to them and Oli as well. When Lizzie left the sea he was in charge as Jimmy was still very young but when Oli fell asleep he went to look for a way to cure it but he was kidnapped and used on display for years until Jimmy, Lizzie, and Oli came to rescue him.

Origin: He watched his mother die when she was killed by elves causing him too hate elves.

The Ending For Grian: He ran away with Jimmy too protect him from harm. He was all he had left and had too protect him.

Lauren Lore Headcanons:

Lauren: She is Scott’s royal advisor and Scott and Xornoths younger sister. She often teases Scott about many things but is still very capable and intelligent. She was the daughter of a maid who was very loyal. She is also part wizard as their mother cheated on their father with a wizard and had gone to Gems wizard Academy of which of she was extraordinary at, overall she was a good person.

The Ending For Lauren: She watched her two brothers battle too the death as she screamed. She saw Scott died and realizing she was the only blood descendent left she tried to rebuild Rivendell and became the ruler.

Callum Lore Headcanons:

Callum: Ruler of Volpe(Taiga biome). His father was a human and his mother came from a long line of Kitsune. The Kitsune and humans often fought so when he was born neither of them believed in him because he was both and he received many back hand compliments and when he became emperor there were many protesters of who he did not pay attention to. His only goal was to show them that he was not bad and he wanted them to make peace.

More about his relationship with Oli: Callum was abandoned from a young age and was used and ridiculed and even with his friends he often felt like he was invisible. But it wasn’t like that with Oli, he was so sweet and Kind and had similar problems too him. Callum just wanted to love and protect him.

The Ending For Callum: The two factions of the Kitsune and humans waged war and caused chaos as well as big indents from the reactor. He held Oli in his arms as he watched his beloved empire burn and screamed as Oli drifted into a deep slumber.

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2 years ago

Sometimes I think about emperor Joey in season 1 and a lot of the times I get sad :((

Yeah I get he was in love with a demon but he never wanted to hurt anybody and he was funny and kind AND HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH SHRUB OH MY GOD :’(((((

He didn’t deserve what happened to him :((

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2 years ago

Quick, before Empires Season 2 gets too complicated, drop the Monstrosity

Quick, Before Empires Season 2 Gets Too Complicated, Drop The Monstrosity

I’m so sorry.

Notes below

This is my worst creation, my child. I spent so long on this. I spent too much time on this. I hate it. I love it. Here are some notes:

Some things probably aren’t accurate because I don’t watch everything and picked some stuff up second hand. This is in no way comprehensive

This is my interpretation, especially where there is gray area about whether something is canon or dubiously canon and if it’s mentioned offhand once

Headcanons are mine and popular fanon ones

The key works in two sections: color and shape. Anything in the key written in black refers to shape

This was kind of purposefully made to look a mess. Well, not initially but then I started adding curved lines and uhhh it went downhill from there. So yeah it’s hard to read and a lot of things aren’t very clear, sorry about that

Words written in light gray are my notes on certain things

I tried to chose the best color for and shape for every relationship but it’s kind of difficult so some things don’t really fit but oh well

I don’t know what’s happening with the MCC games either

It tried to keep this strictly to people who have created a Minecraft YouTube video/appeared in one

Feel free to disagree with/suggest/correct what I’ve created

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2 years ago

It was a genderbend Zelink fic on ao3

Sometimes I think about that fic I read where they called a womb a fertile baby chamber