Pizza - Tumblr Posts

this is pizza place
she’s the princess of swag (and pizza)
she’s based on 2010s deviantart ocs (i love them sm)

La entrega de hoy, rediseñada la imagen de la pizzeria caffe Il Botticello ubicada en Altamira Caracas-Venezuela.

Beautiful ladies and a gargantuan pizza, what more could you ask for, really?

And to joint pizza, home made bread!!! #recipes #bread #pizza #dinner #homemadepizza #homemadebread #vegan #letsgetfat (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

Not in NY, but as close as it gets to it. #nycpizza #stl #pizza #pizzaslice #enjoylife
Pizza Time with MAG200 spoilers
I dreamed that there was this Interplanetary Pizza Company™️ in Star Wars that delivered on time no matter what.
They didn't have any ships, whenever someone called for pizza a uniformed deliveryman (per pizza) would just appear in the vicinities and make their way to the client's destination in the next 30 minutes.
The Empire started to target them because they were harder to kill than Jedi and because the rebels started to just order hundreds of pizzas during conflicts so there were like hundreds of pizza dudes scrolling through the battle fields drawing the stormtroopers attention but never getting hit a single time.
The empire ended up ending way sooner because the emperor got pissed for not knowing how they did it and demanded to see the manager, he was found dead in his chamber's shortly after.

Finally got some stuff on my Etsy. Please, take a look
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: this is me talking to my old self. I’m projecting myself into these characters and I’m addressing no one specifically. Take it how you will, I hope you enjoy)
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Embarrassed at the loud noise your stomach just made, you curled into yourself.
Cross glared at you disapprovingly. “Have you eaten anything this morning?”
You could lie. You could lie with such ease. But he would never believe you. Not after that very obvious sound. Your stomach growled again.
Your companion sighed. “You can’t be skipping meals like that. Especially when you’re using up so much energy. What if you got attacked again? Would you even have enough strength to fight back? Defend yourself? Or even call for help?” His voice raised in volume as he got more and more carried away in his rant.
“It won’t happen again.” You grumbled, arms crossed over your knees.
All the righteous anger was suddenly gone and Cross scooted closer to you. “Y/n. I’m not angry at you for not eating. I-…” He glanced back into the water, checking to make sure no one else was listening, before turning pleading eyes back to you. “I’m scared. It’s terrifying. I… I don’t want to lose you, and I know it seems dumb to you. ‘It’s just a few meals, it’s not a big deal. You’re overreacting.’ And yeah, I kinda feel stupid feeling this strongly about it, but,” His hand rested on your knee. “I care about you. I always will. And if something is hurting you, whether now or in the long run, I feel this painfully crushing need to fix it. To heal you, and make you feel better. And if I can’t, I feel like my soul will tear itself in two trying to find a way.” His eyes held pain and truth.
He smiled at you. “Yeah. Sorry. That was a lot.”
You were lost. And slightly upset but that was fading. It wasn’t that big a deal but he seemed so upset by it. Why would he even care?
“Y’know what, I have an idea.” Cross started again. “There are a few food places near the docks, right?” Nod. “I’ve been wanting to try some of y’all’s food and since your stomach is already rebelling, do you think you could grab something for us to share? I won’t be far, and you won’t have to eat it all if you don’t want to. Do you think that’d be fair?” He gave you a hopeful look.
Dang it, he was using those puppy dog eyes again. There were a few good places by the docks that would be open this early.
“Uh. I can do that.” You shrugged. He needed to eat too. Probably a whole lot more than you. “But, what do you want? There are a few options.”
He shrugged back at you. “Whatever you come across first, I guess. I haven’t actually had legger food.”
“People food.” You corrected.
“Am I not a people?” He teased.
“Nah.” You shot back easily. “You’s a fish.”
“Excuse me!?!” His tail splash violently in the water as you laughed. “I am not a fish! Oh my stars! Go! Go get me food, you little urchin!” He shooed you back up the path to your car.
You… did get food from the first open place you saw. It just wasn’t breakfast food. You didn’t know why they were open this early and the cafẽ wasn’t.
“Ooooh! What is it? It smells good!” Cross looks like an excited puppy whose owner just got home. Waves crashed around him with the force of his tail tossing back and forth.
“It’s called pizza. I’m not sure if you should even eat this.” You admitted.
He tilted his head at you. “Do you eat it?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Then I’m sure it’s fine! I mean, my stomach’s pretty strong and I don’t see you living on a diet of fish.”
“Ugh. Fine. But if you eat too much and get a stomach ache, it’s your own fault.”
You opened the box and handed him a slice before taking your own. It had been a while since you’d eaten out. And he was right. It smelled amazing. You bit into your pizza savoring the taste. Correction: it was amazing.
Out of curiosity, you spared a glance at Cross and nearly choked. His duel-colored eyes were blown wide and his mouth hung slightly open in shock, the pizza sitting on his… tongue.(Skeletons had tongues?) His stunned, love-struck expression was topped off with tears in his eyes.
Once you swallowed your food without choking again, you spoke. “Are you crying?”
His wide eyes focused on you. Remembering himself, Cross chewed and swallowed his pizza before answering. “Am I what?”
He looked confused. “What’s that?”
If you had food in your mouth, you would have choked again. “I- You- What??”
“What’s crying?”
“Yeah, I heard you the first time! What do you mean ‘What’s crying?!?’ You’re crying right now!!”
“I am?”
“Uh…” He looked down at his hands and pat himself down as if searching for something. “…What exactly does that mean?”
“Ugh!” You pushed yourself to your feet and strode up to him. Reaching up, you gently wiped a tear off his cheek to show him. “This is a tear. Tears come out of your eyes when you cry. Crying can happen when you’re sad, hurt, or even happy. I assume these are happy tears?”
His looked at the tear and reached up, feeling the other tears on his face. “Oh. Yeah, I think it’s happy. I didn’t know I could do that. I guess those would normally get swept away by the ocean.”
“Oh. That makes sense actually.”
His gaze didn’t leave your hand as he slowly reached down and cupped your hand in his own. “Is that why my eyes would hurt when I…” He locked eyes with you and suddenly pulled away. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have grabbed you.”
You shrugged. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
“You’re so small.” He grinned down at you, proving just how much height he had on you and effectively changing the subject.
You huffed. “I am not small! Oh my stars, Cross! You’re just huge! It’s not a fair comparison!”
He chuckled. “What would be a good comparison?”
Killer. “Someone normal sized. Your butt takes up the entire beach.”
“And yet there’s still room for your tiny butt.” He teased.
“That’s it!!! No more pizza!!! I’m eating the rest and you can’t have any!!!”
“Wait! No! I’m sorry! Y/n! No!”
Hawaiian Pizza with Peppers - Pizza Recipe

This delectable Hawaiian pizza with peppers is a delicious combination of sweet and savoury flavors that will satisfy your taste buds. Made with Pineapple, Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Bell Peppers, Pizza Crust, Ham.