Welcome to the works of the pen of A+scribe (pronounced ascribe): a collection of rap, poetry & spoken word, photography, 2D art & graphic design. Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.”
412 posts
Bae And I Made Pizza! Shes Mad That Mine Looks Better Than Hers. Can You Guess Which One Belongs To Whom???

Bae and I made pizza! She’s mad that mine looks better than hers. Can you guess which one belongs to whom??? First one to guess correctly gets the recipe! #pizza #cookingwithbae #nomnom #foodstagram #ascribecooks https://www.instagram.com/p/BopaX5FhYfC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o0ut4loqn4y6
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I have such cool friends who have cool jobs! #friends #heartlandfilmfestival #shortfilm #dope

#TBT When I finally started to like how I looked. These are some unreleased senior pictures. #seniorpictures #comingofage #youngman

#merrychristmas from all of these random, but beautiful, #decorations https://www.instagram.com/p/Br1EC5Wn1AJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ikzzzvqig2u

I kept forgetting to post these: some pics from the #totally90sbarcrawl with @iamkelmitchell